i i -1 i i .P." Advortlslnn Rates: lln. a In. In. to, Ko5U 3eoC T3 -18 1 week, f I W ft 1 60 S " 2 00 4 M 2 35 a month, 3 00 $2 00 3 00 4 8 60 f 4 00 6 00, 10 s oo i la 13 00 lf 18 IS 00? 30 " ! . 8 ! Ti 8 la is ao as 8 9 10 - a -S3 in i 18 18 18 as 80 t .i 00 7 00 10 00 ;88 108 Oonrt Notices six weeks, $7.00 jllgittrt8 four weeka, f 5. 00 in adraaoe. j i , I - . Administrators' notbes, six weeks, $5.60 InadTsnoa.' . , f - - i : Yerly adTertinements ehangd qaarterly If denired. ' t - f I H 1 ! ' Trn-ient adrertisement psraVe n ai TaDce. . loajlj adTertisemonts qaar(orly in TLxeo ! ; ; vol. n. ASHEVILLE. N. C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST adranoa. 1 Mffta v-i i.h i;. ,.. -MPIII :WIM W 4 !;. ;li : -" j : ; C .! "Hew1 to tho Line. Let the Ohir Fall Wliere they May." L , ...... . M I . . ' I . i y ' ! - ' ' - 1 '. - - . ... ! ... J . I !- " ' I - : j i I I f I I '12. ' 1 1 i i ii. I. , h i i ? 6'.. In It I t If l 1 Si' it-- is 1 r Te Ancient Melodies. "A dariirg old poet wm Orandmohcr,uooeo, Who cnitmctcu the rnymes taat-onrin- i 4 Imcj knew, j. . Lnd eh did her beat work when ehe let her- f felt Joo ' ! On the umoat oU woman wno una in ner :4 I A .ahce. f remarkable eutject, as ecre as; you're t i v. A An. improbable But ncrer mind one, yoti may poesibly say; turning yonr nose up in 'j j acorn; t - ! : i For centuries after you're flitted away. 'oang people, and probably old.peopio, too, j Will dif cua the "old woman wno urea in her w I hoe.M : There arc thoec ! ! !tale, who declare it a ludicrous , And.init U.at tho bard didn't tiae with rrrhana ihrv douU b Jiere Jonah ewallpwed f-jwlale,' Ot lhat Mr. Lt't turned to ealt fVackp? ' her iTher resemble the fkept e who Unghi) f . in his ' At the" time-honored talea of old Cfrnkelt f I- and B xne " W'bu nee r.- at tl e story of Adam arc! Ere And tlonbts fiat a cow eer etraddlfcd the mo n. If rfjnc'i 1 atil? as ,he, I imain", ould f nf eT.e At tho lor.iil it fdet that the moon is a rhecte! t ry w II - t ry n.a'l. SUy, reach ins my euuff ! , , j; j (I Rm f nd of the weed in a pulverized I -ttate); . ThoUv fkeitiM will run aa:nst trouble ! 1 enough . . Iuih Ir ffnts to pilfer tie cron r tbc : i grejU . . ! I nort?r indulge in the cereal juice, t '.y N -rjuoietcn my li I I i put 1 1 I cheirfully j Mother G oae, lip in the irew oi me nop; rnctz) to your ltt'alth, Mother O oae, j- f ! K A- I wipe frm my eyes the emotional drop; v .A-cIu i-! V.'hilo I lire I'll insist that it's (rue- There wa n M woman that lived ii4 a-h- 1- shoo! FOUND IN A FLOWER.! J ' I: i Excuse me, . you were speaking of Yonnur Graham's unfortnnato affair with his emplorer's dinRhtcr." j , i " Ob, yes very ead ; but tbe woman, in usual, gets mora than her share of .blame.'-' I " Ah ! Bat you know her, I believe. TIipti sha was not aa heaitlcss as! the i world calls her ? " . : . , : I think not. He was presumptuous, ; she proud very proud, and he jwas M fatally . mistaken in the character of 1 1 her rec-ard. She was his friend ;!lmt 7 his folly made even that impossible longer. . ' !. ,,L?te and friendship, Miss Van 'Decken how, may one judge between them 7 V 1 ' j Hia quick glanco and flushing face were, not seen, for her eyes were cast down. How could ihe know that in this way the reserved Rassell Dajton put nis fate to the test ? The tone was calm; -enough, and, lest she should betray .her own heart, the reply was given carelessly, indifferently : ; Intnitively.-of course, Mr. Dajton ; but it is always best to remain, on the Just a' little pau-o between them, .which he was tho first to break. j . ! am sorry to make my adieur so Vrl in tho evenincr. Mis3.Van uecKen. rmust fay good-by, also, fc . t 'many months before I see y i - t eTer. I am going home." --. . . , f..:i :n k- jor ii wiiii tjv vou acaia, if - ITnmP. Mr. DavtOU ? . ! To mv mother! Her health is fail ing rapidly; but I liave only lately decided in which direction my dnty iif" ' : r Ah, I had forgotten I Ton have i S been among us so long that it seems Utratge to locate your home so jfar ; i away, W e shall miss you, Mr. Day ten, and many besides myrelf will hope for j your return to New York." . ! I j k Thankyou. The year I have spnt in the city has been a pleasant j one. !l Tbe hospitality extended to me by ydur Mhor atiri nnrRPii. win ever do Rraio fullv remembered., . . I i ; 4 And how will he supply your place in the office ? ' j I EasiJ v, I have no doubt. j 'As soon as I con complete my arrangements. Will you give mo this in token of vour cood wishes? I take " Anil TUU KU f them for granted, you see. . ! I He touched, as ho spoke, a hajf '".i v. blown rosebud which, wilh others, ! caaght np the lace drapery of her rich dress. She detached and gave , it '.to '.'f him, paying : I. I f My very best wishes for one of my ! jlet friends." , j I K Commonnlaco words, ouiet, even 1 tones of voice, a courteous hand-shake, an ; ordinarr naitincr. marked by the 1 i polish and ease of perfect good-breed : in g that was all ; and yet Louisa Van - D.Hken learned in those few moments, i trenail donbtincr. that the man to ; ! 