"IsUBSCKlPTIOS" "RATES : I The WEEKLY LEDGER la furnished A subscribers at one. dollar and fifty cents per copy per annum, invariably in advance. . , . . Uin?ntbAoneloJJarj nil ;w fleven copies, one year, fifteen dollars. -....-ntr-ttvo copies, one year, tnirti A " 1 "V - ; - . dollars, r - . fh?J If orders to -The WEEKLY JJEDGEB7 Chapel Hill, N C. tf "NEW GOODS I. U McCAUL.EY'8 ; cL.e iof Goods la now complete In every Department, and will be sold at ! ' ' i : ' BOTTOM PRICES FOB CASH, Or h" - ,r - - -l - jus MOCK cuiisisui in jMik ui a r) CASSIMERES, CLOTHS; COT TOKADKS. LINKN DRILLS ! 1 r v i j A Full Line of Domestic 10-4 bleached .nd unbleached SHEETING. PILLOW CASE OowlfUr liAKJCGJiOGK .A. HBAVTY SHEETING 4-4. LOXSDALE CAMBRIC A Full IJneof . I FIGURED AND PLAIN IiAWNSr-:l! Dress Goods Kvery f f and TRAVELLING DRESSES. HAMBURG EDGINGS, In iery style I from 5 cents LINEK TOWEIand k ' CBASQt ..1 MARSEILLES QUILTS, a large lot. "KEEPS SHIRTS and COLLARS," a fall line. 7 MILES ' AJp ZIEGLEIVS hind inuule Shoes in- every Style, for Gentlemen, Lades, Misses and Chil drtn.f' AIso a targe jloC'of 'other good and popular makes Of Shoes. McCAU LEX'S . !. : U Headquarters for BACON. XARD and GROCE RIES, CAJJYASSEE) fc SUGAR J CURED HAMS on hand all the J " ' i ' i t ' ' ' time at Bott6nl Prices. N. C. HAMS and SIDES at lOcts. GOOD BR0Vn SUGAR at lOcU Cash. GRANULATED, ; CUT LOAF and best BROWN SU- i - . GAR at lowest prices. GRITS and HOMINY always on hand; A FULL LINE OF FISH. N. C. ; CUT 'HERRING,nJLLET3 V - BLUE FISU, &c. j 'Ill wrt'.'J ot j'ti'-.l f" ni BEST CUBA MOLASSES and PURE HONEY DRIP SY:RUP. . PURE CIDER VINEGAR ad j FRESH RICE. 7 j j; :( A full Stock of Farmer's Friend Plow, Points and Bolts; always on hand. . i.l r i -? 'i SWEEDS Refined, Rod, Square and Bound Iron on hd, of all the differ ent sizes t tbe lowest cash nrice. COTTON HOES'Iri all the latest and haprovetl styles. . ' HORSE and MULE SHOES and CUT anil FINISHING NAILS ot GRAIN ami GRASS BLADES. - Ia fact, everything, in the Hani ware A beautiful line of ladies1; misses, and children's TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED ,JUATS-r 1 GIBBONS. RUFFS, CUFFS and COL- ! : LARS In every Style, j . A full Line of Gentlemen and Ijadles aKCKTlES. . , I Gentlmin an.l Rati1 FELT ' and 8TRAW JIATS,, In all the latest anl newest Stvlea. M line of Men and Boys' READY MADE CLOTHING at prices that can- v UMBRELLAS an PARASOLS that eats themalL from 15 cento to 3 you want to save money, come to HcCAULKVs, 'where ro will find JJJt you want at prices to suit evcry- ' loaukhiff tha nnhlh for the liberal . Pronage given me heretofore I pledge V Re If In th. no r Haw trtorl tf the past, to treat everybody right nd give them .Hie worth .of their ney. VcrV respectfully. ' r D. McCAULEY. pel UU1, N. O, May 18, 1878. VQLIV I'M' CHAKEL HOME PLEASANT. BT MRS. It. A. KIUDKK. For their sake, your sons ami daughters. Wit. IxMiktu to you, their parents,1 . .Make home pleasant! .1 ' Let them haw no cause fo aiider, "' ..Or to liucer Where Sin beckons with her read', xcmpung nnger I i - i m m L inougupu inar nQt pet and pamper i J Let home firelight shed its glory a m . , mesi retuigeiiL'o: As' your heart yes irns for the comfort reasures. JJo tlielf young, blood, running riot, .' Yearns tor pleasures! Give them therewith prudence tempered lowers oi oea u : y, buch as once you plucked in youthtiine ; -. "lis your duty: f Starve them not on folly's diet, ..' ; , Evanescent; , Yet be careful with your license ' Make home pleasant ! i . ; Written for the Chapel Hill Ledger. Bf MISS E. K. H. "Stilnessof summer' nbpntide over hill, and deep ' embowering wood and rock, and stream, spread forth her downy pinions,' scattering sleep upon the drooping eyelids of the air." No sound broke the dreamy si lence of the soft, balmy day; but sud denly a bright happy voice rang out merrily: ' '."Come to the woods in June, Tis happiness to rove, When nature's lyres are all in tune, And life all full of love." ; Beneath a wide spreading oak, in a pleasant' yard, in all the careless grace of youth, reclined a young girl. just budding into womanhood. By her side lay an open volume of