!" . O ' ' " ! . . I 1 i L TKK K K L Y L E I) G K 11 . 01I0.SITK-T!IE STOUK.OF J. W. KATES OF ADYEIKTlSIVn : nc square, one insertion, one ubllar. une square, each suhsctpicut inseffion. iiuy cems. Special contracts made for larger ad vei; lUcmcnts. Advertisements should ta J sen t in h v .Tin i ix lay helon carh dav of issueJ " $T1W GOODS ! 13. .-iociv ni iKHMli is now complete in l 'ri:ment, ami will lcohi.at ' A . - ' HOTTOM U'KICI FOIi CASH, or to prompt paying ciistomcrs. IIU Stock consists in part of CASSLMKliES, qLOTIIS, COT- TOXADES. Llk EN 1)1 j ILLS r ':- ; . lor Pants ami Suits, !tc. ' . - A Full Line of Domestic HM bleached ami uulIeachelSUEKTI.(i. 1'ILLOW , JIEAV .V SHEETING 4-4. LOXSDALK UA-uIIKIC. A Full Line of - - I FIGURED AND PLAIN LAAVNS, linen Fon ladies surrs i ami TRAVELLING DIJESSES. , . i 1IAMUUUG EDGINGS, in every style from o cents-, up. ..LINEN TOWELS ami CRASH. MAUSKIl.KS OITir.'I'S i l ir.r,. 1t -KEEPS SfllRTS ami COLLARS," a full line. 3IILES and ZIEGLEHS iauI made SIhms in every Si vie. for ici tlemeii, .Ladies. Misses and Cjiil- lnu. Also a lare lt tf oilier ";ood aml popular makes of Shoes. .loCAir-LE V'S " is Ileadipi.irters fir 15 A CC) N , LAI U ) ami GKOCE i:iES, CANVASSED Jc SUGA1J - - - ; - , - CUKEDiHAAlS on haml all tlic time :il liotlom 1 'rices. i ;!- ; ' i m ' " j I N. C HAMS ami SIDES at; J Oct. GOOD ttkpWX STGAK ai lUcts Cash. GRANULATED, CUT ; 1 . . j . . -. .-. LOAFLniil best IJKOWX SU- GAK al lowest prices. GRITS and HOMINY aliavs oir hand. . - r A FULL LINE OF FlSlL N. C: i J ' t . 1 ' - CUT HERRING. MULLETS, ! : ,-, . - i 4, ' ' J , RLUE FISH, '&.v. ' ! : ' - ' 4- : REST CURA MOLASSES ami PURE . HONEY DRIP SYRUP. TURK CIDIR -VINEGAR "and i FRESH RICE: .! ' v A full Stock 'Vf Farmer's Fjiend IMows, Points and Rolts, always on hand. SWEEDS ReJined. Rod. Srpiare and Round Iron' oil hand, of all the lilfer- ent sizes at the hi west cash price. -COTTON HOES in all the, latest and improved styles. HORSE ami MULE SHOES and I , NAILS- CUT and IfINISH IN(i NAILS ot every size. ' j w- f GRAIN and GRASS BLADES. - In fact, everything in the Hardware . ( Line: J . ; ' ' . A beautiful line of ' ' . LA Dli;s? MISSES ami CHILDREN'S . i i'i'RIMMED and UNTRIMMED -. '' j : M - : --. ..- ' : .HATS. i JUBBONS. RUFFS, CUFFS and .COL I j IjARS in i; very Style. 1 ' -A full Line of Gentlemen and Ladies . NECKTIES. ' ' i Gentlemen and. Bovs FKLT and STRAW HATS, in all the 'latest and lie west Stvlcs. , j A full line of Mens and .Roys READY 31 ADE r'U)THIXG at prices that can- UMBRELLAS and PARASOLS that beats them all, from cents to $.. If vou want'to save money, come to 3Ic;C"AULEY'S. wliere. you will find wh it you want at prices to suit every- body. , , ... ,: . -Thanking the. public lor -the liberal patrouage givtnme heretofore, I pledge mvself in the future, as I have tried to do in the p:t-t, to livat every body right aiid give them the worth ot their - r- ". ,11,. ' luouev. . crv irHTuun.. D. McCAULEY CHAPEL :I1LL:L, N, C, 8 ArJ'IJ.l.I ) zV V, AIT G SUMMER. DAY. Deep down beside the tangled sedo 'J'he meadow lark sin all the day. And bursts at times from out the hedo" The mimic chatter of the jay ; Ami here and there a wandering note. A-cricket's chirp,-comes sweet' and lclear MVhere dreamy mists of summer lloat ri noon upon me grassy mere. - V " ' ' ' 1 Afar a way below the hill 1 see ilur noisy mill-wheel go, "The smooth hro;ul hike above the mill. The Hash'ot foam that rows below ; And on the even shp.s that rise . S gently . toward, the mountain's brow, , The cattle wtch with sleepy eyes. The lazy pl-iighboy at the phnvs - My soul is sleeping, and its dreams Ah! sad' and sweet that dreaming thrills! ; . ; ' For there ari' -other vales and streams. And otherllocks on other hills The hills whereon i climbed to pull The golden rods and weeds of Mav, When all The world (was beautiful, And all my life a summer day. ; C E. Brook in Harper's Mwjuzinc MY SCHOOL A.T lJlfcTJSHORlSIEif . lJY m. t. adkixs. Backward, over the tide of inter- v cuing years, comes to me to-night the memory of the few quiet, happy months I spent in thai neighborhood. I was a mere youth then, and an in valid, with few