.J -: - ' - - . ., -" - : V : a v- : v , - - - - - , .- "! , .r - -i: m 'V ' . -- : : : i T-r. - . V. ? ' .-. - :.' - .. t:-4'rs l7Hi, . V r-i ' r 1 T!-T , ' T . . , ' " . ' ' . 1 t - s j r " : !, t rS U E W KE ICL Y L K t G R . TfXn contracts for mlveitisonuMits .Ul bi mutle with Jos. A. I auu - M:iii:i"rr umce on .v"- ' ' - JnlXmloiH , Sunday e-c,.tc.l, i.;?rlualiam'--Uity, .K a wei-k-; at 8::- 1; M- j; A. MIC'KLK. I'. M. .irstiulen are it mainin- in oiw viW.: :i;,a inUM.a to tuke:irt in the formal cll ? : ; .. ' uititUlt.fri a :cliaxis t o mil.- Wct of this ilace, ha. on ex- jli!,itioii''"Wbt'rbmr iachi in tlu, . U K will t-KWJKU t t.V iuriuk the Normal ScImm.1 for iV cenls. H mVu. that wc :.hca,ly .hrthecX. vbsnatioa - WhW Is th:it ? ; t' t t-i,toiil .Ines Watson. -M; r . w it..- ril'E .DEMOCRATIC STATE. CON - ' . VENTIOx. .Kalkioii, X. C. June 13l8:s;- Tin; convention is now in -.session,- f with Hon. Jolm Manning, ot Chatliam, as temixjraiy'Chairman.iUKl the Demo cratic members ot'., the .SUie iness as 1 Secretaries. ' . , , Tlie Committee's ottCrevlentiaKs 1 vr manent Organization V ami IMatfonhs Iiave just been apnouitcl an I have -re-tiretl tor business. ; The sjiccch f Mr. Maniiln-wa.able, ami was a i-omiuelK Hsivc review t; the past work ot tlielMoeratit?l:'tyvvitlv a strong enunciation t' tlie piui that 'party, tor tlie Intuie. The address waslomUy applaiuleil, and the rcfereinc .l i. ,. ,.-,!. nln leal tv. of tlie soi& of I UIVi ..... - " Demoeracv, and the substantial reforms that party have, organised, were greeted S with storms of aj)plnnsc which rent the building and showed that tlie trite sous of North Carolina-are: awnko and ready to buckle on their impenetrable armour ofVight and justice wliich lias shone to bright tor the past twelve years. v Every county in .the State is pro seutetl. withjhe excejUion of Ashe nd one th'-r. Seven.1 rxies are pn ncnr. We regret toVec miteh log-rdljing has leen carried on. Smith will be noiniinted'oi 1st ballot for Chief Jivst Lee. aud probably by aechf- mation. . o: the sland, ' ami is mukin He luis refer.eil t the depressed state THE ' NOUMAX.- IMl'onrAis V ; INFORM ATI- - ! ! - Tlie number of persons who have applied for a'ul put of the funds lo nated Dr. Sears,! added to. by the ISoard f. Educationare HI, about Urnmip resident Battle that among others Rev. D Sears, Gov. Vance, Senator Mcrrimon, ex-Senator .Gling bianjRrof Kerr, Judge - Dick,! I lev. Br. Rritchaid, Uev. Dr. Smithy l'rof. Winston and Maj. lnghai have conseuted to deliver leetures. The limes of the delivery of these lectures will be duly announced. Wb are glad te learn. ihl umpeo eii, as 40 ladies, and the rest male teachers Tt 1, been iound ininossiblc to give more than the 'necessary gravelling .