- . " "" , . ' , V1:'' . ' " - " ' ' - .' " " " ' ' T'J-' ' . -f ' " , 1 - ' i . '' . - -' - , ' i rtirfwiuw,"4" . ., ........ liaaaa ' i : ; ; f ... . .. .... rirt.---r,-""v - .... - --. .iini i aa ... . . M ' THEBTJLJESSi DAlLT IBCLLKTXS, J -Rl-WKEKLT BULLETIN. V, - 'V.: . - -m-t ml- - r r..r trulv remark. ...(.a ri101ITlllCVui.v.. - r9 . the da of trial ha. come. down in Mi i V -Poor crectnr ! Jow lie ,was BlkU- Go on f norrie roiu 1 . lUtrrTOJf IIow did it appear' ound unto you. . 55; w.-why;vthu: preach, go preach-ee, go preach-ah, . go pr eacn an ec u u o-i u v (per annanij fpr annum) uoo. ljOOL . a.VinMhaviand Gap ? TleLltiwlii Comiiillonto: n.,mwW Gan is situated about mchmi.idiZir.rf.enabIMi.s w re..rr to :ihe mountain .irZr Ilinp.hire .o .h , Alabama . Through this gap, Very similar appearance In a few days- hosts of the r-aroer and uespwi .. . . :!,,. rd can at the homble.eon 3 of great tank, fo .? S bin ofeannon will !. - , hill foP .loathe., hne "'. . I .nH the raiile ol mmUttJ. u ; J h i. bayone,,. .he ahnck. of .he woun- i aid .be groan, of .hed,ing .he.ho... , . . i rl th curses o o! me.Txciuio i Rnnhprinr and sisters, that s tne . . anthofiTies of the 2L TEnouffh said. Brother Ct- - ' J,fd ror one momentHmtertam v.lk: Th'aVs noV of your col ege vr.nsitionaaabsuid and ridiculousWc UV,!;' nA7neyn3NoOCtor . rVita. nor money calls Tinity Bvergot such a caUarthali; itr.iL.. harp a license " v aiKci iuubi - 4 Broth' sartin .v A vicit ihe mUitary prisons w . . . 'fci .t,. mivi South, will be permitted w . r . - - in the - 5 j n finntgHOTroeiir1"0- - . . . . . pose. ; maeu. n((i. Rnrkv Mountains, formerly the eraigranis VV... . . . L' . " 1 tronv Virginia and North uaronna pasaeu on their, wav to the virgin wilds of the nroposition so aosuxa a - ' r,:. V .r . ,r thousands noon ' - .i.L' . Hnwrnment Will TOl VVeSU I or ua , j , , arainiormw u'a Ku,.w-" 7 . , j . . l. k,m,crh this natural writers oi reoerutwoi , r.. rr.-itOTiIr. tO ailOW.-UWF 1 lliuusauuo . - . ,, . . 1 Fa thn rN ot- the . Snmt er. . ThexMontreal Advertiter makes the fol lowing : statement concerning the reble privateer kt Cadiz : "The Confederate rirfvatef.-or"; rather publie armed hip.; Lfi;K hka beeri ntavini? the mischief with American ships off Cadiz, is not the Sum tert which is yet on her old beat, but one ot the new vessels for which the -Nashville took officers, to . Europe., Her name and that of her consorts .will be . known soon nm,f,h : in the meantime, there will .., be ; vt j,- . weeping and wailing among the under- on from er . .1. j v:k .fwMrA all the wail oltne qaisnea, anu - ... fi windows and the cry ol organs, - .n fur -sure. The license Was grtnted,- the story goes, and Walker is now, doubtless making the "WEDNESDAY, FEBttUARYJlSf. - i- . I 'RTJaoIcioinrii ValleV w-.. . . u inT rnp i mtaiviiv miri iiic Mxwoi''i'r" . Ames and MrVwn to come -. . ;r r nnP. Kentdr. and . - . " utTotnm I tkit A tlanf i ft Ones. parposeor invesugaung o - wrrr "l"-. firgtentered thel.nd or for any other purpose, " 40. nv the nre-Ada- (orth exercise a rigid suxveUiance .oyer , o . form8 to this mnnication. bv person or letter, be- mite turnpike. It really wrm ww..m.i. r ... 4 i mt: la . i - i . j. sj n taT me uiiiv uiaui- i . . . i . A . nA thft - Nortn. . inis nour, me usi, ouu , . .. h en vnaer waier irom iwy w and the on J cable roaa ior iub --.-Kr , ne people nave v "" DisisTEops Flood , in California .A San Francisco telegram, of 17th, says The Legislature has adjourned to the 21st instant, to allow the water to subside Sacramento. The wnoie cuy nas eleven feet irom tween is a step in; the right direction, ly regreus that tne poucy ! soohef adopted; ', ' ' , 7 had not . been and heavy jnnnitions oi war Tennessee into Kentucky. from East is ill fill k thrt' result the intervening vaiieys , uU - -f ill be cbthedin what it may. WV 06 . rtynM nd gloom, covered with desolate homes and filled with suffering. . 1 nf trial: lithe grand armies now being pressed, forward by the greal vigilance. eftemybebeaten,thewarw?lbeat -another etTort to cruen oui lUc - . not be made. 1 If one or more of them shall be successful, the contest will be renewed with redoubled fury everywhere, new uie will (be given to the war, and new scenes of blood will burst upon the startled vision The disaster at Draiimille and the repulse of Crittenden admonish us that the conflic ' must be bloody and desperate, that-at y places it will be doubtlal, ma" :n.nielous Person It may not te improper. iu j...