- IT . i :. ! ' ' '. . ,1- V v. . , r - !: . t h - in I- ? . - v . V ; - I It .THE WEEKLY LEDGE ft. - t i - i: at fJ 6 f si7 liicIili'iON' : : - One copy, one year; - - - - -l.r0. Ono cpy, :ix months, - - - $1.00. (L2Pbubcript ions' must Le paid in ad , Vance i . jKATKS OF-,DVIii'l'fSlXG : ':"Oms.;iiiareJone insertion. - - 1.00. 'Kaolr siilscuciit iusortioii. - - : r0ev CsTSpecial contracts made for larger . advertisements. 1 Fuaxk D. WINSTONjf T, v Boisekt P. -PELL. ors. NOTICE. We trill be jleasetl to' publish any coinnuiniea tlousr front any pet soil relative to -the jood of the people ; hut any . coiurha lucaiiottirdaticc fp iterson'ul.- matters or teudlny to bt'lny about a contro versy will jtot,betoleiated.Kis. .. , rr HAYES ANI SIIEUMAN. We considered the action of the Electbral Commission as final. The fact thaVlIayes occupies his se.at by fraud, is as plain as day, but the intense-excitement which investigation causes;- the. depression of J business which must necessarily follow from the action of a committee whose de cision Jsdo.ubtful, anil the troubles likely to ciiMKyarc the reasons why Mr. Hayes should be. 'countenanced for two. years longer, and jthe'n h'J jwill be disposed; of by the'almosl unanimous, vote of the. Union. The recent confession of those who were engaged in counting the - Florida vote, are of such a. n .at tire, as to de mand an investigation, and ;the .po litical waters, lrom recent Washing ton "dispatches, are , soon to be troubled, andfthe. chances'are that a President of these 'Ignited States and a Secretary of the Treasury will he's wept awayin the. storm Within the' lasi;feWj weeks McLin, who was .chairman of the' Florida returning board, has made a sweeping confes sion which implicates not only the President but many of the -visit in y and eorresjujiuliny statesmen. McLin and others in high authority, whose consciences arc very tender and will not alUw them to rest, have con fesscd that tlrt returns from East and West Feliciana were doctored so as "to carry the Stato tpr rllayes. w ion in fact it had none buu or more tor Tilden. Other frauds of a dark nature have been confessed. An investigation is demanded and lion. Montgomery Blair, ol Mary land, .lias presented a memorial to Congress M aying . the appointinent of a committee -to investigate the m:rtter. "On,' Monday, May. LUh, Hoik Ciarkson N. Potter, of New York, brought the matter before the House of Itcpreseniativcs. What will be done we do not know.- If the matter is fully investigated there will be. an unearthinir of fraud, vil- OuAXCiK County is.the honteiof , , Aorruntion. so blacks as to the Simon pure Democrats, and lief sliarae the nlost degraded, and the c uzens win not support any mue- m m 1)C tiir0wn into a state pendent candidates. This busines of . cx(jitement neve oi lnaepenuent canuiaaiure snouiu w:tucScC(l not be countenanced as it cnus only .lft-iiroalc JLliPLjilTPnat kr lh.GDartv and ji carried on will finally cause a complete overthrow Qf any party. -TS Tuk LcDGEitis Strictly a Demo-cratic- newspaper. It will uphujjl the men and principles of that party .when theyj 'are right. and condemn then! when thev are-wron". - 1 . t, . ; - ' Wir iVar that the wet weather will caue irust. to; take hold of the wheat' and seriously damage the T. . r 1 1 . 1 . croi. ii is i o oe iiopei tiiat a ury season. .will last , till harvest time. Kusl attacks wheat soonest in damp localities. - v . ' r ,4 ' ' . i i 1 IX anothet column will be louuu a ri'p6rt of the; meeting of the Dem ocrats of ' this township held in thrs place on Saturday last. The dele- Liates fleeted arc men who represent the best interests pt the commwiifiy, and whose i action in ;tne oumv Convention will nndoubtedlyi: be cx-, prcssive of the' opinions otatnaioi :tv of the farmers of tins vicmjiiv rhese delegates wercsnbt instrucled which was Jery proper: -The; reason for, this is that these delegates, are ....i.oto,,! nnil sensi hie men. vvno nltlOlUll 1 HI, ; w - z ...:n il- ir t1if lest. interests of th( V 111 1 KJl' I J , s . countv, and men. . f will nominate the bc-t TJJS ivKllTY ITEMS. Times' are no'isy' The . Seuiors and Reps " are indulging in " cliin-music from morning till night, eagerly, looking for Comriiencement. when they hope to hear a creditable " vox populb. - : j ' .