JHE nmvos COUICTIO: ! i -M. .- - 5- M ' - - mmmMI m ; : ib sb raMMns THE BULLETIN: I BY B. H. BHTTTON. - OFFICE... xo- 14 TRTON 8TRFtT, (rrf China Mull, on the second Jtoo; - , TERMS FOR PAPER: rr-T WE DAILY BULLETIN wUlbsrurnWhedat SIX DOLLARS per annum, IN ADVANCE THE TRIWEEKLY BULLETIN will tTub. Trr Twsdav, Thortday and Saturday morning. aaJ supplied for 4 UP P annum, payable la advaM. BY TELESGR-APi n S,u&em Cxprt Company forward pack aats by Pgr Train and Steamers, ana lUpatches by TtUgrapk, to aU part of the tUtntry. f From Fort .Henry. . ! Retelved at Telegraph Office, Feb. 7. 1 j at Bull Ho Ofilce, U:85 a. m. MtMfHis, Feb.- 6. Dispatches from Nsshville," dated at 2 o'clock, states that the firing: commenecd at Fort Henry at 12, m. . j '" Ore hundred and fifty ronnds were fired. The result is not known. The firing hss ceased. . ' From Tennessee. Received at Telegraph Office, Feb. 7, I - . . - at UoUetln Office, 8 p. m. , Nashville, Feb. 7. A special dispatch I0the Union -American,- from Clarka 7tb2p. m., yesferdsy, sayathat Fort lies fallen into the hands of the enemy. Our force retreating to Fort Doneleon. Gun boats are at tbe Danville, Tennes see River bridge. That-place was .dee- troyed by ticulars. the Federals. No further par- Mmrat8, Feb. C Fort Henry was captured by the Federals yesterday, after fire hours fighting. Federals advanced and destroyed the Tennessee River Bridge, cutting off communication between Co lumbus and Bowling Gren. No particn I lars yet. J ' - m From Richmond. Received at Telegraph Office Feb. 7, f at Bulletin Office, i:3 p. m. f . RicuxoD, Feb. 7. Whilv th Provi ' tiunal Congress conducts its business in secret session, outsiders are busy arranging . for the organization of the Permanent Con . . grees. Gentlemen named for Speaker ot the . House are, Meridith P. Gentry, and Geo. W Jones, of Tennessee, Bocock, of Vir ginia, Curry, of Alabama, Jverner, of Lou "..iiana, and McRea, of Mississippi. . : r'or Clerk of the House, Dixon, ot Geor gia, and McCIuskey of Tennessee are the prominent candidates. Jones Hooper the present Clerk of Con. gress is prominently spoken of as Secreta ry o! the Senate, although there are seve ral others besides the candidates named.- ' " m From New" Orleans. New Or leaks, Feb.. 7. Four hundred and niaetytwo'(492) prisoners lelt yester day evening foHNorth Carolina, to be eot- 'changed. , News from tbe North. . . Received at Telesrsph Office Peb. 7f I at Bulletin Office, 11) a. m. f ' Norfolk, Feb. 6.--By a flag of truce , to-day, from Old Point. Northern papers of the 5th have been received. By them we learn that a party of Federals advan'o ed to Occoquan on Monday and had a bruh with the. Pickets of the Confede rates. They state that four of the- latter were seen to fall. President Davis has informed Lincoln, by Msg of truce that if the Bridge burners in Missouri are hung, Corcoran, Wilcox, - Lee and others will he hung in retaliation. Great difficulty ia experienced in taking care of the neeroes in camps. Wool ia puzzled and has appointed a Committee trf, provide for further wants In the Senate. Sumner reported Bill authorizing the appointment of Diploma tic representatives to Liberia and Hayti. . Schoepfl's brigade has moved to Cum berland River. A corps of Artillery to guard the coast is being formed in New York. . Scott has not left New York. . . . t ' Philadelphlans are actually engaged about a naval expedition to be' fitted out there for iLe Southern coast. A great display of fashion was exhibited at the WhiPe House last eight. . Feasting 7 ' drioking and were enjoyed, i t 7 The Erricksoo floating Battery is nearj ly completed. - -V : ' ; Prince de Joi.ivillx has arrived ia Washington. " . " Maine is to be furtled at the expense of ' . the State and to be reimbursed by the Federal Government.' ' . The House has passed a bill authorizing . the construction of twenty platedFrigaies. An expedition of twelve vessels left Cairo on the 3rd to be joined at' another point, in large force. . j The citizens of New ' York ask for the repeal of the treaty of reciprocity between Canada and the United States. ; The Herald says the guns oi the Fri- L gates at Hampton Roads are double shot- ted and they do not fear the .VtrnW ; A plot to assinatethe' President of San Salvador and also General Castilla had been discovered. Great awindling has been developed . among contractors to the Lincoln Govern ment. , V j Thirty-five thousand troops are at Cairo. The Bostonians are meeting at Fanuel Hall, for the purpose of urging Congress to prompt action- .... - The Treasury ia nearly empty. Foreign exchange is Quoted at atocka un- 1 'settled. We hate the plaasani news, this morn- j ing, (says the Charleston Mercury ot the 1 5th inst.,) that a fine steamer has reached r one of ths Southern ports in safety, bring- ing 10,000 Enfield rifles and 60,000 pounds I of gunpowder. . Tha arms are already tht hiida of thos whokcow how to uia VOL. VL NO. 830.J J EUROPEAN WBW8. , The Threatened AtUtetc upon the Sumter, Southampton (Jan. li) Correspondence of 'he London Pcat.l It is