lb' 0 . T II E W E E Ktt LEDGER. OFFICE ON FKANKUX STREET, : OPPOSITE THE STOKE OF J. W. CARR, Esq. . ' . AtES OF ADVERTISING : One pquare, one insertion, one dollar. One tenure, each subsequent Insertion. tiftv cents. i . I 4 Special contracts made for larger adver- tiemems. , . il vert i.em cuts shoiild be .ent in bv Thursday before each day of issue. .A-vini'de! JLiilouiii nt tlio ' Htato "Fiitir of isrr. . I- - ' ' . D IT E. IT A M STEAJZ riUXTIXG JIO USE " "" ' 1 . ' .4 1 DURHAM; X. 1 C. W. T. BLACK.WELL & CO.., .Proprietors. Junius R. WlIITAKKl!.; Manager. Jr. Best Tork at Lowest Triers ! ! While our establishment ranks as the first, in the JSouth for printing Tobacco labels botli in .piality and quantity of work executed in this special line, we f pubUcthatwc are also prepared to till i .' onlers forevery description of Plain ami f t Fancy 'Job Printing in a prompt and satisfactory manner? and at very ioVv price: We defy competition. We select the following from a. lima- btrof - r - '. 'IXSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS : Your proof" is -received and does you jreat creilit. It is handsome.. Kemp 1 Battle, Pres. U. X. C.: ' ' - , 4Al)ove all things, let "there be no mitakvs. We have never had Com mencement programmes' yet free of mistakes. , 4 . - The programines were duly received. and gave entire sanstaetKO. I hey were tasty, well executed and free, from error. I Ud:eve vou can turn one (lie "best job ih 1 he State. ' " i , Prof. Geo. T. Winston; V -Strips to iiand and sat islactorj-. Marbuig Bros- Baltimore, Md. ' -Your Avork is, very satisfactory in deed."-' Plot. K W. Simoiids. 1 - -ihvi Li-?. 1 v '! ilea! 14- v'r'S .": 't . ,. ..! ail.! ljsee t iu:cr:':e w;lh ' vou;. tiiiiulug up a tr .-; til I 1 - i A. . Bii' bvi-. opci iliil. X C J - ' I " ' Ai; , much j .e;vl tiie. wur:-. and hope to J:c vou liiiher order.- SOOU." ' i,. . ? Jos.-E. Pogiu, IIeiitieiou. X. Address all oruersTo J. Ii. .tVIUTAKER. Ji":.. ; Man.igcr. Dm ham, C, June 1-OSiS. . Q II A P E Ii II I I. I. I have rented the Hotel in Ilii- plae and will be prepared fitter June 1 Or 1 1 jto take charge and accomodate boarders. .My table will at all times lie uppliei with the .best the market can a Hon! am 1 w ill have only jMdite. neat anil obliin; s"rvaiii. I will make special arrange laei'its.' for .Ihe-Jiiivommodation of those attending the Normal School and any others. Soliciting a lwiitioii of the publu pat aonuge ami plelging myself to their ac comodation mid cotutort. . I am, very respectfully, . . JOHN II. WAT.SOX. mv 25-tf " Jist you: TAXES. , I hereby irive notice that I will open tlc tax looksiii the office opposite thuU. J. JI. Alexander 011 nednesday, Jam I21I1.' 1S7S. for the imroose of al- towiiisr the neonle 6f (-haoel Hill Town- "usp to list their State and Countv taxes. Persons failing to list are sub- f a double tax. ' J'S J. H. W'ATSOX, J. P. X A T l.O XA L II O T E L . ItALEIGHi X C. C. D, OSBORNE. Proprietor. apl il-tf K. (J 1 ijrT 16' A T I O X . r,"-:u"i"g Wen appointed Registrar for xS ilr,! ruct, I will, on .Monday, 1st day of Julv. 187S. nneii thebooks mr I-...-' . " "fa Ml oersons 21 vears In. I -V" llllt IRTI'IUIUIC Hfttr- ire uli. i . ' are r44"iireil to reiristerv before us t.. ME R.U ITT CIIEEIv. ic !-, 1S78. Begiijtrar. D 'J- KZZEL L V . atrliniakcr and Jeweller, - ! - . . PaiHvii loks and Jewelry, mi- f1 MUei and dispatch. re- r-tf (fj i M VOJLU31K 1. CHAPEL MINE FORE VEIL 11 V ALI.EX. Ev'ry even, just at twilight, When the sun is golden red. ; And a million shadowy phantoms ' Athwart the dark'nii g" sky are preau ; - 1 Then my darling waits for me !.',". With a heart that's ever true ; And tojicr 11 1 tell the story ) The old, old. story, ever new. In my loving arms 111 'hold her , While the un-"od sinks to rest, Pouring out my heart's devotion, ." '- .With her head upon my breast ; And as our heart then throb together, v J.ike a lyres strings, all in tune, ' Then I'll claim her mine forever Mine till all life's work Is done. VD VJSIN TURE WITH JL Prince Frederic Sehwarze'nberc:. son of the celebrated Field Marshal . , ' , .cbwarzciiberg, used relate his- encounter .with the notorious robber-Haburak. I he prince once accompanied a lady from Hungary . . m, . ! '4 .y1 to ieniia.7 I hey journeye.I on tbe mcuntain roads between the cotm- jties-ot (loriiia and Torna. Heavy 1 V i i - .1 ii'- i Miowcrs nan. grcaiiy iiamagecuiue roads; evening- approached the tired horses had reached the fid ire of the woody height, but could not bt urged on further ; anil- the travc" lers were thus compelled to seek shelter for the night in the inn of Aggtclek, a h-ding-plaL-e !of ill note 1 for l robbers. The c:jrngc halted before the house, and the Servant in quired whether room could be af forded. The publican "'replied, thai there was one room ibrjthe. lajly, but that the gentleman could notbe ac commodated, I he large guest-room . - being over lilled. Alter some visi ble rcluclaneo, m owned that the uang of Haburak was drinking there. fit hidv Leciiuic tci rifico, anI en- trvated the prince not; to remain ; but ji bad grown da: kv the-raiti was pouring down. "the horses Were worn u!, and the steep 'descent ofthe load w :is. so dangerous-that it'"'wk most hazardous to' ' proceed. The prince tried-to reassure the lady ; so she'loeked herself up in the room j assigned to' her. -Her companion, wrapped in his white oHicer's cloak, under which he kept, his pistols in reatl ness, stepped into the apart ment where . the robbers were as sembled, and- sat down at the fable lacing the window -whilst his" ser rant; likewise armed,. kept watch orttside the liouse, close td the win dow, on the alert, in case his master should want any aid. - - The 'company contested ol about ten . or; twelve meii. Their rifles leaned against the wall: their axes lay upon the board, on which stood the wine jugs. They 'drank, sang and stalked o er ' their adventures, and did hot take any notice of he newly arrived guest. The prince mixed in their conversation uutil it had grown late. Suddenly he rose, called the publican, threw a gold coin on the table, and said : j. ' ; "This is for the wine these - good folks have drunk; they 1 afe: my guests. But now,"' he continued, ad dressing the robbers, "it is time to sleep. - In the .adjoining room is a sick lady; the entertainment has lasted long enough ; I cannot allow any one longer to occupy this room, or disturb the lady's rest by any; noise.' , . At this imperative command one of the robbers jumped from his seat, and contemptuously laughing cried but: 'Does the gentleman fancy that because he has a carriage' and four? and plenty of money m his pocket, he has the right to command 9' An uproaf followed. The men vociferated, "Wo are poor ladsj and therefore, we are masters here." , "We v are no" timorous peasants, . i who take off our hats to every gen tleman." " We have yet money, and credit enough to swallow a draught when we are thiriy! J a We do not accept any gift from f Fl m Off "NO JL AY WITHOUT A. UT1S IS." HILL,. N, -P., SATURDAY,-JUNE. 29, 1-878. people who fancy! themselves better than , we are." j . ".' "We-will not be ruled." All this was' almost simultaneously uttered, with a loud tumult from all ' '11 t -' sides. All the robbers hatLgot up. The prince mechanically caught hold of his pistols, and threw oft his Cloak. : ' . .44 : 'I '-.y j-.-- :'r . ''I am master of" the craft in which VA11 flrO Tlllt nitrtVAnf tnnc 1ir r -v- claimed with dignity, uYou are robbers, ! am a f soldier, ami fear neither the mouth of a rifle nor the edge of an axe." - J . "During" this uproar a man of mid dling height and , strongly-marked features, had risen from the bench besidp jthe stovei "wliere he had quietly sat during the whple time, without iaking'of the wine. He now said in a commanding tone : ; "Silence." The. robbers grew speechless at this -order, and again sat downlothe tnble. "Mr. Officer," continued t)ie man, IS 'don't think that you frighteiOus. I too "have been a soldier, and have mostiprobably smelt more powder than you ever ' did. I am Ilaburak. If I desired to. do Vou! ahv.harm a single': whistle would suffice., il-he table at which you have