)a- 7 E. II.-BIUTTON. orrice.T...... no..i$ rRTON street, Jtr ChimiJ? on the 4condjtov. , TERMS FOR PAPER: : rr" TUE DAILY BULLETIN will be furnished at DOLLARS per aanuzo, IN ADVANCE THE.TRI-WEEKLY BULLETIN will be pub- I.! rvtry TiMUy, Tfcanklar and Saturday morning. anl wpplltd for 00 per winsm, payable la fedraace. fl 5(HlVr Express Company forward pack , ages by ratger Train and Steamer; and i Despatches by Telegraph, to all parts of the Umntry. V1 - ( From the West . i ' - . Nashville, Jan. 7. Gentlemen just from Louisville, says tlje Federal , army between ? Louisville and Howling Green numbers ,100,000 cmen, 25,000 of whom are unfit for duty. The Federals are pushing the work on Green.rirer bridge, which will be comple ted in- few days, when it is proiable a , movement will be made towards Bowline ;reen,( A gentleman juat here from Paducah, says it U reported that the Federals intend f concentrating a force of 10.000 at that place. j " ; . It is reported here this evening that the Federals are crossing Green river in con- gidcrable force. i .From the Coast. liiCHxoxD, Jan. 7. The Editor ot the AVilniinzton Journal , says, so far a we can learn, there is no truth in the report that the Burnside expe . dition has been seen offllatterlrs. , I " Richmond, Jan. 8. The New York Herald of the 4th, re ceived at Norfolk, reports the arrival of the j, Apia from Liverpool on the 21st, and that the foreign and domestic news is uninter "esring. j . ' i Drornlow's Case. . The Krloxville Register thinks ihe Con ' federate authorities committed- a blunder . in promising to give Parson Brownlow up, -and adds: , -' Brownlow has preached atJ every church and school house, made stump speeches at every cross-road, and knows every man, woman and child,' and their (athers-and grandfathers, before them, in East Ten nesseej . As a Methodist circuit rider, a political stump speaker, a temperance ora tor, and the editor of a newspaper, he has been equally successful in our division of the State: . ! " Let him but reach the confines of Ken ' tucky, with his knowledge of the geogra i phy and the population of East Tennessee and our section will soon feel the effect of his hard blows. From among his od ! partisan and religious sectarian parasites, he will find men who will obey him with the fanatical alacrity of those who follow ed Peter the Hermit in the First Crusade. iwLl Iisl."0 . underrate Browttow. r Thi Boars Uwio.x Comtentiox in f. CaiOUHA Hoy it Originated.-Some time kfnee there appeared in this paper resulitions purporting to be passed by a Convention ot Unionists at Hatteras Inlet, whirs Convention, it was intimated, largely represented ihe leelings of the population in thit State, it being attended by dele eates from forty-five counties? TheYork Sum, ( Union paper) of the 10th ult.,how- ; ever, pronounces the whole affair to be a farce. That it does so on the authority of private letter received in New York, da- ted Camp Wood, Hatteras Inlet, Novem- L ber 30, wjhtch says : As fot.the Union Government in North Carolina, I .fesr it is nothing but a big fa rce.j.The resolution which you no doubt have ?ead in the papers began .with lorae jhfng. like "this: "We, the people of Xorth Carolina." &c. Now, the fact is, k. whnUiof the said people amounted! ill IL to about 120 Hatteras fishers and Vo'e, the rest being boys, women and chil- ll. i" iThia grand Conventipn, represent- North Carolina "free and inaepen- was addressed by a Trihune report er .he only one here, I believe a Mr. Foster, now an Hon. M. C. and Gov. Tay. Ior. j ,? ' Well, the resolutions were read by the Governor, and the question on their adop. tiori being put, no one could at first bo Joundto second it. Afterwarda the form of aari said, "I woa't to do what is right ; I donH know what it means, but I will second it." When the vote was put, the 'delexgates" looked one at the other, - not knowing what to do, but after the reso--.lutiona were read over again, some one managed to gain courage enough to vote, and all followed suit. So the Provisional Government was es tablished. If this is not a "big thing," I dont know what is. On the 23th, Mr. Foster' was elected to the United States Congress Ior this district. t The Pork Tads. -The Cincinnati rric Current, of the 24th, says t "In the forepart of the week the tempera ture'was too high for pork packing, but it became cool Friday, and since then has been, as favorable as could have been de sired. Large receipts and the warm weath er depressed prices to $3, but when the weather became cool the receipts fell off, and this decline has in part recovered. It will be seen that the receipts so far irc about 20,000 greater than last season, ions has been fair, bat at no time active, and there " has been some fluctuation in prices under the news from England or Washington, from day to day. The En glish and Irish packers have been doing very little, but have been ; preparing what --they hatt already cut for shipment with ; all the expedition imaginable. Mess Pork i twined to 5 in the . forepart, oi the week, buteueutly advanced to $9 59 for thi best city4f lecon(i cu tell Tn at t9, closing daiS he4Ty tX thee rates, tad good city br&ndVt04, yesterday at . Tha dttntnd vylt ehle&y cula iWVUafh, hx bM bteni ood oUih VOL. VI. NO. 805. ken for Canada and the East; the market closed heavy. t "Lard declined to 6j a 7 cents, the Ut- ter rate for prime, but the demand improve ed towards the close, and 7 for prime in tierces, and 7$ in barrels, were the rates asked, bat at the close it was bought at cents in barrels, and 61 in " tierces, and more sellers than buyers at these rates. "The closing rates for green meats were 2 a 31 cents for shoulders and hams, and buyers not offering over3 cents lor hams at the close. - . 