'whom snb so quietly said good-by was I - taking her life's hopes and nappmess. -T .-He went, with her words ringing I through .his brain, set to tne mad music from the adioining oaii-room, f-Thefafe side the safe side," and to them he added a sentence of his own She' has saved me from myself. God bless her for ever !' i Bo two lives toucheJ. If they could i" ) (have known I And separated to meet again.- n. Colonel Oiiphant waited impatiently for the ladv r but his .impatience was 'modified aa. standinsr on one side, he caught the words of the conversation, and discovered that the young man ; he so cordially and unreasonably dis liked was not likely to cross his, path affain. - . i Miss Van "Decken, escorted by the colonel," moved through the .elegant ! rooms, i . wonder if she cares for him?" 'Questioned one of the guests, eotto voce. ' ' - The colonel also, who had puzzled . over the matter for a much longer time, had resolved to, hare the answer that veiy night, aud so it came about that Miss Van Dcken was ionsed from her painful abstraction by the tones of her lovei's voice, as, alone with her at last, he uttered i the words which had so Ion $ trembled on hlS JipS. ... . ' . " i" I i : J .! I hare no lore to gire you, CJolonel 01ipbantw i . - '- 1 f - r The Toice would havo told him that without the words. Then I will a!: for nothing j but your acceptance of mine.. She shook her heid. ' It is your father's wish," he urged ; "do not disappoint us both. Give me the right to lore you. I will trust to time for its return." - j r was a - long-sobbing breath, I aud, ' with the scarce-uttered words, For his ake, thn,? sh suffered her strangely-accepted suitor to taxe, tnfffnlm rrom her happy resting place. , hand which mado hiial shiver as he i "It was much to me," he rephed, "it tonched it, as if it had been ice. " How well Miss Van Decken looks to-night," commented one. , : u She is i beautiful, came (from another; "and what a happy woman." The lady spoken of canght the last two- words as she moved by I the speakers, notl thinking to whom they referred. " A happy woman 1" She pitied herself to think they could never agBin apply to her, and jet she - tad dreamed of happiness once. ; i 1 in. 1 : Society was correct in the prophecy that the party given f by . the Van Dockons would be the finest affair of the season. It wai really a great 8HCC8S " Lucky old Van Decken l" " Fortuoato Miss Van Decken 1" , Oh, most wise world ! The news of the lady's engage ment' to Colonel Oiiphant confirmed the opinion. To be sure, he is old enough to be her father, and they do say he has a fearfal temper ; but then he is so fine looking, and belongs to such a good family. Besides, she will have money enough for both." ; And so for once wealth did ; not form one of the ingredients in what Mrs. Grundy considered a " splendid match." , ,.a Bat three months after the 'splendid wedding" which was consistent with di.l match " came one of those fearful ; crashes on Wall street so disastrous as to become historical and "lucky old Van Decken" was there after spoken of without tho prefix of tho first adjective. " Well, if he married her for money, he has jast been come up with ; but they do say he abuses her shockingly, and" what she endures nobody knows. It is fortunato her father didn't live to seo it. He ;jast idolized her, and they do say say she married him more to please the old man than for anything else." ' Such was the true, though slightly ambiguous statement made by Society four years latr ; bat Colonel Oiiphant had taken to drinking, and, in his swift, downward career, dragged wife and child with him out of Society's sight and mind. IV. : " Mrs. Oiiphant, did you say ?" "Yes, sir; a widow with one child a boy two or three years old." ! "She wants a lease for twelve months, you say, and intends to advertise for boarders ? " t "So she stated. She came to the office yesterday, and seemed disap pointed when I told' her . the owner of the house had concluded to withdraw it from our agency, and occupy it himself. It suited her, she said, better than any other on our list, and 1 promised to speak to you about it. ;' " You mentioned my name i th u" nnt: i told ner Ttnas poBBiuiY . . ... vou would be in the office this alter- noon, and mere sne is uuw, and the clerk advanced to meet her. ! A tall, slender figure, clad m neavy mourning robes, with a crape vail laid back from an almost death-like face and snowv hair that, was what Russell Dayton saw. i 1 The gentleman I spoke of come in," the clerk was saying, has jast " This way. if you please, madam. And, in anotner momem, euo wo in troduced to her fathers lormer asso-. ciate, Russell Dajton. ; It was a shock to both, but the lady was the first to speak, and without em barrassment. 