" 1 -V-". -" .. - , 1 - ,. - ' . - ) ) -YYA 7n 7' A J --1Y X A : ' : " . " .: ' ..." . . . , , - , .-:i.v: : m', ' AX YXX - k J " rr - i --.! - ft Y .-V X - "CIK Y V X : 7 V A V : 5?TV : ; ' XXV -:. XX ; j T II E W K R K LY? L KX G;K K . OKFTtK OX .FKANKLIN STItKK'J', ori'OStTE TlIE STOKE OF J. ?. CAKR; EC ItATES A IT B HT IS I X K T nH snuare. diie riiisertfon,- one Ono square, each 'subsequent insertion, lirty cents. ! - ! ; ViNHualKiitract3 Jii.ulc for largcradverT tisenrents. ' : Advertisement.; shotdtl be dent in y -Thursday before eaen lay ot issue. SATURDAY NIGHT. l'.V AliltrK C. MCKKKVKir. )1k nilrt of a IMessed inohiin ! ' Vlu-n the noor man's work is o'eiv , AVheii through the blinding snow-drlils ..lie sees the oneu door Of the little eotlui tfie.meadow,; Or a room in ii'diny stleet, . i , VV'here fancy softly pictures" - .. The -faces of cliildren sweet ; . A iid aiiot Iwr ever waiting j. With a world of loving light ; In her gentle eyes that speakem,' ' i i . Jler hanpy j-Saturda-'iNightL"; ; .'; Oh. night of a (blessed mprnlng ! When the weary workUs done, , ; . When we kuok at the door of welcome Beyond the 'setting sun, . Vheli the bark of life has lloated,' )ef the troiibled sea ai'id tide, ..And gently gliding onward It ne irs theVther side : To the harbor there in waiting With its star of hope iuid Iiglit, That guides the wearv traveller' To Ids filial '-Saturday Night' k . oil, ; t , . - f ' i -tV.lt er. si - "X : j;Y f.IEUT. CTIAS. 1. 31- L'j.S. X. "If yoiijCatoJ ith the fuiink iantics ytiiL are always -cuuiir up, can tjbiing a -laugh onto, poor Aliss Zibah s hand some counlenanee, I don't knbtt who caiun Thus spoke Tlarrv GrimeJ .f. sea- mait on boat d tlie good ship Caipit ol, tben in lite latitiute ot ttieritlrr lu Plata, on jier ihssaire from Sau'Fran cisco to JJoston, to ,Cato Con 4CS tkv colored cook of said ship, lib, 'an? swering said : : ;. ; ' , "I has tried hard tobrouir id some joung oxpressibn ob la ft on dat ai JatlVfS countenance, uat s a w . tain'-, bui she seein's loihav Lfoiie clai it. i s e sunj hviiui", and beyond .ilinins, 'liload and nigger songs, played.de to lJoston ' on e (de violinnliiin til nv armr"ncfi(rl, d;t:cel J nnn and varus other lerjtsichoriums ill my legs ached, rose- do debble ' g inerally iiullii.'J nil my heart ached, ami all lor " lioa't say that,'Cato,T' a a i SjWe et (irimcs, ' ' for vour good latkir and C 1 -I company alive the whMle p:isage.,J curious anucs nave ; Kent iup siiin '. . 1 S .1 , K-tccnt 3llss ZiilAh,' rL'tuniel Cato, musingly. - And slics at least alive ob- served Grimes. i i " And dat's about all." responded Cato. .If 'pears to, me liVe I can see her arowin' thinner and thinner eb cry tlay. Besides all dat, toou; she nebber smiles. Dat's do vlistest sign oV All. Make a sulky nigger ! smile, ami you'll be surehe'il iiebler spile ; but if you can't do dat ar, he's a gone nigger, shuah," That's a curious comparison,, anyway," observe! Grimesr ; " eberdeless,n' rejoinipd Cato, "its de best I'se cot to oiler. W-w-wliat lo you think is de cHise ob Miss Zillah's 'fliction, Ilarry 4 . ' It hi ay be lote," replied the hofi- gona migityt don't say iW, bcUl it Jaf s, cb? case, de young lady may as well Tie and gib it up at once." 1 ' " Nobody "ever say'sdie, so'long as there's, a shot left in the Jocker," re turned Grimes. , ' ; "Tab, but if Miss gillali is dyin' of lub dere can t be any'shot left m - de locker," answered Cato. ' -'" I tow do you know that ?V 4 , ' "Uekase I hab in my mind's 'eye, a case in pint," replied our sable friend.. :" Dar was once a ;yaller gal ob my acquaitance who fellrin lub wid a . gembliim black as ? a char- coaled midnight. His face!" was so black it shone, as de sun would shine, if it was covered 'wid a coat of black varnh.0: , : ". " . - 1 . " What was the color of the young lady's face ?" inquired Grjmes. . I " Yalle'r as de best quality ob, siv Sar house' rnblasses," ansSvered Cato. il"u sue luoueu uat nigger io. ex ; faction, shun?: But alassitm ) as de , loit says, he was a gay . decciber.' 