! j ' j ' i - .-. ; : .'. i ..." ' - . 'I i ' . w '. - -j ! " : . i '' - ;j- ' ;.. -. . "v- .V-'i- - i ' - ' : 7. v. - ' i If TlIIj U-KKKL Y LEDGER 1879. ""Tjr ill contracts for advertisements infill I I lii.'de wit, A. IlAUItls. ? Manager. OMee on Franklin : l....UNir n tin enntntiiation on business: tI.I l' addressed to "The Weekly rj IK'pei inn, V--. -Mail- TIIH. 3IAII.S. i! ii now ciok n iuuows; .1 I . f . 1 a . . . 1. . . .... V r 'or inuiiam, u.m, iuiu;n e.xcepieu, . 'pur Chatham county, - once a week "Saturday (k A. M. jn otliee opens tor delivery of mails taro - A; MICKLK. P.M. Fouith of Julv. Head the new i advertisements. f Tin rO are now 250 Normal stu dent in 'attendance, and they are daw Mayor Merrill.-Cheek,1 who has been, confined to his bed the past coming jn every l.nv week from sickness, is, we are glad to learn recovering. . Mr John Malfett was assailed and severely hurl on Friday night' by Jim Ho .ao (colored). lie is now in a fair v;iv to recover. t Mr. J W- CaT ,lu' .worthy' mer chant and farmer, brought do our ! office; thi first cotton bloom of the ' reason, itnrrah for Chapel Hill. j J " . Mr. IX McCauley's large combina tion Lafl, ' weighing 12,500 pounds, las arrived. It was manufactured fcr MosUjr, Bahmann & Co., Cincin nati. Ohio., Dr.! Salchwell addressed .the Nor raal School Thursday night on the Hvgiene of the School-room, the f i . - . topic treited so ably by. Dr. Grissom last summer. ,1.15. Vvhitaker, Jr., late, Manager of.Blackweli fc GVs printing office, lias set up on hjs own account, a SOUTHERN SCHOOL- y JiOOKS. i It is a. fine thing that Harper's., 71 rcehhj should be preaching peace and lovc and the "Obliteration of a a wretclieTr, irritating, belittling sectionalism. What an affecting sight and how instinctive to-sen Mich a newspaper as that, and such a man as ISIaijie, with tears in their 4 t eyes, examining a little Texas school- book of "Selections of Oratory;' and finding thaUall the old stock orators Webster and Clay and Everett and Adams have been excluded, crying out upon "sectionalism." and bemoaning thu want of patriotism in the South. How shocking to Isueh pure and amiable souls as theirs to see a people whose fcchool rooms have been flooded for ten years past with Northern "histories'' full oi Northern sectionaliem and enven omed misrepresentations of the South, at last, vith a book compiled by one of themselves which iijcul-' cates Southern principles and Jcel ings. We h u e not seen Mr., Jamct,! ..VY tlaml-Uook of bouthern Oratory .o mhmv iiuumiir wnatever iot its li'erary merits. It may be a foolish nook or to)lish selections. There aro a plenty of foolish and bad-tem pered school books, North and routn, ; as alt the world knows. But ' .For the Ledger. : -SOME THOUGHTS FOR j WORKING JNIEN. What it a farmer were found using bushel measures of, different sizes one) the largeV, for bu vinsr, and ihe other, the smaller, for selling ? Tie "inignt seem to sell a large crop of corn, or wheat, before tie. was found out After that, his occupation as a seller of producj would be gone. What if a merchant were Jound usincr a yard-stick which was of changeable and j changing length a long yar tbr put chasing and aisliort yard fbi lie might sell a good many i flrst-c'as.s Job Office in "Durham. Orders solicited. . W . F. JIackweU, senior partner of the most! , liberal ami enterpriiiig Sacthen firm, has been appointed Chief j Marshal of. the next State Fair. j This appointment alone will secure th j'succcss of the Fair. A certain 1'rof. took up a Normal Toun"1 lady's note book the other day to eKamine its entries. The first iiot: '? that met his astonished the pniiitisto see Harper's alarm and burstot aggrieved disappoint ment, and its pious denunciation of inflammatory appeals to sectional feeling Is the golden