friends, and fewer of this world's good things. A slow, lincerinjj fever had taken hold.of me early in the spring, and the wailing November winds and rains found me just able to walk the short distance from my , boarding place to the sehol -house. How well do I remember the first da' of the school. "Were you to ;uess liom now till the Centennial, 1 iloiil.t vmii beinir able to "uess the uuiubei of students 1 had on that nun mug Just liv.e, all told. Let's see -i there .were Wilhui n, and Matt aVi;rtrurr:hMruc7aHroi:rdT - Yo'.i would ha c. smiled to see us galhcHd, shivering and hoveling, ar ui.d.the 6 d ruhty stove, in !ur runaa:iing cmleavois to keep warm. hd' liic H'i' if lean find scored awav,' stiniewhere in the corner ot in v incuiorv, a photograph of' oiir House. i . j Yes, here it is : Ihiilt of rough; un hewn logs, with the snaccs filled with clay ;. fourteen feet square ; two loophole windows, guiltless of sash or glass ; roof ol long clap-boards ; a rickety door, and a puncheon tloor; and vou have it ful size and true to nature. i Heretofore the schools had always been taught in the little cabin just so lonT as the summer, and autumn weather held good, and then stopped when the cold weather come on;' and so the 'patrons "of-the institution had never felt the actual pinching necessity ol any improvement or re pairs. On the first evening,belb re dismiss ing the boys, I drew up a subscrip tion paper to raise funds' to buy sash, "lass and a new stove, and sent word to the parents that on Saturday next we hoped toy see them out to help "repair : our. house. 1 Tle result was that the next week saw us with more comfortable quarters, arid ; several new scholars.. - i Although years and 'years -of busy life have passed since thciiI believe I can remember the name of every boy and girl and little child that came to me in" that iittleMog-cabin during that winter. There Sv as Frank and- Campbell, and Ella, who came oil the second Monday morning. '.Ah, that Frank Vas a rre y brimful and running over with , mis chief, and yet a good heart withal: quick, bright and intelligent, but al ways in hot water over some misde meanor. , ' ; ; I musijay down my pen now and laurli atan incident that occurred with him one day. . AVhile puzzling, over an example for one. of my larger students, I hap pened to glance up, , and thought I detected Fiank at some of his old pranks. - ; t Frank will you come to me?',' He came. u What were you doing to John ?' No answer, file would not tell-a story, ami therefore said nothing.. "What was he doing, John T' -. " Please, sir, he stuck a pin n me,', said John. : j " lou mav take your seat I Under, that table, sir, until I get. time to in vestigate your case. " . . " The urchin pretended to under stand me to say .on instead of under. I hadn't more than correcteci his mistake until I was 6orry for it. I have never seen anything; more indescribably ludicrous than apeish manner ; in which that the boy obeved my command. I never wanted to laugh so badly in all my l.fe. I can see him now peeping1 out, monkey-like, from between the legs of that table, and j making grimaces at me when he thought I wasn't look ing. I think I gave recess at east fifteen minutes earlier than usual just to get him out. . - j -. Then I remember little Mary Wallace came one day. She was our smallest and youngest scholar and so timid that ! had to bribe her. .1 : - ' at" first to say her lesson. More than .one paper or candy found its way rqm my pocket into her chubby hands for the first week or two of her attendance- j 1 Ileicjhdio ! how vividly it all comes i i , - back to me to-night, as I sit aiid dream and gaze at tho pictures in the, coals. Hut space forbids me to tell all the inciden s that come crowd ing up., ' AVhen our school bezan to draw to its close, one of the larger boys, one day, asked me if I knew they were going to bar me out on the last day. ' ''' ' . : ' i - "All the so olars gather in early and bar up the door with' lijches and, things, and rjjfuse to let jyiu in until you treat them.'M 1 kTreht them' with what ?" . 