-' . i -'. . ' . '. . . -' - - v ' ' i ' ' r". : ':. ': . . ! v . ' . -v . -'T ST" I - , - t ;A X : ; ' . ' 1 . j . - . V 1 , . ' ' : ' X . :' ' ' '- ' . " X' ' .' ' "x ' . , ' '' ' - ' : . :v'V 1: 'V'; ' . ":- K - ..V ."I .' '.-- , . x-:x . . . - . . ; f ' - . ' . . i.xxu-s.' x ' " 1 & HEAP, Publisher. If i-i i w VOL. 1, BAKERS VUJLE, "Nif 0.,v KRID jOJi; j VE MBER5 j 1880 NO. 7. V 01C9, Ji GHEAP; Proprietor. The party is jubif where you mOhtf ajt tim.zxvd&aA bolts which, held tlie j and out sight of ns tcr a m6m.tj the bed timber! But, U19 cattle and Uiys. leaped. the smiling fates Happmsignk SS f" "ie ,n "I rn:f -ciTr i.i ;fiar." . , . iThls'hligU' thick; wall; stoppe, .the l ihe electionJpa?d. of tol woret&en feet below the case-i u;, tnaescruiimgt ana waxea us au HUDAY, NOV. 5. 1880. Entertd l IA Voitoffict i HahtnciUe tr-rWi a second-dust matter. : - . -.- -..:: :. .r. X :'X r. . . ably quiet an4al&$$tiii voi 11 parties ipoiieu uieir juu strcngth.r:-t 1 Mitchell Cmm sends greeting I JARVIS, ,aud , urges, .himCto- adopt a strictly S A T iTTSTE DIET, 6p even the nld clowir, a' id the Mt4'iwIiisci rear, j My jasnars laliia tuef oegan to nqwl f ai4 btbre -''dc, ' a hard mat. terjtT rmaage fifUfiv though; y.H alatiainiiiied Xpre it',r4iktt a Trogan,"1 at' fittet. and haMl16irrcr.'; It d one ut hwgt1 moruingsy and he twas i tftxaiy wajtea up as y eu Air. , substituting for Nb'.f 3 'Mackerel. pob loretmuxt came Bp jirry , uurea were inectt- wp lire c ii;e from tearing cleanjpff the', bot-. toin woikS'Juifeg leverp in the woot1T SJSout f al pried f the lore wneeis aa. "z--Mt The forward vauii -ahd cages were driven two or thr bond red 3-ards ; and then ten 'spankr horsas wure hicched to th stilled) cage, : to haul it oMbuie riinBry. ?lkfu Knes, an :i nMay nuns ran ir; pray- w8 or ner own beloved child. Tb '.jZfxt moroing'we 'iacedtbe cage ing fr '.reaT orV.rriiion TThey doU tfirown tpen. TU .-bt'' upilosetoihstatde dor,? then pull- even cry lrd; revive tri , and are strtRanied forth npon tbe anow and J t4iedo)r8iJ: and Jaid aTi inclined lewa .aytif plants nri to the cagcldodr. wavsrnehrer tbiA the1 are Tto them-1 ,1 tChafiivi. for ChriaL lr r latfeii ihen.goi 4C,'b..pH'ejVs (jiuitei Ire-MimoWA tie 'vonth, . ' ' dashed out at the bars wtera tteiaHpftta! wortdtley cannot see him . e ka b iddeii.tctnter -''The siMi ' ooe in; j liiti insteof 'onnif ng bdtiiof tbat-.e was. penlttJihdlipngry imi'-bbttiv ni,e.dd-ltoyivcr'-'go den change to the warm room tbreir dor ;e. laae';Uinee( us.1 bi pljurig;UrfoJee4-lii;: !coaxinGtei back; into ont to look afyrjtfcelr ;prayrs.k If bini ino a faint. The care of Ursa. thrpjigltfht laW fence ;ar.d ran ross ttJ f bushel -or ots; ryr lay-nbe pjous ThiUiamite" tk .u.act gaxu?rea wwre. , arciy rnantea aqaa,rt of Deans .tney it are UHenapu people used to call her 'swpe't miiofis Hnd-'piled 'beanaV Avnft-jarner. fue oj: j.ju.ue, smasnua a )rt6 nd 'got idto ttie road. 'i i his old black back;l,ftr. dowu j this "1 bad v and Juat ahpyf the iuedeH In the ; door-yard. of. the: farnvtiooe, sLobdsomf ;boj9 ant 'r'o ';Ruf'J women folks, all with 1- tneit! f uiouthu Tally.74: forBob U Vance John BlalocE Eobinr V Cock IT NEVER EAINS .BUT - ! IT POURS.: 1 '-. , " - ! : N IRANBiyiC- :-r-0omixx DEMOCRACY DEAD. OLD MQH AM.MKD'' rOpi TUE , - - VAihATII. r. V , ' It was the, morning we moved from Ihe town of N -IP aftr exhihitin;; there the prerto'us oviiing. ,1 well re member what a hot forenoon we had ; 1, ... .... j i tha! whole week was scorching ; it was :Julj;51l$V ; That was the season ver with the baittWthelllp 81 i hired as