'j; ';. " ! I have never heard irom you since you leit me cuj, , y father olten spose oi juu uuiui8 last days. Is it long , since j your re turn?" ' J " J . I was away from New xorK dus a short time- My mother died euaaeiuy, and I have found in an absorbed busi ness life the only relief possiblo for what was to me an unspeakable loss. Forgive me for my selfish allusion, xne years bring sorrows. You have not been without your portion. You would hardly nave Known me, I think," and she smiled laintiy as sne touched her hair; "and yet this is the work of five years only. Does it not seem longer than that since I saw you in my father's house? But I must not speak of those old days," she added, hurriedly; "I have nothing left to re mind me of them now. ; Nothing r he questioned; "then I jour permission I wiU nd jou p.o?- am more lonunaie man vou. tum aee. a very mtie one, wnicu you -xij return to me if it does not prove accept able. In case you should care to keep it, however, I will only ask in return the privilege of calling upon you." . " ! ' 1 Hhe flushed eiignuy. one nau uu altogether lost sight of the past, and its contrast to the present. xnen. sne cave him her address without hesi- tation. T am glad to find that ypu are the owner of the house I am so anxious to secure for the coming year. Have you decided to Jet me" have it, Mr. Day ton?" - ' : I . I hear that it is your intention to take boarders, Mrs. Oiiphant ' If ' 1 thought you would count me as one of them I should be inclined to .oblige you in the matter. ' X had thought cf keeping the whole of it to myself for-a bachelor's hall.. Will it incommode you very much if I dj not decide until to-morrow?" j "Not at all: as I feel almost suza ybi will let ; me have, it, Mr. Day ton, and I shall be glad , to see : you t when Jyou come.", ... . . . : : But the little package came first, early the nex morninga tiny -box, holding 1'aT long dead rosebud, aiida slip cf paper on which was written in a hand she had once known bo well: "My very best' wishes for one of my:be5t friends,'' " and underneath, her ?:wn name aud the date, January 10, 1867." .,..-'., . j "It was such a beggarly littlergif t to be kept all these long- years,'" she-4said to him a few hours later, when clasped in nis sxrong"rms, sne smuea up ai TT S0 OU A CSOA. iVl UUCMI r'And all I dared to offer, though the whole heart was yours' then as truly as it is now." I 1 fTiinlr "vnn mav Vi vn tli TKnnsA. i Louisa," he said demurely, as he left nave for- her at the door. "I see you gotten to ask about it, Ind the only condition I will name is that you wiU you share it with me." And as the condi tion was not a hard one, there could be no objection made. - i W FACTS FOR THE CURIOUS. j The average age of the ant is said to be one summer. j I Birds who nest in holes are said to always lay whito eggs. j i A few days after Victoria's coronation, Mr. Montefiore was elected sheriff of London, Jhe first Jew who had ever been chosen for that" office.' """t"" ) Consul Stevens writes from Chiria that the chain pump, , which was sold largely in this country not many years aeo. has been in use in China for over 2.000 years. Double-headed tacks, top, have been used there for many centu- ries. ? The ancient manner 01 f1 knighting was hv a box on the ear. implying that it would be the last he would receive, as he would henceforth be free to maintain his own honor. j . The solid nine-inch concrete lioor in a Buffalo elevator showed a little bulge upward, and it grew in stature for five days when, to the astonishment of all concerned, a mammoth mushroom kick ed the pavement away and crowded it self through into the air in perfect form. The enormous glacier, Fon or Svarti sen, on the Seujen Island, in Norway, and which is the northernmost of its kind in Europewill shortly be made the obiect of a remarkable ! enterprise. It appears that a number of speculative merchants in Bergen have obtained the right of cutting block ice for export from its surface. Some blocks have alreadv arrived at the latter place, and as the quality of the ice is found to be good, large shipments may be expected. The glacier is about 120 , square miles, and as the distance from ! its border to the sea is only a couple of miles, the ice may be obtained very cheaply. Flowers and Superstitions, The necessity of gathering certain plants before sunrise, as in tne case oi the St, Johnswort, or in the gathering of the May-day garlands, seems to go back at least as far as the days of Pliny, who mentions that some flowers, as the lily of the valley, had to be gathered in secrecy and therefore before daybreak, nmTA thpir efficacv. It is,1 perhaps, no loss that the purposes for which tbe iarri.woTld emploved th3se flowers Viotra mnflMl into SVAAwav w w a, m , . oblivion : DUt it. is I 1 1.