f j TIi Xorth Pole and Zqnator. Are not more widely distinct than the standard tome, t-tiraulant and alterative,' Hoatettcrs Stomach ii ttcra, and the cheap and fiery Jocl bitters whicii unscrupulous vendors foist upon the unwary ;ai medicated preparations with remedial properties. The latter are usually composed in the main of half rectified alco holic excitants, with some wrelched drug com b nation to disguise their real flavor, and are Krfectly ruinous to the coats of the stomach, ofctotter's Bitters, on the contrary, haa for ita basis choice tpirita of absolute purity, and this is modified and combined with medicinal eilraots of rare excellence and botanical ori fin, which both isrigorate and Regulate the bowels, stomach and hrer. They effect a rad ical change In the disordered physical econ omy, which is manifested by a speedy improve ment in the general health, i SI What's peaches?" asked a larlw fanner at the West Hide f..ri.-r ; rult," he promptly auswered. But r it wasu't so funny when sheas prompt ly jammed his hat down over his ears 1 .wlth.hcr basket, knocked his do into the gutter with her parasol, kicked over his stand, called him a "good-for-nothing, mean thing,", and walked over to his rival in business and made j her purchases. And vet. he. said, ho I I told nothing but the truth. Oxe trial of Dobbins' Electric Soap, I (I. L. Orasin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.,) will make 3011 a firm believer in its merits ever after. Give it that trial, please. Your grocer has it, or will get It m f ii ii A young man about to enter college asked a student to tall him some com plimentary ,phraso In Latin that he could repeat to the professor when he Miould be introduced. The friend com plied. On meeting the Drofessor ii Pumpkins .for Cows. This very cheap and valuable food for stock is perhaps" not estimated highly enough by dairymen. Prof. F. H. Storer, of the Bti3sy Institution, made a thorough unaiysi 01 purnpKins ana squashes in 177. The average of his analyses of the whole pumpkin 13 about ten to twelve per cent, of dry substance. It has a large percentage of water.ibut not more than the turnip or fodder corn, and it is comparatively rich in albuminoids. This vegetable is an im portant auxiliary in producing milk, um someiuairymen have got a preju dice against it from the elect of the seeds when given in too large a quanti ty. The seeds have a diuretic effect, operating on the kidneys, and this has sometimes lessened the flow of milk; but If a small portion of the seeds are removed the danger is wholly avoided. And probably the case3 of injury have been occasioned from feeding more than the due portion of the seeds. Thirty pounds of pumpkins fed 'to each cow per day w ill Increase the yield andi m prove the quality of the mirk, but more tlian this should not be given. They are very cheap food, since it requires very; 'little labor to raise them. From two to three tons may be grown, with a good yield of corn per acre requiring littlo more than placing the seeds at a distance of twenty feet apart, in alter nate rows of corn after the corn is lip. The cultivation of the corn will bo suf ficient attention to the pumpkin cron, and tins will often be worth as much as ten to hftcen bushels of corn Hott Con I Express My Thanks T. Mrs. Me)ks, of Yorkville, New York, writes It affords me great pleasure to write these few lines to let the public know the value of Ana' kesis, the great External Pile Remedy. I have suffered the last -14 years everything but aeatn; in that time I nave spent hundreds of collars. 