: : ! ; r.-.. . ! Tl , . . . " T"" .. ' . i ... ; ii i .. v . . ,. ... i ; ; ' . ', '' v.'V: I .',''". n. ; .! : r "; ' : "it '' '' i ' jl r r if; i t I t I f j ! I j ' . i -1 ' ;, , . ! ; ' . ' . - . - !--"" i - - .' ; . . ' ' . i ' v y ; ; .... I '." '..'' ' " : .- -. -, . . i:".'.1 " ..... ..." . : 1 -.-V -..3111 r.'r :-?r' L - : - I . i ,' Ui ....! '! .1 ;! .1 i 'A t tyi . t a , - f v r; . . . . ; . . . .. tt.i ; -i-w.-. ..." t i 1 bxiraci iivm i5u,!'ij i ;ii'ev ffbe seed tjofc it?m every hitman ronilti5laUn it, it$d manv w&rds: outwhJ does not Jeer .jday, OAUthfcf Saturday. - - - - - Nov. 'loe.l i;,:,! ftt rihanpl TTiiiVa UiiiVcr8ity - - - . - . , f -. . A. ' - MM.T, . . 41v uiuu Jlisoe. uirtign wny wwvaucw, lln wnv nn rpftrj ;V - - 1. OV. I N , . . . m ZUZidiU i?fWlo' nqt divine, la no It ? ... - . --i-ji i . . 'i 1 IT ! ii m mt t in Innnnrfl i nrt f ' I I 1 ' . - y 1 1 1 T i i a 4Tm irtr BTTsubsfrlDtioiis must be paw in nn .waa aue uunciwij . its existence,-w no ioe,-nQi aumuwu gutiuu, ", h"- i frFromviY. AVorlil, Oct., 2Stli. &KME&PQUS BURGLAKY. One of the rnbstjdaring aqd suc essfully ; accoMiplished burglaries e vudon? in j thiSv aiy ; was commit tbT vPiiMlav morninir in broad aay- V J T J t- . T I Oir, if trWall micbnsciotis.Wtfght cn the Manhattan bavmgs. in-1 ";f Tia northeast corner ui ranee. o o t- ... .r '.: 'ii,U,VkAVinf'nf rui-'Ao u.v'rirt R ftftker, street ine i..nAo:i:i:,u.i.-eiitinfy A&iudircsl litufirlars.fihtained the keys. . -.tnfrWiufJ.the uroceedings were awirBw.K j - u: aVe ioddv to &o rtthei ,beicii ati bank doors, ana tne ey ujiuivv.wm. int aniinrp. our ni!tenioii. - ei.w 1 l . t.i nbtmrr i . CT T , m rrirr lif RAtES'OP At) VKR'lIS ING1 c r.M-4 yftj b!ore -tliai date? nd it not a ceiiteimiarthen why anything ? "Bjit IfKlftTCT r jiaucu k - . . . J wm u t Dw 'in i iir: t iiiv vivivi " - Tfeotives.'4 itiey nrrviien"-1 iijiiwjr beyond, and keep surveillance of sp- cifetvrnakrnlTO Ulh the-lavinsJ of the corner- hwtSvett TheyerttWJhpr!y onlre-'lite buifdingtedvhftiiitersi fThey .iriblieltbiH y of iTn. ..v.,u ' r V:: , sani arx, reaulajianA.-QtU eir. .own, day ot vctooer; ii. . - - nci i,ia-,n fact ,s j,at they are cen- Tic,6bjct.t1ibTruste8.a'to every 'ftmaa -elvd anrroi)orlunity' tor reviewing r.;i:i :r.T-,i . . . . 4- .. . mill vltritiI'heirr6V8 his iiinrciiice.Tbt- ky to the bankrdopfs.i? 1 here- is fip)iu&! from .a wroyg native, uptll h tontrary. phall be tuade toxpear. Abstain IVouvthis evil pf censorious- f 1-1 nper,; or tending 'o 'jfr J'O vtrsif ic ill ik oriotemtfuf-touiv t - t nvha nave passea jrum no(uviniv arnoimt-.or virtuous niuignanou uu -TTVr; eV, J -r Vn l-n-fheirfn;ade8rAraoni''the arty? 1)efiitTrikc6idif V'lnrt'breth- w?pnerpriue ....- 7 tlije.sih 1 1; . putfbt -.to Jjate, ;t.wJ irtB 'for- ' UM. nroud- df. fairi-"tlifl ?eih louto'loVei JWe isi- rov iBii w.,i ihvh . " - r . .- - . k .y i i r 1 . I .