4f V WEEKLY LEDGER. Ocr. P, 1S78. "p-.Vll contracts for advertisements '..n!i be- made with Jos. A. IIakki.s, . . i' i. is.. Otllce oa Franklin Sin, opposite the ftore oU. W. Carr, KM- - "".Ml communications on business i.r.n!,! be addressed to -The Weekly flg-. Chapel Hill, N. C." TivTW ROBERTS, LOCAL EDITOR. , , II YpEL OF ,TIIK C'KOSS. '(Kpiseo- iial): IvCV. mn j. nuMuu. iiuir. Services at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 5 iiVlH'k, r. M., each Sunday. ;1TIST CHURCH: Rev. A. a lixin. pastor. Services every Sun .1 iv at ,11 oYlock, A. M. ami 7 1-2 oYi.M-k-l r. 31. Piayer meeting every Tlnu'stlav iuht at 7 1-2 o'clock. Sun ,j:lv school every Sunday at 1 oelock. ."M. Prot. A. F. Redd, supcrinten- tit' ut. MKTIKHMST CIUTCKH: Rev. J. F. iriitm:iii. pastor. Services at 11 o'clock, A. M., and at 7 1-2 o'clock, 1M.. each Sunday except the third, l'mrer ' meeting. every. Wednesday niht at 7 1-2 o'clock. Sunday school every Sunday at 2 1-2 "o'clock. P. M. Thomas F. Norwood. superintendent. I'll KS 1 I YT K I i I A N CHURCH : Rev. Mr. l'alton. of .High Point, preaches r.t 11 A.M. and? 1-2. P. M. every. ,1th Sunday. Prayer meet ing every week on ."Wednesday night at 7 i-2 o clock. Sunday -school -every Sunday at 2 1-2 o'clock, P. M. Dr. A. 12. Ledonx fguperintoiidenf. TIIK 3IAILS. Mall now close as follows : For Purham, daily, Sunday excepted, 0. A. M. " For Chatham county, once a week Saturday!. 4A. M. The othee opens tor delivery ot mails at 2:30, P. M. " ' A. MICKLE, P. M. ' HOME 3IATTEKS. DOTS : Local advertisements inserted in this column at 10 cents jter line. Fair.. y. ; - Fair week almost. Fair dealings is the game. " Fair we don't think the above is rnnph, quite fair. , ' , Wfulrt that somebody would bring usi pome wood. . . . If ton wish a nice citron, call at ,thc - jxvt oilicei , ' ( People hi the countryjsalt iheir cows well we judge from the butter. Man's greatest enemy any one, who lias no business of his own to lookafter. Man's lest friend any one, vfho, if he lias no business of his own to attend, will go olf into the woods and. hang himself. MVhat doe,s ncc connect ?' asked our Lu'm Prof; My head and shoulders" replied the meek youth. Science has established that in every molecule ol water there arc myriads ot anlmnlculae as Iai'fre us East India ele phants. ! r' f When you are lirtening to the un earthly yells of .a mean baby, nothing will; bring such joy as reading the Leogeu.: 5 . - Prof. Redd, ol the University, will go to Germany at an' early da to 'make lumstdf a finished Chemist. There he will find the gcrro-nian. When von are about to "shuffle oft the mortal coil," and lay down this tenement of clay, don't fail in your last will and testament to mention the printer. If you see your neighbor drunk while at the Fair, don't, for the"; first time in your life, fail to come home and make it your business to tell everybody you see, 'about it. , We called the attention of the City- Fathers to the bad ('condition of some bridges in town we know we did. The bridges arc there yet And so are the holes. But; oh I the commissioners arc nlldeiulr. i 'V The commissioners may say it is none of our business-Un; fact they may say iao?t anything; but, nevertlie'sess, we would like very much to see tkcr streets put in good order, before they wash down to the level of the sea. """' Tliat sewing-machine agent who. fell - out of his e;prt on Franklin Street, has Wcu obliged to quit the business. You tt'C he broke his clicek,(vhat a wonder!) !nd an HgenSTwithout a good cheek can't O'NiyiW.icortfcu cent. ! If you go