" 4 " " - . ' ' . " - ' . . - ' - ' ..' U , '- i ! Y , "... . . . ' . . . . . K ' Y ' ' - . -y " . ; . , . i i- .--"!..'. . . . . , . - y .' ' ;. - .. . . ' r. . . . . y .- ' - ' i ' s -.-. ' ' ..'(; . ' Is". ' .. s - . -. . . i . . ., ; :v ' . ( 1 . . . . - . . . . : .. j .:, . I- " f - Y ; ! - ' -; ! - V : -. ' f. - i.r i ! t , . . a i i" ! , t ... - : . . i . - THE WEEKLY LEDGER. Saturday, Sept. 14, 1878. RATES OF SUliSCRIITIOX; One copy, one year, - $1.50. Oiie ropv. six months, - - - $1.00. CSTSubscriptioud mtist be pakl in ad- vame. . . KATES OF ADVERTISING : One square, one insertion, - $1:00 Laeh suls!qnent insertion, - - ,f0e. ' C35Speeial contracts inatle for larger advertisements. V Co. . -i EDITORS. CST NOTICE. We tcitl be pleased to publish any conimtinica t ions from any person relative to the good of the people : but any commit I nication relative (o personal matters or tending to In" my about a contro- versy mil! not be tolerated. &irs. We publish. below the platform of .principles adopted -by the late Dem ocratic Congressional Convention.. It is - absolutely necessary that all Democratic voters should be tlior oughly acquainted witli the "princi ples advocated by their., party, and in; this way be, defended irom any encroachments upon them through ignorance or otherwise. It lias been argued: by the Democratic press throughout the State with truth and with substantial .proof, that the only irood principles set forth' in the National platfoim are' embodied in the Democratic platform, and all de . portion ostensibly from principle, but' jeally from a false delusion would be counteracted by a compar- ison of the two. We therefore re quest 4 every Democrat to read this "platform, and see if his convictions do no! fully accord with it. It reads " . n follows : . . " We re-afiirm 'our adherence to the time-honored principles of the Democratic .party, and in the inter est of ourselves and of our posterity, denounce all monopolies, high taxes and all., extravagance and waste' in X the expenditures of.-the people's money. ' I i-. " We denounce the contraction of . the currency the heartless and un 1 patriotic policy of thp Republican administration making the rich richer and' the poor poorer, which has caused a stagnation of business, des troyed the prosperity of the country ' thrown thousands out of ; employ ment and reduced millions to penury and want. u We " denounce the: demonetiza tion of silver by the Republican party in the. interest of the capitalists and the bond-holders; 'and we cohgratu- laic mo country on me succcssiui euorts of -the JJcinocratic parly to restore silver to its legitimate uses " c'ven over -the veto of a Republican . President.. I . " V e demand the retirement of the circulation f National Ranks, the substitution therefor of jrreen backs, whose volume should be reg . ulated by the' requirements of trade . and business; and the repeal of the p lax on State R inks leaving their or , gauization to the people of the dif ferent States ; and we explicitly de mand the repeal of the Resumption ! Act. ' "..'" ' We letnand a repeal or modifi--cation of the Revenue system so that it shall not discriminate against the Southern industries; a reduction of the tax on tobacco and a niodifiea tion of the. onerous tax on tlie (list 1 "lation of fruit; a tariff only and not for the purpose of building up iiorth ern manutacturies at' the expense ol the South ; ami we ' favor a tax on .incomes of two tl&usand dollars and over,lhreby lightening the burdens of labor and making capital pay its just proi ortion.of public dues. ki We deiiounce corruption in office wherever.it exists the higher the place the greater the crime ; and we "call upon the people at the polls to punish the infamous electoral fraud by which the people of the United States were deprived - of their right ko elect their president. ; - ' j u Filially, wecongratulate the peo J,ple of the Unin on' the' overthrow of, the party of bate, with its corrup tions and oppressions and upon the triurriptuof that policy