" " ' " , r ' r '' - - ;.-y '-;;; '"'.- r j - I- i .--,- i w r r ' - i - r . '. v a v . . i i mini nmu r i --. i iitii i iiiiy - - - i - . . : . : . . . .- . t - . . ' . r - T H VE EKjLLEPjStfeR Saturday, r Not i. n,a into William i. sj-; seems to havejjeci a pro WCIl io - - J For the Ledgers ; PRIDE. yT ,.4lt4t itinifi't)! the term. rride rT- literal mining to .loftiness IT Cll ' .- - v I O Cfn rieara.many ycfto s " Mtowder had A- ft boy named dieted ihatanrortwouia I IB rmei' iT of air, manilesting - ;r, ? ES ?i J5ti- nr contempt, of Qtners. fhis that a-keg w : n;rafY4to the true ieacui..Bo v; m i uj A -vnii i exmoaoa iiuwJU--S the Bible.;- v-,- - - o - imrtanT harm, to. but to tfimlc 8oberly,r ght r 3 Vl l eOUllJ, a: f fhnnorhtS i : hnnff or seh4 to Upnsress. jur.-w-- . We will"-nrw ay; L ford is noS aSPetoocraticTOtidiS- .children, lomon ;l"l8 t certain of IectWTn otnflP y mnd ebildren , JT yre i .kMinT mav be tplfiUed :Men ?bT this -hateiui . Riu, later. q r i - Vh4 .-.t-tMit upon wbicn tn ricn' it hath wmucrcu :7rw-ln the that we cau y . Knnderthe theloriginal 'Te salutary ! influence and tne -J was Belshazzar the King .-of - the a of a body and nA . w . -L. . i i ran i w w-" - AiMfMOTini Chaldeans, .Wn.j lV," tody of.fO-SS" we see vuaw - :rit be- a sow o need open struction, :?na: arT ftdopt nship ne reaW fore a tail." - . i IhiaBibleto learp u- han the angt ine .augu r- - - ..- ; put in."- - r-r ,r M over, -He that Is 16wn .newiwf " ' : has a ieen..B 7m , wuhoat, E K SI lie Mini ii He that b bumble eyer .shall Have God to be his guule.. whelming evle,wtu. 17 was made which assures him that be was p immnrulliv.v xuUvUleCouJcr-JnrniXl yoS would not act aajyou B?qeXime8 t ? ! n tlilren. ahun Pride as n r i art;4 i greatest w encourage your cniu Bible teaches that , combine; it into 1 M AkA MBAnill a. w- rw 1 1 Ton wv . - f ar l mam w a .m a. r v a , - . -i. t-rf Tlwl. Jr ti .j -.V KofnrA destruction ; 1 In-theaeauioijeiier" i n rnao kw .",t; 9ji- r Mno er.President Qi me i again w WJB v::w",. aDiessw fthe DavHname . falh e&ttn thee up. BUU"'U ho were Now, parents, suppose yofi " If we open . our rV" MAir 17ill I M I imi Va a V T v " . I aiiTTflrlllu rJ ' t aL1 m ireu im , I AorruDtiuie snsii - p . 7T eranaoner-i . wnrtal shall puvon a chua one ' .SSHtb GSd, oh f Uat SH?VieW. himself pJhuho willMy.l ilthisucb noble faculties ihrbeinVof so exala destiny-, tne oeing i . u irrKtlv ?ali ::r KitnMf. but entertain f ,- i !.-. .;. j ).' ' ' ' , . ... . . i - -. ' ' " ! . '' .'. . -. high -.liinK thev aweiu i ..arf thftt wnav yw- i , j Ana in i'vr" cept mmseu. W4 TV ,u0 Kt wui u : ftt: dentin "Pr. if-aii he esteems who U ft-cnQiuw I Yin iii lisiQ recorucvi- " 1 1 this dayicaiKoecvuv, .toljbe respecis u,ew'r anA r. . . . . . I J!L - i : T.wj.iu- Oti v. ytnid 1 . . . r 1 ii ;n vrv Instance, i : . , r www tAkm-ina ot Moa t nas.ou --v; . w r; -xord caused theTthat Richard to apeeay ceaaeawH".