c M aqiycss collection !- i K v THE BULLETIN: . TEBHS FOB ADVEBTlSIHa are 1 m.......,.r. - . ;, J Uma....... f . U.i ..... . qaaro do BYE. II -BRITTON. "do 8.' do 7 . 1 ' . .- . ' , . : v. . V" , . ' -''. .... 1 i ' ' - . . S - ii i i , .... ir" " MBBHMIiBMMMMWllMl -do I do do 12 do 1.00 OFFICE..: .......NO. 18 TETON STREET, lwr China JTaU, on the second floor. - TERMS FOR PAPER ; IJT TQE DAILT BULLETIN will be furnished at SIX DOLLARS per annum. Df ADVAXCS TUX TR1-WEEKLY BULLETIN will be pU Ubed erery Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday unming. and supplied for 4 00 per anngnmabla la advai.cc. BY-- TOEjBRAPH. Ike &mtUn Erpree Company fnr-uxird nock ajes by Paemenger Train and Stirri. and iU 9 TtUQP PrU of the From Norfolk. . "RwdTed io OttrlclU, Feb 6, 1M2 at Bulletin office, 110 p. m. f . Norfolk, I-eb. 4.TLe Federal FIet which has been concentrating at "Old Point went to aea to-dar and steered southward, bound, it is presumed, toco operate witti me uurnside Expedition on ho Carolina or Georgia Coast Northern News. . ftoceired la Charlotte, Feb.S. I , ' . at BullUn office, 13 m. . Ricao?(D, Feb. 5. Advices from Wash ington ol the i says a general exchange or prisoners, including Privateersmen, will soon be consummated. Seward has al ready ordered a large number to be libera, ted. Others .will follow at an early day, and be sent South. A number reached Norfolk last night. Pm Fnty);h nwa receiTed is causing . , , . a commotion la uincoinoom, oui . ow,m . thinks there Is no danger ol nosuiitiei wun England. '' , - 5 Seward publishes a letter saying he has allowed British troops to pA though Maine under ihe promptingi of humanity. -The Bark Trinity left Boston on Sunday . with 390 rank and file, and eleven officers, (Confederates.) lor Fortress Monro, who have been exchanged. Canadian papers are discussing the pol- jcy of annexing Maine to Canada. . The New York Herald says it is our pol icy to greatly accelente fortifications at .Portland and other Points. ' 14 00 British troops hart arrived at Can 1,800 Bales cotton reached New York on Hand if, from Liverpool. The Herald fears, unless the Federals obtain a series of victories within sixty or ninety days, European powers wilt recog nize the Southern Confederacy, distroy the Blockade and entail a double War on the Federals. Northern papers urge their Governor to call out a quarter million of troops, in view of European threatings. The Journal cf Commerce thinks For eign affairs authorises grave solicitude in view of the future. Another expedition is fitting out at . Cairo ; its destination unknown. The Federal War-ship Vincent will aoon leave for Port Royal, to be used a store- ship! ' ' More English troops have reached Can i ada.fi v The London Herald says Southern vic tories" at certain points foreshadow a gloomy future for the Nprth. English pa'pers state that numerous let- ters have , been received in that country from responsible Northern 'sources pray -trig for a foreign intervention on the score f humanity." - A division- of Yankee troops are now en "rroute to Ship Island or Mooile, command' ,ed by Commodore Parragut. , Gen. llalleck has ordered Gen. Jack eon's properly in Missouri to be confisca ted.t " llalleck has o'rdered a number of his mutinous troops to Cairo; to work on" forti fications. The Philadelphia Enquirer, considers the federal Ironclad steamer Merrimack a failure, if intended as a Ram. She draws tod much water and steers badly. "ileiltel Ileg'Ha .pe Reorcanlxed." tttchtive DEPABTiizirr or s. c. Adjutant Gesekal's OrncE, ncE, ) :2. ; Raleigh, Jan. 27th 18C T HE FIRST REGIMENT N. C. VOL tinfpf ra beinir disbanded, a Regiment of Volunteers for the war will be formed to take its place. All the Companies of the old Regiment about to re-organize for Vhe war, are requested to report to this Office without delay, with the view ot going into this Regiment, which .will receive tne Bethel FJag." Additional V olanteer Companies lor the wr will be accepted, to whom a bounty of itea dollars per man win te paia Dy he ijtate, and fifty by the Confederate tate. When a full Company is tendered Jfc'Domevs will be commissioned ; with a Iesanumbe appointments will be given at Canain for forty men, Firstj a LitflenKnt lor twenty. fite. Second IJieu V tenant for 2 ffn . . The Milif wbo have been ordered on duty and to be, iMdiness, can stitKavatl themselvea ol thi opportunity of getting iuiu iuo volunteer serviceman . eu dola km umitnuCt) Til Counties. By order of Governor III T. CtARc' f . J.G.MARTIN, ' Adjutant General. rifir All the papers in the State copy four times. jan 30 1S61 4t. XTOTICE- I Office N. C. R. R. Co., Com nan v Shops. Jan. 17. 1862. 1 ATL persons having notes or accounts ainst this Company are hereby requested to pteaeni them without delay at this Office for settlement. All running accounts must be cnt in at theIose of each year ; in no ase will autb. accounts be considered as entiuea to "i"et. JOHN 11. BRYAN Jr Sew I Jan. 27, 1862 Ira Hi y. I Freight Arrangcraent. All through freight rates diiCOtk tinned on the line of Roads from Columbia to Weldon, after the 5th of January next. FreLzhu will be earned as usual at local rate when the charges accompany the freights. wvtwa 1 Y .J. A"".lliP, C. GAMMON, Freiidrnli. VVM. JOHNSTON, J Dec 29, 166L-IJ5 Af CooU and Washer Wanted. a. CI expeneacvu wvius., w asuer ana troser, wis. Va2 f u VOL. VLNO. 828.J TTKNTION BATTALION. J ust received a Patent Combination Stool Mnd Cot tor camo use, - Also, an assort ment of beary Army Undershirts, Drawers, inaia uubber Uvercoals and rants, Enam eled Uil Clot n Coats. For sale at ' 7 KAIIN WEILER &. BROS. January 25, 1862 If : -ILlTAKY'aDTTOSS, AcT Received per Steamer Isabel. Gold En. paulets for Commissioned Officers, Military r.IJ r- t a uununa, vjuiu juace, ruiois, ccc. Call soon at -, , K'AIINWEILER & BROS. Jan. 25. 