! - ; r ' . it- II X t T II W EEK iY tltti eft!. R : Saturday; -l - Nov. 30, 1878. . : it- : : .. : - HATES OF SUBSCRHrilONo. One copy, one year, - - - - $1.50. One copy, months,1 ,-.. 7 - . - $1.00. CS7lb"riptioiis nxiist be paid in art- ;vance. ..zAyf-a ur auv ilki i&ijn u : One square, one insertion", - $1.00Y -Jnvh subsequent insertion, 50c. Czfrperfal contracts macTfe'fOr larger x-bds:oi-J !jPuLiiiiiiiisr' oo; EDITORS, 3 Cv NOTIVEMWelwiinbe pleased to publish any comtnunica Mo.ts front anypctson relative to the good of the people ; but jzny commu nication relative topersqnat matters or tending to bring , abpidau contro versy 'v)iU not be tolerated. Eb's.. A Pleasijto Incident. Rev. 1 Div Vithrov .preach jtul.jDTii Sunday -ijvening,; last "a sermon in t behalf of th6 Boston Children's Friend Soei . etyf This morning a'y,o"g gentle man a called "oh the 'treasurer' of the society, aidjnade a -donation Lb be credited JoaJNorih Carolinian, in r coiiit;on .'of the great, kindness showhy'ltm community' in their " response to rf lie rfpplicaf ions for aid . from the' suffering; South during the 'recent .scourge. .. The above we take from the Itos- ton livening 2'ranscrtpt of Novem- A berllth. . The, name of the gentle man making the donation - is not given. We suspect that.1 he is well known in this county,; especially at Durham. About that dale a well known business' man of that place was in' Boston, and it was just like him to have made some' one's heart g ad while there. The Jlillsboro Hecordcr calls for a special tjernj of the Superior Court lor this' county immediately after the Supreme Court , shall have met -and reviewed the ; appeal of. the Chapel Hill prisoners.; : ' In justice to all concerned, the Cpnnty Commis sioners should ' ask .for a special court. Ihe expense to the county at jresent for guarding the jail is some $230 per month, while the cost of feeding, &c, is considerable. It? thauprisoners arti entitled1 to a new trial, it should be given them'as early as possible. It not,the people , filiould not be taxed to pay the sum , of $7 per day for guiding the jail. Besides those confined in jail tinder . sentence of death there are some eight or hine other prisoners await ing trial. A special court would empty the jail, cut.olf all expense of guarding, feeding, tcJ By all means let Oransre have a special court. ! The Democratic rnvsg of North Carolina seem very much' concerned as. to whether; or not Senator Merri inn' will abide the deciaioh' of the Democratic caucus.'- We-1 don't care whether Alerrimon or( Vance either njl;iii,es its decision-, just so the men: bers of the caucus are true to them selves. Will the "eancup, every fnem- bierof , it,. stand np to its own hction wheu'the vote is taken? is of more jmjHjrtanco to -us. TlieT question is, s it seems to ;tis :? uWill the "Demo cratic members of the Legislature stand firm ?" '. ' !-"r-.- " .' . . - hope when the Legislatures shall ha'e assembled, the peoples rep'reseiUatiyeSyU 'lect that man 'to the. UnitedStateS' Senate that can do North,-Carpi ina- the most good. Elect , a good' man, and not jiten to the bowlings of every cross roads newsjiaper in the State. Act like freemen, as you are. !,) Tllii Fall Term, of the U. S Court convenes in Raleigh . this week. Honi Geo. W. Brooks will preside. Judge Bond telegraphed Judno Brooks that it was impossible for him to go to Raleigh during the - i ' i