-: : The Dialectic- Society has piir Ainased a new chandelier and a com plete outfit-of side lamps The chan delier is beautiful and adds much to the "eneral appearance (f the; Hall.t t'contains twei .e (12) lamps. IOLITlCAL opinion in North ('ar oliita is not all one way, and.it .vill e" well for those who call them selves Democrats to bear the fact in mind in the approaching elect ion. IJccause half a dozen men run in dependent Democratic candidates it is n o reason' why thei r' votes shoirld be distributed among them. A man who canvasses for the Legislature as nn independent Democratic candi date, is nobody's .'man. The Padl cals are afraid he, is . fooling them, and the Democrats 'know, he is not a 'true exponent of. the principles of that party, i lie is ''half porse half alligator, and thB other part snap ping turtle " '" J - I , : rr- . S. . j . Jud-e W. II. liattle, lion, j onii' ami Julian S. ' Uarr, Jsq , part of tle Board :6f visitors! made their annual inspection of the work ings of the Univei-sity this week; t We hope they were fully gratified at its progress.' j. ' ' j -, W e r eg re t v e ry in u cli that D r . PhiUips is confined to a bed of sick ness. We. had concluded that an entire recovery had been effected and that his chair would ho more be' . . . . i . . vacant. . IL wi'Vti'j ;-it is jearnesuy hoped that his health, w ill sobn re cruit, and allow him to resume his former position J Pilot". Josei'H.'IIkxky, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, one of . the most celebrated 'Physicists' and J "Experimenters, in Electro-. Maguet-i j isnijdied in -Washington j City on , Monday last. He had .been Se'crc- tary4 of tliat institution ' for thirty- two years. ', . Is every; undertaking al ways foejs? out for tthe, home-stretch. Mould your bird-shot J'ntoV a cannon ball and when joirshoot, shoot with an irresistible vim; yon will certainly, hit ah d stick. 1 u t' on you r way 1 eT fl v a few pf your bird shot to let people knbv you are coming ; they will not dinpnish your strengih miuh. never before r JT6-DAY the County Convention of the Democratic party of Orange Couotv meets iu Ilillsboro to nomi nate, two candidates for the House of Pepresentatives, county officers, . anu o recoraraenu a cenaior to tne CotiYention which meets at Prospect . Ilill. We., Jo ."not - propose to dic tate to" the delegates what to do. e are willing to abide the" action " To honor the dead has been in stiuctiveHmong almost every; nation on the glpbe Whatever may have been their Ipart in life, whether pa- triots or traitors, fortunate or unfor- tunale, thd same and equal sacred nessy seemed to linger above the common 'sod of all. Thirteen years v - - I ago thousands of new graves, received e mangled corpses of Southron's nooiest fois, ..and tnougn sacrinceu in an- unfortimate cause, branded with infamy and treason' by their en- of thn Cnnvpiitinn . 