1862 tf . , JJNCL1SII GOODS, -j 4 A splendid assortment of Prints, Striped usnaDurg, riatd and striped inglish Cotton i I o . per oiearoer iermuaa. . For sale at - KAIIN WEILER &. BROS. Jan. 25, 18C2 tf " pOTTOX We are selling off our SDlendid stock of Needle Work, comprising Sleeves and Collars, French and English worked Bands, Edging and Inserting. Thread. Linen and Cotton Laces, as usual, low prices. emug very last at- . . KAIIN WEILER U BR0S.; V - jlIIt .1Cfyv.tt- UCl'PEUMONG WIN 15. Superior articles of Scupernong WINE, in bottles for family use. For sale at KAIIN WEILER & BROS. 'Jro.25, 1862 tf Particular Attention! A S thero will be a chancre In our firm, our cos. Jtjkx. tomers will do us a great favor by calling and settling thtlr accounts and notes. Our terms hereafter are strictly cash. - KAUMWEILEU A BR0S. Aug. II, 1S1 tf THOMAS W. KADCLIFFEJ - . AT THS ' - SIGN OP XII K UIIUITT, RICHARDSON STREET, TnE N0RTII-EA8T CORNER OP RICHARDSON AND PLAIN STREETS, W0. 166, Importer and Dealer In Fine WATCHES. . CLOCKS. JEWELRY. SIL VERWARE, GUNS, MILITARY & FANCY GOODS. rffWATCHK and Jswsxar repaired by skillful and experienced Workmen. AU kinds of . llAia-Woax made to order. ft.l7,lS60-tr. Certain Cure for Flux Certain Cure for Flux I Certain Cure for Flux I Certain Cure for Flux I Certain Cure for Flux t ' KOOPMATtN'S DIARRHOEA MIXTURE I KOOPMANN'S DIARRHOSA MIXTURE I KOOPMANN'S DIAR&HUCA MIXTURE I KOOPMANN'S DIARR1KXA. MIXTURE I Will cure the most obstinate . Will care the most obstinate - Will care the most obstinate WU1 cure the most obstinate Cases of Diarrhoea and Flux Cases of Diarrhoea and Flux Cases of Diarrhtea and Flux Oases of Diarrhoea and Flux If taken In time. If taken In time. If taken In time. If taken In time. For sale at KOOPMA.NN A PHELPS and at the Drug Stores, Charlotte. , may -e . pi;ospkctu OF THE STATE JOXTRWAIj. HAYING become the proprietor oi tne demo cratic Prese. I have merged that paper Into the STATS JocasiA, which will -be published Seml-Weeklyand Weekly. The Stats Jocbxai. wiu aavocaie uemocrauo principles In the broadest sense, and will support and defend Democratic measures and their auvo caw as they are presented, and as occasion may require. In otner eaaenuaa win oe - id j aim make the paper, what its name denotes, a State Journal eschewing all sectional considerations and working for tne enure Diaie ana cr wuu As soon as arrangements can i uiauc, mc wuu oaDer shall be re-moueiea ana pnntea wiwu new i,m. on road usner. and In a superior manner. TuO isaivoriai ucpaiuncui wiu w yivysmj ded to In 1U various branches, and will speak fof it self. Neither labor nor expense wui do sparea in the management of the paper. - The terme .01 tne ciaie journal wiu oe as iot- lmr. ' Setnl-Wecklr, per annum $400 Weekly. ................. ....... .200 These terms wiu oe insistea upon twrwy advance. No .name win be put upon tne list without the moner. aud all papers will be Ulscon- tinned at the expiration of the time for which they ha ?e been paid, unless the subscription be renewed. I am satisfied, from years of experience, that upon no other footing can any newspaper nope to suc ceed. Advertisements of a proper character will ' be Inserted at the following rates : : One square, first Insertion. f 100 Kach subsequent insertion 23 cents. A liberal deduction on these rates for yearly ad vertisers In the Seed-Wee kJj. In the W eekly edi tion the fall rates will be charged. . JOHN SPKLMAN. I Editor and Proprietor . Nov. IT; 1SS0. , A NORTH CAROLINA PAPER THE TIME81 A targe KgKt-Paje Wctkly, jmUUhed in Greensboro. gi.uO a year; $1.ih) for six months. THE TIMES contains weekly forty columns of choice matter, speclallyadapted to the family circle. It Is neither sectarian nor political, but by being courteous to all sects and parties, It is ths constant aim of the publishers to prgsentla Its columns whatever may elevate the ppts-4nd en rich the State. The publishers wouWearnestly appeal to the families of North Carolina to give thk TIMES a trial: try it for six months, to see If TtiO. 'ggrCld ! VI bliJ np LOllla Uresis I. 1 w.M La - --. State pride, and to scatter our substance and our energies among strangers, uive ths xixxa a trial and then let It stand upon its merits. , WS AT IS SAW Of TBS TIM S3. " "The Times I regard as .the very first of our Southern Literary Weeklies." Rev. C y. Deem. WI know of no Weekly published anywhere, that Is so deserving of public- patronage as the Times.' Rev. J. K. Edwards. . "There Is no pandering to a vitiated taste eve ry article Is of a moral- tendency, and calculated both to amuse and instruct. Wilmington Herald On of the handsomest weekly papers published In the Union." Spirit of the Age. Let the people of North CaaroUna encourage their own newspapers. Raleigh Standard. Address, COLE A ALBRIGHT, Greensboro, N. C THE FAKMEH AND JfLANTJSK REMOVED TO -nnr.imin i . . n ILrTAVINO purchased of Ma. Geo. Seaborn this J popular journal, I have removed Its place of publication to ittiamoia, ana win neremiter issue it from this city at regular stated periods. Feeliag confident that such a Journal Is greatly needed in this State, and believing that it will be sustained. If located at the Capitol of ths State and conducted with spirit and ability, I have determin ed on making the