.A I f ft . t " ; j ' J 1 V' ' j ;, ,, ..... j . ; : s . - ',- - -. - , - "V - ; . j ' ' ' : . : ' " i i i xtuuday, - - - 'Aug. 24, 1878. HE WE EKLLED GEH.4GEN, GRANXTI1E PllOSrEG TIVE REPUBLICAN. CANDI DATE FOR PRESIDENT. . Wc are extremely amused that RATES OF SUBSCRlPnON : -One copy, one year, - - - - $1.50. One copyi ?1t month's, - - $L(K). . tSrubsvriptions mnt be paid in ad vance. . ; , RATES OV ADVERTISING : .': One square, one insertiou, - r $1.00. " Eaelf VUbeodent insertion: - - 50c. tS75?pecial .rontr.icts made for larger nilvefrtseinciit. ' ; y , NOfEICE. Wc will be pleased to publish any commimica (io.'ts from any person relative to the Xjood of the people : but-any commit- nieati&ri relative to personal yiatters or temuny to briny about a contro versy wilt not be tolerated. -En's., Foiity THKEKoasesof ycllowfever and twenty-one deaths were rejK)rted in New Orleans on the 13th. It, has al&o made its appearance in Memphis. Aj qckuy- for thp Richmond ex cursionists. (Whom j ydid Claret punch? Some one answers, Olaret didn't punch 1dm, but Lemonade Dashed him ..into a Port,, tfce. . Here xye melted into tears at his misfor- . r I unos. .Iaj. Yeates, the popular Con f;ressmarr." of iheV first district has been renominated Tor that position. This honor bringswith it more con sideration when we see how irreat an array of popularity and ability opposed him. Latham, Coke and oore each possessing inestimable . qualifications ior that positioh, and ' the unbounded resjeci of the people contested the palm with this- chival- T rous representative, but came; off j worsted. However, they, not less gallant or chivalrous than he, though . individually defeated, unlike some of our other disappointed politicians have warmly congratulated Alaj. Yeatea and promised him their ,flnino 1 I " . -".in III - rv naL a nowe example for lovers of party organization and ultimate vjetory to set before the people !. Such heroic . conduct, despising personal emolument fori firm party . principles, should be most especially . cherished and lauded by" our people in such times of political intrigne : for public offices exhibited by ovir j popular demagoges. ' Surely they i cannot fail to receive their just and rell-merited reward Well doner . good and faithful servants ! ourj jovial, genial-hearted ; inerid Deake, cditorof the Roan Mountain Republican , and Press Association liquor abolitionist, should raise at his 'mast-head the thunderbolt of war' aud bellicose maniac General Grant for President in 1880. Now, Rrol Deake, how can ju swallow a man habitually addicted to' so much "rot-gut" when every.orie knows you introduced temperance resolutions at the j Press Convention ? Rut sup pose ' we come down j to the real issues of the question; There js a great summary of strong principles in ' the term Grantisra. They ; are principles ostensibly revolting to a free people,, and . tending" to mon archy, Having in, the capacity of a G e ri e ral, p o s s essed 1 i n d i s p u t ab 1 e ,s w a y in action, and acquired a crew of boon companions which a brother hood of warlike 'propensities always rymlers a firm compact, in his civil as well as military 'career he has still clung to those principles. In his White House capacity he has al ways exhibited these military habits, and has clung to his. opinions and corrupt companions just as a military leatter of despotic "disposition always overrules th'e presumption of his subordinates' arid .gather around him a crew of companions of a particular cas(.e. ' j, - . luch principles, all of which are displayed in the term Grantilm, are evidently incompatible with the fiee atmosphere that has. ever invigora ted our Republican population. )re do not in the least doubt but that if Grant were nominated by the i - 1. . . Republican party lie would eagerly accept it, and show to the people of Europe his influence: on our soil". He will "come back pampeted with the vanity of a pedant, and deified in his owh opinion, by the respect which must necessarily have been paid by the European government to I the highest tunctionary in me United States. This alone will be a stroricr incentive in causing him to irfnntJthfi nomination, i 7 iirthc journalistic capacity, we ri say that you are tainting the free unadulterated atmosphere of your oursj must ' Yov the Ledger. ' . Waioi Sfuings, N. C, h : August 8 .1878.1 i" I Deau LErtOEi;: Accordmg to Tennyson the nvef here which the Indians called "the Racing Hi vcr? contiuually says ' -Men uia.v come, and men may go, But