- Vk heeiri made 'to see' thauio'snspictous person or persons are allowed to pass throngh this town,- n . highly? important V?" A fi 6- . . ' Zi ' w aii. .in There are one or two persona Charlotte, 'at this writing," who are regard., ed as suspicious characters nd- who, when quesuoned;as8uine quite an offend are not , somewnai. iu-k:i- mani positions occupied .v- rvr.rWat Generals can never be ny liiw wiiv taken by the enemy, fowling ureen.vi umbus, and Manassas we believe can dely thcnunibers, skUI, and resources of the North, now and forever. But - there are intervening points, important, but not vit al Whereur defences are weak; and our means of resistance inadequate ; and at ., v.i,TU mav achieve such sue- 'M;..a!i will eive enceuragemcnt people of their section, sustain the Admin istration for a time, and stimulate their Generals to renewed effews to bind upon their brows the laurels of victory. , There is bloody work to be' done. ' Let noVunder-cstimate its importance or its difiicultics. Let every heart be steeled and evey muscle set; Tor the dangers at hand, the day of trial is upon us, and we must be worthy of the cause we bava espoused, or pay the penalty in the hor rors of a prolonged.contest brought nearer to our homes! Memphis Avalanche. , The News from Europe. Vrota lh Netr York nerM. Jih-30- The' news from Kurope is important.- f he London flerall, the organtJ Lord ed air if they tment. " - . , Every man not well vouched for, or who cannot exhibit satisfactory - evidence of u y oro and lovalty to the rvmiiAraiA AuTVrities, ought to bo im : 4 mediately nrrr?" tne uLjJtU Lof me cause brave soldiers a reengaged in . defending. "A word to the wise is sufficient. From the West : - ; 'rri. 1 IrtapTrrnr Jf AIDS of news are copied from the Memphis Tenn. AvaUnche oi the 30th Ult, V ... 1 , ' :'. ; j -There is really nothing positive irom Missouri. Price ia at Springfield, or was .:i ntU. Ilia : force is too large to remain in a country , where armies msrehed over it and L.n fta ontire substance. Hl3 strong enough to warrant ms aav, until reinforedhe must content himself with holding the enemy at bay and taking advantage of opportunities , as they may arise. ... 5 ".,....' ;; : From Columbus. Our last reports from an have eaten force is not General Beauregard on his way to KentuckV. Our citizens Saturday, after many disappointments, were gratified with the sight of the gallant General Beattre. gard.-rHe"arrivsd here between" one and two ,oclock, on a :-special train: of the Orange and Alexander Railroad company, and left on the regular mail train of the, Tennessee railroad. During his briefatay here, he was called on at theforvel House, by a large number hi citizens,. ail of whom seemed anxious to shew.every mark of re onnt t tY -brave General; who has so i'onr' armies to -victory.-; A con- second stories of their houses, and are un able to build fires: to cck)k. their .food. Cooked provisions in large quaniiues nave been sent from San Francisco by two steamers. The water has materially sub sided since, but the weather is- still un. favorable in the valley. Other portions m the State have suffered severely from this unprecedented inundationv aod many mU ' lions of property have been destroyed, j To Our Friends : For the - purpose of settling our out standing business to this date. Our firm will change its style on the lstday of January 1862, teWii.LiAMs & Oates, who will continue the business af the old stand oi the subscribers. We earnestly request our customers to come forward and settle their indebtedness, , as business cannot be carried on without money. ?r A ? The ready zeal with which both part ners have volunteered to serve their coun try is a claim upon you which should not be overlooked nor should you by withhold-' ing their Jnst due cause a total sacrifice-oi thSir business. ;; Gates oci Williams. ; Dec. 30, 6i: , . ' ', ; . , 'y ' & - ; ARTILLERISTS for;the AR. ARTILLERISTS; to serve dunne the present QOFFEC. COFFEE. : 760 Bags Choice Cuba Coffee, cargo ol schr. fronr . under the " , , " ' M : CONFEDERATE TImA09 are wanted, mid will be paid under Con iederatV Rule, entitled to all the benefits provided by J Zrtv to -airy rxTO :'-rk!nttA. Ttf. C. Wi- A.'-U"l wuu..-. C Nympha,, 11 Eldorado, ,"S -' Hermitage, w -; ;. Valparaiso, Nympha, - ' Nvo v ' Nympha, LB Perln, ' : : LB Pinal, LB , ' Cruz,- . n,. : LB Belia Vista, LB i Nva Nympha, , M1M Caracolello, , M2M A. M3M Proserpina, M4M R, M5M " F Nympha 5 bags Coffee, SO' 20 2. 6 20 50 . 