- : - - .. '; .... - ' - ( y ? . . ...':. : . . '- - " - . - y..- r. ,, ..... . . -1 ' ' - .mm .SSI a 1 1 ' ' - ' , j PaaaWWSMaSSaaiaiESSSSPSSSSSSSSSSSSSMlSasa . 1 ' ' . ' " L . . .- " ''. ' . WBBIWBBBBBBBIBBBBiBBBBBIiMBiBBWBHBBHBBiBIBWiBBWHBWWBWBBMWB. - . .TEB1IS FOB.. ADVEBTISI2JQ-. qttkre 1 tlme.i.. .............. ..a do ' S times... . .V. : . r de -...... :...i.V.. .......... i.-:fl 12 do 2.7ft 1 uontb. ,s. s ....... ...... 4.00 2 m'ths...... . ......... 7.50 8 dn 40.K) OKriCF.......... NO. U .TETON 8TRtrTK ! " i yt:T, u.ou Advertisements published until forbid, will HTTHK DAILY BULLETIN will befnWUat MX DOVLAR4 pr anura, HI ADVANCE , Sf TUETRLWEtkLT BULLETIN winbJniu IWbed tvry TueL.y, Thursday wad Si unlay monUD .i4 .aprlW for 4 00 per aanva, 9aybl la tvirvKC be charged 50 cents per square of 12 lines for tfcs arst Insertion, and 25 cents- for . each continuance : if not contracted for. ' A liberal discount made on . the above' "tea to persons advertising ty contract. ' " CHARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAYr FEB. 11, 1862. $6 PER ANNUM. VOL. VI. NO. 832 'r w TFTT?. TITTT.T.T7.TTXT. -. . . . - - .- -,. r r 1 v ... . .:s , . - - - !. : r---- s . , ATsJf 11 f ..... '. -25s 1 . CV a ii l Ai.. " ' : I-'. II I- - -fl . . " - ? ........ V;-.;.A .73 i I - II I Jr. -.. - ' - - . . r-Tl , " I I . - - T I I - - 'Ill I . Jr a. t I II, . W - ... .. A r . - .. .... . , . . i i 8 : OO ... . T ftrt lil 111 f 111 '111' II i ft: I I I I I I I t. X 1 I I . I I I I I 1 -'I I I 7 I I I ' . . . . - ,. -. '.. h n5 I II I If! III . Ill l IX I II I II I II I 1 1 I . - ' -ws - i .i- I w S ,..-, I - i ' " I I " " m 1 " "M 1 "" ' " " ' 'II" ' " It - , , i, . ! l. L ""' ""'IL'" - " " " " if BY-i '.TELBCRAPBL 7X SvutAtm ErprtMM Comf-anyfiruitrd pack C by Puj,r Triiani StfHmeru, and . Jptck ly Tt'tgraph,toall rxirUvftXt I ntfry. ... Awful News. ;. . , - FROM KOAXORE ISL1ND. i f " Coi-I mbu, S. C. Feh. 10. .Editor Bulletin: A private Dispatch juatf received here Ixom the highest authority stares that Ro anoke Island ha been taken by the enemy. Our los in killed, wounded and prisoners captured amount to 3000.- . ,- O. Jcx.xi.tGs Wise, Editor ol the .'VA monJ Enquirer is mortally wounded. , vThe enemy landed fifteen thousand strong and we were forced to surrender after our ammunition gave out. It is supposed that the enemy loss will reach 1000. Occupation of the Island. Richmond, Feb.. 10. A steamer arrived to nijjht with the intelligence that the Federila took "Roanoke Island yesterday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Federal force 15,000. landrd, aeainst l than 3,000 Con lederate. v All our troops were taken prisoners ex cept 23. Many officers were wounded ; among them O. Jennings Wise, who, it is thought, is mortally. Capt. Coles of Char lotteville is reported killed. Particulars niragree, but it is certain that Gen. Wise was not captured. ' Ifrom Iioanoke Island. : t Received s.t Telegraph Office W eh. 10, 1 j i .at Ballethi Office, 4:20 p. m. f . Richmond, Feb. 10. AnTofficer from the Conlederate steamer Curlew, jusi from Roanoke Island, "reports that' the Curlew' was sunk by the enemy. The other Con lederate Doits fhen withdrew to Elizabeth Citvj for want ol ammunition. .A large b'dy of Federals, supposed to be 5.000, landed yesterday at Roanoke Is . land,- Their landing was intentionally permitted, so as to. meet them on shore. , It is reported our troops engaged"' the i sr " . a nemy vigorously, i ne xiatue raged terrifically all day. Our Batteries were un injured, no casualty reported. . A dag ol truce went today to Fortress 344MrM mnJ will return lbiiiMir-7- - The battle report JtfT RonoWe Island on Saturday commenced at 9, . ml . AH batteries continued operations for half an hour, under this fire. The enemy landed 500 at the soutn end I . ol the Island, being a marshy locality. The Confederates charged them cheering, when the enemy retreated in disorder and attempted to reach the Gun Coats. Confederate reinforcements reached the - Island on Friday night. Ammunition was abundant and we were L' provisioned on the Island. uJStrkng the attack, four Federalvyeaels ."werw(nk. The Curlew, was only beach ed. A Urge ball struck her deck and pas eed through her bottom All aboard and her smmunition were saved. The Commander of the Confederate steamer Forresfmade a "gallant fight al though somewhat wounded. One mid shipman lost an arm. Fifty Federal vessels were off the Island ; but only 20 Gun boats were engaged. Ic is understood that the Confederate fleet retired to Elizabeth City to obtain supplies which they found and promptly returned reinvigorated News from the North. 