generally expected that the Federal war-sloop Toscarore'a .visit here will bow be very limifed: ',Th objection Of her j coming here, for the purpose of capturing the Confederate i steamer NatkvilU, and the probability of an engagement in our Waters, has been entirely prevented by the course which the government has adopted- Cap tain Craven, and the commander of the Tuscarora, has been officially informed that he will not be allowed -to make any hostile movements, that our , neutrality. ot the "port will be strictly enforced, and should the Natkvitte 'take her departure first, the TuMcarora will not be permitted to leave her moorings ".until , twenty-four hours afterwards. Captain Craven has, it is said, intimated to. Captain ratey, the Admiralitv aeent .here, his intentiona lo abide by the ; orders of tbe government ; and the same instructions have been com municated to Captain Pegram with regard to the Nathvilte, who has likewise assen ted to the same., . To prevent any attempt on the part of the Tusearora to evade the. demands made by the government, the Dauntless, which lies off Netley Abbey, about three miles lower down the river, has been fully roan ned and equipped. She has orders to keep steam up, and it is brought to by a spring cable, ready to prevent any met of aggres aion on the part of the Federal vessel. It is also arranged that, should necessity re-s quire it, the Dauntless can signal the lV"nr rtor, which .vessel is lying off. Osborne with her fires banked up. ' A gunboat has also been ordered here -from Portsmouth. It ia not supposed nowlthat there will be any more visits to the docks hy ' the crew of the Tusearora, or of a continuance of the excitement which has pre Tailed here during the last few days. . - t It is said that tbe Tusearora is very badly, built, that her guns are too large for a vsssei ot ner size ana class, mere not being room to work them prsperly. She is very leaky, and the men are obliged to be kept at the pumps ; and it is the opinion. of those who have visited her, competent to form an opinion,' that she will not be able to stand the shock from such heavy metal as she carries. Virginia Bonds lnEurope. " The London Times of the 5th ult. says : It hid been reported, that the coupons of the dividend due on the 1st instant on the State of Virginia five per cent, bonds had been returned by Messrs. Baring with the answer, "No advice to pay." On Satur day last, however, tbe requisite remittance had been received, and the payment will be made in the usual way. The State of Virginia has always maintained her credit, and, looking at the manner in which the horrors ot the civil .war are concentrated upon her soil, and tbe difficulties she ex periences in effecting communication with Europe, her present punctuality deserves especial record. . Brutal' Ixhttxax ity. Th casee of Mr. Morgan, brother of Col. Chas.S. Morgan, one of our most esteemed' and respected citizens, who was torn from his home in Western Virginia and carried prisoner to Columbus, where he died, has naturally ex cited profound sympathy in every humane heart. He was a prominent and influen tial citizens of this State, and for no other rri'ma (Vian Ilotnani.A te fita ' nitlva Cn m m0nwelth w1u dragged off to the cattle pen at Columbus, and his dead body' actually sent home -without tie common decency of cojfin, covered only by his person clothes and bis feet bare. In this condition ha was delivered from the cars to his mourn, ing friends, amongst the 'taunts and jeers of the Yankee soldiery ! How long shall these brutal wretches trample with impu nity on all that ia sacred in humanity and decent in civilization ! ; From CoLcsfacs. Our last reports from above are to the effect that the Federals are collecting in strong force at Cairo,' and that as soon they can get 80,000 or 100, 000 they intend to make their long talked of forward movement upon Columbus and New Madrid, by both land and water. They had at Cairo, at last accounts, 60,000 troops and 33 mortar boat. 2V. O. But' letin,Feb.,l" , Texas at this time appears to be the land of plentyand cheap living. A letter to the HunUville Advocate, from Kaufman coun ty, says : "There has been plenty of pro visions raised ' the past season to. last a year or two, such as corn, wheat, pork and beef. We Tei'ans are fattening on tbe re sult the blockade produces. Provisions are plenty and cheap ; corn, SQc. beef, 2J to 3c,r wheat, 75c; flour,. 