- . . ' .- . : : -, .... . ' ' r - . .. ' - ' v ' . ...'.. '. V V - , : ' ' ; i . . - v, t v . . . )' . . . , . v . . ' . . ' : fj . ; " v . : (-- : 2 I -r -, ' .... -; . i. . . ' .--' .. y , .' --.-: -i. 4 ' " .- ' " .. r .. " ... . , , w . .... . , - ' .-.! & ' ' .. ',',,.'.'' i TLIjETIN: J - 1 I 1 qaar 1 time....-.,... 'AAay' - v - - i I no - 3 - do -mmmml-mmmmmm i in i i n i 7 - r ( , J r- . . ' MR vr 's. lo 1 A do do 12 do 1.00 1 I . : t , .NO. U TRTON STREET, . ! -JEIiX'SFOS PAPER: jy-TX DAILY BULLETIN will befuntahJat . MX DOIAARS per annum, IX ADVANCE . THS TRI WEEKLY BULLIT1N wOl be puV lhI every ToaadAT. ThamUy aad Saturday morning, ta. .applied for tl 00 per an mm, payable to advance. BY.vTflLEflBAPfl. 'Scubem Erprt Com pony forward pack age fry Passenger Train and Steamer; ami JtpatcAe by Telegraph, U all part of the tmntry. 1 lT. We received 1 nothing by Telegraph up to the hour of putting our first Edition to pres. . .. Arrest of Bnelltlimen Spies. - - A letter from , Cairo to Cincinnati pa . per,; under date of the 24th ult., lays : ' Quite a sensation was caused yesterday morning by the arrest of ' five Englishmen who came up from General Polk as British sunjects. 1 ney were suspected ot Deing spies in the employ of the British Gorern ment, or of the Southern Confederacy. After several hours confinement all but two were discharged. .The. two retained will be sent to Fort Warren to-day, by .order of the State Department, Treason ; aHe documents (I learn) have been found 011 tbem.' There one matter bl fact that ought to be made public. Since the receipt of the news from England regarding the Mason and Slidell affair, a great many Englishmen hare made their appearance at this postJ I da not wish to impute to them ny impro per purposes, but the Union men suspect them for the reason that they have noTvpJ peared before. They are all wealthy men one, in all probability, belonging to the nobility of England. There is no doubt of the fact, that there is a secret agency from England watching us and onr civil war, and the strength of our forces.. An important arrest was made at Cape. Girardeau on Saturday last. Captain Win. II. Children, formerly of Ohio, who mar ried a lady in Zanesville, Ohio, named Miss Emma Gallaher, some years ago, (now deceased,) and one of the principal engineers on Nhe Mobile and Ohio Rail road, bad been in Cairo i-omedays, and got a pass to go to Cape Girardeau. 'No one here suspected his loyalty except his own ( brother-in.Iaw. When at Cape Girardeau he, told one "'story to the Povost Marshal and another different one to the ' Comman ding Officer.' -This was discovered by 'the nephew of Commodore Graham, who was in command of the Illinois steamer." He had him arrested, and he was sent up to St. Louis. Childs wished to force his way through the iinesiand go to Columbus. His uncle is chief engineer of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, and both are largely interested in it. His little daughter, three years old, Is now in Za neavi! fee ;a nd w 1 1 1 HT well cared for by kind . relatives, who deplore hf traitorism to his country A Stamp Tax for the North. The Chicago Tribune, which, alone of all the journals published in the ' Northwest, is bold enough to tell an occasional truth about the affairs of the State, cornea to us in its issue of 7th inst., very lachrymose on the question , of finance. It confesses the necessity of heavy taxation, such as no free people have eer before borne, sees ''financial bankruptcy staring the Govern ment irv the face," and proclaims itself in favor of an odious stamp tax as one of the expedients necessary to fill the empty Fe deral exchequer. .'-,.. The reader of history need not be told ' what that stamp tax is, the resistance to which, as a piece of British Parliamentary ' legislation, is so intimately connected with our first Revolutionary War of 1776. It . is an enactment levying a tax by means of orrii'K Uttr 0 Hi' stamps on the paper upon which agree ments, policies of insurance, notes'of hand, mortgages, bills ofexchange, and other like instruments for the payment of debts and - transfer of property are written the con tract to be absolutely void, of course, if the . stamp paper is not used. This method of taxation is followed in Great Britain, Bel gium Holland, France, Austria, and other . European countries, and thus far especially commends itself to the consideration of the rnunarcial despotism at Washington, which . already divested of its .republican para . phernalia, is rapidly adopting the badges of , tyranny in order to render its similitude to the despotic Government of the Old World J more perfect. , It is impossible to tell what expedients the Yankees will not be forced to before; this war closes in view of the magnificent vegetation of their national debt.-f-AfesspIis Appeal. The shame and falsehoods of the Yan kees and their politicians hava come to be thoroughly understood in Europe. In com menting on Mr. Seward's circular to the United States , Ministers in foreign coun tries, and noticing its shaliow absurdities, the London Times draws the following just conclusion: . Neither truth nor success, neither con viction or persuasion at home or abroad can ever come ol a perpetual attempt to -impose not only on the world, but also, if possible, on the speaker and writer him- .self. ;."-' Condition of t lie National Treasury. The . United States Treasurer's last ' weekly statement shows that the total .amount on deposit was $7,700,000, on which drafts had been drawn to the amount of $6,000,000. The bullion fund is $1,102,: 000.' The available balance in the State under insurrectionary, control is stated at $4,500,000.