of conciliation and fraternal' kindness which the Demociatic jarty has so long and so persistently advocated." . J. D. Cajieuox, Esq., editor of the Jlithboro J Recorder, and one of the ablest writers of the South, hon ored oui office with his presence out day last week. - ARE YOU INNOCENT ? As citizens, we are'entitled to nro tection. of life, iiberty, and property. As moral beings we are all forbid den, by divine lasr,' to disregard one another's right jio live, . to act with reasonable freedom, ""and to enjoy one's o)vn." If a irian js suspected of destroy inglife by violence, by the use of a subt le poisoner by any Avillful plan, he is tried for murder; and all good people think that he fa 'dealt with justly, and. that society could not otherwise, be urotected. But there are many ways of taking life criminally, which do not subject the murderer.to legal prosecution. The natural effect of liquor is to injure him wfcq drinks, and the natural ten dencyof drinking is to degradation and death. Hence, he who sells li quor to be used as a beverage is en jiajied in a business that, must be classed ' with the horrible crime of destroying the life of fellow beings. It does not matter what the law re gards it ; for the fact is plainer than any theory. The liquor seller is one whose business is to make money in a way that destroys people for time and eternity. Rut there are other ways to take life and escape the human law. If oue should open a well in an exposed place, and fall to cover it so that no one would be apt to fall into it, and a stranger, walking the public way at night, should suddenly tumble in and bo .drowned, the negligent author of the danger would be held responsible by. all proper judgment. Suppose, then, that any person should, by effort, or negligence, cause any special source of disease to be on his premises; a;d "that" his 'chiTdren ' should thereby be made sick unto death ; or that his neigh bors should thereby be poisoned by malaria or effluvia, so that they died;, would .that man, who was the direct or indirect agent, -be justly held re sponsible for the JiVes thus destroy ed ? If cleanliness is next to Godli ness, so. is the proper regard for sanitary measures necessary to inno cence" as to the sickness and death of those who, wo know, .will be ek tosed. What's the ' difference fce- tweeu, on the one hand, baying some poison and giving it to a child in a spoon,' and on the other hand, manufacturing a slow but deadly poison in a damp, foul ; cellar, or in the vaults of a privy, or in accumu lated filth under the hoiise or near the'door or window of the dwelling or the kitchen, or in any pestilential source of malaria or effluvia; and thus directly causing one's family and neighbors to breathe death ,in the air and drink death in the water? Arc there any of these shameful evils in' or around our town ? f any of bur people suffering and ripenin for the grave on account of the fou air and foul water ? If so, are you innocent? Look around think and sec ! What about your cellar ? Is it duly cleaned, aired and limed ? Your vaults? i re they free from causes of disgust and sickness ? L thejspace around the door of your kitchen and dining-room in a, cpndi- tion that is sate to neattn : is your ho pen, or cow-pen, or compost- heap, or any other filth, where itian filter to a wellor taint the air that your children or neighbors breathe ? Arc you innoceut ? Vhat do our Commissioners say ? Are they look ing faithfully into these important matters? Liiok out,, gentlemen IjQI 'iisi an looK out: it is not a pleasant thing to realize that people die because we neglect a plain, sim ple duty. '.. , j : HOW LON(j? :Yes how long will we be forced to risk limbs( over worn-out foot bridges, 'stumble over . rocks and washes in the' side-walks, see the drains fill up with rocks and rubbish, run out of "the way of loose horses on the street, be frightened "by the discharge of fire-arms in certain parts of the town, hear ibf abandoned wo men negro women insulting the morals and decency of the