. . ' ; , , ;i i " , . ' - , -; . " . ; VoVlu'187fe! ; jf-All contracts for advertisements thouldbe made with Jos. A. Hauuis, Manager. Office on Frank I in St nt. opposite jhe More olfL. WJ Carr. rAll communications on business .smild be addressed to -The Weeklr fingcr.Clmpel HmyX.C." ""Tiyw,- bobebt, local editor. "otJIt CHU1ICHES. CI I A PEL, OF TtlE'CROSS, (Episco 'li.il): Key. JosU. Cheshire pastor, services ntrll-'cIockt-ArjrAfar ami 5 O clock, i:. rai -il ouuu.ijr. . It A IT I ST CH URf JIT Kev.T A . :. Divoii. niKtor. Service every Sun- thv at .ll o'clock . -A.? . M- ami 7 1-2 o-Wk r.3Iy 1'iarer tteeting every TJmrl.y vil;lit at l-2 2 ft'clnck.Suu tUy rhol every rumtay at u clock. A. M. Vvo' A. F. Redd, superinteu- Vnt. 1 ' ' JiKTIIOWST CUUCIill: Rev. J. F. IIrttiir?iiuf-pastor. Services at 11 oYlm-V, A. M., hud nt 7 12 o'clock. T. M.. cacji Sunday except the third Praver 'meeting every .Wednesday . .. . , CI I . 1. o 1 " r IVlff ill l 1- V.vTlvH lv. OdilUV ciiooi Lt e vrrv Suudavtat 2 1-2 o'clock, IV 31. t Thonuis F. orH ood, sajriiiteiKlent. t 1 KMii v,tiut(i it ; new Mr. I:lton. of liih I'olitt. preaches r 11 A. M.and7 1-2. P. M. every 4th Sunda v. l'raer rowtini1- every veck ni WedeIav.lix"t - ..7 i-2 6'cJock. Sr.ndav school even Si:i;-iV at 2 1-2 n'rliH-L. P. M. Dr." A.' K. I;edoux ujKrnneHiiuv. MaiU now close :n follow. t ! r. . , For Purham daily, Sundaj' excepted 6. A. M. f For Chatham county, once aveek Saturdav U. A, ,M. . The office opens for delivery. Of mail? at -:ou. i . .u. -A. MICKLE, P.M. HOME MATTERS. Don't wait for someihlngto turn n'i- gi turn it up yourself. The building opposite. the Ledoek office i3fa5t nearing completion. Ixutersare now beginning tp seek the siiuny side of everything, j I Kev. Mr. Ileitman will preach at Or- nge Church on Sunday moruin uext. -Aii original story will appear in our next issue. It arrived too late for this . If you wL-b ft pleas;iiit trip to Durliam or elevhere, jost get into that elegiint tHmoiit of Mr. fcates. ' wish somebidy would give us a news iteia. It yon won t in any other way. knock u.' down, and then vlll t IUII ivwu , . , . A lot has been purchased on which to ?rect a Jiethoilist church Who will put the ball in motion and have the church built ? ! i The communication headed A Word t the lrfpk of Chapel 11111. inake some hard hits. Wc are jiot responsible ! for the views of corresjoiidents. ' f- The sennou on iutcmpcrai.ee deliv-i ernJiiithe MethodUt church, Suuday lt. is very highly siMiken of. ' Mr. Ileitman hand let! the subject iby. The man who latelv walked into the hF.noKit oflle'and asketl if w:e'ailnel to le fersonal in certain article, now wear a pair of greii gpggles, and car ries a pillow under his -arm. Take heed ye turkey hunter. 7 n D.m't forget to slander everybody j-ou know. If yoii go wit of your own '-door "P- " . i -- i I J Saturdav, -.- -aufllail to abtMe srinfT i-.rsnn txfro y-.'i piffer' It agaiif, you'wilfue your putaiiou as a wwH-carricr and soine n:i .win venture to calf yon a very ,''evr ht4.ii., , . r fii mmi-i u r. are !t; lih m ik-. 