35 '20 30 61 50 20 40 150 30 . Cant. Jan 29 Just roceived and for sale by v . n KAHNWEILER & BROS. January 25, 1862 tf. I . ANOTHER CnANCR FOR A with Great Britain. The Rio Grande' is a neutral stream, the boundary 1 between Mexico, and the Confederate States. This river, says the New Orleans Delta, has Kln Klk5ided bv the United States - na- commerce. 01 Difficulty ABLE-BODIED TME N I jOR RENT. ' Y JX JLMXXS) I The Store liouse ana ' vnii THE ARMY Uf I houses recenuy ocuuio i . iTA'ffmiT n AT) AT TAT A fAI"-A. IN Ult 111 UAliUiixn ii, .i'nr Vviii. JOIJNSTON. siderable crowdalso, assembled m -iri vv andUow closed to the tua KnriLU, and after Yepat,. "r- . ; av Derby and the Aristocrats, saVsxnat jne ! " rtbcJ ajyois in Londoil -have oflered.i-on Vv lfj li lire Confederates, the basis ol a, irvatv of com'racrie with England, : . lournal holds forth the most liberal in - "duccraents for the recognition of the Jeff. Davis Government by Parliament and , the Queen. Great Britain is to enjoy a per . iWt free trade with the revolted States, an . . canalization of her flag with that of the South, a freedom of traffic on the coast, and the chance of supplying all the m.nu- : r-. t rrru-wia rnnircd for the use ot the IBUIUIVU Jjiv-T 1 . 1 orkinff millibns in the seceded territory J On these gfodnd3he Derbyites advocate ' . " the imkptfiate recognition of the Southern Confederacy In the event of the Confederate Com UoiAnnn hinr surrendered, and war on IIIUJJIVMVI- O : that cround averted, it is clear that, upon the zovernmentB of fJU HI iii V A VIUI . t vw p-.i.n.i nnH F'rancc have every indnce- - LilAfva - ment to recognize the well-earned inde pendence of the Confederate States. ' The precedents . of the Swiss Cantons, , the Seven United Provinces of the ttether - - lands, ot the revolted Spanish American colonies, of Greece, ol Belgium, of Texas, 1 and- the Kingdom, of Italy, justify, and ' commend this step, which, if not taken fay ministers at once, is certain to be taken by i! parliament on its re-assembling. ' , " Arrangements have been completed by enterprising parties, with large resources ' at Liverpool, for the establishment of: two ' lines of first class steamers j one to Char ieston and the other to New Orleans, A , . third line to Norfolkthe terminus of the i. Seaboard and Roanoke railway, by which cotton from North Carolina and Tennessee ' can be laid down there as cheaply as at h : New Orleans is also in contemplation. ' " j The London Herald, of January the 9th, has the following! f r Already houses in London and Liver pool, convinced that the subjugation of the Southern States is impracticable, we mak ing their preparations for the establiah i tneni braK Louaaa in .Nevr-Orloans, Charleston and Norfolk, the moment trade - 4 with these places shall be re-opened." - . , i French houses at Lyons and . Paris are -aljo preparing for similar direct Inter course with the South. - .A man.who digns himself G. C Rich, to!bly, well dressed, young and well looking, about five feet six; with i Yankee lace goatee appended, was taken 'up.on suspicion of being a Yankee spy T and brought before the (ntendant last Wednes day for trial; v He pretended to be deal and to the dumb, and by some unintelligible demon- strations with his fingers, and some almost Muallv so with a Den. he made , out to in- . . .. - : . form the court that he was from vvilkcs- boro N. C.! which was all that could , be learned of him ; and in the absence of suf ficient proof to convict him of the above charge was turned lose", It would ,b3 well to keep a look out for such a character. - . . . . , - Salisbury Banner. The indivdual referred to above, we have been advised, recovered his speech a few evenings since in Charlotte,, and being found in very bad company, created suspi cions which led to his arrest and confine ment in a certain three story brick house within the corporate limits of the city. betin.: :i v . '.; ;;;. ; ; Caustic """..'..-' '... , : ER8The .Salisbury. Banner .of.the.4th This pinstant is responsibly for the annexed : In consequence of a report that there would probably be a dratt :, made upon the militia ior regular service, volunteering to guard the prisoners has been withV the last week" unusually spirited in this county. that as soon as they can get 80,000 or 100,000 they intend to make their way te Pnlnmhiis. and New Madeid by . both land and water. They had at Caird, at last accounts 60,000 troops" and 38 mortar boats. Beauregard. 