1 - ! 110m CAROLINA PORTFOLIO ' Cite IM&ei-ilU Ucurs. Advertising Rates: "TTfT a in. a in. b. ycou Xtx. 1 week, $1 00 H IW $3 $i J a . i cn a m 4. C fl IS IS rrSLXBHXO aTTEXY WXDJTrSDAT at iSHXTILLE. IK. c. 8 " 2 00 8 80 6 T ; ,, 1 4 "( 2 24 4 00 ft 8 IV 1 " M - 3 months, 3 00 00 10 12 14 3 8 4 00U8W) 12 1 18 50 i 60 8 7 00 12 00 18 20 ' 2 80 12 110 00 15 00 20 25 AO 100 J C. T. C. DEAKE, 1. W. C. DE1XE. Court Notices, six weeka, 97 00 5 Magietratea, four weeks, t5,00 in advaaos. Administrators' notioes, six weeks, f 3.53 la advance. , Yeirly advertisements changed quarterly ir desired. " ' . . - - . eSTrmsient advertisements payable la ai vance. Yearly advertisements qaarterly 10 advanoe. v .-i ' ': TIB MS: Cns jmx j $1M is BOOlhl '. ,1 if TT ....... 40 IntmtHmblw it alvane. ASHEV1LLE, N. C, 5VEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20 1880. NO. 9.1 VOL. I. ; ! i ; c ; ... . : ; . . . - I " ij a- - Editor. V ffyf frvy y j. (g Jt - ! i ' "Hew to the Line. Let the Chips FaU mere they May." L j , : ; ' . 1 1 . , , - ' " : ' " r. . , ' . ' ,i . ' i i i I - I - L 1 . 1 Tnut ana'Ecst. lVet net, poor mqI. irhll doobC and f ear . Distnrb thy brMt; i Th pitying angels wbo can How rain thy wilt regret mart be, Say, trait and rest. . . Flan not dot scheme ; but calmly wait; His choice is best; While blind and erring is thy sight. His wisdom sees and jadges right, So, trait and rest. . etrtre not nor straggle; thy poor might Can never wrest The meanest thing to serve thy will ; ' All power is His alone; be still And trust and rest. t . Desire net; sell-lore is strong Within thy breast. And ret He lores thee better still; So let Him do His lering will, ' And trait and rest. yhat dost thou tear? His wisdom reigns ; Supreme, cooieased; His power is infinite ;Tlis lore Tfcy deepest, londeat dreais abore . So trust and reat- LOTTA'S BUEQLAR. .' . . : ; : i 1 was unprecedented at Erlsham fat the students to break out so late in the " term. Still more unprecedented wad it for a potent, grave and reverend senior to Lave an 7 snare in the mischief. Ifet, only three nijrhta before commencement the students "made things howl," and Tom Anstruther was head and front of the offending. They itailea up over the chapel door the siitn." "To Providence and way stations." stolen from the rail road. They serenaded obnoT ions mem bers of the faculty in terms anything but flattering. They built a huge bon fire on the campus and indulged in a promiscuous song and dance perform- - ance around it- . t In the midst of the uproar there was . the cry of " Faculty ! faculty P followed -fcyan instant hush. The students scat " teri - in all directions, Anstruther as fast as any faster, indeed, when he . found himself closely followed. His . particular pursuer appeared to be one of the younger and more active of the pro lessors, who quite caught the spirit of - the chase. Tom found it impossible to shake him off. Was the valedictorian of the graduating class to be caught thus ignominouslyP t ' An open basement window gafe him an inspiration, lie sped past it; then, moling ' cleverly on his foe, sprang through it and laughed to bear his foot steps grow fainter in hot pursuit up the street. " ' Upstairs Lotta Desmond was brush- "ui ner pretty Drown n.-ir t : Tepara- toilet-Uble, looking oddly cut of place, lay Cousin Jim's revolver. There had "been a great many jokes abx-ut that re- . volver. Her uncle and cousin had sol emnly installed Lotta -as man -of the house during their absence. Jim had reminded her of the exqloits of brave Mrs. Brown and plucky Airs. Peters, as recorded by the Daily CJiftnicle. The first of these ladies had, a cne aid un armed, held a burglar captive until help came. The second, under like circum stances, had completely routed two des perate villain. - And Lotta had demanded Jim's pistol and declared that she only longed fori chance to emulate their heroism. And Jim had promised to watch the papers for a similar mention of daring Miss Desmond. f So Lotta smiled when her eyes fell on the pistol, for as yet no opportunity for glory had cone to her, and Jim wouid be home to-morrow. Just then her aunt came into the room, fancy in g, s she had lancied every night since her husband's departure, that she ' 44 heard a noise, and would dear Lolta, who Was 'so fearless, mind" going down stairs to investigate?" - f So Lotta thrust her little bare ft el into - slippers, threw on a wrapper and sallied forth, pistol in hand. t Aunt Lucy detained her with a last word in case it should be any one, to let her know immediately ; but other wise not to disturb her, as she was ex tremely fatigued. . . With a dim recollection that the dining room window had not been closed, the young girl made her noiseless . way thither tt once. The gas had been utout and a miserable candle left burn ig. What Lotta saw by its dim light - was a tall young man, rather roughly clad. Alas! Tom, usually something of a dandy, had that night donned his poor est array, nis nair aisoraered, nis clothes grimed with dust and soot, from which not even his lace had escaped. coolly examining her uncle s silver. Snirit of Mrs. Brown and Mrs. the other lady inspire her. " DroD that or I fire I" i Tom turned wiui a start. What ha NT, nmfAvj O C