'id 0. tonal chau in oir streets'. - , 9 ' . ?,'r5 niui-f i .to th(J , ;trftracance of V ii-ti . ... i ' ,wlth ourgfod work. little work atnl a . " ; . '.ey wUI make Chapel HiTui pVeC nttown i North Carolina. Won't you be gld w5.en the hogs ana are taLWvfr-fiin the street wiiniied ? iv e jMlvise me vnw r Hxs large hogst, which infest Franklin .street, to piit them in a ieu witli' a rock floor; for . if. they don't the hog will rt through. We judge lrom the bote tl.fv h.tve m.ule in the street. AutEKTisE. Let the pwpk .know ywir I'usinrps 'by advert Wkg. The I.r.iH;:u U increasing in circulation very day. ami i therefore, a good ad vert is'n mediwn, . , i j J i Cllc Mrs VjAllaii Grist proposes 'luuig one ot her siiaciou ilMMiig halls r the receptionfof a club1 of sclents. For f'irtrier particulars, aildress 1 1 : ' Musi-AW.axGkist. Choice Beef "-.ami t Mutton. Wc Hl have on hatid and .will furnish, to -raer three times per wxcck, luesuaj HmrstUv. and Sati-tWv: choice beef aihl- mutton. LeaTe your onlers witji . .y 4 - , . .-I ' i 1. p..r.i a- tifvuronv. - . . V IV r. r. Cc a r. il tr.f.. . t ' "-i . : : : Look. Oct! Mr, J. II. Boon, Rvig war Clwgpl HilL fts' made arrai ge uU tty ttiply the citizens of this i-taee with fresh fish everv-Wednesday tcI oftener' if the demaiul is ibfficTent. ,Ie will alio lurtYisbt . nice fresh ojtere, theap, All orders left at this office wil be promptly attended" lo. - K S i ' - - ' . . I I 11 1 4 1 I A f .1 111 V Hilll.r..!.. .. .. I ' " II I M II W I Unr tT.l a X u.u'sK gay. wrong were I Set-1 1 moVlng tOWaiQ the Kniannnnl church hi this place. It had been me- viousir iuitiolinced that on i hat day -two hearts were to throb sis one and Mtuefjiikum awdr studen;s Mere eoU iULicujo net aPOhe altai, tbbfce rijtc&; lenortnel which will forever bind two live together. In due time the bride. Mis Patt e Mallett, niece of our able physician1 Dr. V. p. Mallett, and the groom, Mr. O. M. Kovsterf i entered. Kev. J. B. Cheshire . solemnly pro notinced the yon couple man and wife, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy GhoHt. Tears fell fast -from the fondling relatives ; of the! fair youiig bride, whej appeared innocently beauti ful as $he reclined oil thiit Strong' arm which is to protect her dii their journey from the altar to the grave. The young couple departed immediately for New York, where they will enjoy - their, honcy-uioon. 3fiy thev meet uoujrht th:ttvlll mar the love that two such i souls will generate, and may all that God can give be theirs. WHO CAN BEAT THIS? Ciiapkl Hili X. C, .Nov. 14th, 18 78. Kinxu Lkiokk: il,,;.. of.. . a . ' on . vf ou publish the best pair iu thef county, I rhiuk you i are entitled to ihe largest I ot;i to. 1 he one I send you weighs 10! pounds, aoi! has been out of the giound .1 i . , r. -, ii r ua s- ii am coiiuuciii, u, won ui nave lV i .i .i j i mcikucu iMimiii.niii-iiuu. vuiiau- onebeatit? lours, J E. K. Williamson. Thanks, Doctor, for the compliment and the potato. W'e must say the po tato is the finest we ever aav, and the farmer who raised it,must understand tlie business. We are trying to make New A ivertisements. See the no- tice of W. T. Black well & Co. J. C. S. Lumsden, one of the most re- liable business men in Raleigh, favors the Lkdgek with an advertisement In this issue i - - f i ' the ieioer a good paper, and we a$k alas, death lays its -cold icy hahds Cw.rreeted by- the .Official' Reporter, lor all the people of Orange to help us In on you; and you.awake in heH What i Grocers .