- ' i ". . Ruaului the Dloelcade. ' The Havana correspondent of the. Near York Express furnishes that paper with a list of fifty vessels which have run the blockade "from the Confederate ports from . the6th of May to the 21th of December," "and addix . -. - 'Since the abovs was written, one steamer and four echoenrra fcv rri?ed with eot teamd txyii i:n si Hmna ine) Mst. inin frFi C?rtf-U!!.S 'V.h" . I lil III i aav it i i VOL. Vi:--NOr8i7 J COFFEE! COFFEE! TANfJFACXUIlKO AT VI. KELLY'S Southern Excelsior Coffee Mill, Raleigh, and is equal to the best coffee. It is made Vf coffee, rye and chickory, and is roasted in a cylinder by machinery,- and therefore is better parch ed than can be done by hand. Chickory Is not so well known in Dixieland, but in Europe they use it lo give a superior flavor ' to iheeoflee. In Germany : they call it neorak. and here we call xidandalion. .In England it is so highly, appreciated that they lay a duty of two pounds ten shillings sterling per hundred weight to protect the growers of it. . We annex Professor Em mons' certificate to show that there is no humbug, but it is what it is represented to be: A To uVed o Mr. Kei.lv, Sir: I have tested and the two samples of manufactured coffee the labelled Java and -haguixa. The first equals the Rio coffee of the shops, and seems to be equally good with that kind. - I am satisfied that they contain nothing which is injurious to 'the iystem, and .may be economically and safely used as substitute for coffee. . E. Emmons. This coffee is put up in pound papers, and packed in boxes containing thirty. six pounds, unless otherwise ordered. ; All orders promptly attended to by ad. dressing M.KELLY,' jan 18 '63-dl.. - Raleigh, N. C. JpOIt IIENX. - The Store'- House and Ware houses recently occupied by Messrs. Druker & Heilburn. Also Residence over the Store. " Jan'y 13tb. WM. JOHNSTON. Annual Meeting1. -lyQH Office, A. T. &, O.RR.) Charlotte, N. C, Jan. 3 1862. J The annual meeting of the Stockholders in the A. T. & O. R. R., will be held in Charlotte on Thursday the 30th inst. The Directors will meet on Wedneseay 29th in the office of the Treasurer. - jan 6'62-b4 j4. . M. L. WRISTON. T)OOKSELLEKS. I have a large stock of STATIONARY a kood stock of SCHOOL BOOKS and a small stock of MISSELANIOUS BOOKS which I am anxious to dispose of beim? desieroas of closing my business. Booksellers will find it to their mterst to call and see my stock. nov 6 '61-tI i. J. .LCI VVKIE. J G. WILRLNSON & CO., WHOLESALE AND K XT AIL. DEALERS IN .1 FLNE WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER . AND : f . Platod w aro. CHARLOTTE, IT. C. m Familj Flour foSale. A T the Charlotte Flouring- Mills can-be had CONDS, BUOftTS and BRAN. Also, HEAL and GRIST. -JOHN WILKES, aaff 1, ISoO-ly ' Charlotte Flour Mills. The Great Clothing Emporium. FULLINGS, SPRIMGS & C0:r ' nxAUus ix Aii. Kians or HEADY MADE CLOTHING, FURNISHINQ GOODS, HATS, CAPS, TRDNK8, VALI8ES, Ac, Ac. FULLINQS SPRINGS Si. CO. Would call the especial attention of thelr ' friends and patrons to their - - - . JTXW STOCK CY CLOTHING, nov opening. They think they can offer greater Inducements to buyers than they have ever done, their goods being bought at reduced rates and at such prices as they reel confident no Boost in the 8tata can compete with..' They are offering very nice , CASSITTIEJIE SUITS from til to $25. All manner of CASSIMT&E PANTS, CASSIUERE SILK, MAT A LASSE AND -VELVET VESTS, OVER COATS, of all grades and styles. - The abort Goods cannot ba surpassed In style and make, having been manufactured under the constant supervision of one of the firm. FULLINGS, SPRINGS CO. spt.80t18o0-tf..: : MECKLEKBDR6 IRON WORKS. HENRY ALEXANDER. . C1URLOTTE, nc. THE undersigned beg to Inform the citlseni of Charlotte and vicinity, and the public gen erally, that they have . , COMMENCED BUSINESS at the above , ( . . , :h ELTABLISHWEIYT , 1 " ' : "' ; ; " rooTor , "' ' " ; 1 Tr,do Otroot, Adjoining tha North Carolina Rail P-ad, and op posit JOHN WILKES' Steam Flow Mills. They are now prepared to furnish all kinds of jNacloiiiery, At short natlce, and on reasonable terms. STEAM ENGINES FROM 8 to 80 HORSE POWER, XX orao'Oh'oelu c AND BLACKSMITH'S WORK or all Euros. H EPA I R S In their line promptly attended to. Their FOUN DRY Is in full operation, and Cast Eegulaxly twice a Week, . j Wednesdays and Saturdays. ' They are prepared to furnish all kinds af . CASTINGS IN IRON,. DIE ASS, See, ACOOaMXO TO ORDER. SAW AND GSIST MILL OEASI17G, GIN WHEELS. SA IF D UST B URNERS, ANTI-FRICTION PLATES AND &LLS FOR - COTTON PRESSES.- CAST IRON HAILING, Far Garden Enclosures, Dwelling Houses, Public Bulldlna, I Porticoes, , Cemetery Lots, k Thalr : . . - j TTYTPTiTTrYTFiNTS Far earrylnr oa th business In all Its b ranch sa, aava been SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, and ars provided with all tha j ' TT.rPI10VTTT.TJ3ITTS i Required to do thalr work la a . ; FIRST1 RATE EI ANNER. Agents,-for Dr. X. O. Elliott, for Wlatrs Fateat Malay Saw Mill, which has the advantage, aloof vita many others, of doing at least twice as mnch work, aad doing it better, than any other KUl La us it eaa be run ty EUara, WaUr or Horse Power. Tho Malay may be sn at Usa Chop at anytime. HkNRI ALEXANDER, ' V,. QM !roaBraji Qopptr, 4,t (eifkl ef liltala jrada, ; the 27 n Yr CHARLOTTE, All claims against the Saddlery and Harness establishment of the subscriber will be settled by .Mr. IL Shaw; aad all indebted to the same will pleas make payment to him, as it is necessary to close np the outstanding business. nov. 27, 61-dl2 . II. M. P&ITCHARD.' Freight Arrangement. All through freight rates will be discon tinued on the line of Roads from Columbia to Weldon, after the 5th of January next. Freights will be carried as usual at local rates when' the charges accompany the freights. '. W.J. HAWKINS, P. a CAM M ON, v YTrefidnUs. WM. JOHNSTON, J ' Dec 29, 1861-tj5 ' - Charlotte & S. C. Railroad. THE Passenger Trains on this Road will leave ana arrive, hereafter, as follows: Leave Charlotte, at - 8:30 A.M. Arrive at Charlotte, . 