term. ' . f The police have not yet found the stolen body of A. T. Stewart. , The reward offered should' be large enough to divide with the police, Jand the body will be' brought forth. ... ,! .. . -e. ' ,..',. i.l if r t; '! . .SELF-EXAMINATION. Exainino yourself. iM imPar tiallyl Dof itV fekhiullyV Do it ofteni;,. :'J.j'1;.i ' ' : Sit do wn by .yourself . and shut f iner Vmt.' n 11 thouj?htg 'bn.other sub- '0 " r o . t m- - iectsj. revie w y our. awiulilc forane lastday-for ihe last'weeic. itecan both your acts and your words for, both to others and to-yourself, your wors are oftenas", serious realities as your, actions. 1 We believe , there is not a human being who wilhnbt be benefitted and imprbved by the habitual review of his or her own life, in this manner. " Have your hours been turned to account, either in work or recrea tion or have they been Irittered away, in a, manner profitless, or posi tively injurious, o botji mind ai d body ? . : v 4 j- , m , ' Have you made any acquisitions of knowledgewithin the day or the : I 4 week just gone? Can,1 you say, 1 know thi. thing, or that not know before ? which I did , Have you strengthened your prin ciples, which require constant, brae ing, for a. thousand temptations are always at work to undermine them ? We say "to uudermine ,thcm ; for it is only the worst of men who sit down and deliberately poncoct plans of wickedness. . It is ihe insidious and unperccived approach of the Temjiter, in disguised jand undistin guishable form, from whijjh the greatest danger is to be .appre bended. - Have you helped 'your' unsuccess ful and troubled brotljer where you had jit in your powei? Have yon sablj' a kind and encouraging woijd where that was all that was neededl r Have you done a kindland generous act jwhereveu it was your duty tojdo onej? ' We shall' allj be judged by )ur works, and there is no; more efficient aid iffimproving our Works,- an in rendering the future better than the past, than by a frequent, search ing review, and. an unpredjudiced, nnspariug judgmfnt of the past. WHV IS THISf-THUS? It seems to us that, spite of rc formists ot both sexes, nothing bet ter than the family (state has yet been invented! ' There is no neck lace ever, worn by a Jwoman so be coining or pretty asa'pair of chubby twinincr little arms. And there is no better safeguard for a.man's rec titude than the thought of a sweet Utile face, pressed against the window-pane of his home, awaiting his glad coming. People seem to for get, who call "marriage a failure," that in every condition of our lives "offenses do come'' jwith merchants and their partners inj business; with teachers and trusteesi; with clergy men and their parishes. These are accepted facts, which do not lead reformists to call business, teaching preaching, "failures" It is only when marriage is under discussion that they expect parlies who have entered into it, to be whollv'nnd thoroughly free from the imperfec tions incident to human nature. How is this? Can; any Solomon tell? - . i j. , LTE' dispatches give an account ot' the . loss of the ship Ifomerania near Dungenncss Point, about three mile from the shore. She was struck on the starboard side, midships, and , ... i. sank in lessthant wenty minutes. The vessel was bound to' Hamburg. The Captain, who could not be persuaded to leave the boat, together with fifty passengers, were drowned. TnE N. C. Conference of the M. . Church