:ty - vh yym :: Li tin E; XvIe E It L Y i E DO OFFICE -08 rJtilUH tiTBEJT4 The WEElOiY HEDGKK U furnished ; - j - ttub3criuerg at;one , dollir and! fltty cents per copy jier uiuutxu Iijviriabl;7;r.-- i lit nuiMi'c. m nil rt Pi ri mmmm n m i lvr,,W nquni "latiou. c.fc . ' il tr'iif .'V! f if. . 1 . "hik - a' THI Till Ml- inM, t w ual)iiTijn. The jtide Was t weaUnt 4 uy ot in nfetgh Irfir, snl, thtlefcr, coald V well inl tb cipt4s k !v is W 01 1 hii If rager reaoUf : prcejed - at fiwt oiii, ipsrhiTTwIij; Kit lav sbijtji-irttic f c it about the sjkH hV.tn.3t Via: hnrae, s.4de.froni fi prida ijyli in ill arrange- iSatB. -' 1 i '.4-';v ' " j j; v: . . v I Oue mtw thuj cliil it; fqr tHe ae of his itailiier, Alices hi only hlld, who was as deur to him , as the j le rJ5& eya . . '. I i -trr-rJiex was from. the fact tluit um weiil be vond the confines own estate!. , wiv years llfore r onr story hetf'rhade liim , a cripple Jor I Confid thui atF hobe he turned la atteiiloa tu-. Ids' i$imediattRU'rJ Clnvall' though he was?, mncrh of is "ti"te i as apen t out of doors. ;H;1: QMUght&r 'wis Almost ever by. .Ijisideloi ;.;aniorc t;V';l or lov ngchUii, a fktVfjr'ivas never blessed .ith. ; !- 1; ' ' Mfr:-'; .. ; x Shj' wry be!i;itifuV i:id icam Itslittd. , N I? ji had been sured V thft Juilire'V iitticf her mt the j;?witi;i bhe- was' detiiicd tu " j rThi . i f, he lac'tl, thai tr e ! Juilge was utalttv, aha tiih his lulv I'. 'j; ougULjiernanieroiiS suuprst i Viost of t.'l cm. i hatLiy'r) i t. inucn to i ae r t V ; .ho a!thiudrh he wouTJM h- aiciaie, ner cto.c almost tvm-1 v rted from he :vo srentlemen had Uuh jiot drtva y omidier: slds even ilthe deirf to'jdo so. - -; v. ? "r ' Bathcreie SGslduo t in thei r:.at-: ntion to; hfcri-uid she wa.f bbligid $ conC'ssa that(sh waa not indiiTer h.t,tOw their xnaaif eatation of regard. , Or a. r as -a gentleman, ilfrcm; a ei; 'bijilngrcl avman of steline ient. an.vapp3Eiit weaitn. n . V: years xier svuiur. kooH-n him before 'A?ed" which con- ;ned I xm at huiae," aud" hid liked 'ia v .' - i- . '.; ' : - Bat ii. real'ty, Ralph Graham was ct ihe man he had been in those I A life ot dissipation had impaired r4a fbrtiiE as well !aa his censtitu- - - ' . ' : M-.;;- lt - this wj.s tmkuown! to the ee. 3 .-5 . always. at; noirr.-, he W V lit "C -t t .a. wiv. going -on in the rivatA -arts.: . n- I4ud lis' but ibivra theJtru- n Ward to;$ranarj,5;U iM'.'t- -ild: ft have me wi'itie - A 5me he al ways d. H::. the lio ;o - The other adm;:r o: AHK v hung man by thf 1 n ;i ir. wn much m the s,'cietv ifyo had ieanied to love: her,; ...v ...... w ..w. rr-iiy was gainst -btm and at times j istrdown to the deaths of despaii Yet, he knewMhat Alice, was not a r oman to-be bought by johb Could voiijv win lifr 1 tove he felt that I would be his in spite of dibs want ! ..... ... .s? S-' 'IK'S j " . ' .. , Vv Vas: -atVaid of Ihelj judge !d h - ever corsent -.to take him dit in law when jhis prispects :lrbbk ? ' - 'j ; '' denied to liim .ahnost impossi that hd wonldi ; Bill remem ' the old adage i4,thai la feint ncveil, won 'a fair Iady,T I he de- I . Vynoevcr ebej J light niarry, there s 'eiiouh fo 1 lr; and he was dt iiLied hatf would not - be 1 a-.TA;tiH--r: xie waH vBo! ,he judge hit JS accident W' - 'AVy-y X r iJ'nir'ihniu;,!, the rhrubberv ' Iule da, iinr, nb ; but ills goV,dj ways, not gapping ami rubbing your lie was a lawyer by protv. -rn u-anoii jr P11 1 '' '? V V ' , t o p. av You aro -a -.Vod ;phildni eves as if Von were hall asleep, but iad yet to ,a io. fii-f - W wj ha!! f tid! V what the win, ays j wi.1, ake tVr whatever may turn the worhh U l : - jha,,; .. , .he houe;:an bha,i . . .. ? ! up,andiV u will W- somebody be- Pe had :oaened : an .inttownins-t - it nn a few feet ,d her. . J- :.0:! . :: r . Jl, vouMie. ! ,- b a, yet h.a chenwere fw.; .