1 The Llncolu Confiscation. . A Washington correspondent of the Chi cago Trihune, who professes to have good authority for his statements, gives the fol. lowing as an important subject : I am able to correct the painful impres sion here noticed with regard to the Presi dent ot the United States, and-1 do so with the more satisfaction and gratitude, that 1 was deepljr grieved, in common . with nine-tenths of the loyal citizens of the conntry, by the countermanding of Fre mont's proclamation, and by the applica tion of the check-rein to Secretary Cam-, eron's just :and wise inclinations. -Mr. Liincoin assures nis. irienas, .without re serve, in conversation, that he is ia favour of measures which shall enable us to de-. prif e every rebel from Virginia to Texas of his slaves, and every other species of property, and that the only disagreement which can arise between himself and Con gress will relate to the details oj the bill which may be adopted. 11 any such disa greement shall arise, it will, I presume, relate to the possible involving of loyal masters in the consequence of emancipa tion to the slaves of their disloyal neigh bours, .i i " TnE Downfall of Greece." In a historical point of view, they people of the Southern Confederacy may be more inter ested in "the rise and fall of the Roman Empire," than in the ".Downfall of Grease ,' but in a commercial and epicu rean poiut of view, they are certainly more interested in the latter. Pork is at an ex ceedingly low price in Cincinnatiwhich will, doubtless, induce a little smuggling business in that line the Government de mand has been, supplied while many planters have large stocks on hand and it ; is, therefore, highly' probable, that, in a short time, bacon will have to come down from its present lofty position, and so give consumers an opportunity to congratulate themselves on the "Downfall oi Crease." Augusta Constitutionalist. The War Spirit in Canada. The nfmmtrrtal of j hfl25 1 h, j inst has the following: "The news from Canada is warlike. The military spirit of. the people is excited, and there is a general expression of hostil ity towards the United States. The mili tia, to the number of 50,000 men. have been called out. There is intense activity in all quarters, and the press sounds the war whoop on every side.' . aBSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSBSaMSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSl Annual Meeting. Office, A. T. &. O.RR.1 . Charlotte, N. C, Jan.. 3 1862. J The annual meeting of the Stockholders in the A. T. & O. R. R., will be held in Charlotte on Thursday the 30th inst. The Directors will meet on Wedneseay 29th in the office of the Treasurer. jan 6,62-b4 j4. M. L. VVRISTON. Freight , Arrangement. 23 All through freight rates will be discon tinued on the line of Roads from Columbia to Weldon, after the 5th of January next. Freights will be carried aa usual at local rates when the charges accompany. th freights. W.J. HAWKINS, V - P. C. CAM M ON, Presidents: ; WM. JOHNSTON, J , Dec 29, 1861tj5 - ATCILES, JEWELRY, The subscriber respectfully announces to the public that be has purchased the entire stock of Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Silver and Plated Wares, Canes, Fancy Goods, &c.t belonging to J. G. Wilkijiioh & Co., which is now offered to the public low for cash only. , - Particular attention given to J-epairing Watches and Jewelry. - J. G. WILKINSON. Dec 16, 1861-d3w2 ; J. Y. BUYCE & CO, otAxsasur olton and All Kinds Of Prodace, TRADE STREET, f CHARLOTTE, N. C. fT" All orders attended to with dispatch, a pru t-tf i . : : FULLINGS, SPRINGS k CO. DEALERS IN READY-MADE CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS, .Charlotte, N C. may U-tf MERCHANT TAILORING FULLINGS, SPRINGS & CO., have also added to their Ready-made Clothing Stock, a Merchant Tailoring Department, to which they call the especial attention of their many friends and customers. They intend making this department second to none Ln the State, either in -style and quality of Goods, or in the manufacture f Garment . At aU times will be found a good stock of Black and Colored Cloths, English, French and America!. Casimera, and a variety of Vestlngs. Also, an as sortment of KOUK ISLAND CASS1MERES. Ther feel confident of their ability to undersell any other house la the Stat, frosa. the advantages. the have In rettinc their roods. Their roods are bought by the quantity, by one Of the rirm who reddea In the Northern markets, which kAvm him the opportunity of taking advan take of tbe prioee of goods, thereby saving at ait TT7cnty-Fivo- Per : Cent the consumer. C7"Dl saved areDc To Dollari mailt, Co try ci. K. FULUNOt, . y ' ' ' I I 1 I i V i i I CHARLOTTE, N. C, THTJRSD Aff"; j I 1 ! Notice to Merchants. FORWARDING OFFICE & C. R R. Co. CHALSTOjr. March 16, 1S61 rriBE South Carolina Railroad Company haying JL determined to discontinue this department of the service, the undersigned, who has betn the for wardinr Axent of th ComDanr for the last four or i are years, n&s associated with him the Unler derk in thedepartment, and, under the name of OA NTT At 8TONY, will continue to RECEIVE and FOR WARD such articles as may be consigned to hts care.' lie trusts, by strict personal attention, to retain a very liberal share of the business of the department. ; . . , Parties are reminded that all roods now reach Inr this port from points beyond the Confederate pt&tes of America, must be entered at the Custom I House, and that