7 t . r I: Jia: xxa si J subscription bates: J WEEKLY LEDGER is fttniished ...tHoribers at one dollar and fllty iits per fopy per annum, invariably Inauvaiicr., v. ..mil .1 , "iinontlAone dollar. Eleven copie. one year, filteen dollars, i-ntr-to copies, one year, thirty dollars. .nr all onhra to -'Hie WEEKLY HSSoB Chapel II1H, NJ L ' f GOODS ! or OooiU-b How -complete in every Department "d will be sold at , enn .(.Bit 1 . or to prompt paying customer Ills Stock consists in part of CASSIMERE5,"! CLOTH - COT TOXADES. LINEN DRILLS for Pnt and Suits, & ' t i full Line of Domestic 10-4 bleach wl .ml unbleached S H EETl.VO. VI LLO V riSE Goo.1. LAKE GEORGE . A. HF :VY SHEETING 4-4. LONSDALE i cambkil.. A Full Line of : FIGURED AND PLAIN LAWNS, Drcgg GroocUi lit Jhlwrry . Style. v LINEK FOR LlDlE StlTS ; and TRAVELLING DRESSES. HAMBURG EDGINGS, In every style from " ceTta:;p4ilLpiEJ';' 7; TOWELS and 6X MARSEILLES QUILTS, a large lot. VKEEPS SHIRTS and COLLARS," a fuUUn. -t i kind made Shoes in every vStyle, for Gertlemeftt Ladles. Misses "'and Chil dren ilptt a large lot .of other goot: ind popular makes of Shoes. McCAULEY'S Is IJeadquartera fbrp.. , , . BACON, .LARD and 6ROCE Rtfe;fjANVASi)rSUiGAR CURED HAMS jOn hand all the time at Bottom Prices. ( C. HAMS and SIDES at 10ct. GOOD BROWN SUGAR at lOcts Cash. GRANULATED, CUT LOAF and best BROWN SU- GAR at lowest prices, j J - GRIT&imd HOMINY always on hand. A FtfLL tINff OF FISH. N4 C. Ct'T HERRING, MULLETS, ESt CUBA MOLASSES and PURE . 5 . iv.Jd f r HONEY DRIP SYRUP. , , PURE CIDER VINEGAR and . ; FRESH RICE, A. full Stock . of, Farmer , Friend land. oauoits. always on Iron oX raer- t tbe lowest cash price. eOrro.VHOES in all the latest ami ORSE and 'MULE" HtfRry a NAILS. j FINISHING AiLtti CUT smd tverj gCjfev . GRAIN and ;GRASS BLADES. v In fkct evervthinc In the Hardware Line. . A beautlfu Une.of " . -i- .- UDIES', MISSEiand CHILDREN'S , TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED HATS; GIBBONS. RUFFS, CUFFS atld" COL T.ARS tn ifverv Stvle. A full Un at Gpntlpmen and Ladies' NECKTIES. Wtntlemen sarid- Boys TKLT am STRAW HATS, ! all the latest and newest St v1p. full line of -Meti and Boys', 1 EA D Y auk CXOTHING at ortcea Mia can not be hf:it- . . UMBRELLAS and PARASOLS that them nil. from .15 centaid f3. j. .Ifyouwantto save money, come to PAULEY'S where, you will nnu Jnat you waut at prices to suW CVery 1 IhankiiW th nnhlic' for the-liberal P'glvtnme'heretofore T pledge BlTielf ft tk r..t.iM m X Vve tried to JJaihe pnit, 6 freal eyervbodT rtght them the wortb of their y Very respectfully. .. dVmccauley. Wttpel-HUI, N. C, May 18, 1878,. ;. '. r t : u irt. VO JL.UM.I3 lllt .1 ."i,m- I.Mr. Look not. back uikmi the past. Sure to profit bv lt teachings 9 .j' To experience hold tast,- n d Unly i;o regard ,it preach! ngsl. 1 al"k the.dad days raiiy hve been. - let there's brihtnes you ra&3--xviii- I H Look ahead t See yon ship that cleaves the ware Stormy is the aiiiy billow, ' Yet she sails on firm aml brave, I Tho' eacb mnst bends like a. willow: . B-ick. is ure disaster Y re ; , Forward, hope Jbtuns like a jftre, : , . Flames of which shnl neer 'expire- - . Look ahead! ' - . " -i - .. Be tef far the will that keeps Fast by long, though vain endeavdrj Thau the eiierg'v that sleeps, And lies dumb lit sloth forever ; 111 success may mark the past;- , . But with hope oailed to the inatt. Victory shall come at last Ix)0k ahead ! f History with names is bright I Tha; shall ever live in story,. ! ' Names of men 'who braved the fight Patiently and purchased glory Let their grand examples be Stars to guide you o'er lifes sea To tlie port of destiny ,)t Ixok ahead I . One looked back and lost the prize, Vhen she fled from Sodom burning, And a pillar 'neath the skies : ,-, . She became for backward turning. Look not back, where'er you stana ; Keep up heart and nerve -your hand, And you'll reach the Promised Land . ' Look ahead I. , j ' COST OF PARTY! : Br VRAXCES HKNSHAW BADEX. ' "I- declare it is ' too mortilying !'