3:50 P.M. Leave Colombia at , 8:00 A.M. Arrive at Columbia, f . 430 P.M. Nov 8 1 tf Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad. ;. SCHEDULE Of TRAINS. " COLUMBIA, 8. C, May 21, 186L UP TRAIN. ; Leave Columbia -8.00 . 9.40 10.25 11,40 12.85 1.45 S.17 8.15 6.20 7.15 T.45 9.10 10.00 11.10 12.00 a m a ra a m a m a m a m a m p m ' a m Rldgeway Wlnnsboro Blacks tock . a Chester , ' Rook Hill " Port Mill , Arrive Charlotte DOWN TRAIN. Leave ICharlotte 1 Port Mill . Roek Hill Chester Blaekstock , Wlnnsboro . " Ridgeway Arrive Columbia May 80. tf a m a m a m a m a m a m 1.80 p m Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Rail Road. . TEA5SFORTATI0S OrFICK, W. D. ON and afler.Monday the 15th instant' the Pas senger and Mail Train will be run on this Road daUy.(Sundays exempted) as follows : GOING WEST. ' Lias Arrivr 7.43 8.10 8.87 9.00 7.00 A. M. T.45 8.15 . 8.40 , Charlotte Toskaseege ' Brevard Sharon Llncolnton GOING EAST. Lincolnton . Sharon Brevard Tuskaseege Charlotte LlAVI 11.00 A.M. 11.23 11.50 12,17 Arrivr. ; 11.45 11.45 12.15 P.M. 1.00 By Order VrATMol ,: ' . A rT:1 r op Ufa ata rt Trinsnnrrot Inn Lincolnton, April 4th, 1861. Charlotte Foundry And Nacloiiie Sliop- HAVING purchased from J. A. Fox the above establishment, the undersigned begs leave to call the attention of the public to the fact that he is now ready to fill every order for making Steam Engines, Cotton and Tobacco Presses, and every description of Machinery. All kinds o.f Cas tings in Iron, Brass and other metals made at short notice and reduced prices. Particular attention given to tha making and repairing of Threshing Machines, Hone Powers, Cotton Gins, Mill Works and Agricultural Work of all kinds. Blacksmith ing, Job, Wagon Work, aad Horse-Shoeing done with dispatch. Old Iron, Brajs and Uopper Cast Ings bought at the Foundry or taken In exchanf, for job work. All kinds of Wood Turning also done. " deo8o-tf JOHN M. HOWIE. .Wheat and Corn Wanted. THE planting community will take n.v3ic notice that their Wheat and Corn Crops will be purchased at the tr . Charlotte Steam Flouring Mill, at V u i--a an.... k.-i.irv..t 'i. 1 1 ana uorn xor saie may una it to ineir advantage io call at the Mill before losing a sale. . JOHN WILKES 1U, , Charlotte Flour Mill. aag L, 1860-tr- - ' THE FABMEK AND PLANTER REMOVED TO COLUITIBIA, s. c TTTf AVING purchased of Mai. Geo. Seaborn this ITU popular journal, I have removed Its place of publication to Columbia, and will hereafter Issue it from this city at regular stated periods. Feeling confident that such a journal is greatly needed In this State, and believing that it will be sustained, If located at the Capitol of the State and conducted with spirit and ability, I have determin ed on making the venture, and call upon every Farmer and Plantar in South Carolina to encourage the enterprise by their patronage. It will be printed in the finest style of Typogra phy, with new type, on fine paper, handsomely embellished, and eight pages added to Its former Price only 0 Dollar per annum, always ,1 advance. - A corps of tha best practical and sclentlflo Agri cultural writers have been secured, and its Editorial department will be under the care of one of the beat Farmers in the land. ' . The Cash system will be rigidly adhered to, and ao name will be entered on our books until thesub tcripUon is paid. i " Address R. M. 8TOKES, PROSPECTUS ! ' OF THE i state Journal. HAVING become the proprietor of the Demo cratic Press. I have merged that paper Into the Stats Joursal, which will be published 8eml-Weeklyand Weekly. The Stats Jodrkal will advocate Democratic principles in the broadest sense, and will support and defend Democratic measures and their aavo cat as they are presented, and as occasion may require. In other essentials it will be my aim to make the paper, what its name denotes, a State Journal eschewing all sectional - considerations and working for the entire State and her common Interest. As soon as arrangements can be made, the whole paper shall be re-modeled and printed with new type, on good paper, and In a superior manner. The Editorial department will be properly atten ded to in Its various branches, and will speak for It self. Neither labor nor expense . wiU be spared in the management of the paper. . The terms ot the 8tate Journal will be as fol lows : Semi-Weekly, per annum ....,..$400 Weakly ..800 These terms will be insisted upon invariably in adano. No name will be put anon the Hat without the money, and all papers will be discon tinued at the expiration of the time for which they have been paid, unless the subscription be renewed. I am satisfied, from years of experience, that upon ao other footing can any newspaper hope to suo ootd i Advertisements of a. proper character will be Inserted at the following rates : One iqaarei first Insertion... .$100 I Each subsequent insertion... ............. 85 cents. A liberal deduction on these rates fory early ad vertisers la the Semi-Weekly. In the Wee!-' edi tion the fall ratti will be charred, tnn j cdptiiim r at I ,.