1 nave tried everything I ever heard or; 1 nave had four different doctora, but round very little relief. I at last heard of Ana- kests; I tried them and in one hour's time 1 iound reiier and have rot been troubled with tnem since, llow can I express my thanks to you? No tonsrue can praise them too luVhiv. and I would eay to all those who are afflicted with Tiles. Hemorrhoids or fissures, internal ur external, give jynaicesis a trial and you will uu luuger ue a Biuierer. fns TVfwinrn Samples of Anakesis are sent free to all suf ferers on application to P. Neustaedter & Co. , ww MOW J.U1JU Old Highlander (to village post-boy with a telegram) "D'ye ken what it's auouc oawney t" sawnoy (who was toiu oy ins lather the postmaster) "Aye, it says that Tonald is comin's hamc the morn's morn frae the fush- mg; and ye'll hea to pay a saxpence, er i m no 10 gie ye it. v.. Ola Higl lanuer iNa; nal Xq maun jlst take it oacic, anu say 1 dinna want it. ' Sle Srai inrlof feoi INDORSING DR. 'BAD WAY'S JL R. REMEDIES xms xnvKQ tmji tool ettsx-U- TSaiss. 1 " ' Nnr Tosk. J&n . 4. WIT. Dkab SrjLnavlri for several years used youi medicines, dountingiy at nrst, but after experi encing their efflcacr. with full confidence. It U co less a pleasure than a duty to thankfully acknowledge the advantage we have derived from them. The Dills are resorted to as often as occasion reauires. and always with the de sired effect. .The Keady Keller cannot) be bet ter described than It. Is by Its name, we apply the linlmeBt frequently and freely, ftlraost la- fariaory nndinif tne promise J "iteuei." iruiy yours, (sijfneoi- JQU. D. A. It OB RUTS OJf. Will visit Chapel Iilll two t r t .reo t'mo, V the session ofcollege, and often: Z necessary. no "Mi it r-Notlco will always bo rive 1 in of hlscoaing; . . thin PPr jQlt. J. D. DAVIS, T t " i- . R; R. R. For Pimples,' on the Face, use IUeskeWs Tet- r vimmenu if you Would Enjoy Good Health Take uoonana s uerraan JSUters. RhlH0WIIHH0:CONDUtTINGCEMENT . - RETAIN THE HEAT LONGER 4d0 HOT BURN THE HAND & I 'RON BOTH VVAYS. .aid: "Ahem!; Ego sum stultus." ct of coni Tl Ibc professor merely opened his eyes a fromreJli" nd I trifle wider y and said gravely: Ycs, weaUier Tlfev ir. , sir; I am well aware of the fact." 1?" ' , t Don't KNOW HALF TIIKlR VaL!tk ' 'J'cy nred mo of Ague, liiliousness - and Kidney Coniplaintas recommended. I had a half bottle left which I used for ! my two "le girls, who the doctors and I - neighbors said could not bo cured. 1 I would have lost both of them one night I ?ot, -iveu them Hop. Bitters. f ii hey did them so much trooil r onn. I PuetJ the'r U3e until they were cured I inax is wny 1 say you do not know I ! uie yauie 01 Hop Eitters, and do 11 ot recommend them high enough." ; u.t j-oenester, . y. See other column. ner acre. Ihlscropis appropriate to the whole country and will repay the at tention given to It. Pumpkins are a good fattening 'food for cattle, sheep And hogs. They are a good food for pigs,! serving to counteract the heating effect of corn. Thev are easilv kpnr. - j X may be ted.in cold re cneaDlv jrathered 1 w A r ci fiuicu, coaling muou less tnan any root crop, according to value. ffieskelTs Tetter Oiritment orm of Tetter. Will cure every . . .fin , C H EA R ir Troubled with Constipation, take Hoof- umu s iterman lsiuers. ' ; III 1 5 ' If You are Dyspeptic HooflandTs Hitters will cure yon. German MD WAY'S READY RELIEF f CURES THE WORST PAINS In from Oae to SO Blinutcs t- - 1 WOT ONE noun after readlnjr this advertiseraent need any oas SUFFER WITH PAIN. " - s ' ' - r - : ; v Badwaj'i Bendy Belter la m Care fo 3SYEHT PAIN. It was fcio Unt and la The Only Pain Remedy irat -instantly stops the moct excruciating pains, allays Inflammations and cures Conges tions, whether or the Luriffs, Btoni&ch, Bowela, or other glands or organs, by one ap plication. ' - IN FROM ONB TO TWENTY MINUTES, 1 1 :- i - -. do matter how Tlolsnt or excruciating the pain, the RHEUMATIC. Bed-ridden, lnflrm. CrlDDled. Nervous. Neuralgic, or prostrated with alseaat ay suifer, . 