. T 7-.-: - i -.. - , v . - r "' c 1 -... - i . ' . ' i ' I V i i ' ! - 4 4 1 l i . . -i - - i f THE W.EEKLY LEDGER. 'ANNOUNCEMENT : - Saturday, e - - NoyTgO, 1878. MISS MINNIE lHAUK TAKING IN MONEY IN.TIliTGREAT CATHEDRAL fXTR LONDON. X OK THE .'Miss Minnie IIuk of CoU Maple- sons opera cgropany has been a at-; traction W S Agnes tabled inthe J ; tbatj of a33oer girl. cShe wore on fc.itfcirdav evminrf ; emhroidered j.i tWack silk-toilet fresh'frorathe hand ' of h Parisian Ttioi3iste.r At her neck flashed ST brooelfof sapphires 'ami diamonds. Kng5 of sapphires and 1 diamonds gUSnriell fromMier ears. I Upori ier hoad .cas an evenin'hat 600 feet above the level of the sea. and has all the healthfulhess of the moun tain country. It is 28 miles irom eisrh and 12 miles from Durham on the Vnrth lrnlina Rnilmn.il. A dallV haCK line connects at Durham with the rail way trains. ; ' f , OPENING- Tlie next session will open on thcl!t Ills Excellency Z. B.VANCE, Governor I 'lliursdav of January, 1879. ihe voi- of North Carolina, Exofflclo President legiate Year ot a ,Tr 1879 tt r 'r-..,.' r tt., the last Thursday ii Ai gust, lS. I OF NORTH CAROLINA, of the Board of Trustees of .the Uni- versity. J ! FACULTY: HON. KEMP P. BATTLE, LLi D., ' I' Pkesident,! 1 . Professor of Political Economy Consti tutional' and International Law. A Catolosue containing detailed in formation on the foregoing points may be had on application to KEMP P. BATTLE, President. Abstract from Comptrollers.Report.J ABOUT THE BANKS. The total number-of private bank- Rkv. Charles Philui-s, J. D. LLD.. 6r8 an(j banking institutions in the Professor of Mathematics. United States other than National J. DeBeunieke IIoopek, A. M., banks for the !six mohths end Professor of Greek j and French. ing of white feiti adorned with, white Key. Aholpiids W Mangum, A. M 1 plumes.? Thenhrrfngint: df'isitors abouther waso oppresstvethatMrs. Salomon, the. manager." othe table suggested that the songstress' should ; sit on the edge of the front. of the table, with a chair-as abarricr.be ; forp irj fllis Ifauk actetl ujoq tlie ' suggestion, and then a tray Of flow ' ers was handed to'jhr.; An.expert I estimated that the market value of the rfloers- jvas abont, $U r Men plied'ailiar wcDowalt -anii Col Maplcson for an introduction to Miss I lau k. . . TJiej -.wcrt i ? hit rod need In turn. They bought "flowers. They paid dearly lor them. i'Miss Hauk, with a pretty air of unconcern, took vhntejgr 'ivqs gif'eii)herin thew.ay2 . of money, and daintily . forgot to make change. A tjorid JSnajlishman, gotten up a la Dundreary, was In troduced. 'He complimented Miss Haukj l' ' 4yill you have a flower sir?" she asked . ' 'l ( j ''Certainly, Miss. I should be pleased to have a flower. from so fair a hand. . , - s .Miss Ilauk handed him a tiny Tioseifhv. ' IleavoiheVwith a grand -:i:r, a Irold coin'.'- The coin jingled in Professor of Moral Philosophy, Ilis- - tory and English Literature. 'I v ! i Alkxandkb Fletcher Redin Professor of General and Analltlcal Chemistry. j Geokoe Tayloe Winston, Professor of Latin and German. Kale II en kit Graves,' B. Sc(,rM. E., i Professor of Engineering and Physics. Fhkukric William Simonis, 31. S. : Professor of Geology Zoolow. Ttot '. J any and Phslology. ; May . 