'The Nashville LT ionan& American saysi"'' - " : ; : A private dispatch was receiyed by, a. gentleman of this city. last night,; stating that Gen. Beaxiregardwill ..certainly -take command at Columcus.' . ' ' - ' " A dispatch from Richmond ays i , Gen. Beauregard' has been . assigned to the command at Columbus, ' Kentucky. Gen. GhstavuV Smith, takes the place: of Beauregard at Manassas. - . - - ' ' . ' . Later from Bowiius Green, , Welear from a friend just from Bowling Geen, (says the Memphis 'Avalanche,) that matters are quiet; there just now that a large amount of provisions had arrived and was stored in that city for army purposes-: that tTi farcrn Aiimberof Federals which had crossed Green River had; been driven back by Gen. Hindmaii that all the prc ducei houses and mills north; ' of Bowling Green, had' been destroyed,80 that the Yanks could find.no shelter and no feed that the roads had been flowed up and trees felled across themr t1 stay) the ad vance of th$ anks and nat sixty days Would nbt'elSpse before ih thousand good and true Southern men would rise pp in. the rear of the Yankee army ,i way through to Gen. Buckner. l-e7uoneJoaIcony, and was most en thusiastically cheered. ; He was accompa nied by Captain Alexander, Colonel Chis holm, and -Lieutenant Ferguson, " Aid-de Camp, Colonel F. Jordan, Lieutenant John M - O ley, Jr., and Major Clay, Assistant Adjutant General, andVDr. Brodie, bur- geon, wno area porrjon o ua . -' s Lynchburg Republican 30th ult. WA'nnTTor Matamoras and other Mexican ports, are forbidden entrance ito the river. Thefirst vessel that was ordered off hap pened to be an English ship with freight for an English house at Matamoras. No better uiustrauon "-V-" lr, Violin and -Melodeon, and in drawing forbearance or imbecility, of the J3ntjs,h. J nd the modern languages. Terms-mode, ovemment in relations tois oiocicaae t , ; ; : - R. F. HUN IV . than would be their acquiescence in., such I t Professor at .the Charlotte rem. L.oi. Bnch n exclusion ot' their merchant-vfes- jan61-28 dti JLOJ dec. 21, 1861-tf. - The undersigned begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally that he ;.nnarod t? trxvn nrivato lessons, at the residences of the pupilsrons the Piano, Gair I Common, 8 cti. . Fair 11 ' . StrieUv Fair. 12 to IS Ctll 400 bbU. N. O. NIOLASSES, C Ctsw nrf.allon. ..!' The prlcet are to Merohanta onl. Ordem promptly attended to. ' " T , from the port of a nation not engaged, Roni n , 0IiD wr. T . D.-Mrr-n c a WT1 TIT D T.nn K - I - .V .- V X - . i r ! mm u MJM i f v v - lineton special of the 20th, p-. v m ft , . - f f Wheat arid Corn-Wantcdv THE planting commanltyAWl take notice that their Wheat and f' Pblic justice requires us to' state. a fact which we have indirectly,learned, but con- cerning which there Vcan . be ' no "douhtf I'he.recent appoinimem. ui buu Patterson as a Brigadiers General was, strenuously refused r by the Secretary! of War. until a positive order from the Pre sident, issued on the urgent application ot. vameron t -- m mm f . 1 r Gen.' McClellan, leu lur. choice. ifetD York Herald, ade. The Washington special to the New York Herald, states that re cent letters received from British - states men confirm the statement made; some time ago in this correspondence, that long before the occurrence of the, Trent affair the French Minister had "endeavored1 to persuade that of Great Britain to unite with France in breaking the btockaae oi the' Southern ports of the United States. It was stated positively that M.' Thou yenel distinctly made such; a prtpositibh to Lord John Russell, whieh waspolitely j j kaiansa Fj-kt1 n nl wao not an- . .u- ;csi.-..uu". rav a irrim mv'Liverv Staple xious ior tne opening oi- uie puuuw ui v1"Vi' ,.rr' A ,n ports, but . becaase the British x Govern ment was unwilling to take an active part in provoking hostilities with' this - Govern ment, although nor averse, to 1 ranee , tak ing the task in hand , aiid throwing open the ports for their coinmpj-. benefit. ; Five Hundred Ounces -WANTEP . AT.'--'.- ' 7., , :S XT Tli 33 itV Jewelry, Store; no . T Stop the Thief. X ' .Opposite .Kerr Hotel. ; 'Nt BJ The highest cash price paid for gold-and silver. an ia '6-di THOMPSON & i BARNES, ; Jv; .yV ;; ': WHOLES ALE V . :; .VkAitUnH J i vTk " iif rT fin 1 MTG " " & ,25" COrfcMON STREET, ;. tfW ORLlMNS,A. jV. y ., Orders for'5ugaryjVIolasses,'.&c., solicited. ; .' -; - ' ' ". '' " ' .a . -' , With an epefie.nce of tweftty years, we jfeel confident of giving satisfaction. . ft jan 18 .'62-d3m -ry . 7 v ? Corn Crops will be parehMed it the J Charlotte Steam Flonrinx Mill, at I ma.rkt nneea. 