I - . ' : -' i T II KKty frKDGER. - Feb. 1, 1879. ill contracts for advertisements f Vll ebminuiiicatioris on business d.oUlil be Addressed to "The Weekly noV close as follows: . i-Vr Duilumi. dailj, Sunday excepted, & a. m.-.; I ' ' . Tr Chatham county, once a week " lite offlcei opens for delivery , of mails " The Prcsbyteriau church is being tainted, j I ; ;.Puncb-o'd 'Judy were in town Tuesday night: Isn't it UBic lor the Seniors 40 be ..- getting that "preacher hian Tf - Another,' fresh at the University, . Heitman from Davidson county. . President Battle is in Raleigh at tending a meeting of.the Trustees. The names on the roll of students at the University -now number 200. The Trustees of the University met in Raleigh on Wednesday j29th !t. . ; j ; -,' ' Ilev. J. F. Ileitman has re-opened his school under very lavorable cir cumstances. I ' ! ' - i ; " i ! ' Rev. Mr. '-Curtis,' of Pittsboro, preached in the Episcopal church last Sunday morning. . Dr. A ;R. Leddux will read sermon in the Presbyterian 'Church next Sunday rooming. An exhibition of sleight-of-hand performance was held here Tuesday night, in 'the store formerly occupied by Mr. Chcekl " . A street-lamp is needed to -guide the feet of the churchgoing popula tion through the'mire in front of tie Methodiftichurch. Rev. Dr. Hartwell, a Baptist mis cionary to Sianj, occupied the pulpit of the Baptist church In this place 'Sunday morning aud night. Jesse Holmes, could do the State good service by going to Raleigh at once. MOj! for two hours" oi Jesse Ilolmes (with an iron club,) in the House of Representatives. The Executive : Committee will visit the University in a week or two, to inspect the different depart ments, and report the progress of University to the Trustee?. - . . A young clerk left a cabbage on the Methodist church window while he went in to ; pray. On adjourn- . ment the window was there,, but the i ' . -. cabbage gone. . Cabbage heads be ware. - ' Query.Yfhy is it that students, when caught sinking on the streets , are fined J while a band of negroes may tramp the streets all night long, making noise enough to awaken the seven sleepers without being noticed by the proper authorities ? : , Prof. ' Kerr, State Geologist, will commence, his lectures before the; Geology Class in the University, aboat the first of February. His lectures never, fail to be interesting and generally attract a large number of pur citizens to hear him. Mr. Henderson, of Salisbury, has introduced into the Legislature a hill to prevent the sale of liquor at 'or near that-this Chapel Hill. We learn amends the old4 law so. as to extend the limits of. the old line and to increase the ' severitv of the' penalty ! . In consequence of the dissection f a cat in tlie Natural History: room of the ifuiversity, on Friday last, forty niall boys of sable hue have procured the best stock of cats of the season,' and are prepared to sell cheap for cash or ten cents for the pile.; They may still be found at Ihe old stand. " 'Doii'tl.tell me that times are get ting better.growled an old Tidy at ilie postofiice yesterday. "Here they -re asking jutt,as much for -stamps to send a letter to Durham as they Jo to New York.". Mr. Mickle, Sr., pulling out his specs and carefully wiping them off with a red silk haudkerchief,; explained that the! price was not raised when anything lse went up which seemed to soothe tnMbe mane whh .u?. hakius, ' - n??iiess M:uiager.