1 EADWAY'S 4EBADY HELIEP DENTIST, Permanently located la Durham ami rw . ttlL Office will be open at chapel IL nTl days of each .month, from the 12m to the 21 SOL'THGATE, - General Insurance Ay-. ... V Largje lines of Insurance placed at short in first; class ComDanles. ,r . r ' Term policies on Dwclllnca and fw erty, a specialty 1 - 1 r"P pne can fail to make ruoncy fast InvT' N( do tbe work. You can nlkkn,?" an hour by devoting- your cveuln-s ami time to the. business.' It cost Miin iK? he puslnesa.- it costs not uin- "to ' 1. less. Notblnj like t Aor money t.uk Id ircd before. l;u,lncss pieasint , tonorable. Iteailer, if youVant, okro t the bPSt Davlnir Imnnc. i 'V4! w A W A . . ! ALi-neauea proiessor. reproving jruuin iur me exercise or lils lists, said, ')Ve fight Tlth our heAda at this college." lhe young man reflected a ; moment and then replied, "Ah, I see and you butted all your harrofT" A YOUXG "mother mnafi 1iott o, rest. But how is this to be accomplish ed, when the baby is restless and cries constantly ? Simply by using Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. -j Sir Charles "I should rlk of nil j ; things to see you in Parliament, Char- Jie." Son and Heir "Well, sir, I ; don't mind ; I believe -it's a verv good sort of place; and then it's to the Aquanam." so handv When the girl who has encouraged a young man for about two years sud denly turns around and tells him that she never can be more than a sister to him, he' can for the first time see the freckles on. herjiose. , ISK DKACOX. "Dt'lPnii W'SMn- I want you to toll nio how you kept yourself and family well the past sca sou,;when all the rest of us have been bii-K so much, and have had tiie doctors Visiting us so often.' j "Bro. Taylor, the answer is very easy. 1 used Hop Bitters in time ; kept my family, well and s.ippd th Ir Your Liver is Disordered Hoofla"nTs Ger man Bitters will set it arieht : New Operas ! Carmen.' 0pera by Biet ...... .f2.00 Carmen is im Opera that has srradually and karelr SH i? i"y to.a f rat JPopuUrltr- Although the book la largo, to fact what on might call a "foni apuar dook," n is ot op In elegant style, with ma sic and all the words, Engliih and foreign, for $2.00. Fatinjtza. opera by Buppe.... 2 W laifl ,d,nT Prfaibat i dcided success! A flBe Look' w,th Palish and foreign words, and the opera in ererr vnv cnmnUta . 139 WILL AFFORD INST NT EAiSS. i nree dollars' worth nf it L-f I ta t t t., v " .is well and able to work all the tlmS 01 Camara. - Ifll warrant it has cost vo.i .,mi h, ri llV 5.W?Av?r popular iiuiguuors one to two hundred doll.ir- apiece to keep sick the same tlmo " I "Deacon, I'll use your medicine here-after-" 0 reach Of all. (JrcheatrnlniiriiSU n -a . r V uens ol Corneville. i . All Hbont Dome. r the ConrLET i Home" is the title of Mrs. jjiuia jioair insbt's iikw fook, which J. C ijMcCurdy & Co., of riiilaielrhia, have jus! ; pnlLebol. As its tit'o JuJieates, this isacoo: rclen ive rnauul 'of household affairs. In lit every woman, jouug or old, married or hiu , fie. Hch or poor, can find much of interest t va ne, ine city isdy will Cud it a useful nu p ta-aiu companion, win e the wife of the farmer nd mechanic will tcccroasafe aud iri:ai! Is gmde. liy showing them how to nse jnrney to the be t advantage, it will enable jamJ:fsof moderate means to secure many comforts and Iniaries which thev have not jffelt able to obtain and will enable tho masses of iudcstnoui people to have really beautiful Iicmes. 