. . : r T II E W li'E KLY LEDGER. Saturday, - Feb'.l, 1879. OpDS AND ENDS. AGRICULTURAL DOMESTIC. Beginning - with a production of four pounds of tea in 1840, India now exports 40.000,000 pounds, jand . all the. islands of the Indian archi pelago are cultivating the plant. (Tlie entire sale of public lands Government, railroad and Sta,te- during the last year was 11,292,246 acie's. This a large excess oyerthe sales ; for 1872, the year preceding the panic: j j , The Atlantic ocean, if iit were to i ' ' - : i. . 4 - 1 be drained, would be a vast plan, "with ai mountain ridge in the middle i 'j : i i . running parallel with our coast. Another range crosses it from New Foundland to Ireland, on top of which lies, the telegraph cable. I , - "i ; i ' The diptheria, which it was feared would 'become epidemic in New . i i York, is abating, list week's mortal ity from that cause being but 193 casesj against 274 the .week previ- . Hatching Chickens! Prepare a box 15 inches cube, closed on all sides but theTro'nt, on which nail a . . . )- narrow 'slat opposite the egg place, HOW BOGGS RAN FOR ' OFFICE. ' . Boggs ; was as peaceable a man as ever lived. ? Hej was sober, honest, respected. He had never pounded his wife. YOTJIO FOLKS' j XE- leaving an opening below,? 60 as to fight. . . For the Ledger. . ' ' , BY J.'U.V : ,.;! j ' 'ir How bright the face arid sweet the smile Of nur dear children here ; i Never f took any interst in a dog- And, O! how sweet tobe a child, QUS. banitary precautions account f)T the subsidence of the malady. A little sir 1 asked an old gen who hated conundrums and snar le 11TI maufwno nateu conundrums : nai is ttfe 'difference between a potato .a, lemon "I don't know" ed the eld man. "Don't know !" exclaimed the child ; "then I don t want ypii to buy any lemons for ' It is believed that Queen - Victoria had decided to lay asidej- or at least materially change, the heavy mourn ins yrarb she has worn lor seventeen . . i j years on and aftr the wedding of the Duke of vConnauibt, but the death of the. Princess Alice has in terferred. . I j San Francisco records about two thousand marriages d urine the past I"! - - . W . I. .! yearj and ' nearly three hundred di vorces. The gronnds of the 'separa tions were adultery, desertion, cru- elty, and failure to provide. The decrees were in favor of the hus band; in 'less than one-fourth of the cases, i ' M. Paul Broca, the famous an thropolgist,' is authority for the statement that ,the tallest man ever actually measured , was a Finlander nine j feet three and seven-tenths inches j high, and that the shortest man known reached a decimal under seventeen inches, in his stocking .feet. ;.! - j The family physician "was . con gratulating the lady of the house on the good health f her six year-old son, who, j she said, had not had an be able to clean it the more easily. PInnp in it n. sod. orrass side Up. If the; weather is warm, place the eggs dirpntlv nn thf sod for moisture : if . , ' cold, cover it with cut straw long straw may entangle the hen's feet t do not use hay, as it is apt to get musty; level the' surface; of the sod to prevent breakage of eggs. If the eg8 .get soiled, wash them with warm wateL. : Place the box in a retired place away from the roosts and from other fowls. The boxes shouldj be some what different from the laying boxes to prevent mistakes yet ofjthe same general appearance, i to make the hen leel at home. Generally,. Brah