- - versftf,ptfy;r,in Jtci . inz. Irtc of- this niace, now ...i.ias Laa "ftWocifait'to hav.ei,a VraMicW Uwvera in-J'avetteVnie, r:r. :.thnlrovp'tf'dtrtieatWq ponWiqeniBMJWpu.i, aru 1 . i D.UD1UCIO V1 iuio c,.v ... I VIUIITV the irniperilyf of a4mraufflv County tr. If oeon el eineciallY.th6se. ot iJtialetr thVKv va ofihe'm-catihiu'n of i!f3wy wwb WW ft 1 1 !tv j .M- !.ifitTjU.H iCxAI(ti'(ii!!h,lh''JcKrnBr i8tneJ was J "r 7r .;-f4nt -not laid until 1793, the begMinmgiv;!rrtfofeea -have, elected T'theif Re?ieiUt!Ye in "Cofit,"ie'9UerMisVbrh U7p,hen the -r!"0;;1 X) Ven votff thu UanL 'Sclim were . Fonteiyikicih& BoV!d,-fcet .coctaution inserted, coni. -er of . Uiree .il .Aon1VnfA hnhhld wood Pa' lo-lhe GeDeral Assembly to hundred, -The sMdMmrasnmir; i i m a x . - - r - ; .... i ... -a Lby Ithe. Loudon Tmth,: wonder 11 G:3U o'clock, wliile he was f hmrmanJ'ttW seve'n 1 tnaed 'neffed Mr tin? rar... i ..iua.Hii.u, ; . - roUIn .niAIHICUIIlitl n Iwl im i haitthorbackMit fPhc'sMlsland U4u u iteaiidusd iitKia-iruard t oct I ' - t i r i 1 I -' II, . ,- J : J. J. Davis wilf bo certain. ' ; "iv D' : r f ... - established by the Lt institution" '-afterward.4 ' ' t," wainuWered Dy urotntjv esUDl.snea py xneiegis aiure n.c-J taohe-d ( big selhn; a? a he 'two corhijartnieiits. of the inner sale Sifo. helped lthe'uaselves'td; thecoii nUcarry iug otF $ll,i)00 ash,te73,4 00l in negotiable securities, .nwi tit 00,7 U0 Hegisteed s purines. also anothfcrpersop possessedpf keys ;.aiid4yrftywa,icinnav.;'rV. rick jShe veli n. Kealy goes o n d uty sit 6i W m. Hiifl ' off at'U a;' ni-l when NOXtTJEI CAKOLINA. Pimnnr. Press : Cant. It. B. Da vis has just finished caring his fourth .SUA barn of tobascoNirid it is -Very niceTJ in tact, his whole efbp -is good, rt flectiue much credit upon tne enon to raise the weed in ;t Inspection L Wilmington Star : We learn that one David Mclutyie, ) while tmder the influence of liquor, set fire to the afftrn-of his father, situated-about four, mile's. froViv.Al.otfs i 'KecktKoV "'t' .... .1... OitK 5nwt llPMIISfi SOU OOUIIIV, I'll uic the old man ret use I him somQi' Wine pwliich he . craved. The -store and conteiits' teiioir T.i.lc;i iH ni Mi.ti.,n iliisf-vean ia very farire. and the n iiUis vifry!rlne;:At Mf:'JoO McUallV placv, soinopx ins trey nw have a fine second crop o the.'flrst ripened in June, and rthe UpiVond about the first oflast, mpnth- Mr. Thos. Peiineli, of King's (Jreek. also has a tree bearing the second Crop, V. pjif f ;. - ' 'i Vij i ' Greenville Express :J Alaj. JL-v C Latham met with quite -a 'iseribus accident. He i was standing.in i frupt ftfTils Iioi ka. when the animal sudden- fly . sprang5 rbrward, knockhiiirtl tiawii ;iimi LiaiiiiMiiiu .x. The shoe of the horse cut 'anfngly gash in his leg opening it ;tp;the boiuy and caitsing a yery , paiht'ul wound. He is doing 'well, though it will be pome Vinie before hes can walk. He twas to .hvebeaiiir Ws I canvass in aid ot" Maj. Yeates