HUMOROUS. A mouse recentlv Introduced itself Into a lady's chamber, and found upon her toilet table a small vial of whisky, which, it is but fair to say,? the lady used for the benefit of her crimps. The vial was stoppered with a paper cork, which, of course, was saturated with the whisky. The mouse nibbled off the top of the cork, and finally succeed ed in drawing it, and then regaled Itself with what the paper had absorb ed. " Under the stimulus thus secured. it had made its presence in the room very evident, and a careful search for it was promptly instituted. It was soon discovered in :he drawer of the bureau, " stretch at full length on a comfortable b.d, dead drunk. When it was removed and thrown upon the ground, the shock restored It to partial conscious nes and to a staggering effort at loco motion. Moral: It is not safe even to smell the cork of a whisky bottle. A gentleman ironi trie country ar rived at a Galveston hotel a few days ago with his little boy. The little fel low had never seen anybody play ope ratic music, so when he peeped into the parlor and saw a lady lemlng away uaeK on a piano, pawing me in strument and whooping "I am dying for some one to love me," he naturally became Interested, and when his father came back to the hotel he told him that there had been a woman fighting the piano. "Which cot whipped? asked the parent, smiling at the simplicity, of the crniu. "She hollered," was the response. On High street, a boy of ten, richly dressed, sat on the steps eating an orange, aud a boy with a cart load of picked-up wood stoped across the street looking at him. The contest was very great, and a pedestrian who saw the situation, said to the poor boy : "That chap over there is pretty well fixed, isn't ner" ies."was tne Drier re ply. "Lives in a big house and wears good clothes? ' Yes." Probably has VS. CFVI1VII11 UlVitJ .a. v-o There was a minute of silence, "and' then the boy with the cart started up his load, saying: 'But Idon't care; cencaooutu lie lias to eat with a DOMESTIC. i The Care of Clothing. A clothes brush, a wl3p broom, a bottle of am monia, a sponge, a hand brush, a cake of erasive soap, a vial of alcohol, should form a part of 3very toilet. After all dust has been removed from clothing, spots may be taken out of black cloth with a hand brush dipped -in admixture of equal parts of ammonia', alcohol and water. This will brighten as well as cleanse. Benzine is useful in remov ing grease spots. Spots of grease may be removed from colored silks by put ting on them raw starch made into a paste with water, ifust Is best removed from silk by a soft flannel, from-velvet with a brush made specially for ihe purpose. If hats and bonnets when taken from the head are brushed and put away In boxes and covered up In stead of being laid down anywhere, they will last a long time. Shawls and all articles that may be folded should be folded when taken from the person in their original creases "and laid away. Cloak should be hung up in place, gloves pulled out lengthwise, wrapped in tissue paper, and laid awav, laces smoothed out nicely and folded, if re quisite, so they will come out of the box new and fresh when needed again. A strip of old black broadcloth four or five inches wide, rolled up tightly and sewed to keep the roll in place, is bet ter than a sponge or a cloth for cleans ing black and dark-colored clothes. Whatever lint comes from it in rub bing is black and does not show. When Diack clothes are washed, as thev may often be previous to making over, fresh clean water should be used, and they should be pressed on the wrong side- before being quite dry.1 If washed in water previously used for white cloih- ing they will be covered with lint. . AGRICULTURE. Light Brahmas Perhaps no breed of Jowls has done more to stimulate an interest In improved poultry among us than the light Brahma. It has been before the public in the hands of fanci- TTTsnwnff that despondent i. spirit oriish that feeling of despairbe cheer ful, happy and well. ' Take Simmons Liver Regulator, whenmlnd and body are depressed, with cold extremities, Fever flushes, Costiveness, dull Head KaH mare in the mouth, and an tndisnosition to stir about. For over - 1 a. n nrl -T9 VTA