nil K W K K lv J l JiKD.GEU. SriCE OXiKKAXKM.V STKKKT. OPPOSITE -THE STOUK OF J. W. CAKK, KsQ. ' KATES OF AIlVKRTISIXa : mm" qu:iroioniiBSrtioil, one dollar. )iic Hitwre, eaeii .sunscquciic insertion. tiiYvcenbv 4 I ; V f- iMM-Ktl contracts made for' larger ad vck. li-elUClit. .iiiTti.nieiit MiOTim I sent 111 bv flmixiay irorw earn nay 01 issue. " . a 1 f i ir.M-w 't 'MMi is how complete in rv Ieiartment, and w ill ItCMild at . . . . rf ! !;UTT0M TKlCK-i FOIl CASH, ! j r i prompt payinyustomers. lll nii?i?i3 in (Mil. in - SSLM K I J KS, CLOTI IS, OT- T( ) N A I) KslI X K X DUILLS Iant and Suit . Ai VMKKIC A Full-Line of, , FIUUKKD AXD PLAIX s.inkn; for ladies suits and TKAVELLIXC; DK ESSES. klAMr.l'IJW EDGINGS, in every style ,1'nun " cents . up.. LIXEX. . - ! TOWELS aiid r- - i'KASlL v lMAIISKI LLES.t jl.'l LTS.. a lare lot. -KEEPS S1II1ITS and COLLAKS'a full lino. . MILKS .0i ZIKGLKK S i.iikI. made. Shoes hi every Style, for lei tiemeii. I-iliesl! and Clui ilnn. ,AIm a lar;e lt of other ood ital popular makes of Shoes. ' t:C AT LEY'S 1 Ne:idiii:irters for UH'ONV, LAlili and tabciv i:iksv(3ax v-asskI) fc st'dAir Cl'ISKI) ilAMS on hand air the limt at Hottoni l'rjces. f X. C. HAMS and SIDES at lOcts. . -: . ' ' ! (UK)!) J5K0WX St'GAi: at iOc.ts :- " ' : . - , ! Cvit. (5 KAXULATKD, CUT LOAF and best 15HOWX SU-i ... . GAK at lowest. prices. I" CIUTSand 1IOMIXY always oil hand. A, KI LL LINE OF FISH. A i X. a:r iiEiiuixt;, mullets. I . BLUE FISH. e, BEST nBA MOLASSES and PUIIE IIONKY DHIP SYJJUP. ' " ! ' V - j PUKE C 1 1) E K l Y I X E i A 1 1 and - fiiesii si( f:. r A full t( k of Farnwir s Friend llows. Toints ;mii ;(,lts4 - alVavs . on -'' ' sWEEDS.I.Vfuiml. Kod, Sipiare and Rftiiml ho,i on hand. f all the dilVer- M !.. at Pie lowest cash prii. .. VOITi IfoKS in all the latest am "npr od stvl KSK ;i ; MULE SHOES . and XAILS, , ' ' FIXiSHIN;(; XAIUS it ' ur,ai.i. KAIX and OH ASS II LA DES. . Ia fart. I'vervihing iii-.ilie Hardware Ijne. . " f A'K'aiitifiil line of ' T lUlKs, MISSES and CHILDKEX-S TBlMMKnaiKi UXTK1MMED .HATS. ;fi,KnOXS,:lu-KKSt CUFFS and COI- LA US in' every Style. tiSt? Liim if Oeiitlemen and lilies , IvnES.X S7r,,l,,f,n' mil Bovs FELT .and JA"" HATS, in ;di tlie lati-sl anil Styled. . K t-LOTiIIXG at prici-s that can J.Jr 'H:.t. ! ACHILLAS and lWHASOLS that If r ,r0111 ' V!r i!Hl at price . i . .... . & ... m ..... .i.jji .v cine r mouev. come to von w-ilf find lr. to suit evcry- auM;r t,e pil,iie r tlie liberal t,vJ?re Jnvi n me heretofomr I plelre j, 'Ytl 'he future, as I have tried to nM( It; to treat every bwly right mipv flMrT, the TfOTth their ' Very rrsetfnlly. lN:1 Hill, X. C, May IS, 1S78. J. McC-AliliKl. '":;"--"A v: A:' ' " AAA 'vM - . ' Jy' O j3 '-iLI'- ' 4AAAA7A'A . V ll J A VA vJ- (7 I . U I JJJl Uy -: ; : subscriters-at one dollar slid Mty . 7 " , OH A PEL, HILL, N. C.y 6ATimi)AYv AIICTJST 2-1.18T8. TWO LI PILE MICE. Out in the field, one Autumn dav ? nen ine ianncr w:is sronii": iua lrnun Two little ny mice tceurc from his - si "lit, i - Were working away with their' main and their miht. , In helping to store this gniin awaj-, )ur motto is, -little by, .little,'? said ther. So they huMjy w orked, as the hours flew Till their ntle of jrrain was larn-o hm tv. . I Iiiirli r m. . ' While tlie'faniiwvnbn nloildeit awn v. Till tlm'raiii wYis stored at the close of ilay. i-. . , r Wise miee prepare for he future,"' sail' V Full Line of Iomerie MM hleaehed " 1 , mu e IM1:" ir t'e future, sjut ..aunMeaehedSIIEETIXt;. PILLOW . t hc.v;, ! , . . ' 7K C.. LAKE (tEOKOE . A. As tIl(,y thou-ht ot many a cold Win IKIVYSJIEETIX04-4. LOXSDALE 'rday. : . J lie farmer took wife and showed her the "rain. , All safely stored from rain, I . ' ,the now or the While two littl5 mide t'rom their hole in the wall; . , i Carefully watched and saw and heard all., S ! -We worked as hard as you did to-dav. Anil are much obliged for the grain,'1 said thef. " , j ..V.rL- 'i -: Tlie sun was setting behind the hilts of Maldon one June evenino;, - I 4 when an acrobat with his wife was seen plodding along the road. They were w eary and sad. . The acrobat