duties are payable on such as are not Durcoaseu on or oeiore uie iotareurusry lasi. and laden on shipboard on or before tkt lhth JtfarcA instant, save such as are on the jree list. It Is therefore necessary that remittances be made to pay Lno duties where duties are payable, and 15 1U CASKS TOCOVKBTHB EXFK3JC Or CUSTOM IIODSB KJTTBT, WHJtTHKX Till GOOD3 AHB FBKS 0B NOT, rrompi compliance will prevent delay and ex panse, as all articles not entered and permitted win oe stored by the custom House omcers. The South Carolina Railroad Company will advance, as heretofore, the charges f freight, drayage and warfage, but not ths expme connected with the VuHtom Jlotme. tiaies oi cnarges ior lorwaraing win be very moderate, a.nd may be had on application to OANTT A STONY, to whom all business comuw- .nicatlODS should b addressed. The undersigned refers to the officers of the South Carolina Railroad Company, to the custom era of the Forwarding Department, and to all merchants of standing in the city of Charleston, and respectfully solicits a liberal share of patron age. , - JAMES L. OANTF. Lat$ Forwarding Agent S. O, R. R. Co. Mead this! THE SOLDIERS' RELIEF. Having closed our Cosiness in the town of Char lotte, I hereby give you due notice Uiat your notes and accounts for lStil is rea iy for settlement. I shall expect aU persons (except the soldier in the -army,) to come forward immediately and pay up, as I am compelled to have money or suffer.' Any man that will keep money in his pocket when it is justly due his fellow man, is doing Injustice.to him self and his country, therefore I ask you to come forward and put your shoulder to the wheel. Any man that would plead the present stay law might want crtdit hereafter. Lookout. ." t WM; TRuLOAR. Dec.9,lS6I. dec 10, '61-dlwlmo ' : ... PROSPECTUS. or THK . U1LLSB0R0UGU RECORDER, DKTOTED TO POUTICS, AGRICULTURE, MfSCELLAItY, GENERAL NEWS. PUBLISHED BT . DENNIS HEARTT. HILLSBOROUGH, N. O. WITH the present volume the RECORDER commenced the fortieth year of its exis tence, the first number having been issued the 10th of February, 1820; during all which time we have labored to make our paper interesting and useful, and we hope that In these particulars we have not been altogether unsuccessful. It has been our wish to make the KFCORDER a good. Family Pa per, devoted to Politics, Agriculture, Miscellany, General News, Ac, with a view to the entertain ment and improvement of the farmers and citi zens ofthecirole in which it is distributed. Our Agricultural department we endeavor to fill with the best selections we. can make from all sources pving preference to such as will be of practical use to the farmer and cultivator; and in this par ticular we hope to make the RECORDER as valuable- to the agriculturist as any periodical of a purely agricultural character- In our Miscella neous department, we shall contine to be,, as we have always been, careful to seiect such articles -aajrilihavea tendency not only to amuse, but to improve the mind Mia mti. -z thankful to receive well-written articles to aiorn oar columns, W4 are not so ambitious of originality as not to prefer selected matter of superior merit, to loosely-written and ill-digested articles, though ornamented at the top with the coveted words Written expressly for the RECORDER," In our News department we shall take especial pains. to present to our readers the latest Intelligence : and to enable us to de so we have facilities equal to those enjoyed In any portion of the State, except thOo9 favored wltn telegraphic communication. ' t A single copy; one year, ........$12.00 Six copies, one year. ............. ...-10.00 ' Ten copies; one year. ...15.00 Payment always in advance. " Any of our old subscribers who will obtain five subscribers and send us the cash, shall receive their own paper free of charge. . Julyl8. ' :" PROSPECTUS ' . OF . THE STATE JOURNAL. HAVING become the proprietor of Ihe Demo cratic Press. I have merged that paper into the State Journal, which will be published 8eml-Weekly and Weekly. The Statc Journal will advocate Democratic principles la the broadest sense, and will support and defend Democratic measures and their aavo catei as they are presented, and as occasion may require. In other essentials it will be my aim to make the paper, what its name denotes, a State Journal eschewing all sectional considerations and working for the entire State and her eommoa Interests. ... ' - " t As soon as arrangements can be made, the whole paper shall be re-modeled and printed with new type, on good paper, and In a sdperior manner. - The Editorial department will be properly atten ded to In its various branches, and will speak for it self. Neither labor nor expensQ will be spared in the management of the paper. The terms of the State Jqurnal will be as fol lows : . " . ' Semi-Weekly, per annum .V ... $400 Weekly 200 These terms will be insisted upon invariably in advance. No name will be put upon the list without the money, aud all papers will be discon-, tlnued at the expiration of the time for which they have been paid, unless the subscription be renewed. I am satisfied, from years of experience, that upon no other footing can any newspaper hope to suc ceed. ' ' Advertisements of a . proper character will be Inserted at the following rtes i . One square, first insertion..... ...'.....