out at night and hear fen ih'vsajul worthless ciirs, all .barking at t'".' stim? thUe, ilon't get alarmed, or 'lame the dogs; for dogs will bark ttlame tha persons who own these egg thieve;- It the dogs be taxed. lrof. Iiui, of tlie University, has, fin isIiid the analysis of the Carlton io"soa 'e, and. it is rumored that he round Kison. The Prof, received a stomach from Durham this morning;' ho will'be f?m the anal-sU op it at an early dayJ e win iut issue a paper neitt week oa awouut of. the iaii, which We shall aUeitd for the sole purpose of inflating ourselves with such good things as our readers .will find sweet in the intellect "duiouth, at some future, time. W'e "pc our subscribers will excuse us, and xve will not' do so ng:iin until next Fair, unkss wc take a notion to go to Con- The Dim:-: Pai:ti On yesterday evening. tprea!i iier saoie mantle over aweary . i i 5 m tit world, the ring of merry yoiees was .heard upon our .-treets. The hearted throng was wending its "way to the hospitable home of our honored town's-lady, .Mrs. Allan GristJ There tney gave an entertainment, the pro ceeds of whh will be sent to those whom Uod in his wisdom hath seen tit to sorely alllict the yellow fever suf ferers of 'MMuSunuy South.'' The spa cious diimighaiis, which had previously been filled with tables, which groaned beneath their' fkteiirht of ood : .thimrR1: ijr . - o - 7. en and oh ! what a sight uiei me gaze oi inc oewf'uereu sieci-. tator! Evervthing was in the best or der and presided over by well at first we thought they wcro angels, but upon closer inspection -we found them to be yoiing ladies the hext'thingyou know, 16 angels. Very great, interest was manifested by all, e.nec:allv iiv.thn v , - 4 - j students while -at the tables, and of course w hile tJwy ware at the tables the young "ladies showed much interes (In what w.-iy; stranger?) At a late hour the happy -party, d is " i ' f perseti auii.nomewarii went, eacii one feeling that he had finished his errant). The .net proceeds - amounted . to $"5.03.' Thus will he immediately forwarded to the needy ones in the South. This is the woi k of oursolf-sacriiieing, noble women. Wlio is not really to,ex claim Cod bless our Southern woiiicii ! Tliey ilo not content themselves with binding up the broken hearts at hbme!; but they send the fruits of their labor to those who live beyond the bounds oft their physical touch. Jn purity and truth, next to Heaven itself is their ma ternal affection. Their noble hearts, tilled to overflowing, with that philaij throp'o zeal so peculiar to themselves, expand until' they embrace all who need or deserve sympathy. A Southern wo inau! - What act of charity has she failed to perform? -She stretch eth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reachoth fortli her hands to the need'." In the quiet circle around her family altar, or on the battle-field, she is. the same wor tlvy ;object of Heaven's love, and man's adoration. She is but a stepping-stone from a birth of sin into a resurrection in that blissful home beyond; the cares of this eventful life. W'e can only cx claim God bless.