2l'to 3c.: pork, 5 to 6c. Living remote -from market as we do, re are less dependent upon it than those'who live immediately at market. We have learnt to do without things we cannot get conveniently:" A government agent there had Orders to buy 13,000 beeves for our troops. - The total indebtedness of the: people of the insurrectionary States, says the Cincin nati Commercial, to tbe loyal States, which haa been repudiated by our' Southern brethren, ia estimated at three hundred millions of dollars. - Mtssouai-Gaii. ' PaicalWe under stand that tha Missouri difficulty has been aatiafactonly arranged: General Price will doubtless be commusioned a M.jor Gen eral, and the Missouri troop, received into the Confederate service as twelve months volunteers. A large number of these troop have already entered the service. It is quite propable that some of our city contemporaries will this morning contra' diet tht it tit ment relative to Gen. Price' a IB) ; ii i i i i lit iii CHARIiOTTE, N. SATURDAY, N TOTICE. . . Office N. jLVRv R. Co., 1 . ' Company Shops, Jan. 17,' 1862, j AH persona having notes or accounts affainat this Company are hereby requested to present them without delay at this Office for settlement. All running accounts must be sent in at the close of each year ; in no case will snch accounts be considered as entitled to interest. t , JOHN H. BRYAN r Jr., Sec'y Jan. 27, 1862 lm 4 TTENTION BATTALION. Just received a Patent Combination Stool and Cot for camp use. Also, an assort ment of heavy Army Undershirts, Drawers, India Rubber Overcoats and Pants, Enam eled Oil Cloth Coats' For sale at KAHNWEILER & BROS. - January 25, 1862 tf ' ' ; JILITABY BUTTONS, &c. .Received per. Steamer Isabel, Gold Ep paulets for Commissioned Officers Military Buttons, Gold Lace, Pistols, &c. Call soon at , - KAHNWEILER BROS. Jan. 25. 1862 tf JNGLISH GOODS.. , A splendid assortment of Prints, Striped Osnaburg, Plaid and Striped English Cotton, Goods, per Steamer Bermuda. For sale at KAHNWEILER & BROS. Jan. 25, 1862 tf ' QOTTON LACES, We are selling off our splendid stock of Needle' Work, comprising Sleeves and Collars, French and English worked Bands, Edging and Inserting, Thread, Linen and Cotton Laces, as usual, low prices. ; Selling very fast at KAHNWEILER & BROS. Jan. 25. 1662 tf ' . : " UPEBNONG WINE. Superiot articles of Scupernong WINE, in bottles for family use. For sale at KAHNWEILER & BROS. Jrn. 25, 1862 tf : i Particular Attention!4 AS there will bo a change In oar firm, our cus tomer will doiut great favor by calling? aod aetttiag their accounts aad note. Oar term hereafter are atrictly oaatu KAHNWEILER k BEQ'S. : au. u. isei-tr;.. ? . , . .. . . JOTICE.V . vT"" ' ' ' ' -: All claims aaralDt the Saddlery -od Haraeas establishment of the subscriber will be settled by Mr. K."Fhaw; aad all Indebted 'to tbe tame will please make payment to him, as it Is necessary to close up tbe outstanding business. nor. Ti 61tlX fli. riUTCUAKU.;. J. G. WILKINSON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, DEALERS IT FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER ' " . AND ,'-;,'.:.' ;t Plfttod W CHARLOTTE, 1T.,C. J. S. PHILLIPSv 3Xo3rola.A.xxt; Tailor. . a If AVTNQ located In ObarloU respect-, m.JJL luDy aollclU a share of public patron- "a" age. " if. 9 A complete assortment of, Cloths, Gassl- . U men and T stings always on band, which will be made, to order -a the shortest notice, after thf .latest fashion. , Shop three doors outn oi ine Mansion nouie. sept. 19-tf ; ' ' t ' WTTiTiTATYTS & OATES, TBADS STaBST, J . v Cotton Buyers, Grocers & Produce Dealers, Affont for KtttUwlTs 'Manipulated Guano and LorUfs Lumber. -ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. . mayl7-tf a . John T. Butler, Practical Watch and Clock ZJfakor, Jeweller c, Maine street, Charlotte, N. C, opposite Kerr's Hotel; dealer -in fine "Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Watch Materials, dbe.1 . A LL work done In the esUblishment warrented TWELVE ITIONTIIS. - Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of erery des cription repaired and warranted for twelve months. JaB.ll,ittl-ly.c , . Wilmington; . Cliarlotter and Rutherford Rail Road. TAH8rOE7 AII0H OfFICS, W. P. ON and after .Monday the 15th Instant! th Pas senger and Mall Train will be run on this Road daUy.(8andays excepted) a follows : " GOING WE8T.V J, Lsa . . Aaaivs TJ0A. M.- CharlotU . . ' 7.43 Toskaseego . . 7.43 .IS . Brevard 8.10 8.40 Sharon 8,87 Llncolston " 9.00 G0INCHASTs LiAva ' ' Armti. ' 11.00 A.M. Llncolntoa 1L28 . ' Sharon 11.43 11.50 -Brevard 11.43- 18,17 .Tuskaseege' - 12.15 P.M. , - Cbarlotte . 1.00 By Order, V. A. McBKE, ' Acting Master. of Transportation. Uncolnton, April 4th,18l. THOMAS W. RADCLIFFE, SIGN OF TUB DIIU.TI, i RICHARDSON STREET, THE NORTH-tAST CORNER Of RICHARDSON AND PLAIN STREETS, NO.160, Importer and Healer in Fine WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, BIL YEB WJLSE, - GUNS, MILITARY & FANCY GOODS. rjyWATCHas and Jnrsur repaired by skillful v and expert en oed Workmen. AIlAlnds o. ) BAia-Woax made to order.sl ct.7,1860-U: t- ; , Certain Cure for Flux Certain Cure for Flax ! . Certain Core for flax ! Certain Cars for Flux I Certain Curs for Flax ! - rOOPMAXX DIARRHOEA MIXTURE! KOOPMANN'8 DIARRHCCA MIXTURE! KOOPMANITS DURRHOA MIXTURE! . JIOOPMANtf,8 DIARRHCCA MIXTURE ! Will core tha mostobaUaat . Will ears the moat obstinate wm ears ih stoat obsUaaie' m -. , Will cure tha most obstinate . , Oases sf Diarrhea and Flax Cases of Dlarrtuna and Flux Cases of Diarrhea and Flax Cases of ffiarrhcea and Tlax If takemlaume. If taken In time. If takes In time. U taken In Ume. - For sals at KOOPMAJtN A PHELPS Ma l ttl Brig SvjrtQhjLrtcu, euttT ... i- -. I li 1 - V Its