--: oear - ,utj - b . Ijr!r:m who made h.lli, inif vounirman, Yr-:- I uac7caww y -r. jJrXIX" " , Wmia rwui: : . . ..-j-i-rt I " ladies thft vuxcc. r?rj- Mi rT fni rtr we may be ae-j-u:i, PftrhaD8 some SSOSS' the, 5T ?; w--neJiS Wei.; w. ao' ho bears tna-'i rn!eh Uod aesiroycu w . von are noi Ba- r o . 4 . if rrV Hftn I . name ex Reuben Paris, lor Copgri relatlvtfja? son just ae "'"l.ir 7f hintT associated SwS -gels anl partaking wiVh them in the labors and ellcit.es . iVi . . me i, oroportion has b erl Ant V"Pvrjrbe ient ftcun w. nwMren. AL? courv.o, ... -v - , .terntne ot w , "i iS lJv to an- . ' . 1 atum. I nH RUUU- I 1 -imt ITT Cll .LVIC w J I J A. 11 11 1 1 I H 1 1J V f r "- 1 ...III Wis RIB HIUII U a tatber in "h irrief tTftai'-i.ery common, r. wore each . bion- cnd ot hi9 being. l" rX i- af a we not heirs and have we noir au . that we shall oe " our Lord and: Savior Jesu . o rto,nlvi if we live as ahettld. Were alt men to place v .1 komulvea and s For the BeiGoodslat the T-bwst iceAMMON"S, Malrt SU Purhm The T ,argest tiaent GrentestVVr erybwly Treated Alike, nt Durham. 4 V ;tdrXnaiWiPlrlwinfrdo modern weci SCWSSSSKlS "P?5S d n I courtiers the lords, the You flud none but - iew j , , frtif(i1ina bwu wv t - however, ii ,r j U HUSBAND ASSERTS THAT 'Sfcwl Insolent (that is they gej .teurdity, . it , hardly excels " .tSttUii. ,i rSR. other children and makesport vervSS i ' RIED ALIVE. rs. WftItertHlfff!3 LrTiTu ht netertheless, it N. Jm died last jrndfty th-T et aboye ei m and Abeitidrc8S,!or their ap- pcirance, eoe parents uphold ScbUdren in this,. We are sorr ance, with ChrUt? we of Frcgh una Keliable vg&ON 11x1 Durham. Dress Good, lloue J! -P'"-1 ? if ISSS ireit then; -.1 . - . vk TT I .TT .nd disrespect and , " .w rimnrea , teach r fL. ...u Woi band, who was wun: o.: e w -r-- -v .nd tnnnrnmff over the body, suddenly rodene. o .m-vw vouLyoar you ?. .nm themselves 18 even , -.j rrT . xusonabie to we i-;.; lflu sdic ourselves, " . - ;r Jt U fash Jaw Wiroavo -y"r' V .uSr luvlips ionable tq oena, wo , urj facuiues ox vneir wu. - r- --t r t mauers not in what way . , . . . birth r,cbt, and to u . he gm u;r.r.: - ft howi it or muiici ;-- ; . l watl ininii vu ie The TrVe.t and Most Complete StocR cj were going on, high destinies, howi it change the aspect of R. wouw child Chtldreii began t?embra ,lt and Wffl- 3" puke a great 01, itb shame- dared tuat ms V"- "I" .woa abroad, : or ;you :;--,. M it becoraeth tnose pro- pressing was still warThe lace renov those; who le8?nSS ( iness. of the corpse no;: .nonce those, who le '7 attached to this nse was bi. r v:ri.: ss vou are. . v, -.ininat. devoured us. . i a. ' kt. oarit1H at every ex ciaoa A sion on me pan. before Mr. Dixon an would consent troA nipa uroceed. Jlrs, Vi Ko l.rft not' dressea as V - I - r1.