ft -B and its popularity Is yet nearly or quite ,-"3 ' as great as it ever was. its.size ana n .rVJ ffi giving life, and health to thousands who would otherwise have sunk into untimely graves or endured the torture of a living death. ,! was a sufferer from Dyspepsia for several years, and was at last confined to mv bed, and should no doubt have - winter la mg qualities, 'recommended it to practical poultry keepers, and xhe breeders of this variety have always made it popular at the shows, and by writng it up fully in the journals and newspapers. While it is an excellent arjd beautiful fowl in the hands of ex perts, it is essentially a fancier's fowl,: and requires careful breeding andman remained there until death should have fork and body.V uiy "yes ma'am" to every- -A young woman at Alden, Iowa, said she "wished to heaven, teat -she might die that day." A terrible storm arose immediately, with thunder and lightning, and she imagined thatithad some relation to her case. Hastening iu a cnurcn, sue xneit anu prayeci : "Oh, Lord. I didn't mean it when i 1 said I wanted to die. Please don't let the lightning hit me." ? j Not long ago, in the Court of Ses- Be Vf lse aud liapp. If you will stop all your extravagant and wrong notions in doctoring your self and families with expensive doctors or humbug cure-alls, that do harm al ways, and use only nature's simple remedies for all your ailments you will be wise, well and happy, and save great expense. The greatest remedy for this, the great, wise and good will tell you, is Hop Bitters rely on it. See another column. Press -.Polishing Furniture. To .clean iurniture, especially tne surface of a finely polished piano, we will give our lady friends a receipt better thau . any In the books. Take a washbowl half full ol i epld water and a little fine toilet soap and a tablespoon! ul of sweet oil. t llp a piece of old flannel in this, and apply it to the wood, rubbing vigorously for a while; then exchange this for a piece of old, soft, fine cotton, not linen, as that leaves its fibres ot lmr, and rub with this a while, .finish ing with a fresh piece of the same rag age me ut to keep It at a, high degree of excellence. But this must be said of any breed. The Light Brahma in proper hands is one of, perhaps our very besr fowls. It is large in size, quiet in disposition, a good winter lay er of fine large eggs, -an excellent 'sit ter and nurse, is easy to rear, and can stand almost any degree of cold. The adult Brahma has a strong tendency to lay on flesh and must be ted with judgf ment, but when properly fed, housed and managed it is a good practical fowl. It (Idea not mature as early as the Ply mouth Rock, but is larger at maturity. When one is not particular as to the earllness and precocity of his fowls he cannot make a mistake in selecting Light Brahmas. 7 No good Preacliinjr. No man can do a good job' of work, preach a good sermon, 'try a law: suit well, doctor a patient, ot1 write a good article when he feels miserable and dull, with sluggish brain and unsteady nerves, and none should make the attempt in such a condition when ' it can be so easily and cheaply-removed by a little Hop Bitters. See other column. Albany Time . nome?-to mv relief, but far a friend of mine at'Weldon, N. C , recommending Simmons' Liver Regulator to me, and at the same, time with a request that I would use it, which I did with the most happy result. I am now well, and eat anything I wish without any bad effect. W.A.Pearson, . "S. Gaston P. O., N. C." Only Medicine That Acts at the Same Time on The Liver, the Bowels and the Kidneys. E3 These great organs are the natural cleans ers of tne system, ai mey wor well, health will be perfect ; If they become clagged, dreadful diseases are sure to i olio w with TERRIBLE SUFFERING. 