dri- Q , and W- -. They started Ubnvof; thenole,, but at tue fireCtwlVibe greAtIght the tinge, brute, Ty7ng:2amst tae sjle of the bars'lcaifsed the rupes,'tot)reak'. The horstfs'falfly hauled the , bottom of the cage out fiom under. Old Mo- i hon.uied, and lie il led over and land ei in v, The suell of the fresh ground seem ed to revive him. He gave a' grnnt and legaii to geVj, up. .'At . that the men at Uie leverS'caiue running up in to the road ir nt Hfly .,way.;-' The fact wawe w&re all afraid, of the bril:MXX:iM.j '?X He had fitrtbhtitn1pe,once In. a scared' therecoiildn't one of them, bad ever tena rlHnose- Jout; looking td see if they are coming revive! t 1 ro marks. Tbei;,wereisome;xcitg - re. ttunogh the 'gMrijid,'3 .They.jbelieve.'in rbejaxt' jrljlf good ftiod nourished' him Its j was put awayjn bsd, aiut good: people looked opon hisr t he res n rreqtiotfs ' "The inside qt that static was a sjigpt seem to , expect to bVseeni lleihad kitledwuTiiorsesT Word. "Awiik4. mistrs ought to open, but ' so one of ttiem so much as shout, i T looked ' back ' and !saw 'the two climbing that .apple-tree, lii acrobats just coming . out , in sight dWn't : tfl in : any . cllin Y down in the. rasture. One'-6f itta-m .. .. 1 ... . - , had tbe old Jfubiuu on hisack car rying him, and the other was running a neaa wu n msuwooaeu eg. a 'oyrTin wired and . fifty dollars paid tiie damages there, and twenty five dol- ars pyjac inc iarm-uouse wuere kjh Storiatnmd had sinfislied tt(e gates. . 1 alwaysjuiougut me pretty suoi have something; for ut he outh's Companion X-:- .' ' " " - - ' - " t HTT:A'Tl nxMTTO T7-KTTT?C! effect, aud :nev presence as on eomidal sight; indeed .-:!) ;We sauted and motioned to them J pruen ljefo the B of Pnila. stead of harvesefs.. : MenayerieTk then; popular collection , while ; fiey na4wTttDttJ bcth bis THE HANDSOME of z.M.lOiiical wonders. I Twas. the summer ! ''waff nineteen' years old. -I snail never, foret howi bard we'haxl to work There was no, getting au hour's sleej) 7frra - Monday . morning till Saturday nlghtSunday was Uie only time e exected to sleep. " This was the thinj weekXof our cir- co.lt. thronglt tbyrnrg, ditrkiW v It was sdventeen mi las from X- where we up to the vila''';-of B were uiea ;-lor mat aiternoon 'and the ravine. ev.ninir. ' . : The route we took -was f he" 'old country. road between .the.two plaxv ''v bVarSmj dxnjndju wal lowing in- a n3udie.-,v 3 -..j ; " -Meantime MH -H1 bad:mn back or brseeper a lame NuBTari. named Artei them came the Hons caere the I After me 250 POUNDER HURRIED BE TE ATH THE rnrTTt n Tf A T J,!. XXT """"0ephTOrasone of the, vans V Ul4 UJT ."-it Jud-J it" ,ej. VJi if .vf4 J a-riamaibadSi NORTHERN . STATE. PAREWLL mr. hancock. 1 - STATE RIGHTS. TARIFF FOR REVENUE ..FjONLY. tigers arid the pair of jaguars.. drove' thti jajjuarsV ciue c:uoe4 iwlsytty cagfl iwyi'vtb'iiyi euas and lHpards; and next behind that, Old Mohammed," the black rhinoseros.- ' . X--.. ' ' " He was a fearfully heavy ;-.'brUteu" They had four very , ladp&Jbeise on 1 hat bige, and onYJa rByiiad six.. A fellow . named 7JeiBf WhUenead orovc it.- Hw those horses sweat "Gone.1 wh'ereJ tEe ; woodUne ingl hat ,morn 5: i-T ... i v: ' 1 .1 eat that ,ino: Behind came - the ' caraT4'4iTrdl;tlie caes of monkeys and other animals There was over treVtyJ te and vans in all. . ' 4i HALLELUJAH !! ouradvce nt.htwK? - . , - r - old road for' iw instead o( the new " Lute-Garonw pike, on account of a long bridge on the latter. - There -was always a hard time "cttin aid Hambal I lin;: across a d4m; to cross the fields, then ran down thft ioad after, the rhitoseros. p , Xo ,There was i a k stone ; wall oni both so, ana lie to eo over ana jantiT,' r i,-,, t. . 