& Cotton Exchange, our undertaking. Kind words help an would be your plea then? Ch drunk- Lf, Vxw 4 editor and go a long ways towards the ard, have you ever thought of your -"aleigh, -A-,Aov. 14, is. success ot an enterprise, ' j crime? Have you any idea of what COTTON; TIES, new ; )l-2 . All orders will ' be filled jit Cast the drunkard's cup fromuybu BULK MEAT, clear rib sides, est notice. . ' i while you can. Death may come '' 'shoulders. Trice says he -will fit and upon you1 when you least expect It NORTil ARQLl.KA-Pork, the shorte George Irice say make shoes to suit the people, at prices to suit the times, . Read his notice. ; Mr. Boon announces in tho local col umns that he has made arrangements to shpply ourlmaiket with fresh fish. Pat ronize him.1 .) ... J Dental,- I nose who are sunering- wiih bad teeth would do well to consult Dr. rJ.'D. Davis,1 Durham, N. C, a he stands high ; in; hU profession, and his charges are moderate. Free Lance. . We clip the above from the Oxford Free Lnnce. The Doctor has leen In Chai)el Hill for a week or so, and we are glad-tosay 'he i" building i:p'a splendid reputation here. All who need work! In his line tvoqld. do jWell to call on him. When in Chapel Hill he can e found at the residence , of, Mr. Allan Grist. ' ' Personals. J. W'. Carr and wife are in attendance on the Cnmberland Fair at -Fayette villeJ . . . ' 1 , Johnson Mallett arrived to attend the marrnge of his ister. . ; Mr. Jas. Phillips is on a visit ,to his parents. , j ...A, M . - - i Rev. A; C. Dixon, who has been at tending the Baptist State Convention ik Charlotte, has returned to his post. He will occupy his pulpit in the Baptist Church, on Sundaj' next. . New Goons. Mefsrs. Long & Nor wood, a firm well known to the people of Chapel Hill for fair dealing, &c, are a fine stock .of dry goods. receiving groceries, etc. They have m their em ploy Mr. ,C. E.: King, a clever and ac commodating young gentleman, who takes great pleasure in showing goods lo customers. Look out for their ad- A Bai Sign. It is a bad sign to see a person at prayers in church, ieeping through, his or her-fingers to see. if somebody else whom they dislike is be- bavin". It is a sign or nine wit religion. We hope nobody is guilty. ; CoxKEKEXCE. Tlie Annual Confer- .i l.! .u., "viii-fti inn'tiied ence oi me i.uriiin.uiv.M .-- yesterday at Damascus Church, ;six miles soath-wK of this place. We ex f i J.i:nM Mir pect a report 0i me procccwii.s next issue. . ' ' -! I r 7 r ' i Kerosene Oil Weaver sells none but p tiro oil at 20 cents per iTn. One oil one pnee Warranted to stand fire tf?t ot iiu eg. Fahrenheit. , ... I .... Wood. Now.. that .our, farmers are bttstvsowing wheat, wootl has become very scarce. Those of bur subscribers whylive promised to pay us in wood, will frlease bring ft fn. I M tout A NT -Some t large clothin house will find it to their advantage to correspond with the Ledger. " : Sjvrrti.Tooi This elonucnt di vine will occupy the Methodist pulpit pn Sunday morning next. - -. : f For the 'l!!e(igerJ.J' A tfj-V - . OF, CIIAl'iX HltLJ'lnlliirijrheVssHfJ proht anything - by leaving, undthj say can be arlserejltt jtWoi d or two ili.it which they ought to attend to 1 he9hJfufl.9hpUt ft ?elehcejpierce Then wHy do they riot catch lheseilVeaUci: HflH ttl- 4oneV low-down whisky dealers who'-' fare-' the youth and he i was so drunk he didn't know me. This boy was of a good family- the son of good, moral, churoh-gotug parents, but I; fear hq is fooling them. If these persons are not stopped, I fear many parents will be compelled to bury their sons. in. di'miLnrrlA1 nraves Aliiti' n4 l - o. .".vii kj i a. u ,, t r . v . - . """"J nppcai iu you to put a stop to this violation ot the law. .City r athers, it is your duty to see1 Id thes things. Om- villao-o Jq ;,V;h,. I " .