only the day after, but is torced to give it-up. p Raleigh News; A Qn, Saturday ast, a venerable lady, .win;,. lives ira ark corner of his county i came into ihe cit v VJr the ' first Ttime: JSlie -)iad 'neyei!lV-T)WltfQVeenan:e '1-aJ ..ii.T .i-f lirtl; n .itViA. CHI 9, till 1 1 iWnpiSH IKU X'Ji. afmost. dreaded curiosity. When shVeanie to a poiiit.near the railway, she' '.heard -,f a whistUs ' Vi'hicli.rKef i,,;J huhlntliH to Kl m the sVi earn 6f he engine. .. She f ,lf il ieally 'bgt'd hm to get out1- of the linggy :a1fl head off. the train to stop it. ,. file tpld her he conid nt lo this, - but dfovp w i I h a 1 1 speed el use l 1 1 1 tV t rack that slic 'nnglit .se, itr vv;ui p.uinttg mohsJer went by, ihe iady tainted lead away from trighti- I ' He 2 wakes up the4ahitor, whovas fenmbaifahjirirtttM tlmidayiv The Jan- Litor (.lives on the second floor attjtlje jear. and his.rooins are reached, by a flight ot steps running up; trom Bleckef street;' At1 tlie loot bf these Stairs is a double 'door, iwhichi fastens I with Hprjiug. :Jlath. ;?Kea,lyf hasf a; rkey; to.this f door, and it is his habit wheV about) to "fcave iir the' morning to go up' and rapbri Werkle's door; VVerkle being'' expijeled sW give an Answering whip on the iuwtdejWBr-. kle hasa wile:and,a iQotherr.Miaw, a (liviug with hi in: y , 4 "kSjofttmg b4he siHteraterit! giV6ti bCy5 1 U'eYkie'o-'tioiica?lieiU'a4 M'RHuuf up nr:yeU; tiiy- jitimrtiinx byj :clp,ck. dress : theold;woman.i 1 1 J is w i e bega i v hcfafn.but he .tvld lvi" to.rhuih, .(jr. they would kill her';. Three' ol tlie M t n '',. J'fvl! ..! !:--.. men reniained lips while the other lorir, hafing g:iini;tl possession, of tho ;keys and t li secre lion to ; the vault aifa in tli e 4 'roonV.' . . . . . . ...!L. L:. .:. .,AtAn . 1 ha t ..-. ; ' V i j;v' i XX ai;.i:v;rim'-.Arcoruanco wuir vuw iiimnuiwu emsntfctert-tliat ine women nan .aiueu l.:.. t, 1-ij-iv.i:t,.'j.': fundamental law datett back to the hishncle's mmder,or.1ftt alleveuts.nad 1 ti:: Ar., 4v.,-"tK, Th WAtfl l.Vrfot aaAuch aUdption.oiatiivconsuiuui.i jliiv . . - ---- - v 1,1s aory twice neioie art, niuing ipi bank iind; v'ilt ot the coinbiua lock, went if)Vvii bink 'and "ldckeil door after them. v.Wefckle told If - , -V nsfoPthri epltfot Rakish'; fundamental Uw. daeH baefctofe a lam tate i air traa not aamucn ""-r - r- . .i... rv.r-. .w, .j r. Cenienri a n of - thetUli er1vas :ihe bur ofa.sricce8Asthey-secmtblhivk it .'f'" rr, --:;Ivtjpn fU)ufieitbbthfreTiuh,ltaliaM antt 0fie.J ; ..f,i i.jl- nue-oifDecember. 1870.LIhit was udNlLJLi.r. A;i,i:.UUnr, OI l"t: . !: i wfia fied nn ti h. vanlt -flnd the-' "next I .1 J V , . .'