! - i; -- i i!.;.:r''v'. - iiyv-r-'-:.': ''. ;. V-"'-:-, ; :-v S '::. : i- , i 1 i W.i i-v - . V - ! I ,T HE WE Y LEDGER. Saturday, - ---Deb. 21, 1878. KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : Oae ctfDV. one venf." - - i- $I.i0. Vium opy, mx. mouths . ! . .uWcrint ion's must 1 1. DO. t be paid in ad- i:v;rK8 or -advertising :1 : i i i ' On synarc. one Insertion, t - $1.00, Kadi SIllMMtiU'Ht HHHtKHlc--!- - -50c. t&TSpecjal eouU-acts iiuide; for. larger a dver iscments. j EDITORS. - &OTICE. We tcilll be - pleaded' to piibUiJi' any coihmunica t ions ftohVani person relative to the good of tJus people ;Tut any "commit ' iijcatipn felative" to personal 'natters vr icnuing 10 uring irooiuya. contro- ' ' ' I f t ' THE i"TREADlXGS 0F PROF. r HARTLEY. 1 ' - m . i . i- . This gentleman gave .two readings in one of the Ilalls of the University, during his recent visit. ! lie was a favorite before, and has added mucl to his enviable repntaiipn by his last recitations. JSotwithsjandmg the " 7 . ifuxorable exactions of the examina tions, the students attended in largt numbers; and several citizens were fortunate i enouirh to share mi the pleasure? smd profit. Those jwho missed these elesrant entertainments are really to be pitied ; for it is sel doni in life that, so much can be ob tainc-d, in our community, for so smalfa eonsideration, l'rofj Hartley's claims to the ad miration dne a first-class reader.' are above all contrpversy His imper- ' sonations are, almost always, good; sometimes, masterly. , He is equally happy -jin thev grave and the'gay" in I the humorous and the pathetic. His most ' Clftt htftrrs' arc oonvntscil with laughter ; and the most cynical t i are apt to be be 31 r. Hartley's .rayed into tears. readings willhlways be- most welcome at Chapel Hill: aud we junhesitatingly commend him to those commi nities thatt he" ! may favor, with a professional viMt. CHAPEL HILL IS GROWING. i I '1 Slowly," quietly, yet constantly, the villaco has been crowiii'jr in numbers for the last three years. In 1875 there were many vacant houses nere : ana, iiioe wno tiesiroci a place. would consider, ' which sllali I take j Now, those . who comej are forced to' inquire, "what .place is it possible 'for me' to get?" The. vil lage is gro wing 'as well as the Uni- versity. mere is eviuence oi in crease in business. (The stores show progrpi. .They see "improvement and lay-m belter stock. The mer- i i , , i chants hre selling goods J In quanti ties, an(l, we . tliink,at low prices. The citizens ought to patronize their own merchantsj for we cannot get along without stores : and stores, to do wpli for tis.must (iave the benefit of our trade. j i t - : UP, HILL I . Tiie, last University Magazine give.a short poem -from the pen jof Theo. II.' Hill. When wq saw - his name, we hoped to find that he had crep onl of lusiVrovoking retirement and thrown another sparkling tributel to the Muses upon the bosom of the literary jWorld. taken from the Alas ! it was only jvolume that he, pub lished years ago. Now, wo join the Eds. of j the Magazine in the compli mentary; wordsjin which they refer to the author, and in the earnest pro test they make against his continued silence.. The Legislature is requested to pass an act to compel the recreant poetto-take upjhisharp. "Howare he permit it to lie so long silent and unstrung! Up, Hill ! 1 v Pbusoxs desiring to subscribe to a first-class paper -would do well to try the Ledoeh. We hope to ijn- prove the paper very much after the Christmas - i i holidays. Send in.; vour-names an 1 the cash. Twelve months $1.50 Six months $1. CHRISTM A& FESTIVAL. "The ' tehivals of, the Christian church resol ve, thefnseJ vfe ,'jn tb three grand d i v isi'ons, yin.:VeaoV oSvjKjh there is one gre.it festival' Hearing x peculiar relation to ouiei-dt the same class,;ns.heircommoVt These great festivals are Christmas', Easter and Whitsunday. I 9 these, j enta ofj the first two relate "to it he scent rt,v;,'0- i,;ittimirm -e&rth ruhehettf fronts" Oieasure .fcarrrioigers last to his . glorious t -exaltation; aud power. as displayed in vlhe shedding forth of the Holy Spirit.. The va rious festivals connected iwith these most-.promiuent ; ones', were so nu mqrous that they .crowded ahe -pe riod from the lBt . of jDecember to the Sundav of Whitsuntide, nwith festivities corresponding J to the "greater events in the? earthly life o the ; Savior.. ;: H .. - :!