31st rlast, as shown by the semi annual returns made the Commissioner of Internal Reve nue, .was 400with $205,380,000 ot capital and $1,242,790,000 of depos its. On June 29, 1878, there were 2,056 national banks in operation, with a capital of ( $470,390,000, not including surplus or greatly more than double the capital of the pri vate banks. The! surplus of the na tional banks amounted in addition to, more than . $118,000,000, while their deoosits were at the date nam ed $677,150,000. j Savings banks, 668 in number, having no capital stock, held at the same period $803,290,000' of deposits, so that the total deposits in all banks and banking institutions in June last averaged over $2,723, 230,000. During the past year 28 State Geologist and Lecturer on Geology national banks have been organized . :ofXorth Carolina. . having an authorized capital of $2,- lhert it. I-.EUOUX, rn.u.(Ua;ttnigen,) t iy,yw aim 9xt.js?o,vuy o cnuuiuiiu- notes. Fifteen banks have failed and 41 have been discontinued j dur ing the year, withdrawing capital to the amount of $7,912,000. The amount of surplus held by the na tional banks on June 1 of the present year Was $118,178,000, which! was Tbo University of North! Carolina, a decrease of $3,389,000 since Dec. under its present regime, was re-opened oi i77 Th mnrimiim KiirnhiH !.. Cntom),r 1 C7-. ! Ita I -- - - " I former prosperity has been was reacuuu n auue ioi u, nneu iue - Caky D. Guanijy; i Assistant Professor of Chemistry Min- cralogy and Latin, j Hon. WiliJ AM II. BATTLE, LL.-D.. Professor of iLaw. j : - : W. C. Keur, A. M.. T HE WEEKLY LEDGER, CHAPEL HILL, X. C. Per annum, Six months. $l 50. 1 V 81 00. Cticmist to the State Board of Agri ;. culture and Director of Agri cultural Experiment and Fertilizer Control 1 Station. ; l JROK. G randy, Secretary: j A. MickleI Esq., Bursar, j , Advertisements appearing in the Ledger will reach the farmers of i ' " . .' Al imance, Chatham, Wake, Orange and other counties, and is therefore a ood advertising medium. -T Advertisements will be in seited in these columus on as liberal terms as in any first class paper. ; fcsTThe Ledger's circulation is i increasing rapidly, and bids fair to have at large circulation as any - I1' i ' - " ' " ' country newspaper' in the State. ' ' .: ' ' ' ! The Fall Season will soon open, and every farmer should keep op RANK NOR STATE, ire GIT UP AND GIT THAT MAKE MEN GREAT. HE AD A R T E rS! For the Best Goods at the Lowest Price. GAMMON'S, Main Sit., ' Durum - The) largest Assortment and Greatest r.lW' Everybody Treated Alike, at GAMMON'S, Main St., Durhwa, GAMMON'S, Main Stn Durhia. Yoii Ilml none Init Vrh BelhAto Ok Dross Good, House Furnishing Goods, and I F ne Groceries a speciality. GAMMON'S, Main St., Durham; i The Larr..t and Most Complete Stock of Goods in the County, ai ' j , GAMMON'S, Main St., Durham, Children and Mie Hose, and Fine Shoes and Slippers in abundauw.a I GAMMON'S, Main St., Durban. Nliss JIauk's trav-.and then she nn- wards its form &M tbe conea. Ej'i .IS'VSKH1. w" 8133,169,000, anil ih.? w U the C0H0 toWco ,,, j.f tion. J The Englishman's; complM promise of increase to 200 in the second as been a .steauyj uecreaso since, ments be(TTho'fainlerVaWhV bdwed session- . " iuiy prepared tor tnor- amounting in the aggregate i. , J oqh instruction in all its departments. I T . . i t nnn nnn himself "away, and returned soon KriITr kV rnirnpi June last to about $15,000,000. afterward. . and, asked Miss Hauk duce markets. The LKDOEft will I Hftiilumlw lint witli & lnTrr mpsisnr of I natural lnnrrinf fnr wlint. is rlpjirpxt