1 .Becalred atTelraph Office, Feh. 10, 1S53 I j at BaUsfln office, 8.85 p. o. f "By a flag or truce, the New York e htM of the 8;h has bocn received. In its report of the fakihgf. Fort Henry it says : The fight, lasted 2oninutes; Federals fired 240 rounds into the fortr 33 Federals killed. Gen. Tilghraan .and staff, one Colonel, 2 Captains and 30 privates were made prisoners. ' - ;t: ! : ' Ilallick's dispatch to McClellan, dated St. Louia 7th, says "Fort Henry is ours; the' Flag of - th .Union ia re-established upon the soil of Tennessee, never to be removed.' ... , . . Congress is greatly elated at the-victorv. . A letter from Thurlow Weed, at Paris, dated Jan. 21, says, "Napoleon would an nounce to the Corps Legislative his inten tions to interfere in American affairs. . CoK&iEsstoyAL. The Senate, has passed a Bill appropriating SI 0,000,000 for. the constructioa of 20 iron-clad .Gun Boats. A. bill authorizing the issue of an addition .al $10,000,000 demand notes has also i passed, the Senate.' , . , . Louisville Feb 7. Fort Donelsonwill . be attacked to morrow. The Confederates from Fort Henry retreated to Paris, leaving a part of their gunsl Federal Cavalry are in pursuit. .. - Pittsbprs, Feb. 7. Confederates evac uated Romney last night. " . . . WAsniaSTO, Feb. 7. The War De partment, has received a dispatch which says Gen. Lander occupies Romney. The Confederates have withdrawn- x' ' : An editor residing' in Porkopolis itself, Vs fly the following hoggish, missile at the "nneate rebels' VU ' - he State of Tennessee alonejhas raised P"nough during the past year to last the (injergte army till next winter, AvhbiPaper. . . . The B6ipwrM leii, ug 0f ,wine b-ung nee pbasea-4of deriU Xbe a5oTe pirm. graph ladic4UV a clear burning of the UWtty Accor&a to it; tfco devlia art Tlie Indian Plgbt. r , From Dr. G. A. Cutler, .Indian Agent at Leroy, Coffee county, we . learn Jul! particulars in regard to the recent defeats of the Union Indiana. - The Rebel Indians were commanded by Albert Pike and Mcintosh., The last fight was on the border of Cherokee county i our men were badly whipped, and a num ber 61 women'and children were killed. The enemy had artillery, we had none, and our flefeat war chiefly attributable to this fact. " There are now about four hundred Uni on Indians at Fall River, and in a deplora ble condition. " Hundreds more' re . daily expected there. Taylor is the' Chief at Fall River. " They, have no provisions, and are poorly cJothedJ The. guns used by them are of the poorest kind, and "they hare rery Htfcle ammunition. Opothleyoholo believed that John Ross betrayed bjra. The Union Indians were twice attacked when on the camping ground selected by'Ross. The third time it was determined not to take his advice, and they were not attacked. The rebels burned all. the wagons and grain of pur tnen,and shot the cattle be fore their ees. ' Seminole. Cherokee, u reeks and Chickasaws were engaged in the fight on the Union side. The settleis are now giving the refugees food to keep them alive. They were four- teervdays coming up from the Nation. pr. Cutler says there will be much suf fering, unless immediate assistance is giv en.- leaven wort h Conservative, .Jan. 7. The Capture of Lieutenant Selden. In reference to the gallant exploit of the capture of Lieutenant Seldeh, U. SN.t and to his shame, a Virginian, a corres pondent writes : At tne time ol the capture, belden was taking the three schooners from Mobile Bay to Key West, as prizes, with the ori ginal crews, who were Southern men, and were to be confined in Fort Taylor, Key West. When ofl. Cedar Keys, Sunday, July 21st, being a dead calm, a young man by the name of Tully. formerly of the navy espied them outside with the stars and stripes flying at the top. Very luckily, the Governor the day before had sent one 6 m mwm tl a ) pounder, etc, i uiiy jumped aboard an old steamboat, got his gua ready.while the few countrymen with him fired, up, with "old Jimmey" as the pilot, and ran out. The first salute, was blank; the next a i . i. ruuuu biiui wuicn cui away tne main top mast. Down came the U. S. flag, Selden came on board to the great joy of the re I captured Southerners.