-" -:,. 5 . The 25th of Decemberj.was ac cepted as tht day: of the nativity in the 4th century. The festival: itsel is said to have' been established5 by Pope Telesphorus early in the 2nd century. At first it was' not ob served on the 25th of December or any other: fixed day ; but' was movable day of commemoration When 25th of December- was thus marked, "some - of the Fathers" thought "there wa! not anthentic proof of the identification of the dav." but 6till the decision was uni- versally received so that all, after wards, observed the same day, This like other Christian festivals,' is traceable . (probably) to the declen sion of true piety -in the church. ' As the pure simplicity of the early wbr ship failed to give contentment to the "members of the church, these festival exercises were devised as auxiliaries to the better agencies ap pointed- by God. As they were bom in a compromise" by religion with the spirit of the world, so have they ever been characterized by a strange, inconsistent blending of the earthly and the heavenly. -' The minalinir of devotion and merriment in tlie earlier Catholic church ; the rinirinsr of midnight bells'! in Euro pean countries: the "leasts of fools and. of asses," nnd the common scenes uf mJc, urukitrss revelry ; ilie Christmas carol, commemorating the angel's song ; the ;cgg nogg, the revelry, the chai iues,tiho giauaening of the hearts ofthe children, and the universal relaxing of ;are and tojl ; and the multiform relknousobser vances peculiar to the -day ; these all - .i keep up the mixed character of the ! lestival in all countries that cele brate it. i I ; The Germans have long rniade Christmas "the childrenjs- festival.-' Formeijy, in England,' the season was protracted from Ch-istmas eve to "twelfth night" or Jan. 6 ; indeed: in some respects to Feb. 2nd. ' . "The lavorite and first'l dislr on Christmas day was; a soused boar's head, which was borne to the prin cipal table with great state and so lemnity,' 'upon a silver platter with minstralsve., There is a tradition that this custom originated at Queen'ii College, in commemoration of the valor of a student, who while on a Walk, reading Aristotle, being suddenly attacked by a furious wild boar, rammed lb4 volume into the throat of the aggressor, crying Graecum estt ; till he had fairly choked the benst to death." ' '- Let our untiring students beware how trrey expose" themselves during the holiday, and . be careful not " to provoke feiocions wild reading Greek at such a beasts by Lime. lne old heathern Druids arejthe fathers of the customs of hanging the mis tletoe and holly . in" houses 1 and churches. We- have it from them ; as, indeed, we have many customs from like sources. These -evergreens used to be worn on the head. An other old English superstition lingers among our people to this day : to- wit : That the cows are on their knees at midnight On fold Christ mas ' eve. JYlany of the ignorant who believe this do not know that it is connected wjth the story that, at the birth of Christ, an ox; and an ass knelt as in prayer. !. . Notwithstanding all the abuses of this great festival, it is1 o be cher ished by all the wise ,and good ells of the birth of t . 