. . -VxVji .Ti'''V' , "'7, r . " tne puperiutcmient that tne men oi.TnrmornmgaviayireaK rt fhoitf . s UnW TirV r,cmre7oi uuij.mnu ii Mwaja uu ineir .... j lht 'Krf'rVbiiQfrJs;i imraieor en done. glars'had olitained.'k'UMKte.dg co in I i i i atio ij; f ro m. , u i . r , I'ii t e' told "j Ad vert isements tpfftaritig In the LfHiEit will! reach the farmers oi ATamaiice; Chatham Vftkci Prange ' 'it.i i vLt.nv. !;);.. M'o-;:! ..; , and olhef cbunticaj 'and Is the rcfor a sood ad vertisincr medium. : mm' ?t A . ... w-. - . Oxftrl Torch Liixla : 3l!ss Annie Cusicrs, a heaniitul .and charming belle of N rihamptoti co uuty,' came so a shocking tuith on Saturday., Captain Tliia T. Togry, ,at jover; of the llidy, luil just ."returned !wm- l7tiatiitr.' unit kat" . will liei in the portico, of her father's resideneeV He" said t hai boih barrela pf the shot gun were unloaded, ami proceeded did not i-ive thein 1 1 siu'u'c ol 'wiiat a fine time he had they ' would kill had' in the 'forest.. While he was! 1 Jl.iTllBR'Cfi?tne tolldfinir ;namea muic delivered an address, tfivins to MLeeii gentlemen 'could till, the dfficefot Un'thq history: ot.the University down S. Senator Hons; -D r G. -rlowle'j i Jl to the laying j of the cornerstone M. Leach,' Thos. L. Clingiriarr J Thos. ) embodying sketches ot Gov, Uav C. Fnller,:WmJ Ri Cox,iXYml.Mz and Jndge Aloore, andViHio Jopi ilowi -o'r .by beinsfi. beaten i on the fihd with 'the heavy- oars.f i f 4i.li n I . . . l ii .w.-i.v-k j, V" f-"v,ij .1.1,1 L.i.i i. ; ... ,: . - - - , amnium 114111 II Iiv; taken ;by- the eu- tW co,nbnation, ' "VY... f him.!! He .answered thht if he yave VnlHnr h.- K ,i,f.twil .ft , successively thrown i in- t. , ,. ,. , V 1 : . '" I r 4 .... 110'n 4 I . . . ..; . I, -i i. .... . . i. I . 1 . 'i I l .- I , V 1 i , 1 P - t7 Kobbina or P. H. Winston, fkidand. G0n.AIeban&' aud..oteW,;oSfh: . xvii y uu in trie. uurta)iins.ru:iu.Mcii i ussus(cii .tn Btai iuig ine jjuju versuy j .1 II W . . f '...ll . Li'i . r.u' w "oc -v iin.-ju,iu;tiirv mim uui anra iieavv ioum oi uticK-snov ro'K' . -l" know how to turn the knobj They Miss Custe V head all to nlecea.:-, :paai rni rv rnr nnr ni ir pn ipwk i .ii;i. - - . : l i - i - r ' ' -- -.LAf o -r-Vlw;! Ti'wi'.v! said,i'ive t to us, and we will man- unlbriunale victim was " popular, w :iei LntizUn biC the Guards and Aaye a to; them, BAf :erakilIe'dreitlVer bvTbeiim r,, rwn m Va!lK. i' ue mourned by: the community, v with ih en t oft1, tore The itli ill i'.-l'V 11 ff i.tt.; u-ii' -bit.'.')-.': M -1 .':"t:- ; r . ' 'AWAivtt r ? vi.-rfi-t hi.-,. 1 1'er annum, 50.iV:i i V Six month . $f 00, ; , . I of ,'Vfprsi , .v.n .f.K.; r , .'u'Aao-i !orr r M3f!; (13U -.ir Ad'crti8erntiftjill be in .f.'- f7M TrM if I serted in these columns on as liberal 1 1 terrps aa m any first class paper. h(TnTh-44Ejp!0Cjt. jcircnlatioir ij . . ." ' !. ' ! ' ' increasing rapiaiy. ana . oias rxtr to TJf 1 r 1,V rivKl Vf or- haV e as large u clrcnfatlon as toy t country newspaper in the State. , r ail Season will soon open, 4 iii' v- ' ; and t every ; farmer( should keep op with the cotton, 'tobaoco and pro- tlucet id markets. 4 kTlie, , Ledger will r "x ':? 