1'noee nmjiuw n uc and Corn or sale mar aDa lk farntxrA lA rail mt the Mill before l ' Charlottji Flour Mill, i aog 1, 18gO-tT r ' ' ' Vottun lifJYEns. . ; mm z. will purchase v - V oozxmrcr COTTON, . ! ' . and fight their Tle Crop of Great Meli."U: .The Macon (Gal). Telegraph laments More companies have offered their services lnat ne present revolution . had developed for this purpose -than are needed. Every . m he ConlederaVe States "no great leaders, body Deems anxious to guard prieooera' Saul a head and shoulders abovts here, but not over anxious '.to run the risk brethren, to guide their . hrey energies toj nrtnkinr them. Could not the authorities jomnration worthy of such a people. make some change; by which the prison Commenting' upon this the Savannah, Ke 1 tice done them, i Ve are glad to hear that crround here mizht "be-Tendered servicea- I ,,n savs. trulv. that it feels n particu- au 0f them have been ordered under, ar- " . . rr- . f . . ; 1 . . -..- t .,-.1 z lar anxiety on that score, benig ratner rest by Gen. Johnstonv ana ma- rapiuiy ' We notice that the faise and grossly aggerated reports of Zollicoffer's repulse Which were first put in circulation at-Kxlpx ville and . -Nashville,' 1 were telegraphed to every portion of the South, greatly aiafn(- iri ig and exciting the-people, of course. If 'a score or two of the cowardly creatures who fled t he- battle field, ! and in order to hide their own shame gave circulation to these reports, had been summarily attach ed to the limbs of the nearest tree, they would have had nothing more than jus UP--1 j in Raleigh, a red roan Horse, Said horse Jxas the scratches", in -the left hind foot, - very bad, ; so gmuch so that he is lamed ; and he is spavined in one-of his hind legs3)ut Which, is not recollected. Tilfl mnn is a small, thick-set -man, i with ShgiS Dissolatiaa-ofCoptnership "and lOOKeuas, 11 ne-nau ueeii tt uiuiaiiyi engineer on the Railroad, as his clothes were slick and . greasy. I will . give fifty dollars -reward tor 'the information enab-; line nfc to recover my horse; and -bugy.' ' . ' J JAS. M. HARRIS. Feb 5-'621m ':- y GRAIN" FLOUR, AND - . ' COUNTRY PRODUCE, f of alt kinds, for which the, . . HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH wllj be paid- . . ' ..' .';'. . - .. , Just received a large lot of BAGGING ' AN ' L : . ROPING, ; And a oomplete supply of ; G R O C E mi E S ' noT4Wl-tw2aios - :'- '' 31 a t , 11.11 Family Flourfor- Salei . THE EIRM M?P.yJl I tMllVrtMandgfln FLOORS 81? JHALLis this day dissolved by mutual 1 DS, shorts and bran. ;. , Also, aiuaij ana uuia i . TrT E. A k 'i nxr at r. consent, T. J. Burrows is authorized to iaax .iTr ll mi tatandinff accounts. Persons haviriff claims a-ffainst this firm will pie i Cook and Washer; Wanted- A N experienced COOK, Washer and Ironer wit t hear of a pleaseant situaJtMm 00 applleatlon throueh this office. - - r fTi Jan. 27 '- . - Charlotte & S. C. Railroad. having claims.a-gainst tbis. nrm will piease present them as soon as ponsibie ior set tlement, and those" indebted? will please ?m ard:and:8Bukows. :f: I. A. PASCHALL. I . - Charlotte, Jan.12; 1362. :::-: aujf l,lS60-tj JOHN WILKES, Charlotte Floor Mills. vATCllES, JliWELItY, Ac, 11, - jU4 I 1 J .K y cmw ble in the way of acamppfinstrastion.and also perlorm the duty 'of guard, and as soon as a company is sufficiently drilled send them . to some.pointT- menaced f We think in this way, . it could be made doubly usefuL ; . - ) x.. I General Pillow, , It will be seen, from our telegraphic col umn, that Gen. "Pillow has withdrawn his resignation, and will in afew: days report himself for duty. . mi . afraid ot "great men,'.' anynow. 1 ne revolution has developed a great pedplf ' n that has proved itself equal, to every demand upon its virtue, ' patriotism, and intellect, and without any tall, commanding' spirit to tower above the rest, all our lead ers have been tall enough to top the enemy and keep the Government oh the road to success.,. This is sufficient to fill themea anraofourambition'forthe presenU When we have any "particularly great thing to be J heartily indorses the call if the Bos- done by a single- head una. nand, we nave 1 ton editor.. as caught the fugitives will be sent to their I Leave Charlotte, at mr;nAa R,ZW Greek Arrive at Charlotte, reSJJCUUTC , vviaaaaix ' . ' Courier., : ' . '-- " ; : - ;.. .A Call for Swards Removal. The Boston Traveller, a promirient Re publichn paper, indignantly- calls .for the resignation or else the promptremoval.of Secretary Seward. t :j. The Providence Post, a Democratic pa nnHE Passen-rer Trains on this Hoad will X . leave and arrive, hereafter, as follows 8:30 A.M. 3:50 P.M. T.finvA Columbia at V . . 