; i f- t- . .. .1 X' A I f V- it. i i 1 1 I'.1 7 ' .4 A 11 tl t ' i f THE WEEKLY LEDGE I Saturday,' - - J- - Nov. 9, 1878 KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : One copy, one year, - - - . - . $lw50, One copv, six months, - -. --' $1.00 CSSubscM iptions must be paid in ad vance. . . - . . KATES OF ADVERTISING :: One square, one insertion, - $1.00, fcaeh subsequent insertion, . 50c "Special contracts made for larger advertisements.' n: L.o direr IiiIIIliTir ' Co. NOTICE. We will be pleased t&r publish any com)iiinica tions from any person relative to the good of the people : but any comrnu . nication relative; to personal matters or tending to 0ring about a contro versy will not be tolerated. Ed's. -w The. N. C. Conference of the M. E. Church, South, will convene in Try on Street Church, Charlotte, N, C, Nov!: 27;. IQ o'clock, a. in. V.Tnii State Sunday School ICon veritFon which assembled in RaTeigh last week, adjourned on Sunday last. We hope the annual gatherings of this body, will result in i mnch good to the Sunday School cause. I The election of Congressmen in this Slate on Tuesday last, passed oft quietly. No papers were received on Thursdayfrom- Raleigh, therefore " we 'canhra- state, officially, who is . elected.! (The present Judications are that: North Carolina has elected a solid Democratic delegation. The election in other States,' North and South, also passed off quietly.: The vote polled -In some of the States was small. . -DR. THOMAS w, ir a w RTS A correspondent- of the Raleigh Observer, L. C. V ," writing from C$hapel Hill, has this to say of Dr. Harris, and ve lieartily approve of everv word that' is said of him : "The medical class at the Univer sity this year is quite small owing to the 6hort -tiuie of IlL organization. Dr.'Hirris, the instructor in this dc . partment, is a thorough scholar and a master of his profession. -His in struction is on the order of that of ihe University of Virginia. Thor ough theoretical instruction is given the first year. The student has no advantages of a clinical department which, is unnecessary for the first year student ; his advantages lor ex planaiions in'ariatomy are splendid; . the lectures are well delivered and will leave "lasting impressions on the student." SprTIS CONGRES SIONAL ELECTION. IToiir-tli ConcrrcAsional " Listx-iot; 1 Returns from Wake, official, give the county to Turnerby a majority of 100. . Jones, Republican, received eight or nine hundred votes in the county. ' 1 . 1 . t .; JOIINSTOX COUNTY. Selma. N. C. Nov. 5, 11:45 p. m. Nine townships give Davis 1,015,' Turner 473, and Jones 303. Davis' majority riot less than 700; in the county. ' ' ' ' Princeton, Nov. 5. : A-small vote. ClaytonDavis 66, Turner 21, Jones 2. --. v. - , ' Wilson's Mills Turner.50, Davis 26 Jones, none : -; - lyincetonfBoon'HillJDavis; arid Jones tie, Turner only 7yotes 1 -r Later The vote as far as heard trom is : 'Davis.'.- Turner.. Jones. 121 4Ct 19 118 42 75 135 9 - 142 90 33 00 135 1 32 Wilson's Mills, 35, 66 00 Selma, Clayton, Boifn Hill, Be it ah, O'Neill's crams CHATHAM COUNTY. Moncure, Nov. "5. Davis eighteen votes over both candidates, and forty-three votes over Turner as compared with . the vote of 1876 at Lockville. Official. sti4ioal j KaleilJ Observer. HE i RALEIGH CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. j This, excellent re igious journal It has for a a7;i:.w.. r , r.rtmii1fi no nhano-ed bands returu8;of this ci,y hov, WaddeH, -J Democrat, 1,001, Russell, Green stale, and has beenpied an en backer, 1,924. Russeil's majority, -ial)je position