V i I . ' V - -' i 'i ' :' .''' i- 'J- -----; I i -'" ;."!. v. . A a :' . -A- ' .' J-'-'- V f - J, . ' : " T , r r . ;4 s At l V. 7. t - -I--: " i . 1; I It 1. f THE WEEKLY LEDGER. Satukd.vy -- - JiW '15. 1878. f THE HOUSEWIFE. "What has this woman been do'iur, So lon since the morning began ? I don't believe she can remember One-half of the work she has tlonc. Dressing the dear little baby, . Combing his soft silken hair, Putting him bhek-in the cnitlle , . To sleep and grow health r and air. . Doinghf? work in the kitchen, 1 '- ' . Just vljat it happens to be, ' Covering' books for the school-room Ready for callers at three. " . -' i . ' blending ami making and chatting; : Two or three children to teach, If not the primer's firt lesson, Methods no others can preach. . That's what this woman's been doing,' Day sftler d y 'tis the same ; Angels, O watch and defend her , f "31 other' -for t at is her liamc: ..urbane.: "What is PURSUIT OF KNOWLEDGE Rat Have iye ivcr a letther for me vour honor ?i - - T Urbane Official. What name ?. Pat. iVhy imv own name -ov corse, whose else? - .Official, still your own uanfe Pat. Faix, an' it wa? my father's . afore me, an1, would be yeF, biit he's gone dead. T .. Official, not quite so urbane. Con ' found you what do you call your self?. . Pat, firmly. Bcdad, I call myself la gentleman ; it's a pity there ain't a couple of us. ' ' Official, with tlipjnity. Stand back. . Pat, moodilv. The flivil aback I'll stand, ontil I gels me letther. Official sternly. How can I give it to you, if you wort tell mo who yonare ?;you stupid old bcg trot- Pat, satirically. Is that what yer ... paid for abnsin honest people that comes for their, rights trV me the i letther, or by the whiskers of Kate Ivarneys cat," HI. cast mer vote agin you, when I, git me papers. " m ; OfficiaT, very nearly angry. You '' blundering blockhead, can't you tell me-how your letter is addressed? " , Pat, contemptuously. Dressed ! hov should it be dressed, barrin' in a'sheet o1 paper like any other ? , Come, hand jt up, avic. Official angry.-r-puce tako. you, , won't you tell who you are ? ; Pat, furiously. Wei 1, I'm an Irish man bredd an' born seed, breed- an' ' gineration,' me'-fathcr was cousin ' to one-eyed Larry Magra, the process DOMESTIC. SPICED FRUITS. To seven pounds of fruit add three pounds bf sugar, one pint of vinegar and a tablespoonful of every kind of spice cloves, cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg. . .. MOUNTAIN" "CAKE. One cup of sugar,- two eggs, half a cup of butter, half a cup of milk, or watery two pf ! flour, teaspoonful cream of tartar, half a tcaspoouful of soda, nutmeg. : . SUGAR DROPS. One pound. of -flour, three-fourths of a pound of sugar, one hall-pound of butter, four eggs, a gill of rose water; bake on buttered paper in a quick oven. ! -This makes sixty drops. GINGER SNAPS. : One cup of sugar, one cup of mo lasses, two eggs, .one cup of fried meat gravy, one' tablespoonful of cider vineghr, two heaping teaspoon fuls of soda, one tea3poonlul ;of gin ger, flour enough to rolh ; .' , It is said that oatmeal moistened in water and applied to the face once or twice a day, will, improve the complexion and make the skin smooth and rosy. Oat nreal, when taken internally at breakfast, is also excellent., - . ' . TO DESTROY COCKROACHES, TWhere borax and insect powder 1 fail to work oil-cockroaches, use red waters, scattering abundantly wjiere they run a surdcure. A quarter: of a pound will clear the largest' house; they eat it 'arid'die. . INDIAN POUND CAKE. One-half pound of b utter, one AQRICULTUUAL. Though corn is cheap it is never theless one of the main crops of the farmer. average ITEMS OF INTEREST. It is also a fact thai the produced per acre in S ew England" is larger i than in any wes tern State. It costs 'more -in, labor and fertilizers to raise corn here than in the' West, and it i5 worth more in the market when secured; If a large