-I " , t nt.a care are: . Now that I have appealed you, l believe you will do your duty to put a stop to it. 'Y ' And nnw Iritit-inv 'A-i ArK? T or. 1 to you to turn from your ways., Sup'- juu t-w ucu mi' ui,, n en nuu ueany, aim wnne laying awaice 1 1 a .. .. J . . i : . - . you plan to-'morrow's i sport, but with you to-morrow never comes. Alas. you are doing? -Will you stop for1 a moment and ask yourself these come to the conclusion that you are. starving your family to death, and eternally damnind your own soul . Sunpose that boy who I mentioned above, had died wb,?n in the drunken state in which I saw him ? Where would he be now ? He was not too young to die. ' 7 I .'"' Header noudor these lines, and may God help you to.. profit by them. i ours truly,. w; 1 (For the Ledger. A COHRECTION. Chapel Hill, N. C, Nov. 13. " DectK Tstdgex i I saw a .comrriuni- cation some time since in a Jtaieigh paper, say nig thai arrangements had been made whereby jxood board could be obtained in Chapel Hill for the sum of $7 er month. . Now, Messrs. Editors, I don't wish to en gage "in any controversy or to say anything in this letter but what is strictly true, but for fear this corres pondent may have-caused -a- jwrong impression abroad, I would ;fike to say a few words. Board in Chapel Hill is as cheap as anywhere in the State. You can get the best board at $12.50 per month. Some good boarding houses furnish, good board at $10. The $7 per month board spoken of; from what I can learn from those who nave tried aim -continue to trv iU.is pretty tou'sh fare. I think they 6ay it is "Baltimore bacon,f all the time.. Coffee once a day, fcc.( If I state anything wrong, it is not my ntention to do so, and I nope to be corrected by some one better, in formed. I would not have written this article, but for i ear that parents who are sending taeir sons to College might think it strange that they pay iora $10 to $12.50 per,: month i for Ijvai v f. :; - ' " ' rvtox. as to who theiwnter pi tne communication above spoken of, is. I understano: he tnea tins muvj board, and afler taking one or ?two meals, reported back- to nis i"i.ei boarding house willing to pay $11 . i a in . fill) per month. l5oara at siy io io aa low as the rreople csm furnish it, and set anything like a respectable table. I know, Messrs. Editors, that you take a great interest in the voi- arrtx nfl WISniO See -10 - l-M voji , fi at the same time, you wish to see the boarding boose people navei' play and be correctly rep reseme . .Tipi mere Pehsimmons Japan - - . , .. . i. : feas contributed a new iruiL 10 us Ponntrv which in California is cailea 4h noraimmon. though very different wilil nersi m mon " of ; I the VpRtern and South States. 4 -It rinn without frost, ahtfd oblational large size, sometimes weighing : a net I'm 1. It is rrf a' bright i or reddish color, its flavor j resembling that of a plum anda fig combined. This tree has a dark, glossy foliage; and when the fruit is ripe looks Deua tifnl The fruit is a Vereat favorite in .Taoan. and can be successful It grown in the greater part 'of this ir i WI tr -rr "" as a siresn. into a ueeu chasm, llmg on the streets-of Chkpei-HiU and tsl.inht b it depth every day ?; If we must have sblrit ahddalkWncwnVme ous liquors in our townlet M'h surpriise.yu.Viih1 a' Jew 'words that a fcrst-clasj. bar-room and; be, Mhe go to tfie mark Iik a gun-shot, and with it.. 3dt we have no' use for any then2they are ilent agaTn, as if they suchplace m our m.dst. VThen .lef the Commissioners, watch sqrne;;pfl Counselor our pretended, ! business p1aces-for' theylprfors such, characters ,and4 they will, be truth is morr Whl?ihn bi' surprised. I was on the streets some while pretension itoo gauy to de nights since and I heard abpy calltb eeive them?