- I I -I ! ; . 1 1 I " . '34 : , I -14 I V.I! I II I f . -- ... .' ; -. .4 l . . - J .... i-. -v N. C, THURSDAY, La PRO VISI0ITAL; GO VESKTIE T V - vOr-THB'.-V."'- U 3 Confederate tates of Amjjrica. "'. '-7 ' president 4 ; .'(::m ;:" JEFFERSOiI JJAITIS, QF MtSSlSSIPPL , a 1 t .11 , .. , . ,vice-president: F GEORGIA! . CABlIfKT OFFICERS. '; BCBBTiRy OF STATE. V It. IT. X. IIUNTIill. or VIr lila. 81CaETART.OC THE TSKA8CKT, j C. G. ITlKlTIiTIINJ2R,ofS Ca plina. eECltKTAfiT.OF THS NAYT, ' k 8. IX. iriALLOll, of Florida., 1 SKCRBt ABV OF WAS, Li. P. WALKEILof Alabama POSTJ(Af)EEGK5KRAL, !i JOHN II. BE4CAN, ofTexasl ' - ' . ATTORVtT -GEX KKAL, V f JT. P. IIE.VJAITII, of Loutsiar in. .i . , 1 r? rt wrn. .n v. s s President Hon. HOWELL C0B3?,f pt 6a. Secretary JOHNSON J. H00PEE ;Esq., oiAiaoama. --"-,:..,-.,,,:-;. f ' XKMBKE3. "'m' Alabama R. W. Walker, R. H. Smi-, J. L. M. Curry, W, P. ChUton, 8. P. Hale, tfellin J. McRae, John Gill Shorter, Daniel R. Lewi if Thos. Pearn. - j . ' - i ' Floridi- James B. Owens, J. Patton At derson, vacKson oiorton. Georgia Robt. Toombs, Howell Con, F. S. Bartow, M. J. Crawford, J. A. Ntsbet, B4 jH. HU1, A. R. Writfht. Thos. R. R. Cobb, A. H. Ki San, A. ,H. Stephens. i t I Louisiana John Perkins, Jr., A. L. D Clouet, Charles M. Conrad, X. P. Keoner, U. iS 8( j&rrow, Henry maranaii. ' Mississippi W. Harris, Walter Brq ke, N. L. Wilson, A. M. Ulayton, vv. B. iJarry, r. Har rison. ' " . - J v ! . South Carolina -R. B. Rhett, Jr., R. W Barn well. L. M. Keitt, James Chesnut, Jr., C. Ql Mem- minger, W. Porcher Miles," Thos. Jr Witfrs, W. w. iioyce.- . - - 11 . Texas It. T. WiefalL J. H. Reapan. i I Hem phill, T. N. Waul, Judge Gregg, Jud.gtt Jdham, and W. B. Ochiltree. Li 8TASDINO COMHITTKKS. Executive Departments Stephens, r nrad, Boyce, Shorter, Brooke. . " ; Foreign, jsjfairs Rhett, -, Nlsbet, rtrkins, Wntkr Kritt. ' t Military Afairs Bartow, ' Miles SVarrow, Kenan, Anderson. '. t i ' Jtaval . Ajairs Conrad, Unesnut, i jsmltn, Wriuht, Owens. ' it . i Finance Toombi, Barnwell, Kenner, ;-arry, McRae. . ' . if !v Commerce Me ajmlnger, Crawford, De;t!louet, WOr"u". xt.,. oLk Judiciary Clayton, Withers, Halej .Cobb, IT. t. Postal Chilton, Boyce, HilL Harrisoni Curry Patents Brooke, Wilson, Lewis, Hill, Vnner. Territories Chesnut, Campbell, Marsht j, Nes bit, Fearne. j j Public Lands Marshall, Harris, Feari j. Indian Affairs Morton, Hale, Sparrow -Lewis, Keitt. H rrintina Cobb, Harris, Miles, Chiltd rf, Per kins. . . ' 1 l:i i Accounts Owens, Crawford, Campbell De Clouet, Smith. v.. GK.a 1X7t1asw f.1. Bartow. . r - "; ; wv.vmv,TM ATI mil u TSTT", m a a m.r.m.nxXWO J - loL I1A91 . A"AU tOAi f We make the following list of (he mem be' elect of the First Permanent Congress that It Is , meet on the 10th or February next. The list it 'made from the election returns : Alabama. SenatorsMessrs. William i Yan Members of the House Messrs L Darj an,! W P Chilton, James L Pueh, J L M Curry iW R Smith, John P Rawls, Thomas J Foster, D 'opton L Lvon. . i;j Arkansas. Senators Messrs itobert W -John son, Charles B Mitchell. ' . ' Members of the House Messrs Felix J 1 atson, Grandlson D Royster, Augustus H Garlan j Tho mas B Hanly. ! f Florida. Senators I Election returns r ot re- Memoers of the House Messrs James B Diskins, Hilton Georgia. Senators Messrs B H Hill, ' Uobert Toombs. : Members of the House Messrs A H B jenan, Hlaes Holt, A R Wright," Juilen Hartridge )ucius J Uartrell, Wm W Uiark, Robert P Trippev pavid W Lewis, C J Munnalym, Hardy Strickland $ i ' Locisiaha. Senators Messrs Fdward Sp rrow, Ik memoerB 01 ioe nouse .ti eMrs u r n tiirier. . - r x - ' ' " Chas ViUers.Jonn Petktns, Jr.,UW tiirad, Henry Marshall, Luclen Dupose. f . Mississippi.' Senators Messrs Albert G fown. James Phelan. . r Members of the House Messrs John J Mi lae J W Clapp, Reubin Davis, Israel Welch, H C- Jiam- bers, O R Singleton, E Barksdale. H Missouri. Senators Messrs John 3 CI irk, R. BY Peyton. - .-- i. ( i Slembers of the House Messrs Jehn Hyer, Caspar W Bell, George Vest, A H Oonrv w, W W Cook, Thomas W Freeman, . Thomas A Arris. North Carousa Senators Messrs GeoE a Da vis, Wm o Dortcn. 4 u Members of the House Messrs WN H kUth, Thomas 8 Ashe, Archibald Arrington, Robe Mc Lean, William Lander, R S Garther, A S f )tvid- son.. . . : ..' ' South Carolina. Senators Messrs Rw ?arni well, James L Orr. ' ' ' " i :i ' Members of the Houie Messrs W W Boi e, W. Porcher Miles, M L Bonbam, John McQe jen, L M Aver. James Farrow. . i' .-r TasaasSEB. Senators Messrs Langdi t C ITfivnes.'Qnstavus A Henry. i d Members of the House Messrs D M Cat 4n, J D O Atkins, H E Foster, Thomas Menees, eorge W Jones, M P Gentry, W G Swann, W H Tl s, Jfi L Gardner, T J Heiskell v j 1 . Texas. Senators Messrs. Louis T. Wlgfi 11, W. - Members of the House Messrs. John A; Wil cox, Peter W. Graham, O O Herbett, W B W light, M.i.nlm P fir. hum. S ' H. V. HTtnn. i, :. I , I tfiMWlut A " - 1 " ' ' . .) j ViROisu. Senators-Not elected. ' i I Members of the House Messrs. Johq JR. I iiam- bliss, Muscoe li. H. Uarnett, John Tyler, 1 oger A Pry or, Thomas E Bocock, John Good, g Jr. Jumtg P Holcombe, D C Dejarnette, w suam Smith. A R Boteler. John a Baldwin, v ?.eta nles. Walter Preston, A G Jenkins, Roberts ;onn- on. Charles H. Russell. - t l I KasirjcKT. Senators Messsrs. II C Btt'nett, William K filmmR. ' Members of the House Messrs Daniel P"-finite, Thrmu B Monroe. J U Ford, John J Ihomss, i DBarreJ. George W Ewing, George B Hd&ges, Thomas Johnson. BALTIMORE COMMERCIAL COLL FDUNDPn 852: i CHARTERED " r Corner of Baltimore and Charles