m&s and Cochins may be moved and set almost anywhere.' JNIedium-sized fowls are less liable to break: the eggs.' Set. from 9 to 15 vggs, the number depending on the ! weather and fiize of the fowl and eggs. Those outside are apt to get chilled in cold weather. An odd number is prelr able because the arrangement of them more nearly approximates an oval. - Examine the hen to see if she is free from lice ; if she is, set j her after dark on some common or china ess to see if. she means bus uessi Sprin kle the wbole.nest with su'phur, and Had nevpr been known to pawn somebody else's watch. And never had attempted to steal a sawrinill. Boggs' character wa above re- proac He All honor And watched by mother dear, Who often thinks, as she toils along Through Summer's heat and rain, Of her little ones to shield from wrong, Or how her children she must train. , Childreiu Yes, all are dear to me, i ThoujOever so small are they; Yes, smallnbut not too small to see The lmpartanee qi ovmg laugu w y j . i ' ..tn.i..: . . All miiict- ltt;1r Was it khinincr licrht in SOCletV n . I i i .ii i x ... . Boggsville looked up to and Oh t yes,earcnuaren,ypu ai lu u-jr , 99 r i For grace to help ypii day by uay , And now may grace ltsjlove impart To every loving childlike heart. . ed him. ? But a change came, a fearful, dire ful change, i' , . ; In an evil hour Boggs accepted the nomination for Constable of his nativej village. Alas Poor Boggs ! j Little dTd he understand the de- T WO SIDES OF A STORY 44 What's the mattei- said Grow ler to the black' cat, as she sat nump ipg on the step , of . the kitchen door. Matter- enoiieh," 1 said the cat, ceit and treachery of this wicked head another wav. "'"Our world. Cook is very fond ot talking, of . His'eyes were soon opened, how- hanging me. I wish heartily some even i ' . . one would ihang her.'' ! In less than a week after he was t'Whv; What is the matter?" re- nonilnateu, the opposition naa iuuy Deated Growler. and conclusively established the tol- Hasn't she beatenjme and called ir is NOT BIRTllJ RANKI NOR STATE, IT'S GIT UP .AND GIT TIIAT MAKE MKX GUKAT. H E A D Q TJ A R T E R S! lowing damaging charges against his character : 1 1. That he was a free lover and an infidel. - 2. That he had fed his neighbor's hens on' poisoned corn. 3. lhat he had broken his mother-in-law's jaw with an iron boot jack. . .4, That he had on one occasion given a (whole vaon load of green water-melons to an orjihan asylum.- 5. Tljat he had served a term in the State prison f r horse stealing, j 6. cTiiat he had set fire 10 his neighbor's barn, merely because h refused jto lend him a hoe.. 7. That, because he found a button off his shirt, he tied his wife to the me a thief, and threatened to be the death of me ?' i "Dear-, dear !" said Growler. "Pray what has brought it about V r uOh ! the merest trifle, absolutely nothing ; it is, her temper. I All the servants complain of it. I wonder they haven't hanged her long ago." "Well, you see," said) Growler, "cooks are awkard things to hang ; you and I might -be-managed much more easilyi' M I I , J ' "Not a drop, of milk liave I had. this day,' said the black cat ; "and such' a pain in my side !" "But what said Growler "what immediate cause' f f "Haven't I told you V"' said the dust it among the hen's feathers and "post and mashed in three of her black cafc pettishly; -it's her temper itwc "i Fn.v..; . what 1 have to suner irom it i 8. lhat his chief Sunday, amuse- Everything she breaks she lays to undei; her wings to- prevent the spontaneous generation of vermin and to kill liny lice that may havi? escaped observation. All fowls will generate iice if they do not take a ments were cock-hsrhtinr and card playing.; ' 1). lhat he sohl his vote every year regularly to the highest bidder. 