1 hearted; It the world's Redeemer -:glad tid- ings of great joy.n It breathes a blessing over all ranks and in almost, all homes. , It- relaxes the At rained nerves Of the anxious and the selfish, and infuses the - ftpirit' i'of beautiful charity into' all heaifl8.;' 1 It brinS back the aroma of buth : tos:;-thft-jy.ithered realtfisof and blisses of life To' the thou toilers iivmiddle years ; andjinspires, cliildJiobd ml -youth with a mystic; through life with au'Elysiari cbarnf. KvBe careful, reader, how you spend yotir Christmas. iBe prudent in your pleasure, and the season, . will be sweet asMt: passes and ; sweet when j emerabered. i By a little j folly you may make it, the birth:day of bitter- hess that will cursej althe xjoming years. We- wish you all a merry Christmas ! ' . ,. LUCY MAYNARD LEACH, On last Saturday' 'evening Hartley gave his ;atidience airiim-. pressive recitation of "An Inaugural Odc,"; taken! from a volume of poemR recently published from- the pen of Mrs. Leach, of Johnston; county N. C. The piece was written to cele brate the triumpH of "Gov. Vahce'uV his late election. v The applause that the ode won from the audience was complimentary ' alike ' to the4, fair authoressj the- accomplished reader, and the popular and honored subject. By the j way, ought not the literary people ih North Carolina to give more regaid and encouragement to the modest little book which Mrs; Leach lias written ? 1 The title of H is . "Scattered Leaves." It contains nearly 150 pages octavo, and jfs fronj that excellent house, E. J. Hale & Son. Any one can find true poetic inspiration ; in Walter Vane, or the. 3Jamac i$rntc." the seconq piece in the book. i 4 liut we do not purpose a review ot the volume at this time. w4 wish only to call attention to it, anc ask for it ji roper regard. Mrs. Leach is a daughter of the late Rev. R. C. Maynard, and the widow of 'the late Dr.JLeach, of Johnston j county. The , price of "Scattered Leaves" is 1. 1 It can bej WELL DONE, BOYS! The first session of the University year closes this, week Being an ters its growth in grace and its cn outsider, we fednhatlit, is-pioper fbr largement; Wednesday, Jan. 8h, ns-io express our opinion 01 me Christian education, the family, the general appearance of tlrngs in the young, coilegps, seminaries of learn venerablei institution. Weare ;Sld iDrj, Sunday and other schools. Chris- lighted to be ahlcto state that the 'oung geptlemeh who make up the present bod v-of students have won just coniplimeuts by their general good bearing. They '-are; not want ing in the fun, fervor, and vim that we ; always expect to see iu the young; out iney Know -now to be i'-.i t ";- ...1. lively without, being- vicious. 1 iuey nave uonc tnin-jrs tnat tnc j ought not, wl iv, 01 course, we. uo not "'- vo country to tnrnish a large body ot spirueu young men who can snow - - ' . t t ...... S I - . - , . :1 . a bettfr reconl than our university boys. Do you know Miss Patsy Self n She is jail afflicted old woman who lives near, this village. Her aged sister is also an invalid. V enly they need more than they have or get. Well, when the news was cirr culated '.about RnflTprpra and n the yellow1' fever time' appointed to . . i ' -'. f - 'i take up a collection for them, poor old Miss. Patsy gathered up seven eggs it was all she had to give f and totterinir to town, tzave them aafirom v orestvuie- -For two years her contribution. She said she knexv , . - , . , i I wirntit w as 10 oe sick aim 10 neea in ends." 1 J The , gift was small bnt, in the ietiger 01 me oKies, it maue arranu j record on the credit column ! 1 ; The Ledger will suspend publi cation after this issue until January 4, 1879. I We do this in order' to cive our employees an'opportuhitv .I to enjoy the Christmas holidays Iri "! r n . 3 r;, -., I the name; of all connected with the Ledger, country, . , i w wish tnu peopie 01 our and ; especially those pf North Carolina," merry Christmas and a happy New Year." We have olio or two communica tion's that should have appeared in this issuel but were crow ded out. UNI VEksiTYITEMS .a ' - i -" '(hs..- i -'i''. ........ BY B. J jgareWell forever tW8J8, withyks College duties; pleasures and : tron- fbles; : - ,:..IL.i-: There is Vfuture Go verhor of the State at the University, but whom it isV vrw&uld,nbt'like to predict, t t ' .The chief amusement Christmas to those who remainhere, will be be': Bandy, Hunting and ; running owls, (of which there are a great number) out of the trees in the Campus., , . ;; - -... . ' The Di. Society has lost a distin guished member in the death of Maj. SeatoiV Gales, and Phi. Society in the death of Hon: B. F. Moore. r Qne by one they" pass away an'd their places are filled by others, i , ' " .-;.--.- , IV Another'. 'year" will soon be past and. gone. The University has ob tained ; a firmer ffootina: and 1 now ranKs "jirst in tnejoremosi line. ;i ay the lapse, of time bring her increased blessings, and may she be a source of wisdom whose beams shall irradi ate the. whole land o'er which the Eagle cast his piercing gaze, v Winter, with all its severity and l loneliness has come. NeaJ ly all of the boys have left, and . those who hayo not will.s.ooaYollpw.f The. last examination was on Thursday. Only 25 or 30 students , will remain du ring Christmas. Dull times, indeed will : it be. Thedullest sport in ,the world.is : trying to. 1c ill time. - But it w il 1 j bp ou r fa t e. B u t v i tb a ccess to the libraries, we may pass the time pleasantly and profitably. . , t - f TilE WEEK OF PRAYER. The sweek of prayer has become a fixed institution among many of the Protestant' denomination in the South as well as in the North. The following is the schedule of subjects " ' agreed upon by the Evangelical ,-Abi liance, which has the arrangements in charge, ior Sunday Jan. 5th, as r,.r.j - .... ... ,,...1-.., d Kiimoct. tur inp mi imr "I instmn inction Union ''..Moinlaj-, Jan. . Gih, Thanks-' giving ior the blessings of the yean past, and prayer for their cont jnu ance; 1 uesday, Jan. tih, P raver Lbr lhe Churcli of Christ, its m nis- flAll associations of young men and women; ' Thursday, Jan. 9th, for nations, rulers and people, for peace and religious liberty on earth; Fri day,. "Jan. 10th, the press, for a bless ing on publishers, cdjtors and au thorsthe cause .of temperance and other (,ci:U reforms : S-iturdav . Jan. 11,1,,' homo and foreign missions. Lmd the conversion of- the. .world On Sundav f-vonino- Jan.! l!th. mil). l.'i - - l r lie union prayer meetings will be , ,d f er an(l" ai L fHillsboro Keconler, Dec. 171 SUDDEN DEATH. l?leasnfs, conilairiing Of being very sick. ' He said that he had walked down the railroad track, and had ,r.. ti.. in u: ' finding ihat his condition was becom- ing worse, sent for Dr. Strudwick. Subsequently Dr. Wilson was called n." Towards morning he was bet.i ter,' but suhsequenVy became more jllf andjied n, af m. on Sunday. His name was James Sikes, a native of Wake, his father living riot far P'lst he has been working at Holts: :Oranite" tactorv.- tie about 22 years of age. , . His hy the town authorities, and decently In Chesteifield county, Va., on Moifiday last, a young colored girl vetii-ed rather precipitately from din ner: at which a rabbit pie had been served, and when found, shortly after, in an adjoining room, was ex- tended -at' fu length in a chair, and was entirely lifeless. A doctor was . 1 ; - , u ueveriinjiess, summonea, wno pro nounCed her death due to disease of her heart ; but as the body Was be ing made ready for burial, it was discovered that her throat had been cut by a sharp rabbit bone, which protruded clear through the sWd. The population of Durham, N. C, is claimed to.be 4,000. ORTII GAKp W AX - Wilmington Reyiew : .OnSatut day afternoon'about 4:30 Pelock, after the Southern bound passen ger train had- left Enfield and got ten under.full.headway, a.man KsUp-. ped on the track about ten feet . tt : 1 1, of the eugn in the ditch 4 tlfl innp -h was found-to be alive and not" 1 v" ... : . irni. - hurt beyond a severe garring. , u man, who was' white and drunk, Wave his name, as.