THE WEEKLY LEDGER. OFFICE OXj FIIANKLIX STKEET, Ql'POSrrFjTIIE STOUE OF J. .W. CARR, Esq. JiATES OF. ADVKftTISIO : One square, rone insertion, one uollar. . i . - One square, each sulMequeut insertion. v i?iefial routnvets raailo for''er ailvcr--,.ticments., Advertisement should: he sent in hj Thumlay Ijelore each daj of issue.i I NEW. GOODS ! -Htoelc-of (Joods is now coinpjete in . vvvry Department, and will be Mld at . - r.orroM rnicEa FORsir, . ortokirnnjit pariu etistomers. Ili.- Stock Consists in xrt off,, : CASSIA! EUES, CLOTHE, COT- r - " ' t A TOXADSS, LIXEN BRILLS" . fi)rlants and Suits. &e. AFull I'ineof Domestic 10-4 bleached and unbleaehed SIIEETLVG. 11 L LOW CASE (j.ods. lake;eoroe . A. J I E A V Y SI I E ET 1 XG -M. LOX.SDA L E CAMKJMU. , ; .? , ' . . - A Villi Line of ; f ? FIGURED AND PLAIN. LAWXS, , . f LIXEX foj: LA'DiEsSsurrs , . t ;- ; . ' and TRAVELLING DRESSES. -. ) 1IAMISURG EDGINGS,. in eycrystylta from f I cents up. LINEN ' TOWELS ;md j v . y- - CRASH.' t MARSEILLES lUIIf Sn large lot. KEElS S1II1ITS and L'OLLAUS, full line. . . f . 1 . ' "MILES. a'Sd ZIEGLEIi!S a h.uid made- Shoes in cye-y Style, for et tlem?n. Ladies. .Misses and Chil dren. Also a .-largo lot . of .other good and popular makes of Shoes". . :j' McCAu'iEY's ; i . ' - -. is Headquarters for . r v-:- . ------ - ' I5ACON,. LARD a:ul GROCE IilES, CANVASSED & SUGAIi ;CIJRED IIAAIS-on hand all tlie A-lime at Bottom Prices. , v K: C- HAMS and SIDES at lOcis. ' -1 s ' l i ' i GOOD BROwV SUGAR' at lOets " . ,? " - ' C.tiir. ; GRANULATED, CUT ' . V ? . LOAF and best BROWN SU- -; k ; " , -; , : ; ; GAR at lowcet jirices. V ,. GIUTSand HOMINY al wav. - - on hand. A FUIL LINE OF FISH. . X. C. T.1 1 ERRING. MULLETS, i 'BLUE FISH, Ac. A BEST CIT.A MOb.fens and PURE - II0X1;Y DRtP -SYRUL'. PURE CIDER VINEGAR and - - - . FRESJI JJICE. . " . V '' A fnllj Stock of Farmer's ' Friend Plows, poiiits'and Bolts, always on hand. . r '-'j ' ." SWEEDS JleHned, Rwl." Square and Round-Iron on h.-nuL of all the il lifer ent sizes at fie .lowest cash price. . CO'ITON TIDES in all theJatest and improved strides. t ; HORSE and JViyLE SHOES and i - . . . v NAILS. if " I siiixgI NAILS 61 J ' w - . . . i CUT aiuV FIX IS I'M M.l'. -W GRAIN and GRASS BLADE. J .- - - ; ' In fact, even thing in the Hardware -Line.7 A beautiful line of . .. lJj)IES, MISSES and CHILDREXS TRIMMED and UXTR1M3IED -". : HATS. IiiniiONS. ItUFFS, CUFFS and COL LARS hi every Style. A Hill Line'of Gentlemen and Ladies NECKTIES, f- . VPT-:Ji: GentlemcMi and Boys 1 1 A A hurt STRAW HATS, in all the latest and newest Styles. . - - , h . A full line of Mens and Boys KEAD MADE CLOTHING at prices that caip not 1p. lo'it UMBIl ELLAS and PARASOLS that beat them all; from 15 k'ents to ?f If von want to wive money,4coine to McCAU LEY'S, where - yort will find what you want ut suitJf eveiy boh . Tiianking.t'he public for Ithe liberal patronage lovin me Jieretofon;, I pledge myself in tlie-future, as I have tried to do in the pat4 to treat everybody right and give them the worth of their uonev. Very respectfully. I'! . V D. McCAULE Y. I X 1 I I 1 1 h. " A. . 1.1. ' l - : " .. L1I 2 . V I ' ' . ' . fiTSA. . 