himself was a man about thirty, of dark, complexion, with : hair curling over his raven blac forehead, jllis eyes ?were black and piercing, and there was something in his look which bespoke a nature above tfhat if a mountebank. . His w ile was somewhat younger. and carriei ah infant child at her ' hi cast. SI e, loo, nail tue appear - i . t nice of a person superior to her lot, ami ner J:f;e was comely to look . . ... . . t . : upon. Almost Opposite, to him. was, IheJ rate way of a iron tl email's park, i As he anie nearer and looked throiiiih tl gale he saw between twenty am !dav attire, thirty children, in holi playing upon the lawn before an old and spacious mansion. The acrobat's eyes kindled as he looked' in jut the bevy of holiday makers, Here was a grand chance tor him.', j " ' Had there been any one there whose permission he could have asked he would have done so. But there was no'-one but the children themselves; and therefore, address ing one of 1 the oldest, he asked her if they would like to see some of his feats. Thi girl smilingly repliod that they would. And now the eyes of wonder opcnei 1 as! wide as: ihey could go! And so intent was the little audience inwatchiug the acrobat, and so in tent was j)uval in catching his brass balls, that none of tlmm .perceived that Sir . William Windus was ap- proachin with his gamekeeper. He came forward with rapid strides, and when within a few: paces of Duval he called out to him in a voice of thunder: i "Vagabond I how dared you enter here?" , , ' ' For a; moment "Duval stood as tounded and dumb 'at this sudden interruption He saw before him a gentleman much taller than himself, in shootiug coat aud boots, with a felt hat Miarro-shouldered, - his bearing that of an aristocrat, with a strong dash of a bully, j ; r "Comc;pack up your trumpery, aiid: begone," said the baronet. T' meant iio offense, your honor ; nor to bai rn any one or anything be longing tb yon. I saw the children andmade bold to enter, thinking it would please them to see my " "Ohj.tnat's'a very old story," said the baronet. "When thieves and gipsies prowl abont gentlemen' parks we ail. know that iieir ic Uods areperfectly innoceBtT7 ; "Do yon call roe a thief, air de manded Dnval, ki dark cheek col oring and his eyes flashing fire. Sir William, saw the fieice spirit that was 'struggling in the acrobat's breast. He felt that he cool a not bear the steady gaze he fixed on him, and that his proud; and pver- 1 :..: I. oearing nature had ! met its nf alch. His blood boiled with vnsre ' Impudent villain !" he :at lak ex claimed, staminncr on the orAmid "do you dare to beard me, to brow beat me' with your insolent look ? Take; that!" And lifting his arm he brought down his whip; with a thud upon, the acrobats back that could be- heard 's-far oftya f-ihe lodge. .: ' I.- " ; j. -4 . , ' . CJ - - O I Mad with1 rageV; frenzied with in- suit,. Duval' Avith' a tiger snriiio- rushed at the ; baronet j and diarly would Sir William have paid lot his rash act if the acrobat could buly have had one blow at hira, delivered with the nt odiffiouB strength of his muscular arm and athletic shoulders But as Duval rushed forward, Leo one ol the hounds, sprang upon the acrobat and intercepted his attack. "Down,' Leo. down I" cried Sir William, and the, dog spraug away from the man and sat down by his master's side. i !'..' i "iNow put him out,' '. said the bar onet, as' he turue'd away and walked off to ward the hall. ! ! , "It's no use making any more fuss-about iti" said the" good-natured gamekeeper as Duyal sprang 'upon his feet, his face and I hands covered with dust , and blood. "You were wrong in the beginning. Be advised and go, your way quietly." j M And Duval was advised : the more easily because of the appealing ook his wife gave hint as she! gently wiped the blood from his face.. He to- clenched Jiis jiand, and lifting it ward heaven, cried out In thc.agi goiiy pf his Jieart; My God !. this favor of thee that day be revenged ! ' II. Iask,bil may one Two vears passed, and a beaut fuf lady lay reclining upon a sofa in large and richly furnished drawing- room of a country mansion.. : Suddenly the luxurious silcnc of the room was disturbed by a loud clamor in' the hall. Sir William and Lady .. Whidus 9 ' started up. - ; "What is the matter ?'