$100. . Each subsequent Insertion .25 cents. A liberal deduction on these rates for yearly ad vertisers in the Semi-Weekly. In the Weekly edi tion the full rates will be charged., JOHN SPELMAN, ' Editor and Proprietor Nov.ST.lSoO. The Literary Paper of tbe South "EVERY FAMILY SHOULD READ IT" txx:e THE LARGEST I TUE CHEAPEST 1 THK BEST I ILL USTRA TED SO UTUERX FAM ILY PAPER t rnHE TIMES is neither political nor sectarian, JL but Is the constant aim of the Editors to fill its columns with the cholsest Historical, Literary and family reading, and with a large selection of all the new of the day, both foreign and domes tic. . . - . ' The fifth volume commences with tbe new year 1S60. Engagements have been made to make this the most brilliant year in the history of THE TIMES. It will commence with V " . Three Ueautifal Prize Stories.' Iu illustrations will be increased ; and Its typo graphical appearance will b Improved by a still neater dreas. The Publishers are determined to keep pace with the improvements of the age: their motto Is "PROGRESSION," and as the circulation of THE TIM Ed enlarges each year, they are de termined to add new attractions to its columns, and make it the literary paper of the South. With these Inducements the Publishers confidently ex pect several thousand Increase lo -circulation. - But as additional incentives to me friends of the South to encourage their own literary and family paper, la which they will find none cf that impure and immoral reading which sometimes they get rroa abroad, the Publishers of THE TIMES offer $2,500 in PRErmTJirxs For subsc-lbe- to commence with the new volcme and the new ytar. THE TIMES Is printed weekly on eight Urge pages, fine ipr, t t a yesU advance, . For specimen numbers and ctfeulan address the Publishers. M COLE ALBRIGHT, nor. Af - Qtse-sooro, N. O. rnni BULUSTLS Is pufcUahed dally la IJe town JL of Charlotte, at 13 per annum, Invariably In dTbf CATAWBA . JOURNAL Is pblJhed wtekiy la the tews ef Charlot'C1 at f 1.0Q per aaava, tnt variably toaavaaee i - I,. v MARTIN, TANNADILL & (Successors to N. M. MARTIN, SOS A- Co. Grocers Commission Merchaj WALTER K. MARTUST & Wo - (Successors to MARTIN, SON 4 CoiJ ' doiairxissiON iriuif ciian 3 R. A. SIabtih, formerly of Granville Co., N n. i as a ahill, formerly or . Jgecombe Co Waltkk K.'MtBTis, of Richmond. Val" N. M. Makt'jt, of Richmond, Va. - i: R- II. Ccnsisgham Jr.. of Eichmond. Yni'Ailf BOTH concerns will give faithful person kt- tention to the sales of COTTON, Will iT. . . t TOBACCO and CORN. Neither concern will uy any of the above named a rticlest either on ( jm mission, Speculation or otherwise, si their i laU ness In produce is cunflned to SELLINO ji in. slvely.' Refer to ; "; " - . - uT . a F. Fish kb,' Esq President N. C. Riill Roa.d;:! " Dr. W. Uawxiss. Pres't A Gaston Rail J 4d. Jt. E. BaiDGsas, Esq., Pres't Bank at Tarboro! vi C uon. w. m. fiDwiHD8, Warren County, N. C. f i James M. Bcllock, Esq., Graovilte County, 1 jc v. r. rrisUKE, uasmer .Exchange Uank, PeteraB rg Kkmp P. BiTTLR, Esq., Kaleigh, N. a ". .f m ... ' I e respecuuiiy cau trie at tention of Ct ton Planters and dealers to Petersburg as balrnr o, of tne oest uoiton oiaricets in tne south, having ath a good home aad foreign demand, and wee. ire pleased to hear that efforts are now being mai 4 to get the freight through from Charlotte to PesVrs burg reduced to about S a bale. . - Vi , rach 1, 186I-Sm. - ; ; ' ,- 5 . , . " " - ; ? 4 HECKLEMURG IR0. IV0RKS.4' ?ciS?lS UE undersigned beg to inform the citire?,jof . Charlotte and vicinity, apd the public! ?n- erallr. that thev have - - ' li"' COMMENCED BUSINESS p ; at the above '-i ) e Li tab lii s u iti E;ivnr . " OOTOF " ? 4li Trad " JS tro t i; I Adjoining the North Carolina Rail P'jLd, and hi. posite JOHN WILKES' Steam Flow rtlUs 2 k They are now prepared to furnish all kmds; f jEaoliixLery, - ! At short notice, and on reasonable terms STEAM ENGINE! J ' FROM S to 80 HORSE POWER, . if . XX o atr 6i - & Jtx z i adu & .';-. :. AND ; . BLACKSMITHS WORK l OF AIX KISPS. ! ' "v j' r is :p a. x u ; b r .i i : . a i . . . i . r m. . J a" DRY is in full operation, and ; : ' Cast Regularly twice a Week, ! J; Wednesdays and Saturdays, j -, f . , They are prepared to furnish all kinds of ; CASTINGS IN IKON, UUASS, A t. ' ACCORDING (TO ORDER. ? V SAW AND GRIST, MILL' GEARINJ y GIN wheels; , ::llv. &A W DUST . B UBWEh$y ANTI-FRICTION TLATES AMD BALLS Ef ft COTTON PRESSES. :-'i 'A i Pap CI 4 i on llrvjlriaiVrcs - d' For Garden Enclosures, Dwelling Mouses, : Fubiic Buildings, - - " 1 ! . m,. r.-t .. --pnriicoes.r .;. j i4 . ' r. k 'Cemeterr"Uott aa Their '. ;.v'' i ifi.r I iriHYi riiM id. ?j For carrj iiig on the business in all its branMc, have been SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE,; ihd are provided with all the C i IMPROVESIENTS Required to do their work In a ' FIRST RiTE MANNEU, AKents, for Dr. E. O. Kujoti, for W14 Jer's Patent "Malay Saw Mill, which has the advartf jge, along wlthmany others, or noing at least twli t ai much work, and doing it better, than any f iner Mill In use it- can be run by Steam. Wat t. or Horse Power. 'TSeMulaymay be seen at ther hop at any time. uankx ALisiAflj; N. B. Old Iron, Brass, Copper, Ac, bougj ,t or taken In trade. t .-: . --; oct. 43, 1860-tL ! ' . ... ' f i . : - --n.rr The old North Stej For. r OOK HEBE, FRIENDS AND FELLOW-i jTI iLi ZENS, will you buy the noble STAtS of. NORTH CAROLINA? If so, send to the suf yri ben, or subscribe to the County Agent, for tf j : fClW Aiwr,v auu AULSUUWM iJf Iff And you will get the whole State, with her Re fers, Railroads, Gold, Copper, Lead, Iron and . oai Mines, and all the Cities, Towns and Village; ber noble Mountains ani? Sprlitgs,. and her Field, ,fcnd Flowers. ' -A H you want this GOLDEN RIZE, now U the time. Map seven feet by tfve. Jorder vie? s of the State Heuse, Insane Asylum, 0apel Hill ilalel and Female uoueges, o , e., one oi ntCAe jmi PEARCE BEST, 4 - Hillaborb, N. a, it A AOENTS WANTED for every County It 'the State. Terms liberal. Appiy as aoove. j ry& Editors throughout te State 'copylnf. ithla advertisement six montns, and noucingit edit fial v, shall be entitled to a copy ef the Map. 4 . tept. 18-6m ;:; . -::y - r " ' ' " V : ' .i - - i . ' .AND! . -f THE CATAWBA JOUBnJ 1. 