-IGraharn li ,emi who had, " y i xU . to. reflect nk. rpuch as But he didinot despair' IHe was , pr? -.wcwl her namej. . - - ... - VTThe is yoV pU.a4, befi.rev you act ; but P.1!? Pluckand determinedyet to; iMjss f,rjv fa UU? , h; ,in,rv a and. the bliSk; bU'quickiy and closely; audwn 111 the world. iwifer haid. ,. 1 to mgnt .Mat ; , . tcs the. frail iv?.a Jiavci tfxed yoursaiui--r nod td do hifii bnnfc trt'wln herbnearly; run thtigh niy Vit5Ur ear to hmi.?; ! ! . Something mt : be done to repair fOjpat he had alformidable m Ralph Graham, whoi being "cv:tn. world, possessed more 3 of rteirfrijr tbjin he: f j l'i -tv'meof him thaf 'e-orfclf daatrhter; and saw at ' - -K) .t wrthat,he4v&s eb anx- 3 o-ta;s the Hand ofAiice;;. 1. i. .1 111 Ml rm-uv itlHifl hU own JoM fiirrnnP. ihatht WiuiFd . i.trver have bsii u 1 to r r hr haw I.' :: -v ,: , One i)kv the fi jnt f r: Aicv to atttnid him in ? Kmry. She; obeyed ih ; ;aatainw?. and rhen the had taken; a Vat !y hV 3ide. De at once xnada ;nn n sU- xea?-o'ld-edlB;r lor her- - Alice, he aid, , 'I have had ai: hrtervievf'with; two ehtlemeat in Uur room tO'flay I Perhaps you can iiess thmr 'errand, that I need not tell yqa.w J . " ! r "Indwed I cannot father,' she., an RWred. - I:.; y'',- -: "But they concern youi very nearly." 1 - -y ; -y i : ;; '.Met tat her. ?" . , ' ; , v ..; "' ; Yea, Mr. Graham and Mr. King I have both asked; me for your hand to-day. -; ; .; -y .... . .,; . . Alice cast down her eyes. , i4And what did you tell them, father ? she asked after a . moment V silence. , . . ';- 'i'- "I referred th'm both to. you, my dauiihter. If yon lve. either, yon have my vouzvnU' I yotvr happ.tes. any c I llook uuy. tc child. Either I think j- v.,-ihv t yfliuMr. Gra- liani has Hith :$: t l ysition, and I adnVit.that I vvoul-I: Ji.ti have him for a son-in-'aw. But consult your own Loart, Alice. Although Gerald King! is poor, "We jiave enough for all. Think the matter over, child, and choose him who vou tlnnk will ni ale you the happiest. This .day week, let 'me know which yoit have eliosen. if, eilher. I. told them that they. might come to' ,wh for an an- swer then.5 ... . v.ummwuinium uiu nut Lt.e Alice, by sarprie. ' She had e.t- r. .. . favAu.V. r V -vA-T frA: buVm ?iss um- i.--- r own ueatv. tered by the " attention of Graham. T . . I Which' she; should choose, she; had asked her heart over 9f!d over again -but as yet it had gitenber no de finite responee to hei'mquiry'- , Sh cotU3 not pfcceal . fro ra he r self that she preferred Gerald to her "other admirer, he felt that he vas the better Tuan of the two. . ; But Le had not the polish of Gra jam , or, th e" iacy Ity o f ; making ' Htm self so agreeable to the ladies. Yet she felt1, that tor honeat worth he was lar" his superior. v V-ff: ;'. '. . 1 wo day 8 later,: Giaham4,&ad a frifead;or i is dined with them I)u- rini; the afternoon she left; them ''mthWy-lK? gardenhat she might be bjr hers fe ?"J f jy'l S Graham had bcenmore tlknus'ual- " ly attentive .