ischlevoasly, "Won't Scientifiy and English studies. The to s that C!Qni t the . , .i the flnwpr lr9" Jn I Liegiee is iuicneior oi Arts (A. i. " - nower,8ir. iMO, ! r...nmJ- r hour nf dpath. in thus rplntPd I il. j.iiwu9urjuv;Aiii l n.i r. 1 11c i -- - 7 . . i . ; - . . t , . i k. .1 - j i ii. in i i- ii r-1 1 1 i .11 i M 1 1 i i i i ii i. . borshe .ge H.nS 'j? tL Co U, .U An aflecting illustration of" the ff.nh tlio inrket of Itateigh, Dur- mirauiy, jlliss xiuuk. repueu. iivn she added, m r . you have another uiaiiKS, iuc juug isuuioii same as the Classical, except that Latin. RnmA vnara Afro a nativo n Pr.n ' "I will preserve this flower forever." or Greek may! be omitted, and French, . , . Tt t ?: . rp, 1 . . , . . German audi Natund (History studies lander came to the United States. , The . reporter ate m the Sllbstitute(1. Degrce is BaChelor of It was too hot for him here, so he evening, thail 4ier -traV was full of Philosophy (Ph. B.) j , . , , ' c . j i j - j j made up his .mind to return home, bank notes. He insinuated that she I- Scientific Course -Omitting y .- - both Latin and Greeks embracing the and took passage on a shij that was waa prosgorjjjg;M r t .m studies relating to Agriculture and the going that way. He was taken sick, - " T ? l. . . -.i . f . I nnil oo lia woa il;mrr lit nmoii I -v Rendv Made Linen Suits all Styles and Prices, at ' UAMMUA , Main Lumam. Hamburg Edjcing and Trimmings lit Endless Variety, at I - GAMMON'S, Main St., Durham. Erervthiiuc ami Anything you want, at Prices bound to plra?r, at ' : G AMMON'S, Main St., Durham. Wtr. XIICY lltllC UilVA VV blUUIr i I HI KlilTllnl.na ill-Man t. fami. 1.1 ' - . t AiTd -j t -x v J , uSSi.t .... ,.,u- inose auoui woo were siauaing tray of money onced? twice.' -But, ers. ITie begree is Bachelor of Science . do you know, I don't find the Amer- r ' .1 . i UQ f , . , :.f v r-f ham Hillsboro, Chapel Hill, d;c. r i" ' ' Arrangements are being made for . . - i '-!'' i wceklv c(mmunicationfl from Hal- . 1 ( i ' i eigh and other points. j i - -: The Ledqeu will use whatever ui- if TtiaiiiIiQ .An -rreneroos at' falra as 1 -..r.., . . . . .!, ' - T. L .; . . i v;, - - . ir.- - i w unouc lading euner or me regmar i seo ice. 4ti,v0ihtV"n7 bpif, in'ViJnn'l of their parents, pursue such studies as When that man was a baby the rloxv;eVbo6l at the fair to Vienna they mav ele t. But the Faculty rec- first thing he saw, after his mother, Aiirl rtnaA (KneA .wviim?aa ' 1 : . i . was ice. liis house was made ot alter tne war, ana 1 made a great law school, l deal of money. The gentlemen gave . S'ich instruction Ju La w is' given as fl. ice; he was. cradled in ice; the wa- n-Hl pii iMo flip sfiidpnf tn rtht-iin l!iAhc I tr lll!lt lift flrAIlK WSSmP.Itpd 1PP me thousands ot florins lor one to practice. Those joining this School bououet r .' j can likewise, by special arrangement. , ,, , wr. tt 1 1 attend lectures hi any department.! ItPis, probabler.thatr Miss Hauk L ,i , .aiuieu ai ieasnM.i v vo io reewpw P:icellcnt facilities are offered for In- If he ever sat at a table, it was a table of ice. The mountans were of 'I ice; the fields were ofice; and when he became a. man, he had a sledge twelve dogs that ran fifty miles day over ice. And many a day he an enco it mav command to have a Itiilroad built to Chanel Hi!!, and Experimental Farm connected with the Ifniversity. of, St; Agnes' r table on Saturday struction in Chemistrj Physiology and J'c,; 4-,: if - '.