in the field of jour 923, against 1,066 -majority lor Llism. The Rev. Dr. Bobbittyafier Cariaday, Republic in 1876. , : - -rvice extending i-the est it T-: lllaoOnR )1 IMS 111V. v... --- D. ivusseu " : 1 UxMVEUSITV ITEMS li, B. Wilmington, 'Nov.; ditorial management; and leavesvU carries Duplin by over 500. loses 134 hi the city,49 in Harnett and r . T ,pa iid, Rev. W. S Cape : Fear townships. vvaaaeii bjact and the Rev. p. Jj. iteia. The Rev. W? b. or ,xf Edenton "'Knrnh anil has a k State : reputation j for ability, use- J . i . .1 -. 'J ..ictlqil tll(IV. He has had no experience as an edi- MOORE COUNTS. Mack is the pas- Street Methodist ready established Cameron, Nov;' 6. tThe vote ol Greenwood townshm o;7, is, Wad- del 11 38, Russell 48, Canaday 4. The general impression is that Waddelli gains in the countyi .1 - .; CUMBE RLA t D CO IJNT Y, tor, but he has an everything well. aptitude for doing and we expect to . . .iiotorii npiiod as dis- see nun iiw v ov- i ?--- . tinguished an ! editor as he is a preacher. i Eayettevillei- NoV; 6.1-11:40 k M.p The Rev. F. LJ Reid has an ex " , . , 1 3 1 f f 1 t li'ijerierice as a correspondent which Cumberland has gone for Ruelle";uoc-" . ;. a , i.. ..MnuUr hlni ... j i j gone by 250 to 255, a gain of 315 to 320 for the Kepublicans. , - District.. OKANVILLE COUNTY. . Henderson, Nov. 5.-3:45 p. M, Vote light. White as full as negroes. Jones twenty votes. Davis got more Radicals than Turner Democrats. , . ... The vote at Henderson is Davis 300, Turner 343, Jones 4. ; PROF. REDD. This distinguish'ed and learned 'gentleman of thd University of 'the State, h3s gained , a - reputation as a . toxpcologist that will Uo credit to ' tl.at noble old institution. Wherever the Professor, goes he never lails to Fpeak a good word for the Univer sity. We learn that in Johnston county during his last : visit he se cured louror five"j'oung men. for the University. In speaking of the murder trial which has been going . on iu Johnstonr county lbr.seyeral, 'days, a correspondent of the Raleigh Obsereer writes :' "Prot. Redd was next introduced, : , .w ho u noTerw eii tTai nospn sri d -ex a m i- tion by the able counsel, for jlhe de: fence touching his competency to testify as an expert. The Court ruled that he was fully competent to lestify. He testified that he took from the stomach and abdomen nearly one-half a grain of strychnine and one sixty-fifth (1-65) of a grain from a portion of the liver. He de scribed5 the different, tests applied; one a physiological test in whiph he injected a snall- portion of the con tenl8 ofthe Btomach under the skj of a frog, which had convulsions, and died in a few minutes ; he de - scribed the color tests, physical tests, fcc. On the last named he .was examined at some length ly Mr. Badger, but his answers showed that he was no ordinary toxocofo gistor, as teome of the old ladies call him, pizen doctor.' Jut at this stage a good old farmer suggested icy-vour correspondent" that doctors rf sharner than lawyers, to which! In. assented, of course. He exhibi-J "p to 12 o'clock. ORANGE COUNTY. ' Iillsboro, Nor. 5. The vote was small, iiepublicans went solid for Turner. ' Turner losing on the Au gust voie. - ,Hill8boro, Nov. 5.-8:30 P. m. Hillsbofo gives Davis 212, Turner 260, Jones 20 ; Cole's Store, Davis 33' Turner 11 ; . J acKsonB-crmrp-,-sal via 35, Turner 35. Vote was small 1 ' - everywhere. Chapel Hill, Nov. 5.-9:20 r m. Chapel Hill, Davis 194, Turner 163. Jones 17; .White Cross,' Davis 59, Turner 13, Jones 2 ; Patterson's Mill! Turner 81, Davis 38. , - .. I : FRANKLIN COUNTY. Franklinton, Nov. 6. 