8:00 A.M. Arrive at .Columbia, .4:30 . P.M. Nov 8 - itf: . '.Notfl- FROM and after this day, -I will sell- goods for CtoAand Cash only. My Customors have forced me to adopt the Cash System, by their neg lectingto pay past duea, y r Ang. 14 tf.-- . ' ' S ' :. IHEDITJEI TOBACCO, AT WHOLESALE PRICES, ;,r KAiixi ixAiroFRim), j& CHARLOTTE, N. C. T: January 25. 1861-tf ' ' The subscriber resbectfully announces to the public that be has purchased the entire stock of Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Silver and Plated Wares, Canes, Fancy Goods, &c, belonging to J. G. Wilkinsv & Co., which is now offered to the pablic low for cash only f ' ' . . ' ' Particular attention given to repairing Watches and Jewelry. I- . J.G.WILKINSON. Dec 16, 1861-d3 w2 ; J OEJTIOVAI-. x.a To be Rented TTTILL be rented oh the: Tf 3rd day ot JVtarcn 1 .. 1. Tj next, 1 at" the - residence of in x"i'r"----i-.-,, nnntiTrc 1 one we were luriucuy 1 THE Willi is sVruiiiiorftiBU!-. provided with provender ith the improvements attached. 1lhe' FVvLve eobd lots foi W- have removed' ouf Livery and Sale Stables from our old stand, in rear of the Mansion House, to the M Tattersall Stables, opposite the jail, where we would be pleased to wait on the public generally. ' "At our new stand we are better prepared to attend to the wants of the public, having a much more convenient building than the one we were formerly in, and bemg wen. Mwerirom-ci-. 1 done by single- uwt.-t w 1 ion eaiior..-. .-. . v. ,v . pamrs y "I with the improvements atlacned ,tnereio, 1 r-.r r-7- '"-m iot fo- the accommoda- ; The Confederate New of Monday con- fcar8 of finding the man to do it. : , .Among the reasons urged by the Trav- (Jotton and All KMS Of f rOdttCf); and the: furniture of the house, &c.v This I Uitgepuitmm tains the touowmg ; ; We have iust received authentic infor mation from Jeff. Thompson's army. The Federals have of late been in the; habit of arresting good and peaceable . men near Rush's Ridge, and bastiling them. ' When they. cannot conveniently Bieze them. they ." According to the Federal accounts there were ten Federal regiments in the Fishing Creek fight to two on our side, and accord -ing to reports on our side, we slew five to one. The Federal account , makes :this re elleribr the removal of Se ward, are his al leged mismanagement of our foreign re lations, the ''additional causes of distrust which ia felt in regard to his temper and habits," and alleged tact that "the coun- rnPf ATTR I)RITfi "STORE TRADE tSTBEETj n CHARL.0 TTJB W. C.-;; Ait orders attehded to witt dlspa45h ;t: : april6-tf - " ' j i surround the building, and wait for oppor- port: :. ; ' , ; I' : i tuniuea. " Last.Tharsday the Uncolnites " Col. -MinsonV brigade made a forced surrounded a house near theRidge. for the march of twenty-five mUes through heavy purpose of arresting a secessionist, but they try is disgraced by the low tone of' states manship manifested by Mr. Seward.' Hartford (Conn.) Times. U - ?r ';'.'' ' were foiled and had to bite the das(. A number of Jeff.'Thbmpson cavalry rwere passing in that direction . and; spied these invading marauders, fired into them, kil. ling two and. wounding one the rest fled. roads, and managed to arrivethree hours before the commencement 1 ot 3he fight, in which they took a glorious part, in spite of The Canadian papers say " Seward's oP ier.to allow British troops to pass through Main wilt not' be accepted. A Toronto journal intimates that the Secretary's ap- 1 nag 6et. Memphis Avalanche parent friendliness was designed t-r secure the soldiers who would desert. ,. their iatlEnie. H There is hot a regiment in the Confed.- erate8ervice that is not - - at I twntv.five miles envday. In sunshine or storm, over the deepest roads W ttUa-i& bayonets crossed when tne sun A correspondent of the Petersburg Wkig writes; ;;..';,. .:;' ., '--..Vi- -f ..' ?,.;'- - There is an underground nlail sent to lis pccasiohally from Newport - News. ;To vou a sketch of one of their letters, : Vt TFTR .HTJTCHISOII & Co BET AIL DEALERS 1 FOJSBittn; a -jw-.-MESTIO DRUGS, ' Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery .Fancy Arwcicn, wimi. -i Window 4la, Putty, Dye fetiiTarpsntlne Burnrnf flaid AJoohol, Fare wquors, vanura iom, Field nd Garden Seeds, Ac, Ac. ., , Having closed our jbooks, we Intend to sell here after for cash. - ; - May 4, ISgLtf INK MANUFACTORY.' .n tnniim nrnnertv is two miles east of ncu a,av". tr -Mr-- T Shelby," Cleveland county, N. O. -. w "xi-jsfr. sTkhms will be made known, on the day of renting-" ; ' ;;, N. B, At the same time and place will be sold, :. ' , 't : - 5 CORN, -v - : '- , -r . v v OATS '-:'..'' ' .'