-,0 v-XXKI viHage are determine! expenses ol eaeh the oojccl oi iiiy iioard being lo Pce thoeilt a dis: tanee from Chapel Hill oh the sa ne fooiinir with those w.no iaie oca. awelbfur! anvthihg usually kept in -nisheil , ' . : v j ' - '( xri CJ1 XxMr" Store, call on . ; , ' v : ItOBERSQX & HARRIS,' tm r elsewhere.' ' V full supi)l v of the. nest, l resinu ug At N K W ST O RE Tim applicants are trom all pans joi the State ; some as hti: west as CUy county, ami '.as tar . east asi ram. ico. i...:.i H itilo has hotilied them that, rooms can be turnisneu lu-iu students but not bedding, iree, and recommtn Is that thj.se Who uesno ...,oit r.niirnv to bring thOnv own UWWOitiu j - , - , - 1 1. 1 sheets, tc, and an '.empty. which will be iiUed; here, .It - is .iifit. designed that the ladies shall ocvu,) rooms in -the: University omui.n, but v6oms haVb been rented in the village which -may be ocCup ed by those ladies who may atesire to board themselves. A .club ot ladies 4,.., ITnimi County have already ii v .I. 1 r . If CO t . Ak-xanuer. - xvow i .11- fartalrs in tlje ...untry ; the tyranny ot , nrweek it.e , ding the Stale Con- , te guv.Mnmnt bver th ,kmM, e ot Uie ...ghtluM eKJ v !s,,uth; in lavor of intlatton ; against en-aed rooms for thisj purpose M? A. Mickle, the Bursal' ot the UniVeisitvthas beeji appointed agent wVrmiil school, and.will attend . to pocufcing board and lodging foi l invjtod thJku(leins. He liasfnade anauge g aspeceh.; s have 3 Veieiverect,ed m the Canii.us, aud to p.rcure cioun.a W Iltr the benelit ot the mrde teachers who desire eJitioli. i, N-oMlLiTH beginning to put i trailed" rather rhv Sweral r":Ahli wk. andthe irnlU,;- rtJu are that everything in Chapel u.. ,v ilf Je monopolized by them. ' u'lm have' sub- 1MV i I-. Vaities H-ril-nl tu the liiaHu.must come ami . . ii u. ilroiiiu' jMriqv or mciruaiut- v iJiiriuK Vice-l'residents from each Congies- Normf ifrulMtlUtal 1 The r,1rtItv,a-aloptcd. , or $11 i-t iiMKb ITTKJ.-Th- tollow- johs. lleiulersou and J. Kabm- prefer . ! 4 1. . 1 sectionalism ; reviewetl tlie l reMuemuu election'"" hist three terms ; D.-mocrats must stand olid, Itudleals are going to 'pieces. ; . .The Committee oh rcrmanent Organ ization, reported : : . ' .. ! M I 1.... lVi.4dent II. Ii.-Short, oi i.ofmiuu. Seeretarv-j; ! Cameron. UiAut Secretarv--!:. M. Furnian to have their and lodging own i?ookin: lo.ueJ f'ninfl n?t able board v.o-l.M.led at the hotel- and many i....1in,; d.onses itor Sl.oO; .Dei month,whilesuienoracconi.nodalion will costal little niore, ; (tO(m! tab e board alone can be had;tor and SU0 per month.! It wilt thus k onoJdmt. those: who will firing 'their own bedding cr ast vear, Xo make the time.; of the; u ndents asr a Li-re cable as possibh , Tlie i-e need be'u iear of anyi flail lire in accomodations . v lany of the reg uha' University '.students.lmve given Up their keys to r. Mickle allow-hi-' the formal students to use their ;rX)oms ana ,in;iny .oiui. vi-v, theirMViends who will attend the j Xormal school the use ot their ji ooms; bosides ' -hiattresses ' will bo sol loaned or lien ted as called for. . ; The Vi Jsident. of tlie Debating Society last vear, Vi'ol A. D. Brooks, . will