'1- I , k V K E K IiY Ij E I) G E R . THE W-KfcK L Y L E l) (I E Jll TICK OX FJ5A XK LI X ST11EET. Vr-rOSITE T!IK STOKE OF J. V. SUIiSOpI PTION- ItATKS The WEEKLY fo subscribers LKIXJKK Ms furmshe4 at one dollar and .tin V ?:TKS kV," A.lVJ:tTif.iKf4 : t ents per copy per anmim.mivariallV hi" advance A ... i: inn. iiiii: iiiiii.ii. im;i insertion. -l.ii Mjti.-uv, each sid-e.pn,:nt inse-rtkn Six months, one ' donitr. : , .. .. one yea-n fifteen' il6Uar. i , 4. . I,1IV eeui. .-.,-.. i'al cntrae. Kleveh copie itade for huger de r. j ;VO jLOJfcK 1 Tweiity-tvo copies, one -year,., thirty .'ll-i'l'J''!!. . ' ,i m- Th- nu'Hts -IkhIiI U-e -en in hy , ''',tiril;iy 'ioSoiv each day of is-ue. . j .UIWtl. Ail.lre.. all orders 'to'frcAVKKKLY .(iiw the wav ;n rllAUI.KS MAl'KAV M ,t thought"! he up and stirring. V i .Tit and day' die f.i'tl-t wills liiiu the cu'tabi ( !. ;tr tin w . -, V. -i it' aetioli. dd el'cer them. ,. w :iny - , ; !,;1( "-. :t l"ii'it ahout -Le stream. TiL !" :! -I-'11 :,,.',u:t ,l-t' .!'? ! .. - n! "tith ahoiit to glw. ' i '" ' . i .... r ;j i!.Mi'r aotuti io iiiow. ." :i mid-night hlaekies chap :ti uray - .. .i ... ..i tf.i.u-J:t and men .! ituti, i f i. til V-. ....... - v ( U-M in - .i , ' (Viiv tin '-wt 1-'-' ii.iil't t:- ', k.'; What rlukWiMiiKi'U'd - Oltli.-uay-r Vli:ifthi vil that -hall j-.vri.-l: ,lu Us r::y ! . ' . ' ' tlx .lawiiinir tongue ainl.iir.Mi ! it lionet l hiiiio-t iis!i ! ,! iui it i.:il'.-r-v! U !-vr . LI it. itir'tlii l.ur s i'!'- i iil iir :in!-t inut nt slarljcn . Into play! - . Mmi l tiulit :ml men ot aelioii. Clear tlii" way ! ; I...! a rlu.lV about to vanili ' i'nmt I lie ilay ! Aim! a l.iurii wrung toermulle , Intiriay-' ' . ' Lo tbon-Vt's alowt tw eoiujuiT ' . na-wilre vay-' - r i(h the right -liall i!:av nimr lluK-r MiiiUm; at tlK' v'"1"- ,' ' With the giant wrong hal I-full ; .Manv otlMTs..gn:u! um! miu.II. , That t'oiragi-s longhave Iirhl n. i . For tlit-ir prey !' Men oi' thought anl men of aetion, jjlear the ! . . 11 112, 1JIVAI.S. A Till' K STOilV At t&eJtimo wlieai lo succes.s of t!ie allies had restored peace to Europe,, a French General, named ' Kavmond, sailed Vor the East' Indies. voyiage was a .successful one. ?.nvl good 'foi-Ume xvuipanicl him ..V-wdi idllvis i-iidertakings. When. ' - I " ' . -t in tin jnonth of May, 1.51, he re turned .to Havre, de (Iraee, his. na , tive phiceAie Juo-ngtit: with Jiim iut ' vu s. nV'hni n gid, but aso so irfmv jewels lrnlcishmeiTs that-he surcL'Iv knew what &g do with allj l.k trsares. ' ' xetenil Kyr.cuii itad never beep married, fiut lie had one brother and one sister, whose children he lovejl. . . wiil send f.r' my . 'nieces, an.ll r.lopt as my, own chrtd the one who s'irall best phase nuylhat she may soothe and watch n-vt-r m in ;n old sge, .nd iaxllv beeome -liiv heiress:" ... In pursuance -"of" this thought. h wrote to his relatives, inforining tlieni of his intentions, and inviting them t visit him with'their daugh ters at tie cliarming country scat he had purchased soon after his arrival. The General's brother, Mr. Chas. -Kayiiioud, occupied a distingnis'hed position in Parjs. His family con sisted of two sons and one daughter, Amfin.ta.. , As soon as nc learned that the -lidi nabob had returned from India, til iatcndel adopting one of his nieces, lie Itasteued tolmpart this in telligence to his wife. Madame -ikaynrbml received the welcome MWs'with the liveliest joy. Slie aynot the faintest floubt that her daughter would be tlic chosen one, kid .repared hei-self to exhibit the fining-qualities and endowments of tar !eloved eliild in the" most ad- antsgous mliJl;r possible W-uida, who had just reached j t Iter lift o o .-. v ii lit en. i m i .