? exclaimed a brilliant brunette, throw ing aside the morning paper with an impatient gesture. ' r "What is it,. Jennie?" asked the gentle loking girl beside her. . "Vbyt justjto think .every lady, with any, pretension? to respectabil ity, has given a party this season but tts I ' I declare, I am truly ashamed to accept any invitations, as we have not returned, the politeness, nor have any . prospect .of .doing so. . I don't know what papa ' is' thinking about. Whenever I've spokep about it, be bas given me not a bit of epcourage theut. And Pra just going to take the matter 'into pay own hands. I will ask him just once more, and if he does not agree. -1 will have a party ifno matter what it costs" Jennie replied with' a determined look on her handsome lace. ' Jennie, on't talk so T Have you not noticed that the lines ot care on father's face have , deepened much lately ? I know all is not well with him. "He isUroubledi I see plainly, and is ; strivipg pot'1 to cast the jhadow 'of it over his family, If he could have giveh you a ? party, you know he . would-have done so long ago. When 'did : he 'ever refuse us any pleasure be could bestow ? 'He has bcfn too - iridulgent, T fear, and we too extravagant. ":I ' heard. Mr.' Barpard say, last evening, that many of the oldest :firms in our city were ingand the proprietors would he npancial storm., l, iear. - - a A" A u a m- may be; imopg those, anxious ones. Don't worry Inm Jennie ucat, , leaded the younger sister, hef wir, f. ' j .iJL no Ton. Bweet lace growing suuuei,, ovu nie oukklv answered : UOb1, nonsense!. It is notning oi . - - . ' , r the kind. Papa is growing penun- ousj and wants to economize. Saving pioneyis whatjiejs UV to' ; ' "I think he is up to more urau that, Jennie. Saving his name and '';-. o . ! i f ' ' '' ' : '' h '-THeretoprtief ;i; dop't I V?.iJ' cormnn on that ITOBUf suect.. Pve , kno wn , papa to vget tbese rspells KfnrP. 1 k am i aeier- VrrntV i Mamma 1 will not object; I r. 'J ! cv ,ortv T'll "have." 1 But viorA ta'mamma now. ' ';, tl -JaiHiUteail.'ienteritt inqwired ..hAAmW the subjeot under discus- D:rtW';.fenniere! eated wltet she had paid to her sister, concluding with: ! Mjsbvi manima; don't yott think Vight manageto ty" 1 V'CUti.rifnr reason ;for ' wishing it fr M VI V-f Vjrfr,, -.-A r A VL I VJl V V I fl 1.1 III II I 1 -t '511' y 1 r AJ II 1 I II r . I I I L " - - '.r . ; -.lifuum. V Jit v rw 'i i ' 1 - rl i -. X LAU m 1&7.M,- iillfc II . f iVU A'ULi ' 'U. I ... XTr CZ A rTiT.T.TjTA A .. "XT" T'A'tt.- . ..'