1 . . v-, - , v. v s;despT the road, for as much as :a , dirt andJeaves beneath. -1 j 'lvJ ' ' 1 ' t: ' ' ,' 1 -.r . . , " , 1 quarter ol a mile. , i :; i.-Ani ; " Tfis 'animal ran as fast as he dtiiitd. grunting savagely j to himself :, Uiis head was up for a fracas, ' i , j (Joining .along . where - tliere .was a little Ted school-house, h8 turnexirjf ami ran aiouna tnat.: . . ... : -; - ' It was bear nine o'clock, ! As many as ' twenty I or. . thirtyri 'children V were pfaA'ing .hi the yard ; and a. little way b';low, we saw tlie school ma'am 'coin'-. ing up the road with her parasol and btxjkV ,t Tliere wis 1 a y screeching among the children,., such as I never eajd I .bey all fled iftto'the 'school' bouse and hid. under the: seata; ana thV sphool-mistress ran out to the side ..i n v vi. i- ;?:. j . ii - . . : v .."- v . r . of the toad, and ill medf to iue : top Qj theall,:;;', S'XXXI , fcnt stood there watching; ,t)ie rhi noseros '- go around the scliool-house, anil" wlven be started down - tufe.road toward her she dropped . books and f t ; t. . .- . t ( ' .1 - - ? .V' ' ! 1 parasoi, na i almost new vuwi nose beroauort down br else .bfi would bave ripped hiifcage; to pieces.; One would harHy believe tfiat, a cre' ture so large; 'and unwieldjrj could fce'' so sriteful.-J---'';r'rV2i--: . i 'J ' We thought-i4ras inclined ; to rji tack the hon-ie at 'firs4lidt ne fetejia ed one of his bortibTe gTuntjraiid d'iv r, r Kind words ' fed: Iis 1 .A - e, 1, Tiiey ar- always 1. i ; Another a. ns-,. prayer. c without for:.tbe.:i'8innen But tiiey .baviiever-sp'ofce tki onq tx see wiiethcr tbetr prayers' ' had .; any fcn . oehaved in , their they cared j whether v wmterj verdue -under the toucb mt The Kev, Dr. Allen in his plea for nature, Dili theviooayv nothing from the a4 ihe thou that sleeps t lef pinW face .they ; were won by it. dead, and Christ anqUnsthe anornlns? otfVrpl th ' uome. j in! that . borne the scholar mid awoke, ere wl "blnfcu i spring. iTbif agaih. as so often "manVer treinitj" Was -God's opportuattj(!v Tb0 egle. wings were spread beneath thd fledgling. God piovide4 for bia "ijr Jtbey cared i: whether child. j Gcjd opened the duos tbat' were savp fJ or .not.- ; They are way ovjer whicb, in afteryenrs, Luiiier like some preacNrH,1 whtf tbi Ak they wa. to fsvalk, leadjing with him a hoaa of were only inaltetki be wheats '-drills, in- God's elect - ' uour-T-Iet the wearv. the diacuB ann arise tror t : ! will give thee 111 beggi ng. aiid nllwirj's poor .class -never finislh putting in pMt delphiai recently; in sessjon,2lfcreft;rred to thVnrahner of tbe deathof Living stone,; and mi Others are iufodful to' pray ;fer the aged, tlie donbtiug, the sore afflicted asion 20 I All OCCI church, but neverj let an ps in tne pastor. i 1 ...!. 4 1 there was a. large brook iiljthe bed pf sfn )naf Climate ora ut one leg, ' (hough "be commonly wore a wooden one ; and now be was nearly stationary by rea- IC1UOIU-. r three other fellows, came tugging Yussep along. But the . rhinoseros wa,s gone when iliey -came up. i . r s jFollow him!" S -- shouted to ttaJ "keep nim in sight. Take ropes ah axesf ;pont loose sight of him. That beast 4. worth $40,000." ' V CTTJiel fellows took our places with tbe.bories, am? tlien three or fiur; of S4 dri Vers gate 4base after Old ilo hanaoVj'whie'loo behind us came two. acrobats,, brins hold of the limbs and climed intuuthe tree -X and as we; fV'aatf liisnj sight . a r ; . ;'. - i I by to