1Ie purtended to lub dat yallcr gal, w6re on his- hands and knees , he'd marry her, and: den rmroft wid; and rtt 8iHced to ; wo.nch blacker it jil.Ie than he was. Den Idc' yaU g:d went out into her fader's jar", tijis i,er8;eit to a pitch Jlt ir;i4U,-to a pitch fork, b fork I bait, a hay aihljljetl Iafnentetl by all hcr vJ.'5,,s' and detested by all her rela ,nYd H.ury,; with an oath unmen mni'i 1.1. . t do you dollar, r " .7 " ".- ..-,- y: v vV-iVUI' rTSA 'VW'VtW '7 V ; : " CI1J A.bK L "why not?" responded Cat o,- to tally unabashed," either by Harry's oath pr question, " am t. black fTilks: and valler folks jest "as liable to lub as -white' folks- eli ? .' Go way, bahl- face and don't .talk to dis chile anv more ''Yon know pist as much eon- cernin' love," said Ilarry, "as I , do; which, is justjiiothing at all ; so' let's talk of Something else. What do you' think- of the weather ?" ',Po-wedder in 4js .purticular laf umtiide," answered' Cato, " is bery; unsartain. Sometimes, when Jt's calm as a stopped clock, and . dar aiiVti single cloud to be seeis' ih de hebbens abjtili,1 'cept a little speck no. bigger dan a man's hand, dat ar same little speck will grow in live minutes Unto a hebby squall, and dere'Il.be a gale o 6 win, aiul, de debble to pay, ginrally., Jljht de gale most always subsides as quick as it comes on,an eberyting is all' quiet and calm agin, as ebber, and ; "Sail 6 !" shouted 1 tie lookout from the main top-gallai t-head. This announcemeiit not only brought Calo's, speculations on the weather to ani abrupt termination, but it also sept Grimes 'to', his duty on the t recastle, and brought from- the- cabin, Captain Clark, and .a young ladyj Avhose aven' tresses ol glossy silken hair contrasted strange ly with the fiery glitter pf her spark-. ling.eyes, and the death-iike pallor of her handsome countenance: '. As he inquiieil of the lookout what the strange sail -was, that in dispensable personage answered the cintaih thus: - - r- Four points of the lee bow, sir:" . :On hearing this, the young la ly jirevlously referred to,' addressing the captain, said : . . " Will you speak to the stranger, sir?" " - ; " I would like, to do so, but hardlv jthink I shall be- able," - answered ;Captain Clark'. , ' Why so inquired the! maiden,; somewhat limidl v. JJecause, siic'i's such a !lnr dis- tanco off, that L fear it will Jje - tiark bef rj we ean come up with her,'" aid the captain in reply, i " -IIowcv- vr,.I will liave the ship kept off, and ry to get p.earenoAign to signalize her, If nothing more. , j. . ! , A ccoj d i i.i g lo o i d e rs. i : m n e d i a t el y '1 ft 1 l' -.-! ! I 1Wlllll ' iltO llHl wliicli .icrc!ofui; had been steering. - full uid by. was kept off.3 ne.-i.rl v before !ihe wind, which Had been-freshening tor some time ;aml ! now seeineil threatening to rUe .'magnitude, to a heavy gale. . K . jln consequence- , of this, the ship did not run far upon her last named course, ere it" was found -imperatively .necessary to heave her tr, and put tier under easy sail at once.1 J3y the time' this .was done, it had become very, dark -indeed, and' all hopes ' of speaking with her, or ever seeing the , . 