4 . "-i ' J. i M ; ScriopnidtfirSUifary r CaIN CUV O U t. ' , ; W";: 'I L J tl I 1 A I X. O-A JJ JU . ' JLI,-P-4 ' I I I . . X "V . T-- 1 I . I I j: I I Mi I. L I I . I I : v " I 1 . f I I K LI V - . I I I lit 1 . J IT. I. V A. I "-: ra-TRRM3.rw '-DaUarspet annum funcei'? Jlfl9 tents in ktx iaoatbs; .Wreirra i CAdrertlmcnts f nserted at 0e Dollar per I'lfcifoW iIirs, for thelBrstandnrj jFrpi' theste w there will departure, t n anjcase-1 Liberal contracts-made with those w-ha desire to adrertUsby the year. "fi" .: irV positively fjijj V -AlUccounts for sabsCTiptlbn idrcrtistn and lowoTfeaV (rati wo sliiUrisUiy enforce; and expect all who jtrade ' with us to settle oace a year .; j ' , ! -DEJ F. E: HARDY ; "AN d DR. W. L HILLIABD, II AVE this day associated themselves in the prac- nd coantrf practice, as -usual, r We.woiild espe cUHvcaU the attentiotl of all .personJaDonnj5 u-iler dUaVses requiring Surgical aid, t tins card. We will take especial pains to assist all persons - livWata dUtancarn procuring suitable boardtne ho iseiinor neir the village, and. render .them uch relief an the profession is capable of.. 1 OJfice at Dr. llilliird's Drug Store. : ?l '! Asheville,lJanuary 2, l855.tf j .DSvCv N. CANDLER ; HAS returned to Asheville and resumed the practvea. fit Medicine. j Office at liu(Jger6 Hotel. k January 2 3, 185 S. ; r j : - . :i M. L. ' NEILSON, M. D., ASIIKVItitiK, J'. C. ' January ll,'lS55. ' ! tf DR. J. S. T. BAIRD: HAVING permanently located' on BEA VEli DAM, - two miles North of Ashe vilTe, offers Uii professional services to-the pub lic, in the various branches of his profession. He pan always be found at home; unless profes sionally absent. 1 : : f. March 181 838. -- , j - i3)R. H. G. LUNGrREN, HA VING. permanently located iri Frant lin, Macon county, N. C, offers his seH vice to tliei inhabitants of sai.l county and those adjoining. ,Dr. L. has been heretofore employed 3s Chief Resident Physician "to the Northern Clinical Infirmary1 of Philadelphia, wlit re lift s mat with and successfully treat eH diseases of both chrotiic arid acute nature. ! Dr. L. will be found at Itis office, in Col. Moir'6 building, at all times, unless profes hiorially engaged. Franklin, Ap. 15th, 58. G. -W. WHITSON, SURGEON 3, DENTIST, XSIIEVILLG, N. C. Uavid Coleman, 1 : , i i 'Attorney at Lawt , : ASUBV1LLE, N. C. , March 3, 1353. tf. ; B. M. EDNEYc , WILL practice Lwv regnUrly hereafter in the a. tparior Courts of Cherokee, Macon, Jack- ; i son, iliy voo'!v Hend erson, Buncombe, i 'Mi l.on.Vncr, Kutherford&Polk., . ;0 Hce,len ler8onviile,N.C , Feb.l2'571y BUitTOK & GOLD, - - Attorneys at liaW, SlIELB t; CLE AVELAN D COUNTY, K. C. IwiLL practice in the Superior Conrts of Law aad Equity of ail the counties in the 7th Judicial District. ' Shelby, Apnl 17, '1856 If i W.. ItL HARDY,1 . ;A TT 0EN E YTf L AfW , Will attend tlie Courts of Jackson, TTaywood, IleadersoTif Buncombe, Madison and McDowell, i j"AsheviUe,an. 8thaS4?.-. tf t j; N'O TI C1?. "TJIE undersigned having purdiased the lnter:. est of Li CfAPJfA.H,y the" firm of Chapman, H'mkia fc Co., will continue the business at the bid stand under the name and style of Rankin & Chapman. 1 'li t J. C RANKIN, 1 j .R.' II. CHAPMAN, i! Asheville,Jti I, 1857.