- Wonla wTAout point another and ask him if he cond;get lo them arc. I Ik titles without merit some whisky. He- replied that5; hd -onfy . 'SetiayinV Ahe" weakness Vbf could. He gave him 'a bottle nd lbe blind dupes, who are ever used he went off. An hour alter T saw VA fow-ird AiKp mZ,A';.n". . 1 .SAliL'LOirjiiirir.; - '6ri8 as Hflemen do al)u UuSU. 'Tliei few uHTOP?..ffM? rf imp Aeir t lit - . ... ' 1 ' i- s.-f COTTO X. ftl A K li ET JRepoiled officially for the , Board of Strict Good Ordinary. I ! i i : - . .-,'.- as ,h.rtt Trade, i . ijj - V X ' j Kaleigii, N . f ' .Nov; 14, 1878. Sti ictXow Middling; ' ' ;'8 1-2 ' Low'Sliddluig, i '-4 ff :! il-4 .:.-.- yWjGooclX)rdiiiir-i ,i oXaVr13 1 Middling Stains, . ling Stains, 5 (71-2 MiddlingStuins, 1 ' 0!d7 7 t-4 Ordinary .Stains, , C71-8 Tow 1 Good Tone of Market steadyreceipts to-day j : t ; ... city makket. wholesale cash i.MilCES vnH , "fPW- fj OUR Nortli Caroliici U a 13 $5.40 a 5 25 PaTapseo Family. 7.50 05 70 CORN, '" -f 9!MHA' , UAN' A U ,,"5J,,UH r '10 1 .. IS ' 8a7 o: J- -.9 U x '. .10 ' " 't ',17 r-;l. -27 r- 35 j $1.G5 ! 10 ; .18-1- 22 a 271-2 35 ; .o- i -;-'7 !-' I - '37 u .; i ' 45a50 ' 15 ; 20 12 'a 15 1 1-2 LA It D. North Carolina, 4 W estern, i COFFEE, prime, Kio,.r ' gool, ! " SYRUP, S.1L. MOLASSES, Cuba. SALT, Liverpool, fine hugak, white",- ellow, LEATHER, red sole. -.' . tanned, TALLOW, t f POTATOES, sweet, por ImsK Irish, I OATS, shelled, r T r eggs; : ,' ; '.f.V BUTTER.1'' Al !!'J SPUING CHICKENS, j RAGS, 'nm.'.:iirMZ f,-zr. PEAS perbuslL white 90c;tock 80c , , - - : 1 . - j y- ' Above prices are for large lots. ;when "smaller, qiiitntities are ; wanted higher prices will be charged. 1 Chopcl Hill Mrtrkcts. 1 ; Reportndiby J. AV. Carr. ! .''i Chapel Hill. N. C Nov. lo. Flour,1 7 Lard. Butter. o.ooao.uu Hal 2 1-2 25 Eggs,- f , , 4. Chick 3ns" Bacon, (N, C JVleal, '. Corn, . Wheat, Oats, l r,!fs-; 12 1-2 15 CO 45 1.00 50 50 35 Irish Potatoes, Sweet- Potatoes, Seed Cotton', Lint Cotton, . . i if; ' f - '-i." i 1 -2 BLACK WELL S DUKHAM ware- HOUSE, i M:LIlK:J&:'X, report. 4 Common Bright Lugs, $3.00a5.00 4.00a6.00 7.00110.00 I2.00al5.00 - -,uvau,W 7.C0a8.50 9.00al0.50 11.00al4.00 8.00-alO.OO 11.00al8.00 20.00a35.00 Meaium Good Fine, T Medium Good ! . ; x Fine j Ext ra Common . Bright Wrappers Medium Good .1" Fine', hone on market. Fancy a pfiint hv waisron continue light, mostly of inferior and nondescript char acter which sells low, fine lots of sound colorv stock-Sold-gn.' iNew ongub Wrappers (well cured) would;, bnug gpod .prices ; , but commou grades ot Vntv vvhnlfl tint. 'tiav. " ' " P ' I ij ? ' ; E. J. PAKISfr. DURHAM , PRQDUV ' J f: "" ARKET. I-1: ;l ; . ' Bacon, N. C. (hog round) Bulk ffides, " 4v shoulders 9 " !- 71-2 ? 01-2 10 16.00al6.48 Bacon i ,ih, Pork Mess Rump , 17.00al7.50 Lime ; ': ' ' . ' Corn, new, : ! Iard country, s H ; 1.75 t 50 10 65 5.25a6.00 . y- 30 " II Northern, Meal,. ; -Flour per bbl Syrup 6paS0 Black Strap OaU y 1 Eggs Beeswax . Chickeus . 1 Butter ' . 15 . -20 121-2 .1 i':,;;.) .. 4 ! - ? 