'tii k w k k k L Y led G E It . T II E W E E K L Y L EDG E 5: OFFICE OX FRAXKLIX STREET, OPPOSITE THE STORE OF J. ,W, The- W KKK L Y LKDGKR! 4s furnished . . .... . 1 II 1 4'.tt.. CARR, .Esq. ; 1 . . ' ;; cents per cony per imiiuui, invariably in ativiuici-. - . Kates, or advehtisixq: ixijnonth.?. one dollar j One square, ohe. insertion, one doll Kleven copies one year, ill teen dollars, 'i'wonty-two copies, i oije year, ! thirty nr. One square, eaehsubsequeut insertion, titty cents. ... Special coutraets made for larger adver. IVO XAT5T WITHOUT A. ' UIN EL", .dollars. - ; ' . ,l.Ires dl orders to frhe WEKKLY LKDGKR." Chapel llill,.X C. 1ST UT3I13 JbCR, 14. tisements i CHAPEL TOLL, N. G., SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1878. Adveiiseinentsi shouh be pent in Thursday betqrc each' day ot issue. . sFCOXD ANNUAL SESSION. The following is a correct t ot impii in attendance upon the State i c i.a ,! Na i..J Normal- School,;, gixinir also the oinui ?t -v . ' countytUcy represent ami post-ofhee: .'. . .! j "V Andrews, Henry U,; Chapel Ilill, - Orange county, N. C Allen, Mrs; Mary, Charlotte Meck- lenhurg couniy, in i w . . - . Allen, f John , W. Nathan's Creek, Ashe county, N. C,f I . - . - mtielil, Miss Mary 11, Greensboro, GuiMord county, N.U. Anderson, Miss "Kmrim, StaUJSvide, Iredell comity, N. C Ieander, Uenjainiii L, Charlotte, Mtckletiburg county,'N. C. Axsoni; James H ; Husk, Surry ' eoujity, N. C . I ! .'l II' HIIM.I - ' " " ' m T " " " I MeeUenbnrg county, N. C AmicW.Iiss ?Jary J., jlrick Church,' (Juiltord county, N;!C ' Auou ood, Hobert Sj, . L:nednton, ' Lincoln county, N.iO Andrews, Wilton Y.; Chapel Hill Ora'nire count v, N.,C. T Alhertst.-n,- Mis Ida; Ktfaabeth City, r.nsipioymk count yj C. ; AHertson, 3liss Lli.a JJ., Elizabeth City, lastuota'nk c unity, N. C. J cohhty,;N. C ' ' j; 4 Aheinclliy, lienjaniin F.; H"a!to, am county. 15 rV?t, Miss Minnie, fount v, N. CV , ialelgh, AYake ai!ey, 3Iiss Lula. Hay ion, Wake 1 county, N. C. J ' Karnes, Jamctf H.vLcnchUurg, John ston ounty Nk C. 51avk, J.-imes E., Mauhtfy's Station, Iiekleii.hurg couniy,, N. I.' limoks. WilLani B. MonticeMo, liorkingliam county, N.- (..'' . -t- ,;f , Jldkud, Kenj. O , M.iit..Hi, ck- lenburg comity C. . Ihruh, Aigcn.fv. 1 Chapel II.H, O. 'V'yyi !' , AT lntt, W dliam L., Heii-alem, Mo6re i county, N. C. ; ! IJoIick, Miss Esther A., Taylors- ville, Akwamter (tnntv, C 'llaker' Alexander, Yadkin College, Davidson county, K-.C. . Uridgers. V. A., JSoat,ia, Edgccomln county, N C. JJritt.1 VY. G ? Shoe! Heel, Wayne county, N. C. . eain, .Jolm A., Double Shoals, ('leaveland county, N. C Iandv,Jas 31., Black; Hock, Lincoln county. N. C A :i rockwe!l, Mis,s Ann e, Chapel Hill, Orange county. Ni C. I Hurw-eH, Miss -Alary S., Haleigh, Wake county, N. . livrd, Charles W., Joncsboro, Moore cimnty N. C. 1 rrvan, 5lrs. Sarah, If., Favettcville, N..C Cumberland county.! IiI:iir,'J. Clarkson,? Jjiish Ilill, llan- dolph county, N. ;C. liMchanan, L..T.rQl:f6rd, Granville cpuiitv, N. C. . IJizzell, 3Iiss .Jiilia Clin ton, sSamnson connty, :N. C Iutt. Joseph L.. Aurbia, Beaufort county i . U. .