1 f- - A- !' J .. i :.-. ' ' . r- . - ' -," : k - . : .-!,y...-; : : i ; j; .. : '; v.t.,-... VT.y ... ' I i . - " : . . - : - ' ' ; - i 1 I . - - - - - T II K W K fc K L Y LE D G E It, Satukdav -Sept. 14, 1878. U contracts for advertisements hould be made with Jos. A. Harris,' i?....iiivt Jlunajrer. VJinee on rraimim ' ' - Street, ppj Esq- ' ositc the tore of. J. W. Carr, -j-n .fimniiiiiii'Mtion on ousincss l,onld be addressed to--The Weekly ii I VPKI-OF 'TUB CROSS. (Episro ..".ni Rev. Jos. H. . Cheshire. pastnri "Wvlcea at 11 o'clock. A. M., and b " o'clock. 1. M- each Sunday. r friar' cnuftrn : liwA A 'bixom- pastor. 'Services t,vlT -s"n: div at 11 o'clock, A. M. ami vS oYloek, P. M. Pi aver meeting very . Thursdav night at S o'clock. Sun-il-iv schol even Sunday at 0 o'clock. A . M 1 ro 1 . s u pe r i a t e n - tlent- MKTUODIST CHUCliH: Rev. J. V. ' liehinau. pastor. Services 1, at 11 o'clock, A. M.. and at - 8 o clock. P M- each Sunday excel the third. T pniver meeting every Wednesday . ni"ht at S o'clock. Sunday school every Sunday :lt 9. o'clock. A. M. ' Thomas F. Norwood, supcrintdenent. f.rsRYTERlAN CHURCH : Rev. Mr'palton. of High Point, preaches at 11 A. M. and 8, P. M. every 4th iv. I'mver meetinir everv week Ati AYrdnesdav night at S o clock c...,.i x- Ki-hool everv Sunday at 9, nVloi-k. A M. Dr. X. "11.. Lcdoux uierintendcnt. taU now close as follows: For Durham, daily, Sunday excepted. G. A. M. ; -. f For Chatham county, once a week- Satunlav (k A. M. ' The ofllce opens for, delivery of mails at 2:30, P. 31. " A. MICKLE, P. M. H031E 3IATTKHS. Post Office Regulations. ) Clripel Hil- X. C Aug. :), ;78. $ Post Ome will, be closed one hour" for opening and closing mails. No stamiw sold ofbusines transacted while opening and closing mails." No letters will be forwarded, unless prepaid, at least, one full rate J cents No second class matter will .be for warded unless fully prepaid. . f Positively no stamps sold on credit. Post-masters areno. required to, make: change or accept mutilated currency. Put your letter in the letter nox. i A. MICKLE, P. M. APPOINTMENTS OF HON. JOS. J. i DAVIS. We announce the following as the ! appointment for the. Comity ol Orange. made in consomme iorine i-onvi'iiifiii-of Mr. Davis. The other candidate mar goveni themselve accordingly ; Durham. Fridav. Sept.' 20th. Chpel Hill. Saturday. Sept. -'1st. Cntes, Mondav, Sept. 23rd. . Cedar Grovctuesduv. Sept. 24th. Caldwell, UVdm-sdav. Sept. 2.",th. Manjutn's.Thurstlay. Spt. 2Giii. Hill-lMro, TiiesIay of OrangevCourt week, Oct. .loth.' . i DOTS i in thin LoctifHlvrrtUtemcnU inserted column, at 10 cents cr Uiic Fniit is scarce. , A little butter would sell in Chapel Hill. 1 . ' , , It rains still, and yet our citizens are tiot happj-. Still the boys come',, and yet there is room for more at the University. Rev. Solomon Pool will preach in the Methodist Church next -Sunday. morn Jiig at 11 o'clock. '. 1 . If you want tc make our heart? happy take the "Ledger for 12 'months and pay for it in advanced .The markets "which appear to-day, will appear regularly hereafter, revised and carefully corrected. i ' There will be 'senices at Orange Church next Sunday at 11 o'clock. Rev. J.F. Htitman will officiate. If you wish to know when to paj' your taxes, run all- over: town and look on the trees. Wonder if the Commrssion erknowthe Ledger is published? I he. power of the LEDGERis.au undis puteilfiict. In two and a half hours after the above was put in type, Mi: J. w". Rarboe. our town constable, caihe in to our .ollU-e and handed In a tax notice. New Stock of Clocks just received by Jf Kzzell, hud will be sohl cheap. A ehan-; of Lis advei tiseincut will appear nr next. f If we neglect to publi-h any little llenujf ih'ws that you would like to see I"iMU!ih,1, doirt Maine itOmt lake "the roub!,. t ohtaiu the 'facts and. send Uien. to us. :uui XYt. vili 'u)Hnulv pub ,l?b them. . '. ''' r.w. S. Uaihee, 'one of the best ijasiiiHSji lmM, jn ,llc state, has, we iin- ''rt:i:i. . oire North to lay in ji sttck S'hIs. should this ho true, we hope iiotity OIIr n.a,i0, thtough these ,,m, where his stmk may be fouiul. KM lKi:sEl.'ni 'nth,ntl miiIiIiUkuI "t If.rl. ........ ty i.i; n.?reioal Kxeeiitivc : Conimitlcc r. j h in Raleigh on Tue.S4lay,le 11 iit to nominate a candidate, but lorstAI Ho,,, j.jj Tnrner as the "ke of evils "between ".Turner -and woe. So Mr. Turner is now the Kc Pub!,"i wndidate. .... CORONBIPSINQUIT. ,,lt will.lHj ix'membered that a short ' i while ago . the name ol Louis Carlton wa prominent lis a burglar, he being one of the parties sent to jail for break ing : the house of Mrs. Hendon. f Oir SIonday last, Cordner -Thos. J. Avilsou arrived Irom Ilillsboro and pro ceeded to. hold an inquest over the body of the wile of Louis Carlton, who died and was buried. about, three months ago The following named gentlemen com posed the jury of inquest ;?T. A. S. Barbce, Chairman, W. I?. Gattis, C, P. Wharton, J. H. .Williamson, John Ward, T. M. Kli klamUS. M.' Ward, Chas. Davis, C. Kd King, L. J. Weaver, J J M. Watson a ml J. W. Markham. V ' .'ihe jury proceeded to the grave-yard, where the corpse was identifieJ by- wit nesses. The Coro ner proceeded to make a pout mortim qxaminatiou by direction of the jury. The necessary parts of the bod were turned over to Prof. liedd and the result will be known in a few days. The tleath of this woman was singular and should .have been investigated at that time. Louis is ahead' charged with one infamous crime who knows but what ie did 4 poison his wife? We await the report of the investigation to" ihe Coroner's jury, and we' will lay the ease before the public- - " . i COliHECTIOX. . Messrs. Editors : In my answer "to your apple question in your last number, 3 our t3rpc made me say eleven, in my copy, w hen it should have been fourteen. Now, Messrs. Editors, as you are on the puzzle question, if you will a.low me. space, 1 will oiler the following : Thiee little boys 'earned eggs to mar ket: A carried tdh, B thirty and C fifty. They all sold at the same price per egg, and all received the same amount of money, i. c, A received a- much for ten as C did for fifty and C sold his for as much peri egg as A did. I . - 7 1 -; J . I" " - ' r i - ' - . . . . I ! WARE-1 )' ' I - : . : !! -:!f; ' . , How was it done ? SUBSCJUBE1L '. r , For the Ledger. Messrs. Editors: Cannot our com missioners pass a law closing up barber shops on Sunday? I hope so. Every man in Chapel Hill lias plenty time to shave during the week, without having the baibbr shops open on Sunday while the ladies are passing the strcers on their way to church. THE FKVEH JJEATli ROLI. A WAIL FROM tflE PL'AGUE- ST11ICKEK CITIES. empbi8, September 9.The con dition of this city grows more despe rate every hour. Of new cases 'if is useless longer to keep an "account. VV hole lamiiies are. stricken down within a few hours and the call for unices is greaier man can oe sup- pneu. lesterday there were about 1UU deaths and 300new cases, and to-day up to noon there had been 70 deaths reported and the death rate to-day will probably exceed that of any previous dav. Amonor the deaths repoi ted this-morning are Dr.,E C. Slatter, pastor of the. First Methodist church ; Sister Catherine, of fct. JVlary. k iLpiscopal church ; M. Uostello, VVm. A. Kudd, Jacob LceD. Dr. Nelson, and Harry Wi. Ferguson who died at Uamp Joe Williams. To-day's mortuary report is the larcrest ot anv dav sineo ; i.hp