'Oh, dpples, candy or something that young folks like." "And what if I refuse "Ihenthi-y catch you, and theVAvill duck you in the creek, if you don't ,tf eat." "And will they ?" f ' "I don't knowy that denends on how well they like you out at rate, thev'll have some fun." . ! anv 'I had often heard': of these country ban imr-out '-frolics, but had ucvei , : ' i i seen one. ; As the end dre w nearer, I licard eh an ee remarks dioiiedr now and 1 if then by the smaller Urchins, not in tended for my ear, however, hich convinced me that they were-Rooking forward to some rare: fun op the last day. During the last week I noticed that he old games. Were abandoned and the boys spent all tijeir1 playtime iii mysterious consul tation and meetings in which some wchihty matter was evidently cussed. ' -,.' . "" : , dis Ai)parently I paid, no - heed to these proceedings, but. all the tune out- was revolving some! scheme to wit the young rogues. At last I fell upon a plan ; anjl ris ing very early before dayr in ; fact on the morning of the last ;j day, piocecded to put it in execution ; I had acquainted my lanlady jwith my plans, and v she hadUgreed, to give me an early breakfast. Ilasten- ina to the school-house, I found the " i '.,;!. coast clear. : -i -1 . '-. -';j-;i" ' The ceiling or loft of the house was made of loose planks laid pon rude joist. With a little trouble I succeeded in sipping: oue, of these planks until an o)ening was ; made through which I could climb. Clam beririg through, I slipped the plank back to its former place ' and then ensconced myself in the most com fortable part of the dusty garre await deelopments-. It was! to not lon until they began to arrive First came three or four stoutz usty boys, with silent and stealthy tread, who took possession of the 'old house kindled a. roaring fire, and barrel up the door with all the benches. N ext came a h a 1 f d ozen sm a Her boys, with shout and halio, and .who, when they discovered the door u a-; barred, set up such a yell as only school-boys can get off. T , . ''Shut up that noise !" shouted they from the insidey as they unbarred the door for their admission. Next came a lot if girls ; then more buys, and then a troop of smaller urchins. I . . Each arrival was ahnounced from the outside bv a shout, which' was answered from within in a manner that seemed almost to lilt the roof from above me. 'Now boys, be quite," one of the leaders would say, tkttcll be here directly, and we .want to see what he'll do when he "finds the door slTut and barred." "Whoop ! Won't . it be fun, though ?" the smaller fry would respond. "Won't it be fun to souse liim in' that deep h!e , out in the creek, if he don't shel l out the' apples? Whoopee!" - "llut'pose'ii we don't catch him V ' another would say. "He's got awful long legs and I bplieve he cm run liVe a deer." V ; ' "Boys, I tell you, .you 'must hush." Then, after; a temporary lull, it would break out again. "S'pose'n he don't conic?" - ' "Oli, he'll come, never you fear." ; "What if he gits mad arid fights ?" . VWhat if he vpn't treat ?" "What if he shoots?" , "What if he's hid up the chim ney ?" ; . ' "What if he's V ji v ' Hut this last "what if" was drrrTviTcd - by--a -geTreral ht n t; - of "heie he comes," as a horseman dashed up to the door and-dismounted. I ; "llurrdh, bpys,Jie's a ridih1 !" Hut it" -was a flse alarm, of course.; It was Tim Galloway, a young man of the neighborhood who did not at tend the school. J i ; -!. "Did you see him, Tim, as you eainc past Hopper's ?" - "No!" answered Tim from with out, "butopen the door, can't you, and let a feller' help you in .your fun?" ... ' ; - - I : ' '-';. Some one was about to unbar the door when some one else inter- ' i posed. I !'