1 stranger snip again, were at an enu. A short time aftti wards, when the young lady before i referred lo Zil lah St.' Clare, by namewas comforr tably seated in the ship's cabin, look ing over a friendly book, but not reading at all, Catain Clark came down iuto the cabin from the, upper ixMil:.aud seating himself near the pale-faced 'maiden, rsaui ; r- l Thus far,, during the passage from California, -Miss St. Clare,, 1 have looked npoii what seemed to me the gradual, fading of your health, with deep regret. And the i appa rent loneliness of your situation here, I have deeply commiserated also, Being an obi pan, having daughters nearly your own age, yon will cusG iiiv askincr a a ?T u A sort of explanation," inter posed Zillab; with a transient smile. "Oh yes, sir ; and as the explanation of my prcseut situation is very brief and simple, I shall gladly place it at your disposal. ' ' j-. " I am a; native ot Boston. My fathetJwas a wealthy merchant -of that well known city, and in propor- tion to pride. his weaUb so was Ins family I b tea me All ice jtais uq '? icquainted with Walter ,Elvell, an honest and resjiectable young inan, with whom, foolishly, as my fat her said, but wisqly, as Ithought, I soon fell deep in Uve." ' ' 4 I" Which he returneeT, -of course," Interposed Captain Clark. " Most fervently,' responded Miss St. Clare.. u And withoiit scruple or delav, he told my father so. On he- ! in asked about his wealth, as to what sum he could settle j upon me in the event of our marriage, Walter replied, 4 not much; except a loving lieart and a, willing hand ly re ...,.t,..l fytlwr then answered in ef- feet, that ft wouldn't do eitlicr- lor that until 11 1 LL, N". C, SATURDA Y, dollars ujion me, his addresses must )ht on any . prelsxt whatever be .re-.. Mimed. . ;' '.; . . .. . ; ' B.iwing io this harsh decision wii h all t he firmness he could pos sibly comuiainl, Walter, look "a pain- tul lcax e l tuc, ami a week after wards saiKd for Cal dwr'nia, with t he Ajinguiiie hopes ot realizing a fortune ih the slorte'st possible time. . : " A veai; elapsed, iluriug which Walter informed me by letter licit he ihad done well, even- better than hejexpecfed at tbe start. Before an other twelvemonth pssscd, my poor father-dled of apoplexy, and r was suddenly left an heiress, free tot hi nkl decide, and act tor myself alone. Hearing, v soon after this thaJf Walter was lying sick in a:- hosita( at San .Francisco, :I resolved at onctj to go there "and jninU'er to his needs; as best I might .be. able.. Actuated by tins desire I went., and in .due time safely arrived at tire. ' liohleu Canital,' onlv to hear that . Walter hail recovered trohi hi ilnessf long before, aud.gone to ' l'uget Sound in Oregon, on returning from Whichi the vessel he was in, foumlered, and; all her company ' were supposed- to) have jx nslictl bi the sea. Then, heart-broken, .friendless' ami alone, I took passage in younsli:p tor home, and here, just as yoi see me now, lia e been ever sin-.-e,'' . , ' f 'T'Vour case is in Iced a b ird om-;! sa:d the bluff. bit! ciptain,'as, "at'l.hc conclusion of her' si ihj tie , story, Zil lair burst into a tlo Xl at' t ears; bii: recollect, dear g.ir.Lj ' tliat. 