THK CHAPEL HILL LEDGEIl. j Tiik Chukcii Choiu belongs to - - - ' 1 ll C-l mlur ywi ia..Ln llot t . . : . S.VTUKOAY, - - Sept. 11, 1880. Subscription Terms In Advance: One copy. mo year, (postage paid.) $ 1.50. One copy, fix months. 1.00. One ioiv. three months. "0. 55T"AdvertIseinonts will be inserted at the rate ot fl per square (ten lines) for first Insertion, ami r0 cents per mure for each additional insertion. Special contract tor larger advertise ment. Elocai notices iu cenw per line. tSTAn X msrk on your paper indi cate that tour .-subscription has ex plred. or Is due. and you are rOject- funvreqe!teI to renew or remit. tTThe Editor will not be held re sponsible for views entertrtllied and ex pressed by correspondents. Address all communications on business, to "Weekly Ledger," Chapel Jim. THE MAILS. Mails now close as follows : ' . .For Durham, daily, Sunday excepted, 6, A. M. For Qhatham county, once a week Saturday , A. M. Th office onens fbf delivery ol mails at 8.00. P. Mm . O A. MICKLE, P. 51.- tdEf Our country friends and all others desiring trie success of the Chapel IUU Ledger, will help us oj seiaing tn any uem of news that mcryP of interest to the public The L&tger ojfice is open at nU hours of the dawhere we will be glad to set ottr friendz while in town. Our old friend ani -.worthy citi zen. Elmo W. Woods, IS. wo are plad to learn, rapidly regaiiivig his former good health. . Remember lhat Gen. Cox and Moses A. Bledsoe, Ksq., candidates for Congress, will speak at Chapel Hill, batuiday, fcept. 11th. fc)n Wednesday morning a cohl rain set in and continued all day. On Friday the sun shone out bright md beautiful, with good prospects for a lovely season. The Democrats of Orange -have . . . .... . . nrought. out their candidates, ani it now becomes the duty of every Democrat to vote the ticket soluj., without a scratch. Kemembcr, thai if we want fiir party to continue in chariH of attain, wh must not voi for disorganize!;. I ware of iiMl-prtierits. Mr. .Iam'i Y. Mnitt thrttahed v'0n l,uv!,o!s of wheat and 4G5 liih.?!s d oas during lli season juwt cmbvl. lit was 17 da from lioinc. et his machine 7-i times and threshed 100 crops. I lit wheal crop where be went al-ng is said to be 2-5;better thau last yiar. but the oat crop is very sorry. j . i wunn, iB'int'r, living near Chpel Hill, brought to this of . See i DC5uay. sample ! as pretty coiLon aj(we ever saw. It- is known R the heavy boil prolific, and Mr, 3ferrilt as some twenty acres of ' U i c.ttvt aiu ne says that it is all ;.-2ood as the sample brouglit ns, eoo which can be seen at our office. 31 r. M. savs that it never takes more than 2 3-4 pounds to make 1 pound of lint. MASONIC. Regular Communica tion of Caldwell Lodge, No. 180, A F. 45. A. M. baturd.iv evening at 7 1-2 o'clock. Important business anj installation of officers.. Mem bera are requested to take due no tice and uovero themselves accord ingly. if ' . . n -ir licsb. 1 his we infer lrom the fact that it, the choir is never so well pleased as when it shows its teethJ This it does both literally and bu- rntively. Literally when it opens its mouth and emits those peculiar . . . . Dounus wnicn once heard can never be forgotten, and figuratively when angry at the pastor who runs the other end of the church which it in habits We might go further in our de scripiion of this remarkable animal, but all -well-in formed naturalists wH hereafter recognize both the genus and species when they see it. It may