- No time was to be lost, so they steamed after the 'next and served them the same way. It was begin ning to get dard and the wind to freshen up; they soon tookthe other, when they took all three in tow. Had, they been out another hour all on board of the steamer would have been lost, as they were some ten miles outside the light. J I have never seen a more daring exploit ' since the war. it was morning before the , party came in, and as the old tug steamed up with her prizes the ladies and gentle men gave cheer after cheer, while Tully held aloft the Confederate flag, much (too : doubt) to the annoyance of Lieut. Selden and company. The ladies had a fine dinner for the little band "who risked their lives for the gloriJ ; ous Confederacy. The writer of this was ! on a visit to the Keys when it took place, ; The person who had the luck to capture the Yankees, is now at Fort Sumter, (Co. F.) Since the affair at the Keys, he was I out as chief gunner on the privateer Sally, - Captain Lebby. . t The special boast of the rebels during 9 the war, has been their ability to destroy their enemie in a hand to-hand combat. They have constantly flattered themcelves j that thesuperiority of their troops in fighting with the bayonet and bowie knife, j was an indisputable fact. The Mississip- j pians have prided themselves on the tre mendous slaughter they would be able to inflict upon the Yankees with' the bowie knife. It must be especially disheartening to them to learn at. the battle of Webb's cross roads, these terrible Mississippians, j with bowie knives two feet long, ran pan ic-stricken before the levelled bayonets of the 2d Minnesota and 9th Ohio regiments. Cincinnati Commercial. . . The Commercial's, statement in regard to the Mississippians is a first-class Yan kee lie. . This war has yet to show - the first instance of a Mississippians running. The world never witnessed . better and braver men than that gallant State has furnished to fight the battles of Southern independence. Louisville Courier. v . An exchange has the following, as an excellent system of gardening for ladies ' Make up your beds early in the morning; siw buttons on your husband's shirts ; do not rake up any grievances ; protect the young and tender "branches of your family ; plant a smile of good temper in your face ; and carefully root out all angry feelings, and expect a good crop of happiness. . CHARLOTTE KXARKITTS. For the week ending February 8, 1862. COTTON,!... BACON,... WHEAT, FLOUR,; . . C0R', ::. ....... ex to is - L80 to $1X3 s.Tato 4.00 Si ' . 85c' OATS........... , FA.......r....V..V... POEK ...... 60c' , 73c ..... 10 to 13c T TYJ8T ItECElVED. A auppiv of extra. fio MERINO UlT DER.4SHIRTS hittit been received just Deea receive aa4 for fall by . -roTicE-. ( " Office N. C. R. R. Co.. ' I 1-. Company Shops, Jan. 17 1862. j All persons having notes or accounts against this Company are hereby requested to present them without delay at lhis Office for settlement." -All running accounts muar be sent in at the close of each year ; in no case will such . accounts be considered as entitled to interest. JOHN H. BRYAN, Jr., Sec'y. ; Jan. 27, 18621 m i r"; - '-i " ' ATTENTION DATTAHONn Just received a Patent Combination Stool and Cot for camp use. Also, an assort ment of heavy Array Undershirts, Drawers, India Rubber Overcoats and Pants, Enam eled Oil Cloth Coats. For sale at . . .. : KAHNWEILER & BROS. January 25, 1862 tf JJlLITAItY BUTTONS. &e. - Received per Steamer Isabel, Gold Ep paulets for Commissioned Officers, Military Buttons, Gold Lace, Piatols, &.c. : , v , Call soon at KAHNWEILER St BROS. Jan. 25. 1862 tf JgNGLISII GOODS. A splendid assortment of Prints, Striped Osnaburg, Plaid and Striped English Cotton Goods, per Steamer Bermuda. For sale at . KAHNWEILER & BROS. . Jan. 25, 1862 tf ' pOTTON LACKS, Ac We are selling ofrour splendid stock of Needle Work, comprising Sleeves and Collars, French and English worked Bands, Edging and Inserting,, Thread, Linen and Cotton Laces, as Usual, low prices. SJJiug very fast at ' ' --TvAHNWEILER &. BROS. Jan. 25, 1662 tf ' S CUPJBUNONG WINK. Superior articles of Scuperuong WINE, in bottles for family use. For sale at :. KAHNWEILER & BROS. Jrn. 25, 1862 tf f Particular ItteutionJ AS thera wilt be a change ia oar. firm, oar cus tomers will do us a great favor by calling aod settling their accounts and notes. Our terms hereafter are strictly cash. KAHNVVJuILKR A BRO'S. Aug. 11, 1361 tf J . ; ' JPAJOTICE. 1 All clabnj against the Saddlery and Harness establishment of the subscriber will be settled by Mr. K. Shaw ; and all Indebted to the same will please make payment to him, as It is necessary to close up the outstanding business. ' nor. 27, '61-dl2 H. M. PRITCIIARD. J. G. WILKINSON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FIXE WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND X atod a.ro CHAELOTTE, IT. C. J. S. PMLL1PS, IVtoxroll xrt Tailor. II AVING located la Charlott respect- s Charlott fully solicits a share of public patron- ja : A complete assortment of Cloths, Cassi mers and VesUngs always on hand, which will be made to order at the shortest noUce, after. the latest fashion. Shop three doors South of the Mansion House. . sepv. 19-tf WTT.T.T ATvT A. HATES, ' TBAOE STKSirr, Cotton Dujrers, Grocers A: Produce Dealers, 7 Agents for KettletosiTs Manipulated Uuano and Lorio'e Lumber. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. may 17-tf " '.'' ." . John T. Butler, Practical Watch and Clock IJtfaker, Jeweller dbc, Maine street, Charlotte, Jf. C, opposite Kerr's Motel, dealer in fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Watch Materials, dbc . ALL work done In tht establishment warrented for TWELVE MONTHS. Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every des cription repaired and warranted for twelvemonths. jan.ii,iM.i xy.c ' Wilmington, Charlotte : and Rutherford Kail Koad. . Teajcspoetahos Or r ice, W. D.- ON and afterHonday the .loth Instant the Pas senger and. Mail Train will be ran on. thl Road daily (Sundays excepted) as follows 1 -t : ;. ; . ' going west.j , ' ... . , Leas T.00 A. M. T.43 8.13 8.40. Areivs 7.43 8.10 ' . V8J5T 9.00 Aeeits. Charlotte Tuskaseege Brevard gnjuron . -Lincoln ton GOING 1A8T Lbavb - 11.00 A. M. 1L28 , 11.60 : . 12.1T- - - Lincolntoa , . " Sharon - 11.45 Brevard - 11.45 Tuskaseege . . 13.19 P.M. v Charlotte LW By Order, ' , : V. A. MoBEE, - ' ' - Acting Master of Transportation. Iiaoolnton, April 4th, 1861. , t t THOMAS W. RADCItFFE, . v-'. - . ..." AT TELB ..- -: .... V 8IGN OF THE DilUITI, - - ? EICHARDS0N STREET, THE NORTH-EAST CORNER OF RICHARDSON . AND PLAIN STREETS, . ;r IT0.166, O O ii XT XVT 33 X -A. , J3.';0. Importer and. Dealer lu Flue WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELS Y, , SIL , ..." -; :. - VES WABE, - ! -f . f GUNS, MILITARY & FANCY GOODS. rf Watches and JswaxaT repaired by skillful and experienced Workmen. All kinds of HAia-Woax made to order.3 oot. tl, 1860-tf. .. I'Vr ' Certain Cure for Flux Oertalo pure for Flax I ' " " Certain Uore for Flux I ' : " : fV Certain Oars for Flux 1 " : . Certain Cars for Flaxl ' ' - ' - KOOPXLANNS DIARRHCSA 'MIXTURE I KOOPMANN-S DIARRHOEA MIXTURE f K90PMANNS DIARRHtXA MIXTURE 1 . &OOPM ANN'S DIARRHfEA MIXTURE I Will eare the most obstinate ' - ' -' . r 4 . Will cmrs the moat obstinate WU1 ear the most obstinate " 1 WW care the most obstinate ; . ; .i . 7. , . n- ... , Cases of Diarrhoea and Flax - : .-. . . j Cases of Diarrheas and Flax -. , . Cases of Diarrhoea and Flax . . r Cases 0f Diarrhoea aad Fhcr If taken in time. ' -- - v If taken la time. ' "1 "s If taken ia time. ' ' . -v- -- ; If taken la time.' - .; r- ror tale t KQ0PUANN A fUZhfT and al tt rCiCIWrlvttv, . , , . i mjh ' - : :, pKOVISIOKATaOVEBHlIEHT Confederate Slates of America. ' ' " :V - PRESIDENT: ' . I' ' ' -K." JEFFEES , DAVIS, . . QF MISSISSIPPI ' .'-A TICE-PRESIDENT: ' , . . ALEX. H; STEPHENS; - . - OF GEORGIAN ' r CABINET 0PFICBR8: sacastAaT or stats; R. ITT. T. IICNTETI ,"Dr VIr nla. .; . f. ., fiXCBKTAKT OS THE TBJLASCBT, . . C. G.'MKaiaiINGI5R,orS. Carolina. I SKCBKTAET OF TBS HAVT, S. R. JtfAII.ORY,or Florida. - . . sscaaTAKT or wab' 1.. P. WALKER, of Alabama. . ' lit ' rOSTMASTEK QKtKftL, - T JOHN II. KEAOAN, of Texas. v ATTOEHET QEXSaAL, J. P. UENJAMLV, ofXoulsiana. CON G R E 9 S President Hon. HOWELL COBB, of 0a. Secretary JOHNSON, J. H00PEB; Esq., . of Alabama. sx - - - . - - . ; MfeHSBES. Alabama Vi. W. Walker, R. H. Smith, J. L. M. Curry, W. P. Chilton, 8. F. Hale, CoUin J, McRae, John Gill Shorter, Daniel R. Lewis, Thos. Efearn. ' ' ' Florida James B. Owens, J. Patton Aaderson, Jackson Morton. 1 " Georgia Robt. Toombs, Ho well Cobb, F. S. Bartow, M. J. Crawford, E. A. Nisbet,B. H.HiU, A. H. Wright, Thos. JB. R. Cobb, A. H. Kenan, A, H. Stephens. " . ' ' Louisiana John Perkins, Jr., A. L. DeClouet, Charles M. Conrad, D.F. Kepnr, G. E. Sparrow, Henry Marshall. . , ' Mississippi-W. P. Harris, .Walter, Brooke,. N. Ii. WUson, A. M. Clayton, W; 8. Barry, J . T. Har rison. . - v- " :' " - - Ho nth Carolina VL B. Rhett, Jr.rR. W. Barn well, L. M. Keitt, Jam ps Chesout, Jr., C G. Mem mlngerW. Potcher SUka, Thos. J. Withers, W, W. Boyce.' ' . Texas L. T. Wigtall, J- H. Reagan, J. Her phill, T. N. Waul, Jadge Gregg, Judge Oldham J aod W. B. Ochiltree, . , - . ' STABCIXd COMarTTBES. - E&ecvtive Departments Stephens, Conrad, Boyce, Shorter, Brooke. Foreign- Affaire Rhett, Nlsbet,. Perkins, Walker, Keitt. . ' . " Military 4utV -Bartow, Miles, Sparrow, Kenan, Anderson. A aval Conrad, Chesnut, Smith, WrUht, Owens. . Finance Toombs, Barnwell, Kenner, Barry, McRae. . Commerce Meaimlnger Crawford, DeClouet, Morton, Curry. . V Judiciary -Clayton, WiO,ers, r Hale, Cobb, nams. Foetal Chilton, Boyce, llill, Harrison, Curry. . Patents Brooke, Wilson, Lewis, Hill,. Kenner. Territories Chesnut, Campbell, Marshall, Nes bit, Fearne. ; - '-. Public' Lands Marshall, Harris, Fearne. t Indian Affutrs Morion, Hale, 8parrow, Lewis, Keitt. - Printing Cobb, Harris, Miles Chilton, Per kins. ,: ' . Accounts Oweas, Crawferd, Campbell, De Clouet, Smith. Engrossment Shorter, Wilson, Kenan, McSae, Bartow, -j . ; ? - j MEMBERS OF THE FIBST PEBMA- - ;7!:NENT;C0NGBisr-'"r : We make the following list of the members elect of the First Permanent Congress that it is to meet on the loth of February next. The list is made from tha election rwarm : r--' AiaAJMA-Benators Msars. WHIUn n- O U Ofcty. m--.