- Parker-, Hadr he beensober, no doubt he wuld never have kiowiY what struck him. RaJeiifh Ubservi : Last Wednes day night, C.T. Tlomas, of Chatjhara count v, when bi inking some mejjt to -this market, was accidentally jshot with a pistol bv a companion named Gaston Johnson. They had .gone into camp some thirteen miles . jwest of this city, and it was J ohnsonV time to watch tho meat, whicH;had been placed on the ground, on pjles, to prevent its becoming sour, pur ine his watch, a couple of dogsi ap proached the meal and Jotyison endeavored ip fire at them, but? the. pistol snapped, and .when attempting to remedy the evil, it suddenly ex ploded, sending a, bajl int-j. .Thmas' leg 1 about - the: region of the Icalt. Thomas does not appear to be jseri rt HQ 1 v hurt' but the ball had !i not been found at last accounts. Wilmington - Review : j A jmost: cold-hlooded and brutal minder was committed o':thi prahtation.:,pt Mr. J. -A. Evans, in lnmswick cointty, la'libut twolveniiles fro'rh this city, and "we1 are pleased to slate that' the murdereVs have been arrested and. lodged in the Smithvilie jail. "Mr. Evans has had' a man by the iame of, 3IcDiiflie.,Vfpr'ineiiy. ot Pander countyemployed as a: wood-cutter for some time pastL On Monday about sundown, Mr. Evans saw) two colored; men ly the name of Davis, who are broi hers, pnsn his housje, go ing in the :i recti; ui of McDtifiie's cottage. They were : armed f with rnns and passed 31 r.v Ivans', oil a run.' Th ey, caj 1 ed -'MtiU ufKe: out. a k e if he had sail "so and so, I , aud 1 htm then shot hi. 11. On their wav to M! c Duf- HtTs house, they told a colored'! man ' . " - .' i mi' i Ti. 1" mat they; were goiiig io kiii, mcxjui- I fio if'lii QiT.1 trlil ilari in;l crfc, Slllf tL ,Thft T. vJ, bi-othprs: were captured about eleven o'clock on Monday night at 3leares bim. i ' L ! ratesvil a Jandinark : . About j;uryeiii.ajiDJii A'epccab' esteemed.'citizen of Alex ral 1 o .an d W uch xander conn- t v irve or mm t" .fie report that a Catamount or' North : American Ti ger inhabited the cliffs of Davis' Mountjiin, near Bethel' Church. Xle .'also stated, ih , great earnest uess, that this or some kind reel ani- inal was -visit ing his flock of sheep and geese, and that the trac,k Of lie larixcst was abont'the sie of a1 New to i ind'la 1 id d og A 1 1 speculation and coiijeture in - reference to the correct ness ot Mr.' Davis s'tatement was .settled on Friday -moining of jweek be fore last, by the,-chasing .with iiounds andshooting of a large an it irialr supposed to he a North A mer- icaii .1 iger.' f-Mr. W.. C. LtrinV was out on the cliff early that -morning and; very soon an old well trained hoind commenced crying, whl'ii the hunter perceived an animal closely' pursued by tlTe dogs, capering from 'rock to rock over the cliffs, theianimal being larger than the largest , dog. These dogs (two) caught hiiW' once, but soon released their hold., j After running about two hours through the .cliffs and thickets it stepped at the edge of a pi ojecting rock! where it was shot, and tilled by Mn W. 'C, Li nh e v. ' -'" ) Raleigh News : Sunday monning Prof. Powell, a colored 1 barber, was at some trouble starting, a fire n his shop. Thinking1 to hasten tpe "igni tion -of the coal he took a gal on can qt. kerosene, and turning it up jpoured patt of the contents in the. stove. He then put the. can down on the floor, near by; A match had fallen on the floor, and he stepped pn this. In an . instant it ignited, settiifir fire to some oil . drops on the floor, and then exploding the can, filling , the siiop wun names.- toe I'ro lessor was in his dressing gown which was covered with the flaming oil. He rushed out into the strej2t,.and yelled fire at the top of his lungs. iAttract; ed by his cr es and seeing h is ; awful predicament, a crowd gathered. One of these, Mr. G reason, with a bocket-knife boldly ' cut away the burning clothes, until hardly- a rag remained. . The unfortunate man was taken into his fshop, when it Was found that the loSver part of both legs as well as of a portior of his back, was badly burned. . He was carried hpme ancf a doctor dressed the, wounds. .But despite all the care of the physicians the