venture, and call upon every f araer aad Planter In 8outh Carolina to encourage ths e&torprlse by their patronage. wu. printed In ths finest style of Typogra- Phy.wub. Hew tT-ne. en fine oaaer. baAdsemelv abeUiAhed, and eight pages addsd io Its former adaala!n!T 0l DoLtA per annum, always 1 tLC7l?J beet praetical and sdentlfle Agrt diil mred, and 1U Editorial mi JSSSiffSiJ1 adhsred tearii WrH9aUrAi., --"MiuwmirtHs laumvr CHARLOTTE, N. C.V JOTICE. All claims against the 8-ddlery and Haraeas establishment of th subscriber will be settled by Mr. li. hsw: and mil Indebted to the same will please make payment to him, as It Is nece-aary to close up toe outstanding business. DOT. XT, Ol-oli H. M. FK1TCUAKU. J. G. WILKINSON- & CO., . WHOLES A LK AlfD KET1IL DEALERS IW , , FJAE WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVER AND lated ro CHARLOTTE, If.. C J. S. PHILLIPS, lVCoroliaxxt Tailor HAYING located in CharloU respect fully solicits a share of public patron age. A eonplete assortment of Cloths, Cassi- mers and Testings always .on hand, which will be made to order at the shortest notice, after the latest fashion. Shop three doors booth of the Mansion House, sept. 19-tf VTT.T,TAliIS & OATES, , .TSACa 8T1XCT, Cotton llarers. Grocers Sc -Prodnce . - -" Dealers, . Agent or JTsttiwelT Manipulated , Guano and Loric'e Lumber. ; . may 17-tf . ' .John T. Butler, T Practical Watch and Clock Mater, Jeweller rfc Maine street, Charlotte, Jv. C -opposite Kerr's LloUl, dealer in fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Watch Materials, dbc A LL work dons In the establishment warrented & to t . TWELVE ITIONXIIS, Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every des cription repaired and warranted for twelve months. Jan.ll.laCl ly.c PALMETTO ; IRON WORKS, COLUMBIA, S. C. . WILLIAJI GliAZe,. Proprietor. GEOUGEA. SHIliLDS, Foremau. MANUFACTURES STEAM ENGINES of any power desired, for Mills and Plantation purposes, at short notice, having at all times on hand some finished, or in a forward state. In con nection with our Mill and Engine Work, we have secured the services of Mr: JOHN CKABTREE, who is one of the best Millwrights in the South, to superintend the putting up of Mills and .Engines. OOJL-tN MJLL,l.y. I am agent for one of the best PORTIBLE MILLS now In use, and can furnish any size wanted. - Persons wishing the Mill are Invited to call at the Works, and witness the operation of the n now in use. Ihe Dll-rack, which Is the very best, Is procured from Edgefield, S. C, and the Mills are built complete at our Establishment. BKASS AND IKON CASTINGS. AU descriptions of BRASS and IRON CASTINGS executed In the very best manner, and at short notice, as - we cast vvery day in the week. Our stock of patterns is very large, having recently purchased all those formerly owned by G. -W. Wright, which being added ' to those made at my Establishment for the past five years, makes the assortment more full than any other like establish ment In the State, r . ' Wire Railing:. I am agent for one of the large. Wire Railing Companies at the North, and will furnish WIN DOW GUARDS. GALLERIES, -VERANDAHS, BEDSTEADS, or any description of Wire Work, at the book prices of the manufacturer, which can be seen at my office. , "IRON-, RAILING. I would call attention to this branch of our bus iness, having a great variety of patterns, for pub- lic and private grounds, cemeteries, Ac, and wii! keep on hand; and cast any style wanted, at prices as low as the same can be bought at the North. de 11, 1660-U WILUAM GLAZE. PROSPECTUS OF THE CHARLESTON MERCURY A POLITICAL. COMMERCIAL. ANQ LITEBART HtWSPAPhtt - "j PUBLISHED V AIL Y AND TRI- WEEKLY i T UK Msacuay gives daily reports of the Mar ket and Marine intelligence in unanesion, and of Charleston commerce In the leadins: sea ports of the world. The Weekly Prices -Current is made up with much care, and from the most reliable sources. Its connection with the "Asso ciated Press" Insures the latest intelligence by Telegraph and Uie earliest news by Steamers from Europe. It has an able and accomplished Cor respondent in London (a gentleman connected witn the editorial stair ol the London Times.) and regular Correspondents In New York, Washington, Key west ana Havana, xne inonuiiy new iork Fashion Letters and weekly letters on Life In Washington are additional attractions in favor of lis lady readers. Its literary notices, from .the pen ol a gentleman who occupies perhaps (the highest position among the literary men of the south, are discriminating and comprehensive. Attention Is paid to all matters of general concera, especially those in referenoe to the Planting and Agricultural Interest, and to the current news of the day. Great care is taken that nothing shall appear in its columns which should be excluded from the family circle. Ths political creed of the Mkrcukt consists in the principles or the Democratic Party, as laid down In the Virg&iia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 and 1789 the Sovereignty of the States ; a strict construction of the Federal Constitution by the General Government, the agent of the States ; Free Trade, and an economical Administration oi the Government. , Its policy is the . Union of the Southern States in maintaining their rights. Terms Payable In Advance, DAILY, per annum .f 10.00 TRI-WEEKLY ..!..;... B.00 Clubs ulll be Fnrnlsliedas follows t Five Copies of the DAILT for. .". . ...... . f 40.0k Five Copies of the TRI-WEEKLY 7,. . . .20.00 The name of no person out of Charleston win be entered on our books, unless the payment of the