- :u"-'"inpIUhdd as slie was handsome 3fH uxdl-urowii. Great care had 'x'" Im stowed upon her education, e Li l iKeii instructed in' music, In" titig. anil English : amlj before !i,T Jomticy to Normandy he was lake some lessons in tlancing .from 'He of tJ,' mst 4ciiowed masters. I'o -ouhl 4lolit that, with all hVse -tdvautages, Amanihi could not !ilto Mirpass fu r eoimtry cousins ? lit- Iiowcver proud the; hopes ,,:'-iaii,0 i;ayinoml haI conceived lur the future, those of Madame 'H-linus, ilC (ieneral's isistur, who JlU'd m a small country town, were 'ss sanguine. Her husbaud'j an I '"est mamitactard'. conducle! his "bail's in quiet obscurity, and, with t!e aid of 'his ivam-engine. -srin his wool ami wove his cotton. WI iCIi i'ho learned troni his wife the itivita ! tion she hacl received, anil - that his j dauohters were also1otlered a share i in the inomentoustchoiee, lie M as j highly delighted, .ami .immediately presented his children w ith a whole piece of iIk? finest and best calico i his factory conhl produce. . Lucy, the eldest, of -ids -children, was -a good little creature., of about I ihirteen years old. ;She assisted her motiiey inj the hovNsek"epitig, wns.-at-, ! Leiiiiort itself towanls her father. ! . 7 and, through her kind and benevo lent disposition; was the cspocial favorite of all his Workmen. Mary, the second daughter, would proba bly have ! peen 'thought much pret tier, had not an unfortunate affection of-the eyes left them so weak that shcubver could expose herself to the light of day without wearing a shadcj or other protection. Caro line, the .youngest, was thej idol of the iamily. r.. Father, , sisters, J and all the Bervaute of -the house, following the example of ; Madame Ansebnus seemed to have eyes for llie little one alone. To compre'iicnd this extraordinary partiality, it was necessary to have been informed of tle long illness en dured by the little Caroline, and of the unceasing watchfulness. required lor the preservation of7ier- life: When one considered the endless night watclres-, fatigues, ami suffer ings which Madame Ansel in ms had borne through love to -Kw child, one' j could not but "'lament the - meagre results of such great 'sacrifices; for Caroline looked much more like ! conversation wre -ever tlw same, ai tiome. unfoi'tucatc monstrosity, than j wav l relating to balls, assemblies, like a healthy child. Although' she j pie tsure parties, at.id - fashions, :md --as three years old, fdic cotdd not her repertory of art was son cx walk a single step, and still less ! hausti'd, the General finally began could she frame Iier thor.ghts into any htlelligibb; fqrni of laiiguage. If she desired to speak her wishes, she did it in such harsh and disa greeable tones, ,(hat stmngers stop ped tlieir ears; tlie tender mother :lntl Lucy .were the only persons wnp cpuld " comprcheivl the speech of.tbe mfrtwnate child. Not witJista'nding all this, ladame Anselmus not only thought helittle Caroline very beautiful, -but even felt quite assured that her brother j would 'immediately select her as his j heiress. The noble and unseki'slr; love of the mother led her to be-j Hieve that all would share in her sen- 1 tiinents, and her blinded , heart prophesied that her dear Caroline j must certainly win a flee lion. her uncle's i Mr. Anselmus, however, who con- sidered the matter from a miu'H ! more unprejudiced point, "of viewj'l endeavored, but in vain, to persuade I his. wife to "leave the' younger-cliil-j dren at home, for he'kuewhat the , onod little. Lucv w:is the only one among his daughters who could enter into- a contest with Amanda for their uncle's favor,' - Nature rhad in truth endowed Lucy and her cousin equally, al tbougii differently. With a lively aud sensitive temperament, the lat ter possessed a clear understanding, overruled