-. Botany, ami other branchs especially a,,c evening. '- ', neccs&iry to those designing to embrace a js FRIGHTEN LD JNTQ WHITE, accomplisheil physicians of Chapel Hill stooped over a hole m the ice twen A woman's haV has suddehlv offfr K teach thespecial subjects re- ty.four hours, and put his spear ir tomans, na.r . nas suuueniy qnire,i to those preparing to attend the ' , , - ' ; . . turned white in' Milan. She -was a lectures in the great Mexiicjil Schools. moth t. find WRS yrollKT from r.hnn-h ENTUANCE EXAMINATIONS. . . , o o ln be the head of any seal that might come there. He had always been accus- with two children, one of whom tr e,ini ,ce. .Inw i.oun-c loraea to see ice, ana no. Knewjinat "" rvr : ' i iiiiiiini u . i w w i m w-KM mil vu. if his companions, on the ship could into the see ice, it would be confidence that ourscs may he was near home; The tli0ught of museums, ili.ustuativc ai'paratus. lce w8 the very last thought in his ,'riip. ITntvprsif - si liirorp onllpiMnn I mind. -s rf ClrCrcri .iiil Tif tnafn liifrloal cnor.!- appeareci ueiween me wneeis mo meg ami extensive apparatus for illnsi POSTING LAND. For the benefit eouIuVjalkv,; While the other was quired. j held in her arms The one which L.Thc requi?ites-for aclmlssion !: f t ip-v ? 1 ' , r ! -, ; J . 1 Classical ana rniiosophleal t; I'Ollhl walk, tail down the eh ford! I h kpph in thp.r,.jtalnrnpt A LA UGE STOCK OF BLANK BOOKS, envelopes; PAPER, PENS, INK, PENCILS and COPY BOOKS J At ,1 ; Barbee's Drug Store. PKllFUMEKY, TOILET AND! SHAVING SOAPS, ' IFAIUj NAIL, TOOTH, PAINT, Racking and w14te (wash brushes ; ' ' i " : i .'." , ' in great variety, at - . j '. Barbee's Drug Store. THE SEWING MACHINE OIL at B: i rise's Drug Store isaald to be superior to ai y i in the Market. ' . ' i' ; Try it. ; . FRESH LEMONS AND -ORANGE 15A I AT B'EE'S Ulltiv STORK..; The B4t .) vent cigCliu'tlusrM'ui Bai-bee's l)rnf Store. "Seek no Ah IIkt. or betttM can't be fi'.nl. The columns of the Ledger wil devoted to Literature, Agricul li potadents, Markets, kc., and will steps into the street, where a car riage was passing. As the child dis- av pid political issues as much as pos .;uan uttered, a loud cry, and fell insensible, with the other child in her arms, on ihe ground. . .The child unde " th' carriage was picked up The mother-when she was and Chemistry. those of our readers who desire to siple, i though claiming the right to LIBRARIES. unhuft. restored to her senses, . found her hair had turned perfectly white. post their lands and are not ac The Libraries of the University and ot quainted witb the law, we publish the Philanthropic and Dialectic Socie- u tu i, !, . v ties comprise about 20,000 volumes of lt' lhe law uPon lms subject will be found in Battle's Revisal, pao-e "mwA i 4 4. chanter ob. and section 1 J Tt. ures. servant hire, washing boanl, wooil. read8a8follows- "y perso shall , I -'' '.,,' . ' V light and books, ranges j from $93.50 to hunt, with a gun or dogs on the bomer remarkable instances of $i23.50 fer each half year. The tuition . - :nntnpr ifuftnfr i : - ect to obnoxious then and meas I alone is S30 for the same time. " The es- f . . . , . f I timate is made lor table board at from tained from the owner, he shall lands of another without leave ob- tnmod frnm t Vin nivnor Ya. cWoll "' f -!!"lcf' " .w" ' lhe, Srea'sroh Wt?.:B.nr o. the(t- fe;t and pav tcn dolars , lot bteVVt 8. -WOay.; .