- Uffico on Franklin 5nilml reof J.py; Carr, ncr. A'cciD ENTS. Mr. Cfras. Watson, scjn of Jones Wat&ou, Esq., of this p!ace met with an accident on Sat urday iasl, in Duiham, at the factory of 31ackvell ifc Co. Three of his fingers were caught in the machinery and badly laceiated. Vehopethat he willlose none of his fingers, and that he, will speedily recover. ! Mrs. Til ley, well-known to every one who has visited Chapel Hill, met with a serious accident dirThursday afternoon last. - She was on a visit to the family of Joseph A. Harris, and ?on attempting 'to o down stairs a rush of" blood to the head caused her, feet to slip, and she rolled the i whole length of the . stairways Dr. Harris' was called in, who had the patient taken into the house, where she is kindly cared for. The Doctor reports that sh? has received no fa tal injury. We hope to announce her recovery. U How to DiscouiiAGis A Minis TElt. Go to church . only occasion ally, and when you go, go late ; take no part in singing, but keep up whispering. Find all the fault you can ; point out his deficiencies be fore your children and others. Don't aid his work, but despise his lack of good sense. Tell tales to him about the people and their criticisms of him. Tell him how much his prede cessors were thought of. Keep away from week-day meetings. Get up gayeties, 'particularly some enter tainment near the communion sea son. t? Require him to be present everywhere. Keep back his salary. Keep talking about general dissatis faction. Patient continuance in these practices will surely' drive away both the spirit and the minister of God. Vick's ; Flo kal Guide., This work, is before us, ' and those who send five cents to James Vick, Ro chester, N. Y., for it, will be disap pointed. Instead of getting a chenp tiling, as the price would seem to indicate, they will receive j a very handsome work of 100 paes, and perhaps 500 illustrations not cheap, but elegant illustrations, on the very best calendered paper, and as a set off to the whole, an elegant Colored Plate, that we would judge cost twice the price of the book. ...New Store. We take pleasure in referring to the advertisement ol Mr. A. S.- Barbee, to be found in another column. Mr. Barbee has had much experience in business and knows how to select goods. He is acquainted with the wants and needs of our citieens, and has : selected goods to please them, and at prices to suit the hard times. Remember his place of business is one door be low the drug store of S. M. Barbee. We regret to learn that there are two cases of pneumonia in College Messrs. Willie, of Gates County, . - - and Arrington, a - member ; of the Senior Class. These eentleraen are receiving every attention ,ai me hands of their friends. Drj W. P. Mallett is the attending phpician. Prof. Charles Phillips, we are sorry to learn, is not improving. The health of the people of Chapel Hill is not as good' as .could be de sired, owiiif?. no doubt, to thei recent severe weather. J j cj ' Give us Your Name We send several copies of this issue to persons who are not subscribers, with the hope tlat - they may become so. Every person living in Chapel-Hill should take the'LEDGER. Ve are doing all we can to build up Chapel Hill. The merchant, wfio fails to advertise, and the citizen who will not eupport his home paper, can ex pect nothing but hard times. Nkw Church. We notice tho completion of the colored Methodist church, on Merritt street. The first sermon, was preached in it last Sun day. " We learn that it will be dedi cated at an early day probably the latter j art of this month.; Still Chapel Hill improves. j - - i !. . .- ' , . 1 : iJ..-- Til ROW away that mattress that is not half made, and go and buy some feathers at McCauIev's, and, make j m you a comfortable bed. See his ad vertisement. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. . i . Hillsboro Recorder : Mr. Angier has introduced a bill into the House to remedy the difficulty about the terms of the courts of Orange county, of which we complained last week. The chairman 'of the judiciary coitf- ::uiee tens us there will be . no dirficultyin passing the bill.; . Statesyille Landmark; A serious cutting affray was5 participated in Friday nightj at a singing tlas4hree miles east of Statesville,'on hfe V:. N. C. Rail Road. The j articipants were res)ectively Eodge Krider, oi Rowan, as.d Wm. E. Step; of Hhis county.! The latterj was badly. lacer ated, but tlie physicians thinkhe will recover. I ' ' :Hillsb(ro jRecorder: James Tur ner died injAlamanpe on the 18th, having enjoyed his 85th birthday on Christmas. And John A Mebane. of the Mebane family, died -at New 's Ferry on the 27th u't., aged seventy. His remains were brought to Ala- mance and buried from Hawnelds yrChurch: S1.2C0 in specie were stei- ten from the house Of JJanieti -toast in Guilfbrdj u few nights ago. ?A of which we glean from tho G leaner. ' Monroe Fxpresa: We learn that a little boy, fivo j years of age, n son of Minerva Knowles, who lives in Croosa Creek township, was burned to ! death oh ' Monday the 6th iust. The mothehad left her two smdl ! children f alone in ' be house while she went to visit a neigh bor, and it being excessively cold it is supposed that the little fellow ventured too near the fire, when hisi clothes caught. I-This f is the .third case of this kind happening in .our county that we have reported in" these columns. in the last few weeks. Raleigh News : The letters de posited in th street letter boxes are .collected twice a day. . The carrier leaves the post office at i), a. m. and returns at 7,again at 12, m. return-; iug at 2j pj m. The boxes are a great convenience and we are glad to learn that .Gov; Holden has ap plied for six more. They are not used to them yet, and the idea of somg as to their use are very crude. The reporter heard one party grave ly assert that the boxes were put up by the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation, forj.the reception of nickels and other contributions for the pqor. Another person said with-as much gravity that' they -were intended to receive petitions to. the Legislature. After awhile the good people will know what! they arej'or and will put letters in i hem instead of walking half a mil to deposit them in the post office. At presents two collec tions are made daily from the boxes one at o, a. m., Hie otuer at noon. The boxes are a public convenie!lce, and. should be used, but many of those who niau letters never even know theirj use, and would b.e afraid to put in a letter if they did, Wilmington Srhr: The bark , Oli ver KmervJ which arrived at New York a few days ago, had. on board the captain aud five sailors who had been rescued from the, schooner Maggie Vahdusen, from this port Capt. Thomas, of the schooner, sajs he never experienced such terrible weather. From the time he . left Smith ville, on the 3rd of January, there was scarcely a cessation in the fury of the gale, j Sea after sea broke over the schoon'pr,5 and swept the decks clear, the boat' being carried away, wa'ter casks burst and rudder cjround to pieces;; ilor six days the crew labored at the pumps,' the water gaining upon them all the time. 1 fe destruction 1 of the casks left them without water fit to drink,.and their sufferings were ' intense. Two out of the live, seamen were - so terribly frost:bittenthat they sank dovvnj al most insensible, at the pumps. To complete their trouble, Capt. Thorn J as, who was almost constantly at the wheel, "vva3 struck by one of the seas that washed over the vessel, and in . jured in the head and side. On the sixth' day the sore distressed people began ;.to j give up horje, when the welcome sight of the Oliver.? Emery aroused them, and the much needed assistance was 'rendered. ' : Tho Senate Finance Committee has agreed to report a bill reducing the taxr on jtobacco to 20 cents per pound. We hope that some final action will soon be taken. The decision in the case of H. A. Davis and! others, from this county, has not yetl been filed. ' COTTON MARKET i, :, Reported officially for. the Board of ' -Trade. V. ' ! . Ralkigh, X. C, Jan. 30, 1879. Middling I ..1 , - 8 5-8 Strict Low Middling, , , 