1 .; fcs.? . -i . -4 1 If II III II I I I U Mft-.Tn-iin iJV illvA I :i W. fLrJ F6-.rVi -.J E&mj-' -1&4& Sf 1 : rWSI -.RWA i6VC!A VOLU31E i: CHAPEL "WRECKED. . EDITH K. Sl-SSIOXS. A fleecy sky, a stretch of beach, A Ashei's cot on the shore. j A VMouiairs face at the window, i - A 'child at the open door. i Af stift; sJinart breeze and dancing waves, lA sail far out on the 'deep, ! A ship that, o'er the rolling jea, . Right joj ously on doth leap. Down at the inn, the sailors hold .' ' ' The juice of the .vineyard qnaif: Fjxm tlie fisher's cot lloacs a joyful song iAntl the sound ot a baby laugh. ' A. wet, blavk uJglit.and a driving storm " With the wind abroad .on the wayjL's. Which sweeiing from an rtngiy sea Are ike yawning, gapiiig graves. -Within the cot all wa'rntartd briglit, - The baby sleeiis in its nest, A uhite-faccd woman sobs aiid prays, V-Help. Lord! Thv will k best, - - i- A dinugrej- dawn and a sullen :sky. A wreck cast up on the-shore; j. A breaking heart in the fisher's cot A ship is lost and nothing more. 3X1?S. Ji V : CARQLIS E - E. TKESTOX. 3Ir. James Pendleton ,of the firm of Briggs tfc Pendleton,', commission merchants, was sitting 'in his counting-room when 'a '' telegram was brought in. . Il related to an important busi n ess transaction with, a party in Montreal. The contents of the dis patch were certainly of a jiuzzling chaVacler, lor Air. : Pendleton looked nfuchMisturbed. : '-y'. 4It' will tc 'necessMry, that one of us go on to Montreal immediately,17 ;Ycs, I suppose so," was the reply. Will you go ?" . vJ can't possibly get away just .at present," 'sahlthc senior partner. I should be quite relieved if you would-no." .1 This, Mr. Pendleton agreed tolo,1 and ii haste- was required, he went iiou-.e at once to pack his valise, and lake-the train which started in two hours Irom that time. Arrived at home he looked for his wileijuC in. vain. ... 'Where's your mistrcssBridget?" he demanded hurriedly'of the ser vant. ' - . ; . Shuro'sir, she's gone to spend the dav w-id her mother in Brookliiie' "Are ypu sure she's going to spend the day 'r" inquired Mr. 'endletou. f 'That's what she said; share. The old ladv's took sick wid a sevarc cold, and she sent ior the misthress." "That's awkward," thought Mr. Pendleton. "I shall have to go off without saying good-bye to my wile." It may be mention ed that Mr. and Airs. I'endletoii had been married but a year,' and' this was their first separation. Teh years later lit woulft not have made so much dif ference: . ' ... However, 'business is imperative, and Mri Pendleton was obliged to be content with " scribbling a short note which he desired Bridget to give to her mistress as soon as. she returned. lie then packed his valise and hurried down to the train. Let lis follow Air. Pendleton to the station. He Avas just, about-to enter the cars$ when a gentleman, with a lady on his armcame up, and accosted him. V l" -"IIoV do - yon do, Mr. Gray ?" said Mr." Pendleton. : j r "Well, tliank you. j Let me intro duce' my wife's sister, Miss Wade." 3lr. Pendleton bowed. . Y'Miss Wade is about going 'to Montreal," explained Mr. Gray. "I wish you were going alsov that I might put her under your protec- tion " . ; f . Ar i SbI am going there"; said Mr. Pendleton.' v " , : "Indeed I that's lucky.: Would you object to taking charge of a compan ion ?? , rr-, , . -V- - A !L 'v. -L. ' ; , HI3L, N. O., ;ST1JRD 1 JU15: 1S78. V , i "I shall be delighted, I ami sure,' said Mr. Pendleton, bowing politely." "I am extremely obliged to you," said Miss Wade. "I fear I shaU'be a burden." "Far from it," responded the mer chant politely ! "I consider myself fortunate in iihvihg company." Here Mr. Gray took his leave and Mr.Pendleton cnterfid the car with the lady in question,' : f , A few seats back of him was a spinster Miss Jane Higgins,, ivhq was acquainted with the Pendletons. I