Stree . B A LT I MOSS, KO. rBlHK Largest and 'most Elegantly Furnfihed JL Commercial College in the United States U Kvery young man should write Immediate for one or tnose large and beautifully ornamtea Circulars, representing the exterior and interior view oi ine jsaltworb uommxroial collsok. . Penmanship, Acwhlch will be sent by return mail free of charggsAx Catalogue contawlng List ef Students, Terms of Tuition, Opinions ol the Press on ear New System of Book-Keeping, ctp, r aooltt. p ' . B. JL Loaiaa, Principal Lecturtr on the ScPno4 of Accounts, Business, Customs, etc, ' J. M. PHIUJP8, Professor of Book-Keeping, and Commercial CalculAtions. : . . fi 1 ! H. H. Datibs, Associate Prof, of Book-Keepic . ; N. C Joaorsojf, Profeasor of Penmanship. U t.l 8. T. Wollucs, Esq. Mercantile Law., : U Rav. E. Y. Raxaa, D. D., Commercial Ethics. raosraas. ' -i r Hon John P Kennedy, I Hon Joshua Vansan i , uon xnomas ewmnn, . i wm a. Jvelgnler, K( Jacob Trust, Esq., : Wn Kjube,Esa. 4 . The Urns usually required to complete the foil course, rrom e to is weexs. . : i Ditloka is awarded to all Graduatea.' l l Largs Clroulars .and Catalogues stating tr-ti Ac, lent by mall frofcXarge. , if Address m K.LOSIER lanlTrUTJ H.t.. ALEXANDER, a Attorneys and Counsellor at, Lfjw . CHARLOTTE, N, c, ' Vi: :- - -i C7" oac in Beurni Hmii. TTl ITT.Q AAiuiu m I'll I II I ll I JAN. 23, 1862: , I GOVEHNMENOP NOIIT1T OAR H.T. Clark, of Edgecombe, Governor, salary per annum; $3,000, and the use of a furnished house. Term expires January 1, 1861. . : - G. A. Daves, of Craven, Secretary to the Gover nor, salary ssou, exclusive or fees. Rufus H. Page, of Wake, Secretary of State, sal ary suu, exclusive or fees. - Daniel W. Courts, of Kockingham, Treasurer, salary z,uw. . :J n . i ;? r - ; Curtis H. Brogden.'of .Wayne, Comptroller, sal-' ary i,uuu. : " The General Assembly commences its session on the third Monday of Noyemberi every alternate year. The next elections for members of the Sen ate and House of Commons, and for . Governor, will be neld on the nrst Thursday of August, 1S60 Literary Board The Board, of Literature of North Carolina is composed as follows : His Ex cellency, John. W. Ellis, President, toe. otfieio; G. A." Daves, Secretary. - Internal Improvement Board The Internal Im provement Board is composed as follows : His Ex cellency, John W. Ellis, President, en officio; G. A. Daves, Secretary. State Librariito Oliver H; Perry, of Raleigh. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OP N. CAROLINA, MKMBSB8 RXBCT TO TUB LEOISLATUKK OF 1860-1. (O. for Opposition D. for-JeM6crt.) Senate. Dist.. -v .r - : . ! 1. Pasquotank and Perquimans, S S Whedbee, O. Camden and Currituck B F Simmons, p. -8. Gates and Chowan, Mills H Eore, O. ' . 4. Hyde and Tyrrell Jones Spencer, O. 5. Northampton, J M S Rogers, D. . 6. Hertford, Joseph B Slaughter, O. 7. BerUe, David Outlaw, O. . 8. Martin and Washington, J R Stubbs, O. 9. HaUfax, M 0 Whitaker, D. 10. Edgecombe, H T Clark, D: ! 11. Pitt, E J Blount, p. ; 12. Beaufort, Frederick Grist, O. . 18. Craven, N H Street, D. - 14. Carteret and Jones, M L P Arndlel, O. 15. Gretne and LenoirT James P Speight, D. 16. New Hanover, Ell W Hall, D. 17. Duplin, James Dickinson, D.- 18. Onslow, L. W. Humphrey, D. . , 19. Bladen, Brunswick and Columbus, John Taylor, D. , 20. Cumberland and Harnett, Duncan Shaw, D. 21. Sampson, Thos. I Faiaon, D. " 22. Wayne, W. K. Lane, D. . 23. Johnston, J W B Watson, D. 24. Wake, MA Bledsoe. D. ; 25. Nash, A J Taylor, D. 28. Franklin, Washington Harris, D. 27. Warren, T J Pitchferd, D. 28. Granville, CHK Taylor, D. ' , 29. Person, C S WInstead, D. 80. Orange, Jcslah Turner, jr. O. 81. Alamance and Randolph, J Worth, O; 82. Chatham, W G Harris, D. 83. Moore and Montgomery, C W Dowd, O. i 84.. Richmond and Robeson, Alfred Dockery, O. 83. Anson and Union, S H Walkup, 0. 86. Guilford, John M Morehead, O. - 87. CaswelL Bedford Brown,'D. 88. Rockingham, P L Simpson, D 89. Mecklenburg.'John Walker, D. 4?--Cabarrus and Stanly, VL0 Barringer.O. 4i. nowan ana Davie, J a icamsay, O. xaviason, jonn w xnomas. U 43. Stokes and Forsyth, Jesse A Waugh,'D. 44. Ashe, Surry, Watauga and Yadkin, Joseph Afooson, v. . -. 9 45. Iredell, Wilkes " and Alexander,!! Q Sharps, 0. 46. Burke, McDowell A Caldwell, W W Avery, D. 47. Lincoln, Gaston and Catawba, Jasper Stowe,D. 48. Rutherford, Polk and Cleaveland, A W Bur I. ton, D. ' .- 49. Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Yancey Marcus Erwln, D. 50. Haywood, Macon, Cherokee and Jackson, wm. u. xnomas. l. Democrats, SI ; Opposition, 19. Democratic majority 12. At last Session Democrats 82 ; Op position gain juBt Q7s. . t TOE BVIiliETIIV 1 ' and . ' THE CATAVVBA JOIIMALu WEare pleased to ; advertise the friends and patrons of this establishment that we com mence the publication of the second volume of the nsst named journal, this day, under the most favorable auspices. . i tx ' The circulation of the above named paper is rapidly increasing, and its Influence as an adver Using medium is being felt and appreciated by it patrons, naving access to almost every neignoo r hood In this and adjoining Counties, as wv'J as the adjoining Districts in South Carolina. ; - TUB CATAWBA JTOtJltNAL, One of the largest papers now published in the. State, mailed for $1.00 per annum, made up from the columns of the Dailt Bullstijt, has not only become a popular papers, but it affords great ad vantages to those who wish to use its columns a an advertising medium. . M Specimen copies will be sent to any section they m y be ordered, free of postage. or terms, so., we reier tne reaaer to our lea- pllnt. E. H. BRITTON ..... 