by her kind heart ; anil as to her exterior, her lace, through its cliecrful and friendly expression, was almost as pleasing as Amanda's, through the regularity of her ieaUires. Jut . nevertheless; what a .striking contrast at, the first glance' appealed between tlie tastefully dressed l'aris ienne, who had acquired the most elegant and self-possessed demeanor, and poor Lucy, who. was 'decked out in a calico gown, as short as it was narrow, with a pair of old-fashioned sleeves, so immense and so stiffened that they came up nearly to her ears. IJesides, her hair was sc ill arranged, and her shoes' and stockings so .coarse and heavy, that Amanda could not ri'frain from smiling aa she surveyed her little rival. v f ; While Madame Raymond peg lected no :nearr; of Mttracling the (4eneralV .attention toward her j because -she ; ove.shado'Jd " flieir laughter,' who entertained -him now I daughters' 'ami the dauglitlersl : be" with' playing fimVsinging, and now icausehe had. so nifinv acfuiroments with (. reading ( -English, poor ' Jucy jja'nd o little iriemllmesS, -and, found herself continually ; occupied"! finally, her uncle, 'because nothiVm is with her littleisters. She. was' also jnore con).agioils than the judgment so modest and sl)3', that neither to ! and ' pp'iinOns of those .-around - us': her uncle., nor to lier distinguished i An individmil win) is: .;iirroeabIe to 1 - j - j Parisian relatives, eo'uid she say m very tew person's, . will m .time cease single. word' wor.th heeding, j to be esteemed even by that small . "Mary ; aml.Caroline, ' those.; little j nmi4f-.. m untortunate.ereatures, telt so little at honie, so forsakeii ' amid the great, glittering rooms, that Lucy was forced to use every effort to soothe and conceal their ill-humor. Jt thus happened that Lucy was . at lirst en tircly overlooked by . the I General, and was usually to be found in one corner of the parlor -with the little sick Caroline in her lap, a silent witness ot her cousin's proficiency - Madame Raymond; as well as her sister-in-law,. who had.hrriyed at the General's country place during the early part of July, Jiad given a' promise to remain' at least three months; and the old man did all in his .power to render their sojourn as pleasant as possible. The first few weeks were exclusively devoted to Amanda's triumph.- She appeared early in the morning . mostUastefully dressed,and took her seat at her mother's side, and shared in the con versation, iln the evening- she played easy .variations, vn the fashion o-f the day, or samg an air or so from the latest opera. All this did very well for a short time, lint as the subjects of- her to weary of this entertainment, lie sent to Paris- for' new .-music for her, but this" availed nothing. Amanda could not plav1 well at sh-ht nor I i i . ' , could she study a piece without' the assistance of heif teacher. ' 'Like many a young gir.j of ! ?r ot.-u ige. shfc (v-vetel .iraise; am, aouuiation, but she shunned 'the. labor' and self-' sacrificing indnst ry ' necessary to ihe re:d ciilli ;.s ion of; any talent, and vvhicl ;o;: oR Id V '' ' Lave secured to her permanent appreci; itiou and ap- plause ; shef was1-satisfied with tli" apjearance. instead of striving for 'i .... . - 1 ,. . the reality. , It thus happened thai Gen. uay-1 vmtnd gradually begat to turn his oborvation;.tb wards Lucy. lie-had long re marked tlie tenderness with i which Uhelittle giriC'devoted her- I ' - . ' ) self to her vovuiger sisters, ill order to wEi her conhUence,- tie now. began occasionally to- caress .Mary and tm-ohue. t ram thamomem, JVV had one inlyresting 1!opicj wit h which to. entertain her uncle. She gra.lually thawed out, to use a com- mon expression, and finally ventured to bestow upoii