-- 'rti r. - GAINE3, DEAVER & CO. i ivAm receivina: aa additional stock of Heady Made.. . . :-' v . .ji I: Clothiiigi llalSyBdnhclSi Jewelry t : xi r?."; ;I Vatclies . ty.c.,: 4'P '-v- -":: :thaking their stock very, complete.; Call aiidtexaraMie it; ; : Julyt24, loot.. LADIES -TTTISHlN.G to purchase fine dress goods W J forpring'and summer wear, are advi ited to call on r::;.'' f J : 1 ' I ' V1 - J RANKIN & CHAPMAN; April 3. , tf 4f ,7 " Y. buying some of my STOVES for .JP-. cooking and. wanniugjyour.xopras. Call and examine a larga assortment of - of every variety, winch I will sell cheat "Ibrcash "or old Cdppef. Whblesale 'or -. retail. ; - . - J Any articlo lniny line made, to otder aUhort ndlice- - ? ' Aieville; March 20, 1856 f; cents wreauu - , f:ljnia55ft nl'rofljssionaf" cards, liot cSi?aehne H?o''aa-!ittU!irt?elVo l!aM,T:en;DollaH per an Pa. llARDf. wJioisaany m iniuag.M uy always ready to examine cases a;d raake ont pre criiitlons.'.anl'wlien u his power Usitcases in Jr. Ililiiaru win ftuvuu m inawmi T)UKlS and OOTuinMedicine8-always-to he X .1 fouad at : v . ASTON'S, - VOLUME -SNo !4S. S J ; . iVarranieu io raise ?oap twuuoui nmt? or asij l irfd Vittt but little trouble;' makliiffa iood . . , - . r.. . 5 ' 1- article 'of poi vwashirt soapj aia? cost o(hout 5(Jcents-per hundred pounds Fnll directions for making all kindf ofaokp 'accompaayj fcach' box. aljandet aboand gireit f triah and ea u lt-uoes xm uoau x ciaimior n.vueu ujr imiu - - " ,.s . JL -"-- --WW . J Cantwell's Justice, or the INorth Carplinafag istratea practical guide to the laws of the SUte, and the decisions of theSnpreriie Court, defining (he duties and Jurisdiction of the-Jhslice'of the Peace but'ef Court" uhdet iheItbvlsed Codeof and new forms .and precedents j ' av. ' ' ' B X ED WARD,CAN TO PLt, L,1;B. . Uonnsellor at ,iaw., ni or mail prepaid to amy aaaress- - yiuuresa --y,-, n 7 Asheville;N.X3:T!o aiv( !;-!; j - j ; ;THE(nniersined have fofrmedTA partnership pr.the purpose pfjcooduelirigjthe .. v, ,ti It 11' intUe house formerly occupied by W. D. Rankin: & Co., in the name of GAINES, DEAVltR &i CO., where tney nope to see ana serve an meom patronsof the house.'and new customers hot a few. ? i , M. M; GAINES,,, i , . Y..ll. UJSAViSli, A. UAlWJia. ! Ashe ville,. Tan. 1,1 857. PRIVATE SCHOOL. .1 rrHE UtftiESIGNEl) WILL, oen I a private scuooiiu . . ... on -Mondav, the 3rd of Mar next fou r te rras i n the ' sch ola t ic jjrear, of el even wipe ks, each, the rateg of ; tuition for each term, payable at the end, will be as follows:. , ., t : ' Primary English Branches, j ,. ' S3. 00 Higher ." do' r do . ' . 6.00 Classics nd Algebra; ! - 1 ;t f 8.00 Contingent -Fee, (in advance.) x'- v . J 4 : J i , 25 , ..u ,f r ft. DON .WILSON. , 1 Burnsville. April 1.1858. , tf TO THE LADIES: V: WEI respectfully; ioyitajthe ladies, of Ashe ville and the 8iifroundinj country to calf and examibe;bur slock of 'prints, cofored muslins and lawnsjackoneta, 8tvi8Vamediurr4 checked embroidered and" .dptted muslins, ribbons, hosier gloves, shos oraJt.&o.,.lAt Smith M 'Chapman's old stand, opjfiosjte Gudger's Hotel. . . . I ' ; jW. H. JAOTSONc ATTENTION, FAKEIERS ! 0: -fj E have oh hand and a.re'opesin'ffr-Just V the articles that Farmers .need, .consist ing in part of j . ' , Axes Grassland Gram Scythes, Mat ocri. Brice Hooks. Sickles. , Grain,Cfadlessii- - tide Shovels, Spades, Forks, Gar3en Plows, Hatchets, Saws, rfaco Chains, Horse Collars, RoK &e.V &c. 1 - T'"',-i- f" f :"iru' u r i nllaildere will find locks. hinges, ..screws, ail pullies; sash rd,flails, and, a general as sortment of building materials., All of which, fof cash or to prompt custdmers,' Wib wilrkell od reasonable' terms.' - t 'V v : :f SO M M EY, -MoDO WELL cV . CO. . Asheville,(APril;151858.:;i GAINES , DEAVJER-&: CO, RE Tibw re0eiying,- at the "btd -stand ;of i Rankin fc :Pulliami .a general stock -of ally found in a retail store iu this'couritry. -They solicit a cairfronj. those wishing to tiuyrand pro mise to exhibitis pretty ami as cheap Goods. as the market can' afford.' ' Give us a call before pur chasing elxe where, and we will do you good A 1 1 k I r Molasses; Fjl -' 800 Gallonb 'Molasses; as -good ,if liot JLcjL the best,, ever offered for sale in this country, i SUITli li AIKJJ & CU. tf - rl' DISS0UITI0N. TIIE Firm of JW..D. Bankla& Co. was dissolv ed by mutual consent of the parties, on the 1st January ,1857.' --'J E.'W. l'ULLIAM, j ";ifi; gAines. is Damierreia n...3nd, .Ambrotyp . - j - . i- " -r ' PIGTTJRES ofj all:sizes taken, from rthat of the finger ring toj the whole size." e " -Instruc'tions given in eithe- Daguer or Aihbro-. typing, on 'most reasonable terms. . Nov 20 kfTO O U R1 C USjTOM R$ , j ; :'WIIfJbave pati-onized'usf so Very' KbMlly.'we hereby tender our sincere Uianks, and solicit for' our successors that favor and patronage we have' been the recfpTen toft Tlfe junier partners have been trai ne'd and b rough tup nhdejr? QUjr tsafe ; and we can confidently recommerid them, to our old friends and fljepablic generally,1 10 1 - ' TbthosetlBdebted ta liai.vfclsayi wemnstjiave money; and that without delay. . Wew? money, and to those indebted to us "we Jtttnst look. Tor aid. ! : 'WHANKIN' & CO..f -? Aprils; 1357.3 ,f A .?i.?eixl tvaH U libnable READY justi received, and At-m. 1 v v a4 o bv w - - MADEUCLOXHJNai forsale.hy-. RANKIN ,;April 3., . tf.,, ;t. ' & CHAPMAN, j ' T?INEToVaccband jCigaraj forMfrb?! -1 1 ; 0neVolumeofnearly,600pages. Justrecired andfoVsale at f 1 J ; 'STON'S.'-r " On the' receintof S4.00 the! work wit! besent iiinnnnitiTii i ni on 1 H illl)' V I 111 DUDliV TTT GOODS! l1 UANKLN ifc CHAPMAN. j if'i'Ia? f ''j THUliSDAY Jurat .: ; W A "WE XrW,r(Tt6ftWrblFbtafad;Bt1i public square, Asheville, the largest and most va SPJIIN& ANDl SUmiERiVSTAr '-Ml -itj ;oj Dtugs Dye Jfi fJI- aImuJ. flJ- "Jo f t-fg'j.t. 'if jiiiij .jjitfl- if:?f-rti ifK .i-ft';rijiih ftw ' "r?r ' EToflQTdjfor eale in this market. Otr Goods liave been selected wiih great carotin the" titles of Baltiinor?, Philadelphia and New Yorky ! with spclal referehce4 to1 thowantsof the'iOPLfi. And as' onr stock ;ejulraees.; almost pvery article, ',usefnl as., well, as ornamental' we .flatter our selves that we shall bo enabled .to please all who. may favdrfis wi tK a ball ; f The objec t of thl no-tice-Js .jot to publish selfrpraise. and holdiour-. selves up In a flattering light before the cdtrimu Ujty; .but'-siftiply ' to dn form you that we, hare ja: heavier and better assorted stock, of Goods now arriving, than any bthe liohse Sn-ittrwn;tb whlcii we expect to be continually making large addi tions throughout the season; and to extend to vou. one and all " an tnviEaUbn to visit us and ex- -i6ni6eoufc Sitackfbefdi'ol making yoto fmrchisis. The styles of "our Goods, axe, unsurpassed, and we are determined rtot t6l?o iuni3ersold; and as we rnakq nopromisethat iyb donbtintend to perfbrm you niay come with the assurance of being satis-j factoril3;accomhibdatedp Couhtry prodiicetaken m. exchange for Goods f r y . . j ,.. ' RANKIN & CHAPMAN. April '21857. i sp.eing; : GOODS, F01M858.; Ware now opening one of the most de sirable stocks of G O O D S we have ever offjred iri" this market, i purchased on the most favorable terms by bne of our. firm (riot brrleredf) to which the attentiooof a discrim inating public is invited; ; 1 t ' J 1 Call and examine fori yourself n For1 cash, or to prompt enstomers, we will offer induce-: ments. By prompt customers we mean those who pay at the end of -thej year with .