With much surprise she saw Mr. Pendleton conversing ! familiarly v;ith Miss Wade. She. pricked up her ears, and managed to hear so much of the conversation. VWhen do your think ;ve shall get to Montreal ?" asked;Miss Wade. "lowards evening, I think;'" re sponded Jlr. Pendleton. . ; ! "Good gracious !" thought Miss Iliggins, "can j it be .they are eldp- mg(., It certainly looks like it. I wonder; whether Mrs. Pendleton knows anything about it. I don' believe she does, for I saw her yes terday, iand she said nothing aboui it. I declare I've a good mind to def fer-my journey and go and tell hcrl Poor thing ! she certainly ought to know it.1" ' i ' . .;i 1 Alter a moment's reflection, Miss Iliggins decided-' to carry "out her dea.. , ; .-; j : . . : ::. : jller sister must look for her in vain hat dav. She felt she had a dutv ih'at she.ouuhtfto oerform She rung the bell at Air. Pen die-" on's. Brhlge, came to thejdoor. "Is Mrs: Pendleton at home?" asked tlie spinster. . . '1 - "Xo-marm. j She's wid her mother "Does she know that her husband has gone to Montreal ?" "Xq ma'am he vent very suddenj. He left:!a bit qf a' note for themis ihress." '- . ".r ;- : It looks very snspicioits." thought MissTliggins. Shall I go to Brook , line ?? Yes, I wilb . It .will! be a sac rifice, but friendship Remands it." ; . An hour later Airs. Pendleton who was " sitting with her mother, was told that a lady wished to see her. . . . ' '! " - She went below, i , i Oh entering the drawing roqm . - - i she looked with some .surprise at Miss Iliggins. The latter lady was evidently in a slate of excitement. "What is it ?" exclaimedj Mrs. Pen dleton in alarm. What lias hap pened ? Has anything befallen my husband?"' ' l VI am afraid there has,'! laid Miss Higgins solemnly. "What is it? In mercy? tell me," exclaimed the wife, 'clasping her hands. "He's gone- to Alontteal,".an- noun'ced Miss Iliggins "Gone to Montreal !" repeated the wife in surprise. V'I suppose, then, he is absent dn! business." ' j "Perhaps so,":' said Aliss Iliggins coughing significantly. ; . "What do you 'mean? I insist upon an explanations" ! ; j , "I saw him go off," said the spin ster slowly: "Well?" J Mrs. Pendleton's face, as she said this, wore a mystified 100k. "There was some one went with i -i .!;-.' him,"' -; . : ;..-., ,; ; "Was it bis partner ? ! 1; "No, Mrs. jPendleton, I am sorry to say, it was not. his partner." J "Who. was it then? Tell me at I once. "I was a; lady!" said Miss Ilig gins with emphasis. " j "Do you think-?" (gasped Mrs. Pendleton. . "Yes, I do," .was the reply. "I don't believe it," said the wife, her confidence in her husband re- turning. ' "I saw them myself. He wasvery attentive I should say devoted in his Ki'anncrs. Besides why should he go off without felling you V" 1 "True, true;" said Mrs. Pendlelon sobbing. O, how could lie- deceive me so? But, perhaps," she said brightening up, " he left some word at the house, I must go back and see." .;. - j : -; 'o .1 would," chimed iri Bliss Iliggins.' . "I will go with you, my poor friend. In this trial I wil tarid by you, eost what it may." Mrs. Pendleton excused hersel to her mother and went home. Bridget handed her her husband's detter. It was very ' brief audi read as follows:. "Dear Maria: A sudden busi ness call obliges , nie to croUO Mon treal by the next:train.. I am jsorrv I can't say good-bye. T. can't tell how long I shall be goneW-probably not very long, l.hope you will not miss me very much. ! y , .Your affectionate husband, ' S