sat would be overthrown," the caudles 'extin guished, and before you were awaie of what was going on you would be a dead man, no less than vour ser vant thefe "atUie window, who thinks, he "watches us, whilst we watch him. llg I saw, you help a hid y out of the carriage, and take her to the adjoining room. We iiever will ditnrb a; lady's rest ; we war with men, not with women. For the present, wc'. t-haI leave this shelter ; yet, r, sir, that these men have .been, mider roof and that the couch therojvlow on the-damp oak leaves is hy niea'ns comfortable. Friends, let us go," he V called to his men. They took up their arms and went. -I L T'he prince was greatly struck by the whole proceeding. He did not entirely trust the.' robber's words; and relieving his servant; they passed up and down, thus keeping watch the whole irghtv again, appeared. On the ' morro w But no. robber ' -the lady contin- ued the journey 'with her; compan ion The weather had cleared up, and' only the puddles in the lanes and the drops of rain glistening on the branches reminded them of the clouds of the previous day. After they had ridden about an hdur they suddenly heard the discharge of a rifle close to them in the woods. Ilaburak stepped) forth from the bushes, and bid the coachman "halt." , The horses stopped ; the prince drew forth his pistols. But Ilaburak, without heeding j. his threatening mien, rode up to the carriage door ond said : I - ' . ; "Wc yesterday sacrificed ; bur comfort that the , rest of this lady shbulil not ' be disturbed. Now I will see yhether it was Worth' the trouble." - "With these words he lifted 'the veil - which hung down from the ooked for an in- lady's bonnet, and stant into "her face. . The lady blushed, and the robber' said : "She is really very pretty." ' ; He turned round, plucked a wild rose from. . a bnslrelose at hand, and offered it to the lady with these, words : . j . j - "Accept this rose kindly as a keepsake from the poor robber Ilaburak ; and if yoti sometime hear that he has been hanged, pray an Avie Marie for his soul.5': ; ' The lady -took the rose, and the Tobber. quickly vanished.! Two years later, newspapers rela ted that 'the robber Haburak. l)ad been caught ; that he had been tr ed at the assizes in Torna, convicted of desertion and high way. robbery, and hanged, i i . : ' ' WHAT'S THE PRICE OF ' - EGGS ? : On a Saturday aftcrnocn as the Fakir of Ava was walking down Main Street, he met a broad- brimmed cbimtryman from the Punker settlement, with a basket of under his arm.! The: Fakir stopped .hi 11 arid looked into his basket. "Those are. rem arkabl ei-1 o ok i n g ecrgs you have sir ; what doi you ask Ibi'.ihem r -r-Y-' "Bit a x dozen," repjied. broad brim.1 . : ' " " - "Let me try a single one here's a dime for it," said the Fakir. jLUKtu ouii ms Kime, ne cooiiy prpceeded to crack it, when, to the astonishment of the Dunker, out tolled p dozen shining half-eagles. Placing them' in his pocket, and handing out another dime, the Fakir remarked "I'll try another if you please, sir. This too, he cracked open, with tlie same phenomenen of half-eagles. 1 Til take all your eggs," said the Fakir, apparently much excited. ; "NoJ youOon't" said broad-brim, who had just recovered his .speech; and spreading the iolds of his wool len "warmiis" over the basket, he made tracks down the street as far as bis burthen, the amplitude of his breeches, and his hobnailed shoes would allow him. lie has doubtless ascertained by this time that ''eggs is eggs,"j howev er much appearances may sonietimes be against the fact. 1 - , TWO LITTLE GIRLS SMOTH ERED IN A TRONIC. Omr of the most" f.v.