THE W riEk L Y ' L E DG E.H 'Saturday,)- - - Dec. 21, 1878. Gnuivilie Frec-Lancc Terrible Accident. "it '- Fifteen Men Hurled Thbough tiie air Probably Fa-3 1 - I tal Results. , ') ' ' Mount Zion church, , localed at , Walnut Grove, in this county, was, on Monday last, the scene of a most dis tressing accident; bjf which -quite a number of petfrOns were seriously in jured, and it Ufeared two fatally. j -It seems that the members of the church and some of the neighbors had assembled for the purpose ol re-shin-) gling the 'foot .of Uie building which was in need of repairs. ' . ' ' j An ofdihary;scaffoIding had, been , erected, upon Jwhich, auite-a. large - amount of shingles tad been-thrown and on which; fifteen m err were at 'I work. , i '4 - T- J The platform, on ..which they were standing wr 3 about on a levetwith the , tr.Z t. 'wi.i from the ground All at oik , Avilhout any premor.i . tionl of rddncri the rude Structure couapseuj uriiiging an uauvyig freight to the ground with frightful " -force." The shock pf tbe faljwas so great and such alarni existed1 that some of thej party -working on the . roof lost tlveir routing? ana tell with the others to .the earth. .'- v- L jr Nearly jail the number, wre more or less injured, t,ha most' seiona ot ' wnom are jxiessrs. .rinKney -aieau ; ows and Milliniiton Blalock.. I (. These jtwo gentlemen received dangerous internal' injuries, and we understand the physicians, in attepd- auce express mucn iear as io wieir recovery.) .Mr. James : wiiKerson had his" shoulder, .blade s dislocated8, and Messrs. 'Augustine . Frazier and Thomas Reagan, were badly huru Nearly all the parties were leading members. f the Baptist church and prominent citizens of that section of the. county. There is, consequently. a great deal of feeling manilested on the subject, and much anxiety exj pressed as to the condition of the un- fortunate gentlemen. -t I - It is said that the scaffolding fiad only been erected with the view oi holdiner eii?ht Dersons. aua tne con Special to the Baltimore Gactte.J Fuii, JFa-Mxcy mid False hood. . WHAT "THEYr SAY AEOUT US IX WASHINGTON. : 4 A JLFniLE.HERp., In thecity of, Hartford, r Conn., lives the hero of the true story I am about to relate but no longer "lit tle,", as the perilous adventure which made him famous in his native town - . -. f . i . ; ., r- Tfcnro r .'pvAral numbers ol tde nappeneu seven jca.o u AraV M W W V mmm 1- 1 m North Uarolina Legislature and i Our hero was then a brignt, ao prominent politicians Som that State tive boy of fourteen -the soti of a me in this city. In conversing with a chanic. In the severe winterjot, 69, number of them they say the com-. the fattier worked an a laciory, : o .'f ol ArrTif nPTt. month be-! nlinnt n. mi! from his homeland tween Gov. Vance and Senator Mer- every day the boy carried him rimon is dailv k crowing more bitter dinner across a piece of meadow i ,1. - - and personal. The tnenas oi eacn land. t : . J ,i om firm nrl unvieldhi? to any com- One keen, frostv day he found' nrAmicn HpIu'ppii the two chamnions now on the 'meadow nearly two for the Senatorial honor. ; They claim feet deep, and no traces ot the little that each has strength enough to ac-j footpath remaining. Yet.he Iran on complish the defeat of both if the is fast as possible, plunging through present hostility is continued. They drifts, keeping himself warm jby.yig- would rather see a third man taken orous exercise, and brave, oneeriui than make any concessions. In that thoughts. event thev say . ex-Congressman i . When in the midst o! the Leach, ex-Senator Clingman, Repre- owl fully halt "a mile irom the house, seutative liobbins and judge Jqwie he suddenly ten nimseu goiug uuwu. .... -.1 : i - A .