commu nity without being molested, and know that both white and colored deal out intoxicating liquor in town, by day and by nigut ? Oh, how long1 To Ilotf. A. S. MiiRKiiKW, :the listinguished Senator from "North Carolina, we retilru thanks for pub lic documents. - OUR SCHOOLS.' Chapel Hill is7 certainly favored with schools. In addition J to the University, which stands at the head of the literary institutions of the State, there is now, what has long been needed, a ; 1 ; . .. . " , 31 ALE ACADEMY. This is under the tuition of Rev. Mr. Heitman, pastor of the Metho dist Church. This excellent gentle man, at the earnest solicitation of leading citizens, has added the work of the teacher to his regular ministe rial duties. 1 (This is very fortunate for the patrons, as JNIr. II. is pecu liarly qualified for the government and direction of boys. ' Ileias fully established himself in this commu nity as one worthy of all confidence and high esteem, and mav be trusted to train those who are put under his charge. The school"1 ought to be permanent. It will, no doubt, be . . , ... '. i . i i so, II tnose most interesrea win ue- stir themselves and secure a suitable jmilding for. an academy. There is no good preparatory school near here ; and, in consequence, the town and surrouLding country i must either i . fail to educate the bovs, or send them away to boarding schools", at the great peril of character and at the serious sacrifice of pecuniary in terest. FEMALE SCUOOLS abound. First, one is conducted by Mrs. V. C. Pell, late of the Faculty of Davenport F. College. She, also, has - won greatly ! upon the good opinion and feeling of the6 town, during the comparatively short time since Vhc cliose it for her residence. Well educated, with fine musical talent and attainments, of most ex cellent character fin every respect, with much experience in several, of the leading institutions that have adorned the State, she challenges the patronage of those who have daughters to educate. It is gratify ing to know that it is her desire and purpose to make her school a per- ' manent institution. ' I j 'I Next .come the several schools taught by young ladies. One is presided over by Miss Spence daughter of the . distinguished Mrs. C. P. Spencer ; ; another by Miss Graves, daughter of the well-known teacher who was so long associated with Colonel Horner in his famous school, and sister of rof. R. j II. Graves of the University; another by Miss Sophie Mallett, daughter of Dr. W. P. Mallntt; and another by Miss Lena Foust, sister of Mrs. Dr. Hariiss. '.'These young j ladies are highly accomplished and will com pare favorably with the: best teach ers in the best- institutions of the State. Surely the community owes them a debt of gratitude for devot ing themselves to their useful and. beautiful work. ' I iMay they, each' and ; all, receive the encouragement lat they de servo ! All who ' havij . patronized them are. greatly pleasilwith. their thorough instruction and admirable , management. . , ! i HELP THE SUFFjERERS. Is not every .one who' has any means willing to do something for the people-in the stricken towns of the South? Will not the 'churches of the village ' and the surrounding country take coilections for the:'' yel low fever victims 011 next Sunday ? The Baptist congregation has raised a collection and a mov'emcjnt is in progress in the University. Let others follow' the good example. Every little helps. 1IIE premium . list pi the 1 next State Fair to be held at Raleigh October 1519. ha? been received at this omce. I he list is a ! 1 I lengthy one, 1 and the, premiums of- V I I fered are liberal. We hope the efforts of its ofllcers to make a grand displa' will be crovricd with abund ant success. ! The Ire port of the Commissioner of Agriculture, Col. Ij. L. Polk, ior the month of Augiistis on our table. We propose to furnish some ' er- f tracts from the report; in our next. . We have received the second copy ol Our Free JBldde, a monthly Ama teur paper published at Goldsboro, by J. R. Griffin. We think i it a very neat little paper, and well worth the money 25 cents a year.. 1 ' UNIVERSITY ETEMS. Dr. Crenshaw, of Louisburg, an alumnus of the University and a member of the Dialectic Society, js dead. Kr&: ;3!f ' ' Anotller pew feature is j noticeable . , '!