-ful Tta-rTritis- ever recorded is that of the death of the two daughters ol JVlrs. j Amelia 3Ioencli,i first assistant teacher of German in a St. Louis school, by being suffocated ' in a trunk. The -little gipls have for a year past been with their father on a farm four miles from Dixon, Jto., one huncret and thirty-eight miles from St. Louis Mrs. Moench spends her vacations on the farm, and 'was prepared to go to her husband and children ini mediately upon the closje. of school Mrl; Moench had gone to Dixon, and his littleIgirls called cheerfully after hirn to hurry back, and it he wrote to thpiri mamma to send their love i " ; i i On his return he was surprised not to see them awaiting him. He call ed bit received no ans wer. He went into the house and saw the tray of the trunk setting on the floor. A horrible fear flashed on his mind. He opened the . trunk and found the two little-girls ; the. younger, who was underneath, was evidently past all hone. - but' the elder was still warm and limp. Not a neighbor was within hall a mile. The; father dashedrcold water on the children, then rubbed them with vinegar, and made every effort to restore1 anima tion, 'laboring until after I twelve ' i j - .- o'clock, but iii' vain.-' Hea then gave up in despair,- and went to seek help from -a neighbor.- The little girls were aged eight and five years! respec tively. : - -. : 'j.'. , .- .' : I ; DREAMS. 1- There is a new guide to the inter pretation of dreams. An paper puts it thus : ' riglish "v; 'i To dream of a millstone v around your neck is "a sign of what you may expect if you get a'n extravagant yife. To sec apples in a dream betokens a wTedding, because where you fitfd apples you may reasonably expect tof find pears. . ) ; When a young lady dreamsg of a coffin, it betokens she should instantly discontinue lacing hertays tightly and always go warmly, shod in wet weather. , , .- '";.'-. j 4 1 To dream that your nose is red at the tip is an intimation that you had better leave off brandy and water. To dream that you are lame is a token that you will get into a hobbie. POPULATION OF THE , i W ORLD. TT According to the recent careful computations the population of -the world is 1,423,917,000, of 28 persons for one square mile.? The following table shows the population of thj great di visions of the eartly: Europe, . - ' 309,178,30p Asia, Africa, ' loo nil rnn 190,021,CQ9 Australia, 4,747,600 I A m er iea, w yv vv 85,519,800 The combined population; of 1S76 exceed those oiTI870 about 27,000. The inhabitants of different States T . , of Europe are divided as follows Germany, 1 , Austro-Hungary, 22,723,000 37,700,000 Switzerland, 2,099,147 Holland, Belgium. 3,809,527 5,336;G34 Luxemburg Russia, 71,730,980 jSweden, Norway, Henmark, . . b ranee,- Great Britain, Portugal, f ( I ' Italy! i Turkey in 'Europe, 4,383,291 1;802,882 1,903,000 36, 102,921 35.450. 00 16,551,047 ' 4,298,881 27,482,174 8.5U0.000.K ii L ltourhania, 5,073,000 Ser vm, j 1,377,088 190,000 Montenegro, Greece, ; 1,457,894 The population 7of Turkey in Europe, Asia andj. Africa reached i q i-.;t Lu'oa AAonnn are divided ; between Egypt Trip oli and Tunis, Asia having 13,000,000. rrbb ii-krnlQtirri rif 1 Vifi TJ.nssIan '.-"Km. .... " -e th-'AAA pire is estimated at .85,530,000, ror nnaonO nvpr thA i-innidation of 1875. . t. x 3- The population of the British Indies numbers 288,000,000 ; that of China. 405,000,000; and that of Japan 33,- 299,015. . -London has 3,489,428 souls, Paris : l,'8ol,892, New York and Brooklyn ; 1,585,622, and Berlin 1,015,000. ; ' WHAT KILLS. . In the school, as in the world, far more rust out than wear out.. . Study is most tedious and wearisome to those who study least.'; "Drones al ways have the hardest lime. , Grum blersmake poor scholars, and their lessons are uniformly , "hard and too long." The time anxl thought expen ded in shirking would be ample to master their .tasks. .. Sloth, gorman-. dizing, and worry kill their thousands where over-study harms one: A r - i w curse rests on 1 azm ess and gl uttony. By the very constitution of our be ing they are fitted to beget that tor por, and despondency whih chill the blood, deaden the nerve, enfeeble Clio muscles,, and derange the whole vital machinery; Fretting,, fidget ing, enriiii, and anxietyJare among the most, common causes of disease. On the other hand, high aspiration and enthusiasm hel p digestion and respiration, and send, an 'increased supply lof vital energy to all part-s , .. i i ' r- ' ' i . i. oi the Course invigorate the whole system, and jfi one