I flow on forever.' . And it speaks the truth. It is'a Ion? time since the bed' ofe' French Broad was on a level with the tops of the mountains that enclose it And for af part 1 of thisftime men have been; coming aua going 01 late with increasing rapidity. W hen the railroads . are completed, this coming and going' ..will. be very; fast; Rut the river will.fiowj onas it did when, it , first began t0 cut its way down 1 to its' present leyel. The reg ister of the hotel here contains 828 entries since the beginning of the season. Mune lst.V As these, entries often record the arrivjil of "Mr. A and wife," or of "Mrs. R. and fam i y" it, is but reast)na)i)le to suppose that' more than one.thousand. persons have within . - the last ten weeks vieiiorV- ihi beautiful scene, and lOI V IS . -w j . j bat hVd In these healthful waters But few of these visitors, compara tivelv, are from North Carolina The jolting, down along the (river, is too formidable to weak backs and weai ied nerves. .Thejfear of yellow fever in the valley of the valley o the Mississippi is driving many; to this refnae this sure defence against all sorts" of fevers. Whole families linvo hppn trans 11 lanted here. There ivorti '7fw.li tdi-PTi at a nartv the other dav. How the little I rascals do en joy their life here ! They run about and kick un 'their heels all the day lOnov Were 'Miss Coe a in once them, she might have a flourishing Kinder garten!" The little boxes would be niimL-lv hill of 8iieeimen8 from "the three kingdoms," As for the colors the primary the secondary and the tertiary instances would be abundant.- The hair on heads the. sashes round waists and . lower down ilAwiiLmid stonkinffs! on feet miirht be 'specified ; besides: the cohns o the bruises on bare slianks. But al are merry, especinlly my little pet of not three years who jabbers En glish to her papa, and; French to her mama and nurse, with equal ease; never putting an English word into a French sentence, rior a French word into nn English .sentence. . Besides this ; vast array ofIiulc folks there is a bright array of their elder sisters. -Bui ehler brothers are wanting, and I hear many wishes for lively Chapel Iill boyLs to,keep things Stirred UP. AS .lUUge viasion, w ruie ibout the 'North Carolina girls, so North Carolina girls ;say nl.it the gallantry of the .Chapel Hill boys. itv- 1... u.:v... 1. ti;..i. In iirn n' ri ii ri hnr ' rr 1 ino tit 1 1 ... . ' . . t t7 W llll lt-UUUV V '.Vllllbll 111 mountain home ty nanaenng on in blond "j j am tol(, vcry ,(idom "eon. Here are tresses of all shades your columns encommms upon such a miscreant. NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS. ! t Now that the bunrlars who havei so been a terror to the irood from the lightest flaxen 'to the deep est auburn some for shortj would call them red. : Ihev; all look well, save when done up iri what may be called the mule-tail or pump handle style. When the dress ball on every b nday night is m full swing, dia monds Hash in great profusion. I We eali attention to the article of C P. S. to be found in this issue on the 4tlt "page; There is no other M subject widt h should inore .attract the attealion c-f oor people than the proper training of children. The bad ch-ihi aliaost invariablv lipmrnos peop)e of ; Chapel Hill are secured ana conmietf in jad, it wonhl be a sad reflection on theireftorts if thy were! was glad to learn that! waltzing i.e. allowed to escaue for want of nfor,er hugging to music, j'. is practiced 'rnu :J J' chierlv by trirls with girls. The best i , , . . . - dancer nere says ne iearnei 10 cut d jour county jails has long since tho 1igeon wingifrom'Ilai Nunn at eqn me cause 01 so many criminals old Uhapel Hill." He and Ins trrnnd escaping from 'the hands of justice daughter frequently graced the same nild TiTlincrmfr rrnin intn rimn rivnvn SetS. OO 1 WJ8 tolll. j - & VI jiillV 111171 V revolting and dastardly than before. It should be the first dut v cf the the bad man. The boy whor instead county commissioners to examine wv-tn- uii".ii;v;u in diluviums, re- f t .,,.... .,:i , out to sec a friend." . Kind reader, you were never worse deceived. It would paralyze your every limb to know juBt where they arc. With an evii companion they have sought, a place ; ,but let lis. forbear. To speak the trutlf in this ease would shocks you ; but far bejer to be shocked-by this than by seeing'yonr sons borne off to jail chained like dogs. Again we call attention to the article; of C. P. S. Read and : ponder, it well, and we feel sure that you will act accordingly. jailpr noted tfor his trustworthiness and finbendihg integrity, . I There is an ehirtion ta a man of criiiie in escaping from the hands of thej?aw wltich attempts to- satiate it self by surpassing in boldness and injury the crimes which' he formerly committed. We mean by this a man Illllllr mill ImilVnvlnH llio tmn.l I..'