. --: . j - ; ' . I ' . : ' ''!. . :- !': I - f - V E E BIX T L K D O E It ; An "Old KTmeT We luv lhe A 1 1R7Q I ocimjj mi. ajviiiuci iuur- pTLTJtPAi ... . . . gah, of v ake county, on our streets coutracts for dvertUements ihis week, with a wagon-lonrl of his C'rTnrvwiteihc.rtore of J. W. Carr, eartheuware flower-pots of all sizes --r7TrmtnunU-:itiotis- on business for lbe M,e of which he k wel1 . i,J be addressed to "The Weekly known in Morrisviile. Durham anil Slai For TIIK MAILS. nW clone m follows : .Durham, daily, Sunday excepted, ". it i - f ; I'l.Htham county,! once a week ftejoSi opi'w for deliveryof malls MVj .'J A. MICKLK, P.M. ft Raleifih. Mr. Morgan U au old Chapel Hillian by birth and raising. Fifty years ago his father and; uncle, the late Allen and Lem. Morgan, were prominent citizens in this commu nity, lhe Morgan j family were among our .earliest settlers ,and Mark Morgan was one of those far- raers who gave liberally of their lands to secure the location of the' Xei goods coming in every day. University at Chapel Hill. Allen Xoiv for tne IlIacs and PPIe Diot Dd Lem. Morgan i J. owned large tracts of land here. Lem. was never Where fshali Chapel Hill ' Sta- married and at Allen's death his : I children were srLLereii. 1 hpv own ed what . is7, now.Stroud'a larra, ou tion be jafize parton is holding court in i Jordau Hilkboro Viv is the : time for Weaver to go a fishing. i Corp is scarce in this market, and rU 'are rising:. Corn-meal is $1.00. This seenis hard times to our poor. Darham is on the rise. Since the Ut n tobacco was reduced we can aee the Durham steeples. Weed-ny place. Boiling creek, on the Durham road. them by the and from his It was bouaht from late Jesse Hargrave, children lias passed to W. F. Stroud. A beautiful farm, and in good hands a valuable one, and thougli now one hundred years old, with much fine wood land upon it. I Mr. John Morgan is the only rep resectative of the name now living near Chapel Hill, but we are glad Tlie Episcopal church has its reg that it, is not likely to run out and ular Lenten wivices on Wednesdays be lost to the county.! The perpet inl Fridays, and a weekly service nation of i expectable I families and od Wttlnrsday nights. hold s a sun- The-mornings Tb Baptist church rise prayer-ineeling. ire bnght and beautiful, and it is a fine beginning of the day. Business is getting brisk. wagons with produce or lumber aie c n stantly passim;. Ladie . are out ghiiing,! and counters are pj led high with! goods. Mcanley s utore isj very attiact' lis' goods are well selected in taste, and very cheap.- Tin I thing' in my line, should call and ex- buttons- Ifor dresses ire. good whole! conifiiuuilv is likelv to be drfsel in hi own and grey poplin at ten cents a vard. The vounir men of the Met hod. l congregation have organized a youis taen'sl prayer-meeting to be heM (rryjThuriday n g it in the church. Strangers and University . students cordially invi.ed to' attend. . Chapel Hill is get!ing at its pret tiest. From now to the middle ol Jane we throw the glove down to all North Carolina for natural, tinaf fectedj beauty. But the yards of our privile residences need handsom shrubbery j and many of the resi deDces themselves need piint: i Dr. Ledouxls Snndnv Bible-class in the Presbyterian church, and the Wednesday ..night prayer-raeetingK ire attended by some thirty or more of the University students. The Presbyterian church has been much unproved, of late with handsome new carjiet,fcc., and various repairs. Dr Ledoux's lecture last Saturday oa th i work' of his Station was very interesting. We wish the gentlemen ct the University and ofr the Agri cultujal Department could indulge osoftener