1 - .- - ... - - . The Edgecombe Farm Journal. THE subscriber will commence on or about the 1st of September, 1860, the publication of a monthly journal in Tarooro', to be devoted to the plantation and rural Interests of North Carolina in particular, and of the South generally. . Edgecombe having long since been acknowledg ed as the model farming county of North Carolina,' ws feel that there Is no locality better suited, and none more justly entitled, to the source of publi cation of a firt class agricultural paper than Tar boro It Is to be called VTbe fidsecombe Farm Journal," And will contain original and selected articles up on Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, House hold Arts, Rural Architecture, Zoology, Ac, Ac. It will bepubiianed witnnew type, and clear: white paper, in a neat quarto form. . The price of subscription has been made so low as to place the publication within reach of every one. . ' , , , .. - , - xsiuu: - v One copy one year . . $0 50 8evencoplesoneyear..i.., ........... 8 00 Twelve copies one year ; "5 00. Twenty-fire eoples one year. .10 00 r tar No paper sent unless paid for ih advance. ' WILLIAM B, SMITH, Editor and Proprietor, Tarboro', N, C, julygO-tf V ' -f ' " " PROSPECTUS I I : '. OF THK HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER, POLITICS. AGRICULTURE, MISCEUAKT, tJEKERAL NEWS, j DENNIS HEARTT. S HILLSBOROUGH, N. 0. " WITH the present volume the RECORDER i commenced the fortieth year of Its exls- I tence, the first number having been issued the 10th of February, 1820 : during all which time we have labored to make our paper interesting and useful, and we. nope mat in uiese particulars we have not been altogether unsuccessful.' It has been our wish to make the RFCORDER a good Familv Pa per, devoted to Politics, Agriculture, Miscellany, General News, Ac, with a view to the entertain ment and improvement of the farmers and citi zens oi tne circie uiwnicn it is mstrlbut-ed.. Our Agricultural department we endeavor to nil with the best selections we can make from all sources, giving preference to such as will be of practical use to the farmer and cultivator; and in this par ticular we hope to make the RECORDER as valu able to the agriculturist as any periodical of a purely agricultural ' character. t In. our Miscella neous department, we shall contiue to be. as we have always been, - careful to select such articles as will have a tendency noTeilv to amuse, but to Improve he mind and heart. IVhlle we shall be taankiui to receive weu-wntten articles to adora our columns, w are not so ambitious of originality as not to prefer selected, matter of superior merit, to loosely-written and ill-digested. articles, though ornamented at the top with the coveted words "Written expressly for the RECORDER.' In our News department we shall take eepeciaFB&lnatA present to our readers the latest intelligence ; and to enable us to do so we bare facilities equal to those enjoyed In any portion of tha State, except those favored with telegraphlo communication. A single copy; one year, ....1.00 - Six copies, one year. ......... i . i: Tn copies; one year.. ........ ......in.00 ' Payment always in advance, v - Any of our old subscribers who will obtain five subscribers and send us the cash, shall receive their jown paper free of charge; 4 July IB. ; v . 7 Take Notice. ' T7R0XI THIS DATE, our Books are positively JL closed to aU. Cash will, in every instance, be required, without distinction of persons. .We are compelled to buy foi Cash ourselves and must thtrtfore have money. . ; 20 Y0 dSSJTQJi OiatlK - C8.6S-PER ANNUM. m o o l: ; an u Job Printing 0F:mm GLASS, tHO; STYlE, .ncauj uxeeuted at this ofSee. "BrAYINGPirocard ;1ra amount of ixcel- JUUtL tent material, and added to this establish ment suitable fast PRESSES, we take this oppor ranuy to inrorm our friends and the public . . . . 1 1 . - we rc tuny . preparea w execute work every class; in ' " v . 4 lz '. JE9::-JcL''JL 1ST "1 X.J" Gr , at short neUce, and at prices far below thoe usually paid In this section of country. We are prepared to print in the latest and most approved CARDS, INVITATIONS. NOTES, . LAW BLANKS, PAMPIILJETS, i, I1IL,L-IIADS, CIRC UI AltS. CIIUCIiH, -SHOW-BILLS. HOOKS.- and any other style of printing usually called for, for much less than the same class of work can be executed this side of New York. IS. II. IIRITTON. r Take Notice. I. Vs. V -A' LL persons indebted to the' subscriber IN WAY WILL PLEASE C 0 ME FO II W A R D : and nay up i ' IMMEDIATELY I as longer indulgence cannot be (dven. f ' . , t. -1 .-. ;-- r. 8. PHILLIPS. H I would also notify those 1 want of goods that from and after this date all goods will be sold low down for cash or Its equivalent. Jan. 10 tf. - , Hoops ! lloops ! Hoops ! SOMETHING NEW A LOT OF SILK HOOPS, an entirely new and t superb article light, springy and pleasantly made expressly for the South. Also, a new style of HOOP SKIRT, a most desirable article, called The Belle of the South. Together with a very large number of more ordi nary Hoop Skirts comprised of from 10 to 50 hoops each. "J- v- i ,'. , a, ril 18-c KOOPMANN A PHELPS. v PALME CTO. IKOISr WOEE8, COLUMBIA, 8. CM ESTABLISHED, A. D. MDCCCLL WILLIAM GLAZE, MANUFACTURER OP STEAM ENGINES, from .10 to 80 Horse Power; SUGAR MILLS of every style now In use, Mill Work of every discription. Also, Iron Railing, with every Oiscripuon or iron ana Atrass uasungs. I would call attention to Iron Casting in the way of enclosing Public Buildings, Dwellings, Cast Steps, Balestro Railing, and all kind of enclosures for Cemeiary lots. J' Having a first ratejBoller maker with us, we are prepared to manufacture Boilers,- or repair them, at short notice. Will sendljoller maker to any part of the State. Our Steam Engines will be found,' when compared with those made at North ern establishments, to be from twenty-five, to forty per cent larger for the same horse power. , These Works have been in successful operation for sev ral years, with-an increase of patronage from all parts of the Southern country, for- which the Proprietor returns his thanks to his numerous friends and patrons, and begs to assure them that no pains er expense will be spared to merit a eon Unuance of their favors. . may lT-tf . '- M0NTAM0ENA FEMALE SEM1- - NARY, ' MT. PLEASANT,. CABAEEUS Co., N, C. .... 