James PKxbLETox' -. ' ,' ' ; j ' I. ; ' "He says it is business" said 'Mrs. Pen d leton , t rium phan tly Miss Iliggins coughed "I suppose the lady has. gone qn business also," said she sarcastically. jAgain the poor 'wile's heart sunk within her. . ' "What oughts to do ?" she asked; "Shall I tell you what I "I wish you would." would do ?" j Then,' said Miss Iliggins "I would pursue them at once. 1 shouldn t rest till !I ' had found out what his "business was that calls him away without leaving him a chance to s4S good-bye to the bosom."! wife of his M iss Iliggins-; worked up Mrs 'on' Pendleton: to a pitch of excitement, in whicr:"rrrT"1"af: The next train carried Mrs. Pen dleton as a passenger; bound for Monti eal. She had scarcelv taken , . - . j - her seat- when a gentleman came to her. Mrs: Pendleton took a seat without noticing the genllemaii who occupied; the, other half of it She wa aroused his "good morning, Mrs-PendJeton." ' "Good morning, Mr. Pay," she said recognizing him. ; "Arc you going far, may I ask ?" "To Montreal," answered .the wile, hesitatingly. - "So am I. ,1 shall be happy to serve as . your escort if you have none." ... ' This arrangement Mrs. Pendle tonj who had never before travelled alone gladly assented to. Little by little she took Mr. Fay into her coh fidenee, until he offered to assist her in her search for her husband. Arrived at- Montreal, Mr. Fay found a comfortable boarding place for Mrs. 1 Pendleton, .and himself went tb a hotel. . . , . The next morning he called upon the lady, and proposed ja yilk. They might i possibly fall in with her; de- linqucnt husband. ' . j -Meanwhile Mr. Pend leton had re- signed the charge of Miss Wade to a brother who met her at the. depot, and, putting up' at a hotel, pro ceeded to transact ' the business which brought him to the city. - Returning from this .errand his at tention was drawn to a lady who was walkinc- in front of hu-n on the side- walk. .,' . ' 1 ' -y-- ' " "How much that looks like my wife ?" he thought to himself. lie quickened his pace out of curi osity that he might hear her voice. "Good Heaven !" he ejaculated, "it must be she, and with Air. Fay, too. Is it possible that she has been false to me ? I will confront her." Mrs. Pendleton 'felt a touch upon her shoulder, and! turning- beheld her husband gazing sternly at her., . "Oh James 1" she Raid, bursting into tears. - "Good heavens, Maria I" he said in anguish. "How could you make up your mind to run away ,witn that man r "Iluh away I exclaimed Mrs. itn dleton aghast. :J;Yqu. don't 'believe that .r ; "Then why jare you here with him .?" demanded - Mr. Pendlelon sternly. v ' ' . r . - "Because," rhe. said sobbing, "I heard that yoi'i ran away with An other woman How could you -do so, James TT , ' . . j - , Her husband. burst into a heartv laugh. The" ludicrous rnisunder staudiug burst upon him. ' . Ah explanation ensued, which; en tirely 'relieved Mrs. Pendlelton (of her fears. She remained with her husband till ho - returned, and sensi bly concluded never again to be' jealous of ! him .without good propf. When Miss Iliggins made her next call she was so coldly received trfat she was not tenvpted to .repeat it. I A YOUXG LADY'S ; STIlAXGjK j-; MALADY: j , One of 'the .strangestf -and mdst startling cas'es of suicides ever chron icled occurred V at Alton, 111., re- eently. Ilad such an incident befn employed by Wilkie Collins in-one of his dramatic novels, the world would have laughed at . itas-a wild impr'obabilityj of that