Ten- nyson, and through the leaves of tbe lofty oak fell the , sunshine, flecking n'ef .bairjwiih. fiQldenJigh by'was a large house, which stood upon an eminence, at the foot of which ran a river, lazily winding its way over the hills and through the meadows. The yard was green with grass, smoothly cut, while the flowers seem springing up at almost every step. The tall oaks, quivering aspens, and dark fir trees gave new beauty to the scene. ' Down the pathway came quickly, another girl, seeking her friend, - whose merry song had revealed her retreat MNellie,w exclaimed the new-comer with; an expression of amusement, "I declare you are a perfect Epicure, talrtnrr nrt thonfht for to-morrow. I - -"-O " .1" 1 believe you are always giaa in the gay sunshine." "Mary ,n exclaimed Nellie, startled out of a pleasant reverie, "you sur- nri mfi. I was iust building a most charming air-castle, and lo! now it 'has vanished into thin air How beautiful is the summer! How could one be unhappy, when all na ture seems smilingly thankful for her beauty? Yes, I guess i I must be a 'lily of the field,' toiling not nor spinning, thinking of no future or past, but rejoicing in the present. Nellie's merry ;'blu eyes looked up laughingly 1 at, Mary, who stood, leaning against, the tree, smiling at the enthusiasm of her friend. "Perhaps yon are right," replied Mary, "still.it is hard to dream; only to bo rudel awakened, and you know we must all sooner or later test'for ourselves life's realities." MaryUaughed- Nellie, "remem ber, 'sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof so don't let's borrow trouble, but be happy while we can." "But I forgot to -tell you the news," said Mary, ' "two gentle men have come home with Lee, col lege chums bf his; so quit dreaming, and hurry to the bouse. I want you to look your very prettiest. I heard Mother tell Papa' this morning that Mr. Green" was such a nice young man. I have quite a curiosity to meet dear old Lee's great friend, Robin Fuller, I know you, will catcb him,"-and Mary looked lovingly into Nellie's sweet face. ' xru; ornofl reluctantly, and cast- ing a lingering look upon her pleas- JbillX, H. P., SATURDA Y, 3STQ ant retreat, she walled toward the house, savinsr to Ma. ary as she went: "I am glad Lee has r returned, , for he and. I used to. agree famously. But as for the r otherjjtwo, ! wish I they had staid away. I don't want any- men coming- Here, disturbing our peace; As for Mri Fuller. Marv. vou are welcomed hint: ; T I " T 1 . " 1 can' imagine him easy . enough., some conceited fellow,Jwlio i ieels this im portance." No more comfort'for ns but we6hall have to", be wdrneiF by play ing. the agreeable tt persons whom we shall not like.' ; ,.p :rj$ Mrs. Lawrence met them at the door with; . ' - M 'Rnn right up stairs and dress for uinner. 4 x ne gentlemen have -come Nowgdon't keep us waiting.".;, , Nellie Holt was a guest and schoolmate of Mary Lawrence's. Nellie, . . warm-heart ed, outspoken generous and impulsive, was full oi strange contradictions. , Slie. was merry and gay, arid ;heV' blue eyes full of mischief and Her face bad ; caught a new charm lately, for over her girlish brow was stealing the feanctity of woman's des tiny. Her figure was rounded in all the symmetry of youth, and her heart was full of yearnings and vague ideals of the "beautiful beyond.". , Jtfary Lawrence was. not pretty; yet her soft grey, eyes, when lighted up by animation, .lent a charm to a face, whose sweet expression won many kind" friends. She was not sentimental, and often grew quite eloquent, when speaking of the dese oration of love, by modem lair ones making a jest of such a noble feel mg. She had high ideas of woman- in the cause t1 firt ot5nffliirjuary T to flirts and air last; girls. She be lieved in the modesty of our moth ers, and declared that men ought to bp made better, not worse, by asso ciation with women. While Nellie was dressing, Mary stood quietly by and watcliedhcr friend's fresh young face. 1 here was something so blithe, so free from care, in the expression, that Mary sighed half involuntarily, feel ing in her heart? that "beauty is an i ... " af if open letter oi recommenaauon. Nellie looked 'cnarmmg in ner - - '. 