be remarked in passing, however, lhat in the nresence of an assemblage of people, especially re ligious people arrayed in purple and fine linen, the above described ani mal emits a cry which is unlike any- inmg ever nearcl in lormer times, by the oldest and most experienced naturalists. Its meaning is utterly unintelligible, but the cry itself is a cross between the voice of that ani mal of the rural districts technically known as asinus aud that of the Canada lynr. It is said that men and women of peculiarly sensitive nerves often feel the hair rise on their heads as they listen for the first tune to the cry of this singular animal.; We trust the public will not be unmindful of the service we render in describing this species which has thus far eluded the scrutiny of our moht painstaking men of science. .frraally, it should be added lhat there is a species of choir, once numerous, but now rapidly becom ing extinct, which must not be con founded with the one we have de scribed. This last species belongs to the human family, borne of them may yet be found in the West, T)ut we are told that like the noble lied man they are seldom seen iu the older parts of the country. We judge this last named species is hu man, because it articulates distinctly, and that is one of the main distiuc lions between man and the lower animals. These is a Hancock club in Burke county, composed of over one hun dred men who have never voted the Democratic ticket, and all under the leadership ot a veteran Repub lican. ; i ALGERNON S. BAEBEE, DKAL.EB TIN Chopcl Hill Markets. Reported by J. V, Carr . Flour, Lard. Butter, Eggs, Chickens, Bacon, (N. C.) Meal, Corn, . Wheat, Oats, ? $5.00 12 1-2 . j 20 12 1-2 10&15 12 1-2 I i 80 1 ! 75 1.00 4 50 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JtlST RECEIVED AT ,j D. McCAULEY'S, A beautiful line of X. C. CA$SI MERES and JEANS for the EalUrade. If you waut to provide yourself with a good winter suit of clothes, MeCau ley'8 is the place to purchase.- j JR. D. A. ROBERTSON, . DENTIST, Will visit Chapel Hilt two or three times dui ins: the session of College, and ottener if he finds it necessary. C3"Notice will alvays:be' given in this paper of his coining. ; ; j II E U M A 'J AND O JJ T M Duuiiam Plant Items. The '1E Electric Liqut. If Prof. "Ediso'r8 Electric Light is going to super iae lne 11 e ot gas we are ntof it. Gas is the- bano of our nionaI existence. When hoarse villi' too much speaking, takeHall's Balsam. It is especially adapted to congressmen, ministers and the j rest of mankind. - Chapel Hill; N. C, Sept. 10, 1SS0. This space belongs Weaver. Watch it ! to Li J. Just receiveda lot ot Gentlemen's FaUHats, all styles, and at prices to RUit the times. . Meal at 80 cents per bushel, i For the Cash. Weaver will sell MenV Double Sole Brogm Shoes tor 81.35 per pair, the best in the market tor the money. ! Special bargains in Spring Goods when the UAsn is paid down. ! I mean. businesst and am deter rained not to be nndeiSold. v ' ' .