-! i -Bunting" Miss;lv.ate. Too res Creek, 1 ender county. N Bagle'yj" Iroy, V-.l Scotland Neck, Halifax count vNJ Cj. " Betts, Miss M. Il.v NYinklow.JIarnetl -county, X. C Bynum, 3Iiss Fannie I ' Mm Pitts boro Chatham countyj Nr C. Byrd, William S., StrAbane, Lenoir i county, N. C. 1 Bessent, Miss Maggie, Concord Ca barrus county, N. C' Blair, Irs?Deila M , S:ixapahaw, Al amance county, Ni Cj. Burrus, Allen, Fail fijld:IIyde county, N.C. .... battle, Thomas II., Ofanire county. N Chapel Hill ange county, N C. ro6kfieId, Mrs.!-1 lab lei V.j JNcw- , lorn,- Craven county. Cates. XUJrt: Rj; llntk Smiiicr. Or - ange county', N. C. I pui Joel H, Chapel Hdl, Ors ' count v.N. C. i : f. ' - ' . . : ' i - O range ;tfun; Robert L. MocksWIIc, Davie , count v, N. C. M I Cheek, Uobert D4 Chapel Hi.l, Oi- aPge county, N.J'C. Va'f, Miss Corinria K, Chapel Hill, iUrange county, N. C. y. ain; LutheV ,11.; I Cypress Creek, i i; ... -vr I o-, iUiss Mar E.j Wilmington, X'W IIafiovr' ..n'liiitv. ' ' . -"'Tinan, jauiora jNewueru, Ciaven cornity, N. Cj. v 1 . tahl wen." S. fl j bald well j Sta . tlon, Mecklenburg county, N. CM aMwell, Mis3 SAbbie M., Query, 1 -Mecklenburg coanty, N- C. Cheek, Miss Maggie M., Chapel Hill, Orange county, jN. (J. Cole, J aeon F:, Carthage, Moore county, N. C Carr, Miss Emma, Chapel Hill, Or ange county, i .C. Clark, John Mc.M., Jackson Spring, Moore county, N. C . .r. T t , Cook, Miss LutieL, Louisburg, Franklin comity,. N. C. i Carlton. V rank M.-Morrisville. Or- ; ange county, N. (J. Cheek, Miss Ali'jfc. MebanesvillcAl amance county,- N. CT Cheek, Miss Annie, MebanesvilleyAl- amance county, A. C. Carter Paschal A.i AVinslow, Har nett county, rx. C. . Cobb, ltev, N. IV, Jwilesyille, Anson county, N . C Casupbell, JM4ss' Jane Snow .Creek, Iredell county, rs. C. Cro6m, Samuel M., Strabaiie, Lenoir count y, N. C. ; Covington, Frank F., Bennettsville, Marlboro, S. C;. J 7. Caldwell, Hobert Ernest, Greens boro, Guilford comity, N. C. . Carr, George M., Hose Hill, Duplin count v, A . C Cates, Miss 'A., Chapel Hill, Orange county. Craig, Jasper X.,; Hillsboro, Orange count y. . Houghton, Hufus A , Laurel Springs; .APegliaiiv county, N C Hugger, John E., Haleigh, ake , county, N . C. . Dunn, Mrs. Emm.-', ChajVel Ilill, -.Or ange, county, A. U. . Havis, .ilam C, Jr., JJl Grange, Lenoir, count v. N. C. Davis, Mis Lucy D., Clintnu, Samp son ctumtv, . C .Davis. Frank -A., Oregon, Hcicking- h:rtn coinilv. N. C Dcy, JMiss-fagLrie F., N'orrL)lk, Ya. Dixo'n,; lU nry C, Lenoir, Cahl well cc(!imt v, -N . I'. Dunlap, 3!iss Lvdia A., Lear Creek, V ( Mi-if l;?i m -iii!il v. X. (1. ' . V. Ilitlll'I'll ' 'Mill I , l . : v.. Annw ClunVj Ai:iui;inc(. OM1.ltv, X. C. c ,V(tM ;lIis i,lx;lV Sllow Camp, Alamancecutitv, N. C. - " ' ' , ' . . X . i Err.nl, ..d.ss Coriiie .j N ewbern. Craven county, N. C. CmM:n. Isaac E.'