- protect, and defend her." for her reward is beyond, and richer than this world's grandest eulogy. Statk Fair. Wc publish the follow ing for the benefit ot our rnairy readers : Special trains will be run on the X. C. 11. II. during Fair week. . . - ! j Trains lor the Fair will leave Hillsboro at 9:23, a. m.; returning, willjleave Kal-eigh-at 5:25, v. M.. and arrive at Hillsboro at 7:24, l. 3t. Round trip tickets inel ud iiig admission to the fair, $1.S0. Will leave Durham at 10:04, A. m.; rc turhiug will leave Raleigh at 5:2", p. m., and arrive at Durham at G:43, r. m. Round trip tickets, including admission to thft'lair, $1.40. . CojirLAiNTS. Xumerous complair.ts are being made at this office, ithat sub scribers are failing to receive their paper. We are very careful in mailing them, and we are satisfied that the fault is not with the post master here. We believe thereire parties who call for tlleir neigh bors' papers' and never deliver thm. Please don't do this. You cause us 'to lose money byj it, and run the risk of being prosecuted yoursel vesJ As friends, wo ask you not to do it. ' j : " :'- - Rkvival. Last Sunday, "wc Avcrc present at Orange church, to attend the protracted meeting. Rev A, XV. Ian gum preached in the morning, and Rev. J. F. Heitman in tlie afternoon. There' was much interest manifested,. and we hope that much good will be done. Wb return our thanks to the good pcopic of, the'vici'nity for manj- favors during the day, and especially to the family of Jas. T. Hutchins, Esqr.1 , ' ' New Advertisement. Read the ad. of Mr. E. II. Wilson in anotiici column. This gentleman needs no notice from ourjieuv- All who know him or. attend the Baptist church, can testily to his merits as a vocalist. All who wish a thorough knowledge of music, will do well to attend his next session, which opens November 1, 1S7S. , BoAUDiNO House Song:-. . , ' The dish that held the beef j went round, The hungry -boys ate on,' ' ! Until a sirn could iiot be found, Of him that grazed the lawn. "We pulled ; for beef may long be torn Ere we can split its grain : The man who chews such beef four years, Can never chew again. Rape. SarriT Patterson, a negro from Durham, has been committed to'jail, charged with rape on the person of one Mary Green; colored. . . Orange Guards. This splendid company celebrated their anniversary on Monday, Oct. 1, at Hillsboro by pa rade, speaking, Ac. . ' There is a certain chemist up North who can convert hay directly into but-. tcr.-ExJ., , Why that is nothing more than a cow cau do. ' . r See local : advertisement Weaver. . . ! of L. J. LS. From experience7 and observat ion. . Boils are unlike anything else. The reason of 'this is boils arc boils and noining.Glse bat boils. Thev are of different sizes V acceding to lootion, and the disposition of the patient. ' We have, seen them on the head of a fretful ba.;y,- and then they were as large as the babv's headl We doiVfc know the rea- son of this,' bat 'suppose the boils be came trotted by the unpardonable squal ling of the baby and grew large just for spite When you have a' .boil if you will lie down and give it tlie most ele vated position on' the bed it will thump for a little 'while, and then if von will only lie still it; will conclude you are a hard case, and go to sleep. But if it thinks you are awake it will make you sensible of the fact that it is living at your expense. Boils are of different shades of color. " Sometimes .they are blood-red, then they are ready for war. But if you ever see one that is not red, and one that docs' not constantly re mind 3 011 ot its exact -position on jour hody, voir may concl ude that it is some thing else and not a boil. Boils are very ,iuuiccommodating. They never "V1V ftliuivllrtrfl nvonf- Vl-lnvn n fVllrr,o clothes fit tightest. The reason of this is, they love tobe cai-esscd. Boils love company, for where one makes its ap Iearance, others lollow and'tlien " thej hold a. convention to decide how long it must be before they break. Boils are ambitious, inasmuch as each one is