'Biliousness, Headache, Dyspepsia, Jaun dice, Constipation and Piles, or Kid ney Complaints, Gravel, Diabetes, or Bheamatlc Pains and Aches, are developed because the blood Is poisoned with the humors that should hare been expelled naturally. KIlVEY-WORT will restore the healthy action and all these destroying evils' will be banished; neglect them and you will live but to suffer. Thousands have been cured. Try it and you will add one more to the number. Take It and health will onee more gladden your heart. y SaJhr loafer froa the tarmtmt f sa Aefctas; BMkl fcy Uar ueh dlrtreu from CoaUlpaUoa a4 Pile. I Try a pacK- New Bailroad Brake. A railroad brake, which Is instantly applied and continuous in its aetion, and which the Inventor, proposes to render automa tic, is described by M. Hospitaller, in La Nature. It is worked by means of two of the secondary batteries of M. Plaute, each of these being charged by three Daniell cells. The action of the apparatus is dependent upon the ad hesion of an electro-magnet to the axle of the wheels, by means of which two chains, attached to the leyera carrying friction blocks, are wound upon a drum. In some experiments upon a train of thirteen carriages, traveling at the rate of seventy-three kilometers per hour, the train was brought to a standstill in twenty-one seconds, moving through a distance of 215 meters after the brake was applied. Wi: KnintT-WoKT will cure you age at once and be satisfied. ' It is a dry vegetable compound and . One Package makes six quarts of Medicine. Tour Druggist has it, or will get it for you. Insist upon having it. Price, f 1.00. - WELLS, EICHABBSOH ft CO., Proprietor!,.' IO (Will fend pott paid.) Burllnftra, Vt. A NEW SCHOQLSONGB . Just our. . " SOIMGBEUlS! a ew, complete and most attrarri, . Collection of School Songs; " ByLo- EMERSON u nis ior pelmen Cop 221 STilll CELEBRATED m Books for Schools. Sinking Schools, Cnolra Gospel Temperance Meetings,- ' welcome thorni. (fi oo). For Dlgn SchciJ w via; ur common Schoolai White Roteft? (30 cts). 'Por Sunday schools WlnlgtcllS,Uhl,t $l00)- ChLl TW?.eranC JWeU 35ct8-. Gospel TttnL Temperance Litchl. jo. , (is cts). " Oliver Ditson & Co., Bostor J. E. DITSOX. A . j St. George's Hall, for BovsJ U..I...1U1M cuiwii, riutrniitara irgiu Iillimir , lt)l ji-opeua eepiuibar O. Fr acat, K 1UU Flowers on the Table Set flowers on your table a wholejiose-gay If you can get it, or but two or, three ora single flowers a rose, a pink, a daisjr, and you have something that reminds you of God's creation, nd gives you a link with the poets that hare done it most honor. Flowers on the morning table are especially suited to them. They look like the happy wakening of 'It is better to laugh than be crying" decidedly; and to enjoy your baby's laughing society use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup which relieves the chief discom forts of babyhood without stupefying the children. Price 25 cents a bottle; It seems that the origmvl inventor of the glue, glycerine and water process of co pying letters.which has been extensive- the creation; they bring the perfume ly introduced within the nast few vears.. of the breath of nature into your room ; has obtained in this country a patent they seem the very representative and embodiment of the every smile of your home, the graces of good morrow; proofs that some intellectual beauties are in ourselves or those about us, some Aurora (if we are so lucky as to have such a companion) helping to strew our life with 'sweetness, or ii ourselves some masculine wilderness not unworthy to possess such a com panion or unlikely to gain her. j for his device, dated Mav ; 18. 1880. He obtained a patent in Germany two years ago. t West rn Maryland Railroad. with unsurpassed adTa-tnges Knf reucert Mrs AlniirJ D York, who haa f h ra t onheura mt L. Mcholon. D. I)., Pi.i adi-lnhia : Col Lee, 0. S. A., two gratdsoua. Wasblnaton Address Fiof. JAMES C. KINKAR. A. M., Prlncl: ' Beisterstown, Maryland EVERY 1ATY neds It, wa-nte hnvcit. Aadiess Miss KtiU, 14 New Yoik City. , , if r- t'L J BUSINESS lhat Py. M v and Wnr.n ..nt.! Addres- 8. S. Sc awc aJTtord". L.. 1 0-t8tr k 'hH MrUianuii, Lorn. 4 V"f iV-wr acher-8' ou'd tend A I , X i' ."fr vLp author Id Shaker costume ' ?A. kT'i?- 11 n'xl p nt and V5 t- p-njca Ty. auu aem, pastatf DaatAtfai l Jn rv mm a BUOP iCADS, South Union, Kr, lOOTO COPYING AOITNTS WAKTKD forth. L .New Granitft and VlTt Types. Metro no 11. ton Copying Office. 