1 white dress, with no ornament save a half blown, rose, which nestled in her bonny brown hair. Mary was "nice looking" in a cool lawn, with cherry colored ribbons, but she could never give herself an air of attractive, unconscious loveli ness, which seemed Nellie's own by riiht of nature's kindness. "Hurry up Nellie," said Mary, 'there's the dinner-bell." "Mary," replied Nellie, "I have a nroBAntimflnt of COminiT ill. But of course, I know yon think it is sheer nonsense." , As they, entered the dining-room, Lee Lawrence came forward, to in troduce his friends and greet bis sister and Nellie. "Well, Mary," said Lee, after they were all seated, "we have all three come here for a glorious time, and you and Miss Nellie must exert your selves to entertain ns." "Lee. : do be5 more gallant," spoke od Mr. Green, "and say we are ready 4-n. nlonO All raelvea at the service of J 1MW v - the ladies." 1 Ta . means' that we are sure of beinir pleased, and takes it for grant ed that it is known that it is a pleas ure to obey ladies," and Mr. Poller's sarcastic smile curved his lips, while uttering a sentiment he did not feel. Mr. Green, wbo sat j near Nellie, had an openr winning countenance, and .his very presence seemed to say "away with melancholy." His blue eyes could laugh with fwny or grow deep and earnest with thought. Opposite Mary, Mr. Fuller sat, whose handsome face was peculiarly striking. There was about him such a sense of reserved power; of deter- niriation, of self-repression, in word, in look, and act. His dark hair was ami ueuitj vsrvieosiy irom bis VUOUgnt I ' " iU, u, uu U, aa rami oi dilatingjand cntiingwWch gave tt& lialf jesting. ; ball earnest' tone , . . - . in ma naiure oe- tween sincerity and decit, doubt and belief. He Was at that neriod of life. when hopes , of "not, being made as ' wipi, ouu u reams oi , waiKing on celestial heighu form a part of oarjcieaiity v-;r v;;. - - r - r V These four people had; met; , and never agaAi obld tberee tbe same m, 4.-'.. , ... ' ' . tcui.Miu iui,ivr inuuences were weal ot woeJall their lireal tte ayof: June had passed by qnibkly v v v wings on me river, and .croquet-parties. 1 he- warm weather of July and August kept the young folks more closely- at home, but still there were al ways sources of amusement. . naa oioomea out into 1 a brighterraycrgirltid often snatclie of,ye a,,g8?fe11 trom her lip for by her sSdef Kobtn Menwd to linger wlloMSD swaa puxwca at himself, Vas tbe Summer went by. His theory was, "Beauty strikes the eye, ouy raeni wins ine sow." jjo, 1 while feeling Nellie's fascination as oniy sucn lovers 01 oeauiy can leei, ne resolute y devoted hitpelf to Mary. He told himself over and over that Mary was wnat ne neeiea, lor ner womanly character made him ad- mire ber. -Yet he felt a jealous pang whenever he :,saw how entirely charmed George Green was with I J - - - . ... .! s .-. 1 a CHIC 1 I " September had come, ancl Nellie . it ti,of t. iA..f - ha ,ia r raatiooa tin-1 quiet. She liked George thoroughly, and met him with such friendly kindness, that he might have felt how 1 . . -fi .. . ' ' ' itlle her heart had to give him of unfold, the stronger grew his inter ove. But when by chance Robin's est m her. and the less nleasure he eyes met hers, a strange thrill 01 pleasant pain shot through her, and a flush rose to her face. ' One evening, she stole quietly to her old retreat. Only two short months or more, she7 had sought this place, to build air-castles, and -enjoy the delights of Summer. Now, to night, she came, to bold communion with herself in bitterness of spirit. She knew, past all r doubting, her heart was Robin's, and she felt humbled to feel it was given un- soujzbt. " While she was thinking so bitterly, she heard approaching footsteps ; looking up, she beheld George Green. He came and stood by her, watching the slowly gathering shadows of twilight. "Well, Miss Nellie, we have bad a pleasant Summer; "How quickly the days have past ! I came here gladly, and leave with, sadness." ' fYea," sighed Nellie, tbe Summer has.nearly gone, witb'Sts. pleasures to be.forgotten never f ; I wish some times pleasant days