'there is a God in heaven who relieves and ot ten cures all . sorrow -tli.it 'tis al ways darkest just before day, and a glorious isunslune ' w 1 1 follow even the heaviest storm. " . Vs he vent o. deck, a moment af tei wa ds, Qaptaih vC!ark was not surprised, tbj tin I that du inJ: his al sence the win I had increased almost tosa 'perfect 'gale,' whilst, ihe rain fell hi i orients, and the ira'.lant, shin wa j hove to; -under close reefed lopsaris. i ''Ti) wards laliglit next nioniinix. j the f rain ceased lalliiiLr. tin1 wind ! lulled a'most as suddenly as it 'had bet" i e risei nil sail she wi-f set u pon the galjaul sliin",- she went. Inrwdinir off o'vcX a heavy sea atlthe rale ot ten 'miles iter -.hour. 1. - 1 t Soon 7 afi or daylight - had fully dawned upon the a';r and sea, a inae w ho happened to! v at work ;)u liie .ship's main-tojigallant-yard, e.vclaim- 1i ; . ' . . -V. i - 'iThere's a man in the water rightl ahead, waving siunethiiiii w hjtelfiouv w hat looks to" bea piece of a wreck!" On looking at ! this start ling oljjectH through- his 'glass,." Cap am. Clark im uicdiatelv "discovered not. jnore than two ship's; leiigiiiV ahead, a man hanging vith one hand lo what ap peared to be a hei coop.p hilst with the other,; he frantically waved a large white handkerchief towards the approaching , slup. , ! At the same moment lie also ob served that the glorious .sun Was lust' then rising, clear and bright, above the ..distant horizon. :' 5. . Yf In less tlialn ten ininutos after this, the 'shit)- wrecked stranger was res- cued fiomdiis perilous situation, and stood in safety on the Capitol deck. ' i I r . ; I. - s main-1 , t'iv-aj:ji-s. 1. , 1 Zillah : St. tUtare came out 01 nju u.hmm, ft,. he tinst sight of the rescued man, stopped short, then staggered for ward, murmuring : ' u Can it be-is it indeed my '' ; It is indeed and ."in trulh,'! ..in'tir rupteil the stranger, as he sprang forAvanland caught the trembling maidenf in his arms, " vour foml,faJ- miring I V , inn'ii ll'rvi't.'l I I? ' Very easily ami simpiy nu plained next day, that(instead of" re turning from Fu get Sound to Sad - r- 1 1 . " 1 . , r -..-' - ------ f t 1 Francisco he took, passage in anotueiil vessel bound direct to ISoston that the ship in question sprang a leak soon after she f passed Caje Horn, and that tlie lak gradually increased until she was, overtaken by the. storm of the previous night, ' when in .less than-an hours .-time she, foundered, and became a total Wreck. V Zillah St Clare that was, ts Mrs.f Ehvell now, and sinco- her happv marriage, lias more man once ouci; called upon to realize the fact, that i ..'.n- Mii.!i..n Iia niu-ava KllfP t.c. -. 1 . T I .1 r .1 glOIlOllS miming 10, jMihuju .....v , come after the darkest midnight an the heaviest storm i Uk I) 1 f.d Satisfied." I shouh like to live to draw twyo breaths attei I am acquitted, and thenT would die satisfied' said John Sniart , of Burnet mint.v. Texas, 'who had Iain in i iai nenrlv a 'year on 'a charge of murderlpense of running this yastj and and was brought into . court on uphcated raacJiuiery tor the year in couch,Mck. At 11 o'clock, the ver4qtiestioiis amounted to $,40,324,- lict. ''not gtiiltv was brougnt i,,.cxcecumg incrcccipis oy uic sum CINCIX i'i:ciAi:iN"G FOU.A.V -. . OUTtill-EAK. jl uc jztitqiurcr, 01 inciun.aii, puo- lishes Utails of the inovemeiils and plans of an armed force oi ooinmuh-1 ists in that city.;. CVuciunati has 70I"! tate b!c6me.;the ijieathpiarten-s of aJ. so-called socialistic labir party, the Secretary of the ::atiouai oigaiuz;i- jtioui having g iie ' there some time since, and recent ly followed by the 'lisufer, preparations are noAv inakin for the publication ot a na . tioual jorgau. 