injuries were so serious $Mb baffle either re lief or cure, and the suffering. of the poor tuan was intense. Butfdeath at length interposed and at 8:B0 p. M. yesterday the iniured main died. Powell was a native of Wilmington, but came here some two years ago and opened a shop. JNEW ADVERTISEMENTS. pTHE GREATEST BARGAINS ' OF THE SEASON. Tlii order, to plofe up'ur stoyk rnpi,-. ai possibie.fvc shall offer' our tnd NEW SrPIJ(DY GOODS, READY 4 APK CLOTHING- 1 BOOTS 4? SHOES. UAltD. j , WARfi, CROCKERY, '-f'-' ? '-"I ::.',:! - V.! -! and GROCERIES. We deem it unnecessary to give quo tatiorts, as such advertising only lea(8 to cutting on a . few IciUlin-j goods by the merchants without securing any ai Vantage to purchasers in Iheir general billss. .We can j safely say that our goods have "Ween bought at the lowest price reached this season, and' will be sold af a very small .advance on .cost. Weare, now Celling some goos -at 25 per cent, under quotations given by other. Ari itr respectfully invited to ,call and ex-, amine, i Fay Ui .Old. Scoi-ch. ' .- -yy. l. . y . . We tender our thanks to-our; friends who have stood by us so faithfully and paid us so promptly And 'vouUl re mind those indebted, to. us. .that, we ait greatly m need of .the money. We have Waited long and patiently with .some of you, and we know that times are, hard, that the priced for produce are low, and it itiay be that you can't pay all at one time. Come and ' see us. We will al--low 3011 liberal prices' and deal liberally with you. Oijr inability to call on you but increases j your obligation to' call and see us and! pay what you can. - . Very respectfully, . ' . A LONG' & NOR WO 0D Ch'ipeUIill,1 N. C., Dec. 7, 18T8. L GET THE BEST. 3000 Engravings j 1840 Pages Quarto. Four Pages of Colored Plates, j i Published by G. & C Meurim, at . ' Springflcd; Mass. ' WARMLY INDORSED Mil Biincroft, Motlej, ' Prescot, George P. Marsh, eck, John G. Whit tier, ' i ; John G. Saxe, f Daniel Webster, i ;f :Al. Coleridge, . .Horace Mann, j F. Greene Hill X. P. Willis,! KUhu Burritt, Jlufu.- .Clioate, -marr, iMorc thaisfiftA- college President, nd the. lest American and European Wcbser.is the Dictioiwr' used in the Government Printing Offlce.n. T7 veiy School and Family should hav& 1 JLU it tor constant use and reference. . Best family help iu training children to beeome iutHligent men. ' Several Tear' later, has 1-5 more nut ter, than any other Dictionary, j j i - ' i The, Authorized authority in Courts of utice, for the "nieaning of worJs. Fjptymoloics an'd definition far in Ad JjJ vance of aiiy other Dictfonan'. Pecommeud b.y Chief Justice ,Waite t as "best autlioritx lor delTntion.'v- I . THE BEST. ' F A CT.S: . Recommended by the State Supt's of , 35 different States and by over CO College Presidents. About 3SOOO have been placvd in Public Schools by. law.or by School authorities. J li lt coiitaihs 13,000 'illustrations nejirly three times asmanv as any other r:..: -i l. . - I lHUUIIiUV, 1 i . I Three pictures of a ship, on nae 17h ', illustrate the -meaning of inure. Ui IOO words. - ' ...-'. The sale of WebterV Dictlnarv. SSOj times as givut as that'ot anv other series ot Dictionaries. J WEBSTER'S NATIONAL PIC- , TO RIAL DICTION A R Y. - ' 1 I ; -1. - -.-. - . i ' 1040 Pages Octavo.. COO Engravings I- ' . - - . -Is il not rffjhtJy claimed that W KBSTEE " is Tin:. NaifiHinl'' SSttiiiiMil.V S.1,000 ,X1,'!:M IUMS! AND COMMISSIONS TO ALI4 AGENTS A fE i WANTED in every yost town In the United State to send subscriptions to the r vlin;toii IXtV-wlcoy ?f Send five cents for copy, and term'? 0 arents. HAWK EYE PUB. CO., : ; Burlington, lo'wa. D 11 J . D . DA V IS 1 " Pemianeiitlv loeatl tii Durham aii Chanel Hill, f Offlce. will b- oneu & L . .1 - v tlnmihoiuliai) rnv lft .1 Cash, 'at prices' neVeTpached before in this market.- Wd have a" nt;e assort Chajjel Hill twelve davs of. each m6nt from the 12th to the 22d. ... .-I J - - . ! ;.

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