O " Hge, whose voice and hand both shook as she uttered this doughty threat, and in whose face a certain timid determina tion, a took of one frightened at her own darinc, appealed to his sense of humor. But it would never do to laugh at her. Besides, that pistol in her uncertain, un familiar band was no joke. So he said, with due humility : "I surrender. But for heaven's sake put up that revolver ! Ycu are as likely to shoot yourself as me." , "Not at all." evidently nettled. "I am perfect! '-customed to using it." Need it be said that this was a de liberate lie, uttered with intent of strik ing terror to the bosom of the robber P ' For the same purpose Lotta cod tinned, to level her pistol and eye him with' outward severity and not a few inward tremors, thinking withal that your housebreaker is not the bold desperado he is painted. Still keeping watch over one is weary work, heighrhol Tom rapidly determined to see the adventure through. Time enough to make bis escape should she call for help or should any fresh complicatici arise. lie hoped : she was not going to keep standing all Tkl-4hat she could mount guard over him quite as we 11 seated. , Lotta assented gladly. Her burglar was quite a model, she .thought. And why should she incumber herself longer with-that unnecessary putol. of which, aha acknowledged to herself, she was -jnuch more afraid than was her pris oner? Accord in el t she laid it carefully down within reach. Then, with what seemed to Tom a most amazing underrating of his otreno-th nhe announced hef in tention of holding him until assistance should arrive. To him the situation was not without its charm. It does not often happen to any of us that a pretty cirl will insist on sitting next us and holding our hands and that she was pretty, exceedingly pretty, Anstruther iranaged to satisfy ninueu in spue- 01 we sungy uguu Once or twice he addressed a remark to his fair captor, but she discouraged all attempt at conversation. Ana so they sat in silence, while th handle burned low and finally went out. and the cold eray light of dawn crept into the room. Even this did not cause Lotta to change her' position. And, looking curiously at her, the young man discov ered that his stern guardian waa asleep! How lonf and dark were the lashes resting on the fair cheekw he thought, gazing down at the aweevpeaceful lace framed in its wealth of nut-brown hair Surely none of the young lady's ball dresses could set off her beauty as did that old blue wrapper. ' Tom was strongly tempted, in hif character of robber, to steal a kiss, but there was a certain odd euivairy in hie composition that kept him lrom taking any advantage of her unconsciousness. He withdrew his hand from hers with out awakening her such cold, little.sofl hands I And no wonder. The chill breath of early morning made him shiver, al though it was June. lie might as well make her comfort able before he went. ' He groped hie way into the hall. On the hat-stand lay a heavy shawL In it he wrapped his unconscious captor as well as h could, then left through the still oper j .1 ' winuow. If Miss Desmond was not the belle ol the college ball it was because, strictly speaking, there are no longer belles at balls. But, in the language of the othci young ladies, she " received a great deal of attention." And how she did enjoy herself! x 1 About the eleventh hour Cousin Jim begged to introduce his friend, Mr. Anstruther. I Lotta's large eyes grew larger with astonishment. Mr. Anstruther com posedly requested the pleasure of s dance, and before she could collect her self sufficiently to refuse, his arm! en circled Ler and they were gliding pvei he polished floor in penect time and measure. "You have mv sten exactly." said Miss Desmond, when, they stopped. ."Have IP Then it must be by direct inspiration, f-r I never was known to keep time with any one before." Mow did ever a man waltz to perfec tion without knowing itP Lotta looked at him a little contemptuously. Hei thought did him injustice. Tom wag not affecting modestronly makingtalk tit keep off the que, H" he einerK" Alay I take ff-Tt the library P i 1 " " lil' youth -L ahbuld iikto avoid. ll suspect that 1 have stoleahis dance." V w , . ir you uavfl you ars -ily pursuing your profession a a roSber, laughed Miss Desmond. " What nfere you doing that night in uncle's dining-room P" Then if all came out, and Tom ex plained and apologized, seat.d in-an alcove of the great college library, " And how frightened you were when I and the pistol appeared on the scene l" said the young lady, maliciously. " I was not!" indignantly. " You turned very pale." "Then we must have been a well matched pair for "courage. The pistol shook so in your hand that 1 was afraid it would go off accidentally. That was the worst feature of the case, for I do not believe yet that ycu would have been bloodthirsty enough to shoot me." I am sure I would not. I was im mensely relieved to wake up and find my enptive fled." ' j ' What did you do?7 Counted the spoons and went to bed." Y . The spoons were all right. There was but one thing stolen that night." "Mercy! what was tuatP" "Only the bu giar's heart "sentimentally.-' I Lotta looked at him and began to .laueh. Then she said: You might advertise tor it as people do for stolen articles. And you might say. 