-i her .that day. He had nS. Voaning, :wtav i e jb..a ,wn. ; evidently done his best to please her, E7 , P, In nuti rav tor -me, -A; afy ,doddmg,cap, knowinthat inashort timenow hia ?sy f Pray,a.?yf Pray , for. nje, miOave ?V ln suit woSld be decided fbV or against Paisy, Da:sy That ,s whaf. ihe htt yW ago, but he don t, d(T or him.,' 7 Wanderinr; down one'of the paths, she at length seated herself upon a rustic bhair'. and gave herself up to a reverie. (' It - lasted I for some tL!ia, but .,it' length was broken by h-?. 4ia.s:!d.;fif voices n;arrher. 4-art-d up a-c was about to rViravj h r and thus make iher ;i:s!erco known when lier motions - w' tion, Kalph.y" "And so I was, 2Uarsha!l.. Hut on UC" I'll' n their minds I s knov.-.'.' f "iut no-: y it hour, a cause. do anyttrtnj; w,;.mu a I confess' I 1 annbt "ne .. it. ,Iiss Kingtley " is as :A:ur asu the plage's laiiirht;r.?. . ' ". 7'- .. ' - v Alice bent ltir head loUistenhe iVit" that she htttst heaf wha he woiihl ay liij-reply, t.o this. -; "IKwillJetiyou into a secret, Mar shall:' he said. ;Perha s you have tniessed .'. it.-.e ven now. I I must have" the, iudgeV money I own to you here - in confidence, . that 1 have fortune. it ; Miss "Gey has money, in the prospectttc at least while Miss Kin&sley .has little or none, You see now how it is. There, ts no way tne i n t.i o, ir -Li i i im iiiiri-. t j . ; . i i - k i" 771 have one.- ' i .no tn rio bat to secure judge's daughter, if possible. I think that I have done it, and that m a miMuni i me sue .-'- : -?, ' - ' ' . ...... .... f '.''V" , , '-- -- j- : 1 thinc yon hav. lUh h ai a nr rate. i y.in uuofr-s l vtmn i fl'HHi in yMr noenr inongo xor iuY iiwii uindM are jget.-i$r lion. 1. hopv you- n-jll remember rt tiii-nd Vvti-U lue'lwrt.'irtVH.r'Hy youiv' !rh HiiSWei'J Gi-ahain- ma.b Alice did her, for at" ihif ; v.inciu:c thVy tMer any irta the p"'. Bat ' hi? hav.hea'dei.iwiigh.i! The Vt'il va torn Km her eve. nnd aw Iialph w rlian ' iii biaXrue cl'r4. ATee wna with her father, when thw day uauie round mi whicti the yuit rt v. o ji eeeive t hv'w an? v er. Graltm wtin the first to arrive.. With lbivhed face and tlashing Ipvts, the judge ..repeated' a 'portion of the conversation Alice had overheard and he brik4out of; their presence like a convicted criminal. . Get aid King nie with a different reception Alice had . jn'o hesitat'on in making her- choice now; Sive Wondered that nhe h.id ever been o blind -to 'f the emotinrt of h-: r" own hart-: ; Rhi kiiPU' tlmt h:id l:ved Jiiin all the' time: but the rlun-rv Graham blinded lier eyesv t bh merits. - u - i - Neither she or tJie ju1ge t. id cause to regret her choice. Gvr-td King has made hin matk in : vj; world now, and r.he is proudi'f. tbuder"of hin than ever ijid WHAT TKS WIN D A1I "Wjat doqs rne ulnc mar asked b.'.if v. . 1 The' rncthtr ' :mU Z o u f: and d:e w tKeilt? je .cprv: Joner side; gently fmnovhing'tbr poft f.: Viatn.d j':win tei! you, X- hv. Ii says tb ;h-aif grr at 'r' V dlitrg iij' -.ut 'f tbe : Darii, an- gi y- ciouusi yrjrneaii, . uiruHieiii ug jtrtcrn A a(i..i h :ii(i hit ml" ;linl a r ( - -u I a . - I L.:-. VC.....i. .i yf mm. na.ns iui ir,-.- y. -..:" weflbye. is in the ship, Dajsyidar wind'tells me of ybnr :i4paj.IM It. aaya, " IJfanger ? DeatV. !' , : '" Great jiDgnmKing oinoipe, uuiitvu.j; tm n'd 'ft?.p tvatmghia-.liaiids and arms you and me, ; wondering if , hcr haji j mosf j-llcctablo tbehold I He re ever see ? ua f atralhon earthy H i? j:buiu! lth tnrjesty,J cimnsels j with heart achesas:rrnine iche tear- c;e; c?.