stick pi arte n nprt.inent ana I J 1 powerful? application thereof to the tf W JHty . - f d sd(e8S -frl . ' XA . ti t They are on their, knees occasionally us that tbere; was another application . i i- v . r k i . ... . ; . . : s - ,.,.fbut areauer tlif. pastor in season and as perwfleiino tue wuuuhuuu nuiuu . . j t . ... ., .t. i a.,: the church ss sometirres found. Ihe CQmforted In. the thought that Gi anik tbat ! he is the livprl-.t.nrr- . -t , - of last hours, of -livingstone were spent ui prayer,4jj3 last breathings were ! freighted with ;dcsirei and. jthanks oivifiiis;' This was: his habit, and his servants never; disturbed' bim-"in ' this sacred 'seryicje, in which ..he. had. be come to.theni"80 much an4 object of reverence. irYheu the last painful and tiresoitelday had been reached, belorejie would lie down to his last sleep he kneeled in prayer, and as the .time became so unusually long his servants became" uneasy: But kfvl lio wnS in the .Al.r, litudu of devotion with his upturned face to heaven! . Again they looked, and "again his apx)earance restrain iU ;'he intrusion. W nen at; last jxney roke over the restraint of .that up turned face and touched him but are after the pastor in season and i out of season ; or; if not acting as 'couiiter-irritantoni his. feelings r ibey add to the ptingencV of that adminis tered by somebodtoJse. Their A robe of righteousness 1 s-E ; ; patchwork; N of scalps. Tbev are the big Indians' of the i Spiritual tesen atipn-bot : "dead on their kneeS. ClifMInn Italy Kceptlcs. a Liberia! Sir, that gle r H semi-theological social in Ebs- ton k ingqlar statement was made by . Tho accoinplwhed writer,. jtgginson, said that h toted unng many years but one sirv- ever evangelical Christian had npoTien to liim on the subject t Der religion.. One of the orthodox sonal 1 j grayer is not all mouth it has ears TH peaeving in the sincerity of to hoar npftd: and irv to wW lhe! rebuke, confessed afterward that it is, and feet td run to " its relief : and it has pockets as .well, into whach we often have to look for its answer. Presbyterian. .' . ' - -:- X YOTJNG LUTHEB- BY HEMtY C if cook; ae rebuke, confessed afterward that ia I'frp of the Master might weir blush to hear such a oharge ofdereSc tiop bf dutj. ; It may be that the re mark of ibis well know sceptic was in teni4d tti- rally the orthodox for thefr trre.iihc.VriA UnTver5aiist scholar once itokt th wriier. "rr T . i. ! i ' -i r in ivur licreed f wnnM mn nn .. i i i - . ...... .... mm kii . ! thei streets, down warning all I appfe-tree whicSt out in the field; Ioun)y the guest' goiie; aiid only the" SheiLlesed ;voV i .a1 j ' '?There is nothing sjeeter du eartl) tbt'y than the heart of, a woman .. in widt h inging Y ussep, who waft ; try wg4call the rhinoseros, screaming, illakaud ! Mahaud ! tout 1 Lute Gammon-' and I were ahead.- From ttlie brook - we, tracked the ani mal tbrbujl tt second growth of poplar, and cherry- for nearly' half a bridge ;, but littl cauirayl-mjie, A and came close up with him as we were pas sing through a long piece, of , woon.j slieep feeding. 