- - Members of the House Messrs E L Dargan, W P Chilton, James Pugh, J L M Curry, W R Smith, Joua P Rawl, Thomas J Foster, D Clopton L F Lyon.. Abxaka3. Senators Messrs Robert W John son, Charles B Mitckell. . Members of the Hiuse Messrs Felix J Batson, Grandison 1 Roystes Augustus H Garland, Tho masBUanly. : , , . Wi nmi. Spna.trrl rFlfinMnn returns not re- fceived' . j ' Memuers oitheuoule Messrs James BuesiuDs, Hilton. . Geoegia. Senators-Messrs B H Hill, Robert Toombs, i i Members of the House Messrs A H Keenan, Hiaes Holt, A R Wright, Jnlien Hartridge, Lucius J Gartrell, Wm W Ciatk, Robert P Trlppe4 David W Lewis, C J Munnalym, Hardy Strickland. Locisiasa. Senator Messrs Fdward Sparrow, T J Benimes. Members of the House Messrs D F Kenner, Chaa Tillers, John Perkins, Jr., C W Conrad, Henry Marshall, Luclea Dupose. Mississippi. Snatorsj-Messrs Albert Q Brown. James.Phelan. . Members of the House-rMessrs John J McRae, J W Clapp, Keubin Davis, Israel Welch, H C Cham bers, O it Singleton, E Barksdale. 1 MissouRi.Senators Messrs JohnB Clark, R BY Peyteu. i , Members of the House Messrs John Hyer, Caspar W Bell, George G Vest, A 11 Conrow, W W GookTnomas W Freeman, Thomas A Harris. Nokth Cabolwa Senators Messrs George Da vis, Wm S Dortch. . . - ; 1 Members ofsthe House Messrs W N H Smith, Robert Bridges, Owen R Keenan, J D McDowell, Thomas a Ashe, Archibald Arrington, Robert.Mc Lan, WiUiaia Lander, R S Garther, A 8 David son. - ''-" 1 " South Carousa. Senators Messrs R W Barn well, James L Orr. ' . Members of the House Messrs W W Boyce, W Porcher Miles, M L Bonham, John McQaeen, L M Ayer, James Farrow. ' ' I . '. ' - Tknskssks. Senators Messrs . . LangBon C Haynes, Gustavus A Henry. ... - Members of the House Messrs D M Carrin, J D O Atkins, H E Foster, Thomas Menees, George W Jones, M P Gentry, W G Swaon,.W H Tibbs, K L Gardner, T J Heifikell Texas. Senators Messrs. Louis T. Wigfall, W. S. Oldham. .. Members of the House Messrs. John A. Wil cox, Peter W. Graham, Cf C Herbett, W B Wright, Malcolm P Graham, S. B. F. Sexton. Viroisia. Senators Not elected, r' v. : - Members of the Houses-Messrs. John "K. Cham blisv Muscoe K. H. Gafnett, John Tyler, Roger A Pryor, Thomas E .Bocock, John Goode, Jr., James P Holcombe, D C Dejarnette, WUliam Smith, R Boteler, John B Baldwin, W R Sta ples, Walter Preston, A G Jenkins, Robert Jeha soni Charles H. RusselL ) - ' . . . Kesttckt. Senator Messsrs. H 0' Burnett, William E Simms. , . Members of the House Messrs Daniel P White, The mas B Monroe, J H Ford, John J- Thomas, T D BurreJ, George W Ewing, George B Hodges, Thomas Johnson. , BALTIMORE COilMCiAL COLLEGE 100MOED . 852. CHARTERED 854 ; ' .- LooATxtf : -. ' Corner of . Baltimore and Charles Streets,. - . . lAinaosi, an. f nKR Largest and most Elegantly Furnished JUL ? Commercial College In the UniteU States. ; Bvery young man should write immeUUteiy for one of those large and beautifully ornamented Circulars, representing the exterior and interior View of the Baltimore Coxmekolal. College. . Penmanship, Ac, which will be sent by retard mail r 4 of charge, with Catalogue containing List or Students, Terms of Tuition, Opinions or th Press oa ear New System of Book-Keeping, cte. ' PAOCLTT. E. BiLosixa, Principal Lecturtr on the Sciencs - orAcceunts, Business, Customs, etc. - J. M. Phillips, Professor of Book-Keepini and ' Commercial Calculations. . H. H. Daties, Associate Prof, of Book-KeeuiDit. " N. C JoBXSOX, Professor of Penmanship. ? 8.