-l : oner -'!faiw.di: Vet h:s mjanwers are v over the pale' cheeoine wrMrirl feasant 'DVut he ba wep Kfrej WJfe, and tell on the imtat natiSoia- jjhit: in the uviice t men ile ish face of the ' little': ofWf who'ii he - t ,5n t-Wite mtdeiit''aiitl wiseVa man urew. closer r to her bvars. - X?aisy r:i-.fe--11eitra6rdiii -kissed them otfV: :-'.y - ; ";"-v- 5rleotiojj; surpassing the i v' Ilush, mamma 1 tlje ( win;V teiltj sf inow ",.'ui"ijvery sense J you naughty a'one-ticfoime aini wha ia b;i 'saif; wl'c n wind says to me. Paj-a enr. he "We will pra- t f-gei hir,';l )at.sy. I Daisy cijas;-el 1 nl hnnds. and kxielt at .Mm- liiitw--' s.i. while measured they renV-'ated in low tones the lior-Ts Prayer i"lam so tiannvr now mamma. tia' I U:yv prayed, j Will the wind iT r -ln back l"o t.npa. and J ell him sllilj Witl. i Iv am: i i it u-m v e nil ' hand. a knows wh; . i . : . .: . i ; i HiivT list .- ' ' ' 1 S in Hun." .1. t i ..o ,m ! tir' ' ''It IJ fii "ft . 1. nu i a . ....... sic nou ,iU,lt.WWf m:l!veS S' JL ilium .' r,'. ' i o U t l " I V - happy.'1 , j rrvv. fiui'll all i OOl'es, l ac k.bj i ? rs. inci a i.si 1 1 v e p e o p i ic. iei - : . .. 1 1 tales. and'-ludlovv-heaHed evil-doers. deliver us. From jmg-wi ndu h p rosy essays, harai jgilirs, an d 1 ad -storin f n-m hiirh wiuvfs of ad verity and rich re lations, deliver us. Is i- From rheumatism J and lumbagd, quack doctors, drug-Jills andJi.ta; tious, deliver us. X f ; ; Kf'm smokv chimney, scoldmg wives and wash rtavs, oelivei ! us: From ail kingcraft, witchcraft, an priesicrair, "Good Niiord, deliv V. I. " ySiiV'is.' it that sticks closerj than a brother ?" said a teacher td one bf his class. 5 A postage stump by gum," said, a young mcorngibleJ rn fa s A vioh tu e coiiyi po- HAN KOUS L'KKXESS AND ,1 KSORIPTIt)N BV; HEATII- ' - :?; ::H. OhV a iuw;' ant ixjnariep,! perhaps, arv ' iamiliar .with the prttile ot Christ, nia.de trom lite oh; an emer ald, by order of Tiberuiw, and - cen turt .V fitleryrd ujivenl'bv! one ol theplCau lopr the' i:anMm t of. bU brother. ijp then ; eapti ve tc the christians. V ie have seen an artist'pvoot ot a sihiiM ennravinir .frou'ii' this lemerald Hud the. face is rernarkablei tirsc in its own chWiacterislic8 anjl then in its 'd'issimilarity to j the accepted pictures of the anons schools. It s;K Greek head, with jlloving cm;b big.h?iirand prominent yes, a sweet; benevolent beauty in the lace, and bogetheri coinciding with the . iol-j 1 Iwiuir (hjscrii)tiou b - Publius Len-1 ullusLwriiteTi in the reign ot r-ii iThero lives. at this time, in Mudea fa in ari.'o'fujirular 'virtue, whose name is LjesV- iniist, wliom -the barbari- :ujf esec:n as; a prophet, but his tbl-i ' lower's love and adore hiny as the ;'fij-nir of the immortal (Jd. Hi rcalls tbak' .the kad trom the.r ; gtavc$, and' nerils all sorts ot disea-. Tses. wib a Word or touch., jlie is a ! Udl num. and IwvU shaped'; sof- ah a'Ht.'ihje and -revmeml : -aspect. . nis Isair ot n c.olor that can hardly be I ma'chl; tallinginto igracefiil curls, ; waving about and very agrei-ably lN;omdun.4r.iipon Ids shonlilers, parted .. I (...'...., v.. .. i.f" lint ' tlU-ll't '. l'lllllllllO , 1 ; j i lit.1 it . v j. j"! .t-'ireani. to the Inmt. alter the ii Jii..i'"f the Nazarite, b fore-, V;.eid h;ig U'hnge aiid imposing; hi : I cihebk Jwithoiit spoti ol- svrinkter I calirilu! with a iovely red ; bis nose ;and fl&th'i fVirme I with exquisite j .pymiiry ; hisWard thick, and ot a ! Corol; BJiluble to Ins haii reaching UWw Jiia Ohm. and' parting; in ne r - - ' i- " .