-aA, and not with" note.'" Opposite the Eagle Hotels .-;U4:,-yi - i "..sTJMMEY,: McDOWELL -&..C0. 1 April 15," 58. :: f t fUST received and for ALE at1 ASTON'S- Offi AND; .SHOES. Gaines, Deader &'Co., y ' Hatve j list received ati excellent assort ment of Miles," Gityj and Northern Made a Asheville,' Jul y 24,. X857. , ." THE undersigned' will take two' Apprentices, one to the 'Blacksmtthin - business and Une other ito Carriage j and Waggon making.- .1 , vcGRE0,0R;cV TRtelETP, lAsheVillf. archj 18,58 ( .. rtaHT HEADING. , All the .popular Novels., o'f, the .ay. con- stantlyi oq.jtianq at?? .j ASTON'S. TCSt jceTved1 't of Hammeredl iriVonlvr11 cl !!jl'1;,"i;"-Si :-,f' Tire ;iCallr,and; Settle;- : i XL persons indebted to' the undersigned r&ai are fequestea, tOi Cau unq euie oy jtne 1st of JaVukTy,orr. as 1 sbonrafter as'conteaienti -4 mutual Bciueiucuia o uiuoi"". uw. v. . 11 all oucustomers. i ATNS TjPAVFp.R &, Co. OUR WAT'J- ; PEtOStowingi for the; pait year4 must rpay, or rnakb satisfactory 'arrarigeraents about heir'debtsof lhey nee sed to' find a: legal agent' waiting upon" ih em. iircgirjly gY; IkfbDCAYELL & CO. 'U CSheyillepril l&IS1 .. 'fl-f 5 I i- : ' i'-:..Vt-.,m'' ihV 'i'.i ? ,-i 1 i hiiI j . j S-IOO ILarse Qiiario Family BrBjSiWstreceiredt iJ 7' ' ASTON'S'. ! AfiC haing e; 1 m 1 m w k jAfarch 20,18&6.-tf. .f wiM '1 -i'ih ! ivWISH to pnrcJiasft.300cb.u5iieIs 0f good bleanFlaxSeedJb Ei' J- ASTON.1 iwAprililCifitii (jMwlf ?o ori ' I -. , .. ! :,f.. . ... ;. Wiiljlii liiiiTilttiliiliD :i 1 " Tot maVfns raback Boibfo ?sate; In any qnabtittes; mtJa 04joi -ftoimASTONS. J '1rfep?6unaa Braetoriejja'st rfceired''tTidr-rbr sale at 4.i ; ,l.;J,.r; ',r , ; - .. AvldVjWqi.wUh.to'.pTJrchase , cheap Godi 'A ' can-be, ccbmmodated at the store; of, . iio rviW i;AN i& CUAJt'ALAN.f Rkttdg Made'CUtihinglHatrCctps, B., JTLr ;K Jjtt r-i- wi iv ns'nrd A MBKOSJv'lfA IN EiJ- having disposed ot ifihisfrtfefestin tKl bbsitiesajf GijrEsV Vk a ve rt l&vC.ct retiresf IromlliB- concern.' y. . idMtV.virVulKirurtn bVii f the acnievemenui or.our ;otinirymen. : luUkisinfr brKmmonlv wellBI ' a iri uusuicaa win tin uuukiii uevi ui i l .j i . . w . - 1 . m - i r . . . r : i " -l' n - r -V : i L;?On ;tte oriioor W mourmes, Mr; StUis;u0 is a manwealtb takes 1 iL-l W I!. : x V,. x J.nA when- thA'neW.l)riradi4r Generalshiri wasi& -.v'i' iiKA0ii5ii it,. . i liiuii jjlis. ijill. uuuuci i trfr t-.tt. "miTrc'-"- qTy..'c r.ip5iir in anowinat ine twins to uis v 71 I " A V ' " I i JUNE 31$ -d T7 v iLTha?lelegf apha t an bounces sa; great,: Joss! io Hhe arnjy nd f thei naiion. Geiu Persifer Fr Smith "dled-lftt'EeavenwortBj on Sundays 16th May. jlrTe !eft!liere j -mdntUactniai feeble health1 buwUh tl!efhbpe4S that tiavekand' changedf alr'wbutd produce areadtioB jnca- eystehi l6rig mbtifi by disease; rWRnshopel was in sorni degreerealized,1 hnd tiqtit a few ;iay s before his decease ,thereTwas a RtUiUerin- provemenf in' his" cnitwrlv. The appoiat ifleritof Qtv.1 miibritliertmfQan-of. the army of UtahjWasearnsUy solicid by. falml jVhenremoristratedwilb by liis friends oh' the danger f such! servie to brie ' i in nbja chditiynhis -in variable reply was, j that he couiu-noiuie in-a oeuerpiacer at, uis post--wfth harness on."'; ' His- arderit ! patriotism andmilitary spirit greV strbogeiand brighter ai his physical syste'irt add: vigor -declined. He was irideed importunale in his solicitations for the difficult and laborious service ,to; which he' had been wderedby? the Government, in the hope cherished by his friends t; that ; such service; wbold improve his health,; and n with an Unbounded confidence in his wisdom, judg ment, and admirabte military qualities. ; ! ; ti.