her revered relative all the tender little attentions sle had been -hi the habit of lowering upon her father- from her earliest childhood. She. "intuitively divined 'all his wants, and her eyes beamed wij.li joy when' she had succeeded in anticipating his secret wishes. Tlie General was especially pieced with tin? heartfelt friendliness and good nature which were Lucy '-s most . -per culiar characteristics. When thcjncigiiljoring, land-owners visited the chateau with their wives ami'-. daughters,' she spared no pains to provide for the comfort and amusement of her guests, with out? regard to their appearance, their agrceability, or tediousncss. Hence, Lucy always received a hearty part ing kiss, at.lcast as affectionate and truly felt as the bow j given to Amanda ; she was most cordially in i - . ... . i j 1 1 -. vitea to visit inem, ana euuie&s were the caresses with which she was greeted, j ; 1 Amanda, on the contrary, who, if not exactly haughty and coutemptu- - l-mis, vet possessed an exlrenWlv cold j dinpositioh.. displeased tiie ni-otiiers ; The position of the little rivals j stood' thbs, when an apparency in- significant, circuinstance .finally -dc- cided he uncle's choice. . ; It happened that a magniif cent hall was to be .gken iri. a; neighboring city,' to j which t)tc Genpral and his guestsMVere incited.. Who knows not the pleasure which the prospect of a bail offers to youn people ? 4 JJotli girls re ceived tlie news with 'sparkling eyes, and both counted the hours to the promised festival ! '. 'How glail I -shall be to . see Annanda dance T' cried the good little Lucy. ' . .. ''And it will cdrtainly afford'. me great anjusemenl to, see Liicy in her ball -costume f r c j 1 i.c 1 Amanda, in a tone 'which ftfrmod a most striking; contrast pression to Liicy's good-naturcl ex of delight in her cousin's icquiremeuts, ; ; ' This occurrence caused the Gen eral; to bestoV upon his nieces glances which, began to render Madame Kfiyrnnd quite r,neasy. The eve of the ball arrived, and it so happened lL.it Amanda's, father liad forgotten to semj her the flowers with whichjshc intended to ornament her liair,and iier dress. - The spoiled clilbTW'asncrrlbl v 'oilier m5y,Td ' no one k:uuM get :; friendly word; IVoin hor during they ' whole evening. fit. iinvl tuniMMnn' T . 1 7 1 r ' r n c missed i !- She was toibe fputid neither lateau nerVin the surromid- in t! e c ing gardens. Mother, imcle and Osiers, ill called her name invam. ::iaii v ei eii'M neo, p-st as ine oeii ii T. i '''.. -it i ii was smjimomng uie iamny . 10 me breakfast talde. ' i i - 1 . .1 're have you been IT cried- her m( 'To he-r. ' - ':, ' : ' . ' ; tlie extreme e-nd of the par ret died -Lucy i;G, look at, -j-ije . Lc:iutiiil .wreath 'of liawthorn ' j f 'jad a 'reat deal of troti'ble to ibid I . i,?"" : . i j it, because it is not. -so common here as I x t oar woods' !' "Aiu' what will you do with it ?; asked some one. . " .. ;" 1 li-athercd it" for Amanda,'' re- Pi,,)iod lluev !. 1 i J k Take it, dear aunt, 'she -added, turning witli joy-beaming eyes to r I lad a uie' Kavmond : - i 'T hope.the're-j will bei (uite enough to ';make one bunch for .the hair, another for the si(le, ami mother 'to1 Hoop .up the dress ivith." At these words: Liicy uncovi,el the Pleasures which she bad brought in hei: apron. All w'ere touched by so delicate an fallen tion, even Amanda, who kid noi a Lad hearty only .t 'jcotd and sel-: fish.