-. I 1 : 3 t ' V will be tne lour 10 cnoose iroiu. , uown, uown i between" these four the indications , He had fallen into a well. He point to Lesch, .who has decidedly .IganVdown, down into the dark, ey the tdvantcire from the lact that hel water, but rose immediately to inei'. ;a Isfntn SonMnr Alpt to ihp T.pnris- I fiiirfio ' Thprfi ho ' crrasiied hold ()t ! lature, is in the prime of life, full, of a plank Which 4had fallen into the pnprrrv: ana unaersianas oonucai we as ne weni aown. uue tactica'. better Hhan any man in the this rested on the bottom of ihe well State. He is very friendly with the other rose about four feet above both Vance, and ;Merrimon. aud lis the 'surface ot tho water. - I not. obiectionable' to the indepen'd? The poor -lad shouted for help entswho will .have, a .voice m the until he was hoarse and j ..almost firrtif fllinrrmon'fi nilvfincpd afro is Rnppfihlpfis. but all in Vain, as it was A-S . J V m taK W WW - m-m - J 1. , nrorpd as an obiection which, thev irnnossible to make himself, heard . t P t I ' i : It ;'UrJ, .l.f,.lr.A.M, lr : 1. - n cn'Vt At'llS. ininR, migtlli "impair 'IMS uaciuiucw. iruill suuu a ucpiu, auu ouvii liobbins has ability to fill any posi- tane'e from any house. ., So at last he tion. but thev want i him for Gover- concluded that ii he was saved at all nor in 1880. Fowle is" young and he must save himself, and begin, fat can afford to wait for the future, once, as he was getting Textremely 'Nnw nnmoM thn turnincr uoint. I cold m ihe water, do ne weni it-o said one of these tar-heel law-makers, work It is more than, probable there First he drew himself up the plank ' 1 T" wL Y LEDGER , :ZI HILL, N. C. annum, $1 50. Zlx months, $1 00. Advertisements appearing in the Ledger will reach; the farmers of Alamance,. Chatham Wake, Orange I, will be no election .by the Legista- and braced himself against the i top lure, as tne constitution ui i ui hi oi n auu uiv wan ui mo wen, mvu Carolina does not allow the Legisla- was of brick and "quite smooth. Then ture to sit but sixty days, and, if the he pulled off his coat, and taking but ngnt is kept up by vance aim iuer- nis pocKei-KBiio ne cut uu m uu, rimo'n's" friends.- as predicted,, the! ihat he might go to work to greater session will close without'elecling a advantage. -Then, with his t feel ' I o Senator. In that conditional atfairs against one side ot the well, and his the, Governor will Have the power to shoulders against' the other, he work appoint. Vance " will I then f retire ed his way up, by the most fearful from the gubernatorial chair, Jarvis exertion, about half the distance to will become Governor, he .being a the top. Here' he was obliged to warm4 friend of Vance's and wishing pause, to take breath and gather up to advance his own interest will ap- his energies for the work yetvbefore noint Vanne as Merrimon's successor, him. Far harder was it than all he sequent overcrowding it was an act Thig geeni8 to be the present status of had gone through, for the side be of the greatest imprudence. . ihe .fight in the Old North State. ing from that point covered with ice, rFrora the Wilmington' Sun. ne must cut wan nis kuiic, grasping fFrom the Cook Book.l places lor his nnger-, siowiy aim AIYOIUTATT CAltnlEI OFF BY DESPERADOES. The colored population of our md other counties, and is therefore a good advertising medium. Advertisements will be in serted in these! columns on as liberal terms as in any first class paper. KThe Ledger's circulation is increasing rapidly and bids fair to have as arge circulation as any country newspaper in the State. The Fall Season will soon open, and every farmer should keep up with the cotton, tobacco and pro- .. duce markets. The Ledger: will ip ra vnT 'wiRTli. RNK NOR STATE. ITS GIT' UF A ND GIT THAT MAKEIE GHET. H E A D Q Ui A RT;E:RS! For Lhe IjwsI Gowk at im T.Vvt-.t lMrSi. T .. .. ii.l I Every bodyfre.