South, is in session at Charlotte. Some vines in the land of the ablest di are members of this .Conference, and we hope its session will be harmonious and result in much , good td this great branch of religion. TilE Raleigh Jfeics gives an ac count of the death bf Hon. B. F. Moore. yThis venerable gentleman and able lawyer breathed his last .at his residence in Raleigh on Wednes day evening last at 2 o'clock. TnE Board ofj State Canvassers met in. Raleigh 'on Thursday last. We don't think any change will be niade in the result : six Democrats, two Republicans, i j UNI BY K.,L. B. One more added to thd list ot Freshmen. ; i ;v 1 Next week. we will publish' a of the students appjyrn& lbphej ree of " College Philosophy. v "' ' ... ; - Prof. Hangum is' atiending Con-; ference in Charlotte. He expects to him a jileasant time. The students have three jholulys during' the year ; Octi lh., the . . rr, ...1 founding ot the University .riving b'av and Washington s Birthday. "Drstant-e lends enchantment to the"view,,, as a boy said the other night, SiUing iu the larthcst rner of the room and gazing adstractCclly at his book-case Dr. Phillips is again siolc. 'lis a pity that his health is not better. Such - a m;nd as his ought nut to be bound to inactivity; We lpc to see htm with us again soon! Last Thursday was Thanksgiving Day' and the bt)ys enjoyet holiday ; iThw....is an old . custom, i All the bn.irdint? houses iiave extra! good dinners and the boys enjoyed them- selves hugely. ': , , The semi-annual examinations will commence on the 9th of Deejmber. Truly, now ! comes the "seaton of cucumbers." The boys are study ing verv hard. It wUi give .them a relish for enjoying Christmas.; Prof.' Simords' is "still I very sick He has not yet fully recovered from his recent attack. He is poking "rather thin, and is rather del- icatc, but his iron tci7-bids him tcH sumc his college duties,--wiled' he ought properly to bo in beu. lie is one of the most energetic jProLssord hero, ilay he speedily recover ant be' able to resume liis duties, for-suer energy as his ought not tined. ' T to be con The following is a, list of t Seniors, in the regular courserwheb are applying lor Degrees next Com l-mencement : Angier, J. C. . Arringtoh, A. II. Ay cock, C. B. Battle, Jr., K. l'. Heiiderfeon, U. B. Hill, L. ' Manning, J. M Peeie, W. J. Bobbins, G. A Springs, A. C. Strange.. Roher Taylor, I. M. Manning, J. S. Winston. F. I). .Winston. R. W. The above list does not liieluii those applying for "College of Phi losophy. ' The following is a scheme of llJe Semi-annual '(tinan Examination term ending Dec. 20 Saturday, Decl 7th 3rd Math. & German. ? J Mo'ndav, Dec. 9th '2nd' Math. Sci. Giv : .-..,' Si Tuesday, ( Dec. 10th Livy, Sdi. Lat. & Mech. ; ! Wednesday, Dec. 11th lioi ace j Thursday, Deo. 12th 1st! Gr. Sci,M:Uh. i; ! Friday, Dec.: 13th Zoology jfe Physics . . ; Saturday, Dec. 14th Pol. Ecoh Monday, Dec 10 1st Math 3rd Latin. . . ; I Tuesday, Dec: 17th 2nd Gi & Chemistry. ' j .;'; j Wednesday, Dec 18th: Latin,5 Com p. & Physics. Thursday, Dec. 19 tli French. TOO MEAN TO LIVE. ltie unristian Advocate thought years ago it had; found the meanest man. It' was. a Connecticut deacon who went to a store where they do a dicker trade, and exchanged an egg for, a darning needle. He then called for the customary treat and said he would take egg-nog. The store keeper used the egg he had just taken, i It