15 West 5d 8reeil7 The good mother and the accessible slipper always make a spanking ' team. Defensive Mertlcallon 'Is a precaution which shou d nver be ncgrlected when danger is present, and there'orn a course of the Jl tters at tLls season is paiticularly de sirable, especial lr ior the feeble and sickly. As a remedy ror biliousness, dyspepsia, i ervous nes. and bowei comp.alnts. there 13 aotblig comparable to this wholesome restoiatlve. For sale by ail Di uggists and Dealers generally. sions, an Irish lawyer, while arguing until the liquid application is thorough wiin earnestness nis cause, stated a point which the court ruled out. Well," sal I the attorney, 'if it plaze the court, if I am wrong "in this, I have another point that Is equally as con--elusive." . i A West IIill man invented a fire exinguiher, but was unable to getja patent on it. He changed the name of his invention, and got a patent on it as a churn. This answered quite as well, and ir would . amaze you to fee how the country rights are going off. Ax old gentleman eighty years, who committed had passed suicide be cause his wife had recently died. This" story was related to a young lady, who lai.ghiily rt marked, 'And did he kill hiuitelf. so that he need not marry again?" i" 7 In the schoo one Sabbath, while in trusting tlie'children, the teacher com pared himself to a shepherd and then inquired what the. latter did with his flock: One bright-e3;ed little fellow promptly replied, Ile shears them." A statistical barber in Pni'a'lelphia says that the longest eared men want their hair cut the shortest. Just .why an Ouio editor wants to have is head shaved, we can't understand. ly removed, ah tnese successive app 1 -ca'ionsare to be made to o ,e particular spot of the wood no longer than can be worked with a single stroke ot the arm and that to be finished before a fresh place is to be treated. When the whole piano has been done over in this way (it should take -two hours, at least, to do it well), It will look as good as new, and far bettter than if refinished by an ordinary-workman. This is the best application for that purple cloud that comes over a" polished wood surface in damp weather. Of course a judicious person will be very sparing of the li quid, although she has a wash-bowl halt full of it, and will not use enough to drip on the carpet, or to penetrate to the interior ol the piano. The . nian who visited an insane a.ylura on the Fourih of July found it much more quiet than any other sr ot he sjruck. If seemed to him that the crazy people were all outside and none in the asylum. "I am very much afraid . of light ring," said a pre tty young l tdy. "And well you may be," replied a despairing loer, as jour heart is made jof steel." An exchange speaks of a man who 'is but one step removed from an ass." He'd better rnke it three or lour. The unimal.has a long reach backward. Tiiat serman did me good," said one friend to another after hearing an eloquent preacher.' was the reply. We shall see," IT is M range how much better a photographer can take a picture to hang in a show-case than he can for a customer. Where do the old palmltaf fans go."" inquires an exchange. "They uon't go anywhere. They stay in other pews." If PEorLEare careful regarding . the aualitv ol food they consume, .how much more can-lul -should they be in respect to medicine, and particularly so with their young children. Nothing better than Dr. Bull's Iteby Svrup can be used for the diseases ol 1 ab hood. Price 25 cent3. Sold by all Dr uggists Lemon Jelly. One ounce of isin glass and a pound and a hall of loaf sugar; three lemons, pulp, skin and juice grated; pour a quart of water over the isinglass; add the rest; mix and steam ; pour, it in a regular form to coolj If the lemons are not. fresh add a little cream of tartar, or tartaric ncid. We prefer a third of a teas'poonful of citric acld,.crystals, dissolved in a lit tle water; and always use the acid in any case, it gives a better tart:. Cook .the mixture until 'smooth and liquid It is unnecessary that it should boil; make the day previous to the one on which it is required; keep on ice un til Just before it is served. Now I think I have given, you ancient and modern jelly. Use gelatine, one ounce (more modern.) , There has never been found a oer- Son who tried Dobbins' Electric Soap, (made by Cragin & Co., Philadelphia,) that did not say at once, it was the best soap sue