-. j ! Yours truly, - jV hanitary cwidition of Durham was never better at .this season of the year. Ihe beautiful residence erected by Mrs. J. K. Day is completed. It is quite an oi nament to our city. JJur young Iriend Kobt. (J. btrud- M'ick, of Hillsboro, has been ap- po ntcd sub-elector lor Orange. Mr. Julian S. Carr and family re turned from the Springs, Sunday. They have been absent for some imti and,w'e are jlad to welcome i hern back. - - - At .in auction here Saturday night Gen. Gartie'd's picture, iu a hand- ome gilt Irame, was put up and not a single hid could be had. No one would have it or start it at any price. ' TheVeaming countenance of Jno. W- Carr, of Chapel Hill, illuminated our Kind tun yesterday. Air. Carr sold the first bale of new cotton that has been brought to onr mar ket this season. TltJ following is the list of new students entered to date at the Uni niversity, for the Fall Session just opened : G. A. Mcbane, Alamance Co. E. P; Liles, Anson Co. B. F. White, Bertie Co. W. D. Mclver, Chatham Co. S. Ji Chauncey, Columbus Co. W. L. Ilairston. Forsyth Co. F. T. Moore, Harnett Co. Braxton Craig, Chapel Hill. S. M. Gattis, These universal and terrible diseases have baffled the best medical skill in the world. They are diseases resulting; tVom acid poisoning of the blood, llie joints of the body are covered with ii librous. tissue which also protects the heart. The poison is floated on tlie blood from joint to joint and eaefci at tacked in succession. When the disease is fully established the patient presents a pitiable spectacle, the body iu cases of Inflnmnuitury Rheumatism, is terrioly swollen, the slightest touch cannot-be' borne w ithout ihe greatest 'agony and life becomes unbearable. -What a 'few days or weeks before wasa slight pain is now a dangerous disease, and hourly growing more precarious o:; account of the tissues of ihe heart becoming like the joints, inthumned. When this terri ble state of the disease is reached, the patient has only one resource-! lrom which he can expect rl'h.lI)i KIv LIEF 'AND A. ('EKTAIX CUKE, which he should have used in the lirst stages'of the disease ; it is DK. IcKAY'S KUEliMATiq CUltE. It is';' the only specific medicine' for Rheumatism in the wdrld, it is a dissol vent and purilier of the poisonous acid which is the .root of the disease, and a .medicine on which j-ears of labor of the best medical talent ol the two conti nents have been expanded. It. is used extensivelj' in the Hospitals of ; this country and Europe, with great suc- have been-ofl'ereil from time to time both in this countrj' and Europe are more than enough to conviuce an' rea ssonable person of the great inei it .'pos sessed by this valuable Medicine. ,lt U ottered to the ublic not an a cure all, but a if a si'KCiFic for Rheumatism and Gout iu all their forms. Below are a few ot the many testimo nials which we have to offer : Dr. Iiroadbent says: '-I have yet to ee the wise ol genuine Acute It hen ma tism without a complication iu which the pain is not entirely gone the temperature normal, after six days taking this medicine according to di rections." Dr. Sharkey remarks : Onc must. I think, allow that its discovery as a eur' for Acute Rheumatism is a triumnh ot empirical therapeutics which has proba- div Had out few parallels in the historv oi metucines. ' i l)r. Jacobs gives, as a result of its use m liK) cases, the recovery of 10;j within three days: More or less analogous re sults have been obtained iu Germauv, franco and Austria .by Drs. Truber, Strieker, Baltz, Lobert, Acklaud, and A. 1 . oiuerg Dr. See. of France, declares : -'That I GENERAL MERCHAlSfDISB, CHAPEL BILL, iT. C. BUSINESS REQUIRING THE ATTENTION OF A SI OTARY PUBLIC ATTENDED TO WITH PROMPTNESS AND DISPATCH. Fees Fixed tv ECONOMY IS WEALTH. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. ECONO( 1 3 Agents J Wanted 2 in even-- Town. r1 Not to be paid for until Machines are received and ' ! examined. .. DON'T TAKE THEM IF NOT BETTER THAN YOU EVER HAJ). . Tlt5 New I-ifirlit JIUu fi.ii if CO tBINAT I O N r jiiivvxrvc MACIIIN ii:. V Agents Wanted m in every Towiu I 4. o g"Thc Lowest-l'ii' 1 First-Class. New Sewing Machine K' r Manufietured O A Combin;Ui'n of all the Best Principles of a S. it'ii? Alailnnc. Nmm: Better Made by any.Company atan lri r O A JUachii!1" You Uau JJepenu uiion h.verv D;iv u l .-e Ir. 1? O A Faithful and Beliable Family Sewing Machine in everv Mrnse-ol'tue word. f Price Only $0.00. - : K W Perfect in everv feature, comnlete in all its details, and without the faults 2 of many other Machines. So strong and durable it will stand the roughest 5 usage and continuous wear without becoming out of order or requiring any ,W m repairs, and will last until the next century begins. Is sensibly made upon fc sound principles and so simple and easj, it is a pleasure to run it. Easv to i earn, easy i o manage, anu .... 73 r3 h ' 4 ALWAYS READY TO DO ITS WORK !!! All the working pnrts are manfactured from the bst steel, and are'intor- O q changeable ; if one part givesputor breaks, from any eausr jfuotlier can' be P insertel without cost or 1ebi3f. Workmanship as tine as the best skilled -la-' q bor can produce. We build no inferior goods. Every machine 'shipped O from factory in perfect condition, and thoroughly warranted to wear foi:nw Wtive years..' A, complete set of new Attachments teu pieces IIcmiinT-, , I Binders. Tuckers, Quilters, Ruffters, etc., for all kiitds of jork, given free r-1 4 with each machine. "Extra large shuttle, with boobins th. t hold an ordi 12 c2 nary spool of thread. The Most Solid, , Reliable and Satisfactory Machine IEGLER'cs snOE, These arc th'e bejt shoes on thv mar keuand 1); McCaukv h:is a full line o Gents', Ladies' and CMhheir's. Ther is no discount on . Zieir'ierV Shoes. . 1 11 stamns everv iair he makes with hi own trade markl and giwiarrtees evervr pair bearing his st;imi. ff rou want s-ood and durable shoes, ca! I 011 I). MC OAUIjEY, where you will tied them a low as thev-are soul in tne.fotate. don't intend to be undersold 'by anyf body on Ziegler's Shoe-for Cash. D. McCAULEY. it S. SAUNDERS, (OF ORANGE,) is now yith f .... Ycuraiif l-'ott Sc Co 30 Fayettevii-le Stkeet, RALEIGII, N. O., Wholesale "and Retail Dealers iu Dry. (ioods.. .Notions, ranvy doods, (Jarpctf, lints, i.oo Mims. . oic '.t'atronage so IicicfMl., C.ii'clifl'atleiH.oii orders.- (rivnn ti i O fd) DR. D.iir.S 1 j ever invented for all kinds of family w ok k, from ,h nest 'Mm brie to Leatlicr, with all kind of thread. It does more work at less cost and labor. than any other, and is the CHEAPEST IX , THE WORLD. This Machine. h . so Simple, Powerful, and Perfect in Mechanism, is the Most Economical' and Durable, and the easikst maciiink in tiih yonLiTO ski.l its lnerits j QQ recommend it at once. Jiacnmes snipped 10 any point tor examtuat ion be- tore paj inout. Territory w ill be granted, rcc, to gowl agents in lo calities not already oee.upieI.f Descriptive Books, with engravings of each' stvle. prices, and speci mens of stitching mailed on application to the ofhYe ot the . " Ooin1iiiitioii Sviii 3JCii;liiur, ' New York, IN. S . O Agents O Wanted O in every W Town. i is c : ' ? Jl gents q r Valltcd j in everv Town S J,rlVaAV SI AKONLO03 TIXVaAi SI AKOXOOa- ILLTVa A THE L rGHT--PvUNN;i N q NERVINE & TONIOPOVY DEllo No. 2 Will cure all ch mh ic nzrvotls dlseascH seminal weakness ricriuatforriiea or