- - r, !:- . :j.i ft.. . . ovo.: Iirorht eut i - i inea," riuiiiiy ano ( - .-Si .I . I J 1: ' :J , mature: oj opbrthm Or bmly. moKt perfect jWnd AVt No'mau has seen : him exceed :' -I; t-W3--: j::v:vr -iyi- ihesc ttmes AVe live in an age of quick ideah rm en .thtnk'-qn ick--e it, sleep; :eourtf 1 'marry; and d.e quick and -j. stow 'coaches are not toicraieu. s (;' MGo ahead, -it yon 4 burst: your I boiler !" is tlio ; motto of oiir age ; and - he succeeds the best in, every j line id business who has the most or ! "lo or die ' in him. , ; . j -j. ctr al once. i liiii nbo'v' "all! thimrs be l onest. . --i i if f' you intend to be an art st, carve ! it in the Iwobd. ciiisel , it in the I nuil'lk f. ir a merchant, write it in Let 'lioiiesty of jui- 1 .J' ' you, .cj;C pose be your guardian. star . I I - The liiSEi of1 ;Liquor. For the v,l.c ilL tu 4' ci.iroc Vif Klill' . 1. Iinposfd upon the nation a di rect ex ptns of about 86,000,000,000. 2. Has canst d an indirect expense otmiuo tii noo i ii. Has destroyed 300,000 lives. ' 4. Has sejit 100,000 children U the poor house. 5. Has commi ted at least 15.000 people to the 'prisons and workhouses'.-'.''-.- .'-:--f I" .' ! 6 Has determined 'at i least 1,000 suicide's. I ..-"! i' . ' f 7.; Has made 200,000 widows and ,000,000 orphan "Wnr-ukH exclaimed a North harolinlau ;! when steered a job; do rLn n'tn VA worink. mister. wherTf i!oon t piides pJ-13:H r : 1 NO. 1. AMY!STitibus :Occi;kui3N('r Ex UUilN Ki.--An Englishman went in tia church Un Home the other day, ah d as service was going: pn The ) sat quietly dob, phicing his haVon the ground beside him. After .waiting Uule -.while, and as' there seemetV no irnmediale prospect ot the cf remony coming to an end, he thought he .wotdd go ami readied for his hit, but was iioppej;l;by'an ; unseen iirnv . w Y."'ri.v.'7 .4; Mf". 7 Flunking that probably sOmV custo dUri ot the church wished jhhn to ve main till vthe conclusion bl the ser vice, he again waited." . j - f - Presently he again thought of go ing, again reached for ' his hat, nnd ajrain the unseen arm. firmly 'prevent ed hitp. j .' Convinced thai :vhe service was really some important one which his leaving would disturb, the E 1 1 gl i sh m an agai n w hi ted, fori about a quarter of an hour. '. A the cxpi- ration of that time he determined to depart, in spite of etiquette. So he again reaclied ! tor his hat. .Again the hand grasped him. but as tie de terminedly resisted his restraining efforts a voice behind him exclaimed in English : " I beg your pardon, but that is my bat you are taking.1' And this was the fact. Our hero had been detained all this time be cause each time he wished to jgo he had reached hi mistake for the ha' ot another stranger, 'placed in etose proximity to his owiil JLondim Ex mphter. . j' -,' -'' . ' '. i V As Intehkstinq You?fo if- ' Man IA .well known physician j? hi Sah J nan, Cal , was recent! v called to see a lady who was reported .to be suffering with terrible pain. i : The ilivsirtinit bastf nd to the rPsidciu'i of the lady ana found her in bed. He felt her i nulse. looked at her tongue, ami 'commenced writing a presqripnon. i oi?e saui io iiira ( i -Doctor. I doilt think vou bniler Ntanvt my case." ; ji 1 :0h; yes I do,'' aid he "Itf!deii slab ri Tt Tervelb---- : ill I Xtteiv a little while the ladyre- marked to bun again ;-". . . ' .Doctor, I don't, thhik ybtt what's the matter .tmhlme:':' 'iftat you understand my condition." " V The ilhctbr repliefl : : : V J k l. 4Obyyes; Idf, madam ; I havp patient' up town', a young man, just in vonr fix, ufiering with the same il.isese.fv't,. X rA::f:. 