proved to have a double yolk, and in view of that es tablished fact, the deaoon, as he smacked his. lips after drinking,de manded another darning needle' But the Advocate has heard of a meaner man yet, a minister in wes tern Massachusetts, who, when his father became old and infirm uthrew him ' on the town." When the pauper died the son made the request to conduct tlie funeral ser vices, for which he subsequently asked to be paid the usual fee, ancl actually received it. He .can't be beat I 71 Aftheville Journal ; We are relia- 1 lv informed .that the tunnel at Svvannanoa Gap is soluear comple tion that the' concussion j produced ,"i..'Mnu-li'-?'nt' vvrkrL'Yn'pii (in IfV lilt'" UIU 11 O vi tuu ." side causes a uerceijtibie qui- Uer of the-walhbetwerrihemf-lfh uiii"" - . . iHiinel -is almost scvmpluted. Unc . iiore week's1 work and this Hercu lean ta?k will be finished, hd ruad ,fd to U ray Ji.aiiie'is compreieu, unu re havenhca?surance oflMajr"Wtr on that, by the 1st day ol December ho "cars will be l uiuiing tp'i, ..that )oint. Hurrah tor tno rauroau -aim its present managemem-i j Wilininrrton Star: Tlie indict m en t bf George W. S-.vepson by a Wake I I 11 1 1 I111U . bvenl of the past week , in JNorth 1 " - . 1 - .1 md is ii Carolina. .. Time, it is true, has auneu Ihe uublic resentment against the ring which feathered the .nesU, of i. members and employees by .morse - less'y plunaeiing iiiefpetrpiB ui iuc State. But there is enuugh o the old ieeling iof outraged justice ieh in the laud tb create a fluitcr w t.e-n the news goes forth that 'one hr v name has been popularly' associated with tlu.se crimes, has at last bet n arraigned for trial. .Nobody has a liiiht to t prejudge ' iMi;. Swe - son's. cLsj. He is in the hands of " thn' 'law. Hut there is no prejudice in the fatemerit that inany people in North Carolina have .yai ted, loi these inany years, lor jus. thcT actvon that the rand jury; pi Wake Has talenC ; j , Blue' Jlide ' Biade :' : On Friday moriimg a' convict belonging to - U:e night tbrce atthe Liek ;Lo tunnel, on the Wi'Jf: C. II: R;;fw:is thaw ing acharge of uitro-glycertne mi xed with meal, in a can over the lire. When 412 Fahreuljeit! was reached the daiv key suddenly sailed iifty.: lee tt hrviiil the black air, landing at: the "mohjh of the tuiiitel entirely nude his body pitted with ininnte ; blistein. walked coolly.' backed to the lire, find recovered his si ir: ing paddle, ;u;d aj squirrel ta"l whith had served ad' ait 1 oinameii! to his. i head gear. Iu Georgia major's uniform hwwas' It inn Vi'. a n- to bod ; but no ap)i ehei.s'.ona , entertained that venous injury result i) om h'is briyf Wfpnautic t Jill It is onlv two u eeks j-ince ''aiio i.ei convict fell (id leet. from a t'H mar the mud cut, but- eunt vary tb all expectations, is" still liying. V the African is a, hard bird, to , ki! fpiy Raleigh News: A portlv I lord of one lot the lut.'ljs hci-,,n or so ago isince arrested a cu; uipigs which .-freqiien led his andcvror1--tliein tvy. ; H. thcr dt- ' oj I , ' r in-. serted a notice in th ;,.i;.;is scribing minutely tne aj.velt ilil Cl i and markings ol the porke, ! it stated that the owner, bv e; id in t.Ui.- and describing his prot-.er-tv, c take them a way; T'he -moniiiil. -.xiitt', notice au'icared, tne '-landlord P. w aroused at an early nour . iy iO aul ite l;a i l .eo.- oretl- man at'ler the jet.Miie pig:.