!' II 1 I. -, . v- 0 r-.-e, - .mini, ia.eiv an uencieneies and appoint a 1 1 . 1 - ' I " - i " set-u tiauy lounging around the street coiners, smoking cigars, black guarding, and, pei baps, at the same time, half drunk, is paving Ids way to a worthies dangerous manhood. 2so impressions last "like those made in childhood. The habits formed when young attend us through fife, growing stronger as we grow older. The boy who drinks to-day at the request ot .mi evil companion, will to-morrow drink of his own accord. Step; foljows step, down the hill he goes, downward ever downward i jngs his stealthy foot-fall until some heinous crime hastens him to the penitentiary or the gallows. WTho is to blame for this ? Parents, the responsibility rests with you. Where are your boys tonight? Are they at home ? "No ; they have stepped There is quite a number of very distinguished ; gentlemen here' just now. Chief- Justice Manning, of Louisiana, with his manly form and grave and graceiui jand dignined manners: Judge Marshall, ot Alls sissi'ppi, with his bright spirits which buov up wonderfully a brdy injured by intense and long protracted men tal energy.; Senator Clingman, with his vi varcious discussions of political and of scientific subjects ; Gen. Poin dexter, with his large i store of orig inal anecdotes concerning his legal experiences with Graham, and Manlv, and the ALoreheads, and Waddell, i.k .I-. o- ic nftfiiisive. But - it is weal i ii " i paraded wealth. " However we . try to be good christians, and wish that he may be so rich for years to come. There is a report among us here that Col- Bethel of Memphis, Tenu., has offered Col. Rambaugli aud his partners $75,000 for .tliis place or; to take half of it at that rate. The plan is to include the immediate and costly beautifying,; with A all" that modern skill can suggest, what, is already one of the most beautiful watering places in the country Another front on the rail-road side will make a large square of the hotel, , with porches of nearly a naii-mue I .uUni' nrnnmmodations for a thousand guest sj at ten cents, chickens dozen, milk Tt will not be difficult to feed so manv neoble. where beef and mutton, on the hoof, is abundant at two cents l.iit i firbetter no one needs nnn. i a hi vr iuix vuv-m unv T" ) at eighty cents a twenty-five cents a rrallon and vegetables in the greatest abundance ana oi goou quality. the beef and mutton! can be greatly improved. Messrs. King & Cheek would ; have hesitated to set ! such meats beTore1 Commencement folks or Norm ali tes. I Were some of. the mutton they furnished, during the Normal School to be seen on our table here, it might j open eyes so wide that they ! might j not be shut again son. But the? rail-road will mernl a'l this. ' " . . . :. - y '. . Q in the Corn e u. ; Communicated. j EXCESSIVE EATING. Ji A .nun mil llll O irl lit rTl flS Wpl I as; a drunkard. Probably as many indulge in excessive eating in their daily food, as do in the excessive drinking of spirituous: (iqours;! and perhaps the epn sequences are as ex tensively sad and ruinous. Bjrj fre ouent excesses in eatinir, no doubt thousands and thousands have been thrown into violent fey era- and brought to untimely rr craves. EromJ the same brutal act, doubtless, a " : ' ' j - r i. -'I much greater number have become subjects to other diseases whichjhave Six inonths, St 00. preyec upon their bodies, andiby a gradual, yet certain fund fatal ipace, have shortened their lives. Every gluttonous person s.owly enervates and wastes his body!;! obscures and wealcens all the povvers of his mind: - ' j M )'- brings upon himself ja heavy stupor an d. d.rp wsin ess Glut taiiX-Stuiis -all tlrc tender and interesting feelings lof a human being, and shuts all the T - i "t '. " i - i - . "passages 'to a refined; education.''