'i He party has "o,U0U men enrolled in: Cincinnati, and (iarge ijiiihbers of them are va ready organized into miliiaryconipaines, X. 1 : l.( -. ' ' . 1 . 1 '.. ' - . wnicn; meet . sccreiiy. vrms .are supplied; to llieni as rapidly as-jios-sibie. j Theie is also sahl to be a hlrge ornanizatin known as IvtiiLirhts of Labor arming and-drilling. S'u'ne il these have made attempts 10 gel possession , of Stale a nis. Ipe Kniirhts of Labor say lrttle of their oUjcct is ,ihe biff it is lunlerstood.' that it saine as that avowed by all communists,-. -Tl ie police nre.siirnng in the matter, and are 'drilling witlil aJ Gatliiigi gun; land making other preparations. The military are fully cognizant ot the state of ;itlairs, and are juepared for an outbreak, which they tully expectj' will come. The communists could muslerj w ith the rabble .whjcli- would join them, f,0'J() men. 'It is not known if any time , is fixed for an oidbreak. . - . THE STOltV OF MAY DAY. When the JJomans dine to Brit ain to live, many-hundred years ago, tl-.ev brb light, Of. course, their own customs and festivals,' am pg which was one in memory of -Flora, the Goddess of Flowers. The heathen our ancestors,' you know- adopted them'-with delight in the childhood of their race. They became very popular; and when, some years la ter, a .good priest, Gregory, came (from Ttom'ci. also) to convert- the na tives he Wise'y took advantage of their fondness for festivals, and not trving to suppress them, he sinfcpiy altered them from heathen feasts.to Chrsti m games, bLSifl)stitufing the names bl saiids anil mart vi s for heat then gods and. goddesses: Thus the Floialia became May-day "cel.ebra1 lion, aiiil lost none of its popularity, by .the; change. On the 'contrary, it was cafried on all over England tor agess-, till its origin w ould' have been lost luit for a few ;pains-taking old writers!, who " made notes " of eye r thing. . - ' - . v The.ijFIoraiia we care nothing for, but the May-day games have lasted nearly to, our day, "and some relics of it survive in our young country. When you crown ja May queii. ' pr go with a JNIay party, you are sim I I y .toll o w i ng a c ust (Tin t hat 1 1) e J 16 nians began,ahd that pur remote an " cestorsin England carried io "such- lengths, that iiot only ordinayj peo- j pie",, but lbids and; ladies, and; even j king aiid quetn laid. aside their state I flllVl II VIU II ' ...w I'hio ruing, to wash their daces in May. j;lcw, ami brmp home fresh boughs im u'imf "' n ivunr " oav v in Imp ! which! reared its flowery" crown in every the vil lage.-x. 2f icf tolas.- MAIL SERVICE OF 17XITED STATES. THE tlTI I , .I w natever tne government may have achieved or left undone in othei departments,, the people have de Hianded all the time increased iacili ties and 'cheaper postagei This de tnand i has been responded to frorn ime to time, until now the dissenii- hationi of intelligence by mail" is all- pervading and almost as cheap a the jight of heaven. Ivor" the year end- nig o Miic ov, 101 1 , iiici c were 111 tne United States y,2oF public- mail routesj aggregating in length (inclu ding the short routes of mail messen gers) moix than 800,000 miles,, with an annual transportation of 150,000 000 miles, ebualinga daily transport Ubn otlmore than 400,000 miles. . Of these public routes 74,546 miles were on railroads., 17,085 miles by steam boats, and li00,5b9 ' roads where the jnails Were carried by stages, wagons, pii noie oacK or 1001 oacK. o.ms immense work is mostly paid by pos: tage: carrying; half ounce letters at three cents each, newspapers at .'two; cents a 'matter cent' or pound-, and other printed or mercnamuse at a nan a cetit or one cent an ounces 1 he'ex 1 THE COMMtfE IX !A:V V"--'.;; XATL MAY 11- 1 8 7 l: - hlOFFET PUNCH IN LQULS- K ' u-:: ,': IAN A. r Governor Nichol Is has ha: inulirated ilu! MolK'tt Hciri.o. p'-. bill.. fwhich, was 'passtMtnt: -"tbe.'ri-cje ;i.t-s ting of' the Legislature The1 b sit- bill tax on I-'- j y aces iu (jijaner ,oi a cent every (irink, and '"it;- S tliought w'jll vield a -revenue of o00H) amijU tlly.