age returning? Meanwhih; what a tine advertise ment Mr. James' book is getting withal. s n Next wcefc, Dr. Simonds, Profes sor of Geology, Zoology and Hotany in the University, will lecture before the NormahSchool upon the follow ing subject sf: Lecture 1. Some low forms of Animal L fe, Lecture 2. The Life and Habits of a few com- Thc Flow- The Organs of Hespiration (Human Ihy- siology.) Lecture 5. The Hlood and ! Jilood-vessels. The lectures will be givpn immediately after the recess. The lecturer de sires a punctual attendance of those sell yard of calico before his. sharp deal ing was discovered. - But his credit would so suffer that he might have to quit his business. We deeid Vithgreat ie:Vdiness that such deal ings in irade are rascally. A' ow whv jo we aecnte uitterenily whei we havejto measure not grain uor cloth, bht values? .What the gallon is for liquids and the pound is in weiglis such, no more and no less, is the dollar for values. The' fool-rule may be lengthened by summer weather and shortened .by a freeze Weight's may give us less m equatorial than in polar regions. But these changes were established by Nature, and they bear oii all men equally. These aie .variations -vell known and easily provided against. But who can trade; when money is first one tiiin- men another r llow can a man makea.contract'fbr the future when the dollar is strong or weak, not ac contmg to the forces of .Nature, hut according to the will of a Legisla ture. f Suppose that an . act of "Con gress could change the length of a toot-rule or. alter the size of an 'acre - ; r For the Ledger. ONE EVENING'S ENTEIl- V,. ' TAINMEXT. A njost agreeable dance took place at the residence of Mrs Grist on Mondav. 23d uiberof tbe University stu dent?, vho are remaining over din ing the Vacation. Thro' the courtesy ol the kind hostess, tne ample front parlors were cleared and brilliantly fighted up. About, nine o'clock the ijay company assembled, i. Ah ex eel lent s-ring band coursed JLj . J. - w e a v er!, PKALfeH IN DRY 0OOls: GROCERIES and Calls attention it bw larffe- atul vHrii SIOCK OI NK V JJPXIVO UOOlis. 1 vely merry ( quad ril l evening - uio sweet est music, and its strains soon marshalled the ouples into the ranks of the quadrillb and waltz. The charming uresses df the fair ,dancers were displayed to thq highest advan- in menls.. mention lent, the occasion mon Insects!. Lectured. ' 1 T er and its parts. i,ecture 4.! i - . i : who would build a house or buy a farm? W'honvould or who could make, a contract that implied perma neiujy, in measures ? Wouldn't all trading be gambling ? Who, under the sun can be ermanently and truly (benefitted by legislative in trusion .of a cheap lollar unless he has a lebt to pay or has fa chance to he iji'mll in trading ? What die fanner, the mechanic, the salaried man, the 'day-laborcjiylhe fair mint ed trader needs, - is a sure, honest, unchanging dollar a dollar as fixed in its value as Nature will let it. be. But see what Congress is doing what It has done and Estill goes on .. S far tlie ladies,.frora 12 142 to i.) cents. . PIQUE, figured, 7 eeivts aud lOcent VJjiuuho, b'iiiui 7 cents. UKSTEP DllESS GOODS, J7 1-2 to Si i-2 cents. - - . CALL AND LOOK AT THEM Xeek-ties. al 1 colors, frou,23 to tK) Neck Rutfs. 