-' . ilia fVinnM ' intne morning prayeio w.t... The ministers of the different denom inations in th village conduct the exercises by turn, rotating weekly. This plan works well, and is a con tiderable! improvement on last year's exercises Mr. Warneeke, the new assistant the Fertilizer Control Ration, has 111 . If muscular powers proph arnv esy anythinii as to his 'proficiency, he will certainly be a valuable 'addi tion. However his whole personal appearance and bearing : argue 'well for his abilities. ; .) Prof Manuel Fetter, formerly a Professor! in the University, visited his Alma Mater last week. Many perhaps, were the changes w hich greeted his eye, but the! attractions and vestiges of his schooldays which still remain, fully compensated for recent innovations j Mr. W. li. Phillips,; Assistant State , Chemist, has returned from his tour, tractions Various additions and at are noticeable in his phy sique. He has not been j wholly on a pleasure excursion but his time has been employed in hard work improv ing hitDsqlf in his chosen profession, and becoming acquainted with the most recent. discoveries-and improv- ments in the. science. A new plan, has supplanted the ro cent "haziner " cane-snrees. &c. Last j ' X ' Saturday afternoon all the "Fresh,"' ealch one having contributed his wiite, gave-a reusing treat to the old stu dents. )Ve, think this a modern in 'provenaejnt and every student must be condemned who would not ex change Ithe gratification "of' a "little fhazing,? blacking, &c, for a magni ficent outlay of dolicate edibles. V The students at the University hail from the following counties: Richmond, Edgecombe, ertie, Hal-' ifa, Orange, Warren, Chatham, Guil ford, Sampson, Franklin, .Buncombe, Davie, j Madison, Pender, Nash, Wayne, Granville, Beaufort, Person, iCatawba, Lincoln, . Ahlinance, Bladen; New .Hanover, Stokes, Henderson, DnpliiijV Surry, Wake, McDowell, Moore. Cumberland, Davidson, For sythe, Caldwel!, Johnston, Noith 1 lam p t o ij , S t an 1 ey , Roc k 1 n gh a m . W 1 1 -son,' Ciaven, Hyde, Medklenburg'and Hertford. y I i ' THE MELANCHOLY DAYS HAVE COME. " ,' We have no particular hatred to ward anyone, we don't want to pun ish nnyljody or have "them' punished either here or hereafter. In lact if we couljl conscientiously, we would believe n Universal Salvation, but we cannot, as we inust mak:e an. ex in the case lot" the sin beiot 7 Li V7 1 1 ten, wickedly educated, and evil minded galoot who stole our biir ,! watermelon the other. night. Those A'ho kiiQW us best, know that we take some pride ,in our garden, and that early a,nd late we. have0 watered, hoed and cultivated our vegetables: as much or more for the pleasure derived from so doing as tor the in trinsic value of its products: And then after days and weeks of labor, to find that some thief in the night V. 1 . ! ... 1 - . ? nas ueprivea us 01 our watermelon is too bad.. We are a decided con vert to jth'e doctrine of total deprav ity. We believe that the Sunday School n .this. 'town. at least is a tail- lire. 11 it would not. be a waste ol words1 Ave would ask all good per sons to j pray for that thief, but we are afraid he, is past redemption. To steal an Editor's watermelon ! Bro. Bowman there must be a for such thieves, we can't believe in your doctrine. ! . He who steals our purse steals trash for sure ; but he who comes in the night and steals jour big Water melon, takes that which not eijriches him, (for the thing was green) but deprived us of a large amount ofi auuoipaieu. pleasure, 1 tie person who is so lost to all sense of right or honesty as to steal a green water melon from an Editol-, is not fit to live, nor is lie prepared to die. Mav the Lord have mercy oil him. ifoan Mountain. Republican. , The pauper father of Tom Thumb is a Jn the Chicago poorhouse. Tom quarreled with him when a'boy "uu "f "ever visuea'nim since, lie has fourteen sons aud daughters in all, several 6t whom are wealthy, . fFrom Our Special CorrespohUent. i THE GOVERNMENT BUILP- ING-rTHE? GRAND :. m DIME PART Til ' 2 ''4 V! ' Raleigi N. C. Septl2. . Dear liEDBii ::gdn lhg4ftrD0Pn of the 5th of September, I went in to take a hurried viewbenew governmen t build i ng t no apprqacn ing completion. The first story, is intended ion. the jostofficei the sec ond is for onioes, hml the third floor for aUS.