-demanded the baroneU A "Oh, Sir AVilliam ! oh, my lai!y 1 oh, myl dear good lady ' j . And then Emily shrieked three or four times, and, turning white as death, fell back, in a chair. '.Though Emily's information . was neither copious nor distinct, it con veyed forcibly enough that the chil dren were hi danger, and thata boat had something to do with it. ' The truth was that Emily and Miss Joan had i been sent out in the pony phrcton under the charge of the page, for a drive ; that Viliiam, seeing the equipage, rati his boat in shore ; and that, as Emily declined to venture on account of her ten dency to bile, and her dislike to sharks, he took his sister of his own lordly will and authority, under his protection. The boat struck, and went down; and, by the greatest ood fortune, William, with Joan in his arms,, was able to reach the point of rock on which he now stood, j What were the feelings ol Lady Windus when she reached the shore, and beheld her children on a small spot of rock, ivith the sea all around them smooth almost as glass, it is true bnt With the tide flowing, and every minute covering a fresh por tion of the rock on which her babes were standing. But could nothing be done ? j 4 Sir William now appeared ton the road which ran along the shore. He was- followed by the old gamekeeper; by Emily Carter,; who had jewY ered; by 4,be boitsekeeper, aud the stable-boy, ' Well-, was tfcere a one there who could wim T ':.'' t!. h , Unhappily Sir William could not. nor the gamekeeper. ' 4 Al. The tide was rising. Smooth as glass smooth, specious and smiling as a lyings hypocrite i w as rising and Lady W i n d us cou 1 d see that already it was Iickiiig-the feet of her children. ; "Look, look, William ! ' she ex claimed, at the same time directing her husband's attention to the rock; "he lifts her up. The water is at their feet ! $ly God ! can we do nothing j"" I 1 ; reviK a true. ' The water was at their feeL AYilnam had raised Joan in his arms, and as he saw liis mother, di rect the baronet's, attention to them, he called out, though she couldu't hear, him - , 4?! V1 "All right,' mamma ; there's plenty of time yet." - j i Plenty of time The sea was flowing in. Often as the party on ithie shore turned their eyes in the direction, in which the stable-boy had ridden to procure a boat, there was nothing in sight. - Lady Wmdus had tainted. , l Sir William stood, the picture of agony, looking at Ins children. , . "Are those your children i'-' "asked a man who stood at Sir.-Wflliani's side, bit whose approach had not been noticed ! The baronet did not turn .to look at the speaker.' ' -' It was some seconds, indeed, be fore! he- recognized that any one had addressed him: but when he did so, he replied, n a deep whisper of doe pair - . . . . "They are." The man's gaze was fixed upon the children. . - ; I Sir William's was, fixed upon hira. I To flinntrhf b rom,m10wl 1,:.., I am d so hfe did, it was the acrobat.1 T ' , i I It wassDuval I Duval who had prayed . for ven geance as the sole favor for whichhe would trouble Heaven. . l' It was Duval, at whose door, if he could be said ever to have had one, all the miseries of life had knocked, and at whose hearth they had seated themselves. For did not she, whom he had loved more than himself Martha did not she lie in her ccld grave, with her baby by her side, in! the same pauper's coffin ?, And now what' was left to Du val ? Only to wait for death. ' Nay, something more to live for revenge I , For no boat made its appearance ; the tide had risen six inches more, and now they saw the boy kneel down in the. water, and look up as if he were praying. , And only Duval could save him and his sister only Duval. He alone, Of all who stood there, could breast the flood to the rock; and back ag-.iin with the boy. fc Why not tell Sir William so ? Why not, indeed V Is not revenge sweet ? And still the tide was rising. Lady Windus, restored