10.1 That he was not fit for the dust bath often, or iftheyjare not! place anyhow. protected artificially.! Do not use These charges, although 'without coal oil. as an v urease will 'smother the slightest foundation, were velig- the chick-germ th(j embryo likes iusly believed by the majority of cauge j . . !.!! i the voters of Boggsville. . i ;, , air in common wiui ouieranimais, And ;Boggs, political j goose i was! and the shell is porous to let it in- cooked, i -it's uubeara- !' ' : I-' For1 the Best Goods at lie lowest rricei. .The'' Largest ssortraent. and Greatest Everybody. Trrated Alike, ajt Do not disturb the hen, but some His chances for being elected were; Asiatics require to be lifted daily off not worth three cents .on the dollar, the hests forifbod, exercise and dust- W,ie" KpTi Vf'S ' i T . ' . i ' street, his neiirhbors looked at him: ing. i in , lining, place the hands tiu- witIi-.!ssuicioniaiid crossed over on der the wing's and separate the 'feet the other side. to free her from -the eggs j If the Boggs was a miserable being. weather is hot, do not .worry about 1 ne y 01 town meeting came at i . . 1 1 me. Mich iniustice : bie i' . : ; r-. u Growler was quite indignant ; but being of a reflective! turn, after the first gust of 'wrath had passed. he asked : "But was r there; no par- j ticular cause this morning V" t J l cat. "How, mav quired Growler. "Oh! nothing worth telling oflendeel her," &aid the i I ask if I iientl y in- -a Growler looked at her with such a questioning expression, that .she ri'took the her staying off two or three hours. It is a good plan to set two hens, at the same time, and then give ail the chickens to one to raise. Fresh eggs hatch in 21 days stale eggs take a day or two longer. j Leave the hen and chickens alone for a day, unless all hatched. was compelled to say wrong thing for-my! breakfast. . "Oh r.', said. Growler 1 O : .H "V.v.. J - v - 11 , 1 ' " , - i i vny, tne iaci was, saiu ine in the Cpnstablesh.p by a two-thirds b,ack ' was sdrincjinW at a r,,, T, . i . if mouse, and I knocked Au au vt-sg iity. 1 tnt;ii . d t. knowing exactlv M..ur.ruui-eu..i.u. uavc was,Ismelt it, and just tasted it, and BBO "'! it was rathepnice, and ' 'CIU .7'" u,7" 1 i t4You finished it r1 mounted picket fence of despair. 1 Urowler ' I the en-s" are aijaiii, not even for 1 resident. - i i - ! ,i ooa a"- tt ,J. . . : . A . - - . J cook hadn t come in. As it was, 11 raiich enliuht- tlown a dish ; what it suggested ' ' rr. . - . , . !; i i ciKuacier. sumcieni nounsumeni ior tue chicks savs it is too prreat a strain on left the head." '"Tile, head i i ' ' ' ifVi- fu-onv.ftiiV dnnro r'lT.l-oria - i i 1 , i- , v .,"7. VTl'OWler ache or a pain for a year. v The 1 J . ....vn.v...o . neiguuors oy grumoung aioncf in .ine ydiith saying I had she whipped ' : i I I rtrkiirwmn iinii.onrn sm.th na a good opinion of him- cnimbs and sweet self. He has never done a stroke of J HIT . infsuiii nnnL- iiririro 1 npv nnoii t no( i a 1 1 1 vt7iv nn uiiniuia i r nil ir oni i . ppoke to his lather alterward, T J - v". :". the black cat. "' -. . . . i tanil iliam tli fird Air i, 1 1 k lit-1 leave; office-seekim? to neonle-of ast: -:.r . . , : la is mistaken about that: ""v,."v" H J liron i-Ptmtion "JNay, but l sho a hard uain last summer, after! Pea OI nara'b0IIea cs I m,xea nZ, : said Growler. i , I . , ... nlL . .. ,1 jLuLLiza io uov viiiiut; L- mo Dcuscs. uA7 II ii . wuu .miiK. xnen wun x oai-meai, r ; uiun, 111 V.. . II i I I . . 