fertile novel ist s brain. lut this sad; occurrence is only one more illustration of tlie old saying, "truth is' stranger than fiction." Miss Christy, who rcsideil at Upper Alton, was a young lady of more than ordinary beauty and gifted ' intellectual .abilities of no mean rank. Refined, courteous and cultured in her manner, she Avon the love of a large circle of friends. one naa. oeen amictecr ior tiie past few months with a most. extraordi nary phenomenon. - Her head wa5 oa if mvriads of beesr. flies and crcata, or other winged insects', were puii curing her and encircling her head with an eternal, everlasting buzz buzz 1 buz.z.l . This ' constant Alruim min?r:and buzzing must have beeii. an unspeakable ,aj:ony tq such a sen sitive creature. 1 he imaginary in sects.pursued here very where eyerj step she took she was aecompanieo by ths awfill di umming; and hor rible buzzing. The tortures she suf fered must have, been inconceivable from morn to night, from day to day and week to week, the inexorable fates encircled her fast weakening1 brain closer and closer' with an inj Visible Tins; eaclfelink of which was a pitiless 'buzz. Finally the young lady's torments became unenduTable and in a moment of uncontrollable A violont, emotion ALiS Ohristv ran from the house into th the hack card'eji tnd jumped dclib erately into the well; determined a least to rid herself ofVthat mcessanl buzz, a torture -that rivalled tht tabled tortures of Tantalus. Hel was immediatclyat hand, but befort the distvacted lady could he rescued, from the well life was extinct. ; - TO GIRLS. : v; i Never marry a man who has only? his love for you to recommend him. It is vJry fascinating, but it does not make . the man. - If he isnot other- wise whatt he should be, you tvin 5 never 1 be happy. The most pcrfect'J man who did' not love .you should; lievr be your husband. But tliough marriage . without love is terrible,, - love only wili not do:-: If the man js dishonorable tb other men, or mean, or given to aiiy .viqe, the time will come when' you will , either loathe i,ri rr sink to hisUevel. Vlt i is hard 11I1U V. - . J . to romember, amidst kisses and praises, that there is anything efse in the world .to 'be done or . thought of but love-making; but the days of life are many, and the husband must be trusted a companion," a friend, as well as a lover. Many a girl has married a man whom she knew to be anything but' good, "because hq loved her so." And Ahe flame has died out on the hearthstqne of home before long, and beside it there has been silting one that she could never, hope w-ould lead her heavenward or who, if she followed him as a wife should, .1 would guide her steps to perdition. Marriage is a solemn thing a choice for life ; be careful in tbi rhoosm?v .' - . 'V THE WEEKliY LED GE R. SRJBCIU 1TI0X 11A TJiS TJieAVEEKLV LEDGER, is furnis!iel io MiuseriDcrs at one dollar ami tlttv cents per i-opy per annum, invarlabrv' in advance. , f ; ' - - Six months, one dollar. Eleven eomef. one ear. fifteen ilnlirti-a en eoplej Twenty-tvvqi copies, one year, thirty 1 ' . . orders Jo "The WEEKLY copies, que year, thirty .j - i. "- n i - loUftrs. q Add rifts all LEltoiR;-' VCail Mil!, X. (JJ THE KIXG AD .TIIE CAR DEXTER. ' A Victor IKnianueL was passionately! As he wasfsliooti loud of hunting. ing day in thd r.eighbprhqod 0 Rome-, he eut up al hare, aiV which hd fired. 4 Al the sami inomcnt ariqthci shot w?s heard; fired by astout burgher who , was also ( engaged, in the pursuit of, game. V."I 'itliftt tth' "are," s.