. I'haptd Hill, Or- iui'i; tuning . : I Evans, iliss .Mary I., Faycttoyilje, CumbVtlaml cuiity, N. C, r' Frcelan i, Ilobeitll, Neusc, Wake count v, X. C ' . Funderburk.MissMary E.,Ialthevs StatunijAIeckleiiburg county, N. C. Fcssenden, Na?h.in A., Hayesville, Clay t.unty, N. O. - i Foster, Mr; 31ary F., Haleigh, Wafee county, N. C. Fanelty, 3Iiss Margie AMKeuausville, Duplin county,' N. C. Freeland, Miss" Lula, "Durham, Or- anno county, N. ,C " . - -. Funderbnrk, JNliss Eliza L;MatthewR Station, Mecklenburg' county, N. C. Foust, Iiss' Lena, "Chapel 'Hill, Or ange county, N. C-.v Faison, 3Iiss Jennie, Clinton Samj)- son county, N. CT r Frayser, Miss Louisa II., Point Cas- yell, Pender county, N. C. FennelivMiss Mmine 1 , Favettcville. Cumberland county, N. C. Faison, Miss Mary, VVarsaw, Duplia " comity, N. C. Faucetf Alolphus G., Company Shops, Alamance county, N.; Cj Faison, liss Alberta C, Clinton, Sampson county, N. G. Faison, Miss Emma E.,Clinton,Samp . son county, N. C. . Faison, Miss Maggie K., Warsaw, Duplin county, N. C- r Faucette, Miss Mary C, Company , Shops, Alamance county," N.' 0. Faucette, Leonidas L. W., Wilson, Wilson county, C. - : ' Gattrs, Samuel M , Chapel Hijl, Or ange county, N. Q. Gilliam, John W., .Morton's Store, Alamance ccunty, N. C j Gore, John C. Whiteville, Cblum- ! bus county, N. C. , Gattisy Miss Carrie. Pittsboro, Chat ham county, N. C. , Garrett, Miss Martha E., Edenton, Chowan county, N. C. Godwin, Lewis, 'Newton Grove, Wayrie county, N. C. Gnlhriej James O., Kimbolton, Chat ham county, N. C Griffin, Miss Hattie E' Washington, Beaufort county, N.'C. Gattis, .Miss Alice M., Chapel Hill, Orange county, N. C. Gate wood, James M PrestonvilTc, Stokes county, C. , Grant, Mrs. E. N. Statesville, Ire dell county, N. C. Gilmer, Miss Lizzie A.1, Mount Airy, - Surry county, N. C. ,GiIIiam, Miss Elizabeth' S.; Hertford, j Perquimans county, K. C. ." Gaither, William G,, Hertford, Per: quinians county, N. C. GalIoway,?Iiss Isabel 11., Goldsboro, AVa'no count3r. . ,1 . IX Harrison, Miss INIaggie S., Monroe Union county, N. C. Henderson, M.ss Mattie J., illopc- well, Mecklenburg county, N. C Hilliard, Joseph M., Green Level, V ake county, N. C. Ilogan, Irving A., Hillsboro, Orange county. . J Ilogan, Henry .C.; Chapel HJil, Or ange county. . . Harris, Eugene L., Sa.ssafras Fork, " Granville county, N. C. Hardee, Parrot H., Elevation, John- stoti county, N. C. Ilogryv, Miss Arrimittie, Chapel Hill, Orange county. -IloVper, John E., Fayetlevillei, Cum lirland county, N. C. Hatcher, IJenj. W., Selma, Johnsten county', N. C. ! HaeRitey,Thos. 1., Kimbolton, Chat ham county, N. C. Horton, Jtwiu D., Morrisville, Chat; ham count', N. C. Harris, AViliis. H., Summerfield, Guilford county, N. C. Harris, Miss Swanhannoa, Summer field, Guilford county, N. C. Ilodges,; 'Miss Hebecca A., Fayette- ville,i Cumberland county, N. C. Harrell, James J., Lumberton, Hob- eson county, N. C. lied rick, Miss Hettie, Taylorsvillp, Alexander. county, N. C. Howard, Curtis W , Kinston, Lenoir county, N. C. Herring, Jerry P., Kenansville, Duplin county, N. C. . Ilarllee, liss Julia, l'olUton, .Anson county, N. C. ' Hau'giiton, ; Miss Alice,. Pittsboro, i Chatham county, -N. C. j Hut chhis, Frederick D. Chapel Hill, ()r'ange county, N. C-, Horner, Jerome C, Oxford, Gran,- vilie