1 Jbo every-day work and duties of life re ceive fall a tention. The easiest aud best methods of doing houaowork aro noted, tbe m.istcncs Qf goal cookhig are expla ned, and circctiotw for the treatment of cases of s'ek iiea and ' accident are piveu. ,The manage ment of infants in health aud disease has re ceived spec;! notica. The great subject of lamily -Government w clearly and fully treated, and the principles rpon which happi nesd in the home depends are clearlv set forth. ! 1 Tho directions how to entertain compiny mil insure-the gratitude or a multitude of women w o have not had tbe advantages of a I cuucauon; wuue in an the varied round of coa-moii and extraordinary circumstances by which everylife is affected, the inexperi enced Lousekeeper will find a guide and friend. In this book tbe young mother will find a wise and sympathetic counsellor, while the over worked and desponding may obtain encourage D consolation from its pages. LJv.l,or has obeJed the apostolic com J to do good and communicate," and her ?rk f xertJk Pwer'l influence for good. Tbe pobhshers have also done their part welL Tbe book is fcrcely printed on tinted paper. handsomely bound, and illustrated with Bev .a.TiUf ulI-v' coI"d, full page plates. riloth toe pre and the clergy have given this work- their marked approbation, while " i , Hurcea many warm commenda t.ons have been received. "u Agents for its sale are wanted everywhere. I A Bvsuel or Cokx. When a bushel of corn Is spoken of it means, or should mean a bushel of the grain. It does not imply a bushel of cobs nor yet a bushel of stalks, but -of shelled corn or its equivalent in weight of corn in the ear. -Practical men allow na n .ruin that a bushel of ears o corn weio-hs 70 to 73;)ounds, according to the variety. But the only accurate test in anv ffiven case Is toshell a sample bushel, and then weigh rains and cob? sonar;itolTr rf the grain welslisi rG nouiuls nmi tiio dob 14 pounds, then 70 pounds of ears will be for that cron on nivniont in. n bushel of shelled COm. Anotlipr prnn if of dlfferont varietv. even thono-h grown in the next Held, might be found on testing the matter to require 73 pounds of ears, or possiblv more, to make a bushel. A bushel- of ears, how ever, wnetner the -quantity is deter mined by weighing or measuring, can hardly be said to-be a trustworthy test of the amount of grain, as the re sult of such cases varies, not only ac cording to size of the ears, but accord ing to the manner of piling them in nic measure, a ousuei oi corn in most of the Ststes, as fixed by law, is 5C pounds of grain, though in New York it is made 5S pounds, and in some other localities CO pounds. T Til - (nearly ready) 'J A great iucepw. Thin, xrtth j w. corn- well and " Sorcerer" ( 1 00.) aro w'cl 1 worth adopting by e Paniea who have fini.hed Pinafore, fatifi iefilns i forfiO cents) and wh6 aw loolcin m,i til easy operas. wh io m W' WORSHIP and TUB TEMPLE A ll. 2iper doien r J5,-w "ach. Send for corie pub i!shl woklT0!! th9 MUSICAL RECOBD musical fnattAri7".!1 -kp" 7?n wtU Posted an to Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston. J.a.DlTSOJf jtCQ. 22ChettnntSt..Phlla. WATt'IIKS iilTEN AWAY. SifMw.00 W,V.-,h of 6oIi1 001,1 ftnl 8'lver Wntclic, K e, el, MVaV' 1' 0rf;!"9; Sew Machine, . ' .B,IIS'CH, Alarm Clockt, and .fe.eliv. be i.V'.fV" V"."" "-0 aco,mt of ether valuable .h.Hs Ji-t for jioin? IS a little favor Jhich eve? man' woman, boy or c;rl oin mii.V, V! e,Br quired. Alf tlse b'eai!? nd cosUy rVclTtVl ravine V l7 dc' t "1$ by njfP. to anv o., i n.. Yu. "r P"!" rtr k' nr V a ,iy.V l? ?l,,,or uanada.. tr. f . . . uy., in summer LATCH LEfS PUiPS iraT Tin? VFT?v Turcn nnnno , AT VERY LOW PRICES. PUMPS Unllncd. I175IPS Iron Lined. PUJirs Porcelain I.inod. PUMPS Copper I.iiifed. i Clialn Pamp fixtures and tubing. Rubber Buckets, Steel Chain, Ac, C. G. BLATCHLEY 440 MARKET Street, Pbllada. TM OHW (V4 rss . &4terrA. CranfM:if. jJaJdatL. En-rUm Vnl sB mmym coses a bsm Ad- fcJtreet; Bos-' pa ass, tm FREE! iZl?LZLVZ A CO Ail v.