de termined, to excel all the Others in the Olympic games that is. jump further than any other boil in the assembly. Men love boils, only Avhen tliey belong to somebody jelse. If you want to be considered as having violated the golden ' rule, just hit your neighbor's boil. A man will go out In the woods and "cuss" his boil for a whole half a day ; but if you only strike it caressingly he is mad and ready to knock you down. WrC have known a man to be one hour, after he retired, trying' to find a place in which to fit his boil. Boils and tight shoes do not agree 'on the same foot; the man . wants to gt the shoe off while the boil wants to get the foot off. The Doctors say .that boils are worth five dollars each to the Doctor or. some one else who has not the boil. If you ever have a boil on your nose, I advise you to keep that nose out pf other peo ples business. Men have great respect, for boils. W'e have known many a man who would sit down on his wife's iash-.ionabler-bonnet, or on his cherished i baby; but who ever saw a sane man that would dare to sit down on his boil? Boils are impetuous and very often odoriferous-. -We will stop tor fearsome one has "already said that we have burst ed our boiler. He walked into our oiik-e." -'lookins: as cold and sad as the. interior department of a cemetery in midwinter. We glance up, and, shuddering, waited anxiously to hear what he might say. He turned his haggard face full upon us, and said : ''Is this where you make newspapers and advertise dead folks ?' . : W'e an swered in the affirmative. Then sail be, "1113' wile is .Heart ana 1 want you to give her a notice not that it will do her an' good ; for she is beyoud tl realm ot the rainbow. .But it Will con sole her friends ; for' they will be glad to hearot her even after death,'sincc she was a' good woman the mother of ten sons, '-.whom she brought up together witn two otner nigger Doys. Mie uiti everything about the house and then died. Give her a little notice and tell me, what a marriage license costs in j-our county, and I'll treat you."' We arose from, our scat to but he was gone. One month ago it would have taken only a cart load of sand to have filled tliat hole- near the well now it will take a' cartload, and in one month more there will be at- that place, a young well and next an earthquake. Ye men of' authority,-' lend an attentive ear to the: anneals of vour constituency, and fill up thariiolc. The people and not town, should -be holy, now ar'n't we vjholly right ? . ' . j. She sat in the parlor by the. piano and gazed lazily through the window into the kitchen, where she saw her mother ironing her white tucked, frilled, gored, rufhed dress, She turned aside from the scene, and sweetly sang, "What is home without a mother." ' "Where is your Pa "Gone to the pic-nic at Lemon church," replied ihe bright little miss. LYou see, her Pa had gone to Orange, church, two miles from this place, and the little girl, as most little girls will do, depended too much upon that idea of fruit. The Rev. Dr.-Roe, a minister of the Dutch , Reformed church, from ' New Jersey, will preach in the Presbyterian church on Sundajr next, at 11 A. M., and aga:u at 7 r. m. ' . '; " . . The advertisement of Fresh Fish, by G. W. Barbee, appears in another col umn. These fish are received twice' a week, packed in ice. Send in your or ders. Julian S. Carr, Esqr., has been con fined to his home at Durham, several days from sickness. We are glad - to learn he is convalescing. BOI li:i:soxALS. Misses' Eulie E. Linns- ford and Bettie C. Laws are the guests of Prof. Mangum. Rev. " Joseph B Cheshim and lad, Di Mallet t's. have their home at Miss Katie Miami ton, of Hillsboro, is the guest of Miss Emma Graves ' - . 