iuvoliiutaiy seminal losses, caused bj' iudiscretlou,' excesses, &c. fifcHlucing great phys: cal slid mental weakness, and olten destroying' both body anil mind, and bringing on dimness of vis ion, early decay,' unviversal lassitude, impoteney or ph'sical Incapacity, Insiin it V and consinnptiou. For sale by M. Barbee. ' Price $1.00 per package, or Six pack ages for 5pV If you cannot get them iof your iiruggists. uelose ihe moncv to Mott, Stevens Co.,- Ilaltirnorc, Miil., and they will be .forwarded by mail express." '... . MO T!', STEVENS & CO., Proprietors, Baltimore, Md. 1- J-R. IIKXRY MOTT'S FRENCH POWDERS,1 Will cure. Diseases of the Kidney Gravel, (jrleet. aiht-all .urinary Iiseas! iiervous debility, loss ot manhood, sei "inal ' emissimis. ' iinpotency caused lay indiscretion in yontb; exeesfoet', etc., flu- male weakness oi whites, scrofula, sj'philis in all its forms; and all blohl and skin diseases speedily cured. Couorrlioea cured in 4 hours. For sale bv S-M. UAItBEK. ' Price $.'1 per box. Sejit bv mail se cure lrom obscrv.ilion on . receipt price. . v 'V- r-j. ;.: . ; D R;' DAVID 11UNTEIJ?S K li;OPLE'S SEWING MACHINE. SYPHILITIC OJJ RLOOD PILLS. ! A xpert, fic foil Syphilis lii all its form. and every vestage of the disease eradi-' ca led from the svstem. Scrofula anil aU DIood and Skin Diseases spccdlltf curea. CWCoiioirhoc-a cured iu two days; For salebv S. M. ISA 111! EE. it you cannot get tlicmof vour Druggist; enclose the money to. Mott, . Sievens fc Co., Baltimore. M(!., aiid Utliey will he toi w arded bv mail finder teal or by express; MOTT. STEVENS & CO., Proprietors, Raitiniore, Md W. A. Burwcll, Warren County. K'an promise with almost certainty the R. ft. Vovlll fllianol fTill ' cure 01 etmle Or Apyretic Acute ' 1 I K liniim'itiotn in ftwm 13 ED FORD (Va: AL'M & IRON SFRLt(;S, WATER, MASS AND PILLS. '"' . Adapted in chronic diarrlifea. cou4i; pation, and scrofula. My; Latham, Mi D., Pres't Virginia Medical Society. Successfully used in Dyspepsia. Ch 10 ! rrun 1 la. c : uJ.i.:. i- 1 . . , ' , . iy vy'ouy.i .ui.i . .-cioiuia. rroi. 1 uuyiun ouwiiik iuauiiuiu is.nuui runninT nas siuin in .tensmns a .i:nKron 1 n vi.k n- i,i 1.- , o in - - j - w- ... - ,i. '--.i -'oiiy-iiu v.iAvijv ouuinc wiiiuf nju uuuuiii wunoill Ilirilill) tjf Hie ijiihiujii 111 ;int-iui;i : exceiicMt aid'- wurKs 01 me macniue, aua is so simple 111 its construction that 1 s o.nsi v lwt 1 punuer.-rji. iisiier. nnrlorulnriil I D.. a.' ' . ' j The People's Sewine: Machine is the best ' sewiosr machine eA-er made y .... . 7 lor all kinds pi family sewing. yv e want active agents where our sewmsr machines are riot iiMnsfnf.pd i . , ' . Y , , .' 1 . i 1 . . .... a . f .7 anu we oner xne most iinerai inducements, tend for 11 ustiaiod Cireu- lars to tho PHIL ADELPH I A SEWING M A CHINE CO.. Philaijel- ,U1A, X A. . I. 1- 'CflATUAM "COUNTY t)EMOCRATIC N'oMrXAl'lONs. We are iudebted :o Mr. W. C. Cole for the following information : The Democrats of Chatham coun ty met in Convention last Monday. It was a large and harmonious gath JSiifcp f the best people of the coon- . ty John iu. Jnoring presided. i The fowing popular ticket was . tipminateav . . j Senate w. Merrjtt. jodu , "tva urren lianner. i SbenCapu hen Brewer L. J. Klrkland, Chapel Hill. T. Pate, Iticlimond Co. T. J. Shaw, Robeson Co. ' A. U. Shaw, " C. B. Thompson, Marion, S. C. M. R. Hamar, Marion, S. C. G. M Rumph, St. George, S. C. Ernest P. Mangum, Chapel Hill. J. V Price, Rockingham Co. Harry