-o.iirtro to the top ot . the buikling. ah d from thence I;h:i(a) elegant, view, pfvthe citv, especially, that lying towards th'e . .K;ist;. aiiC.t !e .Uif li-asU-iMag-nificcut struct mes jred jheir. lofiy heights in. g Miulejur and the;. foliage of the oaks and elms now hastening to a aricd' 'luie, as Octolien comes on apace, spread 'lit in panoramic beauty before me. Cpol John A. M cDohald, the Janitor of the '-build-ing;infonned me tliat the building would be ready for occupancy-about the '20th of the month. As I viewed this colossal edifice about .1' month ago, it appeared awkward and .clumsy, jlmt now", since most of. the debris has- been removed and the scaffolding cleared away, it presents a comely, and handsome structure.' The Templetoil Troupe have been here,- they gave ah entertainment Friday night; for the benefit of the yellow..;' fever sufferers; "In vtheir hand bills they stated, that the Dra mat i c Association this y ear wi il con triljinte in the various cities not less than $50,000. ,The show, bills were printed oh yellow paper, significant of the object ftr which they were intended. The hiouey-:ihis troupe took in may be ..expended properly, but the iiiiluence exerieil Iiy theatres is pern ici iis, and I d o not think the bait had the effect to captme those-' who are not) in' the habit of at tending theatres. While oVi the subject of theatres I will mc'ely add that I never :Utenl them. ;,-v ... J - ; f t On Friday ; aiternopn a -?' grand levee was c: i ven on tjio i Capitol grounds. The children j1 tender years-r-tiiose who are ttMKj yming td go out- At nightattended,in large force -and spent'; -their dimes freely for ice cream and the like The proceeds of this entert ainnicut will be likewise 1e voted to the sufferers in the jdagm stricken Southern ci t i es. - At 1 1 ig'ht' the, Ca pit ol grounds were , filled to repletion' by the young and .old. I walked around t he Square ; which was' beautifully il 1 u ni in:ted by .Chinese ? lanterns;: Tlie shrubber v" in the'grounds was wi ll filled with the Janterns, and as the evening zephyrs . played ,aud toyed with iheni, a beautiful sight was seen. The display in . flrout of the Capitol arouiut the Washington I momunent was pai ticulaily impos- ! uir. I nave not unic io uescnoe the -brilliancy of t lie occasion. Your cori esp.ondeiit being a- married man will not .speak. of tlie beautiful ladies and their bewhehidg charms. The amount realized from' the Dime party was .S5::t. from the Tern pleion 'iroupe Jore anon. , Tota ai m AMICUS. f TIIKDEPOSEl) BISHOP, 7 There will be,' surprised pver the action taken yesterday in the caselof the aged and tlie ICev. JJr.;jMciJos- kry, late Bishop of Michigan. He had) already resigned his Episcopal jurisdiction, assigning old age and imdily jnlirmity as his reasons for seeking to be relieved Jrom a bur den he was -no longer able to bear, wheif-.tlie ". hideous scandal with which his name; ,is' associated was made public. .;' ..'--. "'. ' . ' Ab .first he .withdrew his resigna tion announcing his purpose-lb con front jhis accusers 'and , establish his innocence of the adulterous accusa tion. f Then he renewed it and left the; country. 'Tlie Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church con vened; in this city rightly refused to receive this resignation, ;Yesterd ay, by a unanimous vctc, they author ized the presiding Bishop to 'promul gate against Samuel Allen AlcOos- kry the sentence of deposition from, the sacred ministry and from all the offices thereof. . ' The Herald 'contains the follow ing : A morning, nariei-VsnvR - -"Th. Protestant Episcopal' Church IS commended for two good things the purity of its ministry' and the rfrtrl cntian .A t 1 'ill- - v ir " ' ovu.