1 1 I cl Q ii hrnoil I uf . hat asked inuuisitive vou are ! sanl uld like to-'knbw,' of some grand fish I Tarborough Southerner; that was meant for dinner." milk: Do not TVVO CURIOUS NORTH! CAK-U "Then," said Growler, "say . what l i xz l. ii iui:iii luu iHuuii . il in utu Lri work,;but lives on a hard-working" boiled and mixed with boiled pota- OLINA CHILDREN. fatheri Nevertheless lie fancies that some credit is due him for the fo toes, j After a few days, ciacked corn is crood food. Mik is always tune which he enjoys. The other good jwhether sweeor sour! i Give uay,: lear.ing against the mantlepiece, his balc to the fire, he" said : "I was born the son of a poor laborer. Be fore I was thirty vcars old I was the son 'of -one of. the richest men in the Sick Headache mm, country, you ;pleast but now I've heard-both' sides of the story, I only wonder A "remarkable case jot defective she dubi Miaim vou." 4 . ' ;i C . mi vision is that of the three children Little reader, are you ever like the of James Howard, a seafaring inan black cat ? wiiose . iamiiy live on cracoKe is land. They become totally blind DARE TO SAY NO ! I)I11'( AVJlfiT. 1Ill-fi Jlir. f"pfd i if ton 'ind ll I i -.7 r (,aln uuuicuiatciy aiai ine ouii riii . ,i . , npn pvorvt h in rr stlaQn dvii nnA nnm I rrp nnvvn It hv nhnncp hf u Iiqi. I ; cs to , V "vvj viiijv.iuiij VIVUII, 11 111111 tUIJl ij' vu V" " -'J vuwiiuv J JlJ fortable. fllk (Min ofrd t ll m ll vl.'.r f-l.- rn n n n luc ouu ocio, uicii j.iay -i iiina ui c t ..i l .. i: ,1 j a- -1 ji J "S jiiMitiiLi iam usiuc, unu euoris inaae J 11 m .trkf 11 fiiyiiiilntiin 1aM ir -f .... . I . . pen to bo in the yard piaym when T i r .,, nxf m i u Some boys and at once, with a a meanincr in it. t 1 I nn t-i T ii uoiui., uiiu 1.1111 10 inaiii (iT ! 1 1 Ct'itE. r-ioi'L.. .J t;.L i...... ! will-say "No,, but it is in such a III l HMI-II I IIH IIIIIIMM 11' IW-iII I Nil V 1 ' i . L j .1 11. ... halfhearted way that the temntei , . ' - 7 J v. Iipmlnn IP Vt. With Mmnhnr 1 1110ia .a ... !..;.. 3 1 11 .-1 I r j , 1 , .-...r..v,. " aiier reiire anu sieep sounuiy until v . . At thedeath of John Wesley, in of' flannel, (red) sprinkle with black sunrise, after .which their sight is W?WS- j 1791, there" were in connection with -!)PPp4t and 'bind it on the head And described as being restored, and, to .ntTon nf'th! lethoyism 312 115 knows that it means a half ' Xes. !' i . . - ' . I nil a i vtirvnrnnrn' dpi' win;assure you oeiore it is on long, t- - "r j .ur:?-' makes almost certain, too, the yield es an invitation for a repetition of the solicitatioit, and lUUJlOlClOv 1 Uil - I ' 7 " - w -v 1 I ri-i i cuits, 10 mission stations and 79,000 your headache will.be gone and you ten ears Sf age-two bo vs and one ! members. Now, -.including, the will be ready to sing a song, i girl, all of light complexion. . Their " r t i: .-... . . - ' I " i ' if i. a- " 1. 