-1 Law Wftll I u"l ' . .1 i BO. nitnoNL any f"' Wa (r ve to this oil. we-make: ana u a : 3 mJ nfiQPft all. I do not think I should oe iar Sod will bring the manneCin which we Je, and goods or this Tworld, which he has HiAed us with. If we should be nv time to eive any j u: nns iWt LiHixot even as tnw poor rup-i;, , nKvUt. or to the cause hn rAmo4 liAAn The poor ruDiicair wu.u , - . we Fav we nave noiu- . .. V annR Ol ID6 are DO. urcw-t - - gin e Mnge, r belied Children. b ry. Wl, ww jro-f wi wiU nlake r'rOTWy with indulge yourselves,, n t 'th, po y expression of joy. l ne pny; u w. - . prfd God is sin F.. - .r :-i.L..who were at once "those that wai .jn , uc nK:u should say in iaji fjAtvf4i that the woman aoie w. nonuw, ucwuvv vua " w " . : a VtnnT one. 1 Juan. of God' wou'ld strive with the ut Sretch ot his faculties to carry nrizin. x n .1 urnrk eiiecfive , - ,-; . . . . l8 he not nere ,mub;'6 Heady t r and Mifte? ilose, aud 1 'a;; v. : a W XI not the Jevu 1 V.' nanniol the most the niOH mail- ;ule 'liiiien SuUMdl Styles nd 4, Ualn St Durham. A- E.lklK Trimming in ,vln St., Durlum. S diretuirtriumpha nnmrh that he has laid the physical world in ruins, perverting . . f i i t. ; ia ft tieserv. xi v . . I i A n,in h rHinc 111a t i iir Aii iron l t. niH i nrr. hvkii iumw i vhpo a tii. r.0,.a(, had BXPres8eu a icai "u6 1 , , i we nave nuu""b w & peared, MaPf nromise hVeast with his face in the dust, and rr.r..13,;.v.I1vthine? nndW bSry her aid, "Lord, be ercifn to me, w feed oarv or;n Children, rememoer vnai nap- i witn. why is it that e i JJid we Yes, but we proud selves It is sad .ysical every- Eden in- sadder uiavur A ' i orm nf Ood can arrest the 5 XI : k;e .AnniR of wicked viola-! oV tions,!and bring him back to obedi- ence1 to the law oi ms nan" .... God, Maii cannot recover himsel . He is sunk too low his heart is tul iy set in him to do evil. He will not come that he may have life. Hence the in1 distensible-necessity of divine influence. . , We will therefore sayjn a word, that if man would live as he is made to Jive: ii pe woum uscm llamburg Everv.l.i..l AiytW-W you.wht,.t A LARGE STOCK OF ' ! ' '.-,: ' ' " - - BLANK BOOKS, ENVELOPES, PAPER, ' ' PENS, INK, PENCILS and COPY BOOKS . At Cnrbee's Drug Store. VH r nntll 1L WaS.VIUIIClJ w.w..- W, - . . . r i .l.Jl .wTiidA.At.th,ive.he porf.l.lhP)n? : am we not abandon this r;ndede'li.Vbo'dyrand the iixxir od Herod, wnen i":L.Vr:. .e remainder of our lives, w ka. r ! i i . . a v ma rrrvjii. i iaii if jluli i - - s i l.i ffln opened. Alter ieeun ner mer dw ." r,6. 7 " whatever of our suosiance uiai. r . a.i j m a . 9 - f vn in a moment, i uu " . , i . . . w , . . .. . i j F"""! : . , ' rs Uo 'wannired ot US. De mveu " 1 : .....l, .o1 n nsd : it ne wouia .! .u .A-zi tiroa in T.ne i uuu uo : i. ii wo . v. vw - . . . .1 t ' -.--. burial, but as he turned trom ine eyCn " u8 on, him and his cause ? xwery day inat re8pect,him8elf according to his real pERRTJ&EUY, TOILET A!N JJ . -c u r,n no rrmnnd insensible. I Kincr's dootlw woxaway uw ,. this nhominable sin I !.. c ..! A oho v the laws! .r . TT i "nft;dMr.I)ixon Kdle became ft maniac He was we t ;r- . r land: ai "!.:rdA Wf i THE SEWING UACI1INB.0IL at Barbee's Drug Store la aaW to be superior toar.y In the Market. Try FRESH LEMONS r it. AND OBAN0E3 AT however, that bis wife in the necessary avocations ot life. . 