'SlcrE are pleased to advertise the friend and V v patrons of ihis establishment that we com mence the publication of the second volume t l the nsst named journal, this day, under the iinost favorable auspices. - i y . -.j, ; The circulation of the above named pa,r ia rapidly increasing, and its influence as an i tver Using medium Is being felt and, appreciated it patrons, having access to almost every neir' bor hood in this and adjoining Counties, as wc'J ' j the adjoining Districts in South Carolina. . THE CATAWBA JOlJltNAl One of the largest papers now ' published i f the State, mailed for $1.00 per annum, made ui from the columns of tbe Dmslt Bcixktis, has nq pnlr become a popular papers, but it aUords gr 1 ad vantages to tnose who wish to use Its colurf s xr an advertising meuium. K - i - j Soecimen copies will be sent to any sectia ther nu jr be oraerea,,rree oi postage. f-i- 'J or terms, ac, we reier too reader to oyj tui- Dtint. : E, U. BRITTmN i nov.lJ-u . f . - The Edgecombe Farm Joar iaL f HHE subscriber will commence on or abcT the II 1st of September, I860, Vie publication of a -monthly journal in Tarboro', to be devoted w the plantauen and rural interest er or to Csplina in particular, and of the South generally.: 4 3 -' Edgecombe having long since been, actooj Hedg ed as the model rarming county of North Cat vllna, we feel that there la no. localUy better suite f and none more justiy entitled, to the source of1 publi cation of a br-t cla&s agricaltoral paper tha 1 Tar- DOro . li it t ue ciuett - i ' 1 i XtieMLzeeombe) Farm Jfourt plt And will contain original and selected artio s up on Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, I Jouae hold ArU, Rural Architecture, Zoology, AciAc It will be published with cm w type an Clear white paper, in a neat quarto form. ; ; H , me price oi kuoacnpuon nas been made 0 law as to place the publication within reach o? irwj one. - '-( - 4 - y -:.-;-;; ' .,TKsarn. - ' ' f " f .- One copy ene year. . . ; .. ..... . . . , t . .J ; "50 Seven copies one one year i 03 l"wnr-aT oeniea ene ea ....... 1 i oa -vi P&per sect unless ald far in H ance. WILLIAM B. SMITH, Editor and Proprietor, Tarboro . N.C. " julyto-tf - - - s :- ' 'j ' k LARGE lot of BA0QAN3t just recel l1 and Jta. ior IMC j . ; JAME3 UAJ ir. JAN. 9,186 2. Family Flour for Sale. A T the Charlotte Flouring Mills can be had 2ii Family,. Superfine and fine. FLOUR, SE- tunuB, suukid and UKAN, . J i . Also, MEAL and GRIST. f " ' - JOHN WILKES, aug 1, lS60-ly ;' - ' Charlotte Flour Mills. Charlotte & S. t Railroad. 'cm-n itrit fn rpiIE Passenger, Trains on this Road will X leavcand arrire, hereafter, as follows: .Leave Charlotte at - ;A i; ; .' 8:30 A.M. Arrive at Charlotte, " 3:50 P.M. "J6 OlumDia at f r ' v x 8:00 A.JV1. Arrive at Columbia, 4:30 P.M. Nov 8 tf H. L ALEXANDER, Attorney; andun&Ilor; at tLaw jDIIAniiOTTE, N. c. Office In BcLXKTtK Biilldimq. feb 6-tf . ; - : : - : ; Removal.; - J I1HE subscriwr begs to. inform the Dublic that JL he has removed his Shop to No 4 GRANITE tiu wt where he is -prepared with a full stock of GOODS FOB MESS WEAR, 1 , To supply alt who may favor him with a "call. Having secured the services of one of the best Cutters in the South, he feels satisfied that he can pleaso the most fastiduous. -Oct.JMf- 3-, J. S. PHILLIPS. PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT Confederate States of America. . PRESIDENT: . 1 . ; JEFFERSON DAVIS, , Ui MlsaifcJSlFFJ. - - ' t V" " VICE-PRESIDENT : " 1 ALEX. H. STEPHENS, CABINET; OFFICERS: SECRETARY OF STATE, ' , I II. M. X. HDNTER, of . VIr nia. 1 , SECRETARY OB THE TRRASDRT, . C. G. ItIKITIITIirViEIC, of S,, Carolina. ! SECRETARY OP THK NAVY, - S R. ITi VLLOItY, of Florida. - - 8BCRETARY OF WAR, ! L.P WALKEIt.of Alabama ' POSTMASTER GB5ER.Il, JOIIN II. REAGAN, of Texas. ATTORNEY GENERAL. J. P. JBENJAiniN, of Louisiana il a V , of Ga. ; CONGRESS: President Hon. HOWELL COBB Secretary JOHNSON" J. H00PJ31, Esq., ; of Alabama. ' -' ) I ' . MEMBERS. ' Alabama R. W. Walker, R. H. Smith, J. L. M. Curry, W. P. Chilton, S. F. Hale, Collin J. McRae, John Gill Shorter, Daniel R. Lewis, Thos. Fearn. ' Florida James B. Owens, J. Patton Anderson, Jackson Morton. Georata-Robt. Toombs, Howell Cobb, F. S. Bartow, M. J. Crawford, E. A. Nisbet, B. Hi Hill, A. B. Wright, Thos. K. R. Cobb. A. II. Kenan, A. H. Stephens. " Louisiana John Perkins. Jr., A. L. DcClouet, J Charles M., Conrad, D. F. Kenner, G. K. Sparrow, Henry Marshall. ,-v Mtssusstpm v. tr. tiarns, waiter Jirooke, . L. Wilson, A. M. Clayton, W. S. Batry, J. T. Har rison. . ' - - ' v- ' ' - South Carolina R. B." Rhett, Jr. R: W. Barn- well. L. M. Keitt, James Chesaut, Jr., C. G. Mem- Wi BSyc'e. ,; .. --'"V -s . Texash. T. WiKfall," J: H. Reagan, J. Hem- phill, T. N. Waul, Judge and W. B. Ochiltree. ; -w Gregg, Judgb Oldham, ':' Executive i Departments-Stephens, Conrad Bbyce, Shorter, Brooke. ; v; ! : " ; : -:!s ' Foreign-- Affairs Rhett, NisbetT, Perkins, Walker, Keltt. ? ;- :y "'- - , , - Military Affairs- Bartow, - Miles, . Sparrow, Keuan, Anderson. " ' , - i ! r Naval Affairs Conrad, Cheshul,; Smith, Wrlvht, Owens. yy. ' --.;--;;v. - Finance Tooipabs, Barnwell, Kenner, Barry, McRae. :; . , -. Commerce MeJimlnger, Crawford, DeClouet, Morton, Curry. . '-' ' :y--.r Judiciary Clayton, ; Withers, Hale, Cobb, Harris. - ' . - -. -. Postal Chilton i Boyce, Hill, Harrison, Curry. Patents Brooke, Wilson, Lewis, Hill, Kenner. Territories Ohesn'ut, Campbell, Marshall, Nee- blt, Fearne. .