-itetl Alike, at tf st Vurletv." nt G A3H 2dO;Si; MaurSt., Durham. GAMMON'S, 3Isin St.; 'Durham. You mid none hut Fresh and .'Reliable GoodSj at . j. and Fine Groceries a speciality. Tlie largest iuid Most Complete Stofck of Goods! In i the Countyi at ': Children and -Misses Hose, and Fine Shoes land Slippers in abundance, I 1 1 A MllflW Main Kf ' Mii.k.K. Ready Made Linen Suits, all Styles and Prices, at ' : GAMMON'S, Main St.,- Durham. Hamburg Edging- and Trimmings in Endless Variety at - UAMMU.N , Main St., Durham. ; Everyrhiiiiir :md Anything you n1it, at Prices bound to please, at furnislyxhemarket o' laleigh, pur- ham, Fillsboro, Chapel Hi I, fcc. Arrangements are being made for weeklv communications from Ral umTct-TrrrprPQ' Ai PiTAPr and carefully all the way up. uvuivi jt was-aim08t a hopeless attempt -Apples TCeeij ii n ary-placc, m ttV-ti -r U thnt le oould do. And cool as possible without freezing. here th little hero lifted.up his heart Tl ' TT ?... 1 1 1 I . y-1 -1 1 i . . 1 ' nrooms xiang in me cenas-way to uoa ana prayea ierveniiy, iear- to keep soft and pliant. i ing that he could never get out Uranbernes Keep under water, in alone. , itv rp' rrpatlv exercised over the cellar ; change water monthly. . Doubtless' the Lord heard his t-;,inot,iy iKa nther nierht of Marv I A dish of hot water set in1 ovens voice, calling from the deep, and Tnhnstnn 1 wife of the outlaw John-1 prevents cakes, etc., from scorching, pitied him. He wrought no miraclt. ' - . I -r- . i i.l 1 IT i . .i i'." t ston by himself and three accom- i Jonomize ume, neaiin ana means, to save mm, out ne oreatned into nis dI ices The story I of the deed is and 'you will never beg. heart a yet larger measure of calm about this : ' 1 I I -rio"1" iveep cool, dry, and secure- ness and courage, strengthening On Wednesday nierht Marv paid My coyered, . ! him to work out his own deliver ricif. in inn niar.K h uuiise. i vjoo wicaia n iiuauuaibui w aici i aua. MM W IU V WW - M ill I Chadbonns alley, in the portion of jmixed with a teaspoonfnl of ammonia. After this, the J little hero cut his the citv known as "Brooklyn." ami I Herbs Gather when beginning to way upward, inch by inch. His wet had not been there 'a great while blossom ; keep in paper sacks. stockings froze to the ice and kept before the door was' pushed openlj .Ink'Stains Wet with spirits tur- his feet from slipping, but his shirt. - . ti I . ; c .i i i ii I . u r i I 1 J -i nri hpr nnsoana. accomDamea dv peuuui; auer iuree nours ruu wen. i was uuue worn irom ins siiouiuersi three necro men. entered, caught : Jars lo prevent, "coax husband" ere he reached the top. Marv bv the arms and dracrsred her I to subscribe to the Weekly Ledger. He did reach it at last crawled away. Her screams aroused the , xeep an account ot an supplies with out into the snow, ana lay down tor u . i w 1 t ' l tt" i neighborhood but I in such mortal costs and dates when purchased. a moment to rest panting out his a,lroa1 miT to i,aPel dread do the" coiorea people noia : juove ngniens laoor. . Johnston no assistance was offered Money Count carefully I when A LA11GE STOCK OP ' - : ' ! : BLANK BOOKS, V ENVELOPES, PAPER, ' " V .'-.;'. :' . .'