fovpr appeared! of which 24 were' colored. Among the number were Maj. J. C. Thrall; Thomas Hood, a volunteer telegraph operator from Philadel phia; Rev. D. R. Rosebefry, of the Bartlett-circuit Methodist ! Episcopal church - N. GibBon, Sister Constance, superior of the Sisters of St. . Mary. A son of ex-Mayor Wra. Park died at the Howard infirmary. Forty-five new cases were reported by resident physicians. Among those taken down to-day are Parney Hughes, D. U. Warder, Hiram Gage, Unas. Mor rison, druggist, his partner, Mr. Hurries,. is dying, Mrs. D. C. Warder and Frazer Prewell. Fred Cole, an active member of the Howard Asso ciation, died late this evening. His wile and children are sick with the fever. The Howards have established under the direction of Dr. Louis TV Bryan, of Houston, Texas, a hospital for the care of physicians and nurses, many of whom are falling.! , Dr. Bry an will give to this institution a dis tinctive T exas feature, by employing Texas physicians and nurses, ; so far as the interests of the institution! will admit. Texans and others who deshlc to contribute to the support of; his institution can; do so by for wani ng contributions to the Howard As- A Tai.kxtkd Divine Gon'k to i Kkst.--T1io telegrams of Sunday an nounced the tleath, in New, Orleans, of Kev. X. M. Wilson, pastor of "the Co liseum Baptist church of that city. Rev. Mr. Wilson was a native ot ViW gir.ia, and was for some years pastor ot the Baptist church at Chapel Hill. He once assisted Kev. Dr. Pritchard in a revival In this city. His early death will give his many fricnls in the State deep pain, as far was regarded as a man bt irreat promise. Ral. News. i -A good man gone. The people of Chapel Hill knew him well. Mr. E. II. Wilson,' big brother, residing at this place, received' a dispatch infonuing him of the above facts. We extend, to his brother and friends our warmest sympathy. , ' , , : ; -i E. P. Sxihks, Esq. This gentleman who has beim in Chapel Hill for some time studying medicine under Dr. W. P. Mallet, left one day last week for Chatham, at which place he will spend a month with his friends; after-which, he will go to Vanderbilt University, in Tennessee to finish his course. Mr. Snipes it is predicted, will inake his mark as an M. D. some day, ' . . - - . New ; Advertisejients, See hhe l'ax Notice of G. W. Barbce,' Town Constable, and govern yourself accord iuirly. '- ' W.' J. Xewton, Esq..is iiow ready to do all kinds of boot aSid shoe work at his place of business opposite the Cam pus. He guarantees satisfaction. Help Your Paper. Many people could help their town paper by furnish ing it with little items of news. If j-our friend is sick or dead, let us know it. If any one" of your; acquaintance gets married, send us the particulars. ' It will cost you nothing to publish it, aild at the same time you arc helping to build up the paper.' We will be thankful for all items of news from any part of the State or count v. ' . - CITIZEN. j sociation, specifying the purpo.se. jnew lUitLEANS, ept. y, iNev cases 144, deaths 87. The weather to-day was clear and pleasant. The death list includes 26 children under seven years. From noon to 6 P. M. 33 deaths were i reported to the board of health, among them - being O. S. Babcock and ' O; H. Hemp-L stead. The following are among the newly rerlorted cases : Rev. Father Massadier,: of St.f Theresa chufch ; Sisters Carmelita ami Rosario, of tbe St. ' Andrew's-street convent; Walter LonsdaIev of the Howards ; Dr. C. L. Hennlon, volunteer physi cian of the Y. M. C. A., and Charles J. Alleyn, of the Western Union Telegraph office. j ; The Grand. United order of Odd Fellows make - an appeal to all lodges in America working-under the S. C. Ml