-jid the Kin. -"Away with O'pu, sirq said tq ma)i- '"aii fbqi can say, thit.-jr "I belongs to mcf, and I wil take it !j' cried tWKmg "I would iiKC to fsee you: ' shouted the other. flic King doubled his lit I .,!' 1 i fists, his rage, and small, eyds sjiarkled with a regular 'scunle ensued, int which sniaa-t blows wcro r-iVen and received ; but the conqueror of tho two Msiciles f.reinailicd victor, The van q uished, li uh te r took to flight, b(- stowing, as he went, epithets the re- verse of complimelntary)Dn his antag onist. Arrived atljthc southern gaus of ' the cityvthe jiving, ordered thlo commandant to ti-ace;thc conquercji burgher. to his home, and o find cut who he was. It tin ned out that ho " ' ' ' i "t ' 'I '' - "T t was a respeetnble master-earpentqr near the Porte def Popolo, I By the royal command a aniarid a J carriage was sent carnage was sent to his house,-f;and he was iu formed that: the King wished to See hint. The honest couhP not compre hend t he ! meaning of the Veqiiisitioii and, with beating heart, recKhcd on tiitj silken cushions. Arrived at thlo palace, he recogriiiiedj to his- horror, his late adversary in. the Kmg him self. "Mr.tSaivini," said ttie Kin, "I have requested jyou to come here, because in the hare some'.gfains of shot which! I never use ' have been found. We verj3 both in thi. Htrhtl: I the ' hare I together." And I himself throwing open the dining-saloon, coVers fof two were seen, between wilich smoked the contended-fqr hare.,1 A MEDICAL MONKEY. 4.n Orientar correspondent v of a , London journal1 says he once sawa , monkey hohling'Va snake by - tbe( . throat and rubbing its hoac in o ' dirt, but as: the -ground was moist and damp the snake was not I readily killed by this mode tof punishment. Every noV and then the monkey , would look most knowirrgly in. the face of the reptile' to see if it was dead, and in the course of oho of these investigations the monkey rts- i ' ! i' 'i'r.'rxi- riii L 1 ceiveu a severe bite. This mado hdf speedily dis him angry', and patched the' snake, but its coils had lordly 'relaxed before the .monkey ; reeled and fell prostratej and apiia- . rently in all" the i agonies . of death and poison. J3y this time an aged looking monkey arrived on the scene, .. and'afteii examining the bodies of thve snake and its victim, ho immedi ately started for some neighboring bushos, where he collected a few leaves of the plant kho vn .ai the rfcd cherita, These he rapFdly and skill- jjy fasljiiqned into a sortj ofill, w'hiclf he ad nTrnislered to. his snake: bitten - cQ:nija'nioiii;w'hv68peidily; TQ' vived and walked off, with his physr. can . j ' j I'.Mv Two SriiKS- Remembci! that all . question?! nave iwopuiu, mhu is iuy rightlside, the otlierthe wrAug side one ide of iustice. If you! take the; - right side, j'thsp just .Vide, ultimately; N r i. .- . - i men however miieh; theyjmay" op-j plose yon, revile you, will come to your support. Earth with all its powers wili .work with you and for , you, and heaven jis j pledged to con- . duct you to complete su :ces. j If you take the other side, tl ere is no a power sin; earth or Heaver that can Tnhd vou through success tilly, be cause it is appomtedj in thlfiounsels of Heaven that- jutico aiid truth" alone can nrevail, ,!'!. j ' -JLi i - v ,!4 ' Subscribe to, and advertise in. tfio Weekly Li:!x;ku. 1 .... f t - . "9 ' l ! : J f- C:;q,ei Hill-s. C, May IS, 1S78. " 1 ! ' t It 1 1 r I:" -- . t , u mm. Jjxm

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