5 cents up. Linen Collars, 10 eents for is SILK aiid-COTTOX PARASOLsL 201 eeur up. BL ETCHINGS. V tine lot from 7 to 12 1-2 cents. : DOMESTICS. I Ful l line from 7 Jo 10 cents. COATS' SPOOL COTTON, CO cents the well illuminated apart We are half co:ist rained to the names of the ladies who aid-of their presence on this But partly on account of their ina ve retiracv : their dislikp to : " mJ seeing theif names in print (?) ; and because bur best praises would but do them injustice, we hesitate to under take wh it would otherwise be a de lightful duly. (And besides the Ledger wouldn't admit them. Ed.) The enidvinent, of 'i Wt nncion u-oc 'Per dozen ; V I J ------- -- " IK5S-'in.. :. J , " , . . uninterr inted. Not until the wee 1JU " v lu 1 De : srna1 hours had been all but past, dil my one think of return. The st'tudents are especially in debied to Mrs. Gri,st for the pleasant apartments whicli were supplied them, the qance was totally dis connected with t tie Normal School now in session at the Hill. ' " Durinf the. bourse of iho own'mrr l'o well, amateur Apollo of College, iy , request, stiuck up a few lively tunes on the fiddle; and wo could r . '. .i i.V,. :,L.::.i : ' V ' ?eiltlocs, from $1 to $G per pair. UV" " "lt" 'iu lV. :l(,ies: 1 t'o-m 90 ets to $3 per pa r presence if old John V eralla himself. Misses from 80 cts to $1.25periirl His playing was much appreciated, ctsr a P .0. ;' O.' to :s X.. 9 :Jf. s m . m .. It o o to gaze - was this : "3 'h it is a nice look ing fellote over yonder by the icin Charlie Bat ch, son of Mr Henry Btirch, of tins vicinity, was rt on Wednesday, by the rauning away of a pair of horses he was driving. He was thrown down and both bones of one. leg broken and the other seriously injured. Dr. Mallett i:;'in attendance. ' We re urn Our thanks to George Stinson & Co., Art Publishers, Port- i 4 land, Maine, fpr .a copy of a Cally Lilly ciromo. - It is one of the most .finely executed and most, beau tiful Chrornos ever issued. We ' learn tht it has had, and is now having, a remarkable sale. We regret to see announced in the Observer,, by Mr. Hale, of N. Y., the ; death'of Giles.Leitch, of Lumberton. iniCI Vi'tV r ' He died at a New York hospital where he had -gone to be treated for dropsy. .Mr.lLeitch was an old University student of the year '51, and yasa successful and respectable lawyer. r i 3 A number of the. best teachers in the State are attending the Teachers1 Association, j The v are giving7 the formal School the. benefit of their hest jhoughts and their experience. We noli; Messrs. Bingham, of Meb- i ancsvilU, Doiib, of. Louisburg, Hor irr. 1 Oxford; Kinsey, of Lagrange, 1 eg in Snnerintendent Scarborough's ad dress was a clear and strong history of the Common School v system of the State, and of its present status. He paid a handsome tribute to the great merits of the first Superinten dent Tier. C. II. WJley, and like wise to President Battle and the other members of the Faculty of the University for their work for the Normal School, which he pro nounced to be of immense benefit to the State., He showed . that the great defect in ihe Common School system is thant of money. His ad dress is pronounced excellent. J s fiven in 1 hrt'M madly doing. It ha different things, which it? calls dol lars, and tyrannically commands us to treat as if identical. It has sent out a'jgold - dollar, which it divilo RIBBONS, all colors, from 8.eiitd .JO cents. FINE A SSOR J'.M K NT OF GENTJ j MEN'S GOODS;' CASSI MERES, COTTON A DES, r from 12 1-2 to $1.50 per yard. SHOES. ; . ! his niusie being onlv1 equalled bv his arnial ilit v. - The liltie soei:ible: of Monday night ,wil be long reine(mberel by its participants as 'ne of great. pleas ure and enjoyment. S. NEW A MONTH gunraiiteed. $12 a (l:iy ill home made old ustriousi Capital , not re- giam of Trinity, Wilkinson, of farhonr. and many others too nu merous t mention. Tile alarm ''of lire was given on Tlr.irsdf.y last. The house of -Col. B. (j uthrie was discovered lo be Mijij-e, the hmgle3 having caught . fr'iu th j sparks of a foul chimney. Our people were promptly oti hand r nder'mg. ajl -necessary assistance. W take prcasurc in mentioning the r j - I leroic fondtict of George Merritt and ' Aiithony Stroud, two' colored m"J who,, at the risk of limb and . Kle, tlimbedfto t'ic top of the house ad )utj Ant' the fire. Mrs. Guthrie rttufns thanks to all. -nef Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Just received at D. McCauley's a number one lot' of NEW KLOUIt; which he thinks equal to Paiapsco, at $3 50 Cash, per sack. ' The Fall' Terni of Mr. Ileitman's School in Chapel Hill, will begin op trie 25th of August, and close on the 19th of December 1879. . Do ytu want aj nice, cool, reiVesh mg drink ? If so- call at Mallett near the Campus, and try a glass- of soda. Syrups fresh and nice. Don't take our word for it try it. Waxted.