'Of no value to any one but the owner.'" I " Thank you, but I am not sure that J want it returned," said Anstruther, laughing, too, but letting -his eyes rest upon her fair face until the warm color surged up beneath his gaze. i ' " Tboa bast a thief in either eye 1 ' 1 Woold steal it back again,' w he quoted, low. j Lotta was a little glad as well as a good deal sorry that her ill-used partner at this moment appeared in the door way. II " Before that fellow comes can't you promise me one more dance P." murmured Anstruther. j' "I am engaged for all but the last. 1 can give you that one if you are going to Btay till the end." 1 How Miss , Desmond contrived . to pacify the rightful claimant, and how partner succeeded partner till the end of the evening, need not be told. It is certain that she enjoyed no danoe as she d id that last one with Tom. And then Tom's worst enemy could not criticise his dancing. 1 . As he relinquished her to her cousin's care, Anstruther heaved a sigh of exag gerated but verv real regret. . . men lxitta put out an impulsive little hand and said hastily: "Mr. Burglar, if ou can conquer your fancy for entering people's win dows enough to call in a more orthodox way, I shall be pleased to see you." 44 Thank you," murmured Anstruther, pressing the soft warm hand withquick unnecessary warmth. ;- Happy the wooing that's not long a-di? g.S -The acquaintance so oddly begun was prosecuted with ardor. Lotta's burglar laid hot siege to her afff ctions. and be fore long induced her to set up house keepingI had almost written house breaking with him. A New York ex-soldier says that at the second battle of Bull Bun, during the very heat of the engagement, when the enemy's bullets were singing through the air like hail in a summer shower, two New York city boys fell out about something, and, while men were dropping dead and wounded all abeut them, they coolly laid down their muskets and had it out with their fists. Finally one of them cried "enough," and. then both picked up their guni and resumed their target practice on the enemy. THE NEWS. George T. Wilson, of Providence, R L has made an assignment. Liabilities supposed to be $500,000. i ' French & Ward's large woolen mill at West Stoughton, Mass. was burned. Loss $200,000. j I John MoPherson has been arrested at Flint, Mich., for selling counterfeit $5 notes on the National State Bank of Troy, N. Y. .. ; The Pacific mail steamers will no longer stop at Mexican ports, on account of the government having defaulted in paying the subsidy. Ordinance Sergeant Weaver died at Fort Jefferson, Key West, of yellow fever, and his youngest daughter is down' with the disease. ' ; Tha citizens of Oar a v. OoL. held a meeting and resolved if the government ... . . . . m am. . YTi did not take steps to get na 01 me utea they would take matters in their own hands. ThA corner-stone of the EsrvDtian obelisk was laid with imposing Masonio ceremonies in Central Park, New York. Forty thousand persons, exclusive of 9000 Masons, were present. TwBTifv.nnfl deaths have occurred of passengers on the railroad trains ' which collided, at .rittsDurg, ana twenty more nt the, ininnvl who are in hoarjital. are reported mortally wounded by the phy sicians. ! netftn&tahes from South America cive details of the devastation of Peru by the Chilians, and of political troubles in Colombia and Costa Rica, in the latter of which places a dictator has been ap pointed.. General Walker s offioial report of the PLrtnth Carolina oonsus affirms that the investigation by Special Agent Garnett shows conclusively tnst no iraua nas been committed, and that the apparent croat increase' in ooDulation is caused by the defective census of 1870. Doo Jenking, a young man at Char lotte, N. C, waa gambling for a large stake when the suddenly fell dead, to th h error of his comrades. He had made six, and held the winning cards in Ma hr,A TTis death was ' caused by disease of the heart, aggravated by the excitement 01 the game ana excessive drinking. ; j ' At Concordia, Miss., J. W. Glover, a young farmer, created . a disturoanoe while B. T. OweD. a young justice of the peace waa holding court, and was ordered under arrest. Pistols were at once drawn by bcth and firing com- mTiw! Owen fell dead, and Glover ran about yards, fell, and in eight iter cued. , : j ' Lee. of Rich- mond, Ya., wfio has' been un trial in tha city lor tne past two aayB,.cnrt5ou wu obtaining money from tie State treasu rer under false pretenses, in connection with the clothing of prisoners in the Richmond jail, waa acquitted. A telegram received in London irom Valparaiso, states that negotiations for peace between Chili and j Peru have been opened at Anoa, with the inter vention of the United States. Buenos Ayres has' been declared the capital of the Argentine Republic by act of the Senate. - ; This city, New Brunswick, N. J., is excited over another defalcation. ; Post master Joseph F. Fisher, treasurer of the Union Loan Association, has- em beszled $23,000 of the stockholders' funds. 