1 - r. - -- r Miss Cornie Phillips is vi?itiug Lei rel atives at tins place wi.ijK. 3irs. viian unsr i proposes opening one of her spacious dining halls for the reception of' a club ofj students. She promises superior cooking. For further particulars, address Mrs. Allan Gkist. Choice Bekf akd Mutton. W'e will have on hand and wall furnish to order three times per week,! Tuesday, ThursAlav ami Sitturdav, - choice beef and us.' mutton. Leave your orders with Greet, & Henderson. 1 I would call the attention jof the la dies; jto my superior stock ; of beautiful prints which I am Selling at five and seven cents, j I will -warrant that theyf will iiot fculei Call and seeme. L. J: Weave r. X2-'n.'loIj2:lxt 3X.x-lcets. COTTON MARKET : Reported officially for -; Traded Raleigh,. N. C. Middling, Strict Low Middling, Low Middling, 1 tlie Board of 9, 1S7S. 9 3-8 91-4 9-1-8 Oct! Strict Good Ordinarj', Good. Ordmarjy Ordinaiy, Lov Middling Stains;; Old Good Ordinary St Tone of Market uns, j Quiet : receipts bales. 1 ' CITV MARlvET- ;:; - r Corrected by the -WHOLESALE CASH ICES. '; Official Reporter, lor I Grocers - j Cotton Exchanjie. Raleih, N. C, Oct. 9, 1978. COTTON TIES, new 41-2 j- , spliced, 1 3 3-4 BAGGING, I 12 a 131-2 FLOUR, North Carolina, ' ; $3.00 a 5.25 Pataisco Family. 7.50 CORN, ; i 05, CORN MEAL, 70 1 BACON, N.O. lloir round. 10 " " Hams. BULK MEAT, clear rib sides, " shouldi-s. 13 7 (i Ca7 10 NORTH CAROLINA Pork, LARD, fortli Carolina, : Western, 9 COFFEE, prime, i4 - good, SYRUP, S. II., Ri o. 19 j '- 38 - . 27 i 35 1.(55 10 MOLASSES? Cuba. SALT, Liverpooli fine SUGAR, white, I '. Vellow, 8 1-2 i 20 a 27 1-2 LEATHER, red sole. , " tanned, ; 40 TALLOW,. '." I POTATOES, sweet, per bush. :'"7 00 75 OATS, shelled, EGGS. v BUTTER. V : 'j i ' U '45 20 ';- r.-'- .20 . ! '! 20 . Il-2a2 SPRING CHICKENS, RAGS, p Above' prices are for larrre lots, when smaller quantities are wanted higher prices wj.ll be charged.;, -.,-': ; 01iaiel XII11 Mtxx-lcts. 7 Reported by J. W. Carr. j CiiArEi Flouiy ' v -Lanl, , Butter, Eggs ' Chickans.' Bacon, (N. C.) IIili N. C, Oct. 11. i; 5.50aG.00 Hal 2 1-2 25 12 1-2 - . .7; '- 715 10 Meal. Corn, Wheat, Oats Irish Potatoes, 05 00! 1.00 50 50 40 Sweet Potatoes, Seed Cotton, Lint Cotton,. 3 9 1-2 BLACK WELL'S DURHAM Ware- - ' HOUSE. MAK.KJKX' REPORT Common Bright Lugs, Medium " " $3.00a5.00 4.00a6.00 Good , Fine Extra vT.OOalO.OO u - (4 it , 12.00al5.00 18.00a22.0O Common Brigh Mcdimn , Good w Fine : u Extra. ' Fillers, 4.00a5.00 5,00a.00 7.C0aS.50 9.00al0.50 11.00al4.00 it Common Bright Wrappers 8.00al0.00 11.00al8.00 20.00a35.00 Medium 4 Good' Fine none Fancy " on. market. 1 -! ! ; Receipts by wagon continue light, mostly of inferior a ud nondescript chor- acter which sells low, nne.iots,oi;sounu eolorv stock sold hisrh. I New Bright Wranners (welt- cured) . would bring good prices; but common grades of New would not pay. j , E.J. 1'ARISII. JLXjrIIVX PROD U VJi MARKET. Bacon, N. C. (hog round) 5 9 71-2 Bulk sides. Li. shoulders 61-2 . f 10 16.00al6.48 17.00al7.'50 -f. 1.S0 1.75 7 60 10 10 Bacon Pork, Mess ' Rump Salt Lime Corn, new, Lard, country, " Northern, Meal, 00 5.25a6.00 1 Flour per-ibbl, Syrup 60a8C Oats ". , Esrjrs BlackStrap " V . ' 30 15 20 Beeswax , Chickens 121-2 Butter 15a20 2a31-8 Seed Cotton (81-2 ' 8 (71-2 434 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - r- ' .1 - -. -, i - SCHOOL OF VOCAL MUSIC. The 13th Session of my School for, preparing . Teachers of voeiil Music, will begin the 1st day of November, 878. and coi din ucJsix weeks! , Tci'ms $00 in advance. ; ."l f Board, Washiiig: Fuet, Lights arid Text-books f urnished.. V For further par--ticularsv address ;! - ' E. ML WILSON. octl2-3t 5. Chanel Hill, ;N. C. Jj R E S II F I S II . . '- f ' 1' - .. . I wish to give notice to the people of Chapel Hill, that I wiii have! every; WTedneslay -and Saturday morn- oct 52t v - G. Wi BARBEE. 