bu- present and- re-organize, the Socletv soon ,af,er me, openm sch()t. . . i Arr'i tucfunents have been; bv which any student of the, school can get books from the University and Society libraries. , V , There will be siiihciert acjtpmoua tion for transportation $Vou Durham to Chape) llUh ' ; - Ttoiv OirrUi Deputy Marshal Wilkern, of Dnrham, Ayas in town Thursday 'serving warrants on par.iioi ;..: : .'i,yt;(M;i nV l-evotiue hwvK selVi iig whisky in Chapel lliii wunom ,!.,;.,-' commeii6iuent .week, i undei'tan I two distilleries were found ... ? ,r.;n. rr tms mace, noi in r i i. y . iinvj - . times Ahead lor some biidy. VOAlPiv!" O ' LA.UrS.nnd 0"MnS iu; variety j :mi now vreparedogivc to my cash Kl.Y Til A1S. rATlONEUJ. J buveip ?ait,d prompi K.ylng euitoiners, ENVELOPES: v POCKET; KNIVES -..it BtmiOM ritlCES. Every- rOHACCO, SNUFF and C1&AUS. tiling kept neat ami no trouble to bov Ui;yy4vli?t wAi -, .ttiest stvtes of PK1NTS in . s IUiUSIIES;&f , ty. ; liaiik-HUU only 7 ceptv - I J .:. . t,i .:;;f..",.n sMvemonex TJiJKSS (iOJDS from 12 .1-2 to 'Mr i;...'t.Mi'ii;i.. .if fliij ''iiiia.. :is thev sell a low as anywhere hi the St tte. , T O T S O U I - V ; V n T EriMlUiUM!! . j'r "J:. -.. ; . ; .. ... . , ,.r . - rn if O M A S D U N ,S T O Nj ven-s. ! , - , V PACIFIC LAWNS 1J U2 vent-. VlCTOIfl A LAWNS VYto U ' of made P V C l F I C ( ' 1 1 ET ) N N E i: cents. ;iJLEAUUEU MVSblXS hum tutu 1-2 cents, i KIJtJWX'.MU INC ,12 1-2 ents. . ; L r ,k ,.L' . UJSiI- 1 pi a'tii. t !as i irrKD til lit J). A RJ1 E R . S A 1 Q O X r i PJ44 SlIEETLVt Mi-Un m'i 10 to 12 1-2 cents: ' 1 ' ; . C()TTONAl)ESil noi i-z eem. u CASSIM EIIES lVoilV tu $1(1. I lOLT S (J ING1 .pis II. f -2" M 12 -aj TV license, VjWe also and will lo time. in the lad 11 ".."-' Trti '.-, . .1 tl1;- most inhpiovetl i ie. .to lo se his custiuners ' any rittirauteas irood Wgrkr.- Shaving, -r 1 - - ' - ,;l Hair'Cuttlhg - - - " Shampooing, .-' ' , . . j T He Ikis iVboot-hlaek always in atlendj- aneej (Jive him n call. : api is-tf " ' 'S rl I C E COHALByup; Ef)6'iNas i i t 25 cents.- & : ;- i . HUFFS o toJO tnts. - j ; I COLLARS iinl CUFFS :;0itq(Kl c't. STAN D AKD .CO LLAIUIEIT 2.to5t tpnts per yard, f .''4.; . , x Chats ranging fiJom-75 emits-to 15 . Fauts from $1 to Vesf.1 tipm l A FULI SUIT I AT VEA : L - r-k T Xo hog or hogs can he penned wifhih 40 feet of the stroaf. j-..-: . J X'.. 1.,-v.r nrJimrS l-'Mlf iKi'lCO ill IV orlh'e i-ide-alk,.laud Titty cents tine fob e ich oll'ence'witl be collected. To tak.i eltect oil and after Monday, May 2tl, Silk Necktie Bibb's ' I Sbiir Fronfsi ,Itibl CAN 15K TOUNp ERS FOR! S3. ) llsuidkerchlof :ibboiisj!ll-e, White iifid Fancy. Ir2 Jloso, White &-Faney, Ol0V , .Suspenders. Cra il ; jiwiiinor cattle in -the Corp ite lhnits of Chapel Hill,!'a re i-equirell tii..m nil kt niiitit. and jt tli' be fxmmi at large on the strips -WiU he t ike n up bv the T(wn Constable, and r: to lNCI.IMt" jug h-tters J emal lulled tor; ; j f Jfonse, Suaiii Jones, Mrs- IL, E s W JlJiams. J. .31. :ih ii the poslofihe un- on csei.rtedfMiVShoit tothe stand, who took liis seat 'rmid applause and pl- .mIm1 to address the ( onveniion. Mr Ceoi'ge WVliarb-e wonUrvsptH't fullv iiothVUhelNprianlite.s Unit he can (uxulAx ue ana romtortable l oo.ns Jo. .1-Tlii-r,,oms neatly ,ruWed. table board can.d.o be Jad j ...