crop is raised , from the land planted, nothing is more profit-, able. , When the amount is less than forty bushels an acre . there is , not miich money in it. To make corn raising a success bur land must be heavily manured and cultivated. In our c"ae we are this spring, after using the ordinary manure of the farm, so wins: a half ton of the mix-ture- of bone, potash, sulphate of magnesia, etc., to the acre, and har- rbwincy it in before nlnntiner. i As I Hrookl vn' . was thrown from the this mixture contains "only old and track, and five of the sixteen work- tried fertilizers, its use cannot bejmen on tlie train were killed by the deemed experimental, and we shall crash. The accident was caused by confidently expect a good, crop. It obstructions that had been placed is easy to grow from 80 to 100 btish- on the track. els to the, acre, if we set about it. . Fifty persons were killed and Alany farmers are doing it.; It only fr0m 200 to 250 seriously' injured needs two good ears tOeadrsraJk durincf the recent Wnado in Wis- three feet apart each -y.y. Having Consin, while the destruction of proV a corn that yields four 6r- five ears l)erty will reach into' tiie millions, to a stalk, it is l as easy.tp grow 100 Woe an(i desolation were visible bushels per acie Of corn, as 25 bush- everywhere in 'the track of the ter ej oi wiieai, wjur uiu buiuu luamiif i r ble Storm. Louisville has a secret society called The Elephant, They keep all of their documents in a trunk, j A Columbus man says he started thirty years ago to! make $1,400,000. He has! got the fourtceai, but the ciphers bother him!. ' .As many .as 7,000 "salmon are often taken at one haul of the seine in Alaska,, some bf them weighing 45 to 100 pounds-each. A portable saw mill boiler on a farm near Hillsboro," Ohio, exploded, killing .three men land dangerously scalding ' '. three ' others. The boiler was found .-' three hundred yards away; and one mkn (was thrown completely over a tall, ti-ee. :. A gravel train 'on the Prospect Park and : Coney J Island railroad, H E A DQ U A . -7:: ' ''' JJAIN STREET, 1XJXCH3X, 1NVO ilEADQXJApiTER$, r Vxv thfi Hest Goods at the U owes TIEAPOUAUTERS, For Dress Goods' Dry Gpods and HEADQUARTERS, y , , , ;or Ready-Made plothingHatsots and Shoes dy HEADQUAUTERS A For Ladies and C and cultivation. Meadows and According to la iildrens tt v X A hTKRS. For Ladies Linen Cashmere and Silk V ra; b! Prices 1 Prints 1 A A- ! Ready-Made Suits ! . I te advices from little stimulating fertilizer. ing of 200 pounds per acre, of the mixture referred to above or of its equivalent' in ashes or guano, should l-tSbU1 a Fort Renton. Moi tana . Territorv A - - I 1; : , . v-uress- hSitfing Rull the svar pfit centi'- made is preparing i again soon. to jro on t r lie i re- Xl IE AD QUA Fo r Ladies D ress I itv AnTT AUTFRS.,,! For Kid Gloves Bows, Ties and Corsets I a rancorous harangue, Id return to' tlie United Y IT F. A DOT T A RTERSJ Foi-Paht aoodsiTicking Domes rious tribes followed :thisspcech; At Omaha, Neb., a woman named Oieson, while in a. fit of temporary insanity, seized her daughtef, twelve years old, and threw and then, jumped in herself. The alarmed people her t -; ' i lirnmisinnr A I J . 1 " - I I t r A A A " I ' i . n.nn,l :f .,, fx,,,. arrrrei , , Ann n sreaiiy increase ine neiu. iMiraie c, . . i . . i Dounu ot sucrar. tour ecrcrs. one cun J . . . , Stntos u-hmk tl-io (rmss amws mnd 1 ' i - 1 i.Kft '.' - I v p ts, ,-ir of milk, one teaspoonful of saleratps . V P $ ninkc lhe sMdiers weep U1S30 ved fni vinegar, two handfulsr -b-"-, , wai-darice.ar dmtisterinjr idf the va- of flour, one-half a nutmeg, rose """"on?,- as iiiav. irom me ; pnos- pnatic manures, .improved- mead- - ' - ' j -'!'. i- ows means rmorD milk, cheese, tim othy blue-grassi red-top and clover: A good -harroVing will be benefi- . 