1 1 . . v. ... . nfpiIIE exercises of this school will be resumed JL on the 20th of August. ' s . . RATES PER SESSION. i s Board, (including washing and fuel) : - $40.00 English course, from $5.00 to ! . 15.00 Music on the Plane, Melodeoh, or Guitar, ' 540.00 Languages, each . 8.00 Drawing, or painting, - 10.00 Vocal Music, - 8.00 Embroidery, : j.00 Other ornamentals reasonable. TERMS : -;. ' Half bf all the expenses, board and tuition, must be paid in advance, and the remainder at (be close of the session. - - Pupils who. board In the iminary will not be "permitted to make store accounts.- For further information, address . V 1 L. G.HEILIG. . July 8S, 61, till oct 1. j ' MARTIN, TANNAUILL & Co., ; (Sttceessora to N. M. MARTIN, SON A Co.) Grocers &, Commission Merchants, PETEUSBURG, VA. . . WALTER K. MARTIN & Co (Successors to N. M. MARTIN4 BON A Co.) COMMISSION mEUCUANTS, R. A. Maktis, formerly of Granville Co.,N. C, R. TAHHAHTtx, formerly or JSdgeoombe Co., If. v . Waltbe K. MiRTijr, of Richmond, Va. . .' -N. M. MABTts, of Richmond, Va. R. H. CraaufOHAM Jr.. of ljichmond, Va. TBOTH concerns will give faithful personal at iLJ tentionto the sales of COTTON, WHEAT, TOBACCO and UORN. neither concern will buy any of the above named articles, either on Com mission, Speculation or otherwise, as their busi ness in produce is confined to SELLING; exclu sively. Refer to , . : . C. F. Fisnaa, Esq. President N. C. Rail Road. Dr. W. J. Hawkins, Pres't K. A Gaston Rail Road. R. B. BainasBS, Esq., Pres't Bank at Tarboro, N. C Hon. W. N; Edwards, Warren County, N. C," Jauxs M. Boxxock, J8q., Granville County, N. C. C. F. Fisher, Cashier Exchange Bank, Petersburg Kkmp P. Battuc, Esq., Raleigh, N. C. , py We respectfully call the attention of Cotton Planters and dealers to Petersburg as being one of the best Cotton Markets in the South, having both a good heme aad foreign demand, and we- are pleased to hear that efforts are now being made to get the freight through from Charlotte to Peters burg reduced to about $9 a bale. mch l1861-8m. . -y - ' BININGER'8 OLD f-vs ' L0ND0IT BOCK GUI, - cognac, - : ;' - , : . SHERRY, . ..'.! " . PORT, ! v . - : - i. MADEIRA, 1S49 aesxara BOURBON, . ' WHEAT TONIU. Put up in Gates containing one dozen Bottles each.. . . ; A. ITI. BININttEtt Se CO., (Established lllo.) WIXE IMPORTERS, No. 19, Broad S U , pT. If . 'grin order to Insure consumers Pure Liquors in a compact and convenient form, we commenced the enterprise of bottling and packing In eases our well known Wine Brandies, Whiskeys, Ac and have sent thm out In a style that would preclude the possibility of their being tempered with before reaching the purchaser. The general; apprecia tion and gratifying success that has rewarded our efforts, has encouraged us to maintain the standard as regards quality ; also, to make increased effort to maintain the .confidence and patronage which baa beo so liberally bestowed npon us. . OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. T H'Tbe Bunxoxa'a, 19 Broad St.", have a very high renutadon to sustain, as the oldest and best bouse tafrew Yerluwg Journal..; The house of A. M. Boriaoxa A Co., No. M, Broad St., has sustained for a period of eighty years, a reputation that may well be envied."- 2f. T. Evening Pott. , -:,.',, Tbe same of A.M.BiMrjraaa CoHKo.l9Broa4 8tla a guarantee of the exact and literal truth, whatever . they respesent . Y. Commercial jLdv4rUttr. - . r-Z rk X-- We Invite the attention of Dealert, Dmrglsts aad Physicians to our extensive stock of eboioe old TOnei, Araadleaveto.;; .&-'j:. W- Orders from the country win meet with preaapt attention,-: Crcularj, coctalnlnt a list of'article tad TTtv f 3twar4e4 19 hoii Mb lf Vws . 1 ! !? dp 1 Mftntb 3 -4i .... S.76 4.00 7 M 10.00 18.0 80.00 i iia 6 jo ....;..i..7.. I do'; 1 tt-ar . ''" AdrertfaemenU Dubiishftt nhiii rJ.Li be ehan4 M cents Per..ruare of 12 B fo'r ih. nrst insertion, and B6 cents for each continent, u not contracted for. - rT" A liberal discount made, on the sbors rates to persons advertising by contract. ' fin 1 5 By Telegraph. From Richmond. Richmond, Jan. 22. Received at Bulletin OiBce I . Jan. ti 1861, 11 p. m. ) j There is nothing known of the procee dings in Congress to-day. The Virginia Legislature was principal ly' occupied in talking about the election of Confederate Senators. The 'House favor-! ed going into an election to-day, but the Senate proposes a delay, until the 4th of Feburary. ' , A . Tnmtonunitteft., was . appoi n led to Report on matters to-morrow noon. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! fTft HE TASTIEST 8TOCK of FALIi &! WINTER GOODS In the city, Is now on exhibition at the popular and fashionable hou&e of ; , - KOOf MAN & PHELPS. The attention of the public, and especially-the Ladles, are very respectfully Invited to call and examine our STOCK, for we know, they cannot fall to be suited, both as to 1 QUALITY AND PRICK. We are now opening dally, as we receive1 them from the first House in the Northern Citlpa., the ollewlng splendid GvODS In natt. . MERINOES, ' ' ' delaines; 'l - - POPLINS, LADIES -TRAVELING GOODS, ' : - SILKS, , .; . FRENCH, ' VT ' - ENGLI8H, AND AMERICAN PRINTS, (a large Stock,) of such qualities and prices to sul all tastes and purses. - .. . . Splendid ' CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, " to which particular attention Is Invited " BONNETS, EMBROIDERIES, JOCKEY'S AND FLATS, -' TRIMMINGS, 1 HOSIERY, Oar Staple and Domestic Depart- j ment Is full and complete, and for it ws defy com-' petition. ' : . ' ' We will not be under told. ; 'O ,tr jpotas I OAxrjpotfaa 1' : ' :! A Splendid Assortment! '. FAM1L YAND NEGRO BLANKET Our Ready Made Clothing This season surpasses, in finish and superiority our heretofore splendid stock in that line. And the beat thing Is, we will sell at shorter profit than ever 1 ... BOOTS AND SHOES Our stock In this department Is very complete, and selected for Ladles, Gentlemen, Children and Ser vants wltb greal care, and at low prices.,. : A- 4rge and chap stecH p( , C HOICK C4IIOCISIIIES. HAEDWilEEf&c. we can tae attenuon or our old and highly val ued customers, and .buyers generally, to the fact ) thato anticipating their tastes and wants, ws have . nettner spared toil or expense in order to suit and 'please them," and we sincerely assure them ;" that with these views and Intentions, we will sail -on terms entirely to accommodate all who call oa us. . KOOPMANN A PHELPS. . oct. U.JfrM-tf. . :- ; PALMETTO L IRON WORKS, COLUMBIA, a,.C. WILLIAM GLAZE, ' I'roprletor. ! ; GEORGE A, SHIELDS, Foreman. ! MANUFACTURES STEAM ENGINES of aay ! power desired, for Mills and- Plantation -1 Eurposes, at short notice, having at all times oa ! and some finished, or In a forward state. In con nection with our Mill and Engine Work, we hava -secured the services of Mr. JOHN CKABTREI, who is one of the best Millwrights in the South, M superintend the putting up of Mills and Engines. BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS. ! AH descriptions of BRASS and IRON CASTINGS ' executed In the very best manner, and at short, Y notice, as we cast every day In the week. Our ' stock of patterns is very large, having recently' I purchaseu all those formerly owned by G. W. : Wright, which being added to those made at my ' Establishment for the past five years, makes ths assortment more full than any other like establish ment In the State. -. . Wire Railing. I am agent for one of the largest Wire Railing Companies at ths North, and will furnish WIN- " DOW GUARDS, GALLERIES, VERANDAHS, BEDSTEADS, or any description of Wire Work, at the book;prlees of the manufacturer, which ean be ' seen at my offloe, , OORN MIL lis. , I am agent for one of the best PORTIBLI MILLS now In use, and can furnish any slx wanted. Persons wishing tha Mills are Invited to call at the Works, and witness the operation of the ne now in use. .The Mill-rack, which is the vary; best, Is procured from JOdgefldd,' S. C, and th Mills are built complete at our Establishment. dec 11,1860-tf . WILLIAM GLAZE. THE S0UTHEKH OUAEDIAH is reausaan at COLUPIDIA, SO. CA, - BY CHARLES P. PILHAM. Dally,1.. :er annuat Tri- Weekly ...Aim Weekly. . ..4.. . n w - . " ' 5!H Payment in. advance invariably.. Posl masters sending us five daily subscribers, -with $80 00, or five tri-weekly subscribers, with $30 00, (enclosed in registered letters,) will be entitled to an extra copy, or In lieu. of that SO per cent, of the sums thus remitted, provided the order is for as . many aa five copies. Ten, per cent, will be allow ed for amounts remitted for single subscriptions. . ' - : ADVKXTISEMZVTS ! .V Inserted at the following rates In the Daliy an i i Tri-Weekly : f - OnesquarelO lines or less) one Insertion... 50 eta Each subsequent insertion ... 35 eta When an advertisement Is Inserted In tha Waek ly, or but once a week In the Dally, 50 cents a square for each Insertion. ' " : . , ' We offer to advertisers the Inducement of send- , log their favors to be readvby a numerous and In-' fiuentia! ciasa of Teaaers, Both in town ana coon- ! try. The Southern Guardian presents great ad vantages as aa advertiaisg medium ; Its drcula- i tlon Is large, and Is dally and rapidly extending, particularly la the middle and' upper strict of the Bute. oa ranmaa. ' The Job Office . Is thoroughly appointed in all respects, aad fitted for every description ef Job -Work. ' In coanection with it Is a Bindery. ,Tbs Southern Guardian Is devoted to the main tenanee of the rights, honor and Interests of ths South under the Constitution. While It is wUUag ; to sustain ths Democratic party whenever Its eoursa shall command approval by Its justice, H yet more, confidently and distinctly rdles upon tie peopur: , of ths South and as the best preparation for the -eentest which la even now upon us, It will ssalous ly labor to elect union and co-operation, amongst fheanagani 'of this JoaAal, tk arly nrodaetion of every class of news from aU parte of , Savrorld, the lessons of virtue and, moralTty, the Inurests of educatian, agriculture, eommerce, and SetKt-wlIl be kept prominently la view, -?Triwm be iparsa to make It, In all res- oeet., an aeeeptabls ere-alde Tr. 1111 BXK8 P aSa AA jaj nr. aabw an n va i m 1 1 w mi n mm.i w 11 . . m 11 arvi . av Tl IKa W..L r M WM m CAAV a" r a w-w w w - ry aTwrpapers ef the ttate, WU1 7, H tcrfj2 ?rVt tSsadteatsr. 'f tn ? tHva "A 4 If