subscription be made to advance. . Hot will orde from without the city .to, publish, Advertisements, Marriage Notices, or Obituaries, -be attended to, unless the cash, or an acceptable City reference, accompany the order. Money may always" be forwarded at our risk in registered letters. IIimIiiwii.h, ' 1 . '-.'"tWM" in obtaining subscribers and forwarding the money ; and by sending' us Tive Dao.t subscri bers, with $20 enclosed or Tive Tsi-Wxxxlt subscribers, with f 25 enclosed, will be entitled to ad e&tra copy ; or if preferred, they may retain TSsentuper cent, of the pre-paymeuts, for their trouble and In lieu of the extra paper. Out of South Carolina, no person whatever Is authorised to collect debts already due to the Maaccsr. In the State Mr. Samuel E. Beacsss Is our reg ular Agent to make collections and procure new business and subscriptions. In Charleston, Mr. Jambs D. Bpdds, connected with the office, is our regular authorised collector who has full power to receipt for money now due the paper and to contract for future business. hubscribers and others, in debt to OS. .r nrrn- Uy requested to send in our dues by mail at .the I earliest period. By so doing, they will save us I twenty per cent, an amount equivalent to a prin cipal portion ol th profits. . j fSr" Editors In the State and throughout the South, who receive our 1 Tsj-Wmsxlt for their Wkkxlt, are respectfully requested to compensate as for the difference in value by Inserting this Prospectus. R. B. RHETT, Ja. Xo. 4. Broad Street, Chsurj.eto9 3. C. Ti Qstltv NOW IS THE TIME TO 8UB JL C3 Osi 8CR1BE FOR THS GREAT SOU THEKN WSJsLYt THE BEST TALENT OF THE SOUTH IS WRITING FOR IT. The Soutliern Field and , Fireside, Published every Saturday, at Augusta, G.. ac knowledged to be the best Family Paper in the South,' contains In each issue, elgkt pages (fsrty columns) of - " Choice XTtaadlntr flatter. ' devoted to the Instruction and amusement of the friends of Southern - " LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, and AET. CT Subscribers are presented se ml-anna ally with an INDEX, or Tabic of Contents. ... TIB4 TWO S0UAAS MA AXTTX, Hixm JAMI3 Ar&xAi 0l. I . fit: ; W I ' . ins i THURSDAY. PEO VISIONAL GO YlZUniBttT OF THK ' .i " ',1 - , ' Confederate St4tcs( f imbrica. . . - , .PBE3IDENT : '- . ": JEFFERSOII DAVISi of Mississippi, .y -r? ; VICK-PEESIDEXTr ALEX. H.STE?EIIS OFGEOUOIV. - . CABINET O r r 1 0 E R S a . . SXCBKTASY Or STJITS, 'r,' - II. 71. T. DUNTEU, ofVlr UJ SBCBKTABT OK THE TS ASCBT, ; C. C. iniiilTlINCJJEtr, o rs. Carolina. SKCKKTABT 6 THS iiAVT : S.R. ITIALLOItY, of Florida. SKCKKTABT OF WAR, I4. P. W ALItKlC, or Alabama. FO8TMA8TKB OKSm il. JOHN II. IilSAG AJV, oi Texas. ATTORHKT GK5EP. ,L, ,: JBENJAITIIX, orr onlsiana. i XJP. C 0 N O R E f 3: President Hoa. HOWEX ". COBEi 6t Ga. SecreUry--JOIIS02r J, 7 00PER, Eso.. of Alabama. ; i - MEMBERS. - ' " Alabama U.W. Walkers . .. IT Smith. J . t. BI. Curry. W. P. Chilton-'S.i I nl rn; t McRae, John GI1T Shorter, Dankf R. Lewis, ThoB Georg tfta liobL TOomtS. 1T5W nn . " , M. J. Crawford, E. A; Nisbct, C H. HTT57 Bartow A. R. Wright, Thos. Cobb, A. H. Kenan, A U. SteDhens. . ....-'.' -- . J -Louisiana John, Perking, Jr., A. L. DeClouet, Charles M. Conrad, D. F.KennsY, G..E. Sparrow Henry Marshall. . ; .! Miusi&siDDirW. P. Harris. Walter Brooke, N L. Wilson, A. M. Clayton, W. S. Barry, J. T. liar rison. - ' - - . I- '"' ' SLvuUl Carolina TT. B. Rhett. Jr- R. W. Barn well. L. M. Keitt. James Chesaut, Jr- O. G."Mem- mineer, W. Porcher Mifes, Thos. J. Withers, W W. BoTce. . Texas L T. WIgfal?, J. H. Reagan, J.! Hem phill, T. N. Waul, Judge Gregg, Judge Oldham and W. B. Ochiltree. j ' - - - stahdiso oommittkes. Executive , Departments Stephens, Conrad, Bovce. Shorter. Brooke. , Foreign Affaire Rhett, , , Nlsbet, Perkins, Walker. Keitt. Military AjairgB&Tiow, Miles, Sparrow, Kenan. Anderson. Jiaval A fairs Conrad , . Chesnut, " Smith, WrtKht, Owens. ' , Finance--Toombs, Barnwell,- Kenner, Barry, MclUe. " Commerce MeJimlnger, Crawford," DeClouet, Morton, Curry. . - Judiciary Clay ton, Withers, , Hare, Cobb, Harris.- - ' - -Postal Chilton. Boyce. HIU. Harrison, Curry, Patents Brooke, Wilson, Lewis, Hill, Kenner. Territories Chesnut, Campbell, Marshall, Nes ait, Fearne. - I . Public Lands Marshall, Harris, Fearne. . Indian Affaire Morton, Hale, Sparrow,. Lewis, Keitt. Irinting Cobb, Harris, Miles, Chilton, Per kins- v Accounts Owens, Crawford,. Campbell, De Clouet, Smith. - ' ' . . ' Engrossment Shorter, Wilson, Kenan, McSae, Bartow. , . MEMBERS OF THE PIRST PERSIA KENT CONGRESS . " . We make the following list of the members elect of the First Permanent Congress that it Is to meet on the 10th or .February next. The list Is made from the election returns : . : Alabama. Senators Mesara. William L. Yan cey, CO Clay. Members of the House Messrs E L Dargan, W P Chilton. James L Push, J L M Curry, W R Smith, John P Kawla, Thomas J Foster, D Clopton LP Lyon. . .. ... , ' . -r Abkaksas. Senators Messrs Robert W John son. Charles B MitchelL - - Members of the House Messrs Felix J Bataon, Orandison D Royster, Augustus H Garland, Tho- masBUanly. , ; - Florida. -Senators Election returns not received- - , Members of the House Messrs James B Desklns, Hilton. ' - . Gsokqia. Senators Messrs B H Hill, ' Robert Toombs. J Members of the House Messrs A H Keenan, Hiaes Holt, A R Wright, Jutien Uartrldge, Lucius JGartrell, Wm W Ciark, Robert P Xrlppe, David W Lewis, C J Munnalym, Hardy StrickUnd. Louisiana. Senators Messrs Fdtfard Sparrow, T JSemroes. . - . - Members of the House Messrs D P ,Kenner, Cbas