-LOOO pounds ;N. C. SIDES and HAMS. Will pay 10 cents1 in trade, or on account, tor i j Sides and I lams. "J - Very respectfully, ' L: J. WEAVjEU j jj0ST !On Sunday night 'the '30th' of June, between the Presbyterian Church' and Dr. Phillips', a; GuLD Bheast Pin with the initials UL. IV" on it. A suitable reward will paid for its return to Miss j L. Phillips. ; j Visitors to the Normal School embrace this ..opportunity to give Harris, the Crayon Artist, an order for an enlarged portrait of them selves or deceased friends whiclr he can make from a card piiotograph or rem. Kead the following testimb- uial from-President Battle: University Chapel Hili. June The' Crayon Portraits of Mr. u reiie L. Harris arc most fathful like L,Kc,.s and I cordially recommend li tin 1 O nil having desire for such work. KEMP P. BATTLE,' , President. well .' hardly 'anybody can tell wh:U it is worth. A few weeks ago it was worth only eight v-three of the gold dollar cents, now it s worth nearly ninety 'of -those 'cents. Who can tell what uiil be its .value; a month hence ? As a tlird .dollar we have the,-greenback, which is nothing but a promise to pay a coined dollar. Now which dollar, does it promise, the gold dollar or the silver dolbir ?! Besides, we have the ilollar in Iwo. halves, or the dol lar in four quarters, which,-although worth still less, Congress talks about compelling, us to take as if they can buy as much as a gold dol lar. EAsTt'-man can make in oney tor a while, iby buying salt with a big bushel and selling potatoes with a small rich I who are w send us th for tlwmse At A D V E ItTIS EM E NTS. a-, s 3 H iMumuxd pm: ipv) p..ijo.)j.i J'f bNOLI ON, AO M ATI TXajSJ 1 t-ois ssoui 'so.u.ui. siii put; s"PI'Pi; iH)ipwip: nnqjid diji M;.uf isnq ptti" i! dn.npiKi oj si.iond snf in iimjiin uk u AUdj sdsitao.Kl '-' vl, : , ' u:iav:iav v ri 'woj.tijdO' pooif, jj.ioi oi pon j at -.lojop puu junoQr auirjo pu njU ,)di.'pr) xo- ar(Md fm mo.ri pOAianoj ais -uo.ij.:d j;o ajiiM -oj IHUVJIO o.nr.w-.uoinAV lii pooAv " snoiid.i.isap mi jo-AuajiDoa;) moo bv the fjiiiied ; .we will srart you. Men, w: iiien. hoys at work tVr n rhmi :it anything else. Ihe work is - light-'and i pleasant, and such as ank-ne can go right at. . Those isc who see this notice -will ir-addresses at ouee and see ir. vdm.iv vjimiL juiu lenns rVov is the time. iTIiose :ilre:nlv tnl" Maine, J3IUCi STORE. OIL! OIL! OIL! OIL! , - . - ... . Safe. Cheap. Pure. Reliable Do not risk your lives by buying uni saie oil irpm dealers who buy from commission merchants. My Kerosene is warranted to stand 110 degrees. Lamps ! Lamps! Lamps! Lamps "Student. Library. Parlor. . "'.'' Hand. . LANTERNS! Lam) Goods and Fixtures of evei-j . A WEKK in youi own town nd no capital risked, lou can givt tlie business a trial without cx-m-ii.-ie. 'fiie best opportunity ever off ered to .thosei willing to work. Y,on Jionld tvi nothing else until you see wiiat voiW'an do at, the business we offer. Xo-room Jo explain here. 1 on can le- . i t . .......... vote all tour; nine,' or oniy yon. ;uc time to the buinews,raiKl make greatpaj; for every hour t lint you work. , Women make as nueh as men.; eni ior oui special private terms and part ie ul a is which wd mail free. f - Oiunt nee. Dou't comphiLu of hard times while you have such a chance.