, : - ' i! : .. . ' "v;": , . ; a:a- aa;--a : A A&AAAAAAAiAA the w iv e K l ial u u'jnr: THE V E E lv L Y L E I) G E 11 SUBSCRIPTION" KATES : The WEEKLY' LEDGER is furnished to MibseriDers at one dollar and fiftj-1 - rents jwr copy per annum, invariably in :itlv-anef. . - Sis months ope jJollaiVj, one 3e:ir, i S' Kloveh copie-, one year, fifteen dollars. J 1 V(Mii v-i" " mms it-.ii, uiun dollars. . il.lrcs.- all order to '-The WEEKLY LEDEK:W Chapid Ilil!, N C. nkw; GOODS ! 1. 3IcCAULEY'S Sto-k of Goods is uow complete in every Department, and will be sold at BOTTOM PRICES FOH CASH, ' or to. prompt paying customers.. .1 His Stock consists in part of jDASSIMEItES CLOTHS, COT ' i ( .'.-I-'!; ,; ; ; " - TOXADES, LINEN DI?Ilr.S ! " :' forl'J'm'.md rtHprr.f f' 1 ' ' " : . A Fall Line of Domestic 10-4 bleached and unbleached S1I Elvl-VG. PI LLOW CASE (?oods. LAKE GEOIiGE . A, H KA VY SIIEETI.VU A-A. LON'SDALl-: CAMIUJIC. 4 . A Full-Line 'of f HULKED AND PLAIN LAWNS, ; - . Dress 1j? in I-m- . III XKN FOR LADIES SUITS .' . and TRAVELLING DRESSES. HAMBURG EDGINGS. iuVverj -style from". 3 cents up. LINEN ' 'TOWELS and :' t I CRASH. ' VOLUMK ILj lO K, XII E XIt5 JLI oooi. , CHAPEL ID LL, N, CJ., STirBDA,;:'. . tiie mnriiDAY. f liY.I-OUISE S. Ijl'IIAM. Another darling baby, A household pet and joy, A smilin. dhnpk'tl trCastfre, ':A precious baby boy ! 1 - With love 'wei'eet the stranger, -. Our hearts with bliss are mute; And joy and hopeful gladness A re 011 rs,' bey oi i d com y tje. : ' . So' helpless and s fragile ' . 1 ' Our tender, lloweret seems. We muse, "Is this more real Than other pleasant dreams? ,Or shall ye wake, some, morning. To tind a rifletl nest. And weening, feci that birdie ' Is thus'iuore t rely blest ?" Fathr, v,c crave thy blessing. Kor thi dear little oi? X We j)i ay for ?race lo help us IVrfect the life beirun. With Virtue's shining halo Encircle his fair brow, ! Ami raise him up to. manhood. Pure and spotless as now. Father, thy gift we cherish ; , Wc tlunk Thee for our;sn ; Thine here, or thine in Heaven. : . We'll'saw "Thv will be done !" est room, with a private table, 'jnst lordly as ihc Prince a Wales," hs Bridget, had said. And Mr. Caivw liadUaken.- her .to the . theatre, and sent her boquets, whose withered leaves lie JTJWT IN T13IE. I'.Y AMY HAXDOLl'lI. MARSEILLES QUILTS, a largelot. "KEEPS SHIRTS and COLLARS," a fulllnw. 41 '- MILES and ZIEGLEU'Sl . hand mad Shoes in eeiy Stie. for (leVtleineu, Lad ies.A Mioses anil Chil dren: AUn a kirge lot: of otlier goo: and poptriar makes ot Shoes, . McCAUE Y'S U He.ubpi.irters for RAfJON, LAKD and GROCE KIES, CAN VASSED & SUp AH - CUIIED HAMS on liand all the time at" pottpm. Prices. ' N, C. IIA3IS and SIDES at TOcts. GOOD IJHOWN SUGAR at lOcts cit. ghanulatp:d cut . LOAF and ; best BKO WN SU- ' .;:! ; - - . GAR.at lowest prices. GRITS and 1 10 Al I N Y always on hand. " . . ' A FULL LINE OF .FISH. ' X. C. CUT HERRING, MULLETS,- -.--- - 'BLUE FISD, &c. BEST CUBA MOLASSES and PURE HONEY DRIP-SY'RUP. PURE CIDER VINEGAR and FRESH RICE. '. A' full "Stock of Farmer's Friend Plows, Points and 'BoJts. , always on hand. i - :. . . S WEEDS' Refined, I?od, Square and Hound Iron on hand, of all the differ ent sizes at t'je lowest cash price. , COTTON, HOES in all the latest and improved styles. HORSE and MULE SHOES and ! ; NAILS. CUT and FINISHING NAILS ot every size. GRAIN and GRASS BLADES. . In fact, rvervthins: In the Hardware ane. . ; A l.eautfful line of j . LADIES'. HISSES, and CHILDREN'S 1 TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED v HATS. IlilJONS. RUFFS, CUFFS and COL- LAtS in every Style. A full Li 11c of Gentlemen atd idies, KCKTlEa 'ieutlenwij and Boys FKLT ami sriSAW HATS, in