Villers, John Perkins, Jr.,0 W. Conrad, Henry Marshall, Lucien Dupose. " - ' Mississippi. Senators Messrs Albert G Brown. James Phel&a. . - - Members, of the House Messrs John J McRae, J W Clapp, Reubin Davis, Israel Welch, H C Cham bers, O & Singleton, E Barksdale. Missou&i. Senators Messrs John B ' Clark, R SY Peyton. ' - Members of .the House Messrs John, Hyer, Caspar WBell, George G Vest, At Conrow, W W Cook, Thomas W Freeman,' Thomas A Harris. North CABOiaaA-r-Senators Messrs George Da vis, Wm S Dortch. ' . Members of the House Messrs W N H Smith, Robert Bridges, Owen R Keenan, J Df McDowell, Thomas S Ashe, Archibald Arrington, Robert Mc Lean, William Lander, R S Garthea, A. S -Davidson. J . ' Sooth Pabolisa. Senators Messrs RW Barn well, James L Orr,' . . ; ; Members of the House Messrs "W W Boyce, W Porcher Miles, M L Bonham, John McQueen, L M Ayer, James Farrow. : ,. v. ' 'Ibnsksskk. Senators Messrs 1 Langdon 0 Haynes; Guatavus A Henry. . - v Members of the House Messrs D M Garrin, J D C Atkins, H E Foster, ThomaS Menees, Gorge W Jones, M P Gentry, W Swann, W HjSbbs, B L Gardner, T J, Heiakell ... . . V Tbxas. Senators Messrs, Louis T." WJgfalLW. S. Oldham. ... . . Members of the House Messrs. John A,i WU cox, Peter W. Graham, C 0 Herbett, W B Wright, Malcolm P Graham, S. B. F. 8exton- ' Viboixia. Senators Not elected. '-" " Members of the HouseMessrs. JohtTH. Chatn bliss, Muscoe R. H. GaneU, John Tyler, Roger A Pryor.-Thomas ITBocock, Jonn' Goode, Jr., James P Holcouite, D O Dejarnette, Wiitiara Smith, A R Boteler, John B Baldwin, W R Sta ples, WalteriPreston," A G Jenkins, Robert John son, Charles H. RusselL .-. . ... -r MtjTOCKT. Beuatots Messars. H 0 Burnett, WillUmK.fflmms. -.-X;- .S Members of the House Messrs Daniel P Whitl Thomas B Monroe, J H Ford, John J Thomas. T DBurreJ, George W Ewiog, George B Hodges, Tbo.rnas Johosop. :- " - BALTIMORE COMMRCUL COLlIgE fOUMDED a52. C H A I T E B E D " " 8 5 4 " LOOATXS f " j - Comer of Baltimore and Charles: Streets. - Ai.tiiioas. md. HE Largest and most Elegantly Fnrnlshea . Commercial College In the United Htt Every young man should write immediately for one oi tnose large ana neautirully ornamented Circulars, representing the exterior and Interior View of the Ualtimobb Commercial Collsqis Penmanship, Ac, which will be sent "by return mallyVes of charge, with Catalogue conta!u- LUt of Students, Terms of Tuition, Opinions of ths Press on eur New System of Book-Keeping, etc f,A0.?J,rT,r - ' E. K. Losrsa, rnncipai cturtr on the Selena of AeceunU, Business, Customs, etc. J. M. Phujjps, Professor of Book-Keeplns: and Commercial Calculations. epwg ana H. H. Davtxs, Associate Prof, of Book-Ketninar ! N. O. JohsO, Professor of Penmanship g. T. Williams, Esq., Mercantile Law. Rxv. JLY. Rxxss, D. Dn Commercial Ethics. tiditiis.' Hon John P Kennedy, j Hon Joshua Vansant. Hon Thomas Swann, I Wm H Keighler. Eso Jacob Trust, Esc, Wat Knabe, Esq.T?' The time usually required to complete the fun course, from 8 W li weeks. - raa A DmoMA is awarded to all Graduates. " Largs Orcolarsand Catalogues suttag terni ka.,ttnhj will free of chcirg . Address K.LOSIER. lan lT-tf v Baltimore, pM , H.U; AUEXANJPER, Attorney- and Coiinsellor at ' law G7JA11LOTTZS. If, Ci ; ' Oflce la S7USTII fiCXL89, FEB. , 1862. 30V15I1KJ!1ENX OP NOI1TII CAR H.T. CUrk, of ,EJgecombe,Governor, salarjr per ""'m", ciwv, nu ie use or a rurnlshed house. xerra expires January 1, 1561. ; - ' Q. A. Daves, of Craven. Secretary to the Goto nor, salarv 300. exclusive of rM . I11- of Secretary of State, sal- -r caM oi lees. r , Daniel W. Courts, of Eockingham, Treasurer, .re? BrSden Wayne, Comptroller, sal The General Asscmhlv V ,.! . r " -J mm ,iMm A 4A SV9CUVU VM wonaay or November every alternate '2 ' .V.e nexi eiecuons for members of the Sen -mtK ,,Q8e.?r PmmoQs, and for Governor, T i " ulc AnuTsaay or August, lSGQ. widw?'1 . of literature of worth Carolina is composed as follows : His x. cuoney,onn w. Ems, President, esa oMcio: Q, A. Daves, 8ecreUry. , Internal Improvement Board The Internal Im provement Board is composed as follows : His Kt. ceJIency, John W. Ellis. Prfsiint . t IISVSS) flsitMtSM - r .-; ' ' istate iicranao Oliver IT. Perry, of Raleigh. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OP N. CAROLINA, MXMBKxa BXBCT. IO THS UeiSLATOBS OF 1S60-1. .- (O.for Opposition D. for Democrat.) ' . Senate. 1. Pasquotank and Perquimans, S S -Whedbee, 0. I ?-Camden and Currituck, B FSImmons. D. 8. Gates and Ohnwm. Mnia ir v r 4. Hyde and Tyrrell, Jones Spencer, Q. -0. Northampton, J M S Rogers, D. 6. Hertford, Joseph B Slaughter, O. 7. BertlerDavid Outlaw, 0. 8. MartW and Washington, J R Stubbs, O. 9. Halifjor. M O WhlUker. D . - 'Hombe, H T Clark. D. - i. uraYerr.'n M-m. . J t l . - T 15. GreVne and Lenoir, James P Speight. D. 16. New Hanover, Ell W Hall, D. " .. 17. Duplin, James Dickinson, D. v , - : , IS. Onslow, L. W. Humphrey, D. '. 19. Bladen, Brunswick and Columbus, John B A Taylor, D. ' 20. Cumberland and Harnett, Duncan Shaw, D. - 21. Sampson, Thos. I Faison, D. 22. Wayne, W. K. Lane, D. . '' 23. Johnston, J W B Watecn, D. . .i 24. Wake, M A Bledsoe. D. 25. Nash, A J Taylor D ? - ; - 28. Franklin", Washington Harris, D. 27. Warren, T J Pitchford, D. . 4 2S. Granville, C H K Taylor, D. ' . ' 29. Person, C S Winstead, D. ; 80. Orange, Jcsiah Turner, jr. O. . , 31. Alamance and Randolph, J Worth,. O. 82. Chatham; W G Harris. D. . V ; 83. Moore and Montgomery, C W Dowd, O. 84. Richmond and Robeson, Alfred Dockeryj 0. 85. Anson and Union, S H WalkuD, O. 86. Guilford, John M Morehead, O. 87. Caswell, Bedford Brown,'D. - . . 