Til K W 12 K fc I- Y L E DGE R . T il E WEEKLY LEDGER, -r-"-f- 1 : - siriciiirriox kati:: OFFICE. ON FICANKLIN STJlKKT, "'OPPOSITE "THE STUIIE OF ,1. : CAHP., Esq. f'-'.: '; . ' .... . iii "' mi- ui - - - -'. " . , K ATES OF ADVEUTISFNO ; , . k t)no square, fnc insertion, ,our dollar, Oup square, each suKseqiicut injertioMT ; titty eeirts. ..-.'-. ,. S nee ia I ;eon tracts made f&r larger adver tisemrjnti!. : Advertisements' should : be font in by Thursdav before each day of isme. .TIwWKKKLY I.'EDr.Klt is furnished j i.i ub-t,i i'i :H UO dollar ami lilt v . iMits lier ropy per ainuiiu. inva'riaMv V. : advance. ..' ii months on-.' dollar. V vii.vii conie-. iie vcar. til Lc-ti dollars. J.I, T ----- - . - .t f..iitv-tn cvpies, one year, tidily ,lllais. . , r hre- all orders to -TIip WEK1 "C M-IIMfKK.' Chap.'l Hilt, N C. ' :kly CHAPEL HILL, N. G., SATUiRDAY, OeoTT2 i cXJ"k ' "fc . -"L7- wrmTTrdTTml1 a w wt.i w.i " t: - o I Ain OOP SAVK T1IK kix;. t i d from our Southern Land, In merry nil my nana. 7. L H'huli pres.-ti ?' i Ii or'tlinui.-li h- lwmlers wide,- 1iV!I pctileiiee doth ?tiide, . Yiiiltr lamme ny us siee . Knoeks atrvarh door. .old keep, our hope aive. tjive us tin Vtrenirth to strive j Aain-t this i'oe ;.. . lVf'ue Thy throne ve kiMxd, Great physician heal 'he wounds natli winch r reel 1 And end thi woe ! i . ' .. I - , JVsiili ir sinu; wo lay,- j loth North ami ?oulh, and pray ! 'Thv will he done. i 1 Ami wijh one voice'hnjdore. That when thio plngue is oVr, Wa -m ttriys oi yoic, i l'e truly oik. lAi:V llAVAKI) Ol.AKKV... jL.i.i5it:irj;Y. i:V KATK MKHIDKX. To have a heart void of offence. i ! A conscieuee clear and free ; To act through life a noble yart i 0, this is Ltberty ! ' i Vast heaps cf -.rubbish, piles of timber and a large quantity of broken machinery loomed far up above, the water edge, while; ever tind arion the ' flashing waves, borne along by the resistless tide, seemed to reach out eagerly . to the dark objects on the shore. " . V . , n One couia not help shuddering, nor. prevent a ffeeling of loneliness, aye, even of danger, were lie to con template this'gloomy prospect alone, or at the solenin hour of mid-niglit ; for in such place thieves, robbers, even murderers, sometimes find n rurkirig-jlnce. . Doubtless it was this conclusion which led the stout-hearted officers " to the ?pot, and increased tho awe of tho? half-frightened beings who, from cuviosav,,had left their huts amid the rocks, and wit'i their squab , dirty children ha gone after thev:riice.r : -. ' ' Adaroful se.ircli was at once insli- tated in among the luuvber, around mil ; r.bout every heap of rubbish eager eyes peered ; yet for once they seemed to have lost their track, and one of their number turned away, in evident disgust, exclaiming:. "Perhaps you will think it -vrorth while, comrade, to cross, the river,; for our" bird isn't on this side Yin Llessed if ho is.M -"Not'so fast, Xevers. -Heigh ho I Whatiave we lLrc? ' said his sharp looking companion, clambering over aheap of rusty irou to the other, side, where an old boiler lay hid from view. "Let's have, a look at this ar- ticl e. "Come along, Saunders,!' shouted las com pat don.. -'It's a. lot of old trumpery that wefexamined before." . "I'm not so sure , of it," returned the wide-awake man. pricking up his ars like an animal about to spring opon his prey. "ly (lie great Jove, I've got you at last,' my: darling, or it's your ghost!". ' - And with -bis iron" grasp he drew from his hiding-place, a, being who scarcely seemed a mortal man, such a 'wild, hunted and haggard' exjires ;8ion, did bis ; bloated and disfigured feairires wear. . .j Thirteen years before