0 VICE 7. I have just opened, opposite the upper Campus-:gate. a fine lot of i SHOE and HOOT UPPERS and FRONTS, and I am prepared to complete thein in the LATEST STYLE and On the most reasonable terms. ; My Stock is excellefit, and my work shall compare with anr ijf the. State Give me a call and "satisfy yourselves. J Very respectfully, . ' r sep l4 XV. J. NEWTON. llie .L ARGEST STOCK, of Paints, Oils, &c, In the County, at Barbee's Drug Store. O P ERSON ' HARRIS, , ; and r:v , i . ': ( Pharmacists. In 'addition to our well-selected stock ot DRUGS, M EDICINES, . &c, we are adding a Co 111 1 I o to S toek '. ; of the UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS; and Students furnishing goods, such as BLANK BOOKS, PENCILS, BRUSHES, , j )OjUBS, TOILET SOAPS, Fine Chewing and Smoking To- .. ' -.. . baccos and Cigars. , V' Confectioneries, Lamps, . Oils, Canned .Goods, , Crackers, fcc., &c. ""Prescriptions accurately com- I pou ndett at all liours ot . tnp , uay or nijrht. j 183G 1878 W - - CAR R DEALER IN DRY GOODS,! NOTIONS BOOTS and SHOE& .1 Line ol BLEACHED & UNBLEACHE1 1 ' : DOMESTICS, ' LADIES TIES, RUFFS, HAMBURG EDGINGS, &c f IV A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES, - 7 HARDWARE, CROCKERY, v GLASSWARE, TIN WARE, LOOKING-GLASSES, SNUFF & TOBACCO. Kerofson Oil, Iron faiicl 7- " , ' j IVrtils, Oottoia X3Lo I am still selliiisr the :' KENT U C K Y P L O W. This nlow stands unrivaled. It never chokes ; pulls easy, turns all soil ; in fact it suits our farmers better than any other plow now in use T amaerent this season for the CHAPPELL j PACIFIC, AND ' STAR GUANOS. v. Thanking my many friends for their past favors, l ,wouiu pe pieasea to see them at all times arid will sell all my j large and varied stock of goods at the very bottom price, f ? , ' J. W. CARR. Chapel Hill, April 1G, 1878. 7 a pi 18-iy .-, : - .: 7 .-: ; 1 ww Q 5t.., r ' " Q.f J S CO. - H v g g!". 3 1 1 g" , . mi t q s 7 7 ; ' r I . I t a- A U 0 A 1875 ! LOOK OUT FOR S Ofiotvi Cash 8toro. 1 CUAPEL HILT, - u C. , ! ALL GOODS SOLD TO SUIT THE TIMES: Such as 1 DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, 7 CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS 7! '-.-: HARDWARE, CROCKERY, WOOD and WILLOW-WARE. i " . ! I' Shoes n. Spoolaltjr r s $7.00 Shoes for $6;00J Fresh Goods coming in every few days.! Walk in and examine for yourself, 7 7 and if the. Goods and Prices don't. j suit, yon need not buy. Yours, truly, L. J. WEAVER. putty and Window I GLASS in large quantities, at low figures, at BARBEE'S DRUG STORK Barbe keeps a POLISHING POWDER "-' ; . . ' . -A I t that is not a Chemical Compound, but a - . ' i i :.!.'! product direct from nature'a Laboratory. I- . - -i .1 - : i fc c,1al118 nothing injurious arfdgifes a i beautiful lustre to Gold, Silver and Plated Ware. It 1 also brlghun and cleans Tin and Britannia Ware In a - ' " i. : , most pleasing manner. Try It, house- keepers. Only Go to BarUeey Irug ! Store if you want MedicineJ or Prescriptions com- 'I 1 1 - - 1 pounded. 25 cents. ? i K J ! a 4t Mi l 7,;v,7i

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