.' -i- . U-i' : - JU ..:n "" "" "" ' " r f f a - " ' " m .JL -v A. T i 'W t . I 71 j" 1 v V I r -m VP . JP ' I "l$$yi Unkn"jye, cap, Jenpic. ffM";,;"" Wiirei b UyUcoscu without asking, y him Jerinie Captain Lovell see me W thehop- ors.: He was ddmirhigjAda-lw tou's dignity and grace' tb'e other, evening, tvhen she, ( presided ; t-at . her party." ... . J . f ( , . . She blushed a little, and looked so lovely, her mother felt disposed to help her tavonte child, yet scarcely knew how it could be done. Jennie saw she was yielding, apd said-J :" - v ' . -( ' "Mamma, I have fifty dollars. If you had as much we could pay Gil- j bert that on the supper in advance, and he would gladly wait for the balance three or six months. n ' "I have a hundred' that your lather gave me this morning to pay several, little bills. Irerhaps thev I might be put off that is,' a part of them, those not so pressing. But you forget the musicV . t , j , "O dear, yes ! , Twenty-fiye more, that must .be : paid at the time. I Couldu't you spare Aa,, mamma ?'' I "I must pay twelve . to Bridget I owe her fori last inontb,; and here this is nearly, gone. I must hold her, which I cannot do if I doiiot 5 pay her. Then yomr father told me to be sure to f give? fifteen to John." "Oh, mamma, divide the "twenty- five betweett Bridget and John; and let us have the party: ' Papa need not know any thing about it until it is on hlhiand he 'Wfmt trofryover what he?catttiot h'eip: ' You'll never regret it, fymi 'darling manihiarAnd we'wont mind wdat it costs," Jennie said, then in a happy mood, havfpg succeeaed in winning her mother to her wil she krietr. I . - Georee Halstead sat in his count- inxr-room. a weicht of care plainly I visible on his sad face. He, was evi r. ii " e it. dently waiting fbf the comiug of some . one. At length the door opened, and he arose to meet the visitor, saying : . "Thank you for commg, Walton Courtesy would demand my seeking yon), but you understand me I thought ypu would. , Here you can isay things to me perhaps you would hesitate to in your own house. .Six months ago you lifted . the burden from , my mind and heart.,. I tojd you with your relief 1 Could stem the tide. To day I am a. ruined pan. " ' Dimcttlties Jiave increased on every side. ,1 can . neither meet my liabilities to i you or. others, although Heaven knows,! ho?y hard I have striven. In ten days at furthest the " Halstead, ,L have seen its coniing. I must be plain with you. And1 you would have more sympathy - when this is known,1 had ther exwayagaPCe of'yourfamn .k. j halftsuppressed i groan -escaped the miserable man. xxis UI1 It would be more cruet -to; with- ,A thifi than to say.it to youy i f ou are i keeping dp an establishment of magnificence scarcely jusuuav -manf bf lHons-y6ur wife; and daughters are ifhe ost .elegar , rMfted women in . Ynar bovs '; a !! ?; 1 -Jl Iwmpmv StOP! L0 1. things and l woiId jiiptjke .to jask $ leti yoiSviil do tte tt yotf can Mp now." . . ; 4:.; ; wtth. Vmir-l.j WotWr it5 asked,-with such' a swe?t.plerfding ; ;"N6t less rfhan tWent ibousand expre8siouTin her darlryeikasshe dollarsl!' ? . f if f 'ir leaned her head caressingly on her Mr,; Walton .remained in ; deep motlier'i shoulder and whisj ered f thought' several ; momentsl " Then DlOp, owy - w ..." ( ope yon are unjust; Gffi YesI ahouia have ecepteher I know she s: a poblei glrL t.Have you talked witli he? ' 4No,; fno T f could - iustj tef?9 grieve erllovinarW than, necessary. ; aUpp,. 'Wpuld willingly 6Wthei;froxhi3 tronble,?in-truth por, at times, 1 r von to ask for anr .qeiay, n lvrould not help me only to make an i uoeiuniiicni -vi' Hi! in V. 'tJiieClS vOVfJll. Ztop n moment Halstead -What apjoout would ave you?" -.iiUyu i'J raising his eyes said F ? !f; . ;.Hafstad; tfiat sura ' 1 wllt lace at yourcommand this; day. week, if J you .will .promise me to make a rad icalireform in your household. Make your sons ; dependent bri !theif own exertions, j . Sep that they obtain no crediU- And mak your , wife -and daughters understand the trouble I you are; iu. Do this 1 within M the week, and you are saved,-t; Take my counsel, and ip less than five years you will be a free man.?: ; "God bless you, ; Walton ! my more than f friehoT ! I will do it. 