cor.nt v, N . C. Hilliard, Eli,"Chafk iLevel, Harnett county, N. CLi "i IIlt,3Iiss Nannie rt, Orange Fac tory, Orange county, N. C. . Houston, Miss Laura Frank, Magno lia. Duplin county, N. C. Hall, Miss Mary Weldon, Favettc ville, Cumberland county,; N. C. Hintony ) Josephv N., Wiln)ingtoh, New Hanover county, N. C. ; !T:mlcii. Jiobei t E.. HarperW. X Hoads, Chatham county, N. C. k Ilolshouscr, Allen H., llockwell, Kowan county, N. C. Hill, E'd.M., Fau;on, Puplin 1 connty, ' N. C. " '.-"! . ' . .' I Iowell, Miss Jennie Apex, Wake county, N. C. Henley, AVilliarn, Snow Camp, Ala , mance comity, N. C. Hawkins, Miss Lucy W.? Warren - ton, Warren county, N. C. Hamer, Lawreiic?, D , Hennettsville, Marlboro, S. C. Harward, Willidm G. Morrisville, Orange county, N. C. -Harward. JMiss 5lary C. jMorrisyille, Orange connty, N. G- Harrison, Miss "Oorinhe, Newbeni, Craven county. (.'", f: Harrison, Miss Mary II., Ncwbern, . Craven county. ' I . , - Isaacs; John, Jr.. Perkinsville, BuAe county, N. C. X I- ' Jinkins, Joseph J., Kiggsbee's Store, I Chatham county, N. C;. Jordan, Thos. M., Goldsboro, Wayne 1 county, NVC. i , Jones, Miss Mattie, Chapel Hill, Or ange county,. N. C. . - f ; Jerome, Conder - P., Mint: Hill, Mecklenburg'county, N.' C. t Jones! Miss Sallie A., Gary, Wake county, N. 0. ; ! . - - Jones, Miss Mattie A.,' Hickory, Catawba county, NI C. Jories,Jefterson, Ilocky Mount,Edge- combe county, N. C. ,' i Jellreys, John O., Franklinton, ' Franklin county, N; ' C. , Jeans, Miss " Lucy V., Pittsboro, Chatham county, NV. C. . - . Johnston, Miss Laura. A., Chapel , Hill, Orange county; N. C. Johnson, Luther F., Harrell's Store, Sampson county, NIC. Jiirney, Miss Lucy J., Olin, Ire , dell county, N..C- 1 . r. jones, Miss Alice M., Hed Mountain, O ran ere county, N.jG. ( Jones, Ernest "V"., Warrenton. War ren county, JN. C. .. It Kornegay, Peter IL, Branch's Sore, Duplin county, N. C. Knight, Charles W.,i Eagle Rock, Wake county,' N, 0. v Kingr Miss Delphia A.r Falkland, Pitt county, N.C. ij King, Miss Olivia A., ! Chapel Ililf, Orange county, N. C. Iverr,v Miss A:l!co ; Haleigh, Wake county, N; C. Kirkland, Tlipmas J.; Hillsboro, Or ange county,5 N. C. Klutz, Adam A.y Goldsboro, Wayne ' county,. N. C. - Kerr, John T., Haw .River, Alamance county; N. C. ' Kerr, Mrs. Wasfiington C.; Haleigh; Wake county, N; C. Kerr, David W., "Haw River, Ala- mance county, ; N.C i Kelsey, 3iss Annie Rv Erie, .State of Pennsylvania. -; i . ' : - ; , ; Lochart; ' .Miss' Helen, 'WRed i Mountain, ; Orange ;county, Nf C. Litchford, Miss Pattie G., Raleigh, ( Wake county, -N. C. s ; Lee, Eld ridge, Peacock's X Roads, Johnston county, N. C. Laws, Miss Ada C , Chapel Hill, Or- ! ange count v, N. CJ . Lawrence,. Miss Pattie, . Raleigh, j Wake county, N. C. r Lambert, Romulus, Elevation, John- ston county, N. C. Long,, Miss Li Hie, Charlotte, Meck- leuburg county, N.C. ' Laiidelr, Wyjlie A., Oregon, Itock- ingham county, N. C. ; , Lea, JViiss.Lilian, Leasburg Caswell 'county, N C. Le wter, . Miss Nettie, Durham, Or k ange counjy.'N. C. i ' ,: i Lewis, Dr. It. II., Kinston,i Lenoir I - county, NV C. . Lea, RndolphG., Pleasant Grove, f Alamance c6unty, N. C. , Lindsay, MiSsfUttie L , Norfolk V Va. :c -y : Lindsay., Miss Lizzie M.. Greensboro, Gitilford county, N C. Lacy,- Mrs. M. Raleigh, Wake ' county, N. C- J ' . Lacy,, Thomas, Hickory, Catawba t ' county, .NJ-C.