-f,.,, or tift'een gentlemen, i eded to aiwress.ine v oiMui.i.w... .v , Will report mo.e lully ntlweek. ... to pui-clmse, it is t us 1 cvvmii' iievefbeiore have such ' JUDICIAL CONVENTION. This Convention for the purpose ot noininatiuga Solicitor ot this Dtriet met in Diiibaiu l.tst Tuesday, June llth. Most of the delegate. were present Cantain James- 'Oraham. was chosen et-j Chairman, and tj;e jnembers of the dis- orettinjr acco Lr.i.A n'rboawiimr liotUes.i! As tuition is entirely treeaiid books 'will p. loaned all those who do nou fiesice I apparent never before hayesuch hnportautea,i cational advantages I con tfeed cheaply to the leaehe In Addition to the y above, who hav3 aj 'Hie newlv married eouple; will com- merWlife with the good wislies .of a libst of friends," E. i oi theSlaUl 17 sppken t j . jyti lied for aid, ! ' 1 Awarded liiIoiin ji ito ITsni-'.o1 ;A5?4r g lJ; G E N E l. n uV it n i ., j vats, pents ' ! I .mpil ,- ; !r i;.v?oiV:iii(l Tjnen Collar h!JTnnlorehiirf 2n edits, S:ish Jtibt 1 , bon 20 ctuits per yard! j -1 Corsets 50 .cents .to Sbirti 7.". e(tits b 2. J. i'. I v-Jews and ClarkVO. X.J n i) -st sis com ooi Cottoii.".") cents per dozen. Spool X . V ' Sktih Silk,; , I Umbrol- r '" i ji in t la ra.ol s . T'nilhisL (ients. Misses;aml I .VrtiJSt in Craythi, ChAPEL Ilibb, N, c. ,m,m' Pnitoii. ilovt's Oerinau Ci-' loVhe. ' Indian Queen Perfumei Notion Departmenc. i nim. d - ... .u ; l. in the lat two weeks tin ee rj,. ,t . ..!..,,;. ,lellin"s at night, Can-.nxl.-. it "Was n -oiveU uiai . ui :r:: s u, !. ?r n,t:..i. n t.u -7ming to lMf7'"T- he Demoeratic vole of eaeh, county, Jtra - - I , 1 Knowin- one vote . huh Conrention for ToLTK. IVe haveiu iv.vea a iM,r.H ju the eonnty., couknmnicationifrnm two ymg h y;li':ln ulu. Uv evey tract m ..ver.; iuVur CommcfieemeuT. Ue egiet I nominations being in order- Mr. President Battle fias.lleen notilied o"-y. TJ ;Tj ij oreat nhmbers or others wno, siie; . ; L :iiiaCK .sTA-.i.' :..v7.v; 'ii-i:iiAM. ,. e. able to pay their own it maysaid t nat tjiere 200 Normbil- studen Chapel Hill uiid: its aiidrthe wbole n.u nf.e tiod will le )11SU outside t! noighborhooil, who will at- Is!rab!v larger hi thaiithi.. Very many of those w attended last i;esjbr. of' (irujjyjii. L .. . . . I.if ii Till II ,i 1 ' 1 vein- aim-R that'll vame o-v-.- jM1kin . L ..! fill tui liaving our paper n.e; - . . ( vre jrfo: !... tr.-j.r f il V"'!" t . ' , - . .1 I.:ii itiiii iif Mr. d t kl - " ' nol I'l'.ll I'M Jil IJ "' "' Mod Mr.J; N sed. have engatL;eji rooms, and will enrfdl their nanu as members ol Ihe set iw.yi. session. We i....:t. IOUI lltW ill tavtv seen the W. I',, il LACK W ELL r l'roprietors. :e ji mi s Pi Wn i a u.i:i;. JNIauagcr. much.