-T. Williakb, Esq Mereanttle Law. - ? Rev. X- Y. Raxas, D. Dn Oommerclal Ethics.. . , flVITIip. : -. ' Hon John F Kennedy, 1 Hon Joshua Yansant; Hon Thomas' Bwann, I Wq H Keiihler. Im . - Jacob Trust, Esq., I Wm Knabe, Esq. " V The time usually required to complete tht full course, from 8 to Is weeks. - ... . ; . t , t x Diploma Is awarded to all Graduates. Largs areolars .and Catalogues statin terns e., sen by mail free of charge Address ! .. K. LOS1ER, '' laalT-tf .Baltimore, pit v - :H.L- ALEXANDER Attoicey and Counsellor at Law fJUAMJOTTXS. IT. C. TT oact la Brurrrji jvwufa, .mrDnwiwnivT4lir NORTH fJ A II- uv 1 cuw" --. r-ri : - OIINA. - H. T. :Urk; of Ed ffecombe, Governor, salary per nnnn. 31MM. and the use OI a lurmsucu uvuwe. Term expires January 1,.1S61. - - -5 G. A. Daves, of. Craven, Secrtrtary to ,the Gover nor, salary f300, exclusive of fees. ; -Rufos H. Page, 6f Wake, Secretary of SUte, sal w CiiA Yi.Innlirf. of fees. ' - i Daniel W. Courts, of Rockingham," Treasurer, Curtis H. Brogden, of Wayne, ComptroUer, sal ary $1,000. , , The General Assembly commences Its session on ti tMnt MandtT of November every alternate r -I'he niTt e4ctioD for members of the Sen' ate and House of Commons, and . for Governor, win h hold nn the first Thursday of August, I860, T.itr.rv Rn.rd The Board of Literature of Nnrth Carolina ia COmDOSed " SS folloWS! HiS Ex nnnrv- JnhruW. Ellis. President, euj oMcio: G. A. Daves, Secretary. ? - ' " ; ' " . Internal Imtwovement Board The Internal Im provement Board is composed as follows : His Ex- ceuency, jonn vr. xjub, rrwracuij A. Daves, Secretary. State Librarian Oliver H. Perry, of Raleigh. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF N. CAROLINA, KajIBEES KLBCT TO THB LKGI3LATCEB OV 1860-1 O. for OppostUon v. lor AJemocra. -. ' ... . . Senate., , ,v.--".. . otank and Perquimans, 8 8 Whedbee, O. 2. Camden and Currituck, B F Simmons, D. - 8. Gates and Chowan, Mills HEure, O. ' 4. Hyde and Tyrrell, Jones pencer, O. 5. Northampton, J M S Rogers, D; . 6. Hertford, Joseph B Slaughter, O. 7. Bertie, David Outlaw, O. 8. Martin and Washington, J R Stubbs, O. 9. HaUfax, M 0 Whitaker, D. . . 10. Edgecombe, H T Clark, D. 11. Pitt, E J Blount, 0. 12. Beaufort, Frederick Grist, O. - " " 18. Craven, N H Street, D. 14. Carteret and Jones, M L F Arndlel, 0. " ' 15. Gret ne and Lenoir, James P Speight,- D. 16. New Hanover, Ell W Hall, D . , 17. Duplin, James Dickinson, D. 18. OnsloW, L. W. Humphrey, D. ' . V - 19. Bladen, Brunswick and Columbus, John D Taylor, O. - - ' 20. Cumberland and Harnett, Duncan Shaw, D. 21. Sampson, Thos. I Faison, D. . 22. Wayne, W. K. Lane, D. . ' " - ' 23. ' Johnston, J W B Watson", D. r ' ' ' 24. Wake, M A Bledsoe. D. - . , 25. Nash, A J Taylor, D. ; 26. Franklin, Washington Harris, D. 27. Warren, T J Pltchford, D. 28. Granville, C H K Taylor, D. 29. Person, C 8 Winsteadi D. 1 80. Orange, Jcsiah Turner, jri O. - i 81. Alamance and Randolph, J Worth, 0. 82. Chatham, W G Harris, D. ' -88. Moore and Montgomery, C W Dowd, O. - ' 84. Rlchniond and Robeson, Alfred Dockery, O. 85. Anson and Union, S H Walkup, O. 862 Guilford, John M Morehead, : O 87. Caswell, Bedford Brown,D. i 88. Rockingham, F L Simpson, D. ' 89. Mecklenburg, John Walker, D. 40. Cabarrus and Stanly, V 0 Barrioger, 0 ' 41. Eowan and Davie, J G Ramsay, 0. 42. Davidson, John W Thomas, O. : ; , 43. Stokes and Forsyth, Jesse A Waugh, D. " 44. Ashe, Surry, Watauga and Yadkin, Joseph Dobson, D. ' 45. Iredell, Wilkes and Alexander, L Q Sharps, 0. 46. Burke, McDowell A CaldweU, W W Avery, D. 47. Lincoln, Gaston and Catawba, Jasper Stowe,D. 43. .Rutherford, Polk and Cleaveland, A W'Bur- ton,L. - . . - 49. Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Yancey Marcus Erwin, D. 50. Haywood,' Macon; Cherokee and .Jackson, Wm. U. Thomas. V. Democrats, 81 : Opposition, 19. Democratic majority 12. At last Session Democrats 82 ; Op- . ' "" ' 1 1 r THE CATAWBl J0UBN1L. . - WE are pleased to advertise-the friends and patrons of this establishment that we com mence the publication-of the second volume of the fisst named journal, this day, under the most favorable auspices. ' The . circulation of the above named paper is rapidly increasing, and its influence as an adver Using medium la being felt and . appreciated by it patrons, having access to almost every neighbor hood in this and adjoining Counties, as we'd as the adjoining Districts in South Carolina. THE CATAWBA JOFjxlN AX.; : One of the largest papers now published in the Mate, mailed for $1.00 per annum, made up from the columns of the Dally Bclletts, has not only become a popular papers, but it affords great ad vantages to those who wish to use its columns a? an advertising medium. fl Specimen copies will be sent to any section they ms y be ordered, free of postage. or terms, Ac, we reier the reader to our im pllnt. X. H. BRITTON nov.lT-tf '-y-y - . ' . r ,- The Edgecombe Farm Journal. f trVHE subscriber will commence on or about the JX. 1st of September, 1860, the publication of a monthly journal In Tarboro', to be devoted to the plantation aud rural interests of North Carolina in particular, and of the South