the occur .enee of the events which wc have just related, there dwelt in the vil geofw , a family called Stan hope. : Chyles Stanhope, his wife and an nly Kon composed the members of Je household ; and never perhaps, a long existeuce, cJuldhcre have en found a more milled r liappy Kind ami considerate to all, yet having enough 0f their own affairs 10 claim their strict attention, they Kloni went abroad; and this, doubt f8, was the ihe reason their1 sortie ,zt gossipy neighbors had been leased to term them "stuck up,". or ' ial, as young .Stanhope's years in feaseJ, the idle and dissolute youths 1'laee, who hal failed to" make him one like themselves, would, taunt him concerning the' wholesome, re straint which his father exercised over him, while they painted iirglow ing 6lors, the vast advantages' of havins: what. they called liberty. ATallers went on thus for a time. Uobert Stanhope frmnd amusement and interest in healthml sport, whole some books, and the friendship ot Lillv Lawrence, the only daughter of an early acquaintance of Mis. StanhojKj's who, with, her"' parents, had -come to reside in, the place. ! 'Five yen rs passed rapidly awayiin thisoniot lnanncr.: Uobert. had ht tained his eighteenth year, and wa prepaiing by his own . industry, and the inlluence of his father's employe: to enter the wholesale establishment bf lern t Brothers, hoping to work his way up from an humble clerk'to a loftier position, when, siutdenly, an occurrence took place .which,- for a time at least, claimed his whole at tention, namely, the d-eath of his lather, from whom he had been parted but a few hours, and who was , then enjoying his usual health. !, Air. Stanhope had gone to the mill, of which L,c was superintendent, and while examining some machinery, had fallen fiom the 'scaffold, and lived but one hour after he, reached his home ; yet during that period though suffering intensely, ho had found a voicejto say. to his son : "Remember, my boy, thr.t to have a conscience void of-offence, bcfoi'e God and man, is the greatest liberty that can be enjoyed." : After the funeral, Mrs. - Stanhope decided to remain in the cottage which had belonged to her husband ; whose employer'now came -forward to offer his sympathy to the afflicted family, and by whose arrangements Robert Stanhope finally decided, to enter the emjdoy of Bern ,& Bro's. And now, with the reader's permis sion, wewpll leave him in his new position, to. follo w the footsteps of three other "youi'g men, who have something to dovith ourstorv. The trio to whom we. would turn attention were youths, aged -respectively seventeen, eighteen and twenty. With a light, ..'swaggering air, they sauntered into a saloon, where an odor of whisky tobacco seemed to be striving for the pre-eminence. "I say, Charlie." said the eldest ot the three to his youngest compan ion." So the rich old uncle says you've got to be a good boy ! yherc are you boxed for ?" "Bern fc Brothers, confound him i" returned the youth, kicking at the lbii of the table before F which thev were seated. ; "A stingy old cur as'evpr lived," returned Harris, the first speaker. "But never mfnd, my boy ; the old man will riot last. -long. I've got it. from head-quarters-." "That's all humbug; for-.tliough he's a bed" ridden old curse," he's as strong .'is a lion ami got a pair 'of lungs like brass. .;If you'd. hear him lecture me, yov) say he was good for twenty years more." "What ever possessed him to think of Bern & Brotheri ?" asked the ote whom they called Cregg. "He doesn't mean to make a mer chant of voir?" ,': ' "No: habits, etc., he snivels about. But I'm not going to set the Thames on fire not much. But