-ri lal ic A rents. 37 la.rk- t.fiw K.w w.rt- o...i 7r- u-uuk otiuvi, luiiatieipan, iec.-ive carer tlsementa for publioutlan in any part of-Uie world ac h,wt st rates. . ADVICE as to the most Judlclouv adTertislnn .ana iSS,?,??1 medluas and the manner of d m ir, EaTlilATESior one or m re Insertions or an t ircnhecient, in any number of papers forwarded on application. . OTfXAMMATION OP THE B IDNETS, 1 T Ik-T nr a frit a VWm n vnw -n -n & m CNFLAMiATIOM OP THE BOWELS, ' CONGES PION OP TIIB LTJNQf. iOKE THEOAT. DIFFICULT BREATHING. i PALPITATIOiT CP THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CROUP. DIPHTBERIA, CATARRH, INFLUENZA, BEADACHB, TOOTHACHE . NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. . CHILBlJUNSanaraoST-BITBa. Tne application of the neatly Hellef to tn part or parts where the pain rc dldculty exlati wm tuiuru eatso anu uomioru Thirty, to sixty drops In thalf a tnmbler of water will in a few, moments cure Cramps. . Spasms,, sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Head ache. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Coiio, Wind la the Bowels, and all Internal Pains. vTrarelers -should always! carry a bottle of rxaaway.'s Ready Relief with them. A few oropa in .water win prevents siclcness or paint uvm uuaut) ui water, is is De iter tnan kronen uirouuy or uiiters as a stimulant. ' '.' FEVEB'oiicl JaGUE. rexer ana Afirue cured for Fif trr cntn. Thra is not a remedial aerent In the world that will tho business, ever one strictly honorable au auout tnc-bpst paylnij business bof, rn V M . v v. . UMUlLilO U1U1 v n W 111 ... -. yo v mil particulars and prlvike ,termi r'r. 1.1 Bampies Avon a also free; yAt can lheu v.: P yuur mina ror ycurs-eir. Aailress y GEORGE . STINSON & CO.. Portland, Malue. S. McK. IXOWLEJi, PLASTERER, IJRIClv-M ASOX 1 ami WUITE-WASIIER. Is.iww ready (odo work at short notice. All of his work ruar antcedto give .satii-f action. Call on him and have your work done neatly. , Refers to citizens of Chapel mil. J. EZZKL.I., , . Watchmaker aud Jeweler, Chapel Hill, X. C. TVatckc-', Clocks 'and Jewelry hieatness and dispatch. repaired wb cure Pever arfd Agrue, and all other , Malarious. Billons. Scarlet. Tvnhntd. Tftiinw! ini nrhoi Kx asses re.vV (ed, by Radways ! Pills) so qulcfe as I UADWAY'S READY RELIEF. CO ctR. a tootllfL s. mm Dr. Radway's an arilii i t, LANDEETHS' SEEDS ARE THE EST . x.aimuili u & fco 8, 21 A 23 S. SIXTH Street IPHIA. Ix locating an apiary there are sever i points mat sliould be I'ernaps water considered. conies first, because it something we cannot get along with out. iTnere is a great quantity used by the bees on a hot day to keep the combs from: melting down, besides what is used in deeding broods in the latter paft of the season. When the wind blows from the east, hot and (fry, bees" have been known to use a pound a day to the hive, allowing a sufficient nuantirv for evaporation. A bee's life i?s vprnn,i we might sav. bv tho n-nrt it- ,? u it has to lly a lonir whv for wntr a- cannot, for itslifn -hrin"ti,o ' ts .owner it could if the water was handy. Wet sand is the hPt fnr w auiA water irom. tnr drowned. HOP BITTERS. COVTAXTO FCnu, UAKBBJLB& SOPS, 1 Dlai of G StomaclL Bo?. t ieoo gold. far mnrthtT,. . 