1 The Academy of Music, Chicago, was entirely gutted by fire yesterday morn ing. Twelve firemen who were on the roof fell in with it, and one was fatally and the others more or less injured. - The Bay of St. Lawrence mackerel fishery has been a failure this season, so far as the American fleet is concerned. Carl Bender-and his son, Mrs. Catha rine Bender and her married daughter, Caroline Stouder, have been arrested at New Orleans on a requisition prooured from the governor of Kansas by J. B. Sch safer, a spiritualist, on the supposi tion that they are the original Bender family.. " ! ! The Dynamo Electric Power and Light Company has been incorporated in New York with a capital of $5,000,000. The New York, I Brooklyn and 1 Rookaway Railroad Company has also been formed with aleapital of $500,000. Carl Bender and family were taken before Judge Lugenberg at New Orleans on a writ of habeas corpus and dis charged. J. B. Shafer, the Kansas agent, has disappeared. He is consid ered a lunatic j - A syndicate , of cattle dealers'of To ronto has contracted with the Allan and Dominion lines of steamships for space for 20,000 head of cattle for the ports of Liverpool, London, Bristol and Glas gow. . j : i At Boston, Mass., Hon. Peleg 8prague died, aged 87. In 1820 and 1822 he was in the 19tb Congress, and went -to the Senate in 1829. serving until 1835. He was afterwards judge of the United States District Caurt for Massachusetts from 1840 to 1865. , The Pullman Palace Car : Company have placed on the .Pennsylvania Rail road two sporting cars, one of which is named Davy Crockett and the other Izaak Walton. Both are full-sized pal ace cars, with kitchens, dining and sleep ing rooms. The hunting car has a kennel,' gun room and private looker. j Indiana and Ohio have elected Repub lican Governors. E. & J. Dapont and De Namaurs & Co.'s cotton mills, situated on the Bran dywine, about three miles from Wilming ton, DeL, was burned, with all its con tents, including a large amount of ex pensive ' English machinery. ; The loss will exceed $30,000; fully insured. About 100 hands are thrown out of work. For the first time in the history of Vermont a constitutional amendment has been proposed in the State Senate. John Goforth, Esq., who, in 1874 and 1875, was assistant United States Attor ney General, died at is residence, in Philadelphia. . He was a lawyer of 'marked ability. i ' " A cheap transportation Convention was held at Chicago October 14,at which ! . . . ' ! ' it was urged that the government should assume control of all railroads, to prevent extortion and discrimina tion. .. ' , -j . . 1 "' : , A very heavy frost, the first of the season, fell in the vicinity of Weldon, n.;c. 'i.i j - -;i ! : r ' ' A meeting was held in New York yes terday by the commissioners of the city of ! Mobile, Ala.-, and ' holders of the bonds of the said city. Over $1,000,000 worth of bonds were represented. The. commissioners proposed to make a set tlement in; a certain manner. Their proposition' was passed, as follows : New bonds to be issued, paying ; three per cent, for five years, , four per cent, for fifteen years, and five per cent, for five years.- -' i ; . ;.. The German Land Association, com-, posed of prominent gentlemen of Wil mington, Philadelphia and Baltimore, met at Wilmington. Del., and deter mined upon a capital stock of $100,000. The object of the association is to colo nize Delaware, and the Peninsula with German peasant farmers, i- The first col ony will most probably be established on Bombay. Hook Island, and will be caliedcHumboldt City. The Woman's Bank, in Boston, which has been doing business with ladies only, paying interest at the rate of eight per ocnt per month,' has failed. j FORfClHN MEWS. ; The French Cabinet will not consider the new Eastern policy proposed t by England until next week. Riza Pasha has formed an alliance with the Albanian Cat hoi io tribe. Three Turkish men-of-war are at Duloigno. Pecuniary aid is asked of the powers by Montenegro.- Admiral Seymour held a consultation with the admirals and issued new in structions. The Sultan, it b stated, would rather, abdicate than yield to the powers. Riza Pasha proposes to hold an interview with the Montenegrin chiefs in hopes of Effecting an amicable settlement. A deferee . has been pub lished at Rome granting amnesty to Major Ganzlo, son-in-law of General Garibaldi. j The powers have agreed to stop Tur key from aiding the provincial rebels. United States Minister Lowell addfress ed the Workingmens jQollege cf Lon don. Wednesday nightMBritish imports and exports are increasing The French cabinet will take up tue religious ques tion again to-day.--In vjew of the un settled state of affair! in Lima, Peru, the British fleet in the Pacific has been ordered to Callao. V i It is reported thai the Sultan has agreed to the unconflitional surrender of DnlciRno. A grer t insurrection of rikiahometans j!n'lJiang ha8Vdmrred The Chinese ambassador to Russia has been given full powers to conclude a satisfactory treaty thore was a large land league , meeting at Roscommon Sunday The King of Brmah proposes to fight England. Dulcigno has been surrendered to the Montenegrins The Kurds , have de stroyed 170 Persian villages Dissen sions in the French cabinet are again rumored Military preparations in Ire land are extensive Chili and Peru have accepted the proposed mediation of the United States. ; j The powers have been informed that the Sultan if not only disposed to sur render Duloigno, but also the whole of the district. Also, that Riza Pasa has been instructed to make the cession peacefully,' and tha the. proposed oon-i vention with Montenegro is not ini tended to delay matters. The French prefects of police recommend the exe cution of all the religious decrees at one time. Thirteen Jesuits have been expelled from the college at Toulouse by the polioe. ; - I . Armies of the World. The following t ible, which has been carefully compiled, shows the regular army, the annual cost of the same, and the cost per head of all the principal nations 01 tne woria Regular Countries. Army. Annual Cost Cosl of Army. per Heai. S 60,680,000 1 35 4,514 018 2 49 8,787,909 1 64 ; 1,126,916 56 ! 