into a purer atmosphere, above the reach of- contagi9h. The ' lazy groan most over their "arduous duties," w.hile earnest wbrkei-s talk little about the exhausting labors of their profession Of all creatures the sloth would seem to be the-rriost worried and, worn. ' Balloon ascensions will form one feature of the Paris Exposition, to which the young folks are looking for ward with- eager interest. The bal loon, whish is in process of; manu facture at the Tuil cries, will be the largest in the 'world. The car will contain fifty. passengers, and has a restaurant attached, ? A wire rope about 800 feet long is to; be secured to the bottom of tlie-car, so that it may .always be under control. ; : ' - .' - j In 1877, in Engrarid, G0,000 pos tage stamps, were found , in letter xes and tags, having been rubbed off through; insufficient "lickipg and sticking," and 5,000,000 letters were consigned to the Returned Letter Office. TH E WEEKLY I E D G B It . SUBSCpilTIOX HATES Ml The WEEKLY LEDGER is furnished to uDscriDei-s at one dollar and ntty cents-per copy per annum, invariably in advance. 1 Six months, one dollar. j ! ' Elevln copies, one year," fifteen dollar. Twenty-two -copies, , one ,Jyear, thirty uo liars. Vddi'ess all orders to "The WEEKLY i ! 1 i LEDGER,' Chapel Hill, X- CV ISPEW GOODS ! ' -'i: - I complete in Stoct of GooiU is now every Department, andwill be sold at bottom: trices for cash or toiprompt payingk'ustomcrs. Ilif Stock consists hi part of l! '. ' i L GASIMEIIES, CLOTHS, COT NADE$.XIEN, DKILUS . tjl aiu Sai ' ' . Ak ' Alfnll jAneof boniticlO-l'blea'ched unbleached SHEETING. PILLOW". CASIMJooiU LAKE GEOKGEiX. IIEAIVY SUEETIXG 4-1. LONSDALE A fid I Line of ITGUIJKU AND PLAIN LAWNS, rrv i! v von LADIES SUITS . I i : J ( I . a : ; I ahdT LVVELLI XG DIIESSES; HAMBURG EpGINGS, In every styto irom . cents up. I, " TOWELS and CRASH. MARSEILLES QUIITSa large lot. : "KEEPS SIIIRTSuid COLLARS,' a MILES andIEGLER'Si I V I .: ' i handiinade Shoes in. every St vie, for Gertleinen,. Ladies, -3Ilssen and ,Uhil-, dren. Afso a large lot of othcr xnl and pppijlar makes of Shoes. ) . r. j- Mo CAU LEY'S is:IIe:ulaiiartera for BAGpi LARD j and 'GROCE- RlES, CANVASSED & SUGAR CURED HAMS on hand all the J ti Bottom Prices. N. C. IIAMS and SIDES at TOcts. GOOD BROWN SUGAR at lOcts u -: V t - - :-;"l ' GirANULATED, CUT CApir. LOAF arid best BROWN GAR at lowest prices. SU- " I GRITS aiid II05IIXY always on hand. A FULL LINE OF, FISH. X. C. iii. ' .-- . - ' ' ." '-.-.4-' . CUT HERRING, 3IULLETS, .,- ft ) BLUE FISD, &c. B ESt!CUBA 5IOL ASSES and PUR E lltOXEY tLRli' SYRUP. PUIiE CIDER VINEGAR and i ' FRESH RICE. V :iwl H-'- -v- "t I- V full? Slock . dT Farmer's Friend Plows, -Points, aikl . Bolts always on ' hand. r - " ' v ') ; " I j - ' S EEDS Relhied, Rod, Siuarc and ; Round Iitn on lumd,: bf all the diller-,1 : enc iizes at-tae io Jj,, cut ?izes at tbe lowd?t cash price. iii1 all the latest ami improved styles. HORSE' and 3IULE ! .NAILS;. shoes; and CUT and, FIX IS I IXG XAILS ot every; gize. GRAIN and GRASS BLADES. In fact, everything in the Han ware LineJ ' Y , . !' J A beautiful lilic of LADIES, MISSES and CH I LlK,K.' TR I M M E U a hd ulxTR IM M E i . f HATS. RIBB6XS, RUFFS, CpFFS and C ;ol- ? ' f . AT?y; in fvpVv- Sf-vln. (I j: ....... v ' V f .- A full Line of Gentlemen and ladlea XECITIESJ ' ; ,.V ' ' . Gentlemeni and Boys FELT and STRAW HATS, in all the Litest, aijd newest Style?.' ' . X- A full line of Mens and Ijys L'EAIi . MADE CLOTHlXG'a.t prices that not he heat. -, : I J ' - UMBRELLAS and PARASOI that beats them all, from 13 cent to ' ' Tfyou want to saVe money, MeCAULEf S, where you willj ;ind-' w hat you want at prices to suit every body, i ' ' ." f '.. . ' - . ! Thaiiking-the' public for the libera! patronage given me heretofort', I pledge mvself in the future, 'as I have tried id do" in the past, to treat everybody risht and gjve j tliiew ' the joi th of their ; monev. " v cry respecuioiy. . . t V; UCtALLKXi Chanel Hill, X. C, May IS, 1S7S; '1 .1 f 1 "- , H I: .r ', " 4 if - - VI, .1 i X i V v: i i ' t f ! ; ' I i j -1 W- .'afc.- X ;