ever used. Try It you'll always use it. once, the Fishing can be made comfortable by taking a cot aiong and placmglt under a fcbade tree by the banks of a stream The horseshoe doesn't bring good luck jvhen the horse applies it. Ing wile it is no sign he should liquor. Pin eaitle Fritters. One pint of flour, half pint of milk, three eggs, half teaspoonful soda, three-fourths teaspoon ful cream tartar, one table spoonfnl sugar, salt to taste. Peel and slice one juicy pineapple, and cover with sugar; let it stand over night; stir in the batter when ready to try. To be eaten while hot, with sugar.; j To Mend Broken Crockery.To mend broken . crockery, use lime !nnd the white of an e,gg. Mix only enough to mend one article at a time, as it soon hardens, when It cannot be used. Powder a small quantity of the lime and mix to a paste with the egg- iAp ply quickly to the edges, and rtriace firmlvtoetber. It will soon become set and strong, seldom breaking in the same place again. . Salade de Fruits This French dessert is simple and good. Take equal parts of strawberries or raspberries, red and white currents and very ripe cherries, and remove all the stalks and the stones from the cherries. Sprinkle a generous quantity of powdered lump sugar oyer the truit it will be hard to get it too sweet and a wine-glass of the best pale French brandy or more according to the quantity of fruit, toss lightly until the sugaVis all dissolved and serve. Vegetine is acknowledged by air classes of people to be theJSest and most reliable, blood purifier in the world. Point Shirley Salad. Yolk of one or two raw eggs, one or two young onions or leeks, three tablespoohf uls of salad oil, one of vinegar, some lettuce, and slices of beet-ioot, salt and mus tard. Take the yolk of one or two raw eggs, according to the size of the salad you require, beat them up well, add a little salt and mustard, and chop up one or two young onions or leeks about the size of grass, then add the salad oil and the vineger. and beat the whole up into a thick sauce. Cut in the salad, and put thin slices of beet-root at the top. Sprinkle a little salt over it; do not stir up until it is to be used, Keepitik THRnorss. mat it ma - te pronptly administered na l sud.len aitack3 of Cholera Morbus, Cramps. Dlarrucea Coll op any Affec tne owels. ior which Dr. Javne's Oar m'natire Balaam is an effe tual rem dr. At it .a?80.11 of the year every tamUy wlU find la It a useful and reliable curative. From observing the eflects ol petro leum upon the heads of operatives at the wells came the shrewd Pitts burgher's great discovery Carbolinb, a deodorized extract of petroleum. This is the only article that will produce new hair on bald heads. It never fails There are two sure ways to get rid of Canada thistles which we have tried ; one the most tedious, is to Summer fal low the ground, ploughing it as often as tne tnistis-xsnow themselves. The better plan is' io make the ground i lCIi and seed heavhy with clover, and cut the clover when the thistles are in blos som. If the lot is then ploughed up and and any thistles remain, let it be seeded again with clover as soon as: pos sible and mowed. Generally they! will be killed with the first seeding i and mowing, but if not the second will i be sure to do it. A permanent meadow U thistles. We got rid of ten acres of them in this way, mowing five times. It is best t cut them as close down to the ground as possible. A small patch may be eradicated by salting, but this is a slow process and somewhat expensive. Digging with a spade a narrow spade will, if per severed in, kill them: Thistles; and their blossoms are relished by animals, If cut before they get too ripe and hard ; hence it is economical, to make them into hay before the seed ripens. Wehaveseen farmers hauling ma nure and damp earth orroad-icrapings into a large heap, and turning and mixing it two or three times during the winter season to make a compost for corn-hills, while at the same time a rich black liquid flowed from the barn yard utterly going to waste, which, if it had been saved and mixed with dried earth or rich muck, would have been the very thing they desired at much less trouble and no loss. The liquid waste ef many