all the latest and 'fewest Styles. " " r f A full hue of Men and Boys' REAIY HAI)EtTXTHING at prices that van wt be. Iwur. , i' - U.M BR ETf. AS 'and' PARASOLS that wat them all, from 13 cents to t. If you want to sac money, come to CtALLKYN. - ulinm :. vn , irill find Jon waist at prices to suit every- IxKly. n Alwnkiug the- public for., the. liberal Ptronatre"jive :n me heretofore.' I pledge myself in the future, as I have tried to in the past, to treat everybody right d give them the - worth of their money. Vcry respectfully. . ;. D. McCAULEY. Chapel Hill, f. CM May IS, 1878. "I am so tired of it.all,:" said Addie Cliligrove. - The little wooden clock on the mantel had just struck eight ; the lire in the cylinder stove, giowed with a red, comlortable retiection. Mrs. Clitfgrovc had gone down to issue orders to the kitchen depart ment, 'relative to the morrow's breakfast, and Addie was all alone l 1. jwith a pile of invalided household 1 men, a package of unmcn.ded stock ings, and a work-basket well supplied Svitli ail the necessary implements -ol ' 'needle' craft. And this was to be the occupation of her elegant leisure. Alas, poor Addie! . Shenvas a pretty girl, rather be ow than above the medium height, you sec in the "flowing blue" china f our grandmothers' days, sunny tirown hair, streaked here and there with reddish gold, and a round face, where red lips and dimples and shy j-oses made up a, distracting confu sion to thd eye masculine. And her hands were white and soft, and lier waist alight and trim, and she wore a number two and a half f shoe, and altogether would have been 'phrased a beauty, had she only been fortunate enough to live in Fifth Avenue, in stead of being the daughter of Mrs. Cliffgi'ove, who "took boarders," and was . oftentimes sorely troubled to make both ends meet I Four little brothers and three little sisters to make and mend for, to wash the faces and brush' the jocks 'of, fluid sec duly packed off for school every day dyed dresses, three-winter-old bonnets, and gloves bo shabby that she Was fain to hold her hands folded within her shawl whenever she went out, and a tread mill round of daily labor more wea risome than the constant dropping which is said to wear the hardest stone away this was the epitome of Addie's life, and for a girl of eighteen, there is no denying that i wasvery hard. Ami Addie wondered, some times, if the blessed gate's of relief would never open to licr faltering footsteps ! - ' " I To be sure, t here was J ohn Torrey, who had the little hall bedroom in the third story back, and was. ? clerk in Messrs. Cash & Bullion's banking establishment John Torrey, with the clear hazel eyes ami the merry riiifih voice, who had told her only yesterday that he loved her, and would fain make her his wife! But lie was not rich, a.d had only his sal ary :o depend upon, and Addie had always dreamed that her pretty fate misrht "win her a ifiore important prize in the matrimonial lottery than ar mere bankers clerk ! She did not want to toil and work on forever, and. where would be the relief if she married John Torrey? ) Yet she liked him a little too, oij she had thought she did, before Mr. Carew came to the boarding-house treasured tip, . and given her ";a Phiiopena present of a turquoise brtxr.h, the prettiest '''thing she had ever seen. And they had been talking only the evening before a s h o b ro u gj it her f 6 m e i'tu m h V promenade concert at the Academy of Music, and she was quite su re ' he meant that he loved her. Of co'ur.so. he was very rich, for he wore' dia monds and superfine broadcloth, and talked about hts country-seat on the Hudson, and his yacht and his racer horses, until Addies simple eyes with surprise and "Because, Atjilie, a thi(ng like this at in.vplves i!e happiness . of . twof 1 Tdie.'