for aid'. ; : ' : 1 t Grenada, Miss., Sept. 8. The following new cases are reported : Mrs. Dr. Ringgold, ; widqw of Dr. Ringgold; Miss Mary Russell, sister of E. P. Russell, of Scnatobia, Miss.; Ji. A. Armistead, express agent, and five colored women. The death list is as follows : Dr. Ringgold, Mrs. McDonald, O. B. Rollins and -Henry Crockett. A number of the patients in the Chamberlain House are con valescing rapidly: We are almost without , communication otherwise than telegraphic; The mails are ir regular and our postmaster is dead. The mayor died two weeks ago and every day messages are' received kd: uresseu to nim -au ine leiegrapu ofiice. 1XORTH CAROLINA. 1 ho dipthena in Salisbury has been tearful. The whole number of cases in more than two months are sixty-five. Whole number of deaths in that' time are eleven. ;! Alamance Gleaner : Ve regret tp learn that W. A. Ilallp of Morton's township, happened to the misfortune to have his barn and contents burned last Wednesday night. We have no' particulars, but understand it i s supposed it Avas' fired .by"-';'lightniir. Mr. Hall is a; worthy, hard working man, and thi loss is, a heavy one. Greensboro, correspondent of the Raleigh Observer says thiat Judge Merrimon spoke two au$ a half hours in the court house id four hun dred people. The crowd listened with marked ateiukn. The speech was one of great power, and showed that he was wejl posted on- all points of general government. Being a purely salesman's speech,' all who listened were not only well pleased, but learned a good j.leal. r ' " 1 Oxford Torch-Light : We notice that in other counties, . where Demo cratic officials have been elected, that they were sworn in the 1st of September, and will enter) upon the discharge of the duties of their re spective offices on the 1st ofil)ecem- ber. Granville, is the spniy excep tion where the pew Democratic Board attempted to do business on the 1st of September: and about which there is' any litigation. , Statesville Landmark : Thos. Bow- man, the itockingham wile-murderei was convicted ot that 3rimb at Ran dolph Superior Court j recentlyi Bowman was tried and convicted of this terrible crime some months sinoe in Guilford county, but a );ne,v trial was granted by the Supreme Court and the 'case was removed to Ran dolph, where lie yas tried with : the above mentioned result. His coun- jseirJiave, again appealed to the Su preme Court, - j Durham Xobacco Plant : For sometime .pastMrs. Betsvj Latta has been living at the old homestead on the ribrthe'rn skie of Eno river with j no one in the- house except a small. white boy. One of lien sons has married and settled a few hundred iKkv. A. C. Dixox Preaches every .Sunday to large congregations. lie is very ! popular, and; ranks among the ablest of Baptist divines in the State. COUiiT for this county begins Mon day, Oct. II. The criminal docket is large and important. , Died, In Chatham county, on the 4th instant, at the age of 71 years, Col. Stk imIkS Ioueiwox, after r.'i lingering ill- . '-.1.1 .i ' 1 .,,.v.;i ness OI VlOienu com .aim .gciiciai uuun- it3" for 12 nioutlis, which he bore with .christian resignation until ins jueatn, leaving a well-grounded hope behind him ol his having gone to a blessed im mortality. He was a kind husband and father, a gootl neighbor, and si worthy citizen. . I 11. B. 0. Newbern Nut Shell : Mr. Mo Daniel, sheriff for many years of Iones county, died yesterday at his home in that county. We have sel dom ever known a man 'who went into ofiice by a party vote, wliofc by a like just and impartial j excut'ion of the law so soon obliterated every partizan feeling and became the offi cer of the people, as the mail whose death we are called upon to an nounce ,to-day. Sheriff McDaniel was an honest, upright man, a sincere friend and a genial companion. His only child is the wife of our towns man, Capt. E. R. Page, and their very many friends in this city offer sympathy to them in their bereave ment.. All to whom this news may 1cprife will "regret the death of Sheriff Nathan McDaniel, for no one had aught against him.' , ? The heat was recently bo intense in Arizona that a thermometer failed to register it on the sandy trail, it being! 