1 :' fmog y(i to-day, no one of these Tiik following gentlemen haVe graves can be found hr America but been. proposed by the press of the that a proper meed of lionor and re comity as j suitable candidates for. spect is lavished1 upon it. A few the Senate from this District : Julian years of peace and - unprejudiced rc- ; S. Carr, A: W. Gra.harn and Calvin flection bavc revealed to their eyes E. -Parnsh.' Either of these entle- convictions of the true heroism and men will represent the interest of deep patriotism which infused the Orange counjy with ability and hon- soul of every southern man, and have csty.' For the IIousevof liepresen- compelled them to. exhibit that mag-. Prof. Mangum's class in English Literature had their final -examina- tion this, week. Tlie class in chem istry have also been examined in the Laboratory department. The ex amination lasted during the whole week, and the students appear to be very much ; banged out.5' The ex amination in theoretical cheniistry will be held MayiJlsL : , ; " Department of Jllthemalies : Tins' department is under the charge of Dr.;Pliillips and Prof. Graves, Dr and vvill keep up your spirits. Don't Phillips is too well known to speak do like, some people who instead of of here ; Prof Graves is a graduate . I r . . . - . Till wniK-iinr stpiiiilv nnil iinifoimi v trv ot the Lniversilv oi lrLrinia. vine to get .to their destination all at once course. in mathematics is equiyaient by one lengthy stride ;. such i)eoj)k' to t hat jnescribed by any southern will cither split thtsir legs or fall univcrsitvy and is thoroughly taught. down exhausted when they get there Dependence upon self is especially Collect and suit to you.robject eveiy inculcated and every measure lead little mite upon wliich you wiay sx uin- ing to this is adopted. Original prob ble in your progress; this will aug- lems1 are continually presented, com ment your store and strengthen your polling1 the student to draw upon foundation, j Always be in good his own-rpources, and show that' he spirits be iit you. ; j taught. No branchlof study is more calculated to help, -the ; student 'in' LCOMML'XtCA'rivD.J learning to think, and this is fen Thercdias been latejy, an election dered so esoeciallv bv the.inanner in held fbrEditors.of the University which it is: taught here. English" Alagazine1 for the , next CollegiateJ text books, are used, especially those yar, and we are assured that those issued bv irraduates of Cambridge elected oy the two Societies will" re-' pLathimaligs' is o'clock, tlie address beforp tlie'twjo Literary Societies will ha deliverer! bv Hon. Jos. A. 'Engelhard, of the class of 1 854, Secretary of Stat chosen by the Dialectic Society. '. Immediately after the close of his, address1- a meeting of the Alarm i Association will be held, durinj; Grant, qf Davenport Iowa, a . graduate of lb i claS of 18o will deliver an; address befofVthe Association. . r We learn that , Prof. J. Deli. Hooper, of d iss of . 1.831, hasinvite all the surviving members pt J udg Grant's .class Lp; a reihiibn on tha day. - Among . them are our . well known 'fellowipitizen, Hon, Gile Mebane, Hon. ' Jacob Thompson iJev-.tThosl H. Owep, and otliers. On .Wednesday night' the Repre sentatives ot the; two Societies vjil deliver origiiial orations: They ar from Uie 'li. iessrs. ji..ou;uij;n r., JM. Leach, .Jr., and jv i. r.u gelhaf d, and from. the "Pin. Messrs 11. AV. Win'stoii James X ManniniJ and I). Dell.' Their subjects will bJ giveiii hereafter ' "X 0"i Tli u rsd ay the m c rnbers oi.the Grajuatihg Class wilT delivjer bi igi nal fVddresses and - essays.; uThey aH Messrs. A. Arringtpn, W.; P: Cliiie J. II. Faison, C. W. Gallaway, E J. iiill, J. .B; LeWis,. Geoi;McCoi:kie J. 31. Kicholson,.N. IL Street am IL T. - Wat k ins, The reparts of thd students will then be read. His Excellency .. D. Vahcel Trdsideht ex-ojfieio of the Loard o Tnistees, will confer.the degrees. The prizes- in Chemistry, Latin i . . . ! . . . . i i.i and .Oratory will be conierrea au. ring the exercises, ; . V VpL'lic smgiijg on Sunday at the de .iivlery of the1 IJaccaraurlate Sermoi - i J '. -,'". ' ' ' will be con dueled .by a ' portion o the class in music undu r f fie super iniendencc o'f.Pi of. Vilsou.