1 j ii ? -.uewiomsui oi vireat Britain, that ot Tn v- ri a ppptc qi,qv eyes are iim; oiue, anu mere is the United States of America, colo- beat them well, lay them upon the aut them that appears at nqi AfutiiAiiioTn r...i i i. i.; i 1' i , . . .... au strange. "7 lt 44 - Iauu" cnurcnes, floor and tack them firmly: then u is esiimateu mat there are not with a clean flannel wash it over less lhaii30.000 itfnpmnt ,-.i, ,.-1 1 -c i . ,, i, ..."v.aui pitaucia, wiui one quart oi duiiocks. crail 1 You find hone but Fresh and -K GAMMON'S, Main St., Durham Variety, at ' GAMMON'S, Main St., Durham, GAMMON'S Main St., Durham liahlc Goodsvat ' i GAMMON'S. Main St, Durham. Dres (iocwls Il.oiisc Kurmh-hiiig Good t i and Fine Groceries a speciality. , GAMMON'S, Main St., Durham, The I,ar'rJst and Most Complete Stock of Goods in the County, at. , " ' I , I GAMMONS, Main St., Durham. Children v, ...... r r i . . . ' I . and M is-rs Hose, autl h me bhoes and Slippers In abundance, i F ' - 111 M A1 f 1 !M 'Si Main Wfr Tl. Vi.i u, iuaiu, uvi, Jlvjidv-Mjuliv LiMei) S,nits. all Styles and;Priecs,i at IfiunlMir- ICdiiiip GAMMON'S, Main St., Durham. iini' Triuimilwgs in. EndlessjVariety, at tAMMO'S, Main SL, Durham. F-vfrvrhin 'arid- Aiivthinij you want, at Prices bound to please, at GAMMON'S, Main St., Durham. i'ilK SKH LNCl M.VI.JHN'E Oil ' at IJarhfe".-! Dru tore is said : - -' ! - i !:' . to ho superior to ai.y ? , in' the Market.?' ' Try it, : ' LEMONS; AND! OKANGES AT STORE. The B.'st 5 cent ciirar in tlfe State. A't: 'Jjairbee Drug Store. "Seek no further, '. For better can't be found." A LARGE STOCK OF I BLANK BOOKS, . -, - - ENVELOPES, PAPER, PENS, INK, PENCIL! and COPY BOOKS At - Barbee's Druff Store; rJf O N S OKI A. JL ART EMPORIUM!! II O M A HAS B A 11 B E most improved to i uajrantee.s rooMj Sliayin'jr, Hiiii- Cutting, -Slianipdoiiii. , - S 1) UN ST ON ,. I ITTKD Ul' IIIS . j t? a i n n t r A V 1 Jk JU v- v- .f : opiJosite Barbee's- drug store, in ' thte tyle. and -will be ad see ids customers any time lie -work. : locjts; 25cts. SSeJts. PERFUMERY, TOILET AN I j ! SHAVING SOAPS, I " ': ' - '' V ' TTAIR, NAIL, TOOTH, ,PAINT 1 BLACKING and WHITE . WASH BRUSHES in great variety, at Barbee's Drug Store. B IIe,has a boo t-b lack always'iii attend- . V ' J . . J MM MM. . . . ajVi IS-tf f1 60.000 Ifr.-il nrnnlin3 A in Ann! 000 adherents. ' The weather in New York city on the third of January was the coldest in ten years the thermome ter at 8, a. m., registering two de rrees! below, zero. Throughout the mixed with three quarts bf'sofu cold water,,1 and rub it off with a clean The house in which the Emperor anne or house cloth. Any partic- State a1 furious storm of snoy and .of - Germany prefers to live is filled larI-v dirty 8Pot .should be rubbed Wln na.d r.aSea ,or thirty-six hours, -wl'tK ti.ir. n i . r,;iti " ii com .euintr me aimust complete sus- with the paraphernalia of war Prtr iwith pure gall. , .1 . , 1 . ct.muaoi war. -for- t . & i pension of business in many places. iraiis -anii busts of g. cat soldiers, How TO Keep Things. Crusts Travel on the New York Central, . pictures of famous battles, are its and bits of bread should be kept in lhe rie and the Lake Sbor. rail- cn.ei ornament. 3lodeIs of r-nniw ' iu i 1 - j 1 roaas was ai a sianusun, ana the :i . ....vi., I jill I 1 11-! 