-dispesiUon. and who now felt, .1-, j ; with s!hame, how far her little rival surpassed her m real goodness ' of feeling. ; . . ' After breakfast, the General invi-' t e d Li i e, v i n to h i s ca b i 1 1 e t . : 11 er 1 1 ie re gave )ier a beautiful half dress of wdute crape, trimmed with satin ot the sainp color; for lie desired that her ' appearance should bo quite eipial to that of Amanda. Ij u Cy : ' w a s o f c b u r se , hi g ; h 1 y d e 1 i gh t -ed with this gift; but .what was her surprise - when the worthy man led her to a table whereon stood two neat; jewel-caskets; anol begged her to; choose between two necklaces, one of turquoise, and : one of ame thystl . ; i; , ''." ?It dear uncle, you have 'really determined to give me one of these costly, necklaces, will you permit me to do as I like with.it ?V l' Certainly ,!", replied Wie Gene " butfvhy suclua .qnestfon P ; 4i cm see, ,dear uii-cle,'' answered sshe confidiiigly, that,: to my taste, the blue atones which you cr.M tur-quois-es ;are imich, the prettie'r -bat I choose the juiple oies,1 because: if you wdl alio v' niLv I u'iH lnd them to Amanda, to complete 'her ball dress. : Tiicy have precisely the cob ' r o f t h e . b 1 b o.m i-i i g h a w t h or n , a 1 1 d will suit' admirably with Amanda's fair hair."- , u Uravo, my cdii bl !" cried the Gen eral, 'u-Ilencefor:tS, let no one tell have no taste! ibit Wnv'jV'J OViV! me you you" must' take ..this turquoise neck lace too ! It will suit no less ,adt miTabl-vitliyour white -dross, and your brown hair !" - V'O that is top much, too much,;; dear, uncle !" stammered Lucy. ; "Dear child !'' said1; the General, pressing her to his heart, "this is not yet all -I intend to bestow- on you !' On that very day he. announced his intention of adopting Lucy as his future heiress. . To all Uvho asked him the, reason-of this decision, he replied : "I ' might reasonably fear, bee o n i i 1 1 g w e a r y . . o f A m a u d a's s 6 n -atas and cavatinas, but never of Lucy's goodness . of heart, which I am -. qiiftesimV. will aflbrd hie the same pleasure, and enjoyment in niy advanced ag-e -which it occasions, me at the present nioment." . Nor was", the -; General, mista'ken lie employed masters for his adopt- ed daii.ghter her Intellect devel oped, while her heart continued ever, the same, and .many .were the happy evenings they passed' together con-ij versing; reading, or -playing - chess the -..Gqnerafs favorite game, at taste for which ' he,- cultivated 4while in Imia. : ; " ' . , -. j " Mr. Afiselmus was delighted at his daughter's good, fortune' and his own sagacity ; and the mother was reconcile'd to the exclusion of ber favorite, by the . love and attention which Lucy. -never ceased to beslow ' ' . - :. upon all the members - ef her own family.. .,-'" ' LErBvADING OF 1IOEDEL. . Iloedcl,' who was beheaded in ler lin for his attempted assassination -of the emperor,, w! hem informed that his execution wat fixed u)tm bqcame j "deathly, pale,. lie wished to lilead j, pardon., but soon recovered compo- Siwrei when .Lbld this ; was useless. , lie asked lorjwine for supper, and drank to the Commune a-nd the leader of I the, ocial .Deniocracy. When the j sentejiee wasread on .the- scaffold lie j spat disdainfully, and cried ;lravo! ' ' i lie repulsed the ministrations' of the chaplain, declaring them useless, as lie could not be converted in years., Fifty" persons; inci.udin.gi officials', I judges, ; pbiie.p 'and twelve; citizens, i attended the execution, winch is j generally approved. uihcial noti.ee had been posted throughout the'cUy as a -'warning. The . remains" were im metliatei y -.bu ricd. Some 1 1 i llicul ty had be eh ex perienced" hi bbt:Vmiii.g an executioner, f t is reported that the man who .'at: last., accepted the'! task is a respectable butcher of Jer lin. The biisiuess Was very quickly done, lie was made to' kneel down, the executioner raised an iwiinense double-handed, swordj and at - one stroke the head! Jell on the, scaffold. It is reported that tlie executioner refused any reward. .'" - . " i. ' TliK Hod ClJOhKKA A l'itKVKX- -tive The following is said to h'ave been used w itli success as a jn even tiv'e of hog cholera.