1 ltalefgli,;litri furnish tho markets ol liam, ft Arrangcmcirts'are being mada for -1. claim 'on the Democracy ;oTf6Vth 6f .Uieil donors of the, si.e;:.of the Carolina ibr.ihe' rposition as .Yaiicoj .jcajisetf r'wbicb'.led to; Its Iocaiopand or Merrimon. f. f -,J j ! mochjotherjnformatioiii:of gfjeaV-in- .') ; . ;.r; J tefest and importance. In hfs recent j WK.Tetnra ourthanlcs to the.Sec- ar M.jtsontuiued.the.Listtffy etarv of the rjarolmaair A8socia-l v;fli, i...".:.. a . IHfe,. feS cbief j benetactors, pvmitii,. nam in i .nnrinnn rr l ivini.-inii n i it- . - .t people of Mecklenburg ; Mve a high gham, pimbandr-qthervthe .reputatron for ' entertahdhg5 yfs,itpr cr&es xf itudyhe eariy struggles, and we-preVliit toDthosejwho may jlj0;dJffiiiHiesViuidoda'nge so attend hyf g aXyjfasaHt iime.' oceed .uutij. a complete histor'v ot Zll Ai ihfi lfisfntnti-on halld Writtirt. He J herusOL acjis ; ly l. week ai., i .j man i ,)iftl ; ,ie xvas m smoiuenng u.e.. u, .. afraid the bank had been robbed, and -L G. Williams, T. H. Briggs, Pv C; the niattresses. o the bed . asked him Lto gotor'fthe police: Hardie, R. T. -Grayand Wm !8hockdid her teeUDgsunderg .while Kohlman Iran a once? to the Ceu- Thonjpsmj.- The'Jiev.Dr.-Pritchard brooding perUmity tliat, ou. ,tra officei ' - - ''- i , r, w officiated, Wsinar as the material of his P-r, UfTinyrKUe burglars, hav.jisi secured, the discourse the death of Moses an ?! I keys - entered L the1 bank, by, the inevitable doom that awaits bur ZLV ! or, Jocking it Arter; the services at th, church, ?v. ;w " X a 1. It wT 1.T " 1 1 i i atter i them and dpened tlte vault body as borne to aU. Jast sons usiiiij -water iium m au i - ,r , i . " r- . f ! II I II .1 , 1.1 . .1 - I I.II 1. .1 - E '1 - m m I x.r . isHiijrrent student.of the old.Jour- Pr.sidet bfjly OnfvefelVy?Mel A paco,ty Boo and docunfets er,j4VMi!n adfceiore ii 'tfe fchjyes1 6? JtK lnivei thegrultSo iilg , fl ;jafl onnayigUL,.. sclitipc educatiop torjnej.TheU illustrative ptvlewon of.agricuUorereajuras ih'i pastWdVaqn and future alms mub meutolaimngr are jrpfea: ft xjniv&hyero tik&Vy. sion ofUw-mtnl ipediciniThe au LTJJL&''Ttiiu i Hn' "o., tt" m t ' .J-S ' ' 1 gentlemeik.' vh. will'.AddresV' the clecdonTIC fs a Splendid! eiklence c.tket unity of nurpos-of .(tb Ietu ocrntio tfcrty that .every gentleman before the nominating Convention is' jro trr'nerdnsly "and actively 1 vork inir ifbf his iJeaion.2ci6orb Jfo-J iVi oow as the vbfe was annbunced alecIaKng Mr.-: Davis- re-nominated,- 31r.!Cairr. wenv forward on the. plat-j .form in". Metropolitan Hall, in :thej city" of Raleigh,;; and jpiedged , his Jiearty support to MrJ;I)ayis.; Mr. CtJT could not be induced to allow hii name to be used ia the late elecj dent candidate. 'Such JftU Av patriotic Action deserves reward. original odes and hymi Excellently,. sung Tjy -choirs of stu- tie w jiole body of students " ami their exceflent demeaf&f . are j?To6fs Ipat they lully appfecia'e:fthe eur'ts made 1 for their ' ' inf oftnaifoft' 'and ! pleasure. 