-' ' I j Sn udwM k'by aJarge majority. i 'rr" TT'Nh.V U-o'the, Mr. Stru Iwiek was ealied "IMm and : ,,,,-Mr. German iu . - I ; j - , , ,:d, .vmarks; 6fCMl.lI.B.i;p.!.r-.a, a. 11. Cm , . - J a,;(llt st:U1,ard- meeeU. 1J.II Thursday f , 1 , 'er in the-gWlathr eon test.-being j7J v.urs.uI-U i Ke never. UM;- " ,f toiweco. draAk a drop - whiskey, o. f roife in his IUV. Nor did bv rKrtxv kwlrj , Beat this, it yit t:V' Vi:nsN.vi.--Kev. Dr. Patterson, who -r ; .- r i ! . . ': i ........ 1 ....I-...I f. im-iiioii be- .... r ' .'i......i..,- f. riM-eivC'l a ,.t-,. ii- ie; Uie i;iet..n.M"-". i letters of a treat! nun bor, and. were .'Bjitiliod to see them soeulhnsiastic as to the advantage received lat CXeariv all ol ,the; 117 apllicanis 4V .dl are nelsons who were' not misent last wissi()ii 4'bich isastrikiiig.j CO., PORTRAITS ; IX CRAYON fi-mn - PbotoLnanhs,' Ferrep-i tvpe. Dauerrt-otvpes. Ambrotypes ajiu. Miuiatures ih'tho iuost finished !tyle ol cravon draw ing am. to any oesueu ALSO-FIXlSlIElr IX OIL, UlIA INK j) Pa st 'k A. e; IVico ijjQde;-atfi, CilOOL Of VOCAL. M13S1C 1 i k ) . - . ... . L . mm nv.-nvi. ,u ah ot mv DCJiooi 101 1 uA,i irniwi . fuiiiiv umiw. A "V.: iCfVA,.,! Ainsie. will n":Ti si,f.p l elU. a smodl Jiuality, I IMIUt,, - V. . ,, ,. KTi ,,r KArcn anil Mlllft SliOCS.T i- I I A til 1 1 HUM 111 liiUUMIJi iiuip iroe. . iiiuMii x"" , .rr . .1 'An ni iti:iiiv other thiii!r in the f Votion Department. lolMU Soan 25dnU per dozen? ' 5 o 15 1 cents per cake.. . : '; Blacking that cii't.:i .' , be Heat. .Moore s U o o 11 1 12 Jf f I Uv,.Q siooir "Raeon. lining l'ih, Mo lasses. Meal, Flour, Pepper, Sp ee, Gln rcr, itiee,.SodsUnd Starch, ) . y ' ' j . x j Tobaoeo, Snk, Pooler Shot -a d Sole and Uh Leatherliefc IUndsf t...,.. -riui iK. names iUiFT. id 1 iiua Best- fiurk lit Lowest l'riffs ! pn Ik eomvu .71 ;r ; ; , nVcViw,;;: U'U. at boft6m Prier, & and Tejct- T Lanj deterin ned' not to'VKI, loaio, "M-r.', rjuif-ir.K). iv;iT, ,ov th oiks for past mtronage. -. ;.t;-.,vi:,.i ,,.( ' i.:.ve the benefit .,,wi olicitintr I" a continuance 1 pt IM . liHIIU iiuvu'i ..... . I . I , of the; Normal School Avhichl begins at ilMi same time. ;fTC,- . ' -. . i, ..wl IlilL "NT. (I ie )-ti v-"i'A - - called f.'l. respnHvl ' .wb k and llvtrUiu ( - '""""-V I : ' ' ..r;.ii, j,r:r:. b.i;iu-ela-. eoubl non re- NsfiUcs 10m some j "4 , ,,,,, , :., r,i1U.M our l..rty thank, for U.r j .Us,..,. ...... M.c arc J.-...J - .. ..i ti,;.v vi'i ved verv much ti re-i soiue letter. .J,w,nont neonauitanees. ? -4 i.101. iu.hj;. .-..Lird,wut rniKS :i Hie fact teinling tx snow 10.it w.u . . i for nrinthP' Tobacco attended l Kes,ioiVhave. acqmd , my in superior positions which enab e then) b I b i in ."tjiis'.'spe.eiid line, we L ien oui. h.m- - r .u.-miui respecini ,ii e are also prepareu 10 in 5. . . " Mkkchant.4. avc are gWtm; . . 1L1 1 1 m SV " :Pilf. Mugm vill leave for Oivei ;" whe boM next week. I - In tl.lV ' 1 V . I ' '....! ..f -lii.l tr !n nno ' 1 ' . 