for a mo ment to consciousness, opened her eyes ; but no sooner realized her position than she relapsed ' into in sensibility. "Sir AVilliam," said Duval "I see you remember me I Once I thirsted for revenge upon you ! For two .long years I thirsted for ; itj aud craved for it. Heaven has sent it to me!" , .A bright light shot from his eyes as he said this, and -then he walked down to within a few paces of the water. He undressed, he waded into the sea until it came to his breast, and then throwing himself forward, struck out for the rock. We shall not describe the joy Lwitb which the parents, who had watched in agonized suspense the acrobat's attempt ( to rescue tbeir children, received thero back into their arms ; but while they were fondling them, Duval had dressed and slipped away.' He bad regained . f - r the road and was; pursuing his jouU irey with a light step and light heart for he had his revenge - - - .JN o, nop all of it ! Sir William nd sooner missed him than he set Out in pursuit of him. A . "Here," ; exclaimed the baronet when at last he came up with him endeavoring to put a- well-fill ed purse into Duval's hand. ."You havtj saved my children, and, are entitled I say entitle! to a reward.' -Duval drew back hishand. 'A -"I have had it IV he said qufetly and viirning ,lrom ; him, pursued his journey. And the proud baronet stooi looking after him, rebuked am hu nib led. .' , . -'. A NICE OLD MAN. Old Ebenezer Brown had long the reputation of being the , stingier man in Ohio aud tlie following inci dent regarding him. is " said in ' ivA true : ' . ' ..'' '". ' . - -- !.' ' . One day a discussion arose as to the extent of his meahhess and in 'brf er to settle the dispute, a committee of three went to the rurnous dwelling where Brown resideiL He met them at the door and the lady mem ber of the committee said : A "Mr, Brown we have come to see you are willing to accept a bar re of cider." ' ' A "Good cider asked the miser. 1 "Yes.".- ' '' ,AA- ' . ' "Will yon bring it here V- : "Certainly." , A'-rHA- ' ' "Put it in my cellar ' V "Yes A . - :. A : I "Assuredly. Any thing else ?."ask ed the fair speaker, waxing indignan at the miser's meanness. : . Via rOWn Lhftlqil it linr.ltttyimnnT - - - j it A i 1 deepset eyes and then he slowl UP deepset eyes and then he slowly . i muttered . . A A : - : "AVhat Would you give me for thp barrel after the cider is gone ?" COU&H DHOli BY JOSH ; BILLINGS ' , Bachelors are always a bragging of their freedom ! Freedom to darp their own. stockings and poultice their own shins. I had rather be a widower once in two years, regular;, than to be a grunting, old,' liair-dyed bachelor for mnety days. . Ambition to shine in everything is a sure way to put a man's candle OUt.: : 'A'A' '.';. - ' j .-' Some people won't belieye any thing they can't prove ; , the things I can't prove "are Hhe very things I believe the most. " r Good examples among rule! s are the best laws they can enact. - - J One of the saddest sights of all to, me, is an old man, poor and de serted whom I once knew living in luxury. . I . . -.-. :-'-, t . '. . j : He who spends his younger days in dissipation is mortgaging himself to disease and poverty, two inexo rable creditors, ' who are certain to foreclose at last and take possession of the premises. " ! The world owes all its energies and refinement to luxuries digging roots for breakfast and going naked for clothes is'the virtuous innocence of a lazy savage. ' A- " Prudes are coquettes gone to seed; A dandy in love is in just about as bad a fix as a stick of molasses candy that has half melted. A A There,1 is nci good substitute for wisdom but silence is the best that has been discovered yet. There are lots of. folks in this wdrld who, rather than not find any fault at all, wouldn't hesitate to say to an angel-worm that his tail w as altogether too long for the rest o his body. ' j 5 ; . , 1 A man who is good company for himself is always good company for othcrsj-' f . - '';.' ':m Cunning is too apt to ontwit it: self. The man who turned the boat over and got under it to keep out of the ram was one of this kind. f T have seen men who had' worn out their vices and supposed of coursef that tftey were Jiving on ineir virtues. : . . ' ' . Tlie jnan who dies the richest is the one who leaves the least here and takes the most with him, ' I Address aU brdm to -The WEBKX.Y i LEDGER Chapel Hill, X. C. 