- jThe Grand lall given ( by the stu dents to tlie Graduating; Class wil coiiie off Thursday night. ; r j Tlie Sa! ein 1 i:ass Iiand will -plav during the intervals of the exercises. B iRBEE ';. COMING AND NOT SLOW -7. rfoek of f Di I keep constantly on hand the lar- Rp ijp; MEDICINES,' . v . PAINTS, OJLS, ' LAMP'S, CIIIMNI V. s li ly i- ii yri H tl i " 1 i'i H in Orange County. t ThU C1IK APKSTr and LAKG EST. sortment of ; TOILET SOAPS, PEKFU3IE1 FANCY in the County Attn . .. M - - . " - ARTICLES, Unrivalled for l'oilet ! ahiP the Bath. Tso artificial ii deleterioAils ingredients i i ileeepti odors tol conceal coinmoii ; If A fl BEE o'fleri WI . I )0 W J K. and PUTi'Y at low llguren and tit: cpihpeution. Kxan4ie his stock bci' purchaising elsewlicrc. . 1. ': ( i ''. The biirest aiid'inostrreliablc tock Patent Chemical and PhVinaeeliU Preparation linuiitv. j " j We are glad'to learn that JosJ Sii ra 1 1 ge : 1 1 o : - a s a cc i d e n 1 1 v st a b h e d Ty a pair "of compasses some time: sjince. is now 'recovei4i'ngf ' - From fljo Jj.-iloiltf Ohnoi-vor.'' ' "N iAV .'CliAiEL HILL" UOt'. .WIN STON S J T,(.'TL"U !v AT IiIX(J- 11 AM SCHOOL. ' You can liny a l-y; at (iarb'eV.4 thaf wilf inake a celltint wiishing thUi iter i evifr oil c red to thcuu box of C'onccjih-:!! Drri Store Tor" K ilollar's uortl Of i boap. uan you w JJiirheefs Stock aim evqrviniii'r u.4 IioiJ Oiin, nnil ciaf.s,ii.sou Vail n voir, yiti fan take pt' Drugs, Mediciu K.1II3 kept 111 a tu is alw.i'eomnlv it - tnri foe Tint sutX 11s old hat; Tlie lntt. aii(l' 10 cents 'Ck'riM town at !J ii bee'a lru'jr Store, ' MKiiAXfcsvinLE,' May fl. ' I'Jfessrs. editors of the (lis (tinctive .features ot "jsew Chapel HiHv is the - infusion into its faculty . ... - ... .. - . , OOlllO I ; h i. burst, I .wii do it r: 1 wilUell: th'atigs is grotind into a fellow, of ; young, 'Vigorous blooL S fleet in their future publications the whethe'r' he likes the grindin' or not., doniiting 1 ho.mases have questioned. UxiyiviisiTV MAttAZixij. -Tlie tatives ! the! following: i.ep names comp have nanimity" which every Hruly gener- been Ipropocd : Johu ..U; Hutchins, ous and iioble -mari can never con Caleb .Green, M: '.A. rAngicv, Josiali ceal. North Carolina has chosen I urncr. r the 10th o.May to exhibit her pub lie appreciation of their unproductive Yuuu.c.na.apusi Vonenuon cffortg; and thisshe does in that, sim- is now pi session at Nas),viile, Tenii.; c but rcssix! custom ofdecora- Amon- tlui prominent minister pre- tin. lheir gravcs. " truly, southern sent arc:. Lev, .T. P. lJozer,D. IX ,,-vrtrv fhl. olltstril)S that of thn mid- n rv tnr oiitstrm T T 1A' 1 T T ril -.v -ix J - L -V"r, i.cv,n. iv. 1 upper, u. u., aic in its.!expressivenes3 and The matrons and PeyJT. II: Tritchard. I): D;. and . . Kev. JJ;C lliden, D. D. : Among the iiominent visitors arc: Di-.. S. Cutting, Dr. J. D. Fuller, and Lev. T. (i. Thearle. . Col. L M. Heck, and Dr. "i itcliard, represent North Car olina in the! Convention'. The " aV ; 1 .. j . - tendance is very large aud cbiti posed tf the fiiicstj -liaptits ministers in the hoidli. 1 . ' tune. ant Tut jGeiicral Coufereuce of the Mettiodibt, Episcopal Church, South, has been in session at Atlanta some All-the 161101)8 are .present 1 niahy mil inters andiavmen" of . - - . 1 tine ability. Ihe Nt5rth Larolma delegation take a pronuiieiit part in all its .proceedings, and all have been appointed to preach at some church iu the, city '. One or two bishops are. to be elected, and much business rel ative to the church go vevnment atid other important matters is being transacted. ,The question cTthe di vision of the North Carolina Confer ence will rbe discussed. t ' simplicity." 