4 An; h)ur aft er ward th Jady f gave birth t it a Vt en-pouiiifdjoy. Hi i w -fne young' "mangot ahng,oui intoruatit did. noi say. TAS: "i" f4 - .'A Gooii DAT'S W0HK---pur wor thy LGb;errib'Zili -Y atc.edea nof, staiwl 1 back to peVfl.rt'a') duiy. biAat t eiijl to any rnatleloi import ahti' ihe tate nierelyUcau sbmeiardslimsfum Last Wediresiiayihe arose at day light in he : t'vwfi f Asheyille, mounted orrellpoj y .aiu rode t thWSwapnanoa- Gap before he ate break'ast-a d tsi ance " of : t wen t jr. miles. He t lum IefUhU steed and Walked through' and examined all the railroad fforks on the mountains and then on tojlenry before night -niakiiig a distance of ninehiiles that he w-alked.1 When we take into consideration his size and the bodily punishment it is to him ' to , walk or l idle o;n horse-back we should' feel, j ro u d in d eed ; t hat w e; have a Goye r n or I liat wil I saci liice hisj own feel ings tl su.-h ah extent for ii! Vis through these efforts that he .'be con&esS thoro.ugliJyXacqwaintil' with ;be, workings of ibis load ihereVy kiiowiicr how to act that the State at large might be , benefit ted.r Pjcd-; n toni Press. , -: Agks of the SovEiiEicx..T-With riie expiration of last , year,! the reign-sovereigns' of ..Europe, reached the following ages: Pope Pius (since decca.-ed),J "eighrydive years, Williani I., lnperrr of Germany, -ig;ty ;f William HI., King oj Hol land, sixty; Chrisirati IX., King - of Deninaik fifty-nine ; Alexander II., i he Czar or Emperor of Russia, fit- iv-i ine ;Victoria, Queen of England, hVry-eight ; Chat les I.,: King of Wnr temburg, fifty-b ur; Dom Pedro II., Einperor or IVazib fifty-two: Alberi; Kind- of t Saxcn ort v-nine : Oscar Ill TJ";.w Ktvoilon fr.rt V.ichf 1 " ijV iV" i" a 1 i I r r Ml 1 f;l? . lio" IJ II ' Jl. Ai ii I'ci ' ' M.-n-i tria. fortv-serpirf Xeonbld II., King of the Be triins, forty-two ; Lud wig I. King iof Portugal, thirty-uine; AbduIHani id, Sultan f Turkey, thirty-five; Lud wig or; Louis IIJ King of Bairia, thirty two ; Geirgj I.riprtiF-6f i&reece,! thirtytvo; Af fortso XII; King oLffpam, twenty. I i I The cry of "shuV the 00 Jsvrtl no xore ' , :. " ' Six inonth3, one taollar.1 ' i Eleven eopie, bue yetr, flltcen doljara Twantv-two coolea; one year, thu-ty dollar. Addrew all orUrmtto -The! WKEKLT LE DO Bit," Ch4wl Uil'N' O. J EiT THEt WORtKY MUKD E AN INTERVlEVr WlTF tHE ALLKuXP r ; MUBniRttts. On Friday last, a corret pondent et pond of the LVWm aooorapanied bv ihtt jCd' itor of the Goldaboro Mesfngtr. had aiij interview with Noah Cljer. rv.;llarris Atkinson,' ind KoVmjU Tliohipaoty (nejgroeig the alleged af y 1 1th, c n thelarm. of W m.;!1 A V, , Kinson, mine conniy ox yue. This iutnrview was he)d at the . nnext bf the nrisoners. At 2'P. . Noah Cherry was ronght down m- ; t - the jail yard, and at once began a lengthy statt raeiit in regard to hitn selt; which he said" I want printed:" ; rn; iiituvLMBtv luutiiH Iti'nu KftllW. flf. course he tri djo vindicate himself. but said " I expect to bo witl roy God soon, and what I have said lb . .. yon is; the'; truth." The statemek which he desired; printed" i was ; simply the evidence elicited before .. reaijy appeared in the columns of the Nines; . Harris - At kinson i and , Bob $ Thompson were then btougb intb V the yard; but they decline tb majca ; any statement. Terry H. Cor was then sent for. (When he came down and confronted the murderers 'of Worlevl and Wii witei the cene lC- came deeply interesting. Cori said u tlmse three men right there killed Jim Virley, llUy killed his Wife, they outraged Mrs. Worley, and I saw them do " it." Cox describocl the horrible scenes that were enactj- j ed on Monday night, (1 1th of FebrnV j ayx); How Noah , Cherry first "I struck Worley in tht? huuse then, foT lowed ' him around the? housu : where Bob Thompson struck hirtr with a piece of wood,, Noah. Cherr) giving the final blow i with" his ax , that put Wothy to death. Harris At kintiUretnaitte1! . in the housej house and was the first to attack the 7 joor net piess , woman in me 11 euce of her three little ' children.) Harris Atkinson followed and then- BoH.Thomnson: " - 1 After committing the most horri rible crime in the annals of history they 4i,finished Mrs. Worley " (we use Cot's ; languagejleaving little Worley and her two younger sisters, Orphans alone in a little log cabin : wit h no protection whatuver, except the faithtitl;! do JJettoir, to watch over theiu during the night. . ; pox says hetood at thev btrf " and witnessedthese crirnes, and then went home. v- r:';.r- VT ' v l)ming this Interview : Cherr rv took occasion to cr.Jl rAarl ainl tVeouentlv ?aid7 1 ..V for f that poor vboy, ils 2o nc ficts". were elicit ed.T:Nbah - C?ierry said he" expect ed to be ; w iih' iw : v Maker, soon and that his it-ata lemeht. was : true. The tital bt tficse .negroes i will come otfbntheth Monday ia this month hi thb citv f Goldsboro. His Honor, Judge Kerr, will pre 'shje. We learn that Hon. Win T; Dbrtch has been, employed to ass'iBt tl'ie Solicitor in the prosecution. A V aUD. ExcUbE - Jne of tr. teachers in a Uinjlunnton pnbb.f school, received t e j other day a:; excuse writt en in behalf of a deliu-i qnent pupil by the lather. It tuuk .in ihiH -wino; -j ' . " ' "! . Mp. TAcnEU: l)ot poy ofmir-. vos absent de oderj day yen shlald oiu. He. grd one big tiolt i ; Id's tieck vpt make hbn much tfonVI. all de vUc.' Please: don't give biy sorne buhidiment ven: he vas late i: the morning. He' woult got thV shnst iii time everydayjbut : he i-. not himself to blame, he got it mother j Slie vos dead JO years og I am this poys I parehtThy bis motb er! before he vos dead. Aingsto Freeman " Ii a i lb oa D Tickets to GESEKAr. Oonfkuenof. :I am in receipt 4r tetters infoimih me that there" wi'T-r be put on sab at GoJdsbolo,, eigli and tireensboro, oni Apri -:. , 28i 29th and 80th, round tickets to Atlants, good " to return 'within 20 -'j days from the date of sale- They " can be purchased! by both Delegau and Visitors to the General Con fi i t tr r ii : . ' ence. 1 l lie price lor reiuru iilhi wdl be ' v . f From-Goldsboro; j Froin; Raleigh, .. ! . . - I . I20.r..v S21.7. I om iGreeiisboro jDlegates starting from Chariots will he required tb pay one fuUfa 10 the Atlanta Atad unarioue Ar ThVihiiott; (tieigrwa,) the awegei : . - 'Line Compan v; ?vnd wHl be retnrned ' ! ' v fkke u pout er tificate of the been N ;IiI. IWILSON. . . -' r.. jr V1 ii JX r t -X- ; .5-' :i ) y-i.lt:.-1S-':: V- ' . . . ':' j y m. i' ;v , v- i'f : ; . : -' - ' ; . - ' 5 K'-'-. j ; . ' It's'-1' 4 ' " " - - - I j-....- . 1 : j "i'r, i j - -H - 1 -

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