- Gen. Smith j at the timeof his death; iwas about siktyifive? yearsof age. '.He i was born in Pennsy lvania,'the son of an eminent citizen of that State, the late Judge Smith, Oa'ar riving at manhood be reraove'd' to New Or leans, where he passed 'the1 greater portiqn; of his' life, filling -many ciil" and judicial ' offices in ;tbjit?city with 'great Credit and distinction. Throughout his whole, j life eveirVditririg his judicial services-bis leading passion was for arms, his' taste was ever decidedly military. For a long tl me 1 he coraraanded a' very bril- liajbt' volunteer company and ' battalion;! and was never happier! th an' when1 he 'could ex change the 'ermme for the military garb. "His first ervice;:bowever iri1- the (fieJdi was rendered during the Seminole war, whetij obedient to. the call of Gen. Gaines, he raised a few regiments of volunteers and with in- credible "'rapidity :'mar'cm5d to the' scehe Of the war; and participated irr a very brilliant y and edcient manneV intlre iost1 trying events -of that ld'ri,1r and ivexatious contest. If 'was ' bo this occasion heattractejd' the speclat atten tion "of Oenerals Gaines, Scott, and' Taylor, and received their confidence,1 which be-ever aftewKrd retained. On the conclusion !of xnts service ue fesumea uis juaiciai ; luncuons in New Orleans.- In the midst of theseduties, in the spring of 1846 the news of the alarm ing situation:' of " Geht f Taylor on the "Eio Grande, when pursued; pyr Arista and Ampu dia; with. overwhelming. forces; reached New Orleans,-and fired the military ardor of Gen. Sinith to such a degree that he abandoned a most, lucrative and valqable office? and pro ceded, tosjorganise a large force of volunteers to .rjeiiiforce'Gen.;Taylor, . It was .by the ex press Wish of Gen. Taylor that this coniirjand yrU givett to jGen Sm1thVt,Th4 resultof his labors in the organization, of thia force, .,ej( hib ts. the r most j wonderful lit stance in ; our history t the jnilitary; resources and spirit of our. people, as. well as 6f the high qualities of tnis gajjant omcer. - ;in, six weeKs time r nve regiments, all equipped and ' in'ao excellent stat of organization, were on -.their 2 way to join Gen'.1 Tavldr.1! General Smith .? took the field, at the head iof , this force, Lwhich-. was double tbetwhoarmy.;pf .Geft.:Taylor sThis timelv Teinforceroeot enabled the latte Gener al ito proceed more 'rapidly arid Vigorously 'in th capture and occopatioa, of .the, lexicab territpryi.ajqng thq :Rio y Grande; ahd on the forward march into the interior of tb'ercotfn itjf: J ! 'When' tne Vorunleers ? were; disbanded, Gen. Smith'yras. retained in the army as one of the JieadB.ngadierGeneraIsjjandthen fjr the. first' time in-18'47-1 entered upon the life which he had so?dn desired,-7 a's a "'regular professional soldier. - His career, in the stormy scenesnof the- campaigns! up,tbeY-valley:of Mexico, his brilliant strategy and daring in "therefie'cutV'rand ispleridid Achievements at I 'Cbntreraa,,atiii''m'a,riy',Vther briliiarit "feats ,'bf l v vfv H..?''iiu'i1' arms anq mwiiajy SKIJJ, are aouDties jamuiar. to all of our readeri who love to dwell - upon created, during thelale Administration," he ieceife AeottmforTtb P ttH V'r It tenerat"Snflthifea by hisirst wjJ?Al4ii>te4--: physi cian of New Orleans I : 'J-.l ' 1 Thepromlnelii'featdresld Smiths t-:f-vid fiifr v i vi - A lady namecT Temple, who s well know: duffs 'J ..