generally. - Edgecombe having long since been acknowledg ed as the model farming county of North Carolina, we feel that there is no locality better suited, and none more justly entitled, to the source of publi cation of a tir.t class agricultural paper than Tar boro. It is to be called v . ' - . i "The jBdseeombe Farm Journal," And will contain original and selected articles up on Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, House hold Arts, Rural Architecture, Zoology, Ac, Ac It will be published with new , type and clear white paper, in a neat quarto form. . The pries of' subscription has been made so low as to place the publication within reach of every one." -.. TERMS? ,- One copy one year....... ..$0 50 Seven coplesone year....;.... ......... 8 00 ' Twelve copies one year. ................ 5 00 - - Twenty -five copies one year ......10 00 No paper tent unless paid for in advance, ; . WILLIAM B. SMITH, ' . Editor and Proprietor, Tarboro', N. C. July80-tf :c: PR OSPECTUS - ;; : " '-i ' OP THE , JBULLSBOROUGH RECORDER, i - DEVOTES TO - V . . ' V, - , - POLITICS, AGRICULTURE, MISCELLANY, GENERAL NEWS. . - - POBUSOEO BT DENNIS HE ARTT. S : hillsborough; n. c. - f WITH the present volume the RECORDER commenced the fortieth year of its exis tence, the first number having been issued the 10th of February, 1S20 ; i daring ail which time we hays labored to make our paper interesting and useful, and we hope that ia these particulars we have not been altogether unsuccessful. . It has been our wish to make the RFCORDER a good Family Pa per, devoted to Politics, Agriculture, Miscellany, General News, Ac, with a view to the entertain ment and Improvement of. the farmers and citi sens of the circle in which It is distributed.- Our Agricultural department we endeavor to fill with tha best selections we can make from all sources, giving preference to such as will be of practical use to the farmer and cultivator ; and In this par ticular we hope to make- the RECORDER as valu able to the agriculturist ad any periodical of a purely agricultural character. - In our Miscella neous department, we shall eontiue 4o be, as we have always been, careful to select such articles as will have a tendency not only to amuse, but to improve the mind and heart. ... While we shall be thankful to receive well-written articles to adorn oar columns, we are not so ambitious of originality as not to prefer , selected matter of superior merit, to loosely-written and ill-digested articles, though ornamented at the top with the coveted words "Written expressly for the RECORDER,' In our News department w shall take especial palns.ta present to oar readers the latest Intelligence; and to enable us to do so we have facilities equal to those enjoyed In any portion of the State, except those favored wttn telegrapmo A single copy ; one year, .. - Six copies, one year.'. .' - . - Ten co Dies: one year. . ; . . - ;,sso subscribers and send us the cash, shall receive their own paper free of nars;e. , . Jairi8.K--: -- - Take Wotiee. Vnnif rma DATE, our Books are positively F SSaliSott Cain will, inevery instance, it" -mJrmA without distinction of persons. vKarJm? fSfor Cash ourselves uA moat hjforelvtione7 - ' f ' ....a.oo ri. V-.U r 's 'a,' duuh aiiu juu rriflung ' of svsay class and -styi. : Neatly Executed at tUla oflce. MAYING procured a large amount of excel lent material, and added to this establish ment suitable fast PRESSES, we take this oppor tunity to inform . oar friends and the public. that we. are folly prepared: to execute work of everr class, in . : tf-?. L i-i-v-rs at short notice, and at prices far below those niraallv naid in this section of country. We are prepared to print In the latest and most approved style, cards; invitations, NOTES LAW BLANKS, BILL-IIEADS, CI IIC CL. A118, CHECKS, SIIOW-IIiI.S, Mr Aiuur aa ijuassi mnjt .r. no, atvle of DrintlnK usually called for, rA. wr.tw.ti imi than the same class of work can - be executed this ?&Tnnmo. Notice. (;;:; a ll persons Indebted to the subscriber i ; ' WILL PLEASE rVv COME FORWARD ;. and pay ap .' . IMMEDIATELY ! as longer indulgence cannot be jive HILLrps I would also notify those in want of goods that mnA &ftjr thU date all aroods will be sold 10 W down for cash or its equivalent. 7 Jan.10 -tf. : - " -' lloops.! Hoops! Hoops! SOMETHING NEW A LOT OF. SILK HOOPS, an entirely new and JX. siperb article Bght, springy and pleasantly m.H.LrHiiiir for the South. Also, a new style of HOOP SKIRT, a most desirable artl'.le, eaueav Tbe Belle of the Soutn. ta0.. wttJ, a. err larce number of more ordl nary Hoop Akirta comprised of from 10 to 60 hoops each. v april 18-e aUUrMAW w a. PHELPS. . PALMEITO. ; .7, . IKON "WORKS. COLUMBIA, S. C, - - ESTABLISHED, A. P. MDCCCLL VV1LLIAM GLAZE, JMLJ ANCFAOTURER OF 8TEAM ; ENO!NS, from 10 to 80 Horse rower ; BUUAK MILLS of every .style now in, use, MUl w or a 01 every discription. Also, Iron Railing, wlta every discription of Iron and Brass Castings. . . . . 