would never end.1 "I don't know if it were best," re plied George, "for the line ol pain must run parallel with that of joy. We could not love tbe lights of life, if there were no shadows, to bring out their beauties. Besides the mere fact that such moments as these are fleeting, few, and soon gone, gives them a mournful charm. Then when the pleasures are' dead, one can bring them back by memory's magic wand, leaving out' all that made tbem less beautiful, and touching tbem with a glow riot of earth." ! Then there was 1 long silence. Greorge was thinking of the fair girl at his side ; he knew he loved ber ; yetr with a future to make, he felt be had no right to woo her. . r Nellie, too, was lost m deep thonght. There was avague onrest of mind and a bitter stirring of heart, and she was wondering why life, which was so full of promise V. 2. 1878 , :(- only a short time since, now seemed such a shallow, things s ; . wanv you, alias iMellie, 10 H MY - a - f m ' -. member.n abrtinttv r.-M n "that I;rf more rihan a. Summer I dear von t . : - .s 1 w j' MWlf .BVUICUlUe i hope to ask for- more than shib: how much I r -(,. terposed Nellie. som thinoi nr oest left unsaid. We are friend, and I. shall not fort. vn, I - . f- jw trwu. - But donVbbperTlbrlntmngs sld regrets. ) Iemember that if tbui gumer aiea ajioer U cfea pi i tiaps, Xraught with happiness for us l 'Sotavinff she left Georm otit tin drj the sura, rtjtry ng hard o.fape i fas irouoies wtto maniy courage , As Nellie approached the house, she saw Robin and Mary out on the porch in learnest conversation. and. as she : passed them, she heard Iob in's musical voice, declaring 5 Nay, Mary, why will you doubt me T X love you as a true ; woman ahould be loved ;" and Nellie ibeard oa mor i She went up to hen room,, ipd fellinff by : the window; she maved for strenith to bear herself fikw v; and to teach herself the lesson of forgetfulness. j When Mary: came up, smiling jujd happy, to tell Nellie what a blessing Summer had . brouffht. Nellie list: ened : Undly I w all the storV Kobin's love; What strange creatures men are! How soon the rest, iwhich thev showed ini pursuit, dies out. WliPn .. . f .-rr- the object is won. 1 axvw. Awuui uetievcu inveu -. AT 1 ! : t , 1 t Mary' but when 1 he had succeeded in m-- 1 ..... Alincr in his ardof -Besides the more he was thrown with . Nellie, who tried to meet bim frankly, the more he saw her beauties of mind experienced With Mary. ' He cursed himself for his .. folly, and thought with regret of Nellie's winsome ways. 'V, . ' : ' Nellie was loyal and true, but a natural desire to please, beside a strong, irresistible attraction to Robin, made her forgetful of Mary. Robin felt that Nellie was becoming for-him the one woman of -all the world, i .-.v;f';- ' "We count time by heart-throbs," and now how long it seemed, since he had known and ' loved : Nellie ! "Every moment lightly shaken ran itself in golden sands," Ah ine! Love is ever busy with his shuttle, weaving into lifes dark warp, bright, gorgeous flowers ; and Arcadian scenes. 'Love is" ever hanging our gloomy prison house with tapestries, that make its walls dilate in never Mary Iwrence ibad xpven her love, her all, arid now' that she felt Robin no longer cared for her, the whole happy tide of feeling came back to ber: heart, bringing waters as bitter as those of Marah, arid turning all her past to pain I Here after she may learn to love some one else, but never with that entire self-devotion 'which made Heaven itself seem to descend In lo ve. Her Summer has changed her life, arid her heart is like "s weet bells jangled, out of tone. 2 ' " ' 4 The lait &t'6t pumber: had dawned; and on to-morrpwv the party would separate, probably never to meet again. A sadness settled over all, , for meinory was busy, holding up to each the-recollections of the Summer now gone. George bad bidden farewell to Nellie, and had gone irp to . his room, saying to himself, a he looked upon the quiet beauty of the scene beneath, bathed in I moori-h'ght : "To every ; one cometh pain. Am I not better for loving ? Not. every, blossom ripens into fruit. . I feel that THEJTEEKLY LEDGER." OFFICE PN; R ANKLIX STREETf , , J OPPOSITE THE BTdRE 'OF J, W. AltT CARR,:Esq ,v y , . : ' . ' One sqllare one insertion, one 'dollar, Qi square each subsequent inserUom ' ' ' -.flay cents ..jX, ,ur ; ,'tJ.: " 17' Special contfacts made ifor larger adver- tlsementa M v p. . - ,,','- Advertisements should be " sent in by,. f ' Thursday before each day of Issue, . ; -' ' t : "t "p- -(t i It Is beiU nave loved and lost'';" -'rThan never to have loved at-Blb!