barnyards, if properly utilized by mixing with dry dust made from rich soil or muck, and made into a rich compost, or rather phosphate, by adding about twenty per cent, in; bulk of finely ground bones and mixing and turning the mass over until it is done heating, would be a substance far easier to handle for cornhills than the bulky old-fashioned soggy compost made out of straw manure. ! Wonderful Effects. IL R. Dawley, tf Providence It.! 1., says: Having w.tntsitd trie vroulerful jeffeots of fluut'a Remedy in my own case, . aud in a great numl ef cf yth-ra, I recommend it to all other nffluttd with K dtey Di easja. TTioee fllic ed b d Btaeo e i uld 8t cure the mefjciiia wi ich will cure iu bli roH pc atne time. Hunt s lkmedy wil co this." Irkl ize 75 c ntd. ' " Doable Sufferers. , . If the thousands that now have their rest and comfort destroyed by complication of' liver and kidney comp'ainta would give nat ure's remedy. Kidney-Wort, a trial they would be apeedity cured. Mirbor. ELGIN WATCHES All styles. Gold, Silver and Nickel, f to $16". Chains, etc. . sent O. O. D. to be examined. Write for Catalogue to bTANDAUD AMERICAN WATCH O., Ptttsfcargh, Pa. ; LAm.K AND STOKE-KEEPIRS Ton can et Cliolre Oooils cheap by writing nt u erdVr on a Pc.a Card tor onr Prfce LUf , which 2nVb& In.l00,de,,lar?odlJy ?,aU hebe wan and see the m .ny ki. d ot Merchandise w seep f r salo at Burprisinfly low pricea. We send sample of HarnhJirgs, Laces, Ribbons. Fringes, Ac, if r- qnert:d. We sell Wholesale und Bt-tail fr Cats down. A new c mbtnation system- which hut net star ed enable ns to qnete very clot pru A Bnsy Uffe. ' J The World's Dispensary at Buffalo, N. Y., is a great institution having its auxiliary Invalids Hotel, for accom modation of patients, costing Its foun. der nearly half a million of dollars, and its branch in London, England, of similar proportions, where Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, Pleasant Purgative Pellets and other remedies are manufactured for the foreign trade, which extends to the East Jndies, China and other far distant countries.! All this mammoth business has beet! or ganized, systemized and built up bv Dr. R. V. Pierce, who has associated with himself as a Pacultv, under the name of the World's Dispensary Medical Association, a most competent staff' of physicians and surgeons who annually treat many thoustrids of cases of chronic diseases, not bv prescribing any set lot of rVdlesbutby -sing all such specific renliig a-viave, in large ex perience, been found most e fugacious. Besides organizing and directing this mammoth business of world-wide pro portions, Dr. Pierce has found time to write a work on domestic medicine entitled "The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser" 1,000 pages, 300 illustrations, selling at fl.50, and also to serve a term as Srate Senator and later as a member of Congress. Surely he must be competent if he were to take the lecture platform, to discourse upon "the recollections of a busy life." National Jiepubtican. I rtaUe nlt Co nairtAiu, muss. Will send their oelebred Electro Yoltair XU1U to tn afflicted upon SO days' trial. Bpeedy cures guaranUvL- They mean -what thsysay. Write to them without delay. VEGETIKE Purifies the Blood, Renovates and Inrlgoratef tht hole System. in MXDICHfAL PROPEKTIE3 AXE Altorativo Tonio Solvent and Diuretic. Ttxstlns ts made exclnstwlT from tbs jQiess tf carefully-ielected barks, roots and herbs, sad so strongly concentrated that It will effectually radicate from the system every taint ot Sere) 1st, roftolaa Humor, Tamrs, Cam r. .( 1 .Htjutor, Erysipelas, It Rtaenm. By pb little DUcaaea, Vmn ker, Fmlntaeava avt tn Stomach, and all llseases that arise from impure blood. Bel ties, Isflsnnsterr and Cbrenle Btaest jsatlsm, Heurmlsjlai, Uent and Bplsiml Complaints, can enly be sSeetaauy cured through the blood. . For Ulcere and Kraptlve Disease ef the Skin, Jnatnls, Flmplee, Blotenes, Bolls, Tetter. Bealdbead and Blns; werm, YXQSTlJiX has mevsr failed to sftect a permament core. For rains la the Back, Hldnsy Complaints, Dropsy, Female weakness. Leucorrhoaa, arising from internal mice ration, and mterlne diseases and General Debility. VXQKT INS acts directly causes of thess