1 " --Kwumremioriiop Bitter u4 tori lUIBfllthm. C k tVlta tf AGENTS WANTED T T FOR TITS oOTiETE Home AU& JULIA McNAIR WHIG JITS XEV? BOOIT. Momb,0rr.al m !ieaUhR Boanty, Work, Amniemcntr, J?i . Money, 8av nKH and Spend ii,gB aro all clearly doa It with l i liHoinallng tj fe. frill of nnecdote and nit. Witii boauutul i olorod illus trat!0!i8. new typ, tone.l pap-r. cUoi,-. bindrnes. , '7" AJut,. nook, lite it bas ev on ixiuiinimi. J. C. Mcl UltlY & CO., I'lilladelpbln, ever fOE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. FOB THX CUBJS 07 CHBOKIC DISEAIB. : . i JBCBOrULa OB BYPHIOTIC, HEHEDITJLST OB OOTiQIOUS, - ".' ; " i ... : f it seated in the Lnngs or; Stomach, sirin ox Bones, Flesh or Nerves, eorruptlnx the ! solids and vitiating the fUUfla. C?hronld leamfttiHrn Snrnfuia ntr.fTiia SwelUrjgr. Hacking Dry Congh, Cancerous Aft ec Uom Syphilitic OomplalhtB; Bleeding of tht Lnngs, DyiyepsiarTtiter Brash, Tic Doloraux, White Spellings, Tumors. Ulcers, Skin and llip Dlseaaea, Femaje complaints, Gout, Drops Salt Bheum, Bronchitis Consumption. r Liver Complaint, &c. aai ojuj aoes tne sarsaparinian ResolTen. mhu iciucuiai agents in me euro or Cnronlc. Bcrofolous, Constitutional and Skla Diseases. Imtlt la u. onrj- poslti cure t or un ai 15 un. 20 lip. Muzzla 11 n T1,-.V.1 1. r""V-"f" fnnlro. iTi vi.j 1 i . ngiisa Una none are T tend tor clrecl&. should recom- JwEitY mother-in-law menu ir null's Baby Syrup for her tlfe famUy. 6n thu.8 keep peace in Pear Trees. Wood ashes make an Sf.?lielV'llw Pr trees! k "iVr. , wo?a asnes may also'i pucu wiui advantage. Ground Hmu Sfe b5"Cr f0r trees of all lands than fermenting manure. Ax inebriated "InrUtrlnnl f11 i across Main street, and landed against an Indian cigar-sign. Looking" into wES? Uhe ilumray rea manhe re-' .cuai a mtieeiDow room." I An Irish ?oldier called out to his nion, 'Hollo, Pat, I've taken a com- pns- I JAb Iinport;iuteologIcairact. Geology has shown us that nature iLri vrth d surfe conformation JhiS'ni VGry year the river makes its a Sprdaeneperan,d glacier wears fi, 1,1 tI,e Alpine rock, and S:S;.iiP"K to sand it has breaks AvJ T " V'e CkS "P011 which It nreaks. We note the earthquake inrf the devastating h.,r,.;o" . Uiia. i.ana Ahuno 7 " "V ".r"w uut mese .ftV,o aic grauuai men TO ADVERTISERS. We will farnlali on application. i.uiniM ir AavcrtUinir In tbe beat and largest circulated Newspapers in tbe United States and Canadas. Oar facilities are unsurpassed. We make onr Customers' interests onr own, and fctudj- to please and make tbelr Ad Tertlstns ; profitable 4o them, as tbon. sands who bare tried as can testify. Call or address, B. M PETTISGILL & CO., ' ! B7 PARK ROW, New York, ' TOlj CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. mnh-Rx aTi irint. vv t,."JIBU a American 1 ' N g" DO UIJ L B ?rVclSaonnP7?icba!f gUaa yet mad f th. JOS. C.i GRUBB.& CO., j 712 Market St., Philada., Pa. GOOD ADVERTISING r CHEAP. S10 GASH jptheorder.wiu insert in 11 T i 9 vlllaoe newspapers an advertise ment occupyiEj? one Inch sna.r. on tm j " gjg lses two times; or thiee lines four $20 CASH, ii ,a(lyance. will insert in S50 M V yulaee newspapers an adver tisement of one Inch space, one time; or six , . lines two times; or three lines four times i Address . I ' - ! S. m. FKTTEWGILL & CO.. 37 Park Row, New York, ??flv Krdney & ladder Complaints, uririary ana womh Diseases,! Orarel, Dlahetes, TPFfe-W? or water; Incontinence Urine, Bright's Disease, Albuminuria and In all cases where there are brick du3t deposits.or tht iTfethn0Udy' medjvlthsUrtance3 "n$ . c0f an or breads like white SKi0 morbid' .dark W"011 appear Cold br druffgtsts, PRIC35 ONE DOLLAR. ff. T. Blactell & Cofflnany, riiOPJUIETORS OF DURHAM STEAM PJIIXTIXG liOrSL'i i - . DcRUAlf, N. C., JuIy I-VIn?. Mr. JCNIUS B. WniTAKER. JR.. 1, nn Innr in our cirploy, and persons desirous of" favcrinV usUvith tbeir orders for rrlntinir. will vun setd them dlrcct TO'UA Employing the FINEST job rmTTFi? m n, State, 'aud usinj'the best matori.il only, g-uarantee that no Establishment u:ui ,.vi. CUTE BETTER .WORK' Oil vami ' f, We run in connection-'wUh ourSteriKjV'v.