'J'1 FASHION NOTES. , The small round turban' nrratit worn by. young ladies ' Lace bonnets for young ladies are made of silk, covered with lace, aL most like babies' caps. A ? ?f New bonnets are seeti in lilac-cob; ored straw .and are trlmmeil with -bunches of white and purple lilacs,.1 ' Largq buckles of pearl,.! lie o thoso ; worn generations ago, an fashion able for the wit e Joeits so popular. Pi iis for the fliafr afft'brnamental baljs. Some are of red gold and others are of the jmlest yellow Kp man gold.' ' - New silver (ttr-rings are . in the shape of a sailor's bar, with n pair of ' oaf-s connected by a slender si Ive? oahle. .; : 'A. - 'V-l . : 'J- Collars and cuffs on thin dresses are made of shirring and yokes and vests, are sometimes similarly "com Small white hand kerchiefs,' with the edges scol lped and wrought, with a color,are formed into pretty pleated bows for,! the throat, to wear with morning dresses. ' ! ;v 1 The j Breton dress was so becom ing and pretty that the ladies arc loth to giye it up and since fashion has. decreetl that it may: no. longef m i(uuj) ine rvie is ueeii m uuuer- wear. - 1 . . 1 , Newlineridawn and muslin dressed are! made with yoke waist; tin? y oko entirely covered with rows of itarrow' lace laid ,011 flap. The ruffles1 thab trim ,the skirt are edged ! with the same lacei WORDS OF WISDOM. . 1 Duty cannot be plain in two di i : . . ! .1 ....... t ' Verging p-atltsl ' ; Timd is a file that Wears, aiid. makes no noise. ajejdpjnl enters but whero not light solid, but Be lively, but' not sad. :'V-'" I'.-' i .; . Try to get good, and you aro sura to get good.' ; S'1 . I.' -' ' . -Keep- good principles, and they 1 will keep yoiii . '! ;',! ' ,' ; LoveHhy neighbor, but j pull not down the hedge. i The magic' of the tongue is tho most dangeroufi of all spells J,: j. ; People often . affect to ; be out of humor to appea r of consequence. ' Ho hath a good judgrrieinV who doth not rely entirely upon his own, Acccjti it him thy friend- who de sires thy good rather than thy good will. : 1 ' J A A'' A brave man is one who is not afraid to wear old) clothes until ho can afford to buy new. j i i - T-S . - j ' . r . 1 . Prises would be for legs of lowest pace, were cripples made tho judge's of the race. 1 .1 . J 1- i f . , s How j rarely do wc accurate! weigh what we nave . to- saennco against what we have to gin GEN: LEE'S ADVICE TO. OF- FICElVS WIVES. '' I have rheardj General Lee ' relate the following incident : At a dinner party - given General! Taylor shortly after his accession, General J then Captain ijee, chanced to be on the right of Mrs. Bliss at the table. They wire discussing array life, thej separations it entailed, and lww hard it often was i'olr an officer's ! wife to know what to do, whether to follow her htisliand or stay with her mother "Of . course, 1 Captain Lee!' said Mrs rOil, h1I Lien trtll lliint n wo IJ11MS, MIVV till jwu vi.w man should leaye all and, cling to her husband? "Not so madam," he said: -''toy advice is, stay a long vou can under vonf mother's witf Vnn nrrttrr can. have more tha one mother, jut a pretty woman can always supply a . husband's loss.", fSome years, afterward he was again at the right of Mrs Bliss at a dinner party, but Col. Bliss ,bad died in the meantime; his widovf.i bad married again and of course bore a differer t name and . Captaib had become Colonel. Lee. After discussing several subjects she laugh- . inly said, C.ylonel, do you remeny her a piece of advice j cm once gave me ?" "Indeed I da, madam. It. w yri in trrv thoughts all day, but I would have peter dared to Veihind vou of it. Yon followed tle advice, I see," ; ! .: 1 1 If i Si ,r ; I : '.: ' ; ' . " A .. ' , ' ''.':'.'. ; i- ' '' ,.: J " ' . : y- .: ; ; . . - ' ' ?. J . , : v ''.';..' - u ; . v ''.",. , . . . 'A