12 M. Da- 1 ' 1 vis' majority in Franklin over Tur ner, will be between 12 and 1300. Franklinton, Nov. 6. 12:10 A. m. Seven townshiis heard from. Louis bjirg township gave Turner nothing with the will attached. Second Coiirie8ional - j . JDistiicit. WAYNE COUNTY. (oldsboro, tfov. .5. Wayne ex ceeds the Democratic vote of August lor Kitchin. Goldsboro precinct gives Kitchin 37 majority, j We gain in all the precincjs heard from. GoldsUbro, Nov. 5. 4 t. m. The election is progressing slowly. Very little interest is manifested by either party, notably by the white Repub licans, who show a dis:-osition to abstain from voting. At the country precincts some, white Republicans have voted for Kitchin. The negroes in this county seem to be well under the discipline of their white leaders and as a result the negro vote goes for Harris. O'Hara-may get-five hundred votes in the county, but it is doubtful. Here at Goldsboro precinct the negro vote is j solid for Harris, O'Hara having received but three votes so far. The country precincts are more or . less divided. It is thought that the vote will fall short of the August vote,;especially the . negro vote. . Present indications lead us to hope that- Capt. Kitchin will have a majority of about 1,600 in Wayne over O'Hara. The white Republicans here concede' Kitchin's election, but all depends! upon the strength Harris will develop in Craven, Warren, Halifax, Wilson and Northampton. Greene, Lenoir and Jones are almost solid for O'Hara At Bulkhead box, in Greeue county? Harris had received only three votes GUILFORD, RANDOLPH, DAVIDSON. Greensboro, Nov. 5.--Demoeratic gains 'lu Guilford in . five townships heardfrom, 108. Morehead town ship, Scales 228, Tourgee282r Gfil- mcr township, Scales 304, To urge e 245. 'friendship township, .Sea es 97, Tourgee-45. Deep River town ship, Scale's 40,Tourgeje 35. Fen tress township, Scalesjlll, Tourgee 32. Guilford will,' from ! indications, give Scales 500 majority. Tlb townships" in xjiockingham. Ryim ville, Scales 225, Tourgee 180. Sirnpsonvillo, Scales 135; Tourgee 7J3. Scales will carr Rockingham by 500 majority. )Tentworth, 'Iali son and New Bethel in Rockingham county,', give Scales 290 majority. One fourth falling off in - Vote. Thomasville, Davidson county, gives Scales 247, Tourgee 45. High Poii.t, Scales 108, Tourgee 103. Greensboro, .Nov. o. o:4ii P. M Six townships heard from. Thej same propoitiohato gain will give Scales over eighi.' hundred .majority. makinir him r 1 ai accompiisnei j.".-" Uen engaged in literary work ior a mmber ofyears past, and is in. every wiy capable of fillhig with credit to hlnselt and his reaersj the respon sible position, to wh'icW he has been Ied. The paper Ainder the inun- .qioment of Dr. Bbbbitt has been ehiiienllv succtfUI. and he retires flom its editorial stjiff on account ol inpaired health, and a desire to rt tiiin to t lie TictfXre ministry,'. Rev. Dr. Black will retain the pas- fluiirr.h. We -wish 1 . uinler the new BY R. ? The serai-annual fexammauons win soon commence. At the suggestion of the Lbuger the supper hour has been changed to 5:30, j. m. , ; .. . .; . :; MrW; A. Betts spent several days if 'last week jin Ralergh in at, tendance uooii .tin Sunday School Convention. We welcome him back again.. ' '' t ' r . ' 1 The ' improvements in Physics Hall are about- completed. 