83. Rockingham, F L Simpson, D. . ;" 39. Mecklenburg, John Walker, D. 40. Cabarrus and Stanly, V 0 Barringer, O. 41. Rowan and Davie, J G Ramsay, O. '"- - 42. -Davidson, John W Thomas, O. 43. Stokes and Forsyth, Jesse A Waugh, D. 44. Ashe, Surry, Watauga and Yadkin, 'Joseph Dobson, D. 45. Iredell, Wilkes ' and Alexander, L Q Sharps, 0. 46. Burke, . McDoweU A Caldwell, W W Avery, D. 47. Lincoln, Gaston and Catawba, Jasper Stowe,D. 48. Rutherford, Polk and Cleaveland, A W Bur ton, D. 49. Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Yancey Marcus Erwin, D. ' 50. Haywood, Macon, Cherokee and Jackson, " Wm. li. Thomas. D. Democrats, 81; Opposition, 19. Democratic majority 12. At last Session Democrats 82 ; Op position gain just one. . . t TJttE BIJJLI-ETI1V THE CATAWBA JOURNAL. VVTE are pleased to advertise the friends and w patrons of this establishment that we com' mence the publication of the second volume of the fisst named journal, this day, under the most favorable auspices. ' - The circulation of tne above named paper is-4 rapidly Increasing, and its influence as an adver tising medium is being felt and appreciated by it patrons, having access -to almost every neighbor hood, in this and adjoining Counties, as wtU as the adjoining Districts in South Carolina. TUE CATAWBA JOTJ Hrf AE., One of the largest papers now published in the State, mailed for $1.00 per annum, . made up from the columns of the Dailt Bullxtix, has not only necome a popular papers, but it anorus great ad vantages to those who wish to use its columns, a an advertising medium Specimen copies wiu be sent to . any section they may oe oruervu, tree oi postage. or terms, sc., we refer the reader to our !m ptint. - . E. H. BRITTON nov.n-tr ; t ? The Edgecombe Farm Joarnal. THE subscriber will commence on or about the 1st of September, 1S60, the publication of a monthly journal in Tarboro', to be devoted to the plantatin and rural Interests of North Carolina In particular, and of the South generally. Edgecombe having long since been acknowledg ed as the model farming county of North Carolina, we feel that there is no locality better suited, and none more justly entitled, to the source of publi cation of a nr.t class agricultural paper than Tar boro'. It Is to be called . . "The -Edgecombe Farm. Journal," And will contain original and selected articles up on Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, House hold Arts, Rural Architecture, Zoology, Ac, Ac. it will bepusnsnea witn new type and clear white paper, in a neat quarto form. - The price of subscription has been made so low as to place the publication within reach of every one. , . ; . . .. .. ' TERMS: 1 "- - v One copy one year. : . .-, .$0 50 Seven copies one year.. ... . . ,V. . 8 00 Twelve copies one year. V. ... ....... . . 5 00 Twenty-five copies one year ......... , . .10 00 GST" No paper sent unless paid for in advance. WILLIAM B. SMITH, . Editor and Proprietor, Tarboro, N. C. JalySO-M : PROSPECTUS . " OF THX .. " . - - I - HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER. nxvorsn to . POUTICS, AuRICUJJFIiRE, WISCELLAMT, 6EKERAL KEWS. FCBLU3HKD BI , : "-; i HILLSBOROUGH, N. 0. - I, -w-yc TITH the present volume tne KECUKDKtt y w commenced tne roruetn year oi its cxm- tpnnft. tb" "rat nurobor favins m teeved the 10tn of February, lozu ; aunng aii wnicn tune we nave labored to make our paper, interesting and useful, and we hope that In these particulars we nave not been altogether unsuccessful. ; it has been our wish to make the RFCORDER a good Family ra- per, devoted to Pontics, -Agriculture, ausceuany, General News, Ac, with a view to the entertain ment and improvement of the farmers and citl- sens of ths circle in which it is distributed. Our Agricultural department we endeavor to mi witn the hest selections we can make from all sources, giving preference to such as will be of practical use to the farmer and cultivator; and in this par ticular we hope to make the RECORDER as valu able to the agriculturist as any periodical oi a purely agricultural character. - in our miscella neous department, we shall confine to be, as we' have always been, careful to select such articles as will have a tendency not only to amuse, but to Improve the mind and hearts While, we shall be thankful to receive well-written articles to aiorn our columns, wa are not so ambitious of originality as notte d refer selected matter -of superior merit, to loosely-written and ill-digested articles, though Ornamented at tne top wun uie covetea worm Written expressly for the RECORDER," ; In our News department we snail taxe especial pains.to present to our readers the latest Intelligence; and to enable us to de so we have facilities equal to those enioved in any portion of tha State, except those favored with telegraphic communication. .. A single copy; one year,. .... .... .. p.w 81x copies, one year ........... .m.10.00 Tsn copies; one year. ............ . -15UX) PTmnt alwava In advance. Any of our old subscribers who will obtain five subscribers and send us the cash, shall receive their own paper free ef charge. ; , Jtuyio., . . - Take Notiee, : FROM THIS DATE, our Boots are pemnvevy doted to aZL Gash will, In every Instance, be required, without aisuncaonoi pmw . - . We are compelled to buy for Cash ourselTes and must therefore havt money. 