- -.- - Public juinae aiarshau, uarns, Jrearne. Indian Affaire llorion, Hale, Sparrow, Lewis, Keitt., .: y i Printing Cobb, Harris, Miles, Chilton, Per- Accounts Owens, Crawford, Campbell, De Clouet, Smith. i jTn7ro9met Shorter, Wilson, Kenan, noitae, -Bartow. - . : ' . -. ' J. 6. WILKINSON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IK - FINE WATCHES, JEIVELRV, SILVER . ' ASP." . - , E X ss, ie 3L "fFa, r o . ; V CHASLOTTE, y. C. , BALTIMORE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE FO U N O E D j 8 S 2. C H ARTE R E 0 ; 8S 4 " . -yy - LocATaB - y - ' - ' - Corner of Baltimore and Charles Streets, - ialtimoii, md. :;v,, ; A:i nfHE Largest and most Elegantly Furnished JL. Commercial College in the United States. ' Every young man should write lmmeaiateiy for one or tnose large ana oeauuiuuy orumeniCTi Circulars, representing the exterior and Interior View of the Baltimobk Cokxircui. Cou.kok. PnmanfihlD.Ac.. which will besent by return mail free of charge, with ; Cataloghe containing List of Students, Terms oi xuiuon, upimons oi ws Press on eur New System of Book-Keeping, etc. ' .',..J10Blilt..:.';:!,c...:.--"J E. K. Losikb, Principal Lecturer on the Sclenei of Accounts, Business, customs, etc., ' J. M. Philufs, Professor of Book-Keeping and Commercial Calculations. - - f H. H. Datiks, Associate Prof, of Book-Keeping. . N. C. Johhsoh, Professor of Penmanship. S. T. Williams, Esq., Mercantile Law. ; . Rav. E. Y. Rsxss,D. D., Commercial Ethics. ? Hon John P Kennedy, -1 Hon Joshua Vans ant, , Hon Thomas Swann, . i Wm u neighier, Esq.i Jacob Trust, Esq., v Wm "Knabe, Esq.. : ,.v The time usually required to complete the full course, from a to l weers. A Diploma is awarded to au uraauates. . . Lartre Circulars and Catalogues stating tenrs Ac, sent by mall free of charge. . ' Address K.LOSIKR,' ian lT-tf . Baltimore, pM THE FARMER AND PLANTER " - REMOVED TO y ' COLcaiDii, s. c MAYING purchased of Maj. Geo. Seaborn this popular journal, I have removed its place of publication to Columbiaand will hereafter issue it from Ous city at regular stated periods. - Feeling confident that such 4 journal is greatly needed in this State, and believing that it will be sustained, If located at the Capitol of the State and conducted with spirit and ability,! have determin ed on making the venture, and call open every Fanner and Planter in South Carolina to encourage tbe enterprise by their patronage. -" It will be printed In the finest style of Typogra phy, with newtyte, on fine paper,, handsomely embellished, and eight pages added to Its former stse. - ' - Price only Oxx Dollab per annum always i advance. ' " - A corps of the beat practical and soitntiao Afri caltural writers tavt been iecurad,and Its Editorial departscat. IU ot aaJer the care of oaeofhe best Farmers In the land, j- 1 ' Th Cash system will be rigidly adhered to, and no name will be entered on our books until theiub- i tcriptionls paid. i.-y y-- J y -, :t:yy y Address R. M. STOKES, mHE TOSXLY CATAWBA? JOURNAL X. UZt ettry Tuesday nerniaf tt tl.Cj.ptr BB6'vPER f ANNUM. f THE LABGEST CIBCTJLATI0N IN WES, IxLKJn JiOSTU CAROLINA. - , t ' ; THE . -;'),; -: V-v':1' ClTAWBA journal, ; :. . . and y ' . '" THE DAILY BULLETIN, " r - . rcBU3Hn bv E . H. B R I T T O N , '.T : CIIARLOTTK, N. C. - THESE .Papers (embracing the tTai-WgRKH . BcixjcTtx ) established In the town of Charlotte, H, C, affords unusual advantages to Advertisers both at home and abroad, as the editions, weekly, now exceed T - y'yy, ,"-.-"? . SIX TIIOIJSANO COPIES, ; : which we have no doubt are read by -at least );i0:j.yTWENTY:rU y persons each weekj a large proportion ot whom aro Planters and their ramiUes. y, U-hl As a means of Advertising we are confident that great advantages can be obtained tbrbughthls es-1 tablishraent, hence we embrace 'this opportunity! to inform our frien ls and the MercnU commu nities on. the Seaboard, (Charleston and Wilming ton,) that our facilities for circulating their business Notices throughout Western North Carolina and. the adjoining Districts in South. Carolina are ex-; tensive and complete. . T j 'y.. '. ' ' t . Our terms are liberal and a large deduction wil be made on the bills of Contract Advertisers. Sept. 27, 1861. ! . 1 MONTAMOENA FEMALE SEMI- . Kary, ' MT. PLEASANT. CAB AEBTJS Co.. N. C. fjn 11 E exercises of this school will be resumed JL on the 20th of August. v : - RATES PER SESSION. Board, (including washing and fuel) ' $40.00 Kntrlish course, from $5.00 to. ' 15.00 Music on the Piano, Melodoon, or Guitar, . 20.00 Languages, each - , , - . 