-x.-;1;.,, :ibffi li' , in pb;fashiop able regions .JorBelgrva, ha dtscoverea acmedyiioriiitienngw mix iun- theWoffed 'ailaumeitmrliiA rharacLer were rreai iacu exceiieui u-jz- 1 v " w'5"';.; disDosition to-vice than twitb; any Congress manner, full of simplicity, and sincerity, and rj 1 1 1 , y . . sociates and- bis assurance enconragea toe- ' t- iL?.s' J'.tjsMsiis5i3? f a Li v. at w,H7ii3 x 1805 theifirsday of April;next for vaue received, I; promise, r ;i to pay ; Milton Sfieldon 'or bearVr, Eighee centslwitKfiriterest; 3nd paid: irr gpo Kjtehen? Chairs sut? Fifty cents a Jiece,;well done oflfpamtedrandi vbottoe according! to jthe nsual ! mode -ofdoine off chai rs. ecklbb, lN.5Y -.March 1 6thstS3WV y I . t-. ;u;MGAMvYouNQii 7 A gen tletnan', the admihistfaiorbf the eslate of Milton Sheldon; rnentidric d in ther body of the above !note, has kindly presented tts thb oyginal of which is a copyWithnhe Veritas -WjBf signatifreVia a decent, legitleronnd band, bf,Brigham iYoung;tber apostle of Mormon- ijomv Uacjied m'1 We alqe the VemioiscenCe highly, partly for the autograph of - Brigham -Young, but) more - for h the curioiis historical value iC possesses as - showing ' the calibre of the- man, his occupation before' Mormonism had made, him great, and hisir status in rural sbtietyiit Every bodyknows p that 4 while-all industry is com mended and appreciated in a farming community, the maker and bottomer of kitchen chairs Is always considered as very low down iu the social scale.' We are 4n formed also- that . Brigham : was a cunning manufacturer of .spinning j wheels,- while "a brace of endorsements on the back of the note reveal that be had: other - occupations, land was pretty! much a Jack-of all-Trades,; ' .Thus we find two endorsements, both bear ing date June 25th, 1830, just at a lazy time of the year, when .-farmers do their putting things to;rights as follows: d ni , t :? f "June 25th, 1830. Received on the within fourteen dollars and twenty five cents in mak ing picket fence." : y yy ; i- r u Received on the within-two ' dollars and fifty-cents in framing A. Park bark.' ;! The latter is -evidently what' is called a uturn,M ' and "indicates that Brigham,' like Joseph of old, was a carpenter as well as chair-bottom and spinning wheel maker." AIn fact his occupations were veTy numerou?jf but he. was best at a campmeatingv where' no lack of industry could be charged upon him." , In singing bymff and exhorting he' was enough to make up for all. other deficiencies.' The gentleman to whom we are indebted for this nbte tells us that he went once to BrighamV house to Nun v? him. yll was ; a cold, raw, autumnal ddyi Swinging rbnvthe gate he found a red-hadod "yanu'g rtrifl,"-bright-eyed and healthy. -Going into the house he found Mrs. Young" with briebf those peculiar, rusty iiH.iii"'-j--Jt. .-Ji;'1 i-ir ; l- a'i-i-iij -3 .1..'