1 i . i i . cial. All! this mav. .be .done this month. Trimmings, Trimming Silk, Ribbons -jJud Fri tic-s kc., Ssc. water, thicken with Indian meal, not too stlfF. . SALAD DRESSIXO WITHOUT OIL. , Four eggs, oiie ' cuplul of butter,' one cupful of cream," half cupful of sugar, one tablespoonful of salt, one tablespoonful , of mustard, one tablespoonful 'of cayenne pepper; f! TTlJrioiTARTERsJ For Carpels, Xatfngs, Window- Shades, &c. ' HE A I) QtT A JlTERSyi Por Fiue Grocei ies Plated Table Ware, fcc: screams of the girl IlAtLiXG Maxuim:. In drawing within the sound of manure I use nO' wacron box : with not, within sirdit n v,J v J . . . . - r. - puu wu tuC j i y" two- stout planks for the bottom, and searclf was made, which resulted in v i : ; -i i - - ' x i ,,. . ' .. : .,. " .11" J ' ' " In fact I AM HEADQUARTERS for: anything you may 'i nLi t iwQ 0ii mv wirtils -it Bnttotrt Pnees. :I carry tho'jur! illiu . j. j ai n (jo., ovh ( , - T l i 1 ' i ' ' Freshest and Most Fashionable 3 Stock voice, but the DOiul. A then remove and beat it iu one and twowhre'lboard for, the side pieces, the finding of the Hlcad bodies of a half pinta ot vinegar This will the riirginis then" complete. .Ar motlier and d:iuhrcU i r frige rat or;' of Goods' in the 'County, nti sure to please yon. Give me a call you can do no better. , ,T. ;2V.--4T-A.vM3XOK( Sbrders by i Mail attended to lroinptiy.. C"Sa m pi es furn isljed chee rfu 1 ly upon Keep monins, tigntiy corked, in are- in the, field, take off aside-board, oiirl ri li ! of a Tiill nil lV.ft 1111 li I1UV"1 tlllll V7 it Two ihen' entered the house of YORDS OF. WISDOM I Ml I I fllll-ir t . -i ' . r 1 ! iurs. Jieckv liaidvvm. -a vountr enough manure for a ,hcap,;startmg wi(ow residilur hear Tazewell CW the .team, another heap is made from IIoilse Va., and ' bemanded her iveuiis arc liuiu: wuius uiu uiu . eacn eiur, j iiiaKiii'r aiw ay aiiii , , ; , , , ' ;. ! - ... . , i. I.Af. iMif 4li... i..l-nK.nlun,,l 4him..i l - enmntimno c v .nine frs.n no mu iv uii t . lliu iWhUlWuu,iHU unun icavuo I . ., i . -.. i -! . idinon fnr ! .2.1 . . I rake off in heans because the m.n-Mt into ine lire : and as one ot the " l ie example of the good is visible mi- is unl6aded much, more raiudlv men, stOoned to JccWver iL Mfe. sarver, anVmy mother belonged Ho philosophy. j f . than by .pitching. If! had to s pilch fJaiawin1 snatched "nn au axe and r . I t- . t . 4 if ni'ni' o n'nVfrvn hrtr no o noun ' ' I f the Mooneys ot Jvilmanaizy, . 1 on re 1 1 I , m. -w . -9 1- T 4 II I M I VI l 1 1 I 1 I ft I I -V - ' - - .- ; , T application. have just opened a fre.-h Stock of v . -lwndncss is tlie High, tide ot the - - ? Z" , -v-. - .t ""'f denlt him a terrific blow, which she an . ignorant oum .uscipie, an av "uuniy . , - u is ilv lhjg rapid.. unloadinsr. that Allowed np rapidly bv others, dash you II only creep put ov yer hole I II Practice economy, and industry much of the saving is made. If the ing Iris brains out. The second rob- K 1 1 ) GLOVES, TvO cciitsj j IK A fj 11 A 1 11 mi A t t)S, $2. J UTS 11 Allt, GO cent. Abo a nice lot of JET . EWELRY, welt you like a new shoe,, an' av' you and success is yours. - " get any piore satisfaction out o' me, my name's not. Barney O' Flynn. Shnfiles letters, deals one to Barney who cuts j PAYS! ItllVVS; ,f Vpw (JnnlrfMivnl distance to draw is short, or -. the I ber dashed at her with n dirk knife every fcvdays:.J,Cali;aiid 4 our-goods xiupiri i u gwu a tiling ui.i , somotimes fln(i jj; better' to have two ? T should never lose it and always com- mCn to load. lilis a material waste but not before the resolute wot mandit.v ' : : to allo horses to e. k)i . wfiilo-'ithe. ha.d .- nearly : severed his; right i manure .is inoonyenient to get; at, I FEEDING A lENAGERIE. Triie feeding pf the animals in a It irbetter to sow a good heart '? anurff. em8 spread, j wiin Kinuness man a .neia wun corn, for the heart's harvest is perpetual. V FASHION NOTES. aiid stabbed her in the left breast. oman arm with a 1'earful blow. jThe miscreant fled and' his dead body was found the next ; morning, two. miles from Chapel 1 1 ill, N. C, May 1$; 1873. f i , 5 Q 51 X C A R R DRY lKALEIt IN O T i O K '( Having purchased the- entire interest of mv father in the rurniture Business. I would suv that I exnect to continue .1 t mi ' " . I . j . ! S . I ' 1. I l.llt. I I I I I 1.11 I.Val 1fllllr 111 . 