- In addition to the ,' varied and lasting diseases both 1 of body and mind, which it brings upon its wretched subjects, it draws them jntd the sad habits of inactivity and idleness, which are the parents,: the nurseries, and forerunners of the most perni- cious vices and degrading crimes. If a person eat to excess but seldom . i ..... -. ... or even hut once, he destroys his own comfort, sins against God, and wounds both soul and body. How does excessive eatiiiir render a man terms as in any first class paper. ZSThe Ledger's circnlation is JULIAN S. CARR. 1 In . Raleigh last Thursday after the Orange" County Convention .was organized this gentleman came for: ward and addressed them as follows : Gentlemen of the Orange Delega tion .;'.-' :J- -: -; r:V 4 "I only wish to saa few words After Orange has given me a com pliment,ary vote; then Orange can vote for the next man of her choice I release Orange after she has coma plimented m byjher vote, and who ever is nom njued I will be found amoiigiis:u.;4v were prtriotic words. L This example would do for some of. our older friends to imitate. Altbougb Mr. Carr was npt nominated he exhibited strength that will make him the Democratic nominee two years hence when lie will be triumphantly elected. Everybody in Orange county loves Julian:S.. Cakii. '' He comforts the poor, feeds the orphan and helps most everybody., ; ; , - ; HON. JOS. J. DAVIS. We are well pleased at the re nom ination of this gentleman, and he was, undoubtedly, the next choice W Juliau S. Carr. But as the rot of tne district .were not acquainted with the sterling Worth of Mr. Carr no one felse in', the district as we, could have been iiorati.ated - who would have gratified us more. We expect to say somethiig more about Honest .Joe in our liext; issue and to work for him ftlroughout the cam paign. ' ' , - . ": -':";' .'.. :.: HI E V. E-K K IlY . E I) G E K , I CIIAPEL llll L, X. V. Per annum, $1 50. isabf, .j . . .1.,..,-rr IT- O II N W r C A DEALER IN i)RY GOODS, NOTI BOOTS and SHOES. A. V Full Lino ol JJLE ACHED & UXMLEAC , V-(- ""1 LADIES II AMBtHG KlCjfJvC4.' GROCE II DOMESTICS, TIES, III A ijfXXLt LIS V i)V : ' ' - ( IIES, - i ;' ARDWARE. r -t. i - , . CROCKERY, l- I ; ' GLASS V 7tin,wari lOOKING GLASSES, SNUFF & TOBACOO. i itiii'Ofi no ;OHi; Iron i- M - . : . . ! -: , V IV !!! Cotton Hoo I inn still selling the - K E : T UCKY .LO Tliis plpv- stands; unrii-a led J It chokes ? pulls eas',1 turns nil' w fact it sni i s ortr fanners ycttr. th: other ploi nov in fi. I- . I am agent th19 esisonof ilie PACIFIC; ClIAPl STAR GUANOS. Thankriig my many friemls fo past . f avc I would be plea: see them at all times,' f?ml; will i my large and varied stock of go the very bottom price. CJiape! Ilill, April .10, a pi 18- Advertiseineuts; appearing in the L EDO Kit ' will rnudi the farmers ol i Alnmanco,' Chat bam, Wake, Orange and other, counties,-and is . therefore a'god advert ising medium. 2Advert:enen(s will be- in serted iii thesc columns on as liberal A.wJixlelXiilomu at v '- r ' . ' .' -'A ' 1 .-1- -' ; StrtteFairol D TJ R h a f'-'-'l--'-' ' Jj j ' STEAM PRIXTIXG 110 Wriluj, n. 11 BLACK WELL l'rpriitof. JjLXI - I AVhi IS ft. AVlIITAK : .Manager. A CO Work ot Lott h'un naturally and habitually addicted to and Gilmer, -and. Mendeuhall, and crime, one in whom it forms a carnal Gonl &c. AVhen these gentlemen A i ' '. t. . and Judge Cloud get toetherntf, necessity and comes by instinct, as is nnA 4i . -x: . , i . J- J ' one end ot tins magnificent porch, thejease, we beleive, with those who there is nsuallyfa lage and interested outraged so long and successfully the crowd around ; them, while peals of m virtue and property of our citizens - Ih writincr this article we wished to call the attention of the authori ties: to the fact that if those criminals now committed," to their charge suc ceed in eluding the law by escaping fronv confinement, they must , bear the (invectives and resentment of an outraged people. .We have heardr bnti know not haw true it is, that the jail ;at Hillsboro i a very defective one; and one Iron, which a , practiced burglar migfet escape If this- bei true it is especially incumbent upon the county authorities that they at tend to all necessary repairs and place around the jail a guard fbrmed of pen in whom the confidence ot the; people can be safely placed. We call'atteution to this fact hav ingjknown so' many instances where Crime has gone unpunished on this account and the prisoner allowed to go forth and transfer his criminal pro pensities to another scene of action. laughter testify that1 some good thing has been'got off or some racy anecdote related. Another larcre sratherincr much more gratifying because the ladies are in it -is tOjbe found whenever it is announced that Mrs. Jenkins, daughter of Rev. Dr. Pritchard, lis at the piano in the ladies parlor. The room' itself; the passage on one