'DO N01 ASS FOB CRXBIT - $6 PER 'ANNUM. v Book and Job Printing (IF EVERY CLiSS AN0. STlfLS, ! neauy Atxecatea at tbli odce. - MAYING procured a large amount , of excel.' lent material, and dded to this establish, stent si table fast PRESSES, we take this tunity to Inform our friends and the public, that we are fully prepared to execute work f every aiass, in-. . ---:. :. -. . . at short notice," and at prices far' below those uso&ur pom ia uus section oi countrvi we ara prepared to print in taelatest and most approved style, . ; v ' .. CARDS. - j BILL-IIEADS, CIRC U L, AltS. : CIIECItS, I SHO W-II1I.I.S. INVITATIONS, NOTES, LAW ULANKS. Mr A 1IXJT AJ. A. AVA iSj and any other style of nrlntinr nananv ean far' UVVitvO) for much less than the same class of work ean , be executea uus siae or ew xork. ; Take Notice. ?ALL persons indebted to the subscriber IN JSJNUT W-Y ,.' WILL PLEA5X r " . G 0 ME FORWARD and pay up ' as longer indulgence cannot be given. ' J. S- PHILLIPS. I WOUld also SOtifv tI4TL wunt nt nuwli that from and after this d&v , V roods will be sold low downfor cash or its ea:f Aient. . SOMETHING NEW A LOT OF SILK HOOPS, an enUrely new and w superb article light, springy and pleasantly made expressly for the South; Also, a new style of HOOP SKIRT, a most desirable article, called . The Belle of tbe Sqnth. Totrether with a very lance number or' more ordi nary Hoop Skirts comprised of from 10 to 50 hoops each. april 18-c K00PMANN A PHELPS. PALMETTO. '. ' IROlSr WOEK8. CQIiTJirXBlA, S. C. . ESTABLISHED. A. D. MDCCCLL WILLIAM GLAZE, J nxm ANUFACTUKER OF STEAM ENGINES, KiviL from 10 to 80 Horse Power; SUGAR MILLS of every style now In use, Mill Work of every discriptlon. Also, Iron Railing, with every description of Iron and Brass Castings. I would call attention to Iron Casting in the way of enclosing Public Buildings, Dwellings, Cast Steps, Balestro Railing, and all kind of enclosures or Cemetary lots. ; . ;. ' -. . Having a first rate Boiler maker with ns, we ' are prepared to manufacture Boilers, or repair them, at short notice. . Will send , boiler maker to any part of the State. Our Steam Engines will be found, when compared with those made at North ern establishments, to be from twenty-five to forty per cent larger for the same horse power. These Works have been in successful operation for ser ral years, with an increase of patronage from all Darts of the Southern country, for which the Proprietor returnshis thanks to his numerous friends and patrons, and begs to assure them that no pains er expense will be spared to merit a con tinuance of their favor i. may!7-tr . : --;- - !. ,;- M0NTAM0ENA FEMALE SEMI- V . NARYv, r HT. PLEASANT, CABAEEUS Co., N. C. flfXHK ex'erclses of tills school will be resumed JL on the 20th of August. ' - . , - RATES PER SESSION. Board, (Including washing and fuel) EnsUsh course, from $5.00 to -. $4aoo Music on the Piano, Melodeon, or Guitar, IViVU 20.00 8.00 10.00 8.00 7.00 Lansuases, each .,. ' Drawing, or painting,: . . -Vocal Music, . - Embroidery, Other ornamentals reasonable. ." TEKHd t, ' . " ' . ' Half of all the expenses, board and tuition, must be paid In advance, and the remainder, at the close of Uie session. i Pupils who board in the Seminary will not be permitted to make store acconnts. For" further information, address ..' .' - L. G. HEILIG. ' ; July 28, 61, tiU oct 1 1 MARTIN, TANNAHILL & Co., i (Successors to N. M. MARTIN, SON A Co-.) Grocers & Oominission?Mercliants PETEHSDURG, VA. WALTER K. lVE AE.T1TT &. Go . (Successors to N. M. MARTIN, SON A- Co.) C O MMISSIONUE BOH AN TS, ' R. A. Martis, formerly of Granville Co., N.O. - R. Tahnahill, formerly of Edgecombe Co., N. 0 ' - Waltkb K. M abtih, of Richmond, Vs. ( N. M. Maxtis, of Richmond; va. . . &. H. CuBsmoHAat' Jr of Richmond, Va. T0TH concerns will give faithful personal at- a n tentlon to the sales of cotton j wheat, TOBACCO and CORN. Neither concern will buy any of the above named articles, either on com mission, Speculation or otherwise, as their busi ness In produce Is confined' to BELLING exclu sively. Refer to : ';v- a F. Fishkh, Esq., PresIdenCN. C. Rail Road. Dr. W. J. Hawkhis, Pres't R. k Gaston Rail Road. R. R. BBinoxBSf-Esq Pres't Sank at Tarboro, N. C. Hon. W. N. Eowaaos, Warren County, N. 0. . Jakes M. Bullock, Esq., Granville County, N. 0. O. F. Fishkb, Cashier Exchange Bank,Petersburg Kkmp P. F ttlb, Esq., Raleigh, N. O. We respectinlly call ths attention of Cotton Planters and dealers to Petersburg as being one of the best Cotton Markets in the South, having both a eood heme aad foreign demand, and we are pleased to hear that efforts are now being made to eet the freight through from Charlotte to Peters- burg reaucea to. aoout 90 a uie. men 1,1001-om. 1 -. - C BININGER'S , '.y... old LOiJDOIT DOCK Gni, COGNAC,"" "' . ' j;', - ' SHERRY, - . A ' PORT, . :'r' .. MADEIRA, . 1849 bksxsts BOURBON, . -.. WHEAT TONIC Put up in Cases containing one dozen Bottles each. AJM.llININGEa&CO.i (Established 1778.) WINE IMPORTERS, p No, 19, Broad St.yN. aterIn order to Insure consumers Pure Llquort In a compact and convenient form, we commenced the enterprise of bottlinar and packing in cases our well known Wines, Brandies, Whiskeys, Ac, and have sent them out In a style that would precone the possibility of their being tempered with before reaching the purchaser. The general apprecia tion and gratifying success that has rewarded our efforts, has encouragea ns to maintain we sianaara ae rerards Quality; also, to make increased efforts to maintain the confidence and patronage which has been so liberally oestowea upon us. . . a ... OPINIONS 0PTH PRESS. . mtk. nnnvan'L 19 Broad Bt have a verv hlrh reputation to sustain, as the oldest and nest house la New York." Jtome oumar j w ; The bouse ef A. M. Bnrxsaaa 0on No. If? Broad SL, has sustained for a period of eigUy years, a reputation that may well be envied." Jf. Y. Ec0n4naPotL ;f n r The name of A. ML. Bnraroxa 4 Co., No. 19 Broad 8Uls a guarantee ef the exact and literal truth, whatever they respesenw jy. Y. Oomtnercial Advertiser. - - u-,, We invite the attention of Dealers, Druggists and Physicians to our extensivt stock of ehoics eld Wines, Brandies, etc ; - Orders from the eountiy will meet with prompt attention Circulars, containing a fist of article , and prices, ronrar4ed Vj Ihoto dejirlagt&tm, ana pay up ' IMMEDIATELY do 1 montfe do - S ro'thj...... do. . 