- - " , L' Lacy, 'Jaspei N., 'Hickory ,. Catawba county, N . C. J' Lacy, ! Samuel,', Hickory, Catawba county, N C. Lackey,Wilham D., Cleaveland Mills, ! Cleaveland county, N. C. Law, Miss Annie, Pittsboro, Chat--! hani county N. C. j . La ws, jHelfield R; Hillsboro,' Orange I county, N: C. . . ,.' ' ' ':' Lindsay, J. Jv, Chapel Ilill, Orange ! countyNl C. j X reKiiiley. .?,IiisAgnes ilarrisburg, Ca- ,-! !):irrus coimt-. . C. M"urrell, MissjSailie, Chaiel Hill,Orange county, N. C. . MeArtliur; Miss Julia,' Greenville, Pitt erunty, X. C. Marshal ? . Miss. Nettie, Raleigh, Wake i eon nty. : ' j " ... MeDauiel, Miss Cornie E., Raleigh, i W'sike( count' X. (J. ' Miliiken, ,Miss Lillie, V.- Fnmklinton, i Fran,klin county X. C. v -M,Iutire, Andrew.- J., Long; Creek,,Feii i, tier county,! X. C. ' " f 1 Mareom; George Pattei son's Mills, Orange county, X. C. Markliam, Miss Emia, Patterson's Mills, Orange county, X. C. McKee, Miss Luey J.1 Clarkton, Bladen i comity, X. C. r ; Mallett," Miss; Pattie G., Chapel Hill, Orange o nil ty, XI G. ' " , . Mallett, Miss Alice II.,Fayettville, Cum berland count', X. C. M'qitU, Isaac J., Riggsbee's Store Chat ham comity, N. C. Mooi e, luriiey T., f Avci asbord, Hifi ' nett eoiintyl, X. C. . : . Milhird; MissjOlivia, Mt. Olive, Vayne .county, X. C. i Meii-ell, 'George Fork -Church, Davie county, X. 0. ' MeXeitl, Mrs. E. I)., Fayetteville, Cum . berland eoiiity. ....! I Mason Jliram1 D., Morrisville, Chatham - count', X. C. Matthews, Miss Delia IL, Fayetteville, ' Cumberlaiid County X. C. : McCaU,Jiissina,Rockingliam,Rrchmond county, X C McSwai.u, Miss Mattie.Fayettville, Cum- herland county, X. C. MeBryde, Mi.js Hattie, Shoe Heel, Rob- esou-couuty, X. C. Merritt, Miss" Lizzie, Cary, Wake county, N.' C. ! ' -v- ' - ' - Markham, James W Chapel Hill, ,01- uugeVounty. Melntyre, Daniel, Cameron,; Moore , county, X. p. Morgan, Jesse D., Elevation, John ston county) N. C. ! McEaehern.lf ugh, A., St. Pauls, Robeson connty, XjC. . v i McMUkm, Johu'L., Red Banksjlobesqn county, X. C. ' Murphy, Misf Annie B. Wilmington, Xew Hanover county, X. C. i Moore,: Miss Shllie, Warsaw,Duplin coun ty, X..c. F-:- ' J " .. -Marable, Mis. SuLu, Goldsboro, Wayne 'county, X. C. I ' Moffltt, Beniamin F., Coiesville, Kdn- dolph couhtv X. C. i ! ' . -McXeill, MisMary, Fayetteville, Gum- Iberland county, X. C. : . MeCormiek, ArchibahLJ?., Little Rock, Marion, S. C Merritt, Miss Mollie E,, Pittsboro, Chat- liam coimtv X. C. ' 1 McXeill, Miss Minnie, ' Fayetteville, Cumberland county. , t h.i'- : IS i - .. r j ...... i ! . i . -. Xevill, Samuel G.; McCrays Storef Al amance county. Xewsom, Miss "Virginia G., Aubtirnr ' Wake county, X. C. l ' Xcvill, M'isfcMattie E. Chapel Hill, Or ange .county, X. C. Osborne, Mrs. Jolin -E., Statesvillc. lre- ieii, county; N. O. I