120 degrees in the shade. A mail-carrier, seeing that his horse be came restive and Was apparently in much pain, on examination found the flesh around the upper part of his hoof 'thoroughly roasted. In a few minutes the beast dropped exhausted and died. yards from the Her health has house of liis mother, been bad for several years, and at one time it was feared she1 1 would lose her mind. ; filter breakfast Sunday morning the boy rambled olf in the plantation and was absent sometime. When he re turned ' he fbund Mrs. ' Latta sus pended from a beam, with a hank ot thread around her neck, dead. She was a member of the Primitive Bap list church and had lived an exem plary christian life. . .... ,. , f . ; 11 1 - ; BLACK WEIjIS DUBHAM 1 , nousE. MARKEI REPORT. COTTU.X mauket; Keported officially! for tlie Board Of " " Trade. -H " 1vA1,k:igii. X. C. "Middling,- , Strict Low Middling, Low Middling, I Strict Good Ordinary. Good Ordinary, Ordinary, Middling Stains, Low Middling Stain Sept. 10, 1878." : ll ; ic 7-8 . ; id 1-2 10 1-1 93-4 is--- 5) U 101-2 " 10 Good Ordinary. Stains, ; 91-2 Tone of Market Firm tot old cotton, several bales of. basis ot middling L CITV MAKlvKT new sold Jiat 10 1-4 on r WHOLESALE CASH ;-. ' r KICKS. ' '-, t ' Corrected by the Ollicial Itcpoitcr lor Grocers & Cotton Exchange. ItAI-ElpUI, COTTON TIES, BAGGING, X. C; Sept. 10, 187S. new 4 1-2 spficed, " 3 3-4 131 FLO UK, North Carolina, $5.00 a 5.23 " I'atansco Family. ' 7.50 .CORN, COllN MEAL, BACON, N. C. Hog round, , BULK MEAT, clear rib sides, .' V " " shoulders, NORTH CAROLINA 1'ork, LARD, North Carolina, ' ' Westerp, COFFEE, primei Rio, t good, i 'SYRUP, -S:' If., 1 MOLASSES, Cuba, laic 65 70 10 13 71-2 v ?' Ga7 : : 10 9 19 18 ' ' 27 : 35 ; $1.65 11 S 1-2 20 a 27 1-2 40 7 60 75 ; 4 17 l-2 a 13 20 ,20 1 1-2 a 2 SALT, Liverpool SUGAR, white, " yellow, LEATHER, red sole, . tanned, TALLOW, - . POTATOES, sweet, per huh. Irish, OATS, shelled, EGGS, ' . BUTTER, -V-, SPRING CIUCKENS, RAGS, Above prices are for large lots, when smaller quantities are, wanted higher prices will be charged. J j 1 ;! : 1 : 1 ; . Olia-pel Jilll 3Xax-liets- - ' -I 1 i Reported by J. W.Carr. CliAPEiy HiLi- N. C, Sept. 13. ' 5.50a6.00 llal2 1-2 20 ' .J . 11 , ' i:- 15 V 10 " . 60 60 , 1.00 1 50 - : -' - 3 ' 10 Flour, Lard, J Butter, Chickens. Bacon, (N Meal Corn, Wheat, Oats, Seed Cottoii, Lint Cotton. Common Bright Lugs, : Metlium '; i Good . : ' , ' : Fine - ik '-. " ; Extra u; , '. :.' Common Bright fillers, Medium ; L Good ' ''. " j Fine ' :-. " . . . Extra v ' h-, .' .' ' Common Bright W mier3 Medium . : r; Good Fine none on market. Fancy . ' 7' . ,; - ''' ; .. 7 7 ' Receipts. not. '"so. heaivy lastCweek, and principally- Common grades. ' G0ol wraj)pers Fillers aiid; Smokeii? in good demand. We continue quotations.! 7 : E. J. Parish. . $4.00siC.OO . 6.00a7.50 8.00al2.00 14.00aia.OO 20.00aB0.0O 4.00a5.00 SOOaCOO 7.C0a850 9.00al0.50 14 00al4.00 S.OOalO.OO ll.00al8.00 20.00a35.X) DURHAM PRODUCE ..' ''. 7':7; ' MARKET. : : 'T7-'' Bacon. N..G. (hog, round) . 7 9 " Bulk sides, - 7 J' . 8 " ' shouldei-s . ; G 1-2 Bacon-; '7" ' :'V:7 ' :''A 10 Pork, 3kjess ' f ;J r lG.00al6.48 " Rump ' f 17.00-al7.50 Salt -. 7t- '.;": . - 7 1.8. Lime . ' 1.75 Corn, new, - V J 7 ,'6Q Lard, country, '7 . 