J. Overman, Rowan Co. S. B. IWrentine, Hillsboro. J. U. Newman, Suffolk, Va. S. L. Parks, Wilkes Co. T. R. Rouse, Lenoir Co. C. P. Murray, St. George, S. C; Alex. Mclntvre, Moore Co. Augiistus W. Long, Chapel Hill. A. W. Robbins, Jamestown. Z. B. Walser, Yadkin College; J. C. Slocumb, Clinton. H. J. Fite, Mt. Holly. P. Stamps, Milton. R. W. Winston, Windsor.J J. W. Hays, Oxford. A. J. Harris, Oxford. J. J. Harrell, Lumberton. W. J. Lenoir, Caldwell Co; J; N. Vance, Asheville. W. T. Jones, Jone8boro. M. C. Millender, Selma.V S. M. Bobbitt, Grariville. Alex. Moore, Francisco. Edward Ruffin, Virginia. , R. P. Gray, - Greensboro. . N. M. McDougal, Derane. ' J. F. Wilkes, Charlotte. E. T. Greenlee, Marion, N. C:f C. H. McDowell, ShnfordsviHe. J. A. McDowell, Wi L. Hume, Brevard. Jul ian Wood, Edentom P. Mclntyre, Cameron. R. E. L.Jones, Suffolk, Va. . iPost-Graduate. 1 " : GRAV'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARj'HK Gl?KATTRADE MARK ENGLI8 II R KM El) Y, an tin fail ins Khcumatism in from two to four day: with McKay's liemedy' Dr. JacOnd, of France, saj's: uThat in Febrile Articular Rheumatism unac companied by any complication,; it pro- unues a cure more rapuur tnan any other remedy known to medical sci ence. 7 j Dr. Wilkins, SurscOn General of the late Confederate Armv. savs : "FHpikI McKay, your Rheumatic .Cure; fSali-L v4iy cure for eylic.) is a great blessinsr to suffering 4P spermator- humauitv. I use it continulu ;.. mv I 2 VftrS rhea, semi- practice.'' ' . ,faw nal weak. "It is nromot and .leeisW" L KMi TAIIM.ness, impo-AFTII TAIIM. l a a. . .. " tency, and AusiiKeacnarm." all diseases that follow as sequence of In fact 13 the only radical remedy for 1 selr-abuse. as loss of memoiT. universal Acute Rheumatism that has vet been lassitude, nain in the back, dimness nf iuu. uciuic uiepuuuc vision, premature old age; and manv Dr. See, f France, sjivs rTh-ir it other diseases that lead to insanity, con displays even more wonderful mv sumption and a premature firrave. Full in Gout than in Rhpumntim o. particulars in our pamphlet, which we promptly arrest's even the most painful desire to SC1 fre by mail to every one. paroxysms, as well as to prevent relnnsp opccinu irieuiciuc is wm uy an and promote the removal of tophaceous druggists at $ 1 a package, or six packa- A. IJ. KOBKKSOX. W. F. STUOWD. Iplc;xt9iiii St Strowd, ? Chapel Hill, u. a Valuable in nervous prosfi Htion, in gestion and thlorois. o. E. Mathe M. I)., X. ('. A line tonie and alterative, wrv ;t chronic fever and ague. broiK-Jut.s aikd diseases of the digestive organs.., loiigii!dn, M. I)., Ala. cry beueliejal in streugt he:ijijg ;u U iui)rimg a reiM.ieed system. If. John U IJeekwith. IJishoii d (;.i. I ...... .... .. : . . 1 11 .11 in i. .1 m-i on. iuu iC.-rllOJI. 1. (.'. I owier, 1 ciin. Kecominended as a I'roDhvlaclIc in 7" deposits." fl.oO per package. Order throuoh .1 . r - yuur uruyyusi or jrom GURDEN, McKAY & Co., Manufacturing Chemists, 2G29 Noktii Sixth Stueet, Philadelphhu Mention this pnper. TTNIVERSITY OF NORYjI UAR OLINA. ges lor $5, or wijl be sent free by mail on receipt ot the money by addressing THK GRAY MEDICINE CO., No. 10, Mechanics Block, Detroit. Michigan SSold in Chapel Hill. Nr C, and everywhere by all Druggists. T)fllflC III lI'r Vl.t;,, IT..'...) ware. Crockery,. bin utt, Tobacc, Cigars, v i dtriiet I). R. l .urex, M.