- Equal'iKi rts,,or a. half pound -of sulphur, to a' quarter, of a pound each ef copperas' and as vsattetida, stirred web together ! and mixed with food. . This remedy has been used, we understand, 1 y a, slock raiser borderihg on, the infected-dis-trictilji Masonboi'o township, and out of . one hundred and sixty hogs he has not.yet lost the fust' .one from. the nrevai hmr (bstemper. As "an ounce of prevention is worth a pbuud j ofeu,:c," t would be vvo.jK wl,ilo?at ; least, to try the recipe we have given. ; - -. tr . ..' o... . . . $tur. Nb'AV GOODS ;-: ' ' . ':.-" ' - :-.:'- 1 V Stock. o( ("iiMt!?! is roT,-' fprumietf k Cveiy -iepfrt:iii!cnt, and wfU tHid at : iVoTTOM lk-tCKS ?,-04R;.IIi' '' ' !.. --.'...;' - , .-!.. :''-'!'- ! ' - .'-V "'-' ''' ' or to-prompt payingf stifiersl 1 lis Stock consists sii part of j .'J CASSIMKIJES, QTiiS, COT- -. . ' . TOXADES, LLKV J) 'ov I a it fs.-ai nl Hiul. - JILTJS A Full bine of loiuestie KM blonehel ievst: (;.mmJ4. lak i: (;i.:oi:(ji:. .v EAVY.-Si-lK7nX 1-1. I LVSlkLlv (AM lilllls . -..' . I, j . ; A Full UfteVf ' ."' ' .' I :-' - ' ; " . ' v; ' ! . ,F5GriKE AXl)FLAIN ' ; :" -v- " SLvle. '-. f j Lt X FN' FOR LA 1 )I KS WHITS : h d ,'1'HA V-M L LI X ( i 1 K lvSS ICS ffAMHUIiG- 3iIGIX(?Sv in eveiy sfyl from . cent; nip. ,LIXK TOU'ELS aid ,CUASir. MAlfSEIbbES QtJILTS, alavre lot. t' kKFPS SllJU'lVS and OOLLXKS,' frill liim. i v ' , , !. . i :--' : i -'-"j -' ; I MILES AXi lEGLKIt'S hakidf made Shoes r-in ; every Style, for. fiei tlemen,' Laoies. .Misses ; and i Club ilren.i AIs) a large lot of Othei-gool and popular wakes of . Slices. , i M irdAU T,K V'.S ':' i " ' " -. is Headquarters for ; . ;.- BACON: . LARD and GUOClv - HIES, CANVASSED ASUGAU t . ' ; v.'Lvi',w.. iCUltED HAMS on hahd allelic time at lottom Prices. N. C. HAMS and SIDES atUOcts GOOD D1I0WN SUGAR at lOcts: Cash. GRANULATED, CUT LOAF and best BROWN' SU 1 GAU at lowest ju-iccs" QUITS and HOMIXY always pit hand. A FITTd, IdXE OF FISH. X, C. i : 1 ': - ' ! -' : . t (?i: ;r iiKKKiX(tt mullets, . i i : : - ? ' " ' " ' '-. . ULUE FISH, , , I- ' -"; 5 - ' ' l UKST Cl'IlA mLASSRS and PUlii;: ' ; ' ' ' ' ' i ' ''. ''liiN'i'iY-'niiiiv'sviuu ! r'rjurc dumi vixixjAUand :-:, .' . f !. ; V FnESit KICF. - ; ! ; A 'full Slock of Plows. Points and Fanner s Friend 15lls, always -on han.l. - ' 5 v , fr ". ' . J iSWFElfS" lleiiiel. l.'Od. Spi:ire, aj'd Koiuid InVn oii haiiil. -.of all the tlill'er enl -'sr.es al l.'ie lowest cadi price. I COffTOX; IKiES in all the latest and improved si v le'. ! .1 liOKSli aiidf .Ml'bF SHuKS and r ; rXAibs. 1 Cl'T and 1 fXlSIHX(i XAUiS of every size.- .. .. . (lUAI.Van.l K ASS , ULA DKS. -r .' i . . ;i ' ' f . . 1 ; In fact. eveiyMihig in llie llardwarfl fiilCv - I J.;. '"'-. : f i a heanlil'hl line, of iliii; ll, .MISSKS, an. I C niidfutfx'A TKI.M.Mi:i and t:XTKI.M m:i i HATS UlIMSOXSj KtT FFS, Cl'FFS and 1?S .Sit i'l'iTv'StVle. - ' I foil biinc o-f (ienfleiileu aiift Lailh'- XECKTH-H '' I v , h ntleu'.eM .mil Hov Ff.TT " and Tlt.VW J.f ATS, 'in tall the latest and-- in west SUl;s v j . - A full liwe of Men and Hoys'- i:EAD MA1)K (.OTiff XG-atiprices tlijif can- - -1 Hit he' heat!. . .' j If' UMlWniTdASamrAnASiObtUat heats themlall, from l.i t-t'iits -to tyi i IJ vxdi wind to sale moiicy, eoihe til M'CAir LEY'S wheiu you :wi)ll HmX wh it vou want at . pricc lo suit, every- t body' I ' . : - -' :A '; ' i Thanking the puhjic for the liheral patronage ivch me herelipms l jueon m slf in the AiCurc, as 1 have t icd n doin thet. to; treat ever body, riht o - U- . , - ; . ., l MeCAtnJEV:. f -, Chapel Hill. VO, Ma- IS.. 1878.,- r-, : 1 1 I. .i -s. 7' .i