1 .1 . encourage tneir " A-Ij LOYD. uvoriiJeinomentl and;. look: men . ... ... hi u mm: 11 lb iiui 1 i-i..M t Viia nails -like eagiea iui.o,; T" ..j A.l ne narents bird' clawa. And wnen ine pruuu . t.. , hfa- We noUcelvm Uie ;Memphis Avalancbe.1 gifittTl tteroa ; woa up ;- da Tlf(). NowietTHR MEAN RICH MEN OF s 1 r a.k ri nnnr nnH . i ruru. . u --- - . i . - - - . 1 - - f- mmseu wt , . '1. .- ,. Mm nnr attention to vnebbatn . i T.fi?xfTwT We see pride tt.L aviation has rll XllW , i' nearly ?2UU,UUU in nana; ui ixLirvi ..k.it 000 t the Citizens' lie- a arw w w - . . . ' I a a mi f etfontinn to cat upon bis throne ar-rru.uu From the N. Y. Tribune. THE BRAVE SOUTHERN. m HOWARDS. : Sjr,;rl.Md made and what see'? Weseepi We want our readers to stop jo the people and allowed decoded in all her beauuiui ou. : at una , ; a;T aVJSsT Next let us go to tne u-- :-.nnrr.bfvA U-- 1, "11 lu Und what do f tti t-Ly -i c wmv s.w e-1 jjAHiv n tne mitisv i ; ; . . .i-.t.:-i,A.. a auuuwit . : , .-ii h,u . tt tier 1 ..t ihA nnre air 01 men uuus 1 RriHa ana woriaiy an ay, 1 ...-0 I . 1 JIIJ tUtapbgne'-stnqken towns, u .i . iw xt rA fnr dead anu v ;A from neaven, uj. L.v tV-. much incr men wno r tjon .mote him wiui an awiui we see? Here God, j we see homes to iauufA .nd worldly array, her sitting m the LXrsngel and if I should say i tdanddyi frorTenfb", desk, I do not kno nmn to iroro o ... J;a. Mv too much, lm 1. ?s- v.o .Kaiii ftRO'000 a m v .fiiii i.i .a.n a la 1 1 auruMft r w a v v the uppermost seal, r-rr ooo . Tis sum . ..j 1 aa-aa nil aaai raa a a a avi?ir v. a w www ' in the very sacrw b .ffl,innt tn feed that I should oi money i5iFV--Vr:.uT " "i . " SHAVING SOAPS, HAIR, NAIL, TOOTH, PAlT, BLACKING and WHITE WASH BRUSHES in creat variety, at tn -. , t.-kqi. Trnu. Store. BARBER'S DRUG STORK. The Best 5 cent cigar in the State. Barbee's Drug Store. At For better cant be found. - B ECE I'VvE D -T U S T forts: bushels ofIorouxd now These are for &7eed :tfir:cpur.ge than he of WW i. .JMEd Sesif a few perquiMtes are cut .r?A CSS&ti- be wob.igedito srijr"aiSt ,;:A,tr Wa annn utter be- cast tne reoci . W; fnM iAt. - fihun rrideaa we nanaeoof ftna ternoie xhc.Vw., irtnu !- oft; They gam nothing, neitner iha throne. payor glory. Their,, Victones we AQOltiaI not watched by ft proua oouury, for whose honor they, gave their Uveii: 0iey4ie(pqiweeping nation . wilU-yearJiyearDang laureia .. - --.. Th rnnrB" la " O mentioned ,in the newspapera "on.B V:lw:r,l..r" pamstance. T .ecnauoe-r r " " -f .-idei8 altogetherto- gnch a oiw.orv "j IrnMhBd in uweooaiuon vu.. w. --rr-'X '., hand, it fos- .rHHlV LI11JWP. I . ! 