1 rot Redd ;J entirely baiisHed by the new arrangement. The j new Laboratory in this Hall cannot be beaten in the world lor convenience and yenti latioh. President Battle delivered several mtrnstini? and instructive lectures last week to his class in Political Economy ujion the subject of "The v-ilue, compositiC)n anil weight o difterent . coins;' also upon the system of measurement ' fi ri ill E , W E E KL Y. h K 1VG E R , CHAPEL HILL, N. C. v r. Per arinuni, v ,$1 50. V.-' Six month. si 00; Advertisements appearing in thj i:.; t.v:. ,. Ledger will reach the, farrpera of Alamance, Chatham, Wake Orange Druto . ot : his the ' Advocate, ointrol, tlie same measure ot pros- jerity that it jat, and much inoe. has secured in the Seventh - . , Lat ojlxaI .iunni'.hil i hi .IUK'S. bill n'l: CJtirxotfrtfipih tune to attcct V gouI. frrf'siTiiitV their bodies and limbs wei e FOUSYTIIE COUNTY. I Winston, Nov. 5.8:41 P. M. Armlield carries -.Winston; bo.x by 88 maj rity. A Democratic gain of .125 o"er last election. Very .-light vote. , From the ewliu :XiilrShell. SERIOUS ACCIDENT. .Monday night last about 9,, o'clock, Anna Mariah Bryant, aged lb' years. and HetiietBrant daughters ot Aa J colorel inan living German nd Sou! weiTt; sitting 'near fathers! liouse; the the head of ilie latter, when Hettie tell asleep and droppd a lighted lamp,' -.which, hhe had been- holding, on the hearth.; The hpnp broke and the burning oil ignited, the clothing of the two girjs, wjio rushed out '.into the street creammg for help. A colored man, Arthur Jones, who was passing W-the timjr, went to their 10 years ot age, iryant, a worthy on the corn r of li Front streets the fire in their former look-ng. The 'Senior Class has met and tie I ected son) e on o :t o del i.ver the Rac calaureale Sermon next commence ment. It is nut yet kliown whom they have selected, ass his accepta tion or refusal must lie recei ved be fore it can be made known. ! a crisp, and their s they writhed in IREDELL; COUNTY. Statesville,Novi 5. Armtu-id 192, Rrower 40. A year ago the-vote at this box was 570, Dula beating Robbing 3 votes. The vote ' to-day was light; few Republicans voting; but little interest manifested. ; narts ot then ...bur lied to cries and groans. mortal agoiiy, werje imleejl pitiab'e. It was tho.uglit Hettie couhl live but a j short time ami there va-. scarcely any hope ibiL Mariah. The giris is in very lather of the t wo st rai ght en e d ci rcu liistances . "The Univefsil Una stands out in of North Caro- splendid- conti asi r-in point ot gentleinaiily comluct and obedience to the ldw to the 'whining refincnTeiits. C)i" vear or two uirn led some of the strychnia to the court and jury." .4. Goldsboro, Nov. 5.-10:30 P. M. Wayne 1,900 majority for Kitchin. A WILD MAN. ; A veritable wild man, captured in the mountains of Tennessee, is on exhibition at Louisville, His whole body is covered with a layer of scales, which drop off at regular periods in the spring and fall, like j the skin ot a rattlesnake. He has a ' heavy growth 61 hair on his head, and a dark, reddish beard about six inches long. His eyes present a frightful appearance, being at least twice the size of the average sized eye. His height, when standing per fectly erect, is about six feet; five inches. .His' entire bod v must be wet at intervals ; should this be nee. lecieu, ne lmmeuiately begins , tx manifest great uneasiness, his flesh becomes feverish, and his sufferings cannot be alleviated until the water is applied. He ran away when but five-years of hge, and sinee.jthat time has lived in the mountsins of 1 Ten nessee. ' - ' . Home Sentinel. WHY IS IT? Why is it that women always read the marriages in Newspapers first ? "jV That some people would rather lie than tell the truth? That.every man is anxious to jget the half cent