- When it .was' passed h was done 111 pre as an experiment than anything else, it being belicS;e tlijn ;it w)uld wurk fa'vqrably, t.houih its opponents said it would 1.1 ja dollar to the revenues. A.NTAUON ISAI OF TU. K WIJ ISKKY t -t - '. . '. ' -. '!," -. ' I in, niiei views wiin inon linent vhis:key men they all stated U correspon lent that they wouh it in the courts to th.c biite Thy have al ready formed ai your frght eild. eiati'-n nir.r.ibering about live ured inenibers, v bo Jiave enij lovejl ill hi- counsel, ami a bitter if .pit w made. They also stated they Would ijeyer subscribe another cenf o- am ' . u the Denjocratic party, whicii r asseo yie-oil ij that they w ill fjgh partv in , the fntuf and liefp . that bfeal il at the. next election . i . . . . - .The. -first at1 iiunipL win . u& wia le to -prov ej lh U.Il unconstttutiona . bin as lit hi circiuiiy orawn up hy an evdudge d' the Supreme Court, and jiasseij1 Jpon by a 1 1 hoi every 1 ca ling ' 1A w I yje.r. in; the; LegisIaHire,1 it is nt bej lieved this wdl.hbld. Gov. Xicholls hVmself, after a , careful exr.in jiation, believed it was f c'oustitutbniaJ, ,aud heiicejhis signatiire V.3. JeiaUl ! :t '' '.' '- ''.-'.. ' - i: S .... , , jj i SciIOOf, C()M-.i KXC KM I N'T?v r-Wtl cii p t h e f 0 1 1 o w ' i 1 1 g i t e 1 n s l i ( j n 1 ja? 1 e x 7 ;.jM?. JJ., T. Gray, of Raleigh, del liters lhe;address at 'the 'Commence! ment .'at the 1 Greensboro; Female College, and Rev. J. rn 1 11, of M'.uustmro, preacues the - sermon. Tjl(ie exe'-cises will take place, on -Uic 20th and 80th Hnst. i H ' ; ' , : IT. IJ 'P.imoir Fs,.! ' nf Rnlr-irrh has-been felAfed; as the bibg aphc-h! Ot the class; pf 1 A) at 1 riniyvCobj hfge cotnmei cement, Jinn 12th ai.d ne, c cs:ng exercises 01 uioson- e Acaaemy take, place the' 24th of May. In addition to the day exercises Mr. G.djam. Iralsha w,j of' G r ec ii sbo ro , ': w i 1 1 d e l.i Vp r an ad -,' dress.' At night there will be .some ! eiercises dialogue.-l, tableaux1 &tv .! j The closing ex!crcises of ha Sa lem Fethale 1 Academy; will 'take place this .year, the latter part of June. Just, one month later, than the ehtertainmeftt of previousfycars. Xlie Commencement i exercises of Oak Fudge High School, Guilford county; take place, on Tuesday, 4th dav of June. ' IARlSATi -Gb-N3v On a distant land in the' -Bay "of Hcngal, alcfcjotd ing " to a German;' scientific journal,: there is a phenonieiion known as the Blr sal Gu 1.1,' which is,.often he'ard at the beginning of a rainstorm, a.nd is li.ife the sound of distant cannonading.. It seems to have no connection ; with the season,and sometimes coinejs from thl1. north, sometimes from the south oil south west. A writer 'who- hjis col -leeted somi data 5 bn.' the 'subject, comes to theacomiIusin comiIusin nhatt .thset iMnijsjdieric ami -con-1 way with eleciricity.'i i,rrxis lire afmo'sj lifted some way with electricity, j Ajtounst;dn Ins letters froni.the .villi- ges of the Himalayas,, describes; ex-i cceuiiiLMy powerini noises nearu in t he early' morning, that can Mill I' be! 