8.00 Drawing, or-painting, , . , 10.00 Vocal Music, , .l.fM) Embroidery, ' 1 7.00 Other ornamentals reasonable. .. . ! terms: " Half of all the expenses, board and tuition, must be paid in advance, and the remainder at the close of the session;' ' ' ; Pupils who board ia the Seminary will not be permitted to make store acconnts. - For further information, address L. O. HEILIG. July 28, 'Ci; till .oct l; I JIoops! IIooiri4IIooi)s ! SOMETHmth NEW A LOT, OF SILK HOOPS, an entirely hew an4 ' superb article light,' springy and pleasantly made expressly for the South. Also, a. new style of HOOP SK1KT, a most desirable artivle, called The Belle of the South. Together with a very large number of more ordi nary Hoorfbklrts comprised of from 10 to 60 hoops each. . ' april 18-o KOOPMANN A PHELPS. Stale of North Carolina, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. V IN EQUITY, TO FALL . TEEM, 1861 tX v T1 HE BUI of complaint of JOHN H. CALDWELL, of said County of Mecklenburg, plaintiff. against JOHN SI HAPPOLDT and SARAH A., his wife, of the County of Burke and State aforesaid, ancL ARTHUR H. WILLIAMSON, THOMAS H. lUAOicuiN, ana dadiu c-ju c. vhuliIadiokjc, ae fendants. ' . ; I- . In this case, it appearing - to the satisfaction of the Master that the defendant; except tbe said Happoldt and wife Sarah A., are not inhabitants of the State of North Carolina, this notice of the filing of said bill is therefore directed to be pub lished for six weeks in the Catawba Jopksal, a newspaper published in tbe town of Charlotte In said State, in conformity to the act of Assembly, in in such cases made and provided, commanding the1 said Arthur H. Williamson, Thomas H. Russell and Eva his wife, Thomas S. Williamson, and Samuel El Williamson, personally to be and appear at the Fail Term, 1S6I, of .this Honorable Court, to be held for the said county of Mecklenburg, at the Court House In Charlotte, on the 11th Monday after the 4th Monday in August, 1881, land then and there upon their several oaths, to answer fully and truly the allegations of the plan tiffs' bill, otherwise, on proof of the publication of this notice, the said Court will proceed as If process had been personally served on them and they had made de fault In their appearance, and will order the said bill to be taken as confessed, and make such de crees thereupon as shall be deemed just.' ' Witness, A. Ct Williamson, Clerk and Master of said Court, fckoffice in Charlotte, the 11th Monday after the 4th Monday In February, A. D. 1661. . A. a WILLIAMSON, 0. M. E. Oct.5,i86L-iwltcJ6w , ' . . PALME rid. '.; i ' . mn m. nmwaV ro ntl wwma IEONWOEKB dOJiTJITIBIA, S. C, ESTABLISHED, A. D. MDCCCLI. ; WILLIAM GLAZE, MANUFACTURER OF STEAM ENGINES, from 19 to 80 Horse Polwer ; SUGAR MILLS of every style now in use, Mill Work of every dtecriptlon. Also, Iron Railing, with every discription of Iron and Brass Castings. ' . I would call attention to IronCastingln Ute way of enclosing Public Buildings, Dwellings, Cast Steps, Balestro Railing, and all kind of. enclosures for Cemetary lota. - Having a first rate Boiler maker with us, we are prepared to manufacture Boilers, or repair them, at short notice. Will send poller, maker to any part of the Stale. Our 8team Engines will be found, when compared with those made at North ern establishments, to be from twenty-five to forty per cent larger for the same horse po wen - ' These Works have been In successful operation for eer ral years, with an increase of patronage from all parts of the Southern country, for which the Proprietor returns his thanks to his numerous friends and patrons, and begs to assure them that no pains or expense-will be spared to merit a con tinuance of their favors. I 1. a 1 may lT-tf ' r ;, ' , .- ' '.'; A'. NOTICE. To the Sheriffs of the different Counties of North 'A. . Carolina. . "' '.' '" A LL BLANKETS AND CLOTHING WHICH tK Tin ay be received by you can be nt directly to tbe several Companies which went, from your county and when your own Companies are sup plied, you will then forward any psXsuce on hand to the Quartermaster in Raleigh. Yon will put up all articles intended for your Companies in strong boxes, directed to the Quartermaster in Raleigh with the Company and the Regiment plainly mar ked on them ; and you will have the t contents of each box marked on it. -1, '. '. Whenever tbe Companies are on duly la "your neighborhood, yon are autherized tcr deliver- the articles to them, taking the receipt of the Captain for them which receipt you .will, forward to this office. , . j 1 DEVEBEUX, At Q. M. V Oct. 4, 1861. h ' ' 6 6t' ' Quartermaster Office, - ' ; . . , Octobkb 3d, 1861. . ANY PERSON OR PER80X3 WHO MAY B U. Desirous of Uking Contracts for making Clothes for the Army of North-Carolina, can ob tain term-, Ac, on application at tbi office. Goods will be Issued to any responsible parties, in quantities suffiolent to clothe single Companies which can be made up in their own ne'ghborbocds, and the money wia be paid to the parties receiv ing the Goods, oa tha return of the manufactured articles.' Parties may furnish tha Cloth, which rrm be.pld for by f ;q October 4-6u l; i v;j . - Ay fST" The Register slnd 8tate " Joarnaf, Raleigh, andthe Wilmington Journal, Washington Dispatch, Newborn Progress, Goldsborough Tribune, Fay, ettevllle Observer, Hlllborough Reoorderr Greens boro' Patriot, Salisbury Watchman, Catawba Journal, Western Democrat, Salem Press, IredaU ExprJS aad AhYille Ktws, wUl con 'tha Abovt :: TEsusrou advesti3ii?o; times......... 8 do ...75 1.0 l.'S t.'t . 4 V 7M 10 0.1 1.W 80.60 s - do ............ - 1 mr'Dtk. .. i ni'ths.;. 8 , do . 6'- do ... f - i yar ..............:...v;..v 1 Advertisements published antQ forbid, will be charged 50 cents per square of 19 lines for the first insertion, and 23 cents for eaeh eontfnan If not contracted for. f 2 tt7" A liberal discount mads on: Uie s boils rates to persons advertising by contract. , 1. v From Richmond, ' , 1 Richmond, Jany 8. L Tljstatement published, that the trea aury'Department had purchased Gold at a large preimum to pay the January and March interest on the funded debt, ia un founded. Gold has been in the Treasury, some time to meet these payments. Con federate Bonds of $13,000,000, payable and issued in March, is quoted at $1.01. inter est off.'- 'y-'y'- '"' '''" t . The dispatches-from--Kuropo, .recently ; received by the Department, vrere written ' prior; tothe reception, in "England of the news of the capture ot Mason and Slidell They represent the feeling in France and England as very favorable to the cause of the Confederate States. 