-r EablisUment. the LARGEST AMV JjgjtlPPJSD PAPER rOX FACTORY lu the Siato, anll on; all kinds of Pialu and F. iiey- rax-r Boxes, for Tobacconists, Confectioners, or Jiuii ncrs. WE .WILL MAKE LOW PRICE! and GUAR ANTEE SATISFACTION. tSTour orders soliclieJ. ' . ' fLai eh and Banfla! Caution Notteos. irnfl other Tobacco Manufacturers' buri'lks a Speblalty. . ' I : : ; 1 , A V.KEIC in 3'our own town, aril no ( capital rislcedT Voucanfrie tlu'tbusi- i nests atrial without exnenso. Thnlsr. i oni OLtunlt v ever till pri'd inrfhono umtnt to work. You should try nothing xls until yon i see-lpr youiself what you can do'at th busliusi we offer. No room to explain hrrc. You can devrte all your time or only your spare time t the business, and make great pay fur cterv Imur t i.at you work. Women make as much as rnon." t-endfor special private tenn.i und j'artlcuinr.s. which we mail fiee, $5 cuttir, free. Dou t corn plain of hard Mines while you have Midi a dunce. Address II. II ALL E IT & CO.. Portland. 3I.iiie. S66 T OVARIAN OT TSW iTBAPls' SROWtH i CTJRBD BY j r KADWArs KEMEDIES. DH Dr. BAD WAY & O0.t 32 Werren Street, DR EAJDWATS WORCESf THE STANDARD iill writers and the mnc) rtT'f 9lneA dQn3 In 0,1 newspapers In Dnl.ed States and Canadas ac the lowest rates. j MORGAN & HEADLY, to Dfters nf Diamonds come youSe.f.. ffittSS?"ff or the ii i7or"V-"lw "ream. I Sleepy Tom managed to pace a at Chicago in 2:12. If that fiv;u awaso lie ought to quite spry, , mile horse prove i f j "Have you a mother-in-law ? r,;"aV, r auisconsolatc-looking i in jail." 6 rePlied; "but 1 haya askeil parson. father 1 1 line rrtno.-. . - - -.i . . ' Thus if !a r"i::'V u a lonua. af i Vf l,r , ur attention is chofpVr ac '""fa, as fevers, rV"; wjiue enronic rVLi"V,e most dangerous " The be fl'n rcan writers .my, n?ft iorfe Hem', I The uaodard vamerumpr the corresponJent and reader. WORCESTER'S POCKET DICTIONARY, 63 cts. lor ilia Sfi (.,-, ...uovuiub, nauie Uouutins-lloom AND Hasofiiters of SjectaciEi CIS OAS SOB. OtreS, llllladlpl IHustnted Prleo Llit sfat to t3M tada 1 ' Regulating Pills, Pertecfly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gTira, purjre, regrulate. purlfr. cleans aniJ BtrODCthen. Radwav- tnK, yA.-iS5 nSpatlon,dosaveness, IndiggtioS DyspeS SwS? wfilf88 F(i7er' WnmatuSn ri SrBiie8' derangements of the in, Tr Warranted to effect a posltlS enre. Purelr Vecetahi. rntntir, ivr eury. mineral or (Teleteriotji drugST EV ObMrm th fniiAvtnn L...... to from disorder iBtiS! NauseavHembura,blsgusty of fSS. fSh lqwness of Slrtn and Eve ffiW!?' T?N h?Ma 5UWei1 ,Heai Brdra j LOOK IIJ3RE! JglUKXITURE ! ruitMTiiir: Having purchased an entirely .'ricw Slock of Furniture In connection with lhat of my own make, Xoffer the good citlqns of oran ari'I a-ijolning counties the ,vcry best work . for t ho money. If you need a new BEDSTEAD or BUREAU, pr TABLE, or t'UAIKS, or a (lIADhn for the baby como and see what I cad do for you. . If you want Furniture come and loot . At all of Jasper Utley's'stoclc, ' Made of tho best, and made to shlno, Walnut, ropiar. Oak, and l'iue. c Furnish your house up new and liior; Nothing to cry for, not even the pi ice. " Come my friends, and 3'our ne ighbor. tell Of Utley's Store near ttie Hold. J Very respectfully, JASPEK IITLKY. JpOKTKAIT.S FOIt THE l'KOI'LK. I leg leave to again call tlve attention of th people of. Orange Oouuty and all portion of the country to my CK A YON" 1 POKTIl A ITS, dcsiro'l !m im can be 1 any enlarged-to fom any Kind ofiSvall Fif-tim., including card Photograph s flems. Old IMe'i-r-reotypes. .Breast Fin or Locket I'jctu i s; anl nnlslied In the llnest style of Crayon Drawing, and Ilnely framed. . ' 8x10 inches, $t; inxi2 Jnrh 5. $7: H.il" Size, f 13 ; Liff S,i $"). .vomi ra your Sj.i II tures and have iheui c:i!ar-id. li'.