-r ' ' PENS, INK, t PENCILS and COPY BOOKS eigh and other points. The Ledger will use whatever in fluence it . mav command to have a At Barbee's Drug Store. PERFUMERY, I TOILET AND breath in little while clouds oh the clear frosty air. 1 i m i : 1 T tie had .oeen .two hours ana a a pin, and if half in the well. His clothes soon froze to his body, 1 eel Dry, j but. he no longer . sunered with jcold her and the .four outlaws sped safely you receive change. away with the prize.,, I. , : N"utmegs -Pick with The lost woman's mother ap- good, oil will run out. neared at (police headquarters, yes- Orange and Lemon terdav.. ana ; asxea lor a special pounu, ana Keep in corKea ootues. as iuu oi loy ana tnanKiuiness, ne posse to be sent toj guard her house Perhaps Keep, in groiind until ran to the factory, where his lather last nisht, as she has her daughter's! spring.; , , was waiting and wondering child in'-her keeping, and Johnston I Quicksilver and white ol an egg The poor man ,do without said that he would take the child destroy bedbugs. ; . r ' his dinnej that day, but you may be away also, i (There is little i proba- Ricebelect large, with a clear, sure he cared but little j about ithai, eyes to genera) iamuy an Experimental Farm 'connected with the Univer8itv. The columiis of the Ledger will SHAVING SOAPS, TfAIR, NAIL, TOOTH, PAINT, BLACKING und WHITE - WASH BRUSHES i m grout variety.-' t Barbte"s Drux Stori. THE SRWJNO,: MACHINE-OIL at Bar nees irug Store Is said . . ' ' . to be superior to any in the Market. -j;v !' Try It. FREII Lemons and oranges AT BARBEE'S DRUG STORE. The Best 5 cent eigar in the State. At Barbee's Pru' Store. ... . ,i ' '" ... . For better can-'t be fojftnd." j 1? O IV WORI .V JL, ART EMPORIUM!! '; n o M A S I) tr,.N js r o N -1 be devoted to Literature, Agricul- - i j ture, Latest News, Original Corres- away also. . mere is little i prooa- ruceaeiect large, wiin a clear, sure ne carea pui. iiuie aDoiu ii: bility of his taking a notion to carry fresh look; old rice may have insects while listening with tears in his e; oft his mother-in-law in the bargain!) in it. ; j ; to the thrilling story his son had Last nicht about. 25 men guarded Sugar For general family use, the relate to him. I i her house, and everybody in the ini-Lgranulated is the best. : i He must have been proud of the over their own homes and firesides. green are . as good as an English his own .warm overcoat, and took Pndent, Markets, fcc, arid will fre- breakfast. ' j- him home to "mother." : I 4: - Wiitchffliikcr and Jewfller, Chapel 1 till, C. Watches, Clocks and Jewel ry re paired with neatness and dispatch, my 25-tf ' - . . ' The old h lady! 83 y Johnston qnently. comes to, her i house and f Use a cement made of ashes, salt, stavs all ttight, though he ne"ergoes and water for cracks in the stove. to bed, but fits '.in '.front of the firel Variety is the best culinary spice. ; with his rifle-on his knees, and his Watch your back yard lor dirt knives and pistols in nis neit. ana bones. u j . T-.l.Vtrtn'o oncnmnllCPS in t.liA lfiil. I Yantlnno woe ' n orT1 Tlnnrf. I m . ' " V " . . . . J 1 . . And how that mother miikt have wept and smiled over the Jad,i and avoid political issues as much as pos- kissed him and thanked God for isrOTI C E him. ! -. " I - ' I have not heart of the "little hero" for twoor three years, but I trust sible, though claiming the right to Snapping are well-known rascals. One itate her. . he is growing up into a brave, heroic of t'nenij i Simon Haggett, killed fa Youth ! is best preserved by a man, and I'hope he will never forget cheerful temper. colored inan in this city, soma few months ago, and is himself a fugitive from lustice, having. - successtullv aded f arrest since the murder. 'Where they have taken; the ioor woman, or what is her iaie, is un- ments ot time remember the giver known. I . - - i . S As we, have remarked, this . attair The New York Herald has an the Heavenly lriend who; did not Mv Cotton Gin is now, in trnm nrAer: Mai ion Cheek will attend to it, andlf have things done up all right. Price of bagging and Ties $2. 