3 BLACKSMITHS FOR HIRE, I fli . person wisning to nire &ru, mat, or hire EPH, NAT, V RANDALL, for tfiis year, can do so by Call- ing ou R. B. CiLOWKLL. note anu approved se- ... 4 . curlty required. W. P. CALDWELL, i Kcutol.a R. I). ALEXANDER; J Jn VC2'5t. k . . - Wanted. ASPRIGHLY ROY the ballance of this year to assist in a Oooking Establishment, between tne age or 10 ana fi. quire at this Oflict. i Jan 8, 1S6. For lurther particulars en- d tf John T. Butler, .Practical Watch and Clok Maker, Jeweller tic, Maine street, Charlotte Nt C, opposite Kerr's HottX,-nfealer in fine Watches, Clocksy Jewelry, Watch Materials, dbc, . . A. . LB work done In the estsblinhmcnt warrented . for r TIVISLVIJ MONTHS, Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every des cription repaired and warranted for twelve month. Jan U,1S(J1 ly.c rVortli Carolina WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. Y MHIS POPULAR WATERING PLACE WILL JL be opened tor visitors on the 1st of June next. Extenshe improvements made since last season and the subscriber flatters herself to " render all comfortable who may visit her. Every effort has been made tending to the comfort and amusement of guests. ' - - ' - :-v Wej can accommodate double as many asTast earfbn. A find baud of muslo engaged for the sea son. "New bowling ally ard bathing apparatus erected. ' . ' - ' . Hacks will run in connection with the ears en the W. N. C. Railroad each day dally mall to the Springs. - . , .. These Springs are situated in a mountainous ' .country, in tbe county of Catawba, five miles from the W. N. O. Railroad, near the Catawba river.. See large hand bills and cards. , - K Gentlemen may be assured, to Aid here a safe and pleasant retreat for their families. - . Mrs. E.J. R0RARD. v May 14,1861 -tf ' i . ; - ' WANTED-all the old BRASS and C0PPKK . , I can obtain. . v ' . ; i ' : 8. T. WRISTON. PRES Kit VE " YOlfii TEETH. A. W. AtEXANDEU, bEWTIST. oraduate of the baltimore dejttal. col "'. -. -' : lege. ITS FULLY PREPARED TO DO ALL DENTAL 11 Werlc in the latest improved styles, and will b at bis office two weeks in each month datiug frem the first Monday (Of th month and, will appro '. priate the remainder of his time to all persons desiring work done at their resiliences, who will oblige him very much' by addressing: him. at Char iotte. N, C. : : . ', t . '. . fST ALL WORK WARRANTED. ' f , Otlice, opposlts Kerr's IlotslI, ' ' Brown's building, uptatrs. . apnll8 Ul-tf PATiTYTRTTQ " ironworks; 'Ur- COLUMBIANS. C WILLIAM ULAZI, Proprietor. AEORGE A. 8IIIISK,OS. Foreman. ANUFACTUEES STEAM ENQ1NEQ of any ; - r . . a power desired, for Mills and. Plantation j UI WWt "V V . ........ -- hand some finished, or In a forward state. In cojc. l I. Lull L- n 4 M - WJ . U ' llCVUvlt fTll'H v . ...... w....v jwuwm, if m . . . secured the. .services of Mr. JOHN CRABTRES, ' who is one of the best Millwrights In the Soutn, tf. superintend the putting up of Mills and Engines. BRASS AND IKON CASTINGS. -' All UVvVl wv"a ui siuA,auu Mvt waaa? ai ' wk itia'traytr Ksi m a nn s sanl sit akAiA notice, as w cast every amy id wie wren, unr . stock of patterns U rery large.'having; recently purchased all those formerly fwced by Q. , Wngllv, WUiCil oving uura 10 muic iwuc ui j Establishment for the past five yearn, makes the ; assortment more lull than any oter Use establish , ; ment in the State. '. ' i ; IRON RAXL1NO. ... A- I I would call attention to tins orancn or our oua in ess, having a great varJetyof patterns, for pub lic aud private grounds, cemeteries Ac, and will 1 hand: and cast anv it vie wanted, at frlcM as low as the sam can be bought atjtle North. . ' Wire Railing. - I am agent for one of the largest Wire Rallloa' " . Companies at the North, and wid fuiulsh WIN- DOW GUARDS, OALLERIEd, VKRANUAH. BED8TKADS, or any descrlpllou cf WireWork, s ' the book prices of the manufacturer, hicb an be CORN MILLS. I am agent ror one of the beft POKTIBLI . . MILLS now In use, and can Tunilnh any sis , wanted. Persons wishing the Mill are invited ti call at the Works, and witness the operation of the ne now in use. , The Mill-rack, which lejthe very , best, is jrM.-ured from Edgefield, S. C.'aud tL Mills arc built complete, at our Establishment. P CJRCULAR 8AW8. I ara agent for R. Hoe A Co's celebrated Clh CULAR SAWS, and also for a manufacturer of the same article In Richmond, Va. A full supply of the: SAW r, or ill sites, always n haud Persons , wishing them, will do Well to cll ou rue, as 1 make no' charge for fitting them to the mandrels. O OLD SAWS EE-T00THKD. 1 have a tiUMMING MACHINE on Iiand, and " am prepared to re-tool h old saws, making them a t rood as ne. - a . iMMMf. WILLIAM GLAZE. . . The Uanli ot tnarlotte, y CHAKLorra, N. C., 17th Dec., ISU . ; riilllS BANK has declared a semi-annual dirr X dtiMl of Two Dollars per share, (of 30 each,) being at the rat of 8 per cent, per annum, psya bie to Stockholders, or order, on and after the first . Wednerlay Iu January next. A - M. P. PEttRAM, Cashisr. dee 17, l-t ' ' - '. DisjsolutioD, rinU Copartnership heretofore existing ucder JL thenameof ALEZANDCRA McDOUOALL, is tliia. day dissolved bvUtutoal eooient. Henry Alexander la at ne authorised to settle the bust nets of the late Arm...-- t ; - MALCOLM McDOUOALL. JantiMSoltr v , Tho business of the FOUND ART aad MACHINE SHOP will be conducted . as una) by the subcrl ber. He requests a couUauangs" of tha patroa ait herstcfori exttodtd. ' Jufls2T,l!U-iI. IWlMlll r h r 'I' k U-r