-- Jto wa ..at OStCf ; - lie a sk ed to d . se ri 1 e 1 1 vui , t 1 1 - .W Jii- d'nl with suelr exactness a. to Heave no iloulit ot Ins iijimv th riodili'is . . . . i . bwnei'. lie was. ack:-.rdiiii:"ll -a!-1 1 o w ed l o t a k e a w a v I ; ae pigy. Vh.oui a couple i) hours ial.oi j came a Wiiiie mrii!, who thanking i desired lo get I i is! "i ' ""Si, io amiileur round keel 'or for his cai i ol them.' The at ter w as unable at list to see the .'uiairlin itt true i.ght.ibu't t-oon it dawncsi : in.Ki'i him thaUthe bright. ' d'ark'ev hHu! mi fairly gotten the pigs. ' Slijll he could not umleitand how iieicouhl have so :erfectlyf. ident lied 'jihent, but was horrified , when h.q .was shown that his own1 .- description, thoughtlessly insejted, had given him awayJ There- was bui one wav out of the 'difficulty, ana this was taken -he paid,.. the.; owner "812 for the pigs! Old tji, iit Atlanta Constftutioii. : WIIQj HEAVEN 1S: FOR;v :-, ; "Brecdren, my Vperiencu :is dat it aint deiJiedession at ;ligion,but do 'casional practice of it ;makeja ma:i ceptablc up yonder; Wen yer gits to de gohien gate, an' Retei'Mooks yer right j in do) eye and yer shows him your long creed air says,! pompous-like, dat yer 'longed to a big church, do 'postle ;I1 shake his.' head an' say, 'Dat aiivt huff ter git yer through.. But if yer takes all yer bills under yer arm, yer grocer bills an' yer . rent bills,; an' he looks em over an' finds 'em all receipted. he'U say, 'yer titled clear' an' unlock de gate an' let yer pitch - voice for' de angels' song. But it aint no use ter trabbel. along der narrer pas. 'less yer can carry folded up in yer creed a good , recommendation di om yei creditors. Hebben ain't no" i lace c. uiu i.'jis ro-aoage rouh' a corner for fear ob meetin' some, one who'll ask tor dat little bill- dat nebber was paid. ';'! 1 v I he: oelegation in the House bf Representatives will stand, 151 Dem ocratsr127 Republicans and 8 Green ' backers. There is nnr. , ,,0.,. ... No York, which, viil-ptobibS fi le, by a Republican and the eiccuon 1 Cahlovnm is yet to t!1! e .h.,. -t1- the Iiadicals steal . VrO.'! S boabig 6teal.-2(:wE ' ' LIST OF 'MEIBEUSOFgEt 4 LE(USLATlJItE-OF NOKTil v CAUOLHSTA. v l? ' nilVii niation of Otic readers . . . .i j -f members . ot tne inerai. fNorr.l,. Cki t.lina, session tornegm ... . - Ithe :fitWHrfesL1f hfljpr the :tirst JMdnaavm7l! mary,Al87l) : TCTi so n H " IjUTi 101 1 :. Austin, drm. , ; - : i; .' T '-M.ijiianc.v- ar.il ' Guilford : Scalt-sof Viu'-rV.! ilem.r David F. Caldwe.! f Gurlfurd, iiid. dem;; ; lleL'anv, Ashe , and .Yv aiauga f i-Bia-lcii aud!lift:r;swick: ;Aa Ross, 'Bun co me and Madison : T. F Davidson, dem.- sMcKac,l0m; ih;m . ;. Cimil)el.jaml . ( ilmn Im ; nin KobeSOIl : D. 1 ind Harnett: Neil S. Slcw:irt, denT., 1 Chathain : A. II. Merrill, dem. r ' (jabanus and Stanly :. J) M. Red? wine. ind. dem. z C:ta Iki and Lincoln:. W. A, Gra ham, dom? ' . ' ; :i "'" Cm rit tick . Cam deru , -.'Pasquotank ilert 1 Vd ; Gat is; Cho Wan and Pef ouiinans: Riifus White and Geo. IL Miteheli, repsv ; . Caldwell, Burked Mitchell; Mo Do well: and Yancey : J. G. ?Byuura, and A IH ed 31. hrwu'i, dems. C; a ven ; Edward Bull, re'. ; Davidson : J M. Leach, de.ni, Ed"-; eon ihe : .. Willis Bunn, cfol rep. ' . . '; . . ;: - '.r7 - : Gaston a r. d C 1 ea v ela n d : . L. ; J lloyje. o .'Garton, ind. dem. .."..(ireeifeland ? Lefroir AV i P.I Or maud, rep. ' v j ?