-. ' lJ 1 Mary'lwrenrtbcMwas ofTb' bersilf, AtnUi;brMVMibleh ha some to her, and her heart ached to rememoer ivsnappji throbs, to short awbllessa ACiJ .Oh ! sweet Iltcilonaf the brain, and sudden tbrilfo erf fire and frost .... - While ye remain with us, how bright i is the world I When ye leave,' bbW dark; and dead, .:;-p' - ''Town tUlrt Iatliefs4irdyinij"V S&mer, inlhV; Blood iltobin-iuxd ; NeUiev taking farewell fxf fiemmeri , which bow seemed swift a a shadonr, ' bigbt-iu:a' dttsm. ji f ..ivv-v' nwr ;$sm ' gbe,;, and' do '705' Icnbvf witn its flight jl havojost myilpart ?,;,:j' Indeed 'I lore ytm;)otneield yourself to me. t My hopes and yours are one.1 ' Lay your sweet bands id mine, and trust me," and' iMbio. comes nearer in rfgef hlisteTTOItfXJp the Jndus HtU'b him away with -a assidnate f gesture, "ii seems you iove to cneai your " 1 If with' words! YVnb'tf'loye me. Have yoa forgbtteri Vbut vbwi Zi; How can I beltVybtf t v to Pray be more consistent. 4 -1 cari nbtfi ' I nay, most pot listen , . to you," sayg ' 1 1 Nellie, , .tremulously , moving . a way, t from hifn, v ' r;M ;f "... ? Nellie," exclaims Ilobin r pavsion e(y;'wV.n4J ;fi bring.lbe dropping ftpwer.of. JknowL', f edge, chaqged , to fruit of ? jisdpm Vyait, dearest, my ; iitb i& Iaf ge ifl t , Time, and that which ;sbapest KO some perfect entLQayliwtJO&1iL "It is not right forme lo.hear such.' ; words,'? sadly answers Nellie.'for. ,f you have proved yourself both , fitfse, ;PWe M )97 79fi mof. not trust you" rioTmc iif stone in the arch of lo ve,.' which . It its rainbow beauty spans thus, worJq (),. of ours." . . ; '. ' ' f The passionate flush had died out t r from Robin's face, .tod with-bvwe4 . head he listened to ' Nellie's iwords. : i ' K "G6 forth, Robin, and learn ; that: A to : be tender . and limef ; loyal and v'.i good, is worth all else.? . .Coming to J.t ward him the took bis hands, sayin .') softl-f: - r l V Ji . i-,!f.fj. i iy this, belovsd of me,7 ' j -nu, .':;:'( When from my dead heart SouUiera t ,( i roses snrin sr. . '" i ' r ' ; .;"'' The whole year ronnd, where bes mud i mocK-Diru sing 1 1 j'l-'if 1 Their lorf tweet j ublleej' LJlliL ' Sav this: Through llfe4 strange day , Of" joy and sorrow, studying to be truei With Weeding reet sterp uuy to pursue,..,, v She kept one hcarU om voir. " ' " " With one bacxwaragiaoceoi pity ing love, Nellie left poor Robin, who. ' ' to truth and loyalty, to love ana trust, had proved so reereariu' , Oh Summer' days, so wonderful and ' white! ' ' v,-f-.itf " : So rail of gladness and ef pain. Forever aud forever shall ye j . . To some the gravr-stone'of a dead . delisbf: -r v-r ' .rxr?f? To some thet landmark pf a hew-doaialiir HUUboreugn, N. C. 4; A i . ;rVestlBi Is Kt It attjaf fetqule indeibr sir years. -Outbreak aiw few and far between sHhat next pre ceding '1872 was in which overwhebried the village Cercelo, the stream of lava flowing ten miles Between 79 and Wohlyforty-nlne serious eruptions1 are 1 believed! to" have pceartid and dorroghe early ! part of this xnt,nry 1 oref bad i been so Inactive a toXjIIy Sir Gharlea Coldstream's" remark, ' that there's nothiog in it'.w -The som-'; rait had become in- appearance , a , rocky' serface, pierced ? byj ' fisf oresv . whence vaporr escaped; In October, 1822, a violent eiuption carried awajr;; more than 300. square fee leavlrig ri! vast chasm miles in' cireumfeferioe; j Tho eruption that f oysrwhelriied Pompeii was in 79. The amount of matter erected is enormous, that, sent forth in 1737 being over 33,580,000 cubic feet. " : ' - : :' ." Mr. Moody's. Somday eyenirtg B1-; ble readings at his home in North' field, are very successful His large house is usually filled to overflo wing; r 4 1, i V A 4 ! ... .l4.v i , 4: : '