side, and the balcony on the other will then be crowded with silent listeners,: entranced by, w Hat all de clare to be, the sweetest singing they ever. heard. It is truly marvellous. To hear uIrs. Jenkins shir Tho Dead . Warrio r,". or "Tenny sonrs Brook," or "Alolly Bawn,' or "The- Cuckoo Song, ' is an -epoch in one's life ; it gives him joy forever. And And then Mr. Jenkins sits off with a very imitating way of twirling his watch key. ' and a look that says, as piamiy as words : ,"Xhat's all mine ; mint i tor reasoning r ..v hat an en- emv to; cneeriuiness and improve ment! How important then, fori those who would regard their own comfort, and promote their health, o be constantly temperate! in par- akmg of their daily food. The word of Goil teaehes us that the richteous nateth to the satisfvmir of his soul, iiave as He does not become a slave to his appetite, nor does he satisfy and in crease his sensual cravings, but he country nQwspaper in the StatV. exercises reason about the portion of fool which at any timei may be inert a t our establishment nuik i first, hi th South for printing Tol MbeLs both in. quality and quant work exedutetl in this iHeeial lin would respectfully, inform the gem public that we are also prepaml I ordei s for pvcrj description of Plali b .ncy J oU I'rinting. in a prompt satistactorv mnimr. uim! at verv. mg rapiuiy. and Dids lair to I" i "Cy compeimoH. ' ' i AVe select the followlni? froi e select thefolloirlnir from a i ut;r oi large circulation as any j - UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS suitable. Solomon says Put a knife to thy" throat, 'if thou be a mat given to appetite," This rebuking caution "shows that excessiye eating , must be very wrong and destructive indeed. --'-'. J "Your pi The Fall Season will soon. open, and evei v farmer should knr tin i with the cotton, tobacco and nrn. duce markets. The Ledger will From the Portland (Org.) OregonianJl BURIED ALIVE BY INDIANS". Mr. Perkins' ranche is on the Co lumbiaf about ten miles below White Bluffs. Hearing of the Indian out break, and apprehending some dan- furnish the marketsjof RaleiH 1 Dur- ' i 1 i .a " r - - . ' , ; . ger, uw reotveu 10 remove ms wile iroof is received and docs firreat credit. It is handsomr.'V Kemp P Battle, Pre. U. X. "Above all thlnirs, let there l mistJikes. We have never had t 'meneement prosrrammes yet free mktakes.'T - . . " rhel prbcrrammes were dulv rccc and g-'ive entire satisfaction, lliej i tasty, we 1 executed and ! free i drror. I belie.vfe tou; can turnout best job in , the State-" i i J ." Prof. Geo. T. Winst "St rips to hand and satifactor'.,, ham, Hillsboro, Chapel ' Hill, .c. - ; . - .--.; -' ; . - - -' ' Arrangements are being made for to a place-of salety and started for this city; but on his-.' way he was i'n- tercepted at Rattlesnake Springs- aoout twenty-hve miles from here. He left home about Jdly T and is supposed to have been murdered tnat night. About the 16th three men were sent out from this place weekly communications from Ral in searcu oi mm..,' i ney returned and reported havinsr found his saddle. blanket and a rope covered with eigh and other points. wjviuu. xmraeuiaieiv inereaiter a bmg Uros., Baltimore, 31 "Your work is vcrY KatWactory ideed." j ProtVjJ WtlSUnond '-The last invitatiom were as wal possible ailid gave entire satisfaction. Ill S. White, Louisburg,.N.t party of seven citizens and three. In dians were dispatched to the spot. A messenger name in frnm t.hpi-o last night,: and reports that they found Mr. Perkins - and wife about three hundred yards from where they ivere camped, evidently having been dragged that distance with a rope. They were buried underneath a pile of 'rocks, near each other. Mrs. Perk uuuuuuicum Il 1 . , . , J terrad alivp a tio. iioa - i fi01"1' f'.H toJ.an7 body: bat tnding from between the rooks as if iiiv. u aL ; ugree uiaL it is not ' tryinj ig to extricate herself . The Ledger will Use- whatev er in- fltferme.H may comrnand l have a ': . - .. : ' - ' - .... i KatrroatT BlCicy Cliapcl lill, and an .Eaperirnsntal Farm connected with' tBe tTnivOrsity. "Your iob irave entire fntisfacti and 1 see nothing to futertere with )' building up a very suecessful bi;sinei A.-Sj. Barbee, Uiapel Ilill, 1 "Am much pleased with the w .and hope soon. ' '!v Jo.s. E. Pogwe, Address nil orders to J.'.R WIHTAKEIL.lK.. , ! Manage DuiliamX; C June 15, 1978. H O T El tp giTe you farther ortl' Hctidersoh, C A t o a a i i v 13or Per Xoy C D. OSBOKN i Propci : , . - Li . f X 4 .V 7 . 1 U'l