Overman,; Harry J., ''Salisbury,' Rowan ! county. K" - ; :. rjnllips, Jliss Lucy I., Chapel Hill, Or- Sange countv, JN. (J. - i Fartin,! Alice, , Raleigh, Wake , county, CSr. C. "-- . -; . Pool, Miss Eliza A.y Oiford, Granville county, a. ;. v Pell. Ed wa rd L., Chaiol c6unty, X. C Mill, Orange Pearsoii, William C'.;1 Jliggsbec's Stdrc, .Chatham county. N. C.,i -Perry, George W., Durham,. Wake coun ty, x. a - ' r, , ,h LMrrish. Miss Jiedie IJ., Red Mountain. Orange county, N. C. I y- .' ' v Pool, John M., Clark's Mill, Moore county, X. C. ' .'. "' Orange eouutv XL C ' ' ( v i Pell, MrL V h-gi'uirtC,, sClmpel Hill, Or ange county, '. C.f j. j'l I'nor, jMiss Jl.za i:., Fayetteville, Cum berland county ,-X. c. i ' . Plonk, Joseph C, Kings Mountain C tea vela ud count yy X. D. H ' - Phillips, Miss Emuia C, l illsboro, Or- ange eon ui , . u. . Perry, Miss Fallie, Apex,! Wake couih ty, X.. C, .. r - - - - . Purvis, Miss Lula; E.jStatcsville, Ire dell county, X.. C. t Price, Miss ' Jtiettie Kj, Wilmington 'ew Hanover, county, X. C. Ragsdale, Willie Wilton, Grajiville county. IX. C. " s Rand, Miss ;5arah IV, Banks ? P. . 6., Wake county, X. C. ' 4 ; t Roberts, Miss 31a ry C, X? wbern, Qra ven county, X. C" ' Riggsbee, E vandei- J.. Riggsbee's Store, Chatham county, X. C. j . Robinson, Miss Sallie J,- Concord, Ca barrus county, X. Ci - Royal, 3Iiss Gertrutle, Huntley, Samp son comity, X. C. ' f- ' -'.' ' Ray, Xazer V,, Hillsboro; Or;mge coin- ty, x: ci. . v : n - " Russell, Mrs. Sarah, .Washington, Beau lbrt comity, N,' C.'.--.'- j ; j i ; Riggsbee, Theodore T.,'Riggsbees Store, Chatham coil nty, X.Cr;' : Riddick, Mrs. Martha. A., Ilertford Per- quimans county. X. C.s j I :' ' Reese, Mjss Maggie A., Hillsboro, Or apge county, X C.V ; ' '-' r , 1.- V .. ; h ;.v , .1 : Smith, George I., Peaeoek'sYX Roads, Johnston county, X. C. j Stewart, Claude D;, Troy ville, Harnett county, X. C . SMtroi tihl. Albert. G.. "Rnslir" Fni k. Pnr- so 11 county, X. C. . j-Siitb,-Burnice F., Averasbpro, Ilar . nett county, X. C. ! i Summerrell, Elisha M.y Faison, Duplin county, XV 0. ' Simmon?, William A.,;' Dobsoii, Stokes ..county, X. C. ' . j. . ' ' ' Stanley, lU'ehard' J., Dobson, Siinf county, X. C. L ; Sparrow, 31 iss- Bettie, Chapel Hill, Or- anjjre coiuiry, -is. C. ' SdiulkeU; James B., Wlntevill Co- lumbus county, X. C. i Smith, 31iss Lena IJ., Seotkiud- Xeck, '.Halifax county, X. C. j , 1 :: Speed. 31iss Sajlie L.,. Scotland Xeck, Halifax cbniity, X. C. ; . ; Stradlev 3Irs. 31ar',VA., Oxlonl, Gran ville county, X.l". : ... j ; ' : , ' Schwarzkopf, Miss Xina, XOrfolk, Va. Simpson, Miss- Ida, Belvidere, Perquim . ans county, X. C. . Skinner, 3Iiss S'opliie II., Oxtord, Gran- j ville county, X. C. : s . , . Spencer, 3Iiss June J., Chapel Jflill, Or- j ange county. X. C. r i ' Start'ord, 3Iiss.3Ielinda J.. Clover Orcli j ail, Alamanee'county, X. C- V ' I Sea well, Simon P., Ben-Salem, 3Ioore ) "county, X. C. Stancill; Ret. 11. W. Greenville, Pitt county, N.C- : . t Small, John H., Wadesboro, Anson Smithdeal, George 31., Ad vancej Davie Couiity, X; C. , - Smith, John II;, Lumberton, Robeson county; X.C.