It I 1:1 111 If I I! I u -11 &zy y sA,yAS 1 I 111 . - I L.S-mu tim. M "It 1 M I 111 H I .Ikl . : P20VISI 5IIAL GOVESHMEIfT . -. r K: .'" '"' . ' or thb - Confederate States of America. ; , ' " : PRESIDENT : . - ; JEFiEESOH 'DAVIS, .:? '. or Mississippi. VIUE-PRESIDENT.: Alex. nrsTEPHEijs, , . .. OF GEORGIA. - V 1 k , i. i j' 1 CABIKET OFFICERS: V j 1 'sKOEtABT OrSTATB, , r .. IT. in. T. lll TEIt, of Vlr ula., - " SBCBKT.r?.T OS THB-TRKA80BT, "' C. G. IKJIiniGEIt, of S. Carolina. - ' - BXCRKTABT OF THB MATT, . , - S- U. AIAsUI.pIXir, of Florida. ! "'"BECKKTABY OF WAR, 5 i,, P. WAL.lt till, of Alabama. POSTM1STKB QBSEBAL; JOIIX II. REAGAN, of Texas. ! ATfv fXf GB2ICRAL, J, P. BENJ AJ tN, of Louisiana. . , "' President WnOWEIJ. COBB, of Oa, Secretary JOHNSON J. H00PEK, Esq.., of Alabama. ; BTVMBKKS. ' . " Alabama R. W. Walkerj R. H. Smith, J. L; 4 M. Carry, W P- Chilton, S F. Hale, ColUn J. McRae, John QlU Shorter, Daniel R. Lewis, Thotf. yearn. i . k - . Florida James B. Owens, J. Patton Anderson, Jackson Morton. (fSoryiaRoH. Toombs, Howell Cobb, F. S. Bartow, M. J. Crawford, VL A. Nlabet, B. H. Hill, A. R. Wright, tbos. Ev R. Cobb, A. H. Kenan, A. H. Stephens. .'-. - Loutsiana John Perkins, Jr., A. L. DeClonet, Charles M. Conrad, D. F. Keener, G-. E. Sparrow, llenrv itarshaJL ' wftf PrZTA U U wS'a n lel ,t KtiJrtIden, ' Brunswick' and Columbus, John D b Wilson, A. M. Clayton, W. S. Barry, J. T. Har- j Taylor; !. , . , x - L. riflon. 'South Carolina R. B. Rhett, Jr., R. W. Barn well, L. M. Keitt, James Chesaut, Jr., C. G. Mem minger, W. Porcher Miles, Tbos. J; Withers, W. W. Boyce. . . ' . - ,. ' , Texas Ia. T. WigfalJ, J. Hi Keagan, J". Hem phill, T. N. Waul, Judge Gregg, -Judgt Oldham, and W. B. Ocuijtree. . 8TABDINQ COMMITTEES. - Executive' Departments Stephens,'-Courad, Boyce, Shorter, Brooke. ' Foreign AJixirsBhett, Nlsbet; Perkins, Walker, Keitt. Military JJairsBrtow, Miles, Sparrow, Kenan, Anderson. '. '. . 2taval Affirs-Ooutua,- Chesnut, Smith, Writfhti Owens.; Fintince Tcombi, Barnwell, Kenner, Barry, McRae. , Commerce !fe:nminger, Ciawford, DeClouet', Morton, Curry, r - . Judiciary Clayton Withers, Hsle, Cobb; L Postal Chiltj, Boyce, Hill, Harrison, Cdrry. Patents Broike, WUson, Lewis, Hill, Kerraer. Territories Chesnut, Campbell, Marshall, TS es bit,Fearne. - , - - f , - Public .La fuf-Marshall", Harris, Fearne. - Indian A fain .-Morton, Hale, Sparrow, Lewis, KeitU -' . -. -- ..; - PriMting Colb, Harris, Milea, Chilton, Per kins. - i 7 - .--. r ; - Accounts Owens, Crawford,. Campbell,. De Clouet, Smith. I JS"nflro;Jt fchorterWllson, Kenan, McRae, Bartow. . - " . JIEMBESS 02 THE. FIKST PEBMA NEST C0NQBESS. . We make the foUowing list of the members elect of the First Permanent Congress that it is tor meet on the 10th of February next. The list is made from the election returns : r 3 Alabama. Senators Messrs'., William L. Yan cey.CC Clay. . ' , . Members of the Hsuse Messrs E tt Dargan, W P Chilton. James It Pueb-J L M Ciimr. W R L F Lyon. Abkaksas.1 Senators Messrs lUbert w Joan- BOn, CharleaB MitchelU. . Members or the House Messrs Jenx J uatson, Grandison D Royster, Aufuatwa. H Garland, Tho mas B Hanly. ., Flobida. Senators Election returns not re ceived - . . Members of the House Messrs James B Deskins, Hilton. ' GgoaeiA. Senators Messrs RH Hill, Robert Toombs. r . Members of the House Messrs A H Keenan, Hiaes Holt, A R Wright, Julled Hartridge, Lycius J Gartrell, Wm W Clark, Robert P Trippe, David W Lewis, C J Munnalym, Hardy Strickland. Louisiana. Senators Messrs Fdward Sparrow, T J tiemuies. ' Members of the .House Messrs D F Kenner, Chas YUlerst John Perkins, Jr., 0 W . Conrad, Henry Marshall, Lucien Dupose. ' Mississippi. Senators Messrs Albert G Brown.. James Phelan. Members of the House Messrs John J McRae; J W Glapp, Reubin Davis, Israel Wafch H O Cham bers, O K singleton, Barksdale. r " . - .... Miasouai. Senators Messrs John B Clark, R 8 Y Peyton. - ; .-. . . , . , . Members of the House Messrs Jwhn Hyer, Caspar W Bell, George G Vest, A H Conrow, W W Cook, Thomas W Freeman, Toomas A Harris. - North Oabolis a Senators Messrs George Da vis, Wm 8 Dortch. - i Members of the House Messrs W N, H Smith, Robert Bridges, Owen R Keenan, J D McDowell, Thomas 8 Ashe, Archibald ArringUra, Robert Mo- Leany William Lander, R8 Garther, AS David-; son., . ' , Socth Carojh a. Senators Messrs R W Barn well, James LOrr. . J Members of the House Messrs W" W Boyce, W. Porcher Miles, ML Bonham, John McQueen,! M Ay er, James Farrow. . TxasBssxa. Senators Messrs Labgdon C Haynea, GusUvus A Henry. - - " Members of the Rouse Messrs D M Carrin, J. DC Atkins. H E FosUr, Thomas Menees, George W Jones, MP Gentry, W G"Swnn, W H Tibbs, fi L Gardner, T J Heiakell - - q x"Senator Messrs. fjonis T. Wigfall, W: S. Oldham. . Members of the House Messrs. John A. Wil cox, Peter W. Graham, C C Herbett, W B Wright, Malcolm P Graham, S. B. F." SextoJ. VlBciau.. Senator Not elected. Members of the House Messrs. John R. CTatn bUss, Muscoe R, a Garneir, John Tyler, .Roger T yorA T.om E Bocock, John Goode, Jr Jamts P Holcombe, D C