'Ah ami, where there he I onf rir mo yT Ilia 9 oi ravine on the lower side of the rosd. set irLone of his .hideous roars, and A littie ra --.came aowiv nom ine up:ins per side and crossetlrthsViaif tee.i&Q usewav was ' only turee. or fand But th cau four planks in width. ea iflwara tpem ;gana me in si ant ugntsjgiypiBim, lue sujera and cows bawled and ran. On the .lower i 4.U THE RECENT ELECTION SHOWS EXTRAORDINARY' REPUBLICAN: Cr A IN b. r p, bridges and. those over sniaU -broukJ be 4irt-,throngb a brua-'i hedge f nto a a r mum 9X9 Wei fUTf S !T About eiht o clock we were pas- iiead of cattle and a lot Of cosset KEXT PBESiDEMT: . .." . . i ' 90Tn KOIlSES. OF CON GRESS REPUBLICAN. Showing conclusively that tne people raiena , me pan that saved the nation shal rule and govern it. sbo oli herself and craves the ticket! onty . can gain over the rfeadon: bis knees ! This is i.iviug- iawf1' a wej'ran pakriiV jst the t:of.hW,li2utdr cburcliV A 3 blessed 4aiti- bbus nri among tbe leaves, 'mdre.thart twentv Jeet rlroui the around; pillow. sheererrot'8d b'igi,': or tiow'she'e-ver got aown, again more nian ;jl Jtnojy L A way went Old Mohammed after f I 1.1 f lf-P 47S A Be of 302 vote oC76;. 4fttii.!LUi;:ticketr' elected witli majorties ranging from '" " T TXT nAimnan 'WOI filsAtivHDviluil - . ui tAiui,. "1 wnoia wtf side of tbe.road b.ft,ever-the rill had4 them. hs'( stryiick-fflp-.hrt lymsy gallop gbeajftus quite apieepj npu unaen tliatUJidof tbe bridg,-A t noticed the planks cracked a lit tle as I drove across. " ; . , Lute Gammon, tihe driver aheadof me, noticed it tor.. laughed. As long as it cracks, it holds !" he called; baok tpie; qt sing otit4 Jeff to keep ireiTto the upper side ! r -J ihouted to him. But Jeff was nodding, half. If not quite, asleep. . Hi horsaa. wcreplodding on about as they" t-bos'e ana when The forward wheels of Old Afobammed's cage rol led on to the bridge, the y ' seemed to J cut through those old planks Just as if it iere cheese. . i X -si ') The'oagiaave a'lazy'sort dfffreb over and tipped down into tbe wash-cuVp-arfly dragging the' "bind iriin after it. ' .X ' I '' i: j The rhinoseros was lying down. Thirty ior forty . rods , f nrther' along, the rohd tbrnM, '-itiWJzrf thetuxn there was ..a vtwopstory i;taver6f. and stable lA nianj .Vai fexercts horse in the open yard,; with; a long baitci1: .Old Mohammed rnade a'claib at them and gave one ol hts horrible TokrUj ' Away went the ! horse, tall ' opt . . ,Mf't-'i.l S.vi VU ... j dragging tpe man a.ixer , nimt. au rair beadlbng thrmtgii the open ;oof! Into tliesliaLlei liere ibeie stood j two; or three lo0-r!gies. H: ' ? T 1 a LateHaud.jutrnq,.fAe.crQe; 4jnst in time 4o see Mir - beast, plunge;into the Ubte(Vf':em.T'V dorse .squeal- avieartui -cry 1 i nen anbtbersue bp ana slama to tne tns aonr. n ! J '-Buir "there is ' mafi?fii:thc're''r, ft "Let ;bim climb I vsaid; Lute ' . pufc ting logs lor props ,gaiuf; ho, owor. waS -a horribre ; noise 5 of and. .squealing inside.-, -A ittle bay-dcor, bp" over-; the big' door, pop openandbul; leaped the man, bareheaded j,j yn j., j r Out came tbe.yem-keeper himself, shoutingVjolttf tbe. mattwf. What's rtbe matter beTe?'?:irr;!l Xfih j Ltfc ilzWe triett to lexlain..n "Bat. be U l,here; vino p ot -T rtageiff Hw-psstureinime to see those cattle jump the pasture bars into a lane leading to a blirnf.kitl1n Iwrser yenet.Le tavern 'abpUtTA hundied rods off. i&math ! went Old Mqhammed after jtlieTnuthroqghJtlie bars saw the. There were three boys hoeing corn' m a field jast south of that lane. They dropped their boes and leaped lipqp the rocks iW WtflOnishlng sighy When Old Mohammed went tbroug the bars, they ran and shouted Boys and cattle ran for the barn to-, gether. I never saw hoys run so, rhlnoser s "wonfeT stfike down some of them before Jheygy to the b,arxvyard. Vrt;rieiwaslclb8ef rienino! them and at about M eyerjtJvjse leaps h? would draw out one of bis frightful roars. S f? fffhVmdiiWi P&HW:. tUUfiey. after Wgbbj.. ht, against the lower aide : would Sll bawl at. once. Into thteTmith s shop. Tbe show bad gone on in, some way, go' that 1 barn.vard iheh all weht i' foil femnV on to B r. iThey exhibited ; with keepetv'ttie dc i rXpubfd him: back- 4,.rj ohoi ! -nTUe mran fofbis gnoJMAx:u ; , ?Ltttle hVU mine yO0thof gnn r. exclaimed 'Lutev1 Cool OirBlt furl damages;' re In a. fc min atesi Ihe1 acrob ats came But "not Si rig coHild be done., JJven old x ussep aiu, nor aarergo,in now. The br ate - .had : to bavej time to tire himself down and - get over his ' triad fit.;Huis'u' fej. J.'o Jui-'jl ..