--,- ' : ;f : y i : ami FODDER. S. A. WILSONi f-Ex'rs, i i ,:-e: WILSON. ' Feb 4-i-cjlm'; '. modate any amount ol horses and mules, and would be pleased to wait on any drover who may give us a call. ' ' . We have, also, a good Black-imlth shop in connection with pur StableB,.and would h --leased to attend to the wants of thej people in that line. fiivft a a. calL '" ' TT?nWM Ar. WAnSWriKTH. 4 - mm tM W T W Al ' - w V ' - -; ' ; .Tattersall Stable COFFEE 1 COFPEP yT i Z .i,a r thi, rnTlowTno- eDisi rfTtHE Subscriber has commencea tne manuiac. williriz to march 1 j..--r.-rr- . - f. Jl tore of abeanurui - 1 a . 1 - r a a mmm. -m. -k. atef - T tt a AniFnrrm nnv -hv-h- i - r. OOD STI1TBUPS, tle written aboard. The chirograpny was T. ciir wixixiNO INK muu- p .ay? P--rrr, , '..w H?sficn,red. havinir been buried,' no ,,j.fwm aniEnellsh recipe.-arid !ls re- thn ground or though -oads, 11 an-enemy as opiy w 1 -- -, - .- . , . . . irom a wiU t Called to Freacii. ' i The papers tell a story of one ambitions of ministerial honors, who was praying in the woods for some Divine manifestation of a call to preach. While 'so engaged a John Donkey set up one of those cries for which his race is peculiar, which Walker raia . took for ad affirmative reply to his appeal. Wherlapon he applied for license; when the toUowtng colloquy , occurred between him anii the interrogating preacher. ' ,-- Pastor "Do you believe, brother Wal ker, that you are called ol God to preach, as was Aaron V .. , Walker M3Iost wrtainly I does." . p. "Give the.churchi that is, thebreth. ren. the proof. ' " ;,'.' V: !.. W. 'J was mightily difBkilted, and I v n determined to co into the woods and wraitle it out.1' . . ; -?-- 1 -p. -'That is it; brother Walker.' "AndTwhile 'thar wrastlin. Jocob- like, I heara one ov'tfuBf curio usest ;Toices I ever hearn in my horned. days p. "-You are on the right track, Broth er Walker. Go on with the norr&tion. I W. "I could'nt tell, for the hfo orme. whtlhtTlh-iTOiCtt was on in thft i C . Instead of .advancing on Hopkinsville or ' Russeilville, as reported, the- Bowling Green Courier learns that Gen. Tom CriU tendens command has, fallen back- from Calhoun to South Corrollton. ' Sad ' Accident, Two men .were .but hunting.'Saturday.wwk, in;theyicinity(Of Gold Hill.: The v?as a little rain came up, aa'ys the Salisbury: Watchman, and one of them. in attempting to 'cover the locMf w:. k niacins it under his coat, dis charged Ihe piece; the load, taking effect Jn iijtftEart J.iiJift::.intederacv.. certainly, be -recognized an independent sovereignty in less than six months. You have friends in the Federal army that you know nothing of. ' We are whipped al- Newport Nevsi December.21, 1861, : 11 aa-!mnfji Ar drnirs. VZAmm a! will be fi'led with protapfr- ness, and at as moderate prj hs.ve heen Now on hand and for sale ; . 100 PAIB OP-WQQDSlIBSXJPfi Apply to S. M. HO WELL. pw3w. fineated. Address aug20-tf ;V Columbia, 8. C- VUw W M " a- - - r , him --Thehall entered the lower part of his 111 . " . --ji,. cfinttered his ' L i k; MmDanionnamed-Stoner, .The Savannah Republican sets down the, Mn es - . nimediately in front of . - . . . :, o i wno waa .-- . numoers si am in tne various oaiues-a 000 Confederates, and 10,000 Federals,' at an expense to the Confederates of fifty miU lions, and to the ; Ramp Government of two hundred millions bl 'dollars. -'So each. one of the enemy slain has coet the Con federacy five thousand dollars,,"5 an enor- nvous sura f dr such worthless ' wretches. Every "Confederate soldier killed has' cost Lincoln the; round sum" , of . orie htindred thousand dollars, v . . irV. ' 'J. ioonrf ranging downward,' foot so frightfully as to. renderantgitata. ::;:-;opnSabre. Dr. t S.; G. Boyden i performed the operation cm ; Sunday, since which time tne aucerer .v.. well as could be expeciea. r. :, 1 : . ; Remoral.5 K( J - THE subscriber begs to iaf orm the priblie that be has removed his Shop to No 4 GRANITIC BO W, where he is prepared with a full stock of GOODS FOB MENS WEAR, Fifnta!. OFFICERS OS JHio oim.- " -rrr' ervicea of one of thebet .