1 1 I UL. I l)!lf I V I UVrl rll III Ml 1 . .1 f . I . , . - . - ntles and ;shells, wooden statnMipU a 1 -i i xr u com was intense man ' parts of tbe Ifhome is the place where faces are T; ! ' " uuulu oiaiueites drv. nnnl n ap. - Kppn fresh ani niul .. -f:.4,n cu. I . -i , , , i . . l , i I ,, . . I I J I ' I r . xvtistt;! u auu . J.i iuuic ouics. ing. But' a ''No !"' that, is enforced by tone and Iqok that' tell-that the word has its own true meaning, et ties largely the matter; or if it does noi seme n, manes i ceriain tnai i the temptation comes again, it wil be weaker and he will be stronger. The first "No !" is a great thing. Many a child; goes astray, not be cause there is a want of prayer or virtue at home, but simply because home lacks sunshine. A child needs smiles as much as flowers need sun beams. Children look little beyond the present moment, if a thing pleases, they are apt to seek it ; if it displeases, they are apt to avoid it. cnnne world j places . a., me uniiorms of.-the suet in tin vessels. n 1 1 . i- - - ill i .i aue n cnes ana vacant fat in glazed ui.3lanu is nan a can- yeast in wood or eartherh sour, and words harsh and fault Keep saltj pork ' I , " , ' . finding is ever in the ascendant, thev . i . 1-wt i i f vmh t-h n k v in n : ni on rr t no rnr i i -i . i : . glazed 'earthen ware. i.eep ---rf ' vviu spena as many hours aspossibl Tppi t s "V1,,& 'U,'VUU ! elsewhere. e sheen, and so ti-pnniiicr rlojlv -n in , a dry place. Keep meal in a the heels of Ohio. California leads. dry place. Keep ice in the of course. Nueces County, Texas, iwranued in flannel. :KeeD has mere sheep in its limits than any i: ; imperial signature is given vinegar , in wood or glass. IKeep other county in the Union 656,000. w..t::jL t.. "holder cut IVom the splh:l preserves and jellies in class, or Almi aro th ln V '! 'Till W . I - . h w 0 mm Mm-I W 1.11 ZmW. m. i.on ball, and his paper weights the salt ir hoofs rf favorite charges. Military cool, h oksnd maps fill his. libi'ary, and cellar ters Ol a iThlan lance. I . china, or. stone-ware. opens the gate of heaven. What is the difference! between a cat and a document ? One has claws at the end of its paws, and tho nth has pauses at the end of its clauses. Which are the two hottest letters of the alphabet? K. N. PKESCIt I PT10 XS cafef nil v coin. pon'ided at all hours of day or night, at Barbee's Drug Store. , . i . '- . . !" ! : ' - ; - :- - ' b The Purest Drugs and Best Medicines usei You can get ii J ... e z z i: L L . :- - ! ' ' . : : . Watchmaker and Jeweller, Chapel Hill, 2?. C. ' j witches, Clocks . and. Jewelry rc piiiml with neatness and dispatch. ; :mj 23-tf ' , . : ; . T A M E S SOUTH OAT K. I'istol that will tickle a burglar prodigiously 10 to 20 yards for &.o0, at . j - ' , ' ! . J ' Barbee's J)rig: Store, j C . S h U . M SDK N S STOVE ANU 1IARDWARK tioithv TIN, .SHEET,! IRON AND COP. PER WARE, I3 HOUSK FUKXISIIIXGi GOODS, &ci BSS"'!.?, W.eiffhtS and Munenroc Jl Till llbofing a Specialty. Fayetteyille Street, opposite Market Square, paleigh, N. C. ' General ixsukanck Aoi:xf, DUUHAM, N. C. ' La rare lines of Insuram-e nlaVed t short notice in fli-st class Companies. Term policies on Dwellings ami Farm Properly, a speciality.-,' J. 31. ALEXAXDKK, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, J - D. DA Y 1 S ciiArm. ini.i., x. c. Collections in Orange and Challiam speciality. '" ' - - ; - - ; ' Remittances' made prompt ly. 1 eimanentlv. lof!itfi i Chapelt Hill. Office will be open at Chap ?l ma twelve davs of each month. trom SORG'E T K I C BOOT AND SUOE MAKEK, Chipcl Hill, Ni C. ; Boo reiair s'ivrt retire. CuU oil hiiiK s aiid Shoes made to order, a"l ng-done pcatly artd promptly i i u