-411. i'l.H stood on -guard all the rest Mof. Who'wiU'in the, next - prayer-meeting icfTowwd nighty Mi Siisent ihe tfiemf 'VKos riot oe surprised to iff. : jj jii'iiLL.rLj tiii.'it ..Jv'r' hi.j cageirouiia. j vicua gos repjureft, j Qnd ieMswiaesa,iiw,, o-r nd 4mo8g f taev: ey ergreena ; -oi, u tridulo tie found in at' His eolnmji inpat blessed .io1 itionjtolea ve. the tabernacle;. in at our -departing i ; ;. c But there is 'nothing certain in; at fiiiidSiTheserricos must always 04 deermtued Jy-' the spirit-! that.' dir Jbcts and :sanctilies nd ..'gives value W. Jhem ;i Formalists,"; Ritualists aid oriVention alist s are 'dead on their rfnrees'r J ; Attitodes are of. themselves tlVcepn's; It' is the easiest thing imaginable to say the ) Lord's - Frayer and not ihink seri6usyiof God from begiriiiing'tpHii "Deadon her kfiees'7 'if possible! arid f even 1 ptoba ble to the Church. Ti)is'explainsthe w brthlesnes of much prayer. This is not croaking; v but ;an unwelcome fact; and one; jn which-the church has not only a porpor ite )ut .an individ ual interest To tbe church of Sardis. He that bath the seven spirits, of God.aud the seven stars," j .said, ; J know thy, works, and that thoii hast a nametthat thou livesfe and art dead.' "Dead on bis knees,". Prayers fere the exhalation of . death when they j arp tint madfc operative bV the peti- tWuar.. son naa oiten neara nis fatherinL family, devotions and in pnblio pVer-meeting pray with great empnasis, -ipiny; a.ngvin. v' andpl'ediiig:!IsoTo-God to, g;ye to ... ..l ... .i.i' .-'." i l."' ' -IJ his OBi.the fcu)gao.ma-.oi : . row .; wona f At . bis ; bferitae. ; and the . uttermost parts of the earth for bis inherit ance ; outVbe'ijaa'cOTS'tlv'- observed fbat ga ve but Ke ; erest pit tn'nce4n!:c'oraparisoo; to;;is vwealth. and to tbis iahd said j one;dav.i when lis father" was elaborating the ustial excusej'f tQergive me the keys of the safe ; I want - to carry ( - out your trayer ior. ymii ? . uverhcard ; Jouu all my life; praying for; that, and you have grown itch- - . . vmma Irian since ana you give; uw when ' youl were poaK and I think' it is fjjriie to ive -more or say " loss." toead upc bis kuees. Alas Ik how many many t are j; there tnus. aeaur piety dwell.'' . This beautiful , utter ance is Latlmr's. It was bom of. a touchiiig expijfinece of bischifdhood. John LiitlfCr, Lls,fathcc,; a miner and 'smelt e r of ore s, .-, coiuunved a strong desire to eiucate liis, son, . Too - poor to pay fr yoohig;' Martin's "education, j ihey j leiit. i to lmj met, J ra the, members-of bis -own aer be'doubtless the (1 rut.. is iKaFivA. bfyrBi the tcrafh to come" plied would him with jbeing twite, and aHompt to, place 'hirri in a. lunatic asvlum- ra.Uir hM beed to bis snmmons to w But the more likely idea waa ly tbat 'their faith in tbe orfbo- dox cjeeiijwas only a balf faith that dubtless -honest tlir he 3et venturea to .sena, muxi professiorij but that m the final result celebrated .school l Eseiiacli, tnvsting Cbrif tianllehftriahpil' - ust tjUatjfomehow the infinite mercy - ef Jebbviih Would orovR fir mn. ; ; ft" - " mm mmm W than Hi thxeaXenings or creect would imply. ! jor his" support, to the. occasional jhfJj) of friends "a?.d the cliarity which; foc- cordiug to tiie cistom..of thoe times, lenient was beViowcd more or less freely op- men's - " ' ' .