2Qtt25 Seed Cotton- 24a3 - ' i i i - : O A-Z lfKV"AD VEKTISEMENTS:: t T: K 1 a rr IT W W T. T nave Dougjt ofU. the juterest of James IC. Day in Mh'e' co'-partnership of W. T. Black well & Co -Froin and atter this date Mr; Day ceases to. be a partner iu said nrm, and the business is continued under the name and style of W. T. liJaekwell & uo'as heretofore, t - ! . . . W. T, BLACKWELU V - ' CARR. ; Durham N. O , Oct. 31, 1878. J v s,;. fi IJ MV S DEN. S STOVK AN HAKDWAUK HOUSE; ' TIN, SHEET, IKON AND COP- 1 IIOySE FltRNlSIIING GOODS, &c. E'Scales, AVeights and Measttres alJ reaily sealed. j ;- ': (Tin Rooinga Speclulty. I v jFayetteville Street, opposite Market j , ' Square, Raleigh N. C ( -. V KiOfR G E T R I C E , BOOT, c AND SHOE MAJKBU; lapel Hill, N. C. Boots and Shoes made to order, and epairing done neatly and promptly nt . , II- ' 7 snort notice, uaii on nun. The L4RGES SST iSTQC CK of; Paints,! Oils, &c., tn the County; at ; ; ; . Barbee's Drug Sto re. i '' ' (' .' -. . ; OIJERSON & HARRIS, rli it rntiniristn. , -iii'i; Iti Hddition to our well'selected stock of DRUGS. MEDICINES, &e4 we are adding ii . Ootmplet Stock i- , 1 it'- ....... r . " ; of the V - UNIVEHSIXY, TEXT BOOKS. ' I ' , v - r . -. i , . , and StildeutsVurhishing goods, sueh a BLANK BOOKS, j PENCILS, BRUSHES, . COMBS, TOILET SOAPS, Fine Chewing and tj-moKing iy , , baccbs and Cigars. . 'I;:VI- !''. . : '; . : Confectioneries Lamps, Oils, : Canned Goods, Crackers,; tfce., &c ESTPreseriptioiis AcquiiAf khr couh pounded at all hours of the day or night. . . - ! V..-. ": 1836! '1878! CARR , - OH Ni W DEALER IN DRY GOODS. MOTIONS BOOTS and SHOES. A Full lilac of - BLEACHED & UNBLEACHED DOMESTICS, 8 J LADIES TIES, RUFFS,. HAMBURG EDGINGS, &c. ; ' A FULL LINE OF GlfOCERIES. ' 'HARDWARE. - GLASSWARE, i:; - TIN WARE, looking glasses; snW&.toba:cco;;- .) - ; ...- :i :-' l 'H - -'jiVi . .. A . ;! Her-oene s Oil Iroa and fail, Cotton Xoe. 1 I am still selling the K E N T U C KY P L O W. This plow stands unrivaled. It never chokes ; piills easy, turns an sou , fact it suits our farmers better than auy other plow now in use. . I am agent this season for the . ? ; PAfJIFIG: rt APPELL GUANOS. Thaiiking my many friends for their past' favor?; ,f would be pleased to gee them at ;all times,- id will sell all my; large ; arid varied' stock of goods at the very-'TTOM price. ;!; ;. VrV:;'V - j ''y J. W. CARR. FchperfliuVAprUlG.1878: -apl IWy I. r O "O1 'X' 'CD ft, w : 0 I i .i 5 a r4 h3 t3 6 0 0 8 X! 18781 LOOK OVTiftll ,.WELA YER!S ; f 'I' C?li enp-Cnnh " l3tOr Cn A P Rl' 11 IIIjI - K.' c. Atjh aooM bow gyrjp 7, tilKTIME. ;;, y;r. !-..;, - ' ' ! -. : . ..' fi: i ll., 'rr ! : 1 1 Such as DRY GOOtlSi " 1 : . . - i . , i :. CLOTHIN Cf, HARDWARE, CROCKERY 71 tVOOD ' ; and ; 1 iVlLLOW-WARK- j . I . . . -i, ( i 7.00 Shoes for 6.00.. Fresh Goods etmihQ tt fttery. 1 dayff. Waffe in anif examine fcf otfrsslf and if the Goo and P'riett crbiT uit, ytvtf oeeu not kf. PUTT Y AND WINDOW ?o f . GLASS : in large : vatftiir at 'fc& Agates, M KARfjEE'S ti&VG ST0RE. r 4. Barbeo keeiis POLISHING POTftfKft I that u not a Chemical Cbmound; but a" product direct froift,nature,i lUloritqry. It contains notMng lnjuriou awl jrWes ia beautiful Alwtre to GtJld, BHrf'er ancf Plated Wt6. It also brigWiw ""d cleans m and BrKurtW tfare in a . ..." . i. . . ... . in r most pausing marti'--keeper:- OW? cents. Trj' It, houc- Go to Barbee's Drug Store if you want MeciicinvH or --rreaci Iptlciu. tfOia- . .1 : wt muted 3 , a-3- . .. . .1 -.m:. - - - I ' - - ! I 1 -!-, ) i r -t.