with such occasions. lie ides he valuable . information they fltJ, it i is good for, a cora tnunijy to have - frequent1 assem blages on occasions of great interest. i heyi p family names is a valuable feature in any community. - It keeps alive the oid traditions, which bind neighbor hoods together, and are themselves one of the sources of history. Every man should own a family Bible in which should be written his family lineage and records. ' Akhiyinq. I am receiving my spring goods, consisting in part of Ready Made Clothing, Shoes, Cali coes, 4&c , fcc. Those desiring anv- x ' - FASHION NOTES. From New York: Colored bon nets areall lhe go. Canton crape. -r-lace,chip, and straw, the favor ite materials. Canton-crape hats o rose-pin k, f cream whitet pale blue with trimmings! of dark flowers or foliag clusteis, or three; short ostrich tips. Cottage shapes for Spring. : Broad hats for summer. White ratislin dresses will be much worn. Sprigged muslinaor sheerest orgaddies 'trimmed with lace" and any number of bows and loops, and ends of crav brocaded or satin rib- w 7 r bons. Dresses are made in every variety of style, but all agree in one feature namely the puffed back drapery ol the skirts, being a revival of the panier .style, There are panier basques and panier polonaises. The vest ba8quea are'most popular. Col lar, cuffs and pocket of 'same 'mate rial aa the Ivest. though sometimes, there are jthree icaterials used. The cut away coat basque will be worn again. sf : , . j It is the fashion of the day for married women, pld and young, to wear caps ; the piettiest and most becoming to all ages being of snowy resh muslin. Old ladies of sixiy- tive and seventy wear such cans with their beautiful gray hair, and they are so utuversally becoming that young ladies have adopted them. Some wear turbans. Pipings! of filk for edging sleeves, casques, overskirts, dc.f &c, arei not put on with machine . work, though the machine is used on flounces. ; Very.litlle cording is used in dress-makiugi Many of the best modistes omit it even in the arm holes. I : ' JFroni Paris Correspondence of Ilui-per's -Jiaziitir : Very little friz zed hair ou the forehead, chignons, t worn at all, are much flattened and lowered. Very little falge hair is now allowed, aiid crepes, rolls, puffs, and plaits of all kind, seem to have disappeared with the sudden ness of aii earth quake. Metal orha ineuts and comb's of gold and silver, coral, pearl are revived. Diamond COTTON MARKET : Reported officially for the Board of '1 ; Trade. ' j RALSX3H, N. April 1, 1879. Middliux, btilct Low Middling,. Low Middling, - , Strict Good Ordinary, ' Good Ordinary, ' Ordinary. Middling Stains, Low Middling SUins Good Ordinary Stains, j Market active and firm. 10 9T-8 9 5-8 9 81-2 9 1-2 8 7-8 CITX M A it KKT WHOLESALE CASH ;! ;" pricks. ' ' Corrected by the Official Keporter for Grocers & Cotton Exchange. ; Raleigh, N. C, April 1. I879. APPLES,No:theru,pr bush 1 1.25a 1.50 CO'lTON TIES, new 41-2 spliced, . 31-4 RAGGING, 11 a 12 FLOUR, North Carolina. $5.25a5.50 1 1 l'atansco Familv. 7.50 CORN, ; 60a65 FODDER , 80aSl.t0 CORN MEAL, 55400 BACON, N. C. IIo round, 7a8 Hams, i 7u9 BULK MB AT, clear rib sides, 5 3-4; 6 it f-r '-shoulders. 5:i5-l-2 1 6a7 ' fia6 9 8 Halo 12al3 .25 33a35 $1.75 8 l-2a 713 22a2' ' 35 6 50a60 NORTH CAROLINA Fork, tSEEr LARD, North Carolina, - v Western, , COFFEE, prime, Rio, : good. ' I bTRUP, S. H., j MOLASSES, Cuba. 1 SALT, Liverpool, fine SUGAR, white, -. . " T.dlow, LEATIIaC, red sole, r ! tanned, ; f ALLOW, POTATOES, sweet, per bushy Irish, OATS, shelled, EGGS, v BUTTER. SPRING OfllCKENS RAGS - BEESWAX, PEA3 white per bu&li., fctock, 1.25al.50 4"a50 4llal2 , vl2al5 15&20 1 1-2 20a22 1 2 65a75 DURHAM jJEiOIXJC?Ja MARKET. 