say," he added, with sudden animation ; "who do you think is booked for the same bouse ?. "You'll never in therjworld iruess. - A Then why don't you tell us ?" exclaimed Harris, with an expres sion not to be mentioned to ears polite.. "'You remember young Stanhope, of W ; , who shunned us as though we were mad dogs, when we were down there on a bend'?" "I reckon I do, and his father toe," returned Harris, with another imi.rnMt nn : "and it Will HO liara & & f.' -J with 'me, bwt. I'll be even with him some day." ' :"Why, what did the old cove. do i' to von, Harris V" .' "Why, you see, I got into a little serapeV.aUcr you leil me in W , and I'd have got through it pretty well if it hadn't beeii for old -Stanhope.' As it was it took, my last dollar, and I just - esciped getting locked up." . , "Well; you 11 jiever pay off the old scoixj with the old . tin, 'for- - he's 1 dead and buried these six; months.-..; But it's young Stanhope. thats coming to our house. lie's your 'game.'" : "I believe you, Charlie," returned the unprincipled Harris .. , Alter swallowing several fiery po tations, the precious trio left the sa loon in quest of new wickedness. Robert Stanhope entered the em ploy ol Bern & Brothers under the most advantageous circumstances, for the senior partner being a personal friend of Mr", Gaston, his father's late employer, took a kind interest in bis. welfare. .; "Do well for yourself, young man," said the experienced merchant, "and you will find others incliiied to do well for you." And still later when, after noticing a conversation between Charlie Grove arid young Stanhope, the worthy gentleman spoke as follows: ''My young friend," said lie, "I would - warn yon to beware of the idle and dissolute Temptation you will find everywhere, unless you se clude yourself from the world, in which it is your duty to perform your part. well. They only are great who can resist and overcome; not those who are never tried. I hon estly confess to you, that I ani not favorably impressed -with the behav ior of the young -man '.V 1th Hvhcm you were -conversing. I have only taken him in my employ on trial, for the sake of Ids uncle,, who is a valued .friend, and r. most wo: thy man." Several' weeks had ---elafsed after this couverhatio.'i before ("iiiries Grove and Robert Stanhope met,' for they were employed in a 'differ ent' part of the count ing-hotfse.- . It chanced; .however, that one morniriiX both were called to the book'keepeu's Vlesk. to receive a monthly payment, when Grove pain- ted the latter as follows : "I say, Stanhope," what -do you do with your money ?" "I jiay my l.oard, and send the rest to my mother, to dispose of." "Good boy," returned Grove 'in a sarcastic tone. "He hasn't the lib erty evgn over his own wages. Now. my good felloW," he. continued, after a pause, "Cregg, Harris and myself you needn't look scared, we're not going to bite you thought of sho.v ing you the city ; but like a good boy you must stay at home, for you haven't the. liberty to go abroad." Now it was' not because ho 'was deprived, of the means to' accompany these vicious young men to , their customary haunts that irritated young Stanhope, as Grove well knew, but the questioning of his lib erty' in the .matter. 1 For the first time nee his arrival in the city, he perused his mother's weekly Tetter 'in a ' careless manner, even omitting to read the message from his. friend Lilly, which had hitherto interested him so much. Little by little, step by step, did Robert Stanhope alio w these wicked young 'men to gain . an influence over him. We'say allow, for put a short time elapsed before Charles Grove was dismissed from the em ploy of Bern & Brothers, and then might young Stanhope have paused, and regained the path of rectitude. But, alas ! taunting him with a want of liberty, he allowed the reckless and unprincipled to make him most surely their slave. ! . It is ahvays harrowing to mark the downward path of any one; but oh, how .