-1- k. trrithnnt. ! coma BUCI1 UHIW f , i yi -: . mowiea w or supersnwonu awtauuci j plants must remain impossible. Poppies are said to have once been offered to the dead to appease their manes, which Ls.rtnTit for their surviving aa a funeral flower, in spue oi iiieir uukuv ness of color. The use of the vervain or holy herb, in the Tyrol worn in the shoe to keep off fatigue, may point to the origin of our own word speedwell, and there are other English names of plants which are capable of explanation by a studied comparison with their names in other countries, or in earlier times. Some of the names of flowers are simple enough, being suggested by some obvious characteristics, or by some comparison to something rather like it. The sage, or Salvia verbenaca. owes its synonym clary" to its old use as an eye remedy, or clear-eye, and the comparison oi the Adonis aumi.xo (which, in most languages oi j-urope, still retains in its name its old connec tion with the blood of the slain Adonis, and in popular German is still Bints tropfchen) to the eye ! of a pheasant leaves no mystery about its name.: But sometimes the explanation of names, founded on the principle of comparison, seems somewhat absurd, j Of course we all know that we call the dandelion from the French dent de lion, and we are asW to see in the plant's indented leaf a resemblance to the tooth of a lion, little as we can explain how the French became so conversant with lions as to compare their teeth; with the leaf of a, dandelion. Is it not more bkoly that this plant derived its nameirpm iu m f nl s?rpose4 efficacy -"J"" lionVtooth, just as in Lower Bavaria, at this day, a certain plant carried on the person is thought to be a safeguard ... -v x-- Vi Virrnpv- against a aog s Dixe. wr "- " - , sickle, which in French, Jt Spanish, and in the English of Spencer and Shakespeare, is the capnfolo, or (root-leaf. Are we aeriously to believe what all the botanical books gravely tell usr that it was so called because it seemed to climb rocks like a goat, when a hundred other climbing plants might as readily suggest that animal's activity May it not be that the goai, wr. fond of the leaves of shrubs, shows a particular partiality toj those of the honeysuckle r xne aooiogis uctDr'6" come to the aid of the botanist. Oorn- hilL FOR TOE FAIR SEX. .1 FaakUa Natea. Chemises are made with a V fro.it, to be worn with Y-front dress bodies. The lace fichu so popular this Bum mer will; be reduced to a full ruche by fall. ;-;.! - n?l.. :. ;-:;'', Lace and embroidery remain the favorite trimmings for all kinds of dresses. - : Ficelle net will cover the collars aud cuffs of many dressy costumes in the faiL --j ..r'-; - .. .; Scarfs in open-work embroidery are much used for pahiers, tunics and lappelsv . " " - , ; .- ! The wraps adopted by young Amer ican girls abroad- are of masculine cut and tailor finish.' ;.-:.m ' -' JJost evening druses worn at water ing places are white, -pale blue, or shell or shrimp pink. j Pompons and ostrich feathers form the trimmings of the largest number of summer dress hats. ! Beally lovely is a new chintz pattern of tiale blue convolmh over a cream colored ground. Another, equally pretty, shows pale pink roses and lilies of the valley over a very light water-green ground, i ; The "Yankee" is a new Parisian bon net for married ladies, with shirrings of light surah, and very thick wreath of flowers round the crown, which is semi conical or rounded, while the border is more or less wide." . 1 j 1 - I A. navy blue ain parasol is lined with rose color and has a handle of Saxon china, and very pretty is? one of scabiosa-colored satin, lined with pale heliotrope, trimmed with yellow Span-j ish lace and prune-colored primioses. Casaquins, polonaises, redingotes and corsages a panier will all be fin favor this and; the coming autumn' season.; Drawn bodices are aiso much worn with diaphanous fabrics f the number j of shirrs on these, however, is greatly diminished. ? If Some of the new satins are brocaded in lace eflects in black audi white on grounds of color embracing all the new: esthetic and fashionable shades. These will be trimmed with white and black! laces matching the design of -the bro caded lace eflects. I j "-! The earliest fall suits are of cheviot, flannel and Gilbert cloths of light tex ture, in shades of huzzar and silver blue, drab, terra cotta, Marlborough red, mahogany, brown and neutral shades, aUd Are made dressy wun oui tons, buckles out steel.! and fancy ornaments of Carrylna Their Iluabands. i At one time the Dak of Bavonia was besieged in his castle and was compelled to surrender. His lady demanded for herself and the other.ladies of the cas tle that they be permitted to go out in safety with all that they could carry 6n their backs. This was granted, and, to the "surprise of all, the ladies appeared, carrying their husbands on their backs, and for the devotion the Emperor par-f doned them all! and set them at liberty. There are many women who, by their industry and edonomy, to the shame of the able-bodied men be it said, are car-; rying their husbands and