10,862.46 97 t 1,013,944 ; 27 Aastria-Hangary 296,218 Argentine Rupub ! 8,283 Belgium 46,277 Bolivia ii 4,022 Brazil.. i 16,500 Janada 3,000 Chili I 3 510 China; 700,001 Colombia....... i 2,600 Denmark 36,703 Egypt. . 62,920 France 470,6 0 288,000 ; 2,406,109 j 4,452 522 100,007,623 92 573 403 1 65,161,015 1,494.800 76,875,960 37,983,755 ; 7,506,000 , ' 100,480 . 10,554 745 10,265,990 t 1,480,760 3,400,000 "Y 342923 3.310,198 144-215.615 , 869 138' ' 49,146,491 " 3,579.940 'C 2,419 213 24.763,095 , 37.082,735 ; 2,364,100 . 19 1 26 2 70 2 16 1 90 102 40 1 36 , 21 ' 48 1 13 2 65 81 L 56 107 65 1 99 2 97 2 8 87 58 63 91 5 35 Germany 419,559 Great Britain... Greece India, British. . . Italy ... Japan .- Luxembourg.. . . Mexico Netherlands Norway. ........ Persia... Peru Portugal Roumania Russia.... , Servia Spain.... SwfAen.. ....... Swdsferland .... Tuikf-y United States. . . Uruguay 113 720 12.397: 58,171 199,577 35.3&0 t 513 22,387 61,803 12,750: 28.400 13,200' 35,733; 130,158 787,900 i 14,150 , 330.000 i 36 495 ; 106 102 ; 157,667 23,914 i 4,000 Venezuela . . 5.491 Army and navv. ! Advertising His Sutton. At the Church of Great Salkeld, in Cumberland, this custom prevailed thirty or forty years ago; I fancy that it has now fallen through. After the banns were published for the thirdtime the parish clerk exclaimed : " God peed them weel!" Nor was .this the only curious custom in this parish. As the congregation were leaving the church after service, the clerk; taking his stand on a "thrufF in the churchyard, an nounced all the sales by auction which were to be held in the parish during the, week, and other .matters of interest to the parishioners, such as, " On Wednes day next Willie Pearson will kill a sheep," evidently suggesting that Willie Pearson would be glad to dispose of part of the mutton to his neighbors, his own family not being equal to a whole sheep. Holes and Queries. n iUK lUic rItt aA. Fashion Rotes. Large collars and fichus are much worn. ' J- -' Tea and coffee, stained 1 aces are much worn. .! Pilgrim suits are popularity. j destined to great Strings of new bonnets are oi plush, lined with satin, t Large red chenille cords will be used in millinery. Traveling suits of gray cheviot are in pilgrim style. j Jet and garnet will be used on dresses and bonnets. Hoods or cowls appear on straight Directory mantles. i - Lone straight Directory mantles are the fall wraps. ; . I ' Skirts are either very plain or much ruffled and draped, ' Old India shawls are cut up to make trimmings for nun's veiling costumes. Heavy gros grain ribbon strings are out on the deepest mourning bonnets. White linenT lawn with black polka for dots, is liked plain morning dresses. - Woolen goods bordered on one selvage with stripes are a feature on ail fall goods. t Tamise cloth is the choice for a second best drees for mourning, and is worn all the year. .. i White flannel entirely without lining is liked for morning wrappers by ladies in mourning. i : , Plush and furry felt hats and bonnets are among the nrst fall productions an importations. In the winter heavy twilled silks promise to be worn both in mourning and in colors. . j The new metal ! ornaments for hats and bonnets are. large and very hand somely finished, j A set of fabrics known as crepe cloths have the crinkle of crepe woven in wool of various qualities. Bags or reticules carried on the arm or fastened to the waist accompany nearly all new costumes. Cloth of gold embroidered with pearl garnet and amber beads, appears among" choice fall importations Shirring ' is not liked tor trimming mourning dresses; crepe especially is not effective when shirred. . Long pile silk plush, in bright, dark" colors', tipped with white or old gold, wili be much used in millinery. Coiffures are not. quite so low: in the back as they have been, but the ten dency ia to plain and flat,not fluffy, hair dressing. , ' Tbe Bine, From a mere bauble, jan insignia oi w " and aristocracy, the Greeks ele he ring to a sentimental distinc- . ' ji,h. . 