1 J 1 ll.l.lllir I ilir 11. Il.r; .f.lllll.ll.-.1ll& lllllll W i.T l -r.-lT.. 1 rn chnii i nnf i Inn mno i nf - 1 m i .it ' ---0 t-.--0 --r ------ 1 -i i , menageiie m anwijs eaieiimy ioie, - ww v n unipure sacques win. ne worn .wun bv several hours after Mlrs Baldwin e Uie Hotel., and .1 most respecttuiiy because their -Hvcs depend f.oii -the themselves, and yet a man .should be black silks. ! " r -1 L m . 1 , lieit orders for new Wbrk or repairs ere had Ine is told the story of her terrible encoun ter and her death soon followed. ;. VULGARITY. nrii tin in v ot 1 iifir rorwi. i no I'mi- - -ai hui i. nn"i.i niiii.vjn, r J:n i u v"; I w - . . - iiriuiK : iidiiii-i 1 1' k Adelphia Tfmessnys lha the daintiest When you strike oil stop boring, something new and stylish -M t 1A lll.VInl d-W 4 1. n l.v l T t V f " hftO 1 "V -V k."1 AAfHt 1 a rvli ' ' " l I : o . . i - T: O I I 'hi l;l i-ntA'cl rl o o n o n ! r 1 1 nr s I aretwoUhimpnnzees. ,1 hey hreakJast and let tjie oil run out at the hot- ,1 , . .i ' t . ;-.' i : - . longer by an' men-or two. on weak tea, w-;th plenty crmilk and torn. 1 j . i I ' . kut, ami bread thickly spread with Next in point of meanness to doing honey- fLey lunch at 10 p clock on an injury is to do a man a favor arid bawas .uid oranges, dine at 3 and every now and then remind hi Gidozk oUii'ice or tapioca, served Qf it .wall sugar arnl sherry, and sup at 7 .troublesome to feed but moi e ex- . f " . , .ti . stitched aci;oss tM back" with lilac or kept; his promise. IIe is a pure- nensive, ior uve 01 mem eat daily . . l .1 - &4Uj'' eighty pounds of fresh fish.--'. Formcr- 1 ly lhe hons. tigers anl other carniv .1 1 . 1 ' - ora were costiyn out -or lae they ' hayc been fed on horse, meat, which mi 1 T t - ' 1 f - 1 - i v ne lceianii npss is mucn used-101 croi'heting shawls and sacques. ' j ' Reticules are pow carried on ;thc J - i , . i 1 . arms of young ladies, as in the olden times.' -j ." ! ' "'. 1 ' ., ; . !' Prefer sense to wit; never study, '' J' i 1 r ! y J u or second mourmnT flovps firp nr 1. - ' : -1' i t . vv e jiave a iricna max f:evei spc-aKt. a , vulvar wortr. lie is a minister and a writer of ability "I resolved when I . was a child,". said he, -"never to use a word which, I could not pronounce -before my mother without offending her.' He may is very clieaj. Ruftaloes, deer and elephants live now on the grass, in the grounds. .The rhinoceros is the greediest of the lot; but it is quantity that he craves, . Avitliont muxjh .regard to--quality. ners, ,nor say anything that offend modesty, ' . Kindness does not always produce whaLwe expect; from a hand which we hate they are regarded as of. fences ; the more .we lav ish upon ona who may hate us, the more arms; we (tivp him nrhti i vishP9 1o ripsit-nv us". .: , ''-.-.. .'' ' ' Ilnmility does' not depend upon minded, noble, honored man to-day. "Modesty, rqfre, , delicate "and last- His rue and example are worthy of Ing" is the name and the claim of a imitation. Roys easily learn a class of low, vulgar words and expres sions, wh'ch are never heard in re spectable circles; . The utmost care on the part of parents will'scarcely new.perfuine.- . " . Princesse dresses are shirred in the front, and trimmed with passe mentenes. Old worklmatle as good as new, and sat isfaction fiven. h urthermore, I am o--? 1 1 r fr cfll' na -liffii. a T onn nnil -w-tll warrant for a reasonable lenrtl of time, any article.in the Furniture piile which ,may, be purchased ot me. audi as? BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, WASIISTANDS; WARDROBES, - - : : ' :- r 4 - lie will eat Jou pounds of hay every the wav in which a man carries his t .t 1 . -I. - I . . - I - uay, a nu m. no 01 poiatoes ,s to body ; it depends' unon what his life ; him like a plate ot -strawberries to a . . , -t , . , lmncrrv man. ll:s tood costs ten dol. . "I'V" "v:- ' " ..... . 