- . . . ' : - Granville : K. E. Lyoii, dem. IIen(U;on. Ilaywoed and Tran Kylvania : T: W. TaylpK deniJ ' Ilalihx:: Jleiiiy ..'Eppes, col , rep , I v.'.ell. Wildes and Alexander T. A'. Xi,:ho'ls..n of Led'ellJrJ. P fat h'es.n l -'Alexander, - dems. " J.nes, ''"-Onflow aiid Caref e,t : ; Jno 1I,'WI. lv W : 'Johns! i '.;! adtsil, dem etc. d-K-i Jus: L or;; .lac,;!;!, v i:erkee lvih;nsoii.r ieni-. ' i' Mek 1'idiiug : -S. B. Alexander lem. ' - ' . .. ' i New ilaiiovi r and PeudeiM R. K f f v:i n i i ! i r 5 Nort hajn'p:.n and Bertie:' , Mr iTolletnaiu' ro'p. v ' . ' ' .' ' . I ' . ' ' f . - . H "I f vivu tic .'i erscn ana .tasweu : vt, W iida ::;!,' bi'ii., - Giles Mebane itt : H A. iIov-'.-dciii - 1 low, ,n -tv.d J ).; ;e : Jolin : S. Hen ivsron. ttvn. , : . - Rwek.nrgham : J. P, Dillard,tdetn. i heri :erd find Polk : .-Mr. Eave, : l- I :.:.' :.;.:-':V ,- . - ;' J;'., -j Jiehinon-d 'ind- M-n'gomCrv : G. A (J:-aham,.rep. ', . " ';'?? '-Randolph and- Moore W. ' M. . .ampM,..:; Mr, Wood, rept . Moues i oYsythe : Air. Everett, ?iin, 'ot'ms ; .'Wak-.e : ;Gr.o. II: Snow, dem. Wanen: Isaac Alston, (col.,) fey, I Yailklnnd Surry: J. jNlyB: pwer rejt. ! f . . .; y 'r ' ' ' ' 1 - - Aiiimahee : l)r . B.Ff Mebane, dem. Carson, iVi 1 . dem. Alexander AtlSot! Anson :;d A. L(ek!jHrt, dem - A 1 leprae v : . C. -U Vaughn, dem. jimjw-osier, rtem; .'. : - - 'fj Bladi-nt Jnhti NmwH ,..!.. it Brunswick : A. C. MeaiTsdein. Ibjiicombe : Ksit Atkinson, M:E. . ' " . . . v . i , yj.j, i..ir-ii. barter,:, dems Burke : IV A. Berry, dem Lat.arrns: V. H. Orchard, nnt Ualdwell : Edmund Jons, dem.M rCmteret- ,A, II. 'Chad wick, jleinf Laitawba: U B.Dayis, dem. ! Chatham J." Moring ' J J: Goldst)tij denip Columbus i.C T it Joim C Harison,feps 1 aynb. J. im bes?ind..dem. :??. ; ; ' S rrrTfc, Pettii, hfriMit rei ,ar;:W 1 Ci ? ,1 1 t01 ,x ; f " dem ' Jr-MraVoo-dhoUse, Utiplin : GL W ffilr 'ih'i' ; diamine J.'Ji iirrAU.i,T n Amis, dems. ' , J,oughs;Rufu8 uiiiord; . C J' Wtip0in ; t a McLean, oTems. heeler, J. :A. w i v . i, , , i -eater also. He, was, cheerfully in- - u ds..-n. -.sas - and -r rrdliiv W '', i i . 1 s , i Tr ;. -. t , , , ,S Vr - ' vjieVto try some. and he wnlkea up ; . . 1 .(r tlie. com li'ors l!il)h. . Hi? the I w,t. i ty i- im iio a ooia i grao win ins rign; y.)ue aud..I)upl,n: iW... han1 aiul S,IZCIT a quantity effbe : V . V . Klf- iftr 4v . " J'. M ? . I ' i i t . "VT "I T- T . . - . I'. . .,.1,1- i mi v"hovi Myiui muuhcuu accompanied nira w 'l l1!1 -llios. S. J.utterlok iail to bid Mm r fL.nll flnd.froia ,r(iH'V WM i, v -, f.e,,atite party who. was presem, - as wen :- Wi son Hnt-v w,a 1. Lint , j, i .... . !,. avitisefh ;: A;;IL Eendir.l; . : VT".1.. : :,.,.. John, - Davie -'f Vt; the chiK'fl ankhu-Vrfe toseepp.p,easreno.bo,,V- . Gaston : Ilarclyiruffstet fc'k1 i I J Day we have . . o. j. Vint l mg dem Vt iri -Tf1. uaa ,,u ' Harnett: a H.Coffield 'deni Haywood : At ,TSTa' ?tm- T.i T TrT"T'T7T"TT IlalimxiVJoKn :A. Wl Reynolds, reps; rv. .-. - . . ..'!. Heitford : J.f J. iiorion, rep. HVile:1 Thomas Gibbs, dem, J' : llreaell ;j.;un.(.McCorle; J; I), Click! dems. . ' . .. Jackson : v;apt.t,( iaiiierwood.' VIV1MI ... I I ..11 t ,'rtk lorn . ' i.i. . . " ' ton : ' E. A;,.BirzelI,. E. J. ' Holt, (leiri. " ' ; ; ; Lincoln :; 15;, C, opu,;aem. ilienoif Wf.W li?n'nr'rep. , ; Maon : John Roid djM.n.Jl JIatTison ; Mr. DaSs, rep. iSirtpbeli f aunel JJlahcldem. Mohtcornerv : '-. T IE Euinr?'