in a shilling ? That the average railroad conduc tor cannot answer a question civilly ? That many would rather borrow a newspaper than subscribe for one? That men who never pay any tax grumble loudest about taxes being high? I ' ' . ; - That men of wealth have to; be sued:before they will pay their hon est debts? s i The people vho are bravest in time of peace are the biggest cow ards in time of ;'war? i . That some people always stop their teams on a street 'crossing, vari ucuiany on a rauday day ? lights of Northern nell Uiiiversity a under guise of the elegant au.iuse ment of . hazing , disposed of young Leggett by a I violent, cruel and ig nominious death. ' t Now Cornell has added to its laurels by the personal - - ' - S .' , degradation of a ison ol Congress man Ingeifioll lie was bound and ra'rd. limifr from a stone wall heai down, his moustache scraeit oil: his' inu" oaintt l. his clothes -ru ined, and other indgiiities inflicted When silch is the contrast, long may the University of North Carolina glory in kdhering tfo those "relics ot South.enL barbarism1' which at least secure good order,! and maintain tlie defences ot personal respect." Jlillsboro Recorded . f DKATii of Edward IIartmax The Liimberton tragedy has culmi- At nated in the death of hd. Hurtim and an additional fact of interest is the report that the young lady at whose hands lie came to his end is very ill from excitement superin duced by the tragedy and from tlve subsequent evpnt pf which mention has alreadv ben made in tliese col umns. Hartman died protesting that he suffered for the sins of another, and asserting to the last to the at tending ministers and. friends that the paternity of the child Cas wrong fully, .'imputed to! him. , Robeson county, though,tht scene" of all the notediacnievements of the Lovery band, -has scarcely ever been so thoroughly stirred up as it is over this tragic and highly sensational shooting affair. Charlotte Observer. I We learn that Charles Foy, col., who a short time since, was engaged as carrier at the telegraph office in this place, was murdered in Halifax last week by another negro by the name of Spears. "The murderer made- his escape but was .subse quently arrested in Wilmington .last Friday night,1 and committed to jail to await the requisition of the authorities of Halifax. Wilson Ad vance. , .. - - - '- ' . -'; . The Ledger, for 12 months, is only $1.50 ; six months $1. Take it. The Di. Libraryis open on Satur days' from 11, a- m. to 1, pi m ; on Wednesdays from 4 to 4?30, p. 111. The Plii. l.ibiary is open vn Satur days from 2, p. 111 to 4, p. m. ; on Wednesdays from 3 to 4, p. m. The UnWersiiy Library opens every Fi day evening aiitlj remains open du ring the greater ..part of jhe evening. flialeigli News XW. :h ' DEATH OF MHS.' VANCE. - Alter a most paintul and lengthy illness, the beloved wife of Gov. Vance passed front earth on Sunday 'afternoon, at Irs residence, on Fay etlevilie street at about 5 o'clock. Though-.' .not '-entirely unexpected, vet death was . in some sense a . ... . lied siiliicienfly to permit her, being brouirht here to her new home. The sad fact of her demise was 'not gen erally known, ami numbers brper sons here were even on; yesterday unaware of it.. Immediately after heivdeath. preparations were made ror trie removal 01 ine pouy lo ibuc ville, at which point "it is- to be interred. During the day, yester- dav. many of ihe kind-hearted ladies of the city brought or Sent quanti ties of beautiful flowers, while many friends .-offered their, services. Ar rangements were made for special cars to convey , the remains, and at tendants to Ashevile. 