their whole households, either by earning all the; monev themselves or by economizing with the little that comes into their fin gers, while the husband squanders the evenings in a dissolute or voluptuo life. Rev. E. M. Wood. An Independent Widow- On a bav ranche of several hundred acres, says the; Winnemucca (Nev.) Sil VAT statfiq. livek the Widow Loveless, a rfimarkable woman. Lass than the me-' rlinrn heierht of her sex. but muscular: as a man, she carries on the business of ho or, a raftiWiHincr. She ' dresses in man's attire, and there is nothing to de note her sex save her auburn hair, which hangs in wavy ringlets over ner snoui-j ders. She rides and uses the lasso as skillfully as a vaquero, and lives alone since her husband, a loveless scapegrace left her bed and board a year and a half ago, taking several of her best horses She has 1 no false delicacy about her attire, bnt gives as a reason for wearing the breeches that she has to do a man's work and finds it more convenient to dress like one than to wear the usual garb of her sex. She objects to paying poll tax, though the assessor insists that she must do it if she continues to dress lilrn n. man. 1 I WORDS OF WISDO-ff. Were absolute-perfect ion enthroned, courtiers would certainly discover some way to flatter it. I j I The idle should not bet classed among the livintr t they are sort 01 dead men who can't be juried. Once loosen the honor, the door to swings easily.! , i. . . latch-strings of crime and folly A man loves wLen his judgment ap proves ; a wonianV judgment approves when she loves. I! A cood situation is like a savings-box, its value is not known until it is broken. What a catalogue of social virtues man requires: to make him generally beloved ! The cheapest, advice is that which costs nothing and ia worth nothing. Popularity is not infallibility. Errors exist only wnue they are popular.. Educated men sometimes steal, bu education is not an incentive to stealing! TCatnre never moves bv jumps', but always in steady and supported ad vances.' I j i ' i 'I. ' ' A If those who are the enemies of in- nocent amusements had the direction of the world, the v would take away the rTinir and vonth. fhA former from the CJ af year and the latter from human life. Poverty is : the load of some, and wealth is the load of others, perhaps the greater load of the two. It may weigh them toj perdition. Bear the load cf thy neighbor's poverty and ies nim bear with thee the, load of thy wealth! Thou lightenest thy load by lightening his. SMALL FARMS. Same tm aad Flanres which Should be of ii Intereat. U' are a fewj facts and figures which ought to be of interest and ser vice to large number of our readers, women is well as men. In the special buUetiqwsned. by j the Census Bureau recently showing the size and number of farmslheld in the States, the total riumberVas stated to be 4,008,907. Of these, oAy 139,241 were less than ten acres inkze. j That is to say, only 139, 241 persons in this country have thought it worthl while to 1 cultivate for profit patches of ground: of less than ten acres. Th fact is . almost incredible, but it is a feet. jHowj many, thousands of women-ail tens ;6f thousands of men are struggling now for life in 4 our great cities who.couid rent these small farms and make a healthy, comfortable living from them 1 1 Bit how ? Let us look into the matte A moment and see. The reason why anyiban or woman should need informationum the subject is that Americans have tie misfortune of living in an enormous Itountry and dealing with large stakeslin life, Tbeir eyes and ideas are usfcl to sweeping over anVi immfinsfl aoafcis that a petty busi ness with pefty p contemptible. ". fits seems to them mmg, I to most oi our readers, . mean i vast sweep of land m Minnesota give up to (wheat;, or a few miles in i Tex: or Colorado- with tens of thousands least, a couple of cattle; or, at the ndred of rich acres in Ohio or Pennsy nia, all of which are to be controlle by the owner's ye, tut with which little to do. I hands shall have Such chances fal to very few. But vomen could culti l acres, growing the br fruit for which how many men and vate from one to te! w . i - - . . a i i Etna oi vesetauio they can find the mtst profitable mar ket ? ; ' Take cucumers for example,; The average crop islfrom 80,000 to 90, 000 per acre. Read) sale for them is found in this market or to pickler's at from $1.50 to $2jpjr thousand. Yet Cucumber raising is ot considered one Ol tne most proniaoioior a trniau iului er. Let him cultivate the finer fruits, ihe berries, the bette class of pears or grapes, if he wants to Imake a marked success and high profit. The finer the erade and crop and the more skill and intelligence which are put into the work, the better it will pay, of course. Flower and herb raising are industries which are only jast beginning to attract notice in this country; they ate espe cially suited for small plots of ground ind for