--1 Shall I leave . yi ? UI would rather, be a) were dilated at; ,etimes,J oughtj not: tor bo -dyided' .W)n too! rashly he went on ; ';and rhaps t-But I won't say; more now alone," she an- srereu bneny,aia J.r. , l orrey, : (ust apointed a little it the re)ly -he;hac rceived, rose and went slowly ay iijWouldMr. Caiew come now ? He hd-vtoldl her that tuorning dunug tevWynju tfemed 0 forl)id the .'fulfilment of' jlitir opei-ar ei gagernent, and he 5'oulil spend the, evening with - her, fea (1 i n z a volume o f 11 e vv po e ms alo ud find simple Addie hadcpuhted tlie 1611 rs t h at inte r y e n e d , i u 1 j i r r e s t less 1 gen 1 ess; of anticipatidn. Poor It ' 1 1 . . 1 ! ' L 1 - - . . 1 ' amazement, not altogether unmin-Pohni! how nnte inongnt (oc gave 0 him-and tlie bitterness of his dis- gledwith a secret exultation, "in-that one. day all thse might be her own. Alas for poor John Torrey ! His heart .would have sunk into the soles of his boWs, had he but known how slender HvereJiis chances, compared with thrtse of his dashing rival ! Jiut ignorance is bliss, at least so , says the old proverb, and Mr. Torrey's face was as bright as ever when lie came into the little parlor where Addie sat darning table-cloths. "It rains pretty hard, eh ?" said John, rubbing ;his .hands before 'the fire. "No church -lecture for us. 10- . ... . i . i night. ! ' ' 1 . Addie bit her lip. "I was not thinkiiig of goin to - v- 3 diurclr; even jf I it didn't r:tin. Mr Carcw had asked me to go to the opera. j" 1 -. V-M r. Carew, eh ?" said Jqhn, so'm e- wuat luguoriousiy. " rsceirs to me vou'andMr. Carew are "cttiii to be prettygbod irienls:!"! Hi:..:iru,' -mm- JlnllO, WTtif a toss of her pretty little head, that added, as nlainly as words could have phrased it, "And; what then." ; "Addie,'' vaid Mr. Torrey; jailer a moment's siicMce, wliicli he employed'! in twirling the sjoo'-st nnd j round and round. "Weli r ' ' ': ' Have rA thought aiylhing more of what I said to you last . night about :ab(iiit being my wife, you know ?" " , , "Yes,' 4 said Addie, coloring and Ippointrnent ! . how much to Mr ,'arew, with, his idark eyes- and dla- lond suuls," and. his smooth co:n- )a?id -of 3olysy liable language ! . ulfe is so, -lian'dsome V sire though!,! and he has ;so much style ; and tlien'l; - i- ' . -j then he loves me srmuch ! Ifhe lad not; he never would have pfessed i ii y hand as tie out last ingiit, wlicm i a was speaking of the loneliness of his .heart; and its' jearui ngs for con genial companronship'.''. The- current of Addie's d nice J m e d i t a t : o n s' w a s h e re i 1 1 1 e 1 r.u p t e d by Bridget's voice. ' ,'.r "3Iiss Addie, plase,- the misthrss is gone to tlie market to see the calf's 'Jiver fr b.re'akiast as was or dered to be brought, and the blnii derin' thal'e of a butcher left behind." Addie shnildered a little at the abrupt change of mental ternjjerature. "An" t here's a lady here anxious to wouhl v do upon her daily in. coin e, let . her get rid of him ytll' pnce. IleT, is not one wl)orp-ays his iebts,-'atid the widow and t jie, fatherless" s4;eni'''-to'flcPhis nnlnro iii'm- ?1 - ' . p.ui-, niiu as 11 wei e OFFICE. OX FUANKLIN STREET, f opFosi rE the stoue of .l w. CAEft, Esq,; ItAS- oj'-DVKnTISIXO: j , One'sipiiari'.-one insertion, ,ne uoliarr Oiio square,-each subsepient insert iou4 littv cents, j' ; , . ' pivial -,outr;icts made for larger adver- ti'emeiits. -I ' '-'. 'IT' !"