'You who will save me shall counsel and 1, very well I snail be a stern I ' Very wel I : I shall be a master, iou will'flnd merreadv when you are. Cheer up now. J Good- Dye p I v an 1 engagement at six" Mrs. Halstead and Jennie; had Hy decided upon the party at any rate, and when her, father returned home that evening, hjs face "wearing a niore hopeful expression, Jennie whispered ? ' : i n "I told you n was wrong with papal See how pleasant f he looks 1" "Mother, waH . while. DoP't gi p to Jeuie whima! Yon Jei know, if father was not in. aome trouble, he would not have refused Jennie, when she asked him to let her. have the party ,' said Gertie; ' ; But her pleading was ' useless; Preparations Went on for a grand party. fi Jennie triumphantly . said, "Fortnue has favored ua,. when her father told them he should have to fgo to r on business, to be absent three or ipur days, possibly, longer. uet me fiftd you all home when I return, at furthest, Thursday even ing. I want to have a council !of peace, J j hope' he ; said; smiling pleasantly; when he bade them good-, bye. - U-Y.' ' "We will ail be ' home," t M rs. Halstead and Jennie replied, while Gertie stole out after her father, and winding her arms around his neck, said : . ' ,.t , "You have been looking so wor ried lately1, father ! Are you feeling better; pow.?M ' , ,. ; '.. t . "Yes, yes, little ppe. It was a passing cloud. Things look brighter no w. 1 .1 will, tell you j all when J return, and shall want your help, i a. v... ... : ' Iofvitations were issued for, Thurs- miiSMct umsupces. Two days after, Mr. Walton wouia fulfil his promise, and then airwouia be well. '; . ! . i ; :, ' Never did Jennie Halstead look more beautiful than when she stood; amilinff. and conscious of the afdmir- ing gaie ifrbm' eyes1 in whose sight she cared alone to triumpp. j ; The magnificent rooms were filled to-! their utmost capacity It was decidedlythe party of theseason. The band wasplayifloike ofMraus beautiful waltzes whep Jennie, '.sup ported by the arm f Capt. Lovell through the dance, raised her eyes At.he door. - There j standing the fpalor of Whose face frightebed her thep, apd haunted . her ever alter was her latner.' , ;s j , f. ' GerUeJiwhttV.resistipg the.com bined efforts' of all, refused to join the merry throng,, war watching tor his coming. J.vt.... .v.,,.. VShe drew nhn with her fer away ,to an upper room, off ;i from the company, and there, through tbe niffht. strove, to cairo td 'hi r friend's.' he ette into whichioeehcfckhaa nexvittptning, when , Gertie. seeing him Somewhat rimv3, threw herself ddowir fan mate Jistoents rest a Iterrini never reamiagvo toe mischief 'be was dofn. borttto MnHalatead the nbtw rbicli Gertie tound after; and. which somewhat e plained the. sad : sequel : of oor tiory. xiiia tbww:i -Xijijil rlJ Jj 5 1 ' FRiED'HASTitill Lasl event prove cleWrly youhave iut tJW '""i,,CB8i fjwsiuij nox we disposition, t' u y our uuiy. why sh&uld I try to save yoi ? , You need depend no further on my assistance -,i -Yours, ' ;.-,..- r- j,r A. W1LTONV t, That :trightf eVadirigrthe JoVing girl, Ueorge Halstead stole from his hoine, never to ' retttrti. ' s At last the river cleared the terrible mystery. Ofi its' bank werecastnhe reraainsof 'the misetable vmad-the sad result of a wtirmn's yaW ty ex travagince and earelessiiess.