1 . . . t t ... -ii lars a w eek, which is as much as that ll' i upon wnere ne puts it, anu wnere of an elephant. Ihc giratie .has to he keeps it; and what service it be fed carefully, because he has no re- renders.3 gard for his long, narrow throat, and " 1 M starts one mouthful 1 down before the Ry relying on our own .resources one before it has reached his stomach We - acquire mental strength : bnt tt.' t. t. I' - imis . cnokiug nimseu. common we' lean on others for support, mitnL-nva nnt nonrlv rvprvl hmnr liot I 1 1 ' we are like an'invalid. ; who, havinc: monkeys cat nearly everythingjthat is offered ; so do the ostriches and . cassowaries, but some ofithc insectiv orous have to be patteutly catered to. The moose is hardest to please, and 'misses the twig of his native woods. accustomed himself to a cruch, finds it difficult to walk without one. Subscribe to the Lf:f)qi:R. pi-event it. . 55 Ot . course, we cannot A Famous Statesman's Early think of girls being so much exposed Tiiaixing. When Sir Robert Peel to this peril.- We cannot imagine a was a little ooy, his latjier used to decent girl using , words Which she set him on a table and teach him to would not give utterancejto "before make short speeches ; and, while jier flither aiid mother. Such vul stitt? very young,. h? accustomed him garity .is thought by r some' boys to to repeat as much of the Sabbath's be "smart," the "nextthing to swear- TABLES, AAA' Av AXh- In laet, anytbing you wantjj by giving me short notice, will be made in time, and satisfa'cfibti given, or, n trapes ' -.lie ? ure..; you examine my Furniture, whicli tis handmade, before purchasing elsewhertf. . , p ' , - Students of the . University, are' re- spectiniiy invited to notice inV work ana scyie oT-eustea(Ls. oce. . s ; . Ilepectmlly. I ' s my 4-3m - : JASPER tJTLEY. ! sermon as he j could recollect. ' At -ing," and yet not so wicked: It be first, it is'said the boy found some comes a habit; itielals to profanity dimcultyj and did not make crreat n xn .:ii . '. A -.-. , ; ' progress; but he steadily persevered, y,u evu vuougu s 5 and soon attention and perseverance ;t vulSarizes and degrades the sojil; were rewarded, and he was to repeat prepares the way for rhaiiy of the the sermon almost word for word, erross and fearful sino Whi , - - - - 1 t 1 Na.B.aM mm mm A a 1111 W now It -was in this way that he becran to Lvm'rnrttr!Aiottr enltivaro Innso i-fworc 1 . - u i o yji IUCUJU1 J ' - '' which he displayed when, in afler Dear young reader, set ,a watch' life, he became one of the most dis- upon the door of your lifts : lcppn tinguished statesmen of his country, f your mouth free from all 'impurity. A L L E 11 :-.IIf(uJs E , II ILLSBO UtKSTIlE ET, OODS.' KOTI BOOTS and SHOES. ' ' i ' . ' - ; t Full I Liiio-ol I3LE ACHED fc UXBLEACI DOMESTICS, " A LADIES TIES. . -111) HAMBURG EDGINGS, i -!v,v:r;:':Ui.' A fcll like of ; . A ' : '; v . GROCERIES, 0 t ; HARDWARE, CROCKERV, TIN WARE, LOOKING GLASSES, ' ' ' "f : .' '" :.'.. SNUFF & TOBACCO. , Keroseuo Oil, Iron IVnils, Oottoii llocfr AAA A y-; .AA-A: I am still belli nff the j . - i KENTUCKY PLOV Jt-f J This plow R A LEI G II , m PQI Terms 51 and Ilo ifcr my 25-3m , U stands unrivaled. (1mL'p.4 r n ills ftwf. turns all w" fact ttpuitlour farmers better tli otper piow now in u.se. v . f'am agent this season for the; PACIFIC, 1ST A T 1 O X A L JI O T E h , RALEIGH, N. C 1 I3oail $S5, Per t)ny. ' N- . . 1 -. . . Proprietor, apl 25-ti STAR GUANOS. Tlianlin'ir mr mnnr friends ff past favors. ,1 won hi he ple, sec them atj all times, and' will '"'j my large ana varied ftock oi pr. the very bottom price." , T Chapel Hill, Apil 10, W78. apl ISly