. j .'11 pdblackhaWls wrapped around her, cbwer- 5ng oyer a feW1 coals upon the heafthi Tie stated his' errand but was so-;tqubhed with sympathy at Mrs.' Yroung's reply that he went away, 'detef mined to make" no7' further effort :U ' -1'- -d'.! I' lf..J'WL' L 'r iff-A:..1 iu. i.ue case, oaiu iura, xoung, - ivir. ii., inis little pile of coals is all the wood I have in the house, I have not a -pint ' of ' meal or flour, and Brigham has left me so for' four or; five days" td'go to a cjuarteHy 'meeting ! don't suppose 'he will ever pay- ih6"-iiile.n ; , Such was Brigham Young in Anno Domini 1 83 0. Bujfrlo Adbefttser. T I: tAf gentlemen in Henderson ,countyi ,-Kyr, writes to. the Louisville Journal as follows,;, r have Just returned trm ayisit to vpne of the most -extraordinary -curiosities ever known in theihtbTy?ofthe4huraan race. A negro woman, belonging ta Mr. Samuel Stites, of this placet; gave 'birth' eight days ago to. four living children joined together; by A pairs iri a still more peculiar: manner than, the Siam ese Twins.it' The .two. bojai arej coqnected , the shouMerj and frpm!the hip, to . tha - knee, joint, leaving the lower joint of the legs and. thef feetfpsrfectly ifree.- : The girls 6 Joined at the shoulder with this 'ti d ifference from the vboysthatr they! have but onei a if m tissuing from the junction bf.tbeir shoulders, , They are joined -from- hipldown ' to lithe foot- the two legs ending in one fooL M t .u a j -. In regard to the color iof the 1 children, na ture seexna to. have been.quiaa eccentric as in their formatibo, one iof . the boys; being black and the other-aswhite as the child of a white woman; land so with the girls. !They kl.Kaeem;lto' le''pefect!H" bealthyiHnd the. crowded for the last day,prtwo. . , , . - Respect fully, - ... ;-c.J rv :f,u--f yN. D; TAtlRY.' - ,rnNor. so Daws:.ysuAu7Hpn. ;J oshna S 4 . -"lifci 1 ii i "i Ri. GiduV'ngswiites that thpri .hi eentbe. present Congress,Iess ntpxicaUon jand pre-. hope that they are not yet beyond all hope. ; Tf H fell - in Vt rgmia oa the 6'6tB u!U'" 7 -i.r "f -r--r-''.t - ctikiA elrJum M dow and Ihere-.warUja - to the wheat and-baUropt :.:wvu'-..jlast o'fJtl v-w i:r .t t i." - ;ji v? x PorrsviLUs; Pj Ma Fbpe verai da y afiijere has been tauch trotK ble anS miners of jeiishlandf coal r district new. thisla ; strackbrhigherwagea ; that, jttrulft, raW ceivedthey lould? not 1 suppotheir refusedto makeny concessions, tne miners J wnt obody.theirliw to maketcTitrike: iCge Wajesyille andrthe coilieries in tbatri- -; cinjtjr, and &y thfeatv iind perliasion1 induc -ed the miners to join thenu -Yesterday the mbb,5 ivbw.grown fnlti'lor midable, appealed at; St. Qair, and by their violent " deraonstra' tions stopped.bperauonal klimu<foW; Snyder's and otherHrblliefries. 4 r - . 'A strong force was dispatched frbmsPbtt3 tlle'thiSTmbrri arrest the principals-inhe rioU and protect those jnan who wish t to go to work, si ha sheriff ofSchriylkill county' mae arequisition upon the military and the-first regiment of volunteers. indef!commandbT Cbl. Johnston, left for St. Clair at an early hour this morn- ing. i - .tj-fift'- if ? : The militarv returned, bringing with them the ringleaders of the , riot. Upon the ap pearance of the soldiers at the scene of (distur bance the rioters saw that resistance was hope less, and submitted immediately. Quiet has oeett-restored. no: jfc -L.. An Ungodly OiTY.--The Junior Editor - . , . of the -North. Carolina Presbyterian,; who has been to New Orleans as a member Qf the Gen eral' Assembly of a1s'Charchivesar:,a-wolrul abcouiilf the sigh uHhat presented them- selves before him bh a Sunday in that aity. Thesacred day was ushered on by a discharge of pistols from a shooting- gallery opposite tcT his hotef; and in the room above the pisto!a was a billiard table, where gambling was car- tied rbn 'withou t any attem p t ' at J con cealmen t. And both the firing and tne play, were kept up during the 'day. Abciut" id olock carao - . a long procession of Germans, on foot, horse