-. . J "' Stacy, 31iss Annie. Fayetteville, Cum beriand county, X. C. ' Strain, Miss Pattie 'A., Raleigh, Wake ' eaunty, X. C. -1 Strain, Miss Doni, 'Raleigh, 'Wake coun- ty, X. c. , ; .";;!; "...'; SlaUe, William E., Columbus. Georgia. Stevenson; Miss Julia W-., Wilmington, New Hanover county. Xv C. : 1 , Saundeis, 31tss .Laura B., Chapel1. Hill, Orange county, X. C. I Smith, Rufus H., Mt. Airy, Surry couiv . ty, x. c. ... " j ; . : " Smith,; Samuel C Greensboro, Guilford county, X. C. ' ! ; Sorrell, " John P., 31orrisvillc, Wake t cointy, X. C. ' S Stewaft 3Iiss 3Iary C , Clinton, Samp son county, X, C. - ' - r ; - . Simpson, President Shadrak, TTadkin Collejre, Davidson county; iX. C. Smith, 31iss Adrflaide ScotlaiXeek; liaiitax county, i . .;. - , Stal lings; Miss Kate, Raleigh, Wake county,'X.C. ' f : Stamey, Ileniy G., North .Brook,; Lin coln county, X C, : j Smith, Charles E., tuirin.burg, Rich mond county, X. C. -'. Sauls, Isham D., Fiemont, ; Wayne county, X. C. j ! Spencer, 31iss Eliza Jl., Winston, For sy the county, X., C. - ' j : Snipes, Robert L., Snipes Stoi-e, Chat ham county, X. C. ' I t ' Spalding, Andrew Ituffin, Rockingham countyrN. C. j I Smith, Joel , G., Peacock's ; X . Koatls, Johnstonx;6uiity, X. C. . Southflrate James A., Durhamij Orange - county. . - ;'. TankeTsTey, 3Ir9. F. AdeU Chapel Hill, Orange countjry JN. c , i Thompson, James A. W., Cedar Cliff, - Alamance county j X C; s: . . Tillett, Henry A., Carthage, Jloorc county, X. C. ' : : T Tillett, 3liss Titmra E., Haywood, Glial- ham c5unty, X. C. ' - -1 Taylor. Jerome.. Grovebcek. 'J'cxas. Tilliughast, 3liss Sarah A.. Fayettcv He, CumbeiiaiKi county.'' .N. (.:.' Taylor, James P., Goldsboro, Wnyno Tilley, Emmett II., Chaiwl Hill, Orango 5 county X.C . ; , - . ' f ;'.; Thompson. Miss Lula, TArasburgjCststt'cll:' countyi N ?;' . 5 j i V. ;. Turner, Sauiuol J ., 3! ai ion, McDowell Count. X. C. ! ( . . -.'I Turltngtonv Willis E., Elev.ition. John- ' stoit i;ouutyv X. C. ), ' 1 ' 'I ,; .. 'lllle-, rllinton, Chapel I1U1, Ondnge ; couiitv, X. C. V' I Thompson; 3Iiss Mahala; Falkland, Pitt ; : county, S.f('. I '' Thonipw, OrvdTc C, North Brook, . Lincoln county, N, C. ' 7 I Tatum, I Daniel G., Jerusalem,; Ha via r' 1 county, x; C. ! : : , . !"?' Trawjek,Rey. Sidney j R.;KernersvUIe, , Forsytlie county. X: C. i r! Tvson, 3Iiss Sallie J., IJlcsville,Ansoii ' i . "county X.C. ' '.'"" ,t - ! Turrehtihe.SamuclB., Hillsboro, Ordngo ,, , ' " county X. C i' Thomas, UMlliam T;..BcMi!icttsvillc,3arl- boro county, S-l C. V. I ' Taylor,! 31i.ss Ophelia,' Wilson, Wilson r county, Nu C. ' I Turner, ! James , 31., Raleigh, Vfako eouniv. i "' . 