- ' Ali pi tisenients shoutd be sent in by rhursday-K'ire?acli day of isue. Fa ris letter to Ua 1 1 1 :n re S u 1 1. f. . aiQiisE, j m Q;to i ; s.i; , may hero "say olher peculiar inter y.iuoiG sat paralyzed; - Thjls, then,w:as' her hei ot romance -her chcvaiher,, ' without tear ,ai(I witnout . reproacli ! Y el, perhaps J here was ,sonie ,cruprinis- ..... ... ,-,, - . . i . , -j .i .( ' . some spiteiui, envenomed sl:ui.- n e av o ii" l not ; tie t, eve it a NvoM'-on n n est o4 Paris, 4io rse dor Until liven . as jlthis reflectK)n.,eddieo vague)y ' through lier 'mifadihed.oor opened, and Mr. Carew himseif en- ter.cd.l.Snth thq.;'jjj$ii jaunty stfp thai was; customary i ith lijml lib stop p e d; s h o r t , 1 11 r 1 i i n g o f , a. 1 i v i d -.- jAl U ) Y as he jsa'w the pale; worn au in bljiisk; "Augustus."' 'she greeted hiniVc'o'm-" posedly. j ' '"y ;:V .-..! af A Hi. g-rspod- "f'l I; ;did' see yoiihere.'f 1 you did not, -she . i "You ' th might' you illy " concealed ' -your i Ibra ! - not "'expect t '; "No, i said , hittei lv S : k uevv had- cjfe'ctu wl.ierQab'outs lected wife' has kee:er one" is 'apt to sewing on very intently. "Of course ! have thought of it !'' - "And what have you decided ?" "That we hadn't belter think any moreofit, John." . Iloiiest John's countenance feil. "Addie you're not in earnest ":v "Yes, John, I am." "But, AddieT love you ; I can't be happy .without, you ! And it may; be I' am conbieted, but I don't mean it so indeed I always thought you liked me." "So I(did, John; but liking isn't loving, you know; and the morel I tlunk of it,'the more I am assured that we are not adapted to one an other. Of course if you are disap pointed, I am: sorry ; but I can't help it !" - ',' ; - , John had risen up, pale and trou bled, with a pleading light in his eyes. "Hear me, Addie," he said. "I can not let this matter.be decided so. It is a question ofdife'and death to me, .whatever it may be to you.- Before 'Carew came but I won't speak of him," he burat'Jbrth, with an evident effort at self-cdhtrol; "except that I am firmly convinced he is not the right sort of a man to make a good husband t6 any woman but you liked me well enough then. Addie, take twenty-four Jiqurs more to con sider it well, before you pronounce, your final decision." ' ., j "It w ill be of no use," she said, in a low voice ; . "and, John, if you think to advance your cause by abusing a a rival you are sadly mistaken, that's all." ": j ;' j ; . "But you vvill wait one day i more, for my sake, Addie ?" he urged. , "If you insist upon-it; but th de- s;e ner an snaps yoz "Ask her to 'cdme up," said A ddie, sighing, as the golden pinnacles of .lrea!n-!and vanislied into the dull, gray atmosphere Of daily life. "1 lare say it's somb' one .about the big extension room."1 . '.' A. Ajid she rose: and drew a '-chair to waril thej fire, as a tall slender figure entered, with siiavid and wrappings' all dripping; with rain, ' and a long crape veil thrown back from a face that was very pretty, though fhin' and (Hiito colorless. In her hand she carried, a small black leather travel ling bag, and. she entered with 'the" free, graceful air of one well aec'u.- ' -'' torhed to society. ; v from. me - but Ja neg- suj)pose. , vision than Will you not renovators. , It would; perhaps be riiore correcH'to.say hQtsc restorers, but' the hf&rRssis llie Isatne.v .Twice ' a week in that usually qaiet 'Boulcf - - - . . ;ai t 6f Hospital you will hear tu- niu'ltnous outcries and loud -;vOicc like the snouts of a charging nqnaclf.i ' ron of iiirassers; Th noise comes i , from beasts and men.-' -'The - whole : assemblage of pi en is mow like- an " insane as vluiulet hose. Tho groups; -t ..-.'i- - . ;.'! j - i r ! 1 of horses-art? like - excited povei y out for ali brgfe. Tlns.j is the local!' ; tv of stables that arei hefrnatically Seated to the,' vulgar eyes of. those on r, lknl-ina,i".or-eyn . on a coil'J. raited "high horse.". You hear t ho "noises at leat. ''Lv a ruse, you may get in. , Jt ii atV equine sauitariunt. Ohri:uJed.h9rses,.tninns nny "go", in ! 