-sad to -see an onlv sou of a Vidowed mother, in the full promis of his manhood. approach ing cerfnin' destruction H s , For 74 long timtj1, for his mothers sake, Robert s emjdoyers .bore with his irregular haljils, until finally their-,. '-'patience ' became exhausted, and he was dismissed from their service. He had ' no iv. - become an habitual drunkard. , : . Time rasses away swiftly. Just five i:ars after Robert Stanhope was dismissed from the service iof Bern & Brothers, on a night, the citizens dark and stormy ! dwelling in the i . locality of , were startled by a terrible cry of, murder! An old ' f i .!...-"-.'- - gent leman, bed-riblen and helpless, so tar ns his iimhsi were concerned, had been foully stabbed, and the physician said, could not . live an hour. - - , In the dead hour-of midnightfliis servaiits had been awakened by his cries ; and wishing in, discerned three fig" eiideavoriag to make I heir escNpe, oaie ui' whom they cap tured, mid who proved to be none other than the infamous Harris ;-who confessed to an , attemjt at robbery, but swore that the old gentleman had received his death blow from the hand ofVhis own! nephew, Charles Grove, who, in connection with hhrir, S(if and Robert Stanhope, had uome to rob him. .- I An instant search was at once iii stituted for the fugitives, and Chns. Grove was finally overtaken,1 tried, and found guiltv-oi the murder, of his ojwn'. uncle:-" and in consequence suffered ithe extreme' penalty of the law. ' j '-; . ; ""i1 - .- Jacob Harris was lmnrLsohed for life ; - and when, at length Robert, Stanhope was captured among the -lroken .'machinery on the river side, be '.-was sentenced to closeiimprison- ment,, with hard labor, for a period of t wen city of y years, in a prison near the Mcw York ; and to-dav his heart-oro ken mother bevails the !av u heii he first drew j his breath. Passing through :,V small village the other day, we could not help no ticing a corner grog-shop,; on the signboafd of whiclj was painted a bee-hive. We thought it a fit em blem ; Jor when a. child, we were told to keep away from the bee-hive. ! So we Would say to all : Keep away from thb bee-hive. If you -do not, you are jsure to get stung. Ti' v-nrpfr A t It nunr conni r IiTtlf moment! to" be punctual, but (to'use the words of an eminent theologian. "Our life is made up of little, things." Our attention 'to them is the index of our character, often the; scales by which it is weighed, t'unctualityt requires no undue exertion, and its influence is.a most salutary one. Its cultivation sccnis the more -iinpor1 tant as we witness the deleterious' influence of 'dilatoriness inj habit, the evil effect ,'of which ' none deny. "Better late than never. trans formed jmto "bettej'i never late," is an excellent maxim. Whether we i . i i - i move in the higher, walks of life, orlj tread the quiet paths of humble pur suits, punctuality amply repays us Ibr what: Jittle effort we make inits cultivation. .-'..'