1 HI ins M ' ' Tm THm'"" "1 fi 1 a significance ; accorded to ho , other article of personal adornment, as a token of affection between the living, or eter nal remembrance of dead or distant friends. Gold-workers and lapidaries have exercised their ingenuity in order to invent new and fantastic desigas, to Invest it with beauty or singularity; epigrammatists have exhausted their wit upon fitting mottoes to be inscribed within its enchanted circle ; but it was reserved for the French jewelers of modern times to insnare the fancy by so adroitly arranging the gems in their setting, as to Spell out, with their initial letters, 'some graceful sentiment or pet name. In earlier days medicinal quali ties were supposed to reside in the. wed ding ring, capable of removing imper fections of the skin', though in later ages it would seem to be more effectual, in developing imperfections of the temper; in those ages of easy faith a ring which had touched the skulls of the Magi, re posing in- solemn splendor in the cathe dral of Cologne, would secure the owner against the evil-eye, sudden death, or accident, while' that which bore the name of one of those kings of the East,or had been blessed by the sovereign on Good Friday, was a talisman, to which the most fastidious could not ob ject, against cramps. Legend and his tory meet about this little hoop of gold, and enrich it with spell or story, as the ancient jewelers beautified it with elab orate chasings and precious stones, with skillful labor lavished upon cameo and intaglio. Nowadays it has become a somewhat matter of fact ornament; rus tic lovers no longer break it in halves as an assurance of i constancy, ballad makers no longer hang their rhymes upon it ; all the cunning of our improved civilization cannot fashion .us a ring like Solomon's, which can seal the evil genius of the times in a jar; and what goldsmith of to-day can warrant his rings to render tbe purchaser invisible, or to appease the injured gods if thrown into the sea? Iu brief, the ring has fig ured not only in domestic concerns, in affairs of love and witchcraft, but in church and state ; ! and though the feminine' mind is supposed to be pecu liarly susceptible to a regard for gew gaws and finery, yet the ring had long lost its novelty before its use was ex tended to women. harper's Bazar. American Business Enterprises. The Boston Transcript relates the fol lowing in illustration of American busi ness enterprise : In some of the smaller 'towns there are business establishments whose travelers make journeys as exten sive as any undertaken by the drummers of New York. Connecticut men are among the leaders in seeking new mar kets for their productions. Some of the large manufacturers of tools, machinery, hardware and other kinds of goods in that State, send men to South America, ' Europe and elsewhere, in the same matter-of-fact manner that smaller houses might send to Syracuse or Cana joharie. A firm, of carriage manufac turers in : New Haven sends 1 a man around tbe world. They sell many car riages in New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. On his last trip the trav eler drummed tbe trade up the Red Sea, and along the south shore of the Medi terranean. He sold some carriages in Egypt, but none in the countries to the westward, wnere . British and conti nental manufacturers i yet retain com mand of the market. On his next trip he will againuackle the carriage buyers of that region. He overcame British opposition in South Africa, and epect ' to accomplish the same result in North ; Africa, i- ( m ') : Son. 'Fathe4 "the lecturer at the hall said to-night that lunar rajs were only concentrated luminousity of the earth's satellite. ) What do you think about it?" Intelligent parent, ''AT moonshine, my soil all moonshine. . Llfti In a German; SchlossV : The routine of life was quiet, even monotonous, but toan American womarv, fresh from the 44 fitful fever" of Ameri, can housekeeping, - swet and restful. The servants were numerous and well trained, and performed thjfeir duties with little noise, and. at the right. time and in the right, manner. ; It must be said in passing that it took ten men and women to do the: work which half that number would-be required to perform in an American household. "Then, on: the other hand, it must be stated that they have net half our conveniences. Their utensils are primitive and cumbrous, and they have much to ' fetch and carry;" but, looking at results, one can only indulge in an envious, and useless sigh. The absence of those, pests of American housekeeping,; the weekly washing and. ironing daysi is one reason why the Germander van ts are able to go about their 'work with so much .more regularity and thoroughness. In Ger many the family wash is done no oftener than once a month iu many places not oftener than once in threes or six months and then is done by extra help hired for the occasion. On . Monday of the week devoted: to this !, work, according - 1 A.I ! to mv observations, the 4 Women came and .began preparations, jf The clothes, etc., were sorted under the, super vision of the lady's maid or housekeeper; the wood laid ready for lighting under th great boiler in the wa$h-house, and every tub, hogshead, etCi, filled with water. The water was pumped labori ously, and brought from some distance in cumbrous buckets. The carriers worn upon their shoulders : for j this purpose heavy wooden yokes, like cx-yokes,! with a chain and hook, at each end. to which the. full! buckets wfere attached. The next morning at thre jo'clock they were at work, busy as (bees, and out chattering the swallows ,in the ivy which grew about the wasU-house eaves. Washboards, those instruments of de struction1, were unknown, all rubbing be ing done between their horny knuckles. The ironing is done in IQermany Jby means of a mangle, where possible, and the clothes are beautifully- Smooth and Clean. " r -; J J si' ' ! : I The whole atmosphere joif the place was peaceful and drowsy. Pigeons cooed, swallows twittered, .from morn until niijht. These and - the musical bayin of the hounds, the lowing of dis tant. p.ttle. and: the muffledlof waeons upon the chaussee, were th4 sounds to which the ear became attuned. The occasional shriek of a locomotive was iha rn-B rotnindpr nf & wbrld outside this sleepy hollow of a place. Atlantic Monthly . J i . 