- EUGEXE L, IIAKKIS. Artist, Chapel Hill, X. ' a applloattoa. diseases in results development, are WORCESTER'S Pianos and Organs & Seldom nrt ...:. j-v,u.. x ersons Deliv COMPREHENSIVE nTnTTmsriPv: or circnlara, etc. ""jmrriSFOTT A CO., riiilsdelphi fan. iree. ereat barrmfna for 6U days, befora 10 &4W 8-1 nn nr. sept on trial. Catalogues price. Dollar'! worth. K Youxg man. in a walk in i as you piease," but a niatch yon please as you go. y mafnli tr.. JUU courtinp: a Sffrr one having is gotten or-iKKiL perly untu " ttly presenting a cnratfvi in5,eTQce Iortun pectorant, thorvneh 1,? Jayne 8 Ex- j ing nmamrnaUorTot TriH 11117 excIt- 11 (r tllUiinl.. the vicUnUo? Sff fhr. if;Ll rai0St ,mPO-JMe. Disease of Pltef,?,'"0 etionS. Dr. riean f. iiiwo V,..l.rl8COVer7 and - r- "auVC x eiiecs icmciues lor Hipc ,iioo. produce a liealtl.n.i fipnM;r.r Zl wvvivilUU regulating gorous tone failing 'Jliey rj . .. - "v-ainu III i bile prevent indieetion b ifT ""Part a vfc .w tvuuie system. a. 3i.eet Music j H iitjc i fltalone of loo pieces sent for 3c itamn Mexdlessohx Pjaxo fco.,21 E. 15th s, M . Y. 3 REWARD S-Biaa; Keinedy fails to cure. Gives rener, cures capes of long standing in 1 weeV and ordinary cases in 2 days.' i .a 1 1 1 1 1 1 ra -'"." UHB-fl IUII f wrapper ha trrintl . It r'ii'L yto bvall dnwste. Sent by niafl by J$ MrLiR mT Propr s7V. cor. Tenth and Ax' h PhlS: tne cest lands, In the best cllmat. lb ycBi, wrms, aiong tne lin f B'y. ,OGO ACRES Mainly In tha Pamooa RED RIVER VALLEY OF THE NORTH. ; On lonC time, low prices and paymeat Famphle with full Information mailed fre. : App U A. few 410868 Cf RADWAT'8 TTT TM Read -. False and Truo w Bend a letter ttamp to RADTTAT ca. 1 ttWarrea street. N-w TortWAI C(VlTa aUQrma,tlaa wmth kn...j . ... The Albrhftiif. ALBRECHT&; CO.; 5 Arch street, Philadelphia. TBE TH A AT I OX A I. 1 1 0 1 1: S. B. Street & Son, Owners & rrop'& GASTON IIOUSi:, NEW-UERNE, X. C. S. R. Street t Soii Proprietors. : ' r ' - Tlio unflcrsisrncd lnv.'n'r Warerooms Those GENTS' : PINE ' A SXND POSTAL FOB PJKI0E I Llst and Instruction fo V ,irTiT . . C O 017C I W' F- ARTLETT, OiiUHkJ I 29 6ath NUfTH Street, W ' Fhilad.lpbia, pa; : Tiiirrh.i.sfl tl''' National Hotel properly nt Kuli-l-'li. oiA marcii ism. 179. that well known House t public under tlielr manaffcmfiit. TIkt ref'-r ' tnelr past manawinent ul Hie (;:tst(ii lP-u a guarantee ttiar. the travcllut' i uMi : v. Hi the National ln-Hiejr hands, up to the standard or a flist-i-lasa Hotel Th senior, .Mr. saimi-l If. Street, win remain in charL'o of the J.ston lloune. The Junior. Mr. Win. J. Mreit, will in duct the National Hotel. f 11. STIiEET it S0X. A MONTH guaranteed. $12 a daj. at home .made by tho lndustrlouv Capital not required: we will start you. 3Ien. women. 1tivr nnd clrls wn' , money faster at work for us than at auvthink' eibe.i j ne work is lijrut and pleasant, and !i. as anyone can go ritht at. '1 hose who uro wls-'w who bee tills notice will hpdu us I heir addn-s-rs at once and see for themselves.' rlstiy vnuv and terms free. Now is the time. 'lhe al icady at work are layinfr up lanre'uun vi money. Address TitUi: & CO.. Auirusta, 3laiiie. 8300

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