women. A quick wit will find new paths in this trade as in any other. The first man who grew mushrooms in k cellar for this market made a fortune, f Bee-keeping is I another "exceedingly profitable use of a small farm which our people are just finding out, The report of the Bee-Keepers' Association snows that during the seven years ending with 1879 the average yield per pound was nint.v Ttonnds weieht. Twenty-five ma r a nwAd co eacu acre, wux X ' - -v ' readers who well know the the nearest average market vrice of honev in an oar. imak the Tvrobable profit. Poul try raising is a business which on a few acres can be mado to pay wen. j w TOrr,or, o vWnw who. beer inninflr 1 with fan ft nil ar ft' worth! of eflr8. i years possessed forty ytrds of the finest took in the country, waich yield her a ompetency. i j Mr. Gladstone lor inree years um t i7.nrUni nreaaed tttention! to what ean inrmnir nn me huuix lj.wmxxw- is there callecLvilla farming the culti L zu fillal-ilfl rronnd Vr" a n Ismail patches in; tie raising, oi looa anon ot every tnch i luiauio biuuuu upplies. "If,", say-;-a recent uum,w bf the Estates Roll, fevery acre m Jng- to-zi t,ia orofnllv fanned what an lm inense difference there would be in -our imports and exporis returns!" The same argument com home forcibly to ul now when the prifce of every kind of farm product is almcst doubled. I Bnt. artmft! the tinid. what if our crops fail, our bees ire frozen, our poul- try die? Such misrapsare noi uuucij. Failure is probable in every business. The only remedy o (prevention is con stant care and haa wmk. xiKuu-s, and especiallv smad farming, requires nrtbr emnlovmenfe the i - 1 .. .j i-TU -. awtvi r-m (actual personal attainon oi mo uwic-. Tr. CATt in'no ease le done by deputy. That personal careinsured, intelligence Uni innstr-r i will bav. we believe, in this work as well al m any osner. lw T- j - . xi rT York Tribune. f Climate on Plaiits and Animals. A ! nnrresnonAnt of Knowledge, U-fn fmm r!flfl! flolonv. points out T- ' " i . - .. ' . ' x iseveral facts showing the marked influ- nnA of climate on plants and ammais. Plants, he says, i feel, severely the bhange in their nsual habits whfch .a-Aa vdartA whpa thev are transplanted from; Europe o South Alrica.j The mrotor of ' fie Botanical Gardens at Grahamstovh; states that this is mark edlv the cie with regard to fruit trees. The reversal !of the seasons, occasioned by the coange oi atmospnere, oewnuCia th T.lats. which are. m some cases, I - ; .. J n ' X1 - X iL educa-ed " to sucn a degree ma m-j are not ible to survive the shock. The cnly ichince of getting them to grow is bv crraflncr. when they borrow the con- atitutioa of the! tree on which they are grafted, and acclimatize readily. Ordi no-- iHim An on a trees behave very ir- t S IT " J :- W--- - or i Tfiirnlarrv also. 1 Sometimes they will inn ll t nYnnffTi ianmetimes thev die : but the first cuttings never appear to thrive. Evergreens are not affected, j Birds take to the change of season well, j if one may judge by , the few European anarrows which have been introduced F.nroneau dogs generally; die. Irh ported oxen land horses appear to do wellt provided they receive the same t of care which thev experience i.x : i.i-iv.-i - '. h- ac oome. vaw ouiito. A curious fact in connection with in I- stantaneous j phojography ! has lately been noticedj In the photograph of a TroVnVlA drawn bv a trotting horse, all the part? are ! very distinctly shown, ex- cent the wheels, which are less distinct; in their upper part than in the lower. Th TPAsnn is the mathematical One; that the spokes of the wheel have a much greater velocity wnen at the upper pari, than when their extremities are near the 'ground. Feet and Shoes. There is ho part of the human body which has suffered and suffers more from the caprices of fashion-than the foot the female foot esjpecially. Ex cept, however, with the Chinese ladies whose pedal deformity American and European women so ardently strive to emulate we rarely nnu among iuo Orientals any willful disregard of the artistio principle of beauty and utility. as a ruie, n. is w fcuo c awm y for the best examples . of artistio cos tumes, and if there be any exception to the rule; it is not in the matter of the covering of the foot. In contrast with the absurd fashion of the Chinese lady, we have the sensible and generally beautiful shoes and sandals of the Turk, the Persian and the Hindoo. Even in China it is'only the highly born who deform the feet , Xho workinar-womAa there wears an easy shoe, as indeed he is bound to do by the nature of her oc cupations. American working women, or working ladies, as they prefer to be called we know, of course are just as insirteni pn their right to imprison their feet as our women of leisure who habit ually ride abroad in carriages or loll at home inf easy chairs. It is. not possible to find a naturally beautiful foot in aqy country j where Parisian fashions