1 will pay the hisrhest nrice for kp,1 object to obnoxious men and meas- eotton in cash or ia, payment of debts. Zinc lined sinks are better than forget him in the hour of nis great wooden ones. 1 Regulate your clock by your hus band's watch, and' in all appoint need. There is an old saying that truth lies at the bottom of a well. I trust that this brave, boy found and brought up from there this truth : ures. JAM E S SOU T H G ATE, "God helps those who selves." ! . Then, fellow-citizens, subscribe to help them- GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, , DURHAM, N. C. ... .' 1TAS FITTED UP ItlS r U A1 KB E USA LOON, opposite Barbee's drug store, ni the most improved style, and will be glad to see : his customers any tim Uc guarantees good work. Shaving, i Hair Cutting, -Shampooirtg, - 15cU. 25cW. 25cW; He has a boot-black always In attend ance. Give him a call, apl 18-tf , "XT O V ICE. I have just opened, opposite the upper Campus gate, a -flue lot of SHOE and BOOT UPPERS and FBONTS. and I ' am pi epared to complete them u c y7 , LATEST STYLE , and on the jnost reasonable terms. j Ply Stock is e-ri?pilpnt nnd mv WOrfL slml I compare with any in the -Stat Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. Vrv roerkA.trnlltr i sep 14 W. . NEWTON.; has created a very great excitement, exhaustive report ) on the coramer and well it might. -Johnston s com- ciai and financial condition ! of the! The rapid recovery of the trade of pamons are aruic da cn southern States, irom which it'ap- Alemphis, Penn., is indicated bv the i . i i i a. !z : i i- .t . . himself and bid fair to become, the VLowryGang' ot JNew nanover. I pears that tliere has been vast im provement there in recent j years. Georgia is particularly referred to as Intiie -Forty Second uongress the pattern fetale ot the feouth in (en there were nine negroes; in the terpriso and improvement, because :Ftrty--Third,. seven in the .Forty- it is in Georgia where the ( crops Fourth', ; four in the Forty-fifth, have been most diversified and man :hree ; i?) Fori y-Sixth there will ufactures introduced, and this jex irone, -unless O'llara, of North ample, the Herald says, the neighbor- irolina, gets a certificate, which is ing states are toiiowing with! vary- htfiiL v lug degrees ot success. , mm ! - 1 ' j sales of cotton there last Thin"uio which aggregated ,8,700 bales, the largest saie ior any one day on rec ord. , Despite the fact that the fever held on there until about 1st ot JN ovember, the sales of cotton since September 1 aggregate i 123, 282 bales, against 152,582 bales same months last year, when there was no lever, .and each day now shows a! gratifying gain. the Ledger and aid us in buildinsr 4 Large lines of Insurance nlai-wi nt snori nonce in nrst class Companies. ' " Term DoHcies on Dwelli up a good newspaper. Property, a speciality. !jfOfEce opposite the store of J. W. Carr, and next door to! L. J. Weaver. J M. A L EX A N DER , ATTORN EY AT LAW, ' CHAPKL IIII.L, c. Collections in Orange and Chatham a speciality. ; Remittances made promptly. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully com pounded at all hours of day or nigM, f- hi Barbee's Drug Store. : Tlie Purest Drugs and Best Medicines used. You can. get a PUtol that will tickle ' 1 ' J I ' ' - , a burglar prodigiously -10 to 20 yards for$3.60iat 'x ' - Barbels Drug Storey W" D . C ATES & SO N" . Will b nlPju-d at all times to COllVAV na&OAii trora trt anrl from DurhB . at short notice, at any time of dtV mgnc Orders Tor express ana7irci& promptly attended to. . - -' :". ; ' "'' ' . ;" ' ' .1,

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