complaints. It Invigo rates and strengthens the whole system, acts spos the secretlvt organs, allays Inflammation sores ulceration and regulates the bowels. For Cstarrh, DyspepslsHabltual Oosttveness, . mlpltaUon of the Heart. Headache, Piles, Nerv eusness and General Prostration of the Nervous System, no medicine has ever riven sack, per fect satisfaction as ths yjEQaTlNlL It purlles . the blood, clsanses all of the organs, and pos sesses a coAtroUtaf power ovsr the nervous ystem.' Tha remarkable cures effected by Vegetlns hare Induced many physicians and apotheca ries whom we know, to prescribe and use it is their own families. - In fact, Yegrtine is the best remedy yet dls sovered for the above diseases, and is the only, reliable blood PORISTKB yet placed before the puoiic maul f in of void li use I 1 Vi of business. weak enea dy tne strain 01 jour duties avoid stimulants and Hop Bitters. If you are younjr and discretion or dissira ried or single, old or poor health or languish neea, rely on Hop Whoever you whenever y.ou fee that your system needs cleansincr, ton tnsr or stimulatlno" Have you dv- pepsia. Kidney, oTurinan plaint, disease or the 8Tomacn, bowels, blooa. liver or nerves i You will be cured if you use Hop Bitters Jyyn arpslm-! i ii Jpiy wean, anuj Itow spirited, try it i it may saveyourl life, it has saved liun dreds. , rvermid- !,l SB j 1; 11 : I ivnx I 1.11 14 BSB B MM SB 111 1 Jl ! niTTr-n a Bit hi U LU'I I Ml. I i irM k ... : mi 1 NEvhK I lift-a ill , m I v 1 1 ii Jar-. If von are a man of let ters toiiuur over msrht woric to res tore brain nerve and waste, use Hop B. suffering from any In tion ; it you are mar- youngr, sutrermgr irom Ing on a bed of sick- Bitter 8. . Thousands die an nually from some form of K I d n ey disease that might been prevented VropBitters D. I. C. lis an absolute and irresista- ble cure for dnmlte n e s s . ruse of 'opium, obac co . or parcotica. 'iiDMbvdnio--! (nsis. etencLiur Circular. hop r.i riLKs nra co., Rochester, S. T. & Toronto, On t. MIJIrf?lhi'Wyr We hrtve 1, S2 and 95 nackacei. 1 1 notions which cannot b bought for twice the money elsewhere, nil wnntedin every family. Money returned not catinfactoty for any purchase. HoU;HT0N k DUTIONS Tr mont street, Bo-ton, Mm. I 1 IMPORTANT TO AGENTS. ' 7 TH LIFE OF GEN. JAMES A. GARFIELD, By his personal friend. Wajor'BUNBY, Kdltr N. Y Mail, is the only edition to which Gen. Gtfieli has eiven pernonal attention or facts. ' Beautifully illnstrateo, print d aid bouni. Ku.l lei ffthimee porti ai( by Hall, from n picture tk i ex reIy fof this wotk .Active Acenl Wanted. L Ikt.i terms. Send al.iKi t once tor ecniLlnti) vu:flt. ' m A. 8. BARNES A L'O . i . ' 111 and 113 Williim S re t.New YurV T BRICK $777 A YKAK and expenses to agts. Outfit Free. Address P. O VICKERT. Ansrusta. Maine. AND lUlACHlrMERY. SPECIALTIES r Tiffany Improved Tilj Ma hlne, : Sword's Patent Brief M i hlne. j Clay Crushers with Chilled itollora' write for circulars and ntrtf. " "-r,iJl- II. BREffEB A CO., Ternmi, Jflcl ANDREW McMTJLXE: WHOLESALE DEALEJC IK 1 BROOM CORN, BROOn. HANDLE! And Broom Mannfacturer'a airiiijCT ana onppues. . 4 f N. B.-FANCY PAINTED HANDLES A SPECIALTY 92 Union Bt , Scbenectady. N. .T. mrOKQUITO CATCIIEB-Pat. Jane 29. 133) Will clear your rom in a few minutes wttnovt fist wmm SEND rnR Circular. b RATER BOOMER Sr BOSCHERT PRESS CO. SYRACUSE.N.V. Sew York Office 15 Park Row. WTKiOWf AtTHUi k -. ' i" " - .r,c . tfrery nian wants I. property piotectedlroi. burglars. Secure, ti. ageDry for the 8hr t ty Window Fasten lng-" In-your count quiet Sells everywhfi at sight. Immense prof its. Terms free. Ad dreM C. M. GARNA HAN. Cleveland. O. V ORWELL AUGER l8 the cheapest, bores the fastest. We axe the oldest and largest nrm m America, bend for -our pictorial catalogue. Uktxed States Mb-'g Co., Chicago, UL i pmoke, toil or create. . Price Stf cent. Send vxul tor Illustrated Circular. A Kent Wanted. : Good terms. L. T. JONES, 106 Llgt bt., Baltlmort, tti. AGENTS WANTED to fell the UFE OF GEN. JAS. A. GARFIELD. by hiacnmrade In arms and personal frlend.lDesu J. S. BBIKBIBT. an author of widveelebrityj Tbn work la complete, authentic, low-priced. Fally II lostrated. Positively the heat and chea v-k. Mone other Pfflcial. hend 50. at once f r outfit. Wei giro the ba4 term. Art qnxk and ya ca eoln money. HUB HARD BiiOi.VPtbhcri, 72S Chestnut St., Philadelphia, P. 1 , , i Tnoso umrermg an aavsrusemsni v. . j confer m favor npontrie Advertiser an.''i Pnbllaber by statinpthat tiiey saw thfmAvr timmvotmt. In this tonraal faamltitr tu w- OPERA GLASSES, Vjbv Microbe 'nes. Thermnnmtnr. In Olu Jpectacies, Unrom ter j at Ursattv Rsducsd. .Tjj. R. & J. BECK. ' Afanufacturinc Opticians, Philadelphia. 