3aeon. N. C. (hog round) " Bulk sides, " shoulder , Bacon " iork, Me8 i Rump i Salt , Lime Corn, new, ; Lanl, country, ' ; Northern, romote good feeling and gn- fate Miblic ftnirit ami nri1 .if lota- f . , Ciiafiel Hilt has a gooxl deal proud of. - J lion. to be VISION WeekCuap'el of the Cross Next week beinj I'aion Wt-ek, there fwill be services in this Chureh at the folltiu-imr ImurR - " tr - ex- 1 hvwpu . T Vk ..V.ii.l. I. I J ' " MW V W V V' t : n Wpt plonday morning. LverV PVPiiit.ir' at 1 short illr Friil, Tl! o'clock a sermon or addirK.s after Even- I'rayer on Wedneeday and ie Lilnnv u Ml 1 ' nd Fridav nt 1ml t o clock. past . twesve Jos. Blount Cuesuire, Jr., ; Dearou officiating. UffHEARD OF BABGAlNS.Lv J. Mr ' eaver ih offering, for cash, some of q cheapest Fall clothing that was everjo8ered li ChapeV Hill or else hefc Also a lot of Fall shoea re- Macea I fk lnnr TT . J 1 - uuujcb. xie coes una 1Q fdcr to make room for Spring aii.Oirnim. are amine my stock. It will cost you nothing to examine the goodf, and it you can't be suited with the price and style of them, you can Luy.else here. I hope to make a living by merchandising, and I will strive to please ail my customers. ; . L. J. Weaver. Quarterly Meeting. The sec ond quarterly meeting for the M. E. Church for this station will be held at the church on Saturday morning at .10 o'clock. Conference session at 12 o'clock, same day. On Sunday alter the regular service, the com munion of the Lord's Supper will be celebrated. Presiding Elder Adams will preach on Saturday and Sunday. ; Persoxals. -WmJ Grimes, Esq., of Raleigh, and his daughter Miss Bessie Grimes, were j visiting their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Grist, of this place, last; week. f Mr. Frank II. Woodson, of Dan ville, Va., correspondent of the N. Y Herald, was in town lately on business connected with that paper. At Last. The long called for lamp at the corner of.tbe Methodist church, .has been supplied by the liberality "of Mrs. J. j W; Carr. A very.' great impiovenient. Persons can attend church of dark nights now without any risk of breaking their, necks in the deep ditch near at baud. - '! I ' Mr. M W. Davis has handed us the following note with request to jtiiblish. We presume that it refers to the petition for the burglars : . April 1st, 1879. I assign the petition on my ovn conviction at uhat i right without regard to the ojinien of others. Wji. K. Parrisu. Cigars for Thousands. Our friend and enterprising merchant Mr. L. J. Weaver, has just received anotl.er lot of fine five cent cigars Call and try them. Returned. D. 3IcCanley, Esq., has returned from the North where he has been selecting a large stock of goods. Call and see them. ; Wanted -A good lot'of seasoned spokes. ! A, L. CATES. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. ! Read Barbee's attractive "ad." worn, A young lady's dress ' of white brocade and satin trimmed with white lace,, embroidered with violet silk, was' buttoned with twenty-four diamond buttons, which cost 3200 each.; ! . That ! will do for Paris. For Chapel j Hill we recommend a deli cate cambric at 12 1-2 cents a yard or a neat and j pretty calico at 7 1-2 cents, made plainly, fitting exactly.' buttoned with while pearl buttons at 2 cents a piece, linen collars and cuffs at 25 cents, swinging sufficient ly clear of the ground to give us a glimpse of a snowy stocking and a No, 2 low-quartered shoe. Smiling eyes and shining hair and a kiud heart and busy hands. . These are North Carolina fashions , tin. . r mUClM ,'lanrnPr h!i Syrup GOaSC O'ats ... Beeswax Chickens Butter I SeeO Cotton l For the Ledger. CHEAP INK. Chapel Hill; N. C, April 2, 1879. Mr. Ledger : I have always heard that ua penny saved is a- penny made." Hence I append a lecipe for making writing ink, which will save many pennies in the course of a month or a year, i !'