- repiiblicaii.! . - , . . , , 1 Martin : N. 13. Fag;i:, dem. , McDowell : J. TV iJ-ul, .lem. ; Mecklenburg : JoIm. L. Brown, W. E' Audrey, dems5. i Moore :' Nelil Leach, ind; dem. Nash : G. N.' Lewis, dcui. ;i f New Hanover : IRE. Scott, W. II. Waddell, cpk, reps. c I Noinhaniplbn:: M. AVr Grant, lm, Orange : JM. A; Angier, dem., J0 slab Turner, ind.eni. 1 '." Pender : T. J. Armstrong, dem, I Pitt: D C Moore, Germain Ber. nard. demsl . ;.,'..- ;. r I Person': (Montford McGhee, dem. Pasquotank : Hugh Ualerep, ; Perquimans : Mr. Blasdell, repr ': Polk: Mr. Dale, rep.' -' Rand9lpb :. .N. C. English, dear, Mr: gingham, rid.Y ' , ;s Rutherford : Mrf Young, dera. Rocki ngham : T. Lr. 'Ra wley , ' Wm Liudsay, de;nr ; ' : . ( t I 1 Richtnoticl : U. M! lTen'd'e rson, "rep. Robeson : 11'. .'Nonnent, ind.' rep.,' A C.j Oliver;; dem. Rowan H.,Cr J3ost, dem. J David Barringer,:tnd. deni. . . I 1 ' Sampson :; L. 'R i Carroll. Ji C. f lines, dems. ; ' h " Swain : T, D. Bryson dem. ! - : Stokes : I Mr. Venable, rep; I Surry?: iMr.' AYorib;. ind. dem.' ..j .Transylvania: G. W.;Wilson,dera Tyrrell ; W.f G. Nelson, dera. , Union u D.- A. Covington, dem. ' Wake : WE.' Richardson, dem., R. W. Wynne, J. JFerrell, Stcwan Ellison, colr reps. ' .'-," i . n . Warren : L. ;T. Christmas, .' Ilaw kins Carter, col., reps. j Wayno rG;, (i'Bitcban, demi, W. A. Deans, rep. '. ' Wilsoa : Dr. J. M. Taylor, dem. ; Wilkes:. Dr. Tyre York, Dr. L if arrill, dems. ' , ; ' ' Watauga: W. B. Council, dem. Yancey : D. G; Carter, dent. ; f Raleigh News.j-. T HE R II A M K ATT E FIHE . - -r. -;-'v-"iiYrERrn:7;, Whrn the circus was here! a na tive of thp charining suburban re sort eamoi.o see, the animals-. By 'soine mean he""found himself under thej eanva" of ihe side-show. The 'prjncipsl attraction that drew h;i attention was the man who ate 'llabdtjg cotton .with a relish.' ! It ap peared so simple tlvat the Ithaci katler .thought he could do the game thing, and he expressed- great cod- titleijcc in his ability to- be ii fire- nation ff the mag'ieian manner, Le crammed into Jiis capacious ijioiilh. Before one could wink, that, threat orifice opened, and gave vent to a series ol yejls which a Sioux Indian might be proud of. while the ama teur performer executed the ti ar . j dance with.all (the variations. The I expressions' he used at the same time shocked even 'ihe ,,httaches v of the circus., j . ' , j Wilson Advanced r . .-.: ' A CUMFORTING FAREWLW JohnlEdwards was; convicted of murder, at the sbriher term 1878 of Jonnsfnn ! SnnonAi1 Mirf h Superior court Taod bir ; counftl! tnl- m nl t'K the So- preme Court. .The court refused U. grant aJ new. trial, a term of the Superit , and at the, recent rior court of Johns- . Ibe hanfrnd. TTia wf hn waacrei- R"t when the sentence was PV ' to teiljVobbd-bye. ' Do you me tome&a bungr J ohnYou may do as youpl. V me or let it alone." 4 . w Wife---Well, r reckon it it prctt day- will, come any Doirfunt1 me tojiriug .tie. cvMfncot"; ; 1 ,',nd a fannr UUWU UU BlfiiyM""' , .,,1 whose, wagon" with a load ti buJJ,. was Jast ma mudhoie, sonw- n bim t pnll gee and others haw, the, ever, "present sm .:a yelled :' "It's no use. inisterr i . . horild'iut' stout enough. .rj (tc, John ' ' . V '-VA.. . ' ; i7 I " - 1 -r -7fv j a " me.- lonowing, wwr- 1 1 in m c A j- 1 outatid hitcbinarollo'vcr ; ' 1 Oil City Derrick . (: r s , A! I v4 r 'f 'Uflerson : Mr. Bird All-Ill

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