-lL Soaps. &v. , , ' - Their (Jrocerv nfimrtm,nf will i. .J""" ueonuaieu sysiems to health kept supplied with Sugars. CoIKpps. Mi lasses. Sviuns. T.....1 ' v s,,wi s.,.r,J .."d Willi great, beuetit ill Malari; I Cured Ilams. Flon,; M,,d iV,;.. iVT, Lvr imtl "I1,IICI -F. Dupoik. ter. Eggs, Ac. Having formed a partnership to con duct the Dry (Joods and (iroccry busi ness in Chapel Hill, we ask a share ot -the patronage of our friends. .Our store is on the corner of Franklin and Columbia Streets, (Roberson &; II.i c ris' old stand.)- f Respectfully, RORERSON &, ?TKdVI). F. A. DA VIES & CO.; CHAPEL HILL, N. C, Dealers In Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Glassware, Crockery, Snuff, looacco, nrai, Joans. kc. av a vT.p n I fresh supply of Frnilv Groceries. Bread . ' 1-reparation, jiasLeti Vvonee, aiuniuij, . yJi tit.-1 tt xr v!i "1 i: . a pieasant and prontcT? A G E NTS JTjL We want ? Lii C II A PEL HILL. The 171st session bezins 1880, and ends June expenses $170 to $233. Regular courses lead to A. B.. 1'h. B. and B. S. Special arid optional courses, securing certificates and diplomas, are open to the students. Law and Medical Schools attached to the University. Address, , ) s K. 1 . OATTLiC;, IAj. U.y I'resident. ss. liood men will nud this a rare" chance TO MAKE MONEY. Such will Please answer this adver tisement by letter, enclosing stamp for 'ins August 2Gthi fWf statig what, business they have 2nd 1881." Total en .eiigaged iu. Xdne but those who mean business need apply. Address, FINL.EY, HARVEY & CO., Atlanta, Georgia, ANTED AT D. McCAULEY'S, Dried Apples, Peaohes and Cherries, for which the highest market price will Oranges. Raisins, uts. Lemons, t an ned Fruits. Crackers, Pickles, Sardines, Cocoaiiuts, &c.. &o. . Our good's will be sold at living prices, and we will not be undersold in the same class tif goods. . We can be found next door below TFrkbftssnn .fc Ilariis' D'ruir btore. ueiu F. A. DA VIES & CO. I) RIED FRUIT WANTED ! 1 wili pay the highest market price ..11 rr!ftil T'rniJ-s.- r- ; I lUl .iiu nuiw " ' 11:11 X Of great curative vfi t ue. Thos; Kiimbold. M. !.', St. Loiih Beneficial in uterine leraiigeiiients and - malariar conditions. (r. M. Vai M. I).. Ohio. Best reiuedv ever used in di.-'easrs oil' the throat. 1 A. Siflerd. M. !.. .V (,( Tonic, alterative, diuretic ; one df n.i tures greatest reinedi's. Medical ' Asso.' eiatioii of Lyiichburg. Virginia. Adapted in certain .affections of the kidneys and bladder : (fvspp-r.f. Ifinus chlorosis, scrofulous and ciii.ini ou.saf4 lections. Pint. .1. J. Moorman, M. D, Virginia. Relieves headache- pronijdly botli sick ami nervou'. Rev. E. C. lod.onj Virgiuia; . ' Samj)le supplj' sent free to any physi cian desiring to test. Pamphlets sent free.. Analysis with e;nh , , -rpackage. Water as it comes"-from the Npi ings $i ner case of galonsm glass 2..?J for , galons, f-1 f'r IU gnlons, 7 l'r 20 o-alons iii ca.-ks. la-s "() ecu is. and $1 ; 5()and for half do.. Pills. ptir sugar cateil 2 "?.. .r()c..andl fi.ickfigr-; $l!2., $2."0 and half do! Sriit pt naid an v where.' 'fids. Mas and Pill contains 111 reduced spar an. me cura tive' powei-s of the water, and is conve nient. prJatablc and soluble. Sl)rilig OJK'U i(r mmiius .mux; Joard :85;tf"rwr month. Spircial rate in firiYi'i ii(f warlics. i-arriaares tut- i visitors at Foivt and Iiwyer's dcj.f. each foil r miles from .spring, upon ai vice of arrival. Address, A. M. DA VIES. ' President of the Company, 72 JIam St., Lvnchburg, Va. Sold bv BAR BEE. Jr.. Chapel Former Student. 1 be paid in goods or on account.