1 :i - Churning by Goat Power. The most striking feature of the dairy ranch, Of 1. . Uiough, in. pan mateo canyon, is the new dairy house which Mr. Clougn recently complfeled at a cost of $1,500, It is eighteen Jbyl thkty-six terr '."tim ntg W'fTa- Mi trim ana- cieaniy "B uumhj u.uuow: wife's " best room." The butter-room, ah apartment ten by fifteen feet in di mensions, is carpeted ( !) and as inviting as a parlor. The apparatus for hand ling the milk and making the butter is complete in every detail, and is designed throughout for the .saving df labor. A receiving vessel; fitted, with: a strainer, is located in the milking yard, and com municates by a pipe t with! the dairy house. The milkers pour their milk in this receiver and that -is the end ol their duties. The milk passes down through the pipe to a200-gallOn tank in the dairy house, 'whence it is drawn by the dairymen, undergoing, meanwhile, a; Becond straining: process, j It is then placed in aans to cool and raise the cream. Water! I is brought j in pipes through the house from i mountain spring The churn holds fifty-two gal lons of cream and turns out ! from 10O to 120 pounds of butte at each churning. It is worked by goat power the appli ances being a treading whelj eighteen feet in diameter; wbich connects with and operates a shaft ruunipg into the dairv-house, and this in turii connecting with og wheels working the l.dashers. Mr. Gbw says that the goats, in operat ing the wheel, indulge-; their natural propensity for climbing, and; th$y apply themselves to their work1 with great gusto. The herd consist of spnae eight or ten animais, ranging from the grand mother and old Billy with,the Whiskers down to the youngling tiot over a foot high- When released from their pen they, one and all, great and small, run bleating for the ! wheel, anjd the only trouble to contend with thereafter is the excess of power which they are, apt to give it in the course of , theirl frolicsome gambols. Los Angelas (Cat.) Express. How General Simpson Serred aj Bully. When the allies occupied Paris the French officers, at all times superior with the small sword and equal with the pistol to Englishmen, took every opportunity to insult the bfheers be longing to the army of occupation, and It has been alleged that there: was a club of Frenchmen, the membert of which had sworn to devote their lives to the killing off one by one of the English officers. , -. . i J . There was one i Frenchman who boasted of having killed a dozen of English officers, and promised tcvgo on n this work. One evening he swag gered as usual into his' cahMand to his astonishment actually saw one of those hated Anglais occupying his -chair; a chair, be it remembered, that no one hitherto had dared to sit upon except himself. Mastering hte passion he un did his sword belt, and! haying piaced his sword on one side began to insult the perfectly inoffensive English officer who sat so unconscious looking m his (the Frenchman's) chair.i . H trod upon the English toes, he deprived Hhe Eng Ushman of his candles, he : we ttt from one thing on to another wlthoat at all being able in the least apparency to dis Srb the other's P-J snatched the newspaper out fEng lishman's hand, - and thenje Briton slowly rose up, displaying totfhe aston tehed Vyes of the Gaul i a gJar(Uman some six feet six inches hiih. The JiSt, bending-across ttable . seized Eoldof tiieFrenchman'snosith one hand and his chin with the otjier, . and, wrenching his mouth open, splat down ST throat With a bow the French man, holding his rnder jaw With both hands, ran outoiith" room. AHis jaw was broken, and neither he ncjr any of his comrades were seen $. cafe, t We may as well tr English" officer who thus madelan ex ample 01 a bully was the latfe sGeneral Sir James Simpson, who for a jti me com- rr.anaeu m iu viiuk, ---- the day he joined the service tt&tilhm i-a tf.A t.llfiRt officer in tfte Bno- "Z -nZSZZA J United )Service j ion aiuij. r vw - - - j Maaaetne. Ban's Brotherhood. -It any man must (all for me to rise, Then seek I not to climb. Another's pain ' I choose not for my" good . A golden chain, A robe ol honor, is too poor a prize r , T6 tempt my hasty hand to do a wrong - V Unto a fellow man. This life hath w Sufficient, wrought by man's satanie ioe And who, that bath a heart, would dare prolong 1 Or add a" sorrow to a stricken soul " . That seeks some healing balm to make it wholeT . I . My bosom owns the brotherhood of man ; From God and truth a renegade is he Who soorns a poor man in his poverty. Or on his fellow lays his superstition ban. -. : ' ', Thomas Macktllar; I ITEKS OF DiTEEEST. ' ; A