! ' Death of the GoVeslnor's Mother, -A telegram received in this city death of ; yesterday .announced the i . : I lie mother of GovZ. B. and 'Gen. R. B. Vance, at the residence of the latter.on the Swanannoa river, in Buncombe county. Mrs. Vance was a very agedMadyj and has.for sev eral months past been declining rap idiv. Indeed, the Governor has sev eral time$ been called from his olficial duties to attend her bedside She died in the full enjoyment of the hope held out by the christian relig ion' of a blessed immortality beyond the grave, aad leaves behincl her the sweet incense of a quietjj devoted christian life. Char. Observer, 5th, Subscribe to the LriDGEii. A STRANGE REUNION, i Among the passengers' on the overdand train bound for San Fran cisco, one day last week, was an ex Governor of the State of Tennessee.- -. - - . . accompanied by his family. At one tjf the small stations en the Central Pacific road, 'a short distaiice this side' of Ogdcn, the train, was board ed by one of the .'gambling sharps that infest the line, on the lookout for victims to fleece,,, by means of the swindling .devices practiced by the' thievish crew. The fellow sue ceeded in robbing one of the pas sengers of the better part of his trav eling capital, ' when .fhe transaction attracted the atte-nf ion of other pas sengers, and some commotion; ejni sued. The-affai.i- not occurring in San Francisco, i here Were no police there to protect: the gambler, and lie was seized and a .fierce demand was made for the .plunder, with a dravv- ing of pistols and thTeats of dire vengeance. In. the -midst .of tho tu mult a lady in the car gave a shriek' and fell into a swoon.. It was the wife of the distinguished gentleman from Tennessee. .The attention of the gambler was drawn to the inci dent, and iiimediately his pistobfell from his hand as if from a stroke of palsy, a;id no staggered backward in a helpless .condition. On recov ering his nerve, the gambler res tored the-rnqney taken from his vic tim and. hastened fcJthe assistance of the lady A mutual recognition ap peared to ensue between the gam blef and the parly, . and the meeting was evidently a sad one. The re maining passengers' in the car per ceived siifiicient to understand that an erring son had -unexpectedly met w ith ' his parents, and that the - car i" i "'.' . . -'I - - - "v was relieve of further swindling at tempts' the remainder of the passage - C i - .... i I. ' I A CARPENTER IN A LION'S " 4: ' . ' DEN. "In ' tho menagerie' at Brussels there .is a lion called Dhnco, whose cage was lately in want of some repairs. , -: .- - .' -. u i . . Ill's keeper desired a- carpenter' to set about it, but when the 'workman came and liaw the lion he started back with, Iciron The keeper jen tered tlie animal's cage, and led him to the upper parti of it, while the lower , was refitting. ' lie there amused; himself for some time play ing with the lion, and being wearied, soon fell .asleep. The. carpenter, fully relying upon the vigilance, of the keeper, pursued his work with rapidity, and when, he- had finished he called him to see, what he had done; Tlie keeper made no answer. Having repeatedly- called! -him vain, he began to, teel alarmed at in his situation, and he determined to go to the upper, part of the cage, and on looking through the railing', he saVv the lion and the keeper sleeping side by " side. lie immediately uttered a loud cry the lion, awakened by the noise, started up! -and stared at the carpenter with an eye of furyV and then placing - his paw on the breast of the keeper, lay down '.'jLo sleep again At length, the keeper was awakened by somelof the atten dants, and he did not, appear in the least apprehensive on accpuntof the situation in which lie found' himself; but shook the,. lion by the paw; and then gently cbnd noted him to his b rm e i resid e n ce. Lepkks: An entire- family in Adair county, according to a Ken- t,uckyspaper, is afflicted with leprosy and its members are pitable to see. Their hair has,come out completely, aud the scalp