0--J. nnrnASQ WU WArQ fiVII. wl vw ' t . .ikiAmrMi nnui uruu f" ...,! QiiFrniinnintT I'liumrv uuiu svk : waa i.rinH in&LI tiiu b ..w . Lhfm"p7de as wi commissary is the supply of the ser ' t nu of rich people. The., well D E Z Z E Iiv i' ''IS ! - f. Watchmaker and Jeweller,; Chapel JIUlN. G. and left their black servants. these: house Watches, are dead. His name nooouy xnowM nnta God's purpose was wara ey i . nt ' nd on If he tails, bift. friends oniyiearn .MfulfiHedin Via.'' Then be lilted, up ters win leafousv ban property in charge ot DiacKS, rterfaiilSlirfaHi toteturlt.. inere heaven, and hia reason the other nana, euvj, -L:-: I never r nrovlded a dollar, for : WtWrv or martial music to r -'j". M , Then he blessed tred, or a base anaacriuBiuK 1,0, Xnd vetif the fcheri !i ltistf5.g?le CTtHb3h7rdprabedandbon- or bitterness and dgust. ej "Conimittee cut off the witrilaU'-m'tiiVfeture .lhere.sto 0 Uetf- forever, whose the tongue ol slander, d mak JJies from fthew MnranU of Ka vwi roll--ll ol a victorious army, 2,?,' ...rlastine dominion, men bite and devoui one another, p ( od' name wUl . ... -- - a 1 WJ-na.. . . A; Ti ..laAiic IhA IfllHIia DB Ol UvUvTv I w ith the proudliiiwSr to his M-TJtoMiS to from generaUon It r. Died upon iqb uciu vvmvmw.. rriVAft niS lllO 1WI bvwv w. !V,.oiWfWKitcll. Dtobabiyi Pfi less I "'t0. i,A dAAth according to the BvubN" ' - -. ir . uouiidk.mu w . . V TTa a a. ki a r. 1 . MMtArationr of the eth rePuted as in ' 1 r YQftitwypnr, wife. and chi ! 1:B - . mm m. W n TIl a 1 . 1- Inhaln. anna finil uriCS uu buw inn . Kit - una iuuw4- saw are reputed as . V. Aw-krd!ncf tf I 1 1- AAirArt Ann I wmi ny fVlA niOSt worthless may tram- ucaicu 1 w uu . . - o OUCIl ioivu.- -i na mlifit nroduce a bitter aid' none" can sUy bis nanu r s "wd insolent claims I mm a. AM n nv-a r I a-ai I rll I I I I 11 iu muxa l',,'u?r: twlnmheone side, andean indignant concludes oy j.U6., , - .--- nther.are the verv m rv r w ra u a -. a a & j. a . aa v - H1IID W ; a vmi - unirit elements Ot human W a my m walk in Pride, he is mntnal love. the most unnatural divisions, .!... tkA world than himself, in I J .v a heaven and which the v h i uc avp r . t-arnia w 1 1 in ma mmmm am w w i :..:.. L 2-ji nl.torv nhtm-l ""V. . , . r v, artri n Unn the most menvoriuuo. fht DOisoneu - j , . emnnff tbe lnnaoivauw.v n.v, - , . 1 :. nnn a hilt l-r 1(1 tO I O I, I 1- J n. mv amaiesffraye. wiin muuuenug tear andQPCKllI" IB . . ; Sie'DoW The sacrifice he' makes 5t3otQre'ldve to God and human tbis sacrifice is now making fS oy one maii, but every one of the ; -zdA f'Tinnip sent out by tbe Erf Action. .. Every One of Am carries his 1110 vr btiv neither mone nor pro- port ol their help, e world has been iiWon to keen our people from 1-r : l- t i-A -e starvation, men woirn numireun w thousands ot dollars have leit tneir ana their sup- rich they streams of do j w . .v i nnrLV It severs society, " r rY -inm the Re. empioycre uwn .