-i .. -The verdict "Accidental death by drownlpg, when in'a lSt'of tempora- ry insanity,": was given by 'the jur, ana accepted by the people; But I think aPother Verdict might5 be found1 which wduld more ' cleariv explain this case, and many others i "Driven to death by woman's folly."' Men sometimes are more considerate than wise 'lt "-" ' ': '-'s It was ri (errible "blow Wthe gen tle, loving Gertie ; Not a thought she spend on the' -toss of al-worldly possessionsali, and only for the dear: lather she crrieved. ' But heir sorrow was freed from f the bitter pangs of conscience. . : ; t - . Several i years r. before his death; Mr. .Welnter started off from Marsh field , on a troutingf expedition to Sandwich, a neighboring 'town :of -Gape Cod., On approaching the fine stream, he alighted from his;. wagon, and just about that time -he met the owner ;of the farm through which Uve stream: ran; , -,;'. . i "6opd morning,! djWebsterj ''is there any trout : here ??, ,i ... ".WelU! says the farmer, "some people fish here , hut Ir don't Icnow' what they do getsirlj . .,; .!t ; "I'll throw mytKnein," saya Yeh-, ster, 'apd see. what there ia.", .. . '.'; ;V: , Webster walked up and down the banks of the stream trying his Jack, and the oId-farmerfollowing-him. Soon? Webster rem8tU&: if? "You have, some bogs Hj f "Yes." savs the farmer ,4tbat ain't ;. ' "i i . ... the worst of iu" . ? f .; Fishing, still further along, Webr stersaid:!'- ';i',. ir'h. u : 'You seem to have pleuty of mos quitoes here;" i .v ih "Yes! he replied--Mthat ain't the worstpf it."t ' ( Vebstr lcepN throwing , his jine observe that yonhave plenty of briars herem .i h,,---u--; ! Yes," said the farmer "that am t the worst of jt.r ';'-:.-; . -'.. Mr.v Webster getting somewhat- discouraged in a- ht August ;oay, bitten bv mtaoMitos,- scratchetT by briars, and not ? raising ? a single fish. dropped his rod! and said c ? "I don't belie ve, ihat : there is any trout here:, j f w&t-yj'rj'' . VAnd that ain't tbo worst of said the far mert ? i'-M s -? yvWell,,,t4aaya Mrv ? yy-eosteri uld like to knO : what the worst of it is Th i1"-1 P-' m- V -j . t'There never as au here" ;said the"farra0r ''.rc4i-ft-7s -r. i'''; Mr. Webstprnjoyed i; the joke and often told It to his friends. Ltrade iiSi of tHvitanty and enterpnae of that seeuoi-u v 'r-'-''- t r in New jQxlcfna fine dayagtjreek mntA to over eleven thousand bales, tho receipt at f a4I the cottbii- POrtS Prog uiryw r - .OPPOSITE THBSTORE OJ.W; t . Otl MIUINL Afi aiiHJlJvM&.U ..... f.. ClT ' '- - - -- - - - 11 " L I. .a .J, . .in. ... - ... k ' .vjvciiuM-iueiiis j snouia ue sent in oy ' Thursday tefore'eadx da3 6T WifieV 1 vt: A'.STi rvNot line ruoning Mexico, to SarTDiego, "Calitornia; vaa fobbed by a fe individual; V, ' ew iQEHOBBEir ptrJWl Sab It- was stateaVtt - v loid robber ; slpTang fjKpgt'I. a tfe covered ( tlie coacwtUi 'JJlsTJiyMin Chester and i demahdetiArieraTstrrrlMider, 'Hiir ,pertmpttirJH3eWa I met anoT he secured fio ihcumHiera- , V ! ble aniouWT)fiouV,Vroftthe ' iress anpVtfgisteffcd Milk's fc. ' .vAiewtrr-i--rc,: r.vj; a. detective byHIie 'ii&uieor- KVaifi came,down;the;line to Mot and cap. . ': ture th daring Vobber., lTlmf reacri: : ' inir lhs;identrcali;t;i''uv,;,' former robnery sdccuirrea,vthe tjrive ' reined ;ui)twas no WijiisdaVk? Said:iherdriVerKva I i ve, Here'sthe vrVT Hher1 Y1 ic got aWy ' with us', tuft tleVeis,lh1kVf,'' , ; app wliin faellea'inrme') - i to, stop ana oraerea Hlfe.l?sseiiBer tp; surrender.", llardlt fttd thesej words been utteredi 0 th-T profound amazement of both iletec4,,,1' tiv4 iandV driver, ,lhey found ahemit ,d selves, po yered agaiibyo ih?jamii, , r piau with bis . WinchesUr. Jtifia Ke apbearedi irt response t6 what. thtf. , driver' Wd saidhe'erclaiediY.',,I i and theraBcars here yet. ' Thro wf off lu (I that express." 