7 10 Northern. 10 Meal, '.-"'' 7 65 Flour per bbi, ,l T 5.25aG.25 Syrup -BOaSC'-- Black Strap J ; 30 Oats : . - .' I- 50 EggS ..' . :- ' 10 Beeswax 7 20 Cliiiikens ! 12l-2a25 Butter, i , r 15a20 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ; r 1 c e opposite tlie upper lot of SllOE and I lfave j ust opened J (Jamnus iiate. af liuej BOO T UPPERS and FRONTS, and I am pjepared to complete them in the LATESTSTYLE and on the most reasonable terms.) . My Stock is excellent, and my work shall compare 'With- any lithe State. Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. ; Very respe;tfullv, I 14 W. J. NEWTOX. AXE S ! The Town taxes having been made out, and the books ' having beeel placed m ray. ....hands, 1 can be iound at my place to f business, next door to the post oftiee, on Monday of each week, -where all parties duo tjtxeswill jplease call and settle,. All parties wlio for taxes will also call save further expense and trouble. I sep 14-lt G. V. BAWBEE, T. C. ' 1 1 i . -O SI 0 H t. to s. K fQ. - ao s 0 a a u. ft' 0 fa u ' 0 h 1875! 18781 ? 1 LOOK OUT FOR 7 WEAVER'S - ' - I -.: - ' , ' v : - .-it i ' -77 - - ' i Olienp CJnli 8tor. CDAPKL IIILi N. fa. 7 .' 1 ':' ki- A ;, "A. : . . ".-, ' ALL GOODS SOLD f TO SUIT THE -TIMES.' Such as DRY GOODS, aie in. arrears ai.d settle and! .7 , , --fr O T 1 C-E77 7 :r ' : On October 5, 1878, I will offer for sale a valuable tract of land lying one mile west of Chapel 'Hill, on Morgan Creek. If not sold jprivately, the same will be sold at' auction on the day above named! Address, - THOMAS PICKETT, Ira Chapel Hill, X. C. NOTIONS, a ' ckb sept "T3 OBERSON & HARRIS, JL ttiicl .: In addition to our well-selectpd stock of ' . '-' . '"..-'--,-- .'.'. LJRUGS, MEDICIXES, &e., we are adding a Complete Sto?lf . ' . of the UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, and Students furnishing goods, such as BLANK BOOKS, ' , - 7 7 ' PENCILS, BRUSHES, COMBS, TOILET SOAPS Fine Chewing and Smoking 1 To- baecps and Cigars. e Confectioneries, Lamps, Oils, Canned Goods, Crackers, &c, -&c. t '''. - '' . '' r ' '!',' (Prescriptions accurately, com pounded at all hours of the day -or night.; .. 7 THING, 1 1 HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, WOOD J and E Z Z E L L Watchmaker and Jeweller, 7'' ; , - ' ) ' ' :-, ' ' Chapel Hill, N-.C..' Watches, Clocks- and ? Jewelry paired witli neatness and disjiatch. . my 25-tf - A 7. ic T THE STUDENTS Thomas Dunstoii, the Fashionable Barber ) and Hair Dresser, is doing the best work for the least money ever done in this'place. Hair Cuttinsr, Shavinsr (twice a week.) ami Shampooing for the low price of $7 from the beginning ot tlie term to Commencement. 7 '7 The L ARGEST; STOCK' f Paints, r-v, - 7 7 7 '-.,7 Oils, &c.i In the County, at- Barbecy Drug Store. A ..... 1 WILLOW-WARE. Shoes ol Spool txlty. $7.00 Shoes for,eC00. 7 7 i ': - ; ' '7 Fresh Goods coming itt every few days. Walli in and examitiefor yaurself,: ' P. J 7 I ' s ' -... and if Uio Goods and Price? don't -.7- i ! ' ' ' 7 7 ; " ':'' :-.f.7 .: : 7 ' 1 1 suit, you heed not buy. T j "A ' 7 ; A Yours truly, L. J, WEAVER. PUTTY AND WINDOW GLASS 1 i in large quantities, at low figures, at BARBEE'S DRUG STORE. , L Barbee keeps a 71 -j. v . j POLISHING :POWDER I that is not a Chemical Compound, but a . 7 - 7 ,7. . - '7 . ! product direct from nature' Labonttory It contains nothing Injurious and gives -. 1 .' 1 :!.. 7,'- .7- i a beautiful lastre to Gold,' Silver and Ilat'cd Ware. It also brightens and; cleans Tin and Britannia ware in a mt pleasiug inanner. fry it, house-! eepers. uniy cenrs. ' r A. T.. K.aj.V QtnM if rvf want Medicine, or I'rescriptions com pounded. 7 .V- -I A 7 A - 7: v f J