backcatriages, cabs', hacks, and wagons, with. 1 evergreens, lager beer, and a band 'of music, on their way to celebrate jorie of their nation al festivals, which they keep up with dancing , 5 and drinking throughout the davi AV ho was leaving church an hour' or two later; an other. "band of music played' a lively air pre ceded hy a proce?sloD;!'half a mile long,' of the Spanish Beheyolent Society, "who could find no lime during the 'week which ther could spare from their incessant - exertions to do good, and therefore chose this day in pre feren de to all others," upon the principle of the maxim, "the better the day, the N better J tho ir The editor ' adds that "there is no Sabbath . here, except amongst thej comparatively few who respect' the commandments of the Biblo and the religious, observances of ' such as revere its precepts-iy. 02. ' " ; if-l"A - ' ';- - y j';i"-'l--y?;-T f ?.') s "" Warning" tb Boys. 1 ' f : : The poor creature Crockett, "who is to bd hung shortly' for his 'participation in the LIL " lS iL i i if :t iLS'. Li" !!:"!' i1'L;' murder of old Mr.' Land r u rii near' Atlanta; for the "sum"' of iifiy1 five''' cents? was brought 1 to this unfortunate' end by habits of idlefiess and d a iipation.' ' Jugei3ullf' in f a sing sentenco U'. '.:-'V:"v-,",-i'! ' ' ..u-h upcnuim, conjured the young men present to tike Waf nTng.f ; They 'can not he: two often, warned.1 ' Idleness is crime In the parable . of the ten taTei t fiis doctrine is clearly d vel oped.-It 'does hot7 appear that the servant who dried his talent 'was1 in thehabitbf coramU- ting crimes', " and yet he ii called "wicked. Why f " Because he was' lazy--:id lb '"' Southern ' Watchman. i nTnBnBiROT!'IAirTivEit : FioATirofi'Oir iriB Ujper Mississipr-j The largest raft of lumber "ever floated upon'the-Missisaippij'pass-" edXa Crosse" bri its way from -Black 'itiver Falls lb St. Lbuis; bh thei 24th: ultir It was the greatest sight,5 says the Democrat ever seen in these waters.- The-raft was manned by twenty .four red shirte every man at'his . oar, and every oar doing;. its work. ' The size --f of the raft was five hundred and sixty t feet long, by two hundred wide, aridihe amount 'f of. 1 umber which. lit contained; 'full j a million, fee.t, together with two hundred and i fifty thonsand laths, and : two j hundred ! and fifty thousand i shingles?fThere were' two"' good efzed houses erecfed on boards and the wbolo crew 'ahB officers cbrisistedj-of Captain; twenty four oarsmen two cook,4 one clerk and bottle- washer, which: together tri th i a blackf bear and a bull dog, made up afltothe occupants.1 How ,to -Tell 'a.Dkdkkeii MAKIf vou. - risn to ascertain wneiuer a maur is reauy in- i av yy:j .ix-Ti.-i-.i-'i .-.....;i??.r-s;V- . : iquor. put the .word municipality - 5m lis . mouth. If he can shell thatjout" :pronounca ' - it plain and' distinct, he i sober ; enough to zji vy-tiyt-iiQ i-a.i-yl .jSrTf-r, ' ' deliver a temperance lecture, take our word for it. Jlio wordsrNationaVititelhgencer aro even narder, to ge over, and may be giyeir- y:iicf -ft.j;ti,ij'-i s ;;LsJf?vfri'-r-?rrfc-:V"- i--":-' :'"- ' - ' to any one wnere me leasi suspicion is enier tamed that he is 'how come you so. . - .-' A few days ago a gentleman. in ;..ck0nver$a- r tion wilb :somd. friends- was vpiaising'g iWood ville, Misa4 to tbefekies, and remarked "among oihenthings that it was the mOstHquiet I and pfeaceable: plaeejb eversawr-tJhereJas o quarreling nor rowdy ism,:nor fighting about - thetc;J:argentIemin a iu5ulted another, . -J.V- IV, si-