1 .jut t. 8,1- e detective, Mmadirf; move for his gun, , but (the highways, , man warned him' not to touch hi '! . gun undeV penalty ; of 'death'. 1 The 5 ' express was lllcrefore' thrown olf the' stage; the ,driyer iand ,i he detcotive t were, forced to jumpj, 'do p, stand ,". a"d .hold up ; their, bandswile tlieV robber secured such plunder, as htf . sought. "Evans hiseif ' Was 4 " prived of about $300. ; After thlr' i roooer, naa, accomplished i his 'pur pose he rode oM aiidUhe detective and, driver, with ,two, or three (huJ v passengers, proceeded on their way, evidently satisfied' that tbfey had es- com) aa.hAV did. This man continued: his course of -robbing the mails for several weeks, , during which time he toolc niuetepn, 8 stages. Finally,- howCVer, deputy sheriff Van Alstytsei of Pina county , Arixona, with a potfbf succeeded in finding the fellow, and- while jre- paring to, undertake his twentieth robbery. ; xenyiffff Mm apyoppor tunitv to defend htttfself he. was nd- ' died 'with Hbullels'fand ' ihtis career was brought to a Close.'r 'w .,1 STARS i r The clear weather which ''usunllyf prevails ur September and : October and . frequeutiy the;,greater .part. of . November, affords nearly as; many remaining Piontrii xpr ? the "ye: Owing, however, to the bright mobn-1 . light during the last two ti ;weeksv stars belpw tfe fRrfd magnitude i wa f invisible lo the pake eye, and the heavens appeared conrarati vety ' 1 a''l blapk. Asirifl' noy thedatk of the moon,. tbe sky for tfett remarodet ! of this moath wi(l present im usiial'.y V interesting appearance... i..; vr v , Jupiter, the largest of the planets, ' shines with' neculiar bVWM in the r 'sotith and southwest during' ithe" first' fv houra of tho night,. while baturn, the ring planet, may, he observed. lathp: MLmBktttXttth 8 up. win h ;? rauvuv r - . . . Mars,hwbich atractea so. jnucu-aij i tention ;a.year; ;lniost jmS, L'tko' rawnf the sun and l-T , gradually" decreasing inhnghtnessj f About eighVclock Cape1la;roay' opportunities -ior. ooserviug- ai.ru; nomical phchomnaa occhf daring the remaining month of the 'y aiv r. be seen in j the northeast a nuw . .kva thft; hoiizohrr while Yega:u pthei'arpJa.almosiJ-dir 'hdTrfs atari s remarkable far its blu4 color, and is one of the'few whnsfl distance ' has been' approxi mately deturmluud. Thyswiritars or Pleiadesthe guldesof theancient mariners, ip. the. Mediteranean jmd f , BUck $eas, are juappeavmgabove, th horizon in the east," while Arcu- -t trus, the brightest star in the north. errisky,W sitting in. the west . - i At ten o'clock, GastoH aod Pollux may be obseftcd:, in vthe northeasj. ; apd Oribii in he east, while Great Bear is seen nearly ' below the pole. Siritis, the brightest star in the , heav ens, nbwnrUffel .near midnight, but about tbe middle of November' cau ; be seen at ten o'clock P e?.ld inst Jupiter will be (ionjunction shy plapet; wUl oe atAort diitance;. Iron? the: same; luttrhtSty the last of iovember. "r. n? '-;' ; ' Subscribe7 to tHe Chal , Hilf . a . jk r . r. mp .... i'.l. t 7 X V '1 'il-:'.- , r . -ii ' j. . ... r just HOW,, ( i j i .Mf-?r 4 - , " -i - i

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