'ascribed to avalanches n r ex lilained bv the natives. -"Above the town of Koinibator. in Madras, on an pond eldvation of 40,000 feet, is a from which, Lirivani river s rirnn's. and w hich the natives carefully shun, 4 because trighttiil noises rise oiiit of it I aivd roll aw'ay anioalg the lulls. Sonf 1 Urn Jr iiepiieiiouiona niay oe 01 cijeci nc, qonic reply. 1 fie door-keeper, im ielof yolcaiiic nature. t j ; . mciliately dispatchel a page for 3Ir.- 1 some Sv A IRALLELj CASK 7 (A; rKgged shivering middje-aged mni;n called at a house in Detroit and aslled for-ipod-; bn the lady of the hoiise called out: .' j .; N , f Vhy don't you .work for vour food-V' - : I .'II woul if I knew where I could ; timil wor-k'Jiediromptly-repl e HThore's. a place down town Avdierej voU' can rsawr wood.- anu earn V" ! -r- your 4 i . , dinner,'', she. continued. That seemed to stick him for half a great minute, but'he finally said, with solemnity tcMadam let me state a parallel case. There is ia lace ih llea'ven for Hon, but you don t want to die com-ltilMyou are driven right to it. w - - - .. - - She pondered'ovr his philosophy for a few seconds and then 'called pnfel to. the cook to rass half a loaf ? 11 p ' VVK K K Ii yJ le d g H it. 'BATES i i - . 1 ' Kit; is furnifJioil nie wei:kly:t.ei)( ro suhsciuikmx at . oik dolhir anditlttv cents per Jtvpy per :fjiiiiuf invariably in uuvniiee. ix liioiiths, one dollaiH iMeven p)pio."anc 4Ve: rJlifteenldollars. 1 wenty-two cojnCs, fliie" jearj; thirty U i liars. , .uiiie! ail onifris t The. WEEKLY Ijluipel I ill, N U - (ilHL UXCONSCTO USAXI) WITHOUT FOCI) FOH OXK YKAL. ' ; -l i-..s; : Tiie IJuffalo XY.) Courier tells, with cut ire serumsius o' a very v'y- mar kable case ot nervous Lioilin that. city!. The facts! as "It st at et hem, are that the, iwelve-yeardd daughter. ot a Mr. and Mis Wag' inan 4iesi in an : -iinctnicioiw fctatcj-iti i . their house, :md has si lain for over a yeaiv during wliicli tiure she has la keii no fd. The details iven're- 1 Ibctantly by", the,ypareiils, w bo , will . iV.t " gratify ihc liuirbidly curioit.- - . by iet i:lg them, see tl ie girl, are giv-1 eu by the, Courier a follows ; " The j i iiarelits stated the little girl liad ' been extivmely studious, and had c)c liibited biaiked piety iii her ''-inter- " , course .wii.h those about her. More: '.;L than a ear ago last. Janiiarv'.flilie A .c'oinpJainie I of great j ain in the hack' " of her head anjl neck. This, was IbW low cil bv the gradual loss iff th.v use - dd he 1 limilis;. For thirc'e h urs eacd '1- - 1 1" iay,iurpig a peruut hat timin', she lav in of st weeks at a tfrt cc.iand it poll, cohii ig out of in , wbiild talk of ' the Mieautilul land she had - enjoyed h physician w as calleid.' in to attetid llier wiieii the, jjb'st. .yiii).to'ns; weio' manifested, but. after she began t haye hei subsequent expe: ience, she refused ito take any niedicitie. Tie doctol' s'0011 afler carr c toTthc conr ) biilsion that he oitld do nothing fo her in any event. Inj January. 177, ,onu day became unconscious; and . ias re.maiae'l no ever since. It . is a year ftgo jsince a particle of jiourish-" inert has been admin teiered to her, , with flieVxceptio'n : of w;atery ice or . cream, Three mqni li s sitico she be gan to be 1 affected w"itjhwiat may bo termed spasms,' iil thoiigh thete is no evidence of pain or luifiering whorJ they bccui;. -They orpine:1 011 every ). alterna e hour antt-.las t jusi an hour. At first lliey were very strong, but of late nave, growi mime? every particiflar con- day. 