--, - HefCommittee must do it. There is no other alternative. The commit aa! AAnnnt land will not see them starve. The "old man", begins to think there! will be no, day of reck oning. The white men standing strife. Could here to-dayf are too iew in uumir. COUUb wucu paired with neatness and dispatch. my 25-tf T I Clocks ahd . Jewelry re- C.E My Cotton Gin is now hi gool order. Marion Cheek will attend to iU and have things done up all right: , dsa r WamriiKr siiirl Ties 2. I wilt payi the highest price for seed cotton in cash or in payment of debts, j peas: Jy 13-tf T O TS 13 O K plMcCAULg II ART EMFO RI D M O M A S - D.U N 1 1 BAtRBER SALOOX opposite Barbee's 'dnig store, w . most Improved style, and wiliw i to see hi customers any - tun sruaraiitees eood work. Shaving'. V - ' - ; j5c liair uniting, - -Shampooing. - - He has a boot-WacW always In aiice. Give him a call. . j ; apl 18-tf v . . - - ' sep21-tf; They I iaithfollv guard the pro- jam of .their employers. Ii their O : v J. w. CARR ES SOUTH 6 ATE, r . a ni r I nlAivi am B 111 IlUUiau w v a a v ' I - -a Tin we not see the very same T. ru.- r - , vOAv nv Their reckoning won t . a .. m i -.. Mtn i vr i 1 1 ii lT-i xiLii.iiunv w t . Belshazxarr xiemaae rm a, Knnni1a T0 the boys come back home. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, 1. i ' ' i . I i DURHAM, N. C. ; Large lines of Insurance placed at short notice in first class Companies. " Term policies on Dwelliiigs and IVmil Property, a speciality in his son irreat feaatr to a -u.Mi f h a inflnenees WhlCD DOW W9b uuuiiua w .Io read a tffltf J,,e wal f the King's pal ncr Raw the Dart ot tUU a wo ii.v.kj w w i - . I . . .!... .nnoneoiAri anil r .. . ' ' : . . 1 -,- 1 - o nan rlilTlOTlS. w Uilb WUM. w-im i . m, lp .. ..vf-n r-'-' onl '-iranic wine : ueiuic . uo-.. w.--, - , , : rne eraperur ui uiomi ui iutu ---- - . .0 r rniAAninfr insolence snouiu wo . TrM. - r. . n rv v jf. f im n . ...si mw-i m Rio Janeiro to study on the spot the true character of yellow fever, arid discover a remedy for it. Sev- v . , noA areented the call. as it is wouia , , Rut let ns for '!.. s fhA TAnnine nlant. Advertise in the ledger. M.ALEX AH DE R SandsV snd praised ' the gods ,of overween.ng msolence f Silver of brass, of frdn, see on the one hand; an f jKth.i breaking, ol violence oi wooa, uu mi.rrnit.v ion the oth( hoHr.lcame7lortn tne uug . - . . - infys lbe8e. were to take band, and wrote ove aSa.UOv Dr - .,, '. rwe d what out- rancor and other. If such ft ATTORN EY AT : LAW, CHAPKI. IIII-L, N. C. . . . Collections in Orange and Chatham a man b uu -,v- - . !..: i:r , owppi. the candlesUcl. nppn;tbe Tias,er o p fepeciality. ace : apa naruiy u ucoaUiv. Remittances made promptly O R SALIC or il... WlfVYl T.r4lr- AilO " horse wgona. r CABBv my 23 Cbapsl Pinv, convey passengers to and fro Do at h?rt notice, t - any . n0.f -g promptijr kw.J M.u.Tifimrttffl - Mwflllly pounded at aU hours of day or The Purest Drngs and Best iisetL I wUl a You can get a. Pistol that burglar prodigiously 10 to ? T for $3.50, at i I ' : 1 ' Barbee's Drug Sto' lUQUlVUb 1 11 1 ii vw v.jk & g 'i UNtt. Obly fl-50 per annum. 7 - 0 J- the hand a ' ' . ; ' ' - m a 11 mm'P

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