1 . .. . . this We Stftte ttlC .Cse ui n ..mj puuiie inut " of our count of quired 1 iiip ..nimr mother. f and the mother 1 . :.i....i.-,.il f'lW.bmcia me of'tne Normal Hebool on account pi the rrreat benefits derived by her . f il.K nnnKfOnts fll- ftld 1 AbOUt O Ol iou in'i"- --, i Hoaru to ue vit- .... .1. il l'bLin anil Southern eit.es wh?m and her superior teacmug ae-, . . - J v 1:llHlcr; and at very low ujs received promotion 111.1 Uvi yt, ,iefv competition. , :(.hool has been taten charge, VVc yelect tolloNving houi anum-.- i ' . i - - . K-riljcrs -Even- Way aiid hour iare rour advrtiicit? Don . von je know wheji lifiplcubseribe to pape rs 0 ) y Uh .nArn DlfMlIlIlli. Uliw jaouev s . - .' .1 pej4e will buy more proviou- ..L.ki TtiU eertainly is au i liertitf County. astounding fact, yet it is so . r,;- nrnvod to the 't'crlv: destitute of means' so that it' is ill be unable to "come. anVfamilvleft Wednesday . Jt' 50 or would-be donated dy YhV Xhvlr. m borne in I s6mc: charitable persons, it the mot valuable .cuamy, -v- 1 " X. . r Ml ' - -. r c.l.Anl ! Will. COUiU'P"- Tr l.;r ot . U'NS'OXICITIJP UiSTiO:iAbS ; uu,, inoof is reeeiycduind dops you rent credit. ,'It is lianusome. , ' I 1 Kemp 1. Uattlo, Pres. L . .N . C E X T I S T J.t Y SURG;E0X P EXT I , r;- ; '.'. '- ' : ' ; CHAPEL 1IIIL N, C, ?tl"0 lli.ee at the hotel, r ' v api t ' ' 'v ; .;:;; : N T O I' J C :-B same. 1 . . jelrtf v j,,., yryr. -NOW IS THE -WINTER, OF OUH DISCONTENT MAPE fiLOWUU slTMMEIiY', L n .: . . Li. . ' , -i TV f hrx S . W 'A. I " 1 x a: i v LLx v' - OFFERING SPECIALV HA BU Tnflir M1UU lJlOLrV ii a speciality. ! AVOUSTE tKD I AGONAL, BACK : B ROWX a ml BLl IE CTAIf il rn "pj niKi vi!i5r. iur.-i .w'.;.,ir"....i imv'v r . .ivl.N ano ra.w . t CASSIEIJE ' ' " T PANTS. "WHITE VESrs. isiElrox li ;l:r Moii' -; New AtVEUTisMENTS.-AVr; Black vpU rJ -.Trtli Printers, Steam Print ing Presses, &c. The reputation of his 1 . ,;firmfiriodpVintiiis.i'.ettU)S Xo'- as extensive as its rvptatbm tor mi u - Jug Millie of the best.sjuokJ ug tobacco iu ii kM. end tbet your orders. l4-i?tr;ttM3U books at M- Cheek's- rcOMMUNlCATED.) ..From the Baptist vingSoey. Mi' C P Crai"-c left Chapel IliJl W'e,lnesdav itc? Xl lu Mt er li-ieiids ajilauv, J 1 IJer- .iuT. as well asltfrCbH L E du.il... rom.i.m will be OHO ot lhaKA- hwumsequejiee of ber departure m Bamkt Sing Society tvlll njeet, hue alter at Mrs. A. J. mcw.". - - ...... , , . -i were. nieaseu 'itcnuanee. nti .rnn. ---- t,t f, iuia snrprise.1 by a visit ami tijt 01 r.....:A..;. . . B. Kobel0?l- Thanks l)r, . You have our di-m1 ot-tlCr) invitation to cail aganu. - We do not rememlH-r t ip iuiv cxi.reioi, from the huhes in icgarU lnti.n'i ....li, . a njfrw -115- t say in11 j.r.ix r.ik. I te in Ave aie glad the Editors have - - tlift.i.., in tliiibeiitfltsOI b.. 1 i'..;,,,,, Liiinr ma o iii-u nr ;i iu;iii mill"- tilf 'e .MiAaineil to improve ami elevate ini tandai-rr er m.jra