'When iiii this ljl'OH she rocks tli at borttoil of her body extending fromlthe trttj.af her head to the waist, li'oitt side ;to m)& ot tlie lounge iippu ;hich j she sits, Th e m o tion . ca 11 be1 1 icst ' u nd e rstoo I w hen it- is-, describeil as reminding one- 'of . the action ot ai pdildulnm when iff motion. Whicu 'passlyo both hands lie,; care!css,lj , upoii her breast ; when- Lhe; pasfn is on they . are held up. . As! she rocks to . Uio . kft, tiie left hand is carried - to -tho forehead and the .right tails upon her breat.In her reverse motion tho left hand is parried pvej upon tho right, ; arid in every, instance tbo hands fall nnfailingly itpdn the eamo J spot, neveiv varying apaticlc. Her body is usually yei'v cold but dmnt iilie spasius. it becomes clammy 'audi feels like that of .a dekd pereoiK Tho little girl adds tho reporter! wh Isa'w- her) is- very pretty and when ly- big quietj presents an inter,estihg ap-. ' pea i an ce I o o k i ng Ii c a;beautifiil .chilj "enjoying a- peaceful shimber, ' Uvitlif the exceptioit that the ":- res)ira-; i'ioiis are not as marked"f i ' . ii i . v. ! 1 r-" s 1 . -t -I T- IKiW THEY DO ixl- xoirni sCAHOLiXAi - .. .' He lives in the ".Wdstei-ii district.'" YesterUay ,he callel at, tlie House to V (;n, Vii. ' ITckndestly com rti municate his wisheWl the: door-V ' " " '" J keener. 'Havo'vouh card mr . " '"'.' A keeper. f ''Have you a card,' 8ir," Ho g,:utHy growled.! "(Jards" he said thoughtfully, .mechanically Tiuinin"' t iif imim im lilt? uni uyuhtl Ul lll b.Oilt. .''NlO SI!' T (1(111 t '"iri-u ''um ' I 'Y r " - . w j a. vh v .'-V- IT Villi lU here are you from r' inrjuired tho i d. k. Xorth Carolina," was the-ij iromjjt answer. "W elh how do they doj in Xorth . Carolina; when a visiting T nvhy they v ride up to a fellow's fence' and hol- er to him to tie his dog, and they ,rCts down and goes ih," was the la- Vance. . slleoilnd that hi. suppbseI Verdant brjnstituent 'lyid got th-o best of a Hoi'ise dporkeepcr. "Yuhintj- ton Cor lialeitjh Observer. ' : : ' - "l ' ' Y : ' I Warm Batiiin-o The warm I bath is a grand retiiedy, and will ofv . tei. prevent the most virulent, disea HesV A person who may be in fear- ! of havinir received infection of any kind, should speedily plunge; into a, warm oaiiiy suner perspiraiiou 10 cii sue, and then rub d ry',j d ress securely I to guarS iagainst taking! cold. If ' the system has imbibed , any infect- . ious matter, it will certainly Ikj re moved by, this process ijt it he re sorted to before the I infection has time to spread over lip system; cn I f even if some tinie has elapsed,. 1 ho , drenching fierspiration induced hTlr ho( .bat li. p that may bo win; he iret- ty sure.fo remove it. -VamUif Her- 7 I j. t ! J 1. m 1 -1 ( j V1) ! p 1 i: I' - T- i. M 1 I it ; t f;3 Y'K) 0 .. V' ;'.i -.r A 1 1 4 ! xn, .lM ears polite, M;1.'U,,0ctl,V,P-e the case to M,ss Zillah'sr ', m A J .; -j : ; -'- r just men- him or his dangntei, ami . he was able to settle ten am Hill. ,1 ,1 I ' t-- thousand I at lli o' clock the old mail died.lof $5395j4,7:i7,18. of bread and some meat. . i - I '" -i - -; --i : ' r:' -Y-' '-- : - X. - i'Kf:-- x, (':. l-:;Y. :r;'. "'W -,'.'-,- ; 1 ; ,V.; rr :Y - YY-fX''-'.y.y'YY -'-!,-..''.;-'' A ! :'". . :!"-; - , A; :;A- : A A :-:A :)? , " A1 " A,;A ; " - l:rT' - : a .: -1 'r; xv:;.: v ; ;,; - " : . f-: - .; ;;-v. iLrl-XF7T'Xt':U; YAY;A--Ai'Y'y AY:,: : ' : :'-S-ai 1a: -Ay , - t !fi,.-3' "v.V ': , - U. - :.i. .-.. V. ' ,' - . '-' !' - 'k ii,- -rm. J .'-:.-. t,.