-ju ui us iiiiios. i ester- uay, wutkout opening the flood gates o t immorality, on the corii m unit v they; deposed the Bishon of oMichi ganfor abandoning; his diocese, and wuue otner rnatters were not named, it is evident they had them in mind, fb r they v d eposed .Dr. McCosk r v. not only, from the ienisconate" but from the ministry of the church. We commend -this action, both for its wisdom and its method, to other ecclesiastical' authorities who may be similarly situated v l " j," ' A gentleman whoYlately bought a pair of marine-blue gloves in IlanV burg, l Germany, ; found nthatl his! hands "werefsooa covered.,; with" an i eruption. ; He ' gave jthe gloves to a; chemist, who discovered a consider-1 4.00. 1 4 4 ,& . -T OTI'N ' W V ' C A K R DKALKK IK DRY GOODS, NOTION i. s 4 -Hi i'. nrArnw" 1 . Ctll t..i.- . A; JTllH XiiUO Ol 'j" BliE ACHED, & 1JNBLEACHEB -;j; .v.. . i-.:..-.vn- ni''-:---. , LADIES TIES.-. f ; 0. HAMBURG EDGINGS, A FULL LNE,OF GROCERIES, V' :'l I IIABDWARE,' CROCKERY, J , GJJASSWAl j TIN WARE. LOOKIN G, GLASSES : SN1TFF & TOBACCO. kv- , . - :-'t- It5i-og5H.o Oil j Iron nod i - ..' '- i : L Trails,. Cotton Hoes, n I am still selling the KENTUCKY PLOW, This plow stands nnrivalcLb Jt never Chokes; pulls easy, turiis sill soil ; i0 fact it suitspur fiirraiers; better than anj other plowiiow Mi nse. r ! I am iurent this season for the PACIFIC, CHAPPEU AND STAR GUANOS. Th:i uking my; many "friends for their tavors, 1. wouio ,.De pieasea i fee thenvat all times, and will jseUil my large and varied stock ofi goodi 4 the very qttom price. ' . . , f .: ''V-i f r ;X W.CARR. j Chapel nilb April 16,1878. j.'.- apl 18-1 y ;-" '' '"'. ; v ' ' ' ' . -V. av si x ed J3 i x 1 o nt x l at the Of STEAM PRINTING HOUBl DURIIATSf, N. C. IV. T. B L A CK WELL &' CO., Proprietors. ; -o : .:; ' . ' - ' . --. Jt NICS U. IVillTAKKK, Jr., i . Manager, j 6et Work at Lownt Pliers 1 1 While our establishment ranks as the rst in the South for Drintinir Tobacct libels, both in quality ! and quantity of vork executed in this special line, yould respectfully inform- the generom hi one that we are also prepareii tonu rdei s for everv descrintion of Plain an 'Aiicvr Job Printinir in a oroiDDt and atSsfactory manner, and at very lo rices. We defy competition', t jVe selecjt the foHowlng froin a nnm- per 01 ; ; 1 . - "... t : r .- ', -' .; -', . . UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS : uYour proof is recclTcd and does T ol great credit. It is handsotne." s Keinp P. Battle, Pres. U. XvC "Above all things, let there be mistiik'es. We. have never had toff liieneement ; programmes yet free mistakes." : i .. ' v I ", fhe prorramuies were duly receive f'J'l V tMl III); Hill ISlH.CUO.lt. A1IVX"V- iastv.-. welt vofMif.nl hnil free ffOO ernir. . 1 believe you can turn outtb JtL joo in inc. Mare," , ,- . Prof. Geo. T. Winatoti. ? :--v,--. 4.' -. , -Strips to Inuul'aiKrsit!!faetoi,y.,,:ir i MarbuigUros.. BiiltlmonvfJ' T . , ' ''1. -Your.'Mn-k is .very satisfactory I'1 ueeti. ' 1 Prof. F. W. MmoiMi. "Tlje last invitations were a nent ssiblo and gsive entire Sjiti.riicii"' 11. S. White, lUuUburgt SX- 'rYo'iir iob travn pntir satisfaction. ,. uid 1 see nothing to interfere with jonr uiilding up a very successful bymic1 , A. S. Bhrbee, Chiel .Hill .K "' ' .'' '' .' . : "Am inucli il(:S4ti with the 'orh and hope.to give you further onlr , Jos. K. Pogue, Henderson, X t ' ( -.. ;. : : Address all bnlers to " V r 1'. WHlTAkKK, Jk.. i .-u-Vf' hzS l-'VI f -'U; JlflliaT' Durham, ,T. C.M June 13, 1878. ; A iHly purchased a. Wire ly Trap larbeeV DrViflr Striro 1iRt wnek'. V$ j'tates now. that it "-"csinhi all the rt )ii the Dremises in one clav and nijjW I830lx .' able quantity of arseuic in the dye. I one. 50 cents cavh. ! i t '- , j-.j..t-.. .

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