81-2 Low. Middling, j '8 3-8; Strict Good Ordinary, 8 fJood Ordinarv. i S 7 3-4 Middling Stains, f . Low Middling Stains Good Ordinary Stains, Tone of market dull. '8 1-8 7.3-4 CITY : MARKET WHOLESALE- CASH H4r .PRICES.',. ' ' Corrected by thepfficial Keporter for Grocers & Cotton Exchange. i Ralejgh, N. d.t Jan. 30, 1879. , APPL.Tj:SNorthern,pr bush l,25al,50 COTTON TIES, new 41-2 ?H 44 " ' spliced, 31-2 BAGGING, u i 11 a 12 FL.OUH, North Carolina. $5.00 Tatansco Family, 7.50 CORN, 50, 80a $1.00' 55 a 60 81-2a9 FODDER CORN MEAL, BACON, N. C.:-Hosr ronmV . u Hams, j 11 uij jjiv iiijiia. i, eiear no sides, o f "'"', shoulders. . i 4 NORTH CAROLINA . Pork,4 1-2K5 l-"2 BEEF 3a4 LA 1 i D, North Carol! na, I :;' jr. ,..;... -Western,'. COFPEE, prSine, Riti, i " good. SYRUP, IL, MPLASSP:S, Cuba. . 1SALT, 'Liverpool, fine SUGAR; white; rj v.-. " j ellow, - L !:.' LEATHER, ! el sole, j' 'r '. '" tanned, .1 TALLOW, , 0 8 18 1? 35 27' " !L80 10 81-2, 22 a 27 1-2 , 35 : 7 POTA TOES, sweet, per busli, 25 05 45a50 15 20 15 11-2 ', Irish, UA 13.. siieiiect. - . i EGGS. BUTTER, ( 1 ' SPRING CHICKENS, RAGS ; PEAS per bush, white 90c; stock 75c . DURHAM i3ROIXJJE h : MARKET. B:ieon.,N. C. (hog ..round) ;.' K Bulk sides, ; , . ' 44 . shoulders v Bacon ; . " ? Pork,' Mess Rump Salt . .: tLime Corn,' neWi J ; Lkrd, country;- : . i 9. V t'7 . I '- ' 10 16.00al6.48 17.00al7.30 2.0 J 1.75 50 10 10 I" Northern, 'Meal, Flour per bbl, , 65 5.25a6.00 30 50 Syrup 60a8C Blackf Strap Oats Eggs r ; Beeswax Chickens , Butter Seed Cotton 15 r ' 20 121-2 1 20a25 2a2 1-2 Chopel 1T111 Markets. Reported . by. .T. V. Carr. Chapel Hill, N. cL Jan. 31. our,. :!'. J' 6.00 i 10 . : 2J 12 1-2 . . 15 10 60 50 1 1.00 50 50 50 1. 'I 2 ' ' I - - .i : '712 sim Butter. Chickens. Bacon, (X. C.) Meal, i Corn. Wheat, ' Oats, Irish Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Seed Cotton, Lint Cotton,, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Look Out For the Oli'exrp C?xli Store. A. 8. BARBEE. DEALER IN 1 ' .General Merchandise. ,j 1 be? to return thanks to the public for their liberal and increasine: patron age, and inform them that MY STOCK IS ALMOST - DAILY ENLARGED A.M liurhUV EL, and hat ever thin bein entirelyiiew and styi I do not find it necessary to resort to reduced pri6es for 30 .days to clean out cid stock. to make room for new nor do I propose to sell my a:oods at' cost since, having i adopted mer eluuidishig as my profession, it is to this source I necessarily look .lor a support. I only - ask, wheiKj'ou need anything and niiui- ev is scarccjliatvou calls ai examine my Ij WELL SELECTED STOCK yhich Is not being sold at cost, but" on the most reasonable terms for Cash oi' Good 3?-rter. Very respectfully, ' A. S. BARBEE. '.ChapeiHill, X. C., Feb. 1, 187d. vol 2nol41y '. ' rn 1 'S T 'R E C E I V E D AT McCAULEY'S a very 'fine lot of MULLETS. r Also a lot of NEW FEATHERS, at 40 cents per pound. vol 2nol42c T ' JUST K E CEIVE 1) , A.T X. McCAULEY'S, a large lot of IRON". ' ; - Best Refined Iron for wagon tire. - . Band and Rod Iron of all the differ ent sizes. 1 1 Best S weeds Iron, all sizes. Wing and Shovel Plow Iron. , i: All of which .will be sold at the low est cash price. V J ANOTHER LOT OF RUBBER SHOES. Gents at 75 cents per pair. ;; Ladies at 50 cents per pair.- . Misses at 40 cents per pair ! Who can beat it ? j j McCAULEY'S is the" plae4 to get the worth of your money, f - I .jy 25-1 m ' ! 