.:' J . . "Hold on, Tim, aiid let us know how vou standi before yoii come in here. How do we know but what you're against us :" j j "Nonsense! Open the door !" an swered Tim. ! . ' " ; . After much demur, he was finally admitted. Then the young babel was set up' again, and grew, if pos sible, worse than before. Peeping down through the cracks,. I could scarcely refrain from laughing out right at the young rogues' antics. Some were pushing against the door to guard against any sudden attack from -that quarter others were peeping out at the! windows and cracks, while a few of the older ones were; engaged in love-making in the corner. ; "I tell you what it is," said one larger boy, who had evidently grown tired with waiting, "I don't believe that teacher's, coming here, to-day-hush ! what's that?" ) : "I had moved slightly, and the loose planks creaking attracted their attention. , " I "Good gracious!'' shoute.d one, "whaiif he is up in that loft . !. At this, such a yelling and scream ing was set up as never before greeted mortal ears. ; The planks upon w hich I rested creaked again as I rose to my feet, and as the noise below somewhat subsided, I shook the floor as though an earthquake passed by, and ended by tearing up the planks and jump ing down, into, their very midst. Pulling down their ; bolts undbars. IfST 407 1878. . A" 1 they -; rushed, amid : screams and howls, into ' the yard, and in the shortest conceivable space., tile room was clpared of every one, except a few of the larger girls. ; - : : I .at once called "books," and alter they had fled sheepishly in and taken their seats, lessons proceeded as though ' nothing had happened. But, of course, learning lessons for that day ws s out of the question. A few of the older ones made a jre teiise of workiiig-'a few examples, or parsing,.A sli-ay sentence ; but; the little ones sat in stupified and won dering silence. . 1 p At rceess I purposely went out of the house to give them an opportu nity of rejeating their experinienL No sooner was .1 out, than the old rickety door was clapped loi aid barred fast. " My demands fo r admission were answeredby hoots and yells.' -1 4iLet me in, you young rascals V "You're pretty good -looking but you can't come in ! ' they answered; "Let me in I II break down tlie door if you do not." , "Will7 you treat?" ' , "Yes." ; .'").' " '' ; : "What on ?" . "A good dot?e of birch, you young rebels !" ' ' i . "You can't come in unless you'll treat on two bushels of apples," they answered from the inside. ': "111 see about that, : my young gentlemen !"; and climbing to 'the low. roof, it was but the .work of a moment to pull off a few of the old boaids, and jlecend again through the loose ahd rattling boards of the loft. :- :.::;. .;; . v; As soon as they detectbd my plaii of attack, they at once set; up a howl, and again abdndonTlh roftret,7 'Ohjsthe '.rare, keen fun of that day ! How lhoses wild, rollicking boys en joyed it ! How those little tow headed urchins shouted, and scream ed, and rolled. oyer and over in their delight! " ' j; ..''. ' ' 0 But the boys cou d riot find it in their hearts to put - me in the creek. I made long arguments to them on the subject of gratitude to teachers; obedience to authority,- and kindred subjects, but was' always answered by uproariousdemands for apples. But at last, when I flatly refused, and declared the day's sport over, they settled down (iirto soberness and quiet. e But the keen disappoint ment on fhe young faces was enough te have changed j my mind, aside from the. fact -'that Kt already had engaged three bushels of a neighbor's best "cranks" and Himbertwigs" ex pressly for this occasion. . Calling, therii all in, I sent t wo; of the larger boys after the fruit, and when --it came ' .had it distriouted im partially among them 1 By this time the winter sun- was sinking adown the western ,sky, and bo,' after a short recess, I called them all Jii agaiiu made them a little, fare well talk, told them to be good boys arid girls, told theni of the possibili. ties of tho future, and then we went our several ways out ihto.thc bus' bustling world, never, 'perhaps, all to ineet again in the iittle log school house at Brushscreek. THE UEDSKINS' WAH. IlELiiXA, Montana, j ' July . 29.