- AUoress n. u.vi- LET r Sc CO., Portland, Miune. P. be P. , Battle: j ty of N. C., j Hill. N. C, 20th, 1879. ) oiie as a merchant can get y buying sugar with a heavy pound and selling it with a light pound so a trader can make; money tor a jwhile, by borrowing gold dol lars and -paving - back silver dollars, wqrtli only eighty five one-hun- j to know dredths of gold dollars But this . ness bef i i lnnrr f address ai "Cheating never thrives' If the farmer with different bushels must be tolefated llose, whobuy from him jwill keeji their own bushel measures. If he merchant with a sliding yardstick can't be got rid of, people will buy only according to his longest yard. And the debtor who needs 'another loan, will find himself "shaved" so that his mirror won't, know him, just because he got one thing and returned a different $i KrfT0 $G'000 A-YI O JJ $1.") to W a day l'O $0,000 A YEAR; on- in vour own local tv. No risk. (Women do as welt' a- lhon. Many make more than the amount stated above. Any one can do the ovrk. lou can make irom oo cents to $2 an hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to the business. It costs bothiiig to; try the business. Nothing like it lor money making ever offered b if ore Business pleasant and strictly honorable. Reader, if you want 11 abcut the best paying busi- befdre the jmblic.: send; us your id we will send von fulf ar- id private terms tree: sainptes r . also tree; you can tnen mawe mind for '"' yourself. Address : STINSON Sj CO., Portland ticulars a worth $3 up vour GICORGI Maine ADII one a ;,,wt .oorht niid balance are the Lord's." -'Divei s . weights are an the Lord : and a lalse balance is not good." Y. Advertise if 'you . mean business. OnctJ there was a good man not a hundred miles Ifrora Chapel .Hill whojo.pencd a store, but took care not to sayanything about it. Two of hi best friends, who would have been1 o-lad to give him their, custom, went and bouglfT their' supply of groceries of one of the wide-awake business men, and heard by accident next dav that their old friend so and so was also in business, and would f thfiir help. But imvu uccn Ja'"1 v were thev to blame ? They asked whv! he had not advertised his f?tore Nobody could tell. So he lost that amojunt of trade which, would have :'V o bnlf column in the Ledger over and over again. .. Ad , vj'jJiise ! - ; ' : . ; S AND GENTLEMEN i j- .- OF TIIKl- . JVOX3XVl- 'SCHOOL," Von will find at D. McCAUJEA b a 1 -i i-o- . h nil v ell-selected STOCK OF GOODS at prices to suit tneiiara times. So if j-ou need anything while in onr i)lace lie woiild be very gkid to show vou bis stock. Those who wish to hoard themselves will find at D.lMCr CAITl.EY'S everything tor the mnei man, siih as Bacon, Lard, Fish, Mof i.wr. Flour.. Rice. Hominy.- Sugar at id I'Piit.J: Coffee at 1.5 cents. Come to McCAULEY'S and saye money 2sr O R M A L S C II O O L . 1 would respectfully call the atten tion of theidadies and gentlemen stu ilenis of the Normal School, to my com plete aiid varied assortment ot DRi GOODSi SHOES. LADIEb aml GEN TLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS NOTIONS, etc. 1 My Stock W fresh, and I sell at prices to suit the times. " ; Xo trouble to how goods. Give me a call. ; Very respect,! utiy, h. Jl WEA VEK. sort. Rarbee is resolved to shed liir on tlie seer.e.. ' b a r; b e e keets the largest and best selected stock ot i ,. FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS. PrtroKS reduced Call and see fbi; yourselves. j .. PAINTS. The largest stock in the. county ia lVMbiMed 'nriees. Cbme and look. Dart bee would like to put a good color bii everything and everybody in and around jVVi)V,V Hill. It i jsajvniiv :rnx sr tv3iro' ; . -' . ' ; ihvav-nll: 1 ; '! "ay lsnoji-.uo: -.M:.iji: -suoopioas "sopud -pid. OS l OS may sou ; ;oo s-ionuv i 'siyoKSKvrioiv jo sjsisuo.) opidai()..) r si .)oj!j Aj - i V3IH5IOOV.O r i IT OHHtl Nil "A H J.ON X VO (INV Tia ab a:4Arios:4U kvi ONIHXOrIO 'V. IT. rL A Y S iAi Linseed Oil. Lard Oil. Castor Oil. i Sweet Oil. I Machine Oil. I . r Tanner's Oi Cigars ! Cigars!; Cigars!