-DUDU.- availing aeniSCIUD WReiuermiu iivr hi uieu mi; . .,';... l-'.-.i . ' . .. & Ufaction on f G to f 8' per month. !. aggrieved. Provided, that no such .wyl NW;couWon a liunUng ... , BKNEKICIAIKS. i recovery shall be had, unless the tl ir4 Wft1 -hf gGt ' a.V,a Eaeh county is enfid to send one owner of the land, by, advertisement lonelv station, . and drove rapidly student who is unable to pay tuition and . ' J "'"wu eni tI v v n'rtinetV s TTo I f o n h n t room rent, irec oi cnarge ior mose v " un w wi mure pnouc awarinto the forebt... Halt an hour t . nSidPft f.ilfi. the Faeultv. bvLu .t,:A,i.. j i items. Besides these, the Faculty, by place8, have forbid- the person authority of the Trustees, admit others, I ' f v" so ;.,r40i off . .wnkri thp h are proved to be worthy and with- hunting, by name,! or all persons rcpu j-rr Vrr, V out means' eit,,er gratuitously or on generally, to hunt on his land. eoar-had; column despalch in ; ilV.oL. The university 13 loeateu at i;napej neivU morfiMig'fi rJIerald.Farmer and Mechanic. ' - The population of Memphis has been reduced, In 'the last three Hill, N. C, in the hilly( country, nearly months, from 40,000 to 10,500. J. Then, iellow-citizens, subscribe to the Ledqer and aid us in building .- ' - . - 1 j uri a good newspaper. ' ' ' . ESOffice, opposite the store of J E Z Z E L L , Watchmaker . and Jewrller, Chapel Hill, x. a. Watches Clocks and Jewelry re paired with neatness and dispatch. my 25-tf ; J? ONS.ORI A L. A K rn H O T B A III T ESrORIU x MAS I) U N S T 0 N has fittki ;ur ins: BEK SALOON, opposite. Barbeels drug store.? nr u most improved style, and1 will !be P to Si4 hk rnafomPN anv tU&0. le ! guaranteed good work. . f ' 15eU. 25cU. 25C. NOT C E My Cotton Gin Is now In gooil order. Marion j Cheek will attend to it, aud have things done up all right. ' S : I'nce of bagging and Ties . I wil T pay the highest price for seed cotton in cash or in payment of debts. : sep'ilftf J. W. CARR A M E S S O U T II G A T E , GEXEItAL INSURANCE AGENT, IU1UIAM, N. C. J Large lines of Insuranee nUiwd nt snort nouue in nrst class Companies. Term- policies on Dwellings and Firm Property, a speciality. 7 ; j Shaving. Hair Cutting, -Sliainpooing, - He lia a boot-black always in attend' , ance. . uive him a calL apl IWf N 0 r ICE V.Carr, and next door to 1 J Weaver. T M. ALEXANDER, Attorney at law, CHAPJtt HILL, X. C Collections in Orange and; Chatham a speciality. " ; ' . Remittances made promptly. I have jUst oened, opposite the upi Campus gate, a line, lot of SHOE n BOOT UPPERS and FRONTS. ani f am pi epared to complete them i tbf " : latest style ... .a - f " ' ' M aud on the most reasonable teroif. . ; My Stock is excellent, and mr shall compare Mith any in the SUte wive me a can anu saiwry yourseiTc .Very respcctfullr, ' sep U I v W.T. NEWTO.V. ; PRESCRIITTONS carefully coiaj Iounded at all hours of day or night, '. Barbees Drug Store, j The Purest Drugs' and Best Medicln ' used. n You can pet a Pistol tlutWlll tlck a burglar prodigiously 10. to 20 yard. for $i.50, at Barbee's Drug Stor. DL frAtWSON' WU1 beDleasMl at uliaimei t convey passengers to and from Durham at short notice, at any time of daf Jj niht. Orders -for express and fmgM promptly attended toi . . . ' - - 1 ;. - . jjv.v. X ' - - --rH-"'- .-'e' " -a j i ; if v4 mm- A, 7 , , ,. . r--e: TJ' , V --iarBgg-ww.-.-:r;

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