1 . . -.' ' r ' ' : I ( - TTT . D ..OA T E S & SON, YY Will he pleased at all times to convey passengers to and from Durham at short notice, at any time of "day oi night. Orders for express, arid freight promptly attended to ; s' 0 BERSON & H ARRIS Kesnectfuliy " tender their thanks to many of their cwstonirs vh3 have so promptly settledtheir accso'Unts. Thankinjr the nublic for the natron- age they have received, they hppe to , ... - V merit si "continuance 6l their favors. The LARGEST' STOCK Of Paints, Oils, &e., in the CcKiuty, at; Barbees Drug fttore j 1836! J 0 II N W C A R R , DKALKR IN DRY! GOODS, NOTIONS BOOTS and SHOES, 3 A Full Lino ol . -. . . t BLEACHED & UNBLEACHED DOMESTICS, LADIES TIES, RUFFS, HAMBURG EbGINGS, &c. A FULL. LIJS'E OF GROCERIES, HARDWARE, v OROUKERY GLASSWARE, V TIN WARE, t LOOKING GLASSES, UFF & TOBACCO. eroene Oil, Ix-bn uiitl ails, Cotton HpesV I am stilt selling the K iNTUCKY PLOW. 5 lil This low stands unrivaledi It never chokes ; pulls easy. turns all sol in fact it suits our farmers better jthair am-. other blow now in use. 1 am agent this season for the PACIFIC. CHAPPELL AND . ; STAR GUANOS. Thnhking my many friends for their past tavors, l would oe pleased to see them at all times, aud vvll sell all my large and varied stock of goods at the very' bottom price. , . J. W. CARR Chapel Hill. April 10, .1878. . apl T1 E Y A L L W A X T I Becad se it is a .family newspaper of t ui i r a sound reading for old and young. d it contains a iKiliable and couipre- summaiy of all the important XEW YORK OBSERVER. I. the best familj' newspaper, liublishes both the a-t'ligious and secular netis that is desired in any family, w Mleail that is likelylto doharnk is slut out. It de votes four pagWs to reiigiu news, and four to secular, v " s . - J The New - York Observer was first published in 1823 ;f and - iclsbelieved to be the only instance of. aiejigious Newspaber continuing its ; even course for fifty-six years, without a change c4U name, -doctrine, intent, purpose or pled ?e irom the date oi its hirtli.' the 57th volume will contain all the important news that can interest or instruct ; so that any one who reads it will be thoroughly posted. We po, not run a benevolent institu tion, andsvve do Hot ask for the support of charity. , We propose to make the Best Newspaper. that is published, and we nronose to sell it as cheanlv'as it can be afforded. Let those who want pure,. souudJ sensible, -truthful, reading, sub scribe jfor jit, and let them iud uce others to do (lie same. - '' We jire'fnow publishing in the. Obser ver the stonr ol , u I JOAX THE MAID. of the Sehonberg-Cotta Family' We .4end.no premiums. We will send you the ',;.' ..' . ,' y- N. EW YORK OBSERVER . one year, po.stfpaid,'for $3.15; Any one sending with his own subscription the namesjof new subscribers, shall have commission allowed in proportion to the number" sent. For particulars see terms in the Observer. j- ; j , ouiii u ie copies i ree. vtiu ress, . o Ji- ' ; a . t i .NEW YORK OBSERVER, . . 7 Pai k; Row; Xew York. ... naii : hensMe i navrc u s rmi -- 'W- 0 M H u 0: '8' to- 3 a q m CM M 1.8TB I LOOK out von WEAVEK'S ff Olieitp rjlTAPRL HILl NV C. ALL GOODS SOLD MX) SUif. THK TlMfeS Siicli as DRY GOODS, i NOliONS, "." ' - n .' '.' ' .. i CLOTHING, i . MATS; CAr'5; ! .1 ' KOCKHIES, HARDWARE; CROCKERY, WOOD ' . i'.. and ' . WILlioW-WARE. I 1io4m a peeinlty: $7.00 Sh6es for $6".O0. MENT tJl STAIRS. Fresh Goods coming in: 6very feW jlays. Walk in and ex4rain6 for. v6dr66lf s 1 and if the Goods and Prices don't itftxJyoh need not tixy: :-; ''' truly, . ; Ycitrrs li. J. WEAVER; PUTTY' AND WINDOW GLASS in large; quantities at low figures, art BARBEE'S DRUG STORE. Barbee keeps a. i - ' i - I POLISHING POWDER I ..I .. ' ' - ' ; hat is not a Chemical Compound, but a - ' .. :. J. I ' . .i f .. . ; ;;, ' prodffci? direct from natureV Laboratory.' 1 I . :' ' '' . t contains iiothiugvjnjurious aud gives beautiful lustre to Gold, Silver and" Plated Ware. i . ! i I It also brightens and Britannia Ware iiV cleans Tin and t '.PI--..! ."! N . most pleasing manner. Try it, liouse- keepers Only 25 cetti j Oo Xif BarbeeV Drug Store If yoi want Medieiiie, or PrescripHons comi- jinuuk'd I-.' n ' i 7 . i l i ? f i -. ' 1 . i J ,.t I

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