8 do do J i!o ...... do 1 year ...' v . i ' , ffB'T; Advertisements published until forbid, wi II, be charsed 0 cents per square of 12 lines for li s nrst Insertion, and 25 cents fof each eontlnuanre if not contracted for. " . ' . - j f liberal dlscoant, made on -, the above rates to persons advertlslsf by contract. i I 11 iiii . - From I NasHville. 1 :" Received In Charlotte, Feb, 4 I at BaUetia Office, 7.; 10 pm f Nasqviij.b, Feb.3. ; General Beaukkqaed and suite arrived ' here this eavening.V " - " 1 '. The heavy rains last night and to-day will interfere With the programe of arrange ments intended as a compliment to this distinguished Chieftain.. - j ' The Operator . here disclaims haying sent a Dispatch to Savannah stating ' that Gen. Price had captured St.. Louis. ' ,;r;. From Ridimond. .. Received at Bulletin Office, Feb 4, 9:20 p. ro., J . . Richmond, Feb. 4.- The Yankee com missioners Fish and-Ames are at For tress Muqroe en route for - tha. Sonth, but j they will not be allowed to come to carry itit thair-anviaxr-DiagC 1 1 niai j of bavannah, arrived 11 ;cri- . .. -' day. ' . ' ' . ; - Devebian was arrested las t -Sm c?m c r , n nd Lafayetted, butiwas released through the intervention of the French Minister; flo refused to return to Wilmington, and ob tained a passport to , go to Europe. Se ward endorsed on it; . " , -, It is" understood that Devebian is not to enter into the any of the Insurrectionary States, lie went to Paris, and in an inter view with Napoleon, showed him Se wards endorsement. ' The crapejror said he should be allowed to return to his place of business!' ; " , ' -. . .- The French Minister of foreign aflairs prepared the necessary papers for the French '. Minister at Washington, and Devebian returned to that place, and applied' to Se ward for a passport to Wilmingt6n,but was refused it. - Next day the French Minister called on Seward and shovi ed his papers, and Sewardrgranted the passport. . Devebian has. applied to the Federal Government for damages. , . i A dispatch from a reliable source says that Fifteen ofbeers and 360 privates was released from Fort Warren, and leave Boston for, FOrtresa Monroe on the 3rd inst; The merchant Seamen are also to be released. , '. t Charlotte Foundry ..A ri dJI!aclaine Slaop MAVING purchased from J. A. Fox the above establishment, the undersigned begs leave to ea.ll the aUaOtlon of. the public to the fact that he is now ready to fill -ne very order for making, Steam Engines, Cotton and Tobacco Presses, and .every description of Machinery. All kinds of Cas tings in Iron, Brass and other metals made at short notice and reduced prices. Particular attention given to the making and repairing of Threshing Machines, Horse Powers, Cotton Gins, Mil) Works and Agricultural Work of all kinds. Blackimlth- . Ing, Job, Wagon Work, and Horse-Shoeing done with dispatch. : Old' Iron, Brass and Copper Cast lngs bought at the Foundry or taken in exchar, for job work. All kinds of Wood Turning also done. 1 r deo26-tf , JOHN M. HOWIE.. Dissolution. THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the name of ALEXANDER A McDOUOALL, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Henry Alexander is alone authorised to settle the busP ness of the late firm. i HENRY ALEXANDER." - MALCOLM McDOUOALL. June 27, 180I tf. MECKLENBURG IROaN WOltKS. HENRY ALEXANDER 1 CIIAUL.OTXE, N. C. , fTTHE undersigned beg to Inform the citlxem of t - JL Charlotte and vicinity, and the public geo- erally, that they have . ' ' COMMENCED BUSINESS ! . " at the above , ELiT All lil S II mis 'IV T-f y '.j lr- tootor . ' ' ':y':' lUrclo 13troot, M ' Adjoining tiie North Carolina Rail Prad, and op posits JOHN WILKES' Steam FJow Mills. . They are now prepared to furnish all kinds of At short notice, and on reasonable terms. STEAM ENGINES FBDM 8 to 80 HORSE POWER, ; )o-01iOOilic " .- aAND " OLACKR.-niTII'S TFOniX ; ' ' . OF ALL Kixns. ' '.'; ' E I A I R S In their line promptly attended to. Their Y0UN DRY is In full operation, and y . Cast Segularly twice a Week, , , Wednesdays and Saturdays. ! .1 They are prepared to furnish all kinds of : r CASTINGS ITT IRON, I1ITASS, At'. ir Acooaoixa to ordm. SAW AND OBIST IIILL 0EABIN0, ; GIN WHEELS, SA W .DUST B URNERSy . 1 ANTI-FRICTION PLATES AND BALLS?F0R j -COTTON PRESSES. CAST IRON RAILING, v Per Garden Enclosures,. . Dwelling Houses, . i Public Buildings, . . -Porticoes. ' . Cemetery Lots, A 'Their ' .' vlTrTPT-TTOrrfl For carrying on the business in aU it branch, have been SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE,, and r are provided with all the , ; ixjpRovEiviiiirrs . Reoulredtodothslrworklaa 1 j if fiixst hatb utanner. v i Agentr, for Dr. E. O. Eluott, for Winter's ! Pateat Malay Saw Mill, which has theadvanUge, , Son? wlthmany others, of doing at least twic i a , iK. B. Old Ireo, Brass, Copper, Ac, bougtt cf taken in trade. . r v.- ...-r 'V:. : ' X 4.00 '7.N) 10.00 1.00' 80.00 CfpH '-; O WdA3WiU5f, J : r : s . 1 . fan tt