-, ! INK RECIPE. .; - - ' , i ! ' I-' Hematoxylon Extract, (Extract ' ' of Logwood.) 1 3-4 oz. Bychromate Potasse, . J-7 oz. i These ingredients will cost from 10 to 25 cents at a drug store.' 1 Di rections for making: - , "s r' Boil one gallon of water in aves sel lree jfrom grease, pdur into a gallon jug with above ingredients finely pulverized, and stir about five minutes to prevent a clog at the bot tom of the jug; and your ink is ready for use, one of the best record ing inks in the country. I especially recommend this ink to the students ol the University and all who have much writing to do, as we see a gallon can be made aj, cost little above the cost of one smailj bottle of northern ink, and its quality is supe rior to. that we buy. ' ':. It is this ink that artists use for foundation work in Pastel painting. .Black Strap 9 ' . 7 6 10 16.00alG.48 17.00al7.50 , 1.90 1.75 50 , 10 10 65 5.25a6.00 30 50 121-2 20 121-2 5 1 20 2a2 1-2 Chapel Hill Markets. Jleported by J. W. Carr. F Chapel Hill, N. C, April 4. 6.50 10 2C 10 i 20 8al0 1.00 ; 80 1.10 I 60 1.00 75 ' 2 8 Flour, lird, : Butter, Chicksns, Bacon, (N. C.) Meal, Corn, Wheat, Oats. Irish Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Seed Cotton, Lint Cotton,, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. gTKEE'FS NATIONAL HOTEL, JU LEIGH, Iff. C. . S. R. STREET k SON, Owners aad Prop's. GASTONHOUSE, NEW-BERN gN. C. 1, f .""" ; - S. Jl. Stbeet d? Sox, Proprietors. The undersigned . havin purchased the National Hotel property at Raleigh. opened March 15th, 1879, thnt well known Hotu-e to the public under their management. Th'y refer to their past maa tjeujent of the Gaston House as a ?uarautee that the travelling public .will find the National, in their hands, np fo the standard of a" first-class Hotel." The senior. M r. Samuel K. Street, will remain n charge of the Gaston House, lhe junior, Mr. Wm. J. Street, will conduct S. R. STREET & SON Died of a lingering illness .at Me banesvilln, N. i;., on Sundajv 30th March, Rev. Mr. Anderso, pastor of the Presbyterian church in that place, and formerly Professor ut the Lathi Language and Literature in Davidson College. An accomplished scholar, an admirable preacher, a man gifted with many of the finest traits of humanity, a courteous and lovelv christian gentle man in all the relations of life. His death Is ja great loss to the churqh. to society and to his bereaved flock and family, but a gain unspeakable to himself. 13 A R B E E has received an article of REFINED PEARL STARCH, which is warranted pure and free from all impore ingredi ents, at 10 cents per pound:- His stock of LAUNDRY SOAPS is large and varied, "jnd cant be excelled. If you want good 15oap Refined Starch, goto BARBEE'S DKtG TiOKfEv W A N J T ED Fifty Cords of TAN BARK, for Which I will pay $3.50 cash, or $4.50 in leather. The fark on every new groond if saved, will pay for clearing. ' ' . E. II. WILSON, : I , Chapel Hill, N. C ! 1836 ! OH N 1D70! n- cAitn, DEALER IN ' -'.I' r : DRY GOODS; M NOTIONS BOOTS and SHOES. , ' A ' Full Xido of BLEACHED UNBLEACHED DOMESTICS, ? i. LADIES TIES, nyFFsf HAMBURG EDGINGS, Ac. A FULL LINE 0? '--. ' " i ... -i .. ' . ' ' .. I . i- . jt." '--.' ; - ' ! -" ' ' T M ' ' ' -: ' " ''' -..