obtain. Every one that is encased in the modern shoe isi' deformed. The second toe, which should be separated from the rest of thd toes, is inclined toward them, and is "seldom longer than the great one, as it should be. All are crushed out of shape to fit into the cruel little leather case which' fashion ordains shall contain them. The artist understands this per fectly well, and when he wants to paint a beautiful foot he knows better than. tt seek! the' lady of nis acquaintance, whose pretty face may have enchanted him, but goes to the east or among the fisherwomen QfBrittainy or Italy, who have never worn a shoe, and there he finds the firm, free, and elastic move ments bf the muscles which the tiny feet of the American belle have never known since in their infantile days they toddled about the nursery. : . ; 1 "The! gestures of children, being aa dictated by nature," says Sir Joshua Reynolds, "are graceful; affectation and distortion come in with the danqing master.?' : This is yery noticeable in tttrning1 out the toes. We do hot say tha.t altogether turning them in is depir able, although that is the tendency 9f nature. But there is a nappy meuium which is seldom rekched. ; Mrs. Merri fiAia. an English writer.! some time ago pointed-out the consequence of turning nut r.nfl toen in ino iumuwiuk jauKunKu "Thelinner, ankle is bent downward toward ! the cround and the knees are drawn inward, producing the deformity called Isnock-kneed; thus thj whole limb is distorted and consequently weaKeneq; ilegs Of 'those who turn f their toe very 'much outward. It must be remarked, however, that women, from their greater breadth of the frame at the hips, ; natur allv turn the toes out more than men. In this point also, statues may be studied unth advantace. Where form is . only considered, it is generally safer to refer to examples" of sculpture than painting vanTn the latter the artist is apt to because m W8 iwi . . ;A-i .-JT t,:a lose sitrhtof the primary object in his is the f sculptor who makes an exact image of a aT.raTii.if hi i i t , nui lwm-.v figure jWhich is equauj ; penw from all points of view, hile the pamtep makes a pictorial or perspective repre sentation of nature, as seen irom one point of view only." Painters and poets, it mav be added, are much to blame lor ' ?-r beatiful muet necessai 1U --.svn-ayainAnt Of tne 18180 lUOtt - , . Smiili fftet and hands, it v r" . r. .uA in SOme n- a fm ata eharacteriBuc in tions; in this country and in the southern lands of Europe, for instance. But a small hand or foot is not necessarily shapely; nor is a large one tne reverse. Beautiful feet we are told, are to be seen in Egypt, especially among' trie female peasants,, whose feet and hands are said to be exquisite. . The same, is true inv regard to the Hindoo women. The lite Jules Jacquemart had a famous nnUoM.tnn of shoes which was parucur larlv rich in Oriental example?. f Art Amateur. Of i A Russian Convict's March On the road to Omsk, just heiore ar- -,vir,rr if. that. citv. writes a correspond- ent from Siberia, we met a numoer oi detachments of convicts, and what at- frat mv attention particularly a small company of distinguished political ex- iles, banished for their supposed plotn tings against the uzar. among uem care seemed to he taken. of these and fhAw.-r watched as though they were Tf vau m y tv a nnmhAr Of VOUnfirnODieS. OPCCiai unusually dangerous. Half a dozen of them Were conveyed in sieigns smgiy, each of them having lor personal Jiari1 RAated beside him an armed sol- dre.rltolwhoia he was tightly chained. -l J -Ttv waa also closely guarded by ft companT of mounted Cossacks,; and j tA sligntest possibiUty of any es- cape, was m-ito muiuvui uuwv tb at chance to be particularly promi . i ;., . irinrt - la irinai cxry i nent and dangerous are almost invari ably! forwarded to their destinations under this close surveillance and rush ed through by night and by day as fast as the swiftest horses can take them. ; ; Ulema isa word that frequeutly occurs the dispatches from Egypt.! it is f? piuraijor me I wwu learned man. I 'Ulema" is the coUec4 tive name of the body of learned men in Turkey. - In a general sense, - uiem-i are persons who are learned in both law and divinity. They consuuue uionuu. body in Constantinople, whose iuncwoa 1G IS wawu up - tation lof the Koran and the right appli cation of its teachings to law and polity I Tbd head of the ulema is the grand muftVor Sheikh-ul-isiam; next w ,uiu come the Kaziaokiers, of whom there is one1 for Egypt and one for Asia; the third class are the Mollahs, the superior judges of the province and after - them are theCddis and the common Mnftis. j Prisoner, this is the third time this vear that you have appeared before this i Whati has brought I you here aVf tU V 1 r - a nit iiTflLA 1at 01V f . j- ' A Shadow. 