and ot . literature jn vjt eommuniti', ' ,1'jiiT. Siiomlsanil wite leif u.t dav'moruing lor dthacar;X. J b oinuphde maluu- a short tour North and West. ;V ' i liev.Dr. Sneei of pidjadelplua. wn aUunntis U tm 'Jniversity and a class mate of Prof. Hftop conducted .ser vices iu the Epieop:d Church lait .,uu II u sermon was an execHeiit one. i'lie Senior Edited is in lialeigh this, wr tcncJing the ; State Demoeratie Conventioiu'As tl duties ot eon. dueling the paper devolve upon us, hope be eeu,ed for any very prodigious mistake. tidied froua. tlipfr norther. tour ..xh gentleman has been traveu, hiterestofllutherford College and leaw haseceeded yeryrwcU. He U t vWiinit' in the Mbthodist occupy the ttpit i Church. next Sabbath. 11 " . i promptly esday moifnmg. i Lad d will probably ' arrive to-n ignL The'school will be organized into ,-co-ular classes which will be graded; thSse of interior: attainotents being iL.l nnn claSS. tllOSC pi SUpCrLOl' n r - zr: . Thpm iii be nd 1 tl 111' I I ,UIJi3L'i - examination for admittance lurthei ib dass to which than lo-asuiMwi i ----- ' -Above all'Mhings, det f there "be no; mistakes. : WeK have neyer lia LCom 'imnriinumes vet tiee 01 misstakes.'- --. . ' ,1, In- received riwi iH-r.or'amines were duly lcccneu unti "-ave emire satisfaction. w !i it.ul ;U1(1 i:liJfV AYCll' e- ulv" errJr: : 1 believe vyoii best job in thc-Stato - " i Prot. Oeo. 1. ' -Strips to band and satisf:.tetv;ry.rf t bu-biuir Bros.. Baltimore, Md -Your work is rery stitUOvetory 1 ;3 " Prof.' P. W. Snnonds. Ifaviug Secntir; .V-n'i.S Deputy Sheriff tor Chapel Hdl Lon- shii). and the delinquent aax ml ui y .r hayin bwu. placed ;hj hsuuls Nor collcc?i()V, I hiiChy thke' this method o I ..ii ir-tnsis iwimr taxes I01 s liil e ar tio come.forwaid aud pa v. ithe ame'al oike, mid save fuH her tr ule, ; G. W. BAUBLE, D. fc. ajil is-:h '' -1- ' They vyr.e" free- from. .can turn ouUtbe Winston. I). J . -. E55 7, E J, LJ, m- . 1 ' m-n-i ..OrtVl tUO t - ( -J - mnle provision nas. who do"nbt desire to join should be iassigtieu. lor the lmcn who d rc2ttlariclasses,suuL uc p .,- deed as heli t as ..'ei.,, l-ut; invitations were -possfble and gave entire s;itisfaetio.v T : li, S, White, LouisLjurg, N- C 1 -Vniir iob "-ave: entire satisiaciioiK lfSUe LiKlVseb iothfiffJlP hiteriee with your '-we S ii a very suyssltil S. S, Barbee Ciiapei ino, Ud tiii there are a1 few liugeiing uteres ol Commencement, soim'-huhes - . . . . i . ..1. u still remain prolongin-then sj - -to visit their numei-ous tnends. Jl teiid- to relieve is somewhat of the notonoiis- ,aot,uJI- mir Commcneement piean, C,.hoy. trill ot tor tl.cmlclv aiv,y tor some tiuic j'et. . - JlwCoi. C..tl.rK- for a ....c U.t ol c. cumber. . . - ' 1 ' . . ' ': . ..;,-ii Ktiiities. A'o. w.v'"i"vi learn that teachers of; euiinc0 w Umebave announced their- minatioh join the class ot I if es Dor Pago iu KnsUsh TMioiogy aUo the lectures ot Prot. Hotel kia. on Geographies. AVatson.ou .1.1 tiouMiss Ooe on