-- Lieut. Wallace overtook the Indians who committed the recentf murdes at the mouth of Bear and Hock creeks, on the north ..fork of U the Clear Water; oh Sunday, July r 2l, killing six' anfd wounding three. Amoiiig the killed was Tabador, their chief They also killed twenty-three head of stock belonging to j the Indians and captured thirty-one. The In dians consisted. f seventeen bucks and two squaws. Lieut.' WallaceV party nuniberd thirteen soldiers and two citizens. No causalties occurred; on our side, excepting the 1 wound inor 'of tWO horses; ' The fisht lasted two; hours. . The WEEKLY. LEDGKR U fuf iislMl : ,.,.1. -It I.. - , .' Ill J . . vj MiiKcriuers ,au one noiiar aiuruliv cents per copy per annum, mvririablv j in advance. . Six months, one dollar. " Eleven copied, one year, fifteen Twenty-two eopie.J one year oil a is. 1 VK thirty i dollars. Address '.ill onlers to TheH EKLY LEIXiEK."' Chape Hill, X.C.J CAPTUIIED BY CANnWaT. ; A telegram from CambridgeJohio, to a Westeni pajier tells this story : ; I "This city wa.s .greatly surprised by fie presence ot Williau) J. Jaincj-J whose' absence of. nine yearal pro dnepd the general belief t hat he wa$i H'.T . : Ifn iv.nl ni Inm-i.n lll moiit county; and .liail a wiicj 'and child. Being a carpenter,' lie left niviu u Acoij to woik m inc jH.ast; Sliortly jifter arrivinij there hil uncle employed hiiriToti a nine nionihR cruise to go his wife $00 to Calcutta. He sent and' informed her .of this fact.-, Slje had one other fetter from him. In mid ocean the vessel wa wrecked off the coast of Africa, aud; he, hisv nuclei and four other landed on shore, but were soon men cap- tured by cahmbals. They- were imrched 600 miles to the intWibr. and one kept, by each of the tribes ascuriosities. .lie was divostctl of clothing when on exhibition, anvis itois came;hundrfUs of miles to seo him. He was kept liy thdkng' authority, anuj was pet of the tiibe. One , year ngo he ' made his escape "and found his way .-to Capetown and reached San Ipnciscoi three! weeki ago. He cainc to his friends in Cald- wiill and learned for the first tinicof his wifds marriage three year after -his absence. This was sad news to hjm. i He came to Cainbidge3Ion day and. learr ed her whereabout?. He projioscs to; fcave the queigtion to her with whom she will live. Ilo 1 o ves h is w ife and child. V A COIN EXPERT. ; One of the most skilful experts in America, writep a Washington , cor respondent, is X F; Tandy coin ex aminer at the treasury to wnom I am indebtedjfejr much valuable intor- able gift of discerning the fraud in specie, and yet hecan hardly . . tell how it is done. If a countoffeit piece be couciaIed in a heap of money, he will jiletcct it 'blindfolded. All that is required is to rntf his fingers throughjthe. mass, and- in a ' few moments kvryjone is tested. This is the result of that remarkable power of touch7 which is only perfec ted by iopg practice. Sjch a man is of immense yplue in a placet liko the Trcasury.jCom n this institu tiohis handled in large suras, and ' is wheeled on trucks like other mer- cliandise, but in weighing a bagtho loss of noticed. i a ' single piece would be The Treasury is floored with raarbie tile, but these would soon be destroy ed by the heavy trucks that l oll' through the specie department, loir thisT reason the strongest wooden floor is used, be ing inadc of maple! strips set edge wise'and fastened in tlie most secure manner. E1en such, a boltoni is nohetoo solid for the' incessant trit- uration of burdens. iroi wheels and heavy SAYING f- VNJ DOING. II isj first battlc the courage of the soldicii the battle that them. When jxmic-strickenj- Many think before ' nolhrhg can frighten it ' begins they 'arc' and. disgaace: them- selves by cowardice. Col. Chester, commanded a of Connecticut, company of hi3 Hill, used to' tel who townsmen at Bunker a good story of two of his soldiers and powerful side.pf a j)ale fifMirC1, said to in thAt battle. A' large an, standing by tho ' fated ybtith of slender . us comrade : ' -. , ! vMan, you li I lmltiir' frtllrft Vwn. fore the fiqht begins, : you will faint- away when the bulletH begin to whiz around your jiead." . The pale strinling replied : yf "I don't know but I shal', as I never henrd otic ; but VI will stay and see." He did stay and was seen by Col. Chester during. the liattle.. calm and firm, Joading and firing with great coolness. . But the burly giant by. his side was missing and at the re treat was found alive and unharmed, secreteu Oeneaill a iinywy,.. ful words and lihoral courage to face. any danger seldom go together. -, , I sligfAlX v A : V P M 4 'S. Chapel Hill, N. C. , - . . Mav 1. 1S7S.' f : ,wu'