'In perfect love i perfect trust, : Bo guys a maxim old ; , . And yet the saying is rot jast, When all the tale is old. There never.yet a love was born Into this world, witt out . j A Bilent shadow on its lawn . The ehadow of a doubt. , .! -.1. . 1 . , - : j : A shadow which is eca recly e eoD, And yet as swiftly flies, ' " As objects which may iomq between Oar vision and the skies.' And vanish, leaving ixa their track No token and no traic, . i Nor ever in their paths turn back To mar the day's swket graco. , .. ! ' lJut through, the shadows that are past. Through all love's wavering donbt. The perfect Sratrt shall dawn'ais hr To cast the snaaows oui. ;,. - 1 .. ... .i :. ' Throueh darkehincr clouds, which averbrood. The sunlight shall appear, " , - And lovo'a transcendent interlude DUau Damsu cvorjr ii. ITEMS()F INTEREST. Two thousand Clioctawolndtans still live ih Mississippi. , There are eleven hundred and Sixty;- five lawyers in Bostbn. 1 !i There are five States in tho South that cannot boast a. brewery. ! i About one-tbird 6f the rye crop of tho United States is grown in Illinois. . It is said that lb, 000 men are now employed in railroad constructioh in Florida.. , . f . Tri Sonrhbamntoii. Virinia: there is a child iormed very much like a frog and partaking of the amphibious nature oi tnai animai.. ; ; rj , . i j The total annual JWlaction of sugar, in the world jssaidpto be 5,820,000 tons, of which the United Utates4 or rather tho State of Lousiana, ; roduces only 125, 000 tons. . i ; ' ; ; Henry Clay's old Ashland hbinestead, after two generations, returns to his . family. It has been purchased ,by Major Henry Clay McDowell,T huband I of the granddaughter of the great states man. ; .- " . : '.; ' The extent of Ibe manufacture of . oleomargarine will doubtless surprise the ordinary reader1, and perhaps alarm r the average housekeeper. upwaru oi $5,000,000 worth was made in by four establishments j in New city alone. . '. :j . i! ; ' 1880 York Th lakes, and bonds of California, according to a recent, census bulletin, cover an area of sixteen hundrod square miles. Tulare lakf is the large-it ibody of water lying wholly within the limits of the United StateW. It has an area of 8ix;nunttrea anaiiiir(", About 70,000 acres in Great Britain are under hops, land the difference between a good and an indifferent crop means millions sterling. A good crop realizes half a ton to the acre, and this, at $25 per cwt., amounts on 70,000 acres to 817,500,000. A blighted crop (there ia mnMi hlii?ht this vear) may be esti- matfid on the same basis at but $700, 000. I 1 HUMOROUS, nirln. UlrP onrortnnities are al the more to you after being embraced TJiat's what beats me," remarked a boy, as he passed a pile of shinglesl Clergymen ! preterm to discourage, lying, and yet ask wjmen their gts. A crusty old bachelor says he thinks . its a woman, and not her wrongs.? that ought to be redresseji. . j The high price of meat does not effect the consumption of hash. Thftwa articles never did depend on each other much. ' j - j . r "-j I really believe my wife thinks I'm only half baked," said a sad-faced j man, "for she always gives me a warming when I come homeJ ' ; 'Tk I'a nnf. rnnflidered good form to ask ; a young gentleman with a fob ribbon if he is aware that the end of his suspend er is hanging below ibis vest, j ; ; Confidential: 'A- lecturer . is telling tiXXnto wa hear. " It 'is easily told. ftnmAbodv tells a friend ol ours, friend oi ours, anu tells him not to ten; that s tne way.wo near. i Harrowing Tourist "I ; say, mi owT a n vnn know the way to liar jjQ8tic (contemptuously) "The way to arrer j D'you think I spent nigh on fort- yearS on this 'ere iarm, auu uuuu u frt ofrr?' " . .. how to 'arrer r: As that poor man in New Hampshire died of smoking, 1 don-r. anow ought to press you to take this cigar, said a visitor to a reporter. V1"1 accept it," said the scribe, as he reached for the Victoria, a siraoger tu paper offices, adding ''A fellow who haiwritten up deaths from arsehic in wall paper, from chicory n coffee, from 7; i ' -hAia and from inhal- f"wfSl die a. natural death." The Rothschilds Ouatnt Birthplace. ; In the ancient city of lW the-Main is a tall, many-gabled house, which for years has stood gaunt grim and empty, with closed s butters.! The house wPas the cradle of the Bothschilds and tne uiriuy"w v T-- left the paternal roof to become n :t -o.fcro nf TRnrone. 10 the this hSuse. his elme Rothschild, in 1770, brought home Gudula Schnapperrhis young wife, .nd in the lower story this smart btmnew . man carried on a Uvely Mo ly old coins, jewelry, and antiquities of all kinds. But the foundation, of e ness of the family began in ISOL-wheD, oS the death of the Landgrave Will IX Meyer, who had been his banker, 52 operate on his owi t account with the large fi hU hands. Meyer died m TO but his'widow refused to 1a nA TAtnained in the old houuntfl her death, in 1819. at the a era at ninetv-six. Since then the nouse his remained uninhabited, and will Boon be nothing but a memory. 1 1 i. J' V - l: - f