mosauito always settles before he presents 111s Dili. Edison is at work now on an electric- railroad. . He .will never rest easy until -he can send himself by telegraph. Pica uune. - . The national associition for the pro tection of the insane, which was organ ized at the charities conference in Cleveland recently, has for its object the introduction of more humane and intelligent methods of dealing with in sanity. Great things in this direction have been done.: in the past generation, but much: still remains to be done. Especial care - has been taken by the association to make it understood that . the movement does not arise irom hos tility to any asilum or officials. . The thoroughly agricultural charac- ter of the people of India is apparent rom the figures showing the ocenpa ions of the adhlt male population of the country. Outiof a total of 62,002,461 persons of this lass not fewer than 37 303,005 are engaged in the cultivation of the soil. The lightness of the charges , upon agricultural land is worthy of note. . The government of India is practically the landlord of the whole country, , and ; the land revenue is a rent paid for the use of the soil. The average amount of land revenue and local taxes paid by the Indian cultivator is only sixty-six cents per acre. ' ' ; . , The Emperor of Brazil is still indulg ing that fondness for material progress which caused him to express so much admiration for this c ountry when visit ing here. He has just given the last ,wVa a ihn npw Rio Janeiro water '. works, letting into the city water from streams fo'ity miles away, carriea, through vast ' intervening reser voirs, to itio . Janeiro j oy iwu thirty-two-inch mains ; and he. he has also given the first stroke to a new and 1 important railroad. l.hese things, however, cost money, s tne Khedive OI iijgypc iouna ouu. ; finances show a prospscuve eft lor - the $6,000,009 dcsiren ior public wwu. -It is-believed that she must continue ; for awhile to add $8,000,000 or $10,000,-5 iipbt. which now. in- eluding! dustandmg ooligations in paper . currenc or abou , is - about bl ,)ou,iiuu muireia, $407,000,000. It has been in- creased by about fl7,000,OOT the pass year. Words of Wisdom. It is easier lor a man to aescenu w PArth than to mount to heaven. 'However laborious the life of the 1 good, it is less so than that of the bad. Women cherish fashion because It rejuvenates them, or , at - least renews them. ' ' i True philosophy places us above -honors, but nothing places us abote.the ennui they cause. ' ; j Jr. Show me a peoplelwhose trade ijs dis honest, and I, will show you a people, whose religion is a sham. ' j Strong minds, like hardy evergreens, arei most verdant in winter when, feeble ones, like tender summer plants, are leafless. . ! There are truths which some men despise because they have not examined, na which-they will not, examine be cause they despise. ' 1 Childhood often holds a truth with its leeble fingers, which the grasp of manhood cannot retain, which it is tha pride of utmost age to recover. A good moral character is the first essential in a man. It is, therefore, highly important to endeavor not only tolbe learned, but to be virtuous. r - To feel much for others and little for ourselves, to restrain our selfish and to indulge our benevolent affections; con stitute the perfection of human nature. The wisest man may be wiser to-day than be was yesterday, and to-morrow than he is to-day. Total freedom from change, would imply total freedom from error, j . ' , . Many persons sigh for death when it seems far off, but the inclination van- Ishes when the boat upsets, or the loco motive runs off the track, or the measles set in. ; -!".'.... - The utmost excellence at which hu manity can arrive, is a constant and de termined pursuit of virtue without re gard to present dangers and advan tages. :: 1 1 :':" I- ' 5 Fortunate people seem to think that' their less happy fellow-creatures ouht to suffer and die before them with decency, as the Romans used to require their gladiators to do. ' 1 The action of the soul is oftener in that which is felt i and left unsaid, than , In that which Is Said in any conversa tion. It broods over every society, and men unconsciously seek for it in each other. -. ' ' . :; . j ' - Mere bashfulness without merit Is awkward; and merit without modesty, insolent. But .modesty with merit has a double claim to acceptance, and gen erally meets with as many patrons as behold era. I 1 , ! : The Turkish Sultan's Harem ! The private apartments oi the inmates of the sultan's harem are unadorned above the floor, and a rug. tvith mat tress and pillow, is all that is needed, and all that exists; for, though each fair one has her own dressing case and spice box combined, a common room for the bath and toilet is the rule, as is also a common wardrobe, kept under the charge of "the mbther" of the seraglio. The first wives and the layorius and mothers of male children have special privileges by prescriptive, right, and these take the form or pei sonal attend ants and the exercise of certain author ity ; but the majority have no luxuries , to make their life enchanting, and few :. pleasures to relieve its dullness. i I I, c .4-

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