1 V l2-' ' ; -we hope the aiaae win copy fVita'" AT-itlanotirtti ' rf C 'TTn LVAf-sutv Day." . . j A Hjruta - (Ga.) gentiiielJ ' ;,i'TQ0PHOItliiBLK j ' sopie timet. Ite couldn't tell how lontf- i Italesgh Ubserver : Ihe tunerat At tast they went ! away, leavjng him services ui me late denerson E isner, and. "his - wife handcuffed. A Jew q - re observed on Sunday after- mluules afrcr h.e...wentdo.w.u. (o the, J,oonV the Sa'is bury street Baptist' i aJJ" !-J'f" " J '-Ti f U 1 I OlIClli illlU I I()UM,1 "P rtlHl UOH II. VM-vh, .iv h.i.i iuoi unity wv(VVi,ll, cuiu.i wMau -r-M-'t- There was i6body; in 6ightr : Tiien were attended by aiUmmepse .iiun county, Georgiawhohas.aUv.iysen-. , ent Abe dmir of the barber, her of person TheC Allowing coumerea;uioW). iw-ij ' Uhon in thelbasement. and nllpd ifm ffentlemen served as Dal -bearers : Jordan ' Wotnble, BaP. Williamson. dthe race'. the resting place n Uak wood cemetery. MThe processio:i was very large, and there long line ot private carna:es. noticed .a' great n rim hereof w. , 4 . i j . r Au.Aifi.oiN . ucf. zy. " uHMiiuu auu jiint.iiiitu in liia ; ueaiiniia ue aiarm oi nre was -r " it"7. c.vt Ihe : tmef jUptilhe:, suspicion of the Tfainil v i.wasyarftused rb'v a nauseous t:jin j ly was ' anaused b v a nauseous- 1 n i i 1 (Ostein the vvater;: he horses .Forri dence oauieigJi.Xewc.. : having Vnibsed to tirmk it for a; day ' " ' f A SAD FATE. : "nro t. ii.....v t.'.": .v.u!' p.iVLAA T ool 0Aw;n uz IvUllU I lUf UC ,tl ViWCU - ill! uiUUll, -. . qwv; vuii nit aiuiui ui Vil ' IT " ' ' ' ihe -putwa- biood-oi me . woman, irom a room me. Fleming Hotel, uko.0r.oa( uZ. xa SaspiciOnsthaCherHuisbandhad thus ad when the doorj was opened the JTV " V awajr .alf.9,f?eeu arousej. but some , persons wrth great self , ,Qne day iast week in iumbefton, . . .... .... fc.l ' . . T.-i t -""-v f-- -...,v.j VlJIIIlir i;i(IV IIIITTIHII ' lI I6fi I ,inL-hin ' ,v. 'I I'hUiKtelpJwami,, r. rresting'the flames, when to their shot Ed Hiftman a Bait more dT liEP DBJI. PJlElIN Gtj v , horrb?, tliey sawrltKat. P. Page .m.ihong ! jFoF;aiBumber;oflays,pauJndians Bad fallen a victim. . The spectacle Robeson "county Both 'irtiea'-re. uejjeei alley : I cenerai rendd2vou ior thri t ibis4 mosi consumed, u e laniD near him f i rn - o, '7 roruuijr tJiqw ux naye an i -p - ""r wiw.naa tron is to the effecthat. Kd JJatmW tThivefsity abupdan ! J.PIPnf liSpqfljesr been; 8pendmg;oinie! week?ere Jor who-was shot by. Miss .LihW.awj is kii nmnnitum,; and eem reoreauon, nd .recuperation. The lingering, & his, deatn 1 Jymn$h at-anrmoentrltls bended bampaignalnst the whites . alohg o rodr .town. , - 'Mir that the ball InrUM ;.r tiJi the HYerPrrhbTprbtcipal :tnbe Araong ; ( I '" I There are no addiKal prticnS these Indians appears, to, be;l the ' LfcxoiR Court House Burned, the shooting,butthere;wasa very re Phey enne and they