the Ivirrfecgur, ten svsteru and others. i V Por.nlt.V Oi l tlte 1UU1ioiV, oecn refitting the aip"?M" .. .itl. new biack-boaiUs I I 111 llll v - - . repairing tlie old Ofles. Uun"S ep.",., nfi ili. ,lav the school wiU be'd.isUibiited into classes in the WatdimiiktT aiid- - VluipelJfM, yf a x '( AVatehe-. Clocks ynd dewelr) paired with fatness and -diKityh. my 25-tf A' C1IEV ICJT1 Vjii.nl .FANCY , -31EKE SiHTS, APACArJ W, I 1VL'V4 m ult. Ill KtVli. r i l). si WAlTTByO, wKvaiw-hil.v--HandJtfale-GaVri rft , tain 'their snape aim i vM.w-'-r- the foot, "OfiO and v re- i has tion and the tm iiiuch picked with i the work aiid lP w Jive you fuHher, orders lUJos. E, rogi.e, Henderson, N. c: ; 'i 1 ! ' ' . V Address'alt drders to ' J. B. Willi A1vEJmJ1-? DnrhaiB,X.C.;jimel3,i. E G 1 S T U AT I O X lnrer.iiart. oil I tic uay Will; Uti V.wva" , M. ditierent rccnuuuu ii.in ill all be assemuieu- in the Chapel lor a common, lectme. " The corps of special lecturers ;has .".Ui r combletcdj; but we loam II V " -j - ( it , ..... T-i-innii I'll ivci-mm" oiage vniio ,.uuter Lefore tercd, are reqmreu t eliectlohday. ,;nn,T Urrricj- I 1 I I i I I 1 - i,Ts- illegistiar. aii is-:hh igqPfOUirTVNK- IL CAT ES ' , Vi;.,.n mirt ir.ine.etfmlv so- . uruers ior iiuu fj- i -r. r licited. 7 , . C . . f ...ll.r (' ilV .IVlt .lit. .....y-. jitimi'",',-) . 1 - '. . rtfll-llllOO.il. tiee. ' paiisraetioii b :r- ... 11 o- Tdrms . , rioti.-e. that I will open the SlSoK fit "office oppositejhat ii J M. VlexanderU Uednespa ? fe"i2a 1878. 1 for he purjiose of a f, J'Si? ""u; WATSON, J.f s o will be pleased at all tumjs :o f . Will uv v . 1xIir,.lin ...iivev nasseners to auu ii. v.. ...... promp-tly attehtlc" to. ! t- 1 - 1 sT i ' ": - ' ' ' I - ' ' . ''.'.'": r . 41... l.tt-nT l T..4.....I f ...Vi 111 Ilirifl1l t well as thf best Ware fWl mi Ja Uid rit wrtUt J'liee h0' L'-V Silk and Linen 1 Iaudkerchicb k uesows. Scarfs, Limuv drColr k Viiiil Cuffs. White aud ,btrfped l- Hose, Suspendeis and, QUV A cx)in, lete Stock ali "T ' . jeU-tf f 1 KaJeiglMN.C. II A P E L II i h b n y S ' r - I . if ..,,1 ll.la tilana i !..,., iniumi I I If T IIUIll I.I . and will be breparcd ftec June 10th tv tak(' ch areiauU accomoujiivi uv-i.. Mv table will ai an muw mv -i'i"'f with the Ix'St the market van ailon and I will have ninl v iwliu,weat and bligln . ieh iny.' Ivllt make special arraiiftCr ments for nie iu:eoiiiiiii.i".. .w. . Ultlll- , . I i fci..l..w,l ,ll Mil V attehding uie .uf' vw . V . Sting a !V7rtion or thei lJ " aonage a.nl bledging invself to H ei.r acr coinodati.on 1 am, vi invM' and comfort. j v 4'esiiect fully, , S A L d- -v ': ' ' i ..! .' i 1 , i . 1 . bout 30,000 biick.! Also t-o, one, horse wagons. Euir.e of A-. . , WV CARK, Chapel IlilLN G, my 25-tf , i i s. v, f .V t M - . 1 ' . ..'.'.'- ;-.'; -' .'-" . ; " ' ' ' . - . ,-';.:H.':; '.'' ;' v ' 1 ' ;' -.: '' :. A - ;.'.';,: .... ' - ;;' AA-:- -:.' . 'I'.'. , . ' " '. - .. ' r- " -; . . .. - v-.- w, ;; :-'-::'::- .!, ;;. -; -v