Dejarnette, WUliam, Bnuth, AR Boteler, John B Baldwin, W R St-, pies, Waiter Preston, A G Jenkins, -Robert John son, Charley H. RusselL w."TP,tl-.SenatoMes8rs. H -O Burnett, W uil&m Simtns. : Members of the House iteSsrs Daniel P White, ThcmasB Monroe, J U Ford, John J Thomas, X D BurreJ.George W Ewing, George B Hodges, Thomas Johnson. . - BALTIMORE COMgCiALCOLLiitiK lODIOEg S62. CBMIEIE1. til LOOATas-. r. Comer of Baltimore and Charles Streets,, ALTIMOaa, MO. f SJHK Largest and mostEiegantly Furnished JL Commercial CoUegelnlheUnitea States. avery young man should write Immediately Vor one of thoa large and beauUfully ornamented ftAlT? "terioVand interior new of tn Waltikorjc Commbboiai. C6llbb. Peumanahip, 4c., which wlU be sent by return oaU free of charge with' Catalogue coptalntai LUt of Students, Term, of Tuition, OpbaKStt. Press on our New System of Book-Keeping, etc. ' SAOCLTT. - i -M- ..-" . ocrat&Uon H. H-Da vias. Associate Prof, of Rook-Keeptng. N. a Joajracar, Professor of PenmanshlD 8. T. WILLIAMS, Esq., MwrctRoLaV -Rav. E. Y. Rbbss, D. Commercial ithlca. , . J- OBTa8. - Hon John P Kennedy, Hon Joshua Tansant, Hon Thomas Swana, j Wm H Kelghler, Isq.i Jacob Trust, Esq., J Wm KnabeftM. .' "J?.1 required to eompleta tha fail stf uvata ww .m WWAJ A Ditloma.Ib awarded to all Graduates'. - ' -Lvge Clroularand Catalogues stating terks Ac, sent by mall free of charge. 'Address . .' K.L08T13t, :' jan U-tf . .. .. BaUUnore, pM H.L. ALEXANDER. Attorney and Counsellor at Law CHARLOTTE, Ni C, CT OfiJi la BruTTi Pranrjw. T7tT FEB. 3-1862. I GOVERNMENT. OF NORTH CAR OIjINA. t-, H.T. Clark, of Edgecombe, Governor, salary per mum, $8,000, and the use of a furnished bouse, annum -Term expires January 1, 1S61 - G. A. Dares, of Craven, Secretary to the Gover nor, salary $300, exclusive of fees. ? - ' Rufos H. Page, of Wake, Secretary of State, sal ary $300, exclusive of fees. ' ' Daniel W. Courts, of Rockingham, Treasurer, salary $2,000. r . . - . Curtis II. Brogden, of -Wayne, Comptroller, sal ary $1,000. The General Assembly commences its session on the third Monday of November every alternate: year. The next elections for members of the. Sen ate and House of Commons, and for Governor, -will be held on the first Thursday of August, I860. uterary Board The Board of Literature of North Carolina is composed as follows : HLa Ex cellency, John W. Ellis,- President, eaf officio; Q. A. Day es, Secretary., ' . Internal Improvement Board-r-The Internal Im provement Board is composed as follows: His Ex cellency, John W. Ellis, President, en officio; G. A. Daves, Secretary. State Librarian Oliver H. Perry, of Raleigh. GENERAL ASSEMBLYOF N. CAROLINA, : MBMBBB8 BXBCT TO THB, LEGISLATORS OF 1860-1. : (O. for Opposition D. for. Democrat.) ; - j.': ,- ' : Senate. ' ' :. ' 1. Pasquotank and Perqaimansr S S WhedbeO) O. 3. Camden and Currltack, B F fcimmona, D. 8s Gates and Chowan, Hills H Eure, O. - 4. Hyde and Tyrrell, Jones Spencer, O. 5. Northampton J M Rogers, l. . Hertford, Joseph B Slaughter. O. . 7. Bertie, David Outlaw, O. 8. Martin and Washington, J R Stabbs, O. -' i 9. Halifax, M O Wbitaker, D . . , 10. Edgecombe, H T Clark, D. lLPitt, K J Blount, Os ' - ; 12. Beaufort, Frederick Grist, O, 18. Craven, N H Street, D. V 14. Carteret and Jones, M L F. Arndlel, O., ; y. - 15. Greene and Lenoir, James P Speight, D. v 16. New Hanover, En W Hall, D. - . 17. Duplin, James Dickinson, D. - - - , 18. Onslow, L. W. Humphrey, D 20. Cumberland and Harnett, Duncan Shaw, D 21. Sampson, x&os.' a rauon, it. - . 22. Wayne, W. K. Lane, D. 23. Johnston, J W B Watson, D. 24. Wake, M A Bledsoe; D. . ; 25. Nash. A J Taylor, D. - - 26. Franklin, Wastdnirton Harris.'D. aiWarren, T J Pltchford,. ? , , ; 28. Gtaovllle, CH K Taylor, D. . , 29. Person, C 8 Winstead; D. " ; 0 80. Orange, Jtaiah Turner.jr. 0. . ; w ,- . t 81 Alamance and Randolph. J Worth, 0. 82. Chatham, W G Harris, D. - ; 88. Moore and Montgomery, C W Dowd, O. ; :. Richmond and Robeson, Alfred Dock ery, O. ..Anson and Union, S H WalkUD, 0. ' .Guilford, JohnM Morehead. O. 4 , " 87. Caswell, Bedford Brown,. . ' 88. Rockingham, F L Simpson, D. ' - 89. Mecklenburg, John Walker, D. 40. Cabarrus and Stanly, V C Barrlnge'r, 0. 41. Rowan and Davie, J G Ramsay, O. 42. Davidson, John W- Thomas, O. 43. Stokes and Forsyth, Jesse A Wafagh, D. Asne, esurry, watauga and Yadkin, Joseph Dobson, D. , 45. Iredell, Wilkes and Alexander.L Q Sharps, O. 4dBurke, McDoweU k Caldwell, W W Avery, D.. 47. Lincoln, Gaston and Catawba, Jasper 8towe,D. 48. Rutherford, Polk' and Cleayeland, A WBur- ton.D. . - .. ..... 49. Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Yancey jna-rcus e.rwin, a. 50. Haywood, Macon, Cherokee - and Jackson, Wm. tl. Thomas. - D. . Democrats, 81 ; Opposition, 19. Democratic majority 12. . At last Session Democrats 82 ; Op position gain just one. - : THE BULL EpTIlV THE CATAWBA JOURNAL. E axe pleased to ' advertise the friends and patrons of this establisliaent ihat we com. menoe tbe pubUcatton of the secojtd volume of the nsst named journal, this : day, under the - most favorable auspices. , - . ,s . - Tbe circulation of. the above named - paper Is rapidly increasing, and its influence as an adver ti&tng medium is being felt and appreciated by it patrons, having access . to, almost every neighbor hood in this and adjoining Counties, aa we'J aa the adjoining Districts in Bputh Carolina. THE CATAWBA JOURNAL, One of the largest papers now published in the State, mailed for $1.0Uper annum, , made up from the columns of the Dajlt Bcllbtut, has not only become a popular papers, but it affords great ad vantages' to those who ; wish to use Its columns a an advertising medium. . Specimen copies will be sent to any section they mi y be ordered, ree of postage. ' or terms, Ac, we refer the - reader to our lu pUnt. . 1 E. H. BRITTON nov.l-tf fhedgeeombe Farm Journal. f erHE subscriber will commence-on or about the JL 1st of September, I860, the publication of a monthly journal In Tvarboro', to be devoted to the plantation and rural Interests of North Carolina in particular, and of the South generally, Edgecombe having long since been acknowledg ed as the model farming county of North Carolina, we feel that there is no looauty Better suited, ana none more lastly entitled, to the source of publi cation of a nrtt class agricultural paper than Tar- boro'. It is to be called - "The Edgecombe Farm Journal," And will contain original and selected articles up on Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, House hold Arts, Rural Architecture, Zoology, Ac, Ac. It win b published - with new type and clear white paper, in a neat quarto form. Tbe price of subscription has been made so low as to place the publication within reach of every : . . Ji i .TERMS: On copy one year ;...iv... -........,. $0 &0 v Beven copies one year. 8 00 4 j Twelve copies one year. o 00 Twenty-five eopies one year . . . . .', . . .,10 00 : . tsar No paper sent unless paid for In advance.' - V" WILLIAM b: smith, . Editor and Proprietor, Tarboro', N. C. . - tntv &o-tr . . - . - ' -"" h-- or ihs ' flILLSCOROUGU RECORDER, ' nXVOTKD TO ' ' " POLITICS, AGRICULTURE. KISCELLART, 6EKEXAL MEWS. DENNIBH15ABTX; : i - HILLSBOROUGH, N- C. WITS Ihe present volume tha RECORDER Commenced the fortieth year of its exis tence, the first number having been issued the lUta of February, 1820 ; during all wbieh time ws have labored to make our paper Interesting andjueful, and we hope that in these particulars we have hot hum a.itoarether unsuccessful. It has been our wish to make the RFCORDER a good Family Pa- J per, devotea to rouues, agriBumuc, juiavmauj, General News, Ac, with a vtew to the entertain, ment and improvement of the farmers . and citl aens of the circle in which it Is distributed. Oar Agricultural department we. endeavor to fill with the best selections we can make from ail sources, giving preference to such as will b ' or practical use to the farmer and cultivator ; and In this par ticular we hope to make the RECORDER as valu able to the agriculturist as any periodical of a purely agricultural charaeter. In our Miscella neous department, we eliall contiue to be, aa we have Always been, careful to select such articles aa will have a tendency not only to amuse, but to Improve the mind aad heart. While we shall be thankful to receive well-written articles-to aim our columns, w are not so. ambitious of originality aa not to prefer selected matte of superior nierU, " loosely-written and in-digested articles, though. ,VrnaniTted at the top with the coveted words -Writn exjrel, for tbe RECORDER. In oar News deparunentV shall take especial painso oreaent tbour readers the latest Intelligence ; and L blTus W da so. we hava fallties eonal to enjoyed in any portion of tha State, except ISost SvorS with telegraph communicaaon. , : a single copy; one year,.. vi" :-8Ix copies, one year...... "ir;X - -Ten copies; one year. ...... ... 13.oa subscribers and send us the cash, shall reeetve their own paper free of charge. . - July 18. Take Notice. FROM THIS DATE, our Books are positively closed to alL Cash will, In every instance, be required, without dlstinotion of persons. We are compelled to boy for Caao ourselves and most therefore have money. v DO Ql43KrQA CBJEPIT w i $6 PER ANNUM. Book and Job Printing: P EVERY CLASS AMf SITVf j UI ja JM 1 - iuUJ Oil iifi, neaur xtxecuiea at mim offlce. "ROTATING procured a large amount" of excel- JEuL lent material, and added to this establish ment suitable fast PRESSES, we take this oppor tunity to Inform ; our friends and tha public, that we are fully prepared, to execute work of every suss, la ','fX?. 3EI. X 3T 1 X 1ST Or 9 at short notice, and at prices far' below those usually paid In this section of country. We are prepared to print In the latest and most approved style, CARDS. I BILL-HEADS, INVITATIONS. CIRCULARS. NOTES. - J CHECKS, LAW I1LANKS, SIIOW-RILLS, 1'AIHJPXILETS, BOOKS, and any other style of printing usually called for, for much less than the same class of work can be executed this side of New York. E. H. RRITTON. Take Notice. LL jersons indebted to the subscriber f - r- a. asw w nw . - . come .f;o rward ..... -,.' - and pay up - !''