'rin liu?ttni. IraT.. Elevation, Johnston county. ) ; . '. Utley, 3riss 31innic. Fayetteville, Cum- ' berlanu county, X- ei;ianu couutv, a. 5 i derlMd. Arclde G., Eagle Rpck.Waka oimty. X. C. ; ..'' I h ey. 3M Celia I.,, Fayetteville, Cum- UnderlMd. county. Utlev. M j berland county, N. C. Vernon, Charles R., 3fadisou, Roekuig- ham count , N. C. r i W:ltso:i Benjamin T., lnlIarV Hill, Chatham county, X. C. I Watson, James AV..' Rives Chaiel, CJiat- ham county, IS . C. 1 Weatherly, .Culius 31., Greensboro, ( ull- ford, county, X.! C. ' - 1 Wyche, llony. AVhitcville, Col umbtw county. X. C. i j Warren, j 31 iss Mattie, Blounts. Creek, Beaufort county N. C. , I " Warren, 3iiss Alary A., Blount j Creek, BeaufOrt county. N. C. Weaver, Wlliam'p Chnpel Hill, a n ire! eou li t, N. C.' Or- Wise, Mrs. Flora J. Wilmington, Xev Hanover county, 2s. C. Whitfield, William C, La Grange, noir county, X. C. Lc- Willuvms Egbert P., Kenansville, Du- ' plin county, X. C. ; i I Whitaker, 31iss Lucy X. Raleib, Wako comity; ' 1 - I , Wilson. 3tiss Willia A., Raleigh, Wake ; countyi ' . - ; White, Franklin 31., Huntley, Sampson county, X. C. j - i'v' ' !1 Witberspoonv 3Irs. Loiiis 31., Bachanan, Granville county. N, C. . ' ' ' Wren,1 Robert F., Troys Store, Randdlph couuty, X.:C. f ' I ' Warlick, Robert l H, Morganton'Barkc ' county. N. C. . Wright, Miss "Mary Z., Concord, Cabar rus county X. C. ! ' Walker, 3IissLuella, Durham, Orange 1 -county, X. C. t . : L Warrtjn,! 3IiS Bettie, Falkland, Pitt county, N. C;. . v j Whittield, 31 iss Sallie C4 Enfield, Hal- iftixj county, N. C. ' I -. White, Richard S., Ellzabqtht0vnJ Bla , den county X. C. I ' Waitt, 3iss An nie T, Wake Forest Col-, lege, Wake county, N. C. I Winston, ; Francis 1 Donnelly Windsor, : Bertie county, X. C 1 K Valker, Geo, 1 3IeCray,8 Store, Ala-. - mance; couiity, X. C. 4 f , , Williams, Miss Estelle, Clinton, Samp- son county. N. C. !. - ( Woodburu "J: A., Ilcndersoiiville, Hen- ' dei-souxouuty, Xorth Carolina, j ' Worth,Miss lthodaM..Oreensboro,Gull- ' ; Tord county. X. C. ' ; : .-. Worth, Miss Cora, 3L. Company Sliopv Al.-imniicp (niiiitA'-- V. 1 ' I Winston, Isaac E ; Young X Hoeulsf V - !' Grauviire counts, X. C. ' .'' I . ;f . r. r. J!:- - ! I . -.,1 Yates, Rolert J., Green Level, Cliatliam county,. 3C. : ! The above list is correct. J. E. DUGGEI JSccretary, Smithsonian Institution, wliich jlins . been engaged for more than, a qtar ter pf a ceritury in ' i-esearcbes into the antilrjuitics of America, arid has K during that time published many im portant memoirs0n the subject, w abbtit to issue 'an exhaustive -work on America archaeology wjth numer ous illustrations and mapsj The in stitutionn; tliei efore, , is ahxiovis to ' collect from eve'ry available ; sou co vhaiteverw kriown or can be ascer- -tained by special investigation, j ot" the antiquities of Norlli America, and It invites the" co-operation oil lalt interested.in the work, : V ; ' 1 !-'; . - -V. -I ; I. Frederick Hasse graduated attbo head of his class in a.Oerman Ujni versity, in 1870. Ho was heir , Uf $80,000,, and his prospect ot a succoss-' ful career could hardly .bavc been brighter, A few daysago he died in St. Louis, where be had for a year been a porter (n a medical college,. ' An appetite fotvcpimn killed nimJ Snbscribo to the Weekly Ledger, Only $1.50 pyr annum. -r- ,1 ! .".I 'i-. - '" . : 1 : .1 ! I VI 1 i ' : 1 i r S ! . i A 'V l 9 - r; -' h- X . i 3 if '.i H i -F :'J

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