'r them are iM ken to this - retreut,-ahd by a special class of food, composed -principally of; carrots cvushed i, .intt;. -mi.vd: with brsnr to which a jitt'u ; flavoring.of Tnrseuic. is.. givenf. theso , :'uiet quadrupeds become fiery gtccs j introduce tiifl ibi;;iially Uyonr pretty yoiing friend ; "Certainly Air. CaVew, ' with ..morti'fi: 1 '-; -;i . r a assuri'ie aii ea dh, . : Of ' '.course "' said growing red and pale at ion, yet striving 'u ;y inannqri "IissCIifiP: groye,' this ish a'--niV -wife T j And Aildie's "look of contemi't i Ke keenest tno'rtitic.a-, t i oVv o fiH 1 1 t li a t A u gust u s Cafe w " ha d -i ' .- i . .. : i.. .!-.- ; - yet Experienced, j ' ;' 1 '' A "." ' -.. . Mr. and Mrs. 0ii;bw went home the next dayj thql ibriner prqirtising to send a remittance to .Mrs! .Cliff grove per mail -w hich remittance, it ' n a Y- JeU tnjifl o - arri vedl ' Addie bed I1 or John's wise -in-its ti spoke Mr. (' - And AdiHe quiet life," a pitying kind row's pale ;w and engaged her mother's handsom-flay will be useless," she said, coldly. "You ae Mrs. Cliflgrove?" she asked, 'as her eyes fell'ou:the. figure by the stove. ('I am jSIiss Cliffgrove.''1 . "I have called-specially to see IIr. Carew, but the servant tells me he has not. yet come in. In v the tucan time, I should like to ask you ai few quest ions." : !. .- f She sat do wji quietly, and Aldie, vaguely wondered what was coming next. :: - - "Has he been here long V "Mr. Carew, do vou mean ? ' ".! CS. ' , "-. ' ; .,- f '"For about four weeks, I believe," said At! die. "Has he paid his bills V" .' Addie crimsoned, "Not yeL" "I thought so. .Nor will he!"' . --"Madam,", sahi' Addie - spiritedly, 'you have no right- " - . "Yres, child, I have," broke out the lady impatiently, "the best right in the world the right of one whom the thoroughLpaced villianand impos tor though he is, he has cheated; and and wronged most cruelly of all. I am his tcife!" " -- r V "His wife 1" involuntarily repeated Vddie. ' - ' , 'y "Ah, I see," nodded the strange guest , "he has been palming himself off on ' you as a single man. It is his style. He lives a gay life, while I, down in the country, am sufFerir.g for the bare necessaries of life. But in so far as I can,. I wilt not soe peo ple deceived 'arid' deluded, by his arts. , If, as I suppos'e, your mother is one who depends for. her daily bread f k . cf at a. a m e J ol 1 1 1 To r r ey 's - wife! 5 oving heart ' was: very n'derness, a'li'd ho'tie'ver -. - - -. . - - :rcv s, name again. ; . . s ver.v ha?)PY; i ri hbr id always thiiikw with n ess of August us' Ca- - IJIlN'TpAURYOR bxti. A '" -.' OR. aMOXEY. f' ' " ( .' A'ifai'meijV son", from 'near ;lteily'j Avaiv.in .town last vcek" selling hogs, ami ran into an old acquaintance on the'' street. .. . " v ;. ; ' " .'- ; -What dy'e Uiirdc, Bill? : J'm mar ried ," said tlie Butler bounty youtli; "The deucti Vou arc' WelU I n'Over thoiig W'lio is she; "Old .Unci Mary, and I Bill; j You :A but its. hone-si trthatHof 1 Y Sain,.' e Dan barrel's daughter I open you- .eyes a. bit, on't believj) it maybe, gospel truthi I didii't iv love nor faded ' horse is washed jwith marry that g rl for nei money holiest Irijiui,''said Sam, wit 1 a bigrs'mile that mad er hiN face' look as though his fenced in. Bill leaned and gave hi e y es; wore ab u t t o be up ftgainst a Ja.mp-post n a look of sfteechless amazement Mr a second u: t wothen whistled and slowly said: - "Well, thxm, by;the.old Ifany,IM like' to kjiow 'j' ' ' . j for ariyVayV ' "WcH, Bill, You see .she's