1 ne matrons and mai dens of the Old North State, in their earnest supplication for victory and showers of "tears on account of their loved ones v departure, formed a strong contrast to the pompous dis play and the ay' adieux ot ancient chivalry. Put the crowning .-point ot their superiority is displayed in the manner of regarding ' the dead Assembling in the month of May with rentlel hands and broken hearts ,lhey give their silent but eloqueit testimony: to the tcn'dcrness and af fection which they feel" for them' and strew the emblems of the. lost cause ; mingled with prayers , and tears. No wonder so much really true patriotism exists in the South, and. this same patriotism might ex ist everywhere if onl jour southern wonien were everywhere. sentiments ami wishes of the people qf Chapel IQ1L It is our liope that ibey w ill not editors from the "Phi." Society have vent-their spleen, when criticised,; in been ejected. Ihe whole corps con the same biiious tone that character jsists oi. Messrs F. D. AWihston. C ized a few 'of. the late editorials. For J. Aycock and M.; C. S. Noble froirt the sake of the University . let there tho'Phi.y, 'aud Messrs. W... It. Slade, be more of the Editor's brain imd U. P. Pell and 'A. L. Phillinsirohi ess of the Editor, niore. wit, and f the "Di." The business manaueis ewer"c-oiuunrums,.giore of ihe honey elected' are Messrs. Winston am bee and less f the other kind of "W Pell. " An entirely, new plan has; or of the walp. Let fhe.m assume al been- devised for conducting lhe( dignified' tone .which will demand Magazine next yearand the editoi classic and chaste language, such as elect expect to exert themselves to we 'so. tnuch admire in Addison and thd utmost in rendering it success Irviiig., They will jnot sto6p then j fill. Various, improvements will be to beg an interchange ot thecustom- instituted, and the people, especially afy civilities which are usually ex- thpj old alumni, are, earnestly invited tended by their brethren of the press. Let the -.present. Corps liemeiber that we are "perfected; through suf fering." Make . up theiry minds to bear outside criticism without chafl ing. Criticisln must have a vJid1c some effect, j and, through' bearing themselves seeniingly indifferent,' be at the same time alive to i,tr improy ingly alive to it. N. : The graves of the Federal dead ; uu i iu .uunuu ui riiunvoou vern etery, Charlotte, were decorated by muiiary companies 01 tne citv on memorial day. The Observer says "inis is an annual? custom liere, and one which is never neglected." ''... '.-."'.' ! ': ' ' - ' '''"' Lenoir Topic: The prospect through out the county never looked betTer for. a large crop of everything than it does at the present timp. Farmers area 'long ways ahead this vear-witK their crops, and the amount that is bciiig'put in is larger than ever" .here tofore... . Tni; -.Legislature of Ohio is de- termmed to .vc-dislnct.that State. lost by fire in the last six wockU Monrpe Enquirer: On last Wednes day morning it was discovered that Bethel Church had been set on fire, and burned down the previous night! No positive cause: can be assirrnp.l tor the deed. This church belonged to the Pleasant Grove Circuit, find i tire second church that circuit has I I I A 1 ' C f .1,. . ? to co-operate with the editors iu this undertaking. Don't1 wait fpi somebody to begin, but come and give. t a hearty' welcome and. a help ing hand. Some of the -best writers in ! the State will contribute to its pages, and its whole tone will be dignified in its bearing upon every topic. Let every alumnus take an enthusiastic interest in its favor, and it will, undoubtedly succeed. .Sub scribe, advertise and contribute. Remember it is a State institution and should be encouraged. I , Commencement Exercises The Baccalaureate Sermon before the Graduating Class will be preached in University Chapel (Gerard Hall,) on Sunday preceding Commence ment Day, 2nd of; June, W thej liev. George attefsori, D. D., off Wil; mington, N. C. j. :. 