-a The Cincinnati Gazette ot the 120th Ctttter, m the South, he feels satisfied that he can .The Government has estabiisnea anew order of officers for duty on our river Atlantic, Xnn & steamers in consequence of the system ot v smugglingcontraband goods wmcn oas A,, ,a . .j5 n. been successfully carried on tor -some time I ravHE eharges on this oad -Dust past between this point .and Cairo. T3ROOITI fJOBN WAKTED. Broom Manufactory connected Mrth Harnlina institution ior the Deaf and Dumb and .the Blind, at Raleigh for which the highest market price will be paid. ; y ; "V " ' Farmers in North Carolina are urged to raise a crop ofBROOM CORN the present ..... - Antr infrtrmfttion as to the method of culture &a, will be given upon apphca- tlon to the undersigned ; . WILLIE, jan 31,'dlw wlm. PALMER, i J Principal: mmmJ v KELLY'S Southern Bf.B , Mill, Rftleighr, and is " eWj, an" v coffee. It; isad X.. , cnict-oryt ana ,ru,,or 'Abetter Darch- " . ';; machinery, and Owreforj U . P", , ed than can be done byand. hickory is t: - .VT n known ia Dine land, but in Europe' they U8e it give Perior fisvor w. to thofii, Jrt; Germany T calU ii?ian(l It is s6 memr i,4Utd that they lay a duty of two pounds ten shillings sterling per hundred weight to protect the . growers of it. We annex Professor Em mons certificate to show that there is no . humbug, but it is what it is represented tobex -V ; . -"' ' ! L To Ma. KELLt, St : I have tested and, used the two samples of manufactured coffee the labelled - Java and 'Lagvjf The first equals the Rio coffee of the fiJat Ooe prepaid 0. K. K. . t . i . . Si t- on X all Freights goin-; t Stations f0 where there are no Agents. All such freights will E. IL Samuels, ot uovwgton, sas kowu i te delivered at said astauons . rmw r r- AlaV-l 'er Much having been; said recently i in the newspapers about the -.movements' of i'this. officer; it U proper that the pnblic 'should be made aware of the fact that he, left Ma nassas on Friday last, at -midnight, by a ipecial tram, ; for Lynchburg, on his way part of the 00 detailed ior duty board the Lancaster ... ... TT . TA f 1 : u. Vankee rjrison- No. 4. which runs, to mi v eruuu. xuu.. ers made tneir eowF i ... I't thpra- whose names we did . .Ma n ll. ' Al WIUI UUI MUVWi w vi- ate fpnson - - .1 , .K- Arffonant to the same- 1 kt manner is not jjuwih ftukn.u, . . .; Sacted hiae.c.p.-while pUc 4.lta Henry riuhugb to Cmn. . n.i Krtt was caDturedLshort- TZ. 1 ThU circumstance 'should ex. L, It wiU b4 seen, by our telegraphic reports, ly alter. rA , -xactioni on the "that General Beauregardhas been assigned January 22, 1S52 tf Freight Agent, - Charlotte. DIRECT IMPOUTAHON nf-tHX subscribers have just 4peaed few Cases T&ICKOS, BEOAD CLOTHS and 3AR3TMTCR, citeaomevtgm - t . . :.f - rt Colnmbus. the mm-iuw. " " o imported directly tm Europe to their own order which ticy warrant in every reapecw "h Call and exanilat these Goods a, tht popular Rami nf . .- - 1 - ' !- -. . " v i : s i I j KOOPSLAU Jt PHZLPS. .... 'Ml.. .... :.-':.,.--?..;; ; -..-r....,fa i " VtH- ". i -1.1 XJmiim 'ninrtmpnt. to the new postof dutyowhich he ha. against eTsimilar cence. . ; ; . i hrs omaon j ' I . ..iv.a kvi. we- learn that i This is an excellent appointment, aaa wiu Yvt" . . lvleniuc" femes wmuift , 1 .iv.jH-.fl General Polk of ft portion Of npD.fTfifRTH (....in.) t-- ww TTJST IlECEIVED. .?.: i-7 . A supply of extra fine MERINO UN ky,New Orleans,1 or 1 elsewhere.-. he will doubilcia bo heard from in due tine. t iwlsnndZh'ipatcA, hhtbadt to priMn.-5iw6rj 5ttji- j tho worxnoui 4uUea noi?i devoiving upon J and for sale 7 " ,- FRESERYE tOHR TEETII. vv .iLUJaA n iiJLAx-iy ; sunesociBEaTfST. SBADTJATB OF THE BALTIMORE DENTAL COL- TTS IOLLT PREPAEI TO DO ALL-DENTAL' 11 Wrk in the latest imoroved it vies, and will b at hi oflce two weeks in each month dating fAri f J TTl OflT HTIPD 0" D PF T aJ1 C1 and seems to be equally good itthey jun.dk : ; : lam satisbeg t0 4nft contain nothing which is iicaly and system, and may be TcoiTee. ' . safelv used as substit- E. Emmoss. ;':,-' " ' 'p in pound papers, . This coffee containing thirty-six and packed Serwise ordered. j-.-aj'v-lm ; '-Raleigh, N. C. I-'. THIS! pnaw tne- remaanaer oi ma ume w J'je'r- desu-mg vrora aone av tneur TesiaeB- -oblige him very ttrach by addressing . f27- ALL WORK WAItBAJtsUlrs. i-v . Offlce, o?rifSZ&Z,tt i . aprill2 lSol-tf TO IUJZE t a:,' SEIXV ir?the remainder ot :- ,-JkCapt. Wilkes, or -Mr. , By th Pm TUll, or to tho under- 1S Uaving closed our basinets in the town of Char lotte, I hereby give yoa das notice that roar notes and accounts for ISol Is ready: for settlement. I ahall expect all peraons (except the soldier ia the army,) to come forward lnunedlately and pay ttp, as 1 am compelled to have money or suffer. Any man that will keep money in his pocket when It Is . justly doe his fellow man, li 'doing InJuiUce to him elf and his country, therefore I aak yea to come forward and pat your shoulder to thswhetU Any man that would plead Urn preitat tj Uw mjjU want credit UcrtaXVer, Look out, . :-7 -'A