kv I la t y o a d i d mlarry he r I'll tell you hoivit;was. on e, of 1 he best li ttle workers in that hrt of tlie country " a pec'diar loti?n,-nnd'! well - rubbed. f .1 ' 1 T TT. .!' vo inat.no ioqks weii) ue, w iiicn- fed and given stimulants of a certain class. Oats and barley . mixed arc j , his strengthening rations. The oilier. ., condiments are . the beautifier.i. Jf -v a whitc.foot" is objectionable, .it dyed. sIt: a dull eye; prevails u little . increased dose of arsenic gives; lit brilliancy. . If theliair be, loo fdongi a jifdicious'clipping is given. Tho whole animal mado!."beantiful ;for.. f ever" .by endless dodges. .Broken winded horses are eased by a paries f'T44Vrtri,Wnxrttiiigp, as weinas a portion of-moistehed Spanish -tre-, .fjbil :plaiit, w inch expands tern porarily ;: the ; "ung. 'Broken, knees'' are -patched' with' pieces of dead horse V" skin,. g!utf on neatly.i ; Some dingy white horses are entirely dyed black. . and gl6ltf', !but woe to the vender if . the disguised atiinia' be caught in a shower of rain . pending the. negotia tion of purchase. Tho earn are trim-. medrshorter and painted, up, and, if:-, too short, 'ornainents with lmlia rubr. -her. adjuncts, llnress there be some actual disfiguration by broken bones, these art' decorators i of 'horses can ' pass off the sorriest of sorry horses on the not over whie-awakc buyersV AX ENTER PIUSIN G THAMP- A stgi'y told by. q, !(inJtillcisco '" paper that a tramp wliile. vagabond- iug not far, from the town of Reno, ( Xe v.") b e th o ugl it 1 1 imsel f o f a h a p j?y : device for securing the chief aim. oC .'-..'-s . ' 1 Ulfj I ill V lLltJ" I II li I J V. II HIIIU) J I J , Aware that, tlie'.Wells 1'argo stag?. would scoir pass over; the road ho. 1 ; ' ' ' retiri'ued Sam the' old sniile.1 vOh, thjit's exclaimed Bt Robinson bou last week on -1 mendation." Sam saM heJ three o'clock, W i t h a d o u bl e dose . of low." it comes, r is'ty?" !i. :'Well, Ohl John ght a couple of mute hat very same . recoin- had to meet a man, '."at and- hurried a wy. ". ' Railroad employees in the- South' west formed a Rirrg fir steaHfiig freight' and establishecl a warehouse in Dallas, Tex, for; the reception and sale of the pi and er ami durfng four years did an extensive bnsinebs, theii rascality having only just .'been disclosed. Advertise in the Ledgeii. threw, off his coat ;, tjiirned; otit- his pockets ; : tore(his shirt ; scratched his face ;,. rollcddii the drt : then with much trouble tied himself to a tree, anxfously n wailing the : ilage, -.1 lie felt t'onfident that by pretending (to haveMee r bbed of his .last dollar, ijialtreale'el and bound to i tree by ( despeate highwaymen, .he would get . a h.andsonie subscription from ,thc .' sy m pathetic, open-hanuqd passen gers. The stage, unfortunately for, f. ' him - took a short cut by a new road, :,'..'." :"-' ': A?. ' i.J :rAAAl " .and -trie tramjy anr-jiairryingf -uniu ' nightfall, tried in vain rto. unloose hif bonds. ; ;WiiIe so engaged, a hungry' , arizzlv bear descended the mountain. K d.r aW n by t h e ma n 's 'cries' for fhelp' Vr atbacked him,' unable to ofTer liny re sistance therefore nearly devoured hirii.His remains' .ire discovered two day "after and recognized ? as 1 those of a tramp who had several, ; times' rais- d money by "the means mentiofiedj ": 'He is said to have been once a man of: some property.; in Sacramento; but he, lost it bY'epocn lations became dissipated, and finally a ponfirmeu loafer. He certainly was hoisted bv his own petard. The- locust maeks a noise by fid dling on its w ings with its legs.. , . i I III 1 I Hi 4 r V ..i .jawvi iiiiimiiW. bin' i--zz:mn

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