has the appearance of polished ivory. They have no eye lashes or eye-broWs, and their skin, which is of a scarlet color, peels, off in dry flakes of the size and appearance of afishVs4ales. -They are such hideous objects that they are shunned by everybody, and- yet , th ey d rag out. J year after year a living death, , and '. ! are denied the cQusolation!of dying. GOODS ! Stock of "Goods is now complete ill every Dei artineht. Htul will bc sold at lJOTTO rUIC-; FOU 'CASU, or u pronmt pkyinsr jliiistomerssi t His Stotj'k consists hi part of CASSIMEUES, CLOTIISrL X'OT TONADES. IJNEX HRILLS ; -. ' : 1 ' '' ( ! - ';.?. " . ' ' ' . '.. tor Pants and Suits, l I i i " AFull Line of Domestic T0t bleached and unhleaelwd SHEETING.' rih1A)T CASE Good. , LARK GKXMtOK A. A. '. heavy Sheeting 4-4. lonsdale .QAMliUI'GV ! " J !v " A'Ftill lAnts of ; i '.s M V FIG RED vAND PLAIN r . - I - k LAWNS JL if e !' !. I . . . .' ' Styl. 7- . i . 'H. X !.. -" LINEN FOR TOADIES UlTd M I, I ' ,X. I . - i - am! TRAVEII-IXG PKKSSES. ". . - '. ,- ' I : HAMBURG EDGINGS, Iw every styr froaar 5 eeats- wp.j LINEN T0VFJS and ' CRASH. 1 ' i . '. - MARSEILLES QUILTS, a large lot. "KE.EIS SniRTdaiMt CXIjJntt,w full lineV ;. ! : . ..' ' ;t fv' . ' - ' j ' . ' '-'.- . 'V j"'' ' ILP:S and ZIEGLEIl'S ? band made Shes In every Style, fTr Gei:tlemen7 Lfidies, Misses and Chil dren. Also a large dot of 'other good and popuUi'r laakes of Shoes. : ' McCAULEY'S i is Headquarters for , I .' BACON, LARD and GROCE- RIES, CANVASSED t& SUGAR. CURED II AS on hand all the. .-'.Mi' ! :.I'm - time at iBottora Prices. N. C. HAMS and SIDES at'lOcts. GOOD BROWN. SUGAR at lOcU Cash.. GRANULATED, CUT and .best I5R0WN, SU- LOAF f' GAR at lowest prices. : ; GRITS and- HOMINY always on hand, A- VVfJls ONE OF FfSII. N. jC. ( ;i IT Jl ERR r N G, - MU J .LETS. -T- -i:.V '''-'. : I - Mi--..- I 'JJLUE FISI), &k , ' r - -j ., i v ' ; 1 . - . ' I - -,if TBEST-CUBA MOIASSES and ITJRB ' j HONEY DRIP' SYRUP, ' . '):-. ""-I. !"- - '':' I', j' -V ): . ! '' PURE CIDER VINEGAR and - "' u.; ! - ''.' -X !':'-: i .'.' . f; Fli ESH RICE. i; j .: ' A1 fu.ll Siock of Farmerii Friend Plow's, Points and Holts. lwtj hand. f' ; " ' . ; : j r S WEEDS' Reft ned, . Rod;, Square mi Round Iron on hand, of i ail the dilTer- ent izes at the lowest "calr price. Cpri'ON HOES hi all the latest a rut iiii proved style. ! HORSE and MULE ; SHOES aiid . ' NAILS. ' 'C UT anF FINISHING NAILS ot . - ' -. I i r. eve (iRAIN and GRASS. RLADES. v r - - i - - In fact, everything in the, Hardware liime. : C' 1 - " -; :'' .'. A beauttnil Hue of ;-. ' i ; : j r A ' LADIES' MIS9ES, ami ClflLDRENTJ TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED DATS. jBONSJ RUFFS, CUFFS and COL- ' K t , ' . : RI " LARS in every Style. A full Line of Gentleiaeu and Lidler NECKTIES: b. ' ; H 1 : Gentlemen : and Boys FELT and t AW HATS, in all tlie latent aud newest Stvis- ! ! A full line of Men and Boys' READY MADE" CLOTHING t prices tliat cai not he beat. . ; M UMBRELLAS and PA R ASO i S that beats them all,1 from 15 cents to $3: If yo'u want to save. money,rcoine t MdCAULEY'S, where 'you Wdl mid what you want at prices to suit eyeiy- ( bo()v. " '.' : . f' ' I-'!. i ' Thanking the puMio, for the lilw.-ral patronage fiven me heretofore, t pleil-e f myffelfm the future, a I j have tried to do in. the prist, to treat every body ii;:ln;' and give them's- the worth of. their mopeyi ; very respect mi i.v. i j ' IK MCUAUIiWX. liapel Hill. N. C, May; IS, 878. i h' "- m ' - : ' - ' . r - - ... . , -. . , . ; - . i . - : -X '" .;--'..- ". , - - .-.,!. . '.-, ... r . v.:-;i- .'- j. ,

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