-v .' ' t -'' . on poor students., j. Pur generation . bus improved upon r The; maa who carries an extr a hand. me oiu mtjuioci iiiitetxi, out it quite Hercniei snouij oe very careful how as- true to day as three centuries ago, he ioaks iti W lady to put 'over her that ed.irction,.espltany all higher hafr in '4 sihower. The olher day' a educatiop yi beneficiary. - Norj'Bo'rd , rather ypuiig. good humored married of JiducatiQii" threw '.its fostering care gentlemanl saw a younr lady irettini around the jhdignenjt Gonnan -scholar J caughtj in in storm of rain 4wl ahe but the - same, thoughtful;', charity which finds organic action and ' utter ance within .'modern Boards enfolded ouiig Luther, anl-gaye the world its great llefocmerl This is how it came about. ; :. A. v.. ;-- .; r' '. : ? Driven fortlt by - hrinccr - Martin asked jhiii in that confiding; manner which! girls have toward gentlemen who. are half bid enough to be their1 fatberiLj Whether he could not lend hern'sexra handkerchief to tie over 1 her twnty. dollar bonnet. He yrbip ped out thf handkerchief iu an instant ber dear (cemetery. ;AXX -A.A- As But another class to tie oyer'roy hat or it will be ruined cost you I twice as and ii will much as tb (N.Y.'.Ieraild; ' Barn bra pome mailA that at other woman's hat will. would jo;n i 'scbool-fellp'wsn -lng j anl bekl the ombrella over nie naaij wDiie sue tiea the haadker. hief oer W bonnet and under her not .rareJy received a r)ne" hsnh chin.v i"us1t about that time another and insulting: word. Often he left lady camel jaJoris arid said ?Hih,n.i tue streets nungry ana weeping, uub ut n ; nave your extra handkerchief eveniiigr, when .. a high . wind rFas ainro&d jnd; suof ., filled the airy be found bitneelf, after three ;; successive repulses, before the door of Oonard Gotta, on St Geoige Square. was on his wa3' to his lodgings to spend the bitter lugbt fasting. 77 .W bo shall doubt what JI and lit' was that held him there a little spare, and - touched his heart to i rig one song :, morel? These afe the WQrds he aarig V ' :FoXes .t their hoi ea have gar,, j -. v Every bbd uuto it nest; 1 , . j. But I wander here altmei; . : " ; And for me then- is no rest.!?. ' J.'. ;v Inside the v-' hotisc Conjrad Cbtta plajOJ his fiuwbile ; Ursula . ..hi .(: . r.. bought the most treubTe- of bis1 life when be bought letter." Texas eixoriBnges clatm ijbat the oysters off their coast are,' without exception, the fines in the world. ; What is and has Bamum. the: Democratic issue now? T The party has thrown up every thing f etaken itsself to next lift - be peopiw wh' wife, prepared the . evening : meal. Perhaps the strain of . the r.fluter-Lui ther's favorite I instrnrnent bad arv rested bis ; footsteps and awakened his song, f The. flute ;wa silent within while ; thVe wejet Child votce filled V4bf winter air ith melodyf -i "A fine, v sweet voice 1? said Conrad "pity it should be Bpoiled by use; In I usual "A child's Voice, too,'? said Ursula, q bop whAAA hAirt wu tender bv the recent 1 larger tats cossinj r- 'I' 1:-' If Barmim can find a respectable Democratic newspaper to father his Will perhupa find a few rill believe it. 5 Jlowa ia said to hae a vast gracary this fall ? twicet as large a .surplus crop is about' 25 per cent season than it was last. IK- II i V are on their .' ; '

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