'J On Tuesday 'night the Dialectic and Philanthropic Societies will hold meetings, in their hall, which all thd members of the Societies are invited to attend. Those desiring to be-! come honorary members will have an opportunity of joining at , that inie. . - - . I y Oii Wednesday morning at 11 the 1 : wisdom of this policy on the part of the trustees. They say that put ting-young, untried uien 111 dead iig'cha'irs i n' imge rons..p-x perimeu fe:' Bill most of tlie friends of. ihe Ifniver- sity see 'in .this new and . distinctive feature tJie greatest; assimnice ot suc cess. Trie wiso householder in the scriptures had among his treasures " things r old- ami new," ami' he brought thiin ViVt." Ayoung nian with hts life before, him. with his reputation tomake,' Avhose career must be a success, is stiiiiulAted to th 'higljest degree. Prof. Winston is a fine'ty pe of the young Professor, , He is talented vigorous and enthusi astic aj-id ambitious. In 'short tic is in every sense a.'Tive man' ii use an almost slang, expression. lie; has taken the, aggressive lie means to wiii. This much we kne w before his visit to " Bingham;" and we ex pected a good deal ; but we I did not expect such a lecture as lie delivered, or such dn impression as he made on the" cadets. I lis" subject i was the character of the ancient Komans. ..... . . . Zr and ins treatment of it was hioad. vigorous, learned and striking. Com parisons.are odious, but let justice be done it the heavens fall. I am free tri say that in my four years at old Chapel Hill I never heand, altogether. iii the department ' of language as mtich to set one to thinking, as much' to convince' one4 of the practical Value of studying I Latim as much to shoy how the past lives in -thn present;, as 'as coiltaihed in Prof w inston s lecture."! here is hope for thecause of polite fearninir ' in -the btate when the policy of the trustees 3 lb. l'eacbe full lit, 22 1-2 ecu weight, :i lb. Tomatoes, full weight, 14 cents. 2 lb. Cove 0 :crs at 1 i 1 b. Cove Oy st crsJ 2 lb. Pine Apple, tjijl weight, 22 1-2 ct h .:!-:4-i ' ghr, 20 cents.' ; full weight, 15 cv full weight, 8 1-3 el puts. Ltsc;lioKieiiohi 2.1b: Corn, fiiif wci Coxe"s Gelatine,, 20 j CJioiec Ooiii r .',. ; ;i' ' .' FKENCII and "PLAIN. I keep the r j ' " rixEsr en ew rxo TOUACCO I1---' . '!-'' . . . jm town. " , PAPEIl, EN VELOPES, : 1 ; 'vx BLANK jBOQKS, iE PENCILS, KED, BL0K and bi;ack INICS in great variety. THE I IE IS MOKE .-JvEIJOSKXE OIL j SOLD j DRUG STOP 1 AT BABBLE ETHAN AT AIX THE STOBES ' IN CHAPKL - HILL. WHAT IS THE MAT TEH;, BBETHBEN ? -- fc- f vv- v: : Everybody kiums that IJalheeV VrtiZ htore is jieadqiiai tem 16r choice ami tf ot. the University. unite to the wei- ' lF ahd dignity . of the older professors ' Tf Voii want t he vigor, enthusiasm and ambition of such risiilg ', ypu$ men as Prof Winston and the other youn men at " New Chapel Hill." Our Plioenix like University, which has so grandly risen from. its ashes, in the hands of sucli a President, such older and and such young , professors as now man it, n;nst soon take , an eminent position among the colleges of the country, not only for the extent, but for the depth and- thoroughness of the "culture itf offers. Let i the friends of the ,. Lniveisity " thank God and take courage." ; 11. B. to keeps, subscribe to know what -IJarbc the LKUGEB4 ( My purchases beinir made with Tf:ii care and always at lowest rates, I fa'1 confident in gtyiiir satisfaction both i'1 quality of iroods and nricf . ' . i Presciptionscoinfwuiided at all hoiri 01 uay or in :ht. Open on .Sundai 's from 0 to 10, A J r . i a 2 . ; l j jx., ana iroin -i 10 , 1'.. Jl. . apl 18-!y M. BAKIiKK, Ji:. ..

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