-. . . IMMEDIATELY! M longer indulgence cannot be givn- f .- .. " ; - v J. 8. PHILLIPS. ' t would also noUfythose in want -of goods that from and after this date all goods will b e sold . Iq w . down for cash or its equivalent. Jan.10 tf. :- v- t . t Hoops! Hoops! Hoops SOMETHING NEW . i LOT OF SILK HOOPSatt entirely new and. f superb article light, springy and pleasantly made expressly for the South. Also, a new style of HOOP SKIRT, a moat desirable artkla, called The Belle of the Souths Together with a very large number bf more ordi nary Hoop bkirts comprised of from 10 to CO hoops SLQl ' j: ' " 1 f ' wt ' '-"- - .. T V - april 18-0 ; KOOPMANN k PHELPS. J- 1'ALMiiITO. : IKOIST WOEK8. COLCJITIOIA, S. C.V ' ESTABLISHED. A. D. MDCCCLL wilIaUM ; gUze, ;- AN UFACTURER OF STEAM ' ENGINES, from 10 to 80 Horse Power; SUGAR MILLS of every' style now in use, Milt Work of every discription. Also, Iron Railing, with every discrtpuon of Iron and Brass Castings. - :- I would call attention to Iron Casting in the way Of enclosing Public . Buildings, Dwellings, Cast Steps, Balestro Railing, and all kind of enclosures for Cemetary lots. . - M Having a first rate Boiler maker with us, we are prepared to manufacture Boners, or repair them, at short notice. Will send -boiler maker to any part of the Stale. Our Steam Engines wilt be' found, when compared with those mad at North era establishments, to be from twenty-five to forty per cent larger for the tame horse power. ' These Works have been in uecessful operation, forsev ral years, with an increase of patronage from all parts of the Southern country, Tor which ithe Proprietor returns his thanka to his numerous friends and patrons, and begs to assure them that no pains or expense wiu oe sparea ie men a cen tinuanee of their favors. ; : . . ,r may 17-tf .'.. ;.. . M0NTAM0ENA FEMALE SE jII- MT. PLEASANT, CABABBU3 Co.. IS - t . - ' ! - . - T HE exercises of this school. will be resumed on the 20th of August. RATES PER SESSION. '. , " Board, (Including washing and fuel) English course, from 86.00 to Music, on the Piano, Melodeon, or Guitar, Languages, each t4aoo 15.00 20.00 8.00 10.00 8.00 T.00 1 Drawing, or painting, , K vocai music, . ' , i . Embroidery, r , r ' , Other ornamentals reasonable l ' TERMS; . j- . - -: ;j ;. Half of all the expenses, board and tuition, must be paid In advance, and. the remainder at the close of the session, Pupils who board in the Seminary will not be permitted to make store accounts. For further information, address i . L. G. HEILIG. July 28, '61, till oct 1 f ' ' : MARTIN, TANNAHILL & Co., (Successors to NiM. MARTIN, SON ACe.) Grocers & Commission Merchants; r PETEnSBTJRO, VA. " WALTER K. MARTIN & 06 (Successors to N. M. MARTIN, SON k Co,) COITIirilSSION MERCHAWTS, R. A. Mabtis, formerly ef Granville Oo.,N. 0 R. Tasaboll, formerly of Edgecombe CauN. C Waltbb K. M abtot, of Riehmond, "Va." N. M. Mabti, of Richmond, Va R. H. GrasmoHAii . Jrr of Blcbmond, Ta. , natOTH concerns will rive faithful personal aU ITS tention to the sales of COTTON, WHEATyJ TOBACCO and CORN. Neitiier concern will huy any of the above named articles, either on Com mission, Speculation or otherwise, as their busi ness In produce Is confined to SELLING exclu sively. Referto .- , . O. I. FISHaa, Esq., President N. 0. Rail Road. rtP w j. HAWxiaa. Pres't R. k Gaston Rail Road. K. R. BaiDoaas, Esq, Prest Bank at Tarboro, N. C, Hon. W. N. Eo-wAanSr Warren uounty, . . . Jambs M. BtjLLOC, Esq., Granville County, N. C. 0. F. Fishsk, Cashier Exchange Bank, Petersburg Kxxr P, Battls, Esq Raleigh, N 0. . KSBT" We respectfully call the attention of Cotton Planters and dealers to Petersburg aa being one of the best Cotton Markets in the South, having both, a rood heme aad foreign demand, and we are pleased to hear that effort are now being mads to ret tha freight through from CharlotU to Peters burg reduced to about $8 a bale. V' -i meh l,1861"8m. ; ', ' ' BlKlNGrER'S ;P ? , old : Loin)on dock am COGNAC,- ''; M4?K" :., SHERRY, ' , . ..L ' ' . .", . PORT, ' - '. " , . , MADEIRA, : -1849 a&saavs BOURBON, ; - WHEAT TONIO. : .; - Put up in Cases containing one dozen Bottles each. : . A. HI. BlKriNOElX 4c CO., (Established IT7S.) WIU E IMPORTERS, . No, 19, Broad St., If .' Y. ; " eserin order to Insure' consumers Pure Liquors i m. mDMt and convenient form, we commenced the enterprise of boUUng and pacCing in case our' well known vrinee, iranuie, t?iuocj, uu have sent them out in a style that would preclude the possibility of their being tempered with, before reaching-the purchaser. The general apprecia icm and rratifvinK success that haa rewaraed our efforts, has encouraged ns to maintain the standard as regards quality ; aiso, to maze increased anorta to maintain the confidence and patronage which; has been ae liberally bestowed upon us. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. : The BrsxaeBS's, 19 Broad Eu, hava a very high reputation to sustain, as the oldest and beat h in New York." ifcwns Journal. "The house of A. 1L Bnmiaaa k Co No. 19, Broad SV has sustained for a period of eighty years, a reputation that may well be envied." jr. x. evening rosi . . ; "The name of A. M. Brxntoxa k Co., No. 19 Broad St., Is a guarantee of the exact and literal truths, whatever they reepesenkirV Y. Commercial AdwrUser. Wa invUa the attantion of BSa and Physicians to our extensive stock of cboics old Wines, Brandies, etc Orders from the country ' "SSSJ1 , ..44a. rHmmiara. eontalniBg a list or attention. rices, Krwartcd ta thow acstrtni and p TEB1IS POE AD7EBTI8rJI0 iar 1 time... ........ 7- lo 2 times - ... l square- 1 1 . do 2 times,.. - ' to. J , o do 1 A co 12 do.......; J t do 1 oiontb 1 f do ,1 m'ths 1 ' .do 8 do ., t . do 6 do 1 ' da ' t v . . .75 1.00 1J55 2.7ft 4.00 7M 10.00 ...... .. . . 16.00 tT AdvertisemenU publUhed until forbid, will be charged 50 cenu per square of 12 lines for Ue nrstinaertlon, and 25 cenU for each contln.ane. If not contracted for. . J t3T A liberal discount made on the Above ' rste-tatersons advertlstmr h (special dispatch) From South Carolina. Columbia, Feb. 6. Editor Bulletin i Everything-b quiet on the coast of South Carolina to-day. -The weather; is, very stormy and.rainy. .. - B. : From Hatteras, v -. Rfcelved In Charlotte Feb. 6V at Bulletin Office, 11 : 10 p, nx, f S Richmovd, Feb. 6. Intelligence fom Hyde County, North Carolina, -report that the Federal fleet, of fronx fiftyjo one" hundred vessels,' moved from Hatteras yesterday. in'tVe'iilxectioji oi Ronoake Island.' From Richmond. Received in Charlotte Feb. C, I , at Bulletin Office 11:10 p. in. f X Richmomp, Feb. 6. The Federal tjene- ral, rteynolds, reported resigned, and Kan; aas Denver, has been appointed at Cheat Mountain. - ! ' ; There is no indications ol a" Federal ad,f vance in that quarter. " The reported' marauding expedition of j the Federals about Green River was much 1 exaggerated, as they are atratd, to venture out niach since their repulse at Valley Mountain in December, s ' ' j The Federal force, about seven' thous- apd, under XJeneral Landers, -which left Rom lie y on the approach of the Confeder ates, is now at Springfield, New Creek DW pot and Pattersons Creek,- points ranging from eight to fourteen rafles from. Rom . - . . i- ney. , ' !' ' There is no present prospect of an ad vance" there by them. t ' . i . . ; Noble Action; Richmond, Feb. 6. The second Ten nessee regiment, CoL Bates, has unani- mously resolved to re-enlit for the war, arid other regiments will rapidly follow their example. . i . : ' , THE LARGEST CIECTTLATIOH nTwES TEEN N0ETHCAE0LINA. ; ' -I;-' the w ; 1 CATAWBA JOURNAL, 'AND THE DAILY BULLETIN, i . .' . ' rCBUSBKD BT M ' .E . H. B R I T T O N , ' ::: I CHARLOTTE, N. CJ. . '-' THESE Papers (embracing the Tbi-Wbbkxi . Bpllktib ) established in wie'town of Chrlotte, ' N. C., afl'ordjs unusual advantages to Advertisers both' at home and abroad, as the editions, Weekly, ': . now exceed - ; - - , , . . SIX. THOUSAND COPIES, which we have no doubt are read -.by at least ' TWENTY TJIOUSANb - ' 1 ' persons each week, a large, proportion ot wbom are Planters and their families. As a means of Advertising we are confident that great advantages can bs obtained through this es tablishment, hence we embrace tkls opportunity ' ; to Inform our friends and the Mercantile commu nities on the Seaboard, (Charleston and Wilming ton,) that our facilities for circulating their business v Notices throughout Western North Carolina aad the adjoining Districts in South Carolina are ex tensive and complete. Our terms are liberal and alarge deduction wil be made on tbe bills of Contract Advertisers. Sept. 27, 1801. - . - -i. ; 1ICKLE;MC HtO. WOHKS. HENRY ALEXANDER. ' : cmarLotte, n c. fTflH E underslgded beg to lorona Jtne ciuseas of' tl Charlotte and vicinity, and the public gen erally, that they nave. COMMENCED BUSINESS. A at the above I E Ii T iLB,!-1 SIlItlElVT root or I . Adjoining the North Carolina Ball P -Ad, and op tz-Tuxi WTI irV9 fita.m Vlta f1lla They are now prepared to furnish all kinds or" At short notice, and on reasonable terms. STEAM ENGINES FROM 8 to 80 HORSE POWERi y TTorflO-GhOOiliS .. , '- AND ' ' biAcii:siriiTiis wonit . " "j OF ALL KIBDS. -ij TR E JE A B 3 In their line promptly attended to. Their F0UN DRT is ia full operation, and f Cast Eegularly twice a Wssk, ' - Wednesdays and Saturdays, j " They are prepared to furnish all kinds of CASTINGS IN IRON, Oil ASS, dec. -. " A0COBDIBO TO 0BDIB. '' SAW AND GBI8T HILL 0EABIH0, GIN WHEELS. I SA W D UST B UHNERS, ANTI-FRICTION PLATES AND BALLS FOR . COTTON PRESSES. " CAST IRON RAILING., Tor uaraen .aciuj i Dwelling Houses, . . " I Public Balldinfs, Porticoes, : " Cemetery Lots, A Their rTYTfc CEMENTS . su. a II ! KsanrhaA. are provided with all the .. I2VIPROVBMENTS Reoulred to do their work In a ... OTttST RATE 1TIANNEM. a-JL for Dr. E-' O. Elliott, for Winter's taksnin trade. i ,y Dissolution. Taw vtnartnenhlp heretofore existiof under JU$&1 MCDOJOAU.. i. davcisaolved by mutual consent. Henry iexdeyisJone authorised to sattla thabaal- aeat of the tjjcNRY ALEXANDER. .., i f UkUQQU McPQUQAX JuitlTil!n - l siiiiii k - ' .V '