'Send S tamps for illustrated CaUlorue of IU pages, and mention this paper.. Campers! and Sportsmen's Top 31x94 inches. Fo!d1uto a tqnar pack?, legs in-ite, 6x3J in h s Paint d t protect fryia diimpneKA. Kxprosaed on r c-jipt of 82.00. j Addrei's v . R. II. AROLD, IIONEOY C. Ontario County, K- T. MMar. HopajMO . BTJumjis. XeOi OPIUMS MU( iaAo KID1TE Y DISEASES. PREPARED BT II. It. STEVENS, Boston, Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists. IF YOU "WOULD BE PROPSRL suited with SDectaolea. anolv : correspond to . , DB. N. a GRAT, Optician. S8 a. TW KLFTH Street, rnuaasipuu. Fa. constipat! re qoKiv sua Buxeiy curea Dy use ox JSJLTNX-WORT. This new and vronderfol remedy 1 having Btich. an immense sale in all parts of the country, works oa natural principles. It restores I and tone to ttxe diseased organs, and through, them cleanses the system of accumulated and p humors. Kidney diseaaesof thirty years standlrur have been rami. tin FUm. cmtltMtlon. Bhsu ZSZZ w.e-Sf821 rS T2Smsfo years. We have volume, of testimony of its wonderful! power. Nolongeruse Alcholio Bitters, which do mont . rfrutix rrflls. tut- Xeme? thwmbequicWyresined. Otf.Kof your DrutWlft. ,P L v i'"' , WELLS. RTRlIlRDBOir A CO.. rt't SAPOWIFIER u ia&b nu uxixsja. 'A SALT XAOT"1 CO. the WormTDUDorTa peculiar to waHsJuu afforded a Urg7etf caserhave an fuaHvVneen twiiIdSP0S!' ln P"P remetlies for thPlr cure. Mmiy t honssj fl experience, and haKl 1 'vrlte PreseriptlM Is tlte result of tMs eases and l T become Justly celebrated for its many ami remarkable cures of all those cUronic Uls- WEAKNESSES PWrfTvrtv. rA m?mit i?; ' i,r""lCMPlln 19 a prtwerful Restnrtiv- ti .k- m, thereby restoring" -it to ti.niVl0'" nSr7I,9.,lrr,Ultlon " strengUiens tlie enfteeti utlo.. i -TV-""""?. v." "'"rmraii; internal rctroTmlAmi . heat; nervous 171 -p.- t."" ". f?00"' sent for "e suma or tl MAKE HENS LAY. trS? and Cattle Powders here are WMthSS..0 says i that hheridan's CondHion Poird2Uhlv?6 lutely pure and immensely vfiiiiSL i5J!rt!i earth wiU make hens laV Ifk tanp on Powders. Dole o oneridan's Condition ftoM evlryShtri.oV sSrtBlJ5ia fel?f, stamps. I.B. JOaMBolf ? f5 iS - " mOT, Ml. , stricture of tlie nock of the woni". JIV remove tlie lasDedlasent to uo wm Favorite PrmvVinti i . . ue stamp, or Uie Medical Adviser). Jf, , x avonte rrescripuon is sold under iit.. ... rv- Z,,,. M srranoer JOD,, was a dre IRtoH!; A?!0.W, New Castle. Lincoln Co., Maine, says. vti.i . "rwipiMin- ana usi no il is tierjineot tUlnei, vs utrsl snpprenilonsy weoB " FT"i7l. depre Ion i nervotM and slek "emm.?7. J .... .tirr i -t vninn. vt lieu . tmnedtssent to the erlC ';prl'r-)t fo . oi rx - iTnitv V. remove the . ears s. Havinr exhausu-d tlie skill or inree vw n ict witn dunculty cross the room. romuion In three months i Wiiovr my health Siyrl, loot 'jf tHj X Uie WT tliem and end C!rte Preino- 1 1 TWkOtmAaa ' vanAmtnAniiMl ID m. j or: i rww ah . . . . w . have had no trouble since w mPve at once. In three montn W .... - . UUlC OIIKe. IrWrOtfl H lull.. 1 1 klM wm a stamped mwloM 1 or iV'?, V ?e,nd the ful1 particulars to any one writlc mv rn,V., tJPT. reply. I have receivnl nvr fnnr knnilnxl letters. wiiii 'Liir rn rm - . . . m nave received "second i.tto .k' ?u earnestly advised them to fcno ilk ev- ji or favorite Presi riB tion . T-yvy.'ers Of thanks. Rtatlnv fl,- tha. l.rf onmmtnmX'r and nlalnLv l-i . . "P. d allied TlS'local treatment Is sold by al druui1 ' L e muca better alreadv. " TirT tiorr Favorite Presc iff-i . I WliVKKV IVVllin , . . ' over nftyrPssrTdevXTtVV?111 -The People's Coi for $B4. iPddrMT ted to u consideration of those dlse; 'Si SB ?tor; III c, ft- :-T iit(-. ....... u-'f PL.

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