- Cigarsj Two Cents ! Four Cents ! T J Terr Ccn Eight Cents ! Try 'em ! Tvy 'em ! Try 'em FIVE HUNDRED IS ! I Cans of Fruit just received ! Aiul at prices to suit; the most depressed financial outlook in Orange County, STATIONERY 1 Superior to any assortment eyfcr before offered in this market. Perfumery ! Toilet Soaps ! Barbee would . like to furnh everv . man, woman , and cnua Orange with a good . CAKE OF SOAP! iin E S SO U Til GATE, f (iENEHAb INSUHAiNCE AGENT, ' ! .1' ' PUIillAM, -ft. C. Large lines of j Insurance"; placed at ..AH. n nrsr, ciass tumuimcj. v Term policies on Dwellings anu rmw . I 1 I 11... ! ' - - i : . Property, a speeiamy, Nothing like it ! Get a Cake Trv nnd he. clean. Greatest. I fm provemenls have been afiecteo! by simple use of SOAP. ; '- ... - - - i . ' - - - .:- Brushea I Brushes ! Brushes 5 - i - ""' -''-,' ;.:!- TTair f . Nail !,: Tooth I Paint - ii Blacking t White-Wash! ( '. '"'' - ' - -r '.'' ' '4 DK V us .! ana jixlxjiix JCiO ": - '. -:,"r- va "' - -1 PURE. AND FRESH. , Prescriptions ; - .:-- - 4v " .: 4 Carefully and Intelligekjly compounded at all hours of day -and night. . ; ,-,(-. ' A..S. BABBEE, ' Jtthli Store. Elevep years of exjeiiencc in tldr well-knowiihouse of Long& McCauley and snbseqniently with,l. Mc'.'auley a Salesman aiid Hookkeepi" having qual- . itied uk; to i jmlge of the -wants ami . tastes ot this eomminriiy. aiid to con dnei business ouipproved principles, I i -. .. .. ...O ... .. ...,.m desire io .can io ; Hi;u-rcici i- il and unusirally tasteful Stock oi QoodH. Spring. Sitxk now rapidly coming in. jl invite inspection and ch-U-iene .competition. Call and sec. JNew and , Fashionable i Ladies Department. Calicw's. fclieeetuigs. Gingliams. ;l I DOMESTICS, cales. Lawiis. Nothihg omittetl.i Prices reduced. (Jails attention more particu larly to a fine and well selected assort ment of ... . WHITE GOODS. Prettiest piques ever seen in Clinpel Hill. None ot vour si a zy coarse con cerns at live cents a yard, but . a tine firm article1 to wash and wear and never turn yellow. Nausook ! Cambric 1 Muslin! Good enough to lie married in ! Crochet Cottons, of all Colors. Neck-ties Unit suggest to all judiciou.- beholders a 'weddiiig.- Fans, ParaseN, Fan Chains, Girdles, Hamburg Edgings RunTuigs. Trimmings, Collars sind Cuffs. Combs, Veilings, White CounterpaiR.'., i Linen auili Oil Tablft Clot trs. House keeping Goods, Whip Papers, Y indow Shade and Crockerv'are. GENTLEMFN"B GOODS. h Fine White and Falfcy 'Shirty Scks. , Suspenders, Cotton, Silk, and Iiiueu Handkerchiefs, Jeans, Cass iirie res. Un derwear,' 'Linen Dusters, AlpHca Coat and Linen Suits. Hatsot tll sizes, shapes. tv!les.v . I . - "Farming Utensils. : I GROCERIES. Cheap enough. -No charge for m spection.' Com)at e my stock and prices before yoU jmrehase elsewhere. With thinks for a libenil and increas ing patronage, and a determination to. sti"k to business, I am ready .to m?c and' welcome everybody. ,r ' PLO ws ! PLOWS ! : PLOWS ! !! -' : , : . .:: .: v TUfi BESlVIApfi. . I)liciETOY PLOVV and all the lix?? tures can b' found at L. J. Weaver's, Dixie Poiutj 13 cents, or 2 or more 12 1-2 ceiits, cash ; 15 cents on time. Dixie Bars 15 cents, or 2 or more 12 1-2 cents, cash, or 15 cents" on time. Largest Mouls 30 cents, cash, 32 1-2. cents on time. : Medium. Mou s 20 cents; cash, 22 1-2 , cents ou- time. . SmallestMouls 15 cents, cash, 1? 1-2 cents on time. 4 Standanls $1.00.- Ihe FARMERS' FIUEND PLOW can also be fouud at 1 . L. J. WEAVER'S.-; T i '. V )'! i tobacco i