have bee,, joined ,-fon the mornfnCof the 21st of last markabl n,rL l ll?r t? by malcotiteota trom Spotted Tail's I month: tholnnrin hn.P in TCirc Q4V 'IIl - 'R'?, TnE .'Dernocrats of ; Wake "county hold a'' primary election 1 off' the day of v the Congressional election, to see who the choice'5, oi", ihat, county to fill the position of IL S. Senator. If the people of Wake are not willing to trust such a naaii sb Geo H: Suow; f their able Senator, the situation is in deed, critical. j- yeekly commnnicat ions ,from . Rily clgh and other points. ; ' ' !'' ' !:' . -'ytir.: '. 1 The JiBDGjER wiUtmc; whatever fa' ; nrii:V.!-?iv ;z;.t vr'y fluencr it, may command to have . " ; . v v '-J. ,'' m ; j -.M hum- Railroad built to Chapel Hill. wi; in ; Experimental Farm' connected with i 'f.i if" v . ' . t . I i r, the University. The columns of the Ledger viH,.f . 'if') be , devbtecl! to ; Litorature, Agnff I i thill;. tnre, Latest Newt, .Original Correi' pondents, Markets, and 'irllf l.-fcC-l , - : s . ,.. rt-..i - . J v;r --------- oano:, wnrcnnasieit-its. agency and! vyasd.gcoyered to be on fire. It: was The lady gave birth Wa stb'nt" gone the agent knows not whither.; aboui 3 o'clock when it was discov: tliv M,it5 t,iXu .- Th.'Tn.liQfln.-l -onoitornA Un-A 1 'r J V - '-i - J 1 . I """v " ''"-f1 iafr SCCOOIllS W8S Vo- "v vr.f;u ei '-w, uui, u nau maae sucn neadway, living and do ne well Tbiw are nf Sinnx are inovinfr over tho iun.! tUf tl flf.L..Uuu "J:- . u ; , ..' . fa o , 7c,u were' are ""rn'0 ' ity -i neu raripus reports in : circulation abpnt -4 "e wiiu.c woouwors was the anair, relative Ho other persons cnsd,ned, with -the entire records being, miiedj.with it, but is these of theClerksoffice All the records have not been:t.raced to any trost of t the Registers office were 6ayed, worthy source, is deemed best not of Sioux a're ''moving over the coun try in great force and Ithe settlers are b'ecbmin'g, terribly alarmed. tip at Pierie lb e people are arming and preparing for. -any eniergency that may arise., .a rjomen aoout there except thellast deed boolc' r.The'W tnMC m?Kn .a?r,!:. Hiey.are i pers i. a .nation ar, -r h r;-Ki beginning to' believe that the 'Indians are at last in earnestand are cettin"- leady lor them. YoiofolftrcaJ' issue A'ks much as -j . - . Vi. . . . - fT." ! . t ' " ' 1 sitefctJfcmgh olaimuithei; rigbt VV ; i V ... . ; ,-' - " !. . obicct to obnnTtArna' rfWn n& Mitt I f . .I??'H Y19V3 ni siiA'-f-' ' irres, i r ..-,.:i. .- , . .,. i.' i Thenellaw-toiiWf" bscriW the Ledger and aid m in buiUJn !'. '.) rt i?p a goor newspaper, j. - tTpmce 1 oppoaitestht store s ."j . Jr. t . i l i r '- . V i nniniAti id emA d. .i ; i . w . viiuu piiwitu uliiiiium ia auuic ent of the, Raleigh ,06r- what divided as to the motives, some ver, says the tire was the work of an mnintim. r iiVot TTo,mo a'r,'f t.U xunuiary. , 4 '-guilty man. W. CafrJand neit door Vo ' Weaver. . ; i y 1