-' '.. .: GROCERIES, 1 . HARDWARE, ; v CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TIN. WARE, LOOKING GLASSES, . SNUFF & TOBACCO. Oil, Iron and Keroaene IVailsi, Cotton Hoei. I am still selling the .1 I , K ENTU ck Y p l6w. This plow stands unrivaled. If never chokes; pulls easy, turns all soil J in fact it suits our farmers better than any other plow now in use. i "'I I am agent this scasou for the rt , PACIFIC, CHAPPELL STAR AKD ; GUANOS. I i. ' i ... 8 0 n to (A a u S3 t CD I . .. 0 fl 0 o a- mm '3 0: g - i i .. t . t CO . i P g; U M m CO iO - r 4i ! ft' ... ." 1875,! - 18791 xqd puf roR ; Cheap Caoh OtorOi f CHAPEL II ILL, K. cJ ALL GOODS SOLD TO SUIT i 4( THE TIMCT. DRY GOODS, , Thanking my man1 friends for their past favors I would be pleasettrtat see tliem at all times,, aod willeli all my large and varied stock of gopds at the very bottom price j , J. W. CARR. NO J - Look Oat For the Cheap CaMh Store. a. a DEALER IN Cvener-xil 9Xeictiancli0o .'.' : ' v lt-- . . ' i! I beg to return: thanks to the pubi6 for their liberal land increasing' patron age, and inform them that M.Y STOCK IS ALMOST : DAILY ENLARGED AND IMPh OVED, and ihat ever t hi nor being entirely new and styliIi9 I do not find it neceswry to report to reduded prices I for 30 days to clean out old stock to make room ifpr newnor do I propose to sell my jtooUs at . cost since, having adopted mer chandising as my profession, it is to tins fouree:! "necessarily look torj a support. I only nk, Tvheu yon need anything uud mon- ?y . i scarce; that you call laud examine my WELL SELECTED STOCK which is not being sold at cost, hut fn the most reasonable terms for Unmix or Good Barter. I . Verv resnectfnllv. ! ;, - i " :'V A.-S. BARBEEI 1 ! " s t t"' ! HATSCAPO, i i ' "1 ' . j' ; ' . , U ARDW A RE CROCKERY, WOOD PORTRAITS FOR THE PEOPLE - .C - - - .;r.: -.-JKi I besr leave to ngain call the attentfohr of the people of Orange County and portions ol the country to my all PORTRAITS, .. ..'1 '- : i arged to any desired CRAYON wnicn can oe en size Froa sny Kind cf Scall flctareit including Card Photographs, ' Gems, Ulu .UafruenemTpes. breast I'm lor Locket Pictures ; and finished in hnest style ot finely fmmed. SxIO inches, C 'rayon Drawing. lhe. and Half Life SizeJ $1.1 : Life Size. $20.50. Send in your small pictures and have them enlarged. I j ! If EUGENE li HARRIS, Artist; -.j;-. , Ubapel Hill, N. , j SJ" TIC E S, McE. PLASTERER, BRICK-MASON knd WHITE-WASHER, is now ready to do work at short notice. t. All- oft his work Is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Cfironr him fitt& h'ave your Work t)one neatlyy .Jf .- : - .' Wli Refers to citizens of Chapel Bllli . PtfREFpY; A t 1V old D BOOT & SHOE &AKER. ChajHil Hill, N. C. " . ! ' ; Send your orders1 to him. Shop .In. western pan or town. Good worir done at lowest pricea; i "- and WILLOW-WARE HhoeM a Hpooialty CLOTHING DEtJAllT MENT TJP STAIRS; Frefh Goods coming in every few days. J . Walk tn aad eiamioe for jotitflf, Ooodi end Pricea mt, yoK need fiol bxtf ' Yours trulr and if the R. W. P. H AXIETT Having seenfrd the services of ISAAC C EMERSON, a skilled Phtnaacttf, will have put npat his ofSce hiaowa, 1 -A - PRESCRIPTIONS, i r and those j ot- other, physicians, wiC acytxrticx nnd LliajhtoU txt nil hottni ; ' ' - . , t tSTUls medicines are all PURE and 1 FRE3IL WOK Un. Eiito : Please say h tha ix- ple ot Chapel Hill and vicinity through your very respectful Jittle paper, thaf I am at home agaLft ad ! ?lll M pled to serve them ai a i&eehanle. I hire had some experience it Ilonia P&I&f !n, Walt Paperic, : ClxJate and Var nishing, Glazing l. M 1 ; II the citizen or Chapel Hili casffof find me employment, I oust go whrt I can find firieiub- Crai will. I aj .to well-koown if re to need rtUrtnt-t was1efor0 the war." . ' Vefytczpectfully, A- 1 T1 f, '-I f i

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