1 At 5, p. 3t., yesterday, the funeral procession took up its way Mrom the mansion. In 1 front was a .carriage containing Revs. R. Burwell and J. M. Atkinson,-D. D. After this came the hearse, , which bore' the casket. This was almost hidden by many flo w ers con t ri b uteri an d made into beaut ilul shane bv tender hands." The casket was placed iii the hearse by the following pall bearers : Chief Justice W. N. II. Smith, Maj. W. II. Bag!ey,.Rj,H. Rat tie, Esq.. E.R. Stamps, Esq., Mr? A, M. AlcPheeters, Mr. H. A. Gudger, Maj. Tucker and Col. L; L. Polk. On arrival at the Central Depot the casket was placel in a 'special , car, in which . Govi Vance, Miss ISaird, of Asheville Capt JC. N. Vance and cablet Robert Vance, of the family, , atid-.-MUses Lavine Haywood' and Placide and Rosabelle - Englehard; lady attend ants, took seats. These were accom panied by Rev. J. M. Atkinsou, D. D., Mr. H. A. Gudger, Maj: R. S. Tucker and Col. L. L Polk.; I he t rain left soon after 5 o'clock, and leaches Salisbury at 7 o'clock this morning. From- this uoint a special, train is taken for, Asheville, which place will be reached at 3 o'clock this evening. The funeral services will be . performed by Rev. Arnold W. Miller, D. D., pastor of the Fi ISt , P resl v 1 o 'ri an nh 11 roll 'o t Charlotte, assisted by DrJ Atkinson. In this connection a bnef Rketeh of the beloved and ' estimable lady wnq nas departed, may with nro pnety be given. Harriet Newell Epsy Vance vas the daughter -j of lie v. J homas Epsy, pastor of the First Presbvterian chnivh at Salis bury, and was born in that town July 11th, 1832. She was married to Gov. Z. B. Vance, at Morgan ton, August 3rd, 1853 and Idied in Ral eigh," November -.3rd; 1878. The life ot Mrs. Vance was ever one of piety and she was a faithful and earnest member of the Presbvterian church. in which she did a multitude of good works. . i'- j"." - ' 1 : and other counties, anil U therefore a good advertising medium. 1 - " - "1 ." !. ,g"Advertisement8 .will , bo in serted, in these columns on as liberal terms as in any first class paperl 2The Ledger's circulation'ii increasing rapidly, and bids fair to '''' : ! ' ' , -"i I - . ' have as large acctj and pro- circulation as any 1 country newspaper. in the StaU, " -'---v "ii: : . .. ,-'--.;, :.'.' The Fall Season will oon opB, " ' " : ";i .'' :i; ' ' ' and every farmer ehoald keep ' tp - ,- , . - j ; with the5 cotton, to i - ;The .Lepqr .will i. i... i , it . f !'.-- 1 ; .' 1 'v ; . .- - - . - ... , : . . . I . ' furnish the markets of Kaleigh, Har. , - J ' - 'i'.. .- - -1 . '.. hdm, Hiilsboro, Chapel Hill, do. - " - - r . T . 1 . . . 7 v ' '"-':" V. I . ; A r rangemeu t) , are being made for .vr-:-f:':-r--.7v-'.,:;. ! ... . weekly communications from Ral- duce markets. eigh and other points. The Ledqeh will use whatever in ' ':i - : .'.f, i " i- : " flueticr it may command to have 1 .!!!, r 'M Railroad built to. Chapel jHill, nd an Experimental Farm connected. '.' -"- j ' . :. - ' "' .k. . : M'itli the Univer8it3'. The columns of he. Ledger Trill ' I : V, , be devoted to Lileratnre; Agricul i -' " - ;'!' tnre,f Latest News, 'f Original Correi- 5 1 ? pondents, Markets, &c. and VUf avoid political issue much as po sible, though claiming tho right t" object to obnoxious men and :ufa' ures. Then, fellow citueris, subacribo W .- .'I.- 7 :. k the Ledger arid aid us in built 1 ' ' .' -! ' ' ' ! - . " . -. .f np a good newspaper. " ' "Office opposite the stors ( J. W Carr. and next door to I Weaver. :' ' ' ! V.1 I . .- J s