1 would call attention to iron uuuog in of enclosing Public. Buildings, Dwellings, Val Steps, Balestro Railing, and ail kind of enclosures for Cemetary lots. - Having a first rate iJouer mater wiwi us, ww are prepared to manufacture Boilers, or repair them, at short notice. Will send boiler maker to any part of the State. . Our Steam Engines will be, found, when compared with those made at North ern establishments, to be from twenty-five to forty' per cent larger for the same horse power. k These Works have been in successful operation forsev ral years, with an increase of patronage from all parts of the southern country, lor wmcn the Proprietor returns his thanks JO his nueronajeifineo puuuua umuiwiua--.." Crr. 7TVemea, asking cWresa to drop, the ttnuance of their favors. jfrii uama vi wa rvwav vv m w sym tv a vw may 17-tf MONTAMOENA FEMALE 8EAJI- ISARYj MT. PLEASANT, CABABRUS Co , N, C THE exercises of this school will le resumed on the 20th of August. f w . - BATES PER SESSION. ! Board, (including washing and fuel) . 40.00 Enefish course, from $5.00 to 16.00 Music on the Piano, Melodeon, or Guitar, 20.00 Languages, each o.oo Drawing, or painting, - - 10.00 Vocal Music. 8.00 Embroidery, ; 7JH) Other ornamentals reasonable. : - :" TERMS: 1 ' ;-; -: - ;':-;'v; Half of all the expenses, board and tuition, must be natd in advance, and the remainder , at the close of the session. ' Pupils who board In the Seminary will not be permitted to mane store accounts. For runner lniormauon, aaaress y. - r- L, G.HEIL1G. July 2S, 61, till oct 1. ; , I MARTIN, TANNAH1LL & Co., (Successors to N. M. MARTIN, SON A Co.) Grocers & Comnussion Merchants; : PETERSBURG, VA. WALTER K. MARTIN 8l Oo (Successors to N. M. MARTIN, SON A Co.). COMITIISSION MERCHANTS, R. A. Martin, formerly of Granville Co., N. 0. R. Tansahill, formerly of Edgecombe Co., N. C Walter K. Mabtis, of mchmond, va. v N. M. Martih, of Richmond, Ta. R. H. CuNBiaaBAX Jr.. of Klchmohd, Va. nrsOTH concerns will give faithful personal at-. 11 B tentionto the sales of ouXTUiM, wuh-ai, TOBACCO and CORN. Neither concern will buy any of the above named articles, either on Com mission. Speculation or otherwise, as their bust-; ness in" produce is confined to SELLING exclu slvely. Refer to :-r X-" : O. F. Fish eb. Esq.. President N. C. Rail Road. Dr. W. J. Hawkjbs, Pres't R. A Gaston Rail Road.; K. B. BauoaKKS, ILiq., Pres't Bank at xarooro, . v Hon. w. N. EnwisDs. Warren Countv. N. 0. James M. Bullock, Esq., Granville County, a. V. C. F. FiSHBa. Cashier Exchange Bank, Petersburg Kemp P. Battle. Eaa.. Raleieh. N. 0. E- We restectfuilv call the attention of Cotton Planters and dealers to Petersburg as being one of tbe best Cotton Markets in the South, having notn b. srnnd hAUM aad foreisrn demand, and . we are pleased to hear that effort are now being made to get the freight inrougnirom vumrivi, wnr burg reduced to about $9 a naie. ; men J, iobx-m. .- .- a.- . : ? BININGEB'S y old -y LONDON DOCK GIN, , . COGNAC, SHERRY, ' ; PORT, , r . MADEIRA, '. 1S49 EESsavs BOURBON, " i . . WHEAT TONIC. Put up in Cases containing one dozen Bottles each. A; HI. tllNINGEIE Ac CO., (Established 1773) WLSS JMPOBTER No. 10s Broad St., -la order to insure 2lS& In a compact c""'"." "t,mAIk. in cases tfor the enterprise oi -- Wi..a. r??LZ" Brandies, WhUEeys, Ac and wen IBM"- . u"-' ,it..t wouia ha,e aent them ooi in TT'"'umperta wtu before reaching the pw--" rewaiaed oar UV mr Uon and loiataln the standard efforts, has "tTmake Increased efforts Jliterly bestowed upon us. r; ; h OPINIONS OF THE PRESS.. ; mieBanioxa8, l oed SL, have a very hlih -Potion to sustaim as the oldest and best house SVeorlMorne Journal. ,a ) j The house cf A. M. Bixixoe A Co., No. 1, Rroii BW has sustained for a period ef eighty rears, a reputation that may welU envied." y. T.StenUkQPosU - - ; -The nam of A.M.BnraiQxaACo.,No19Broa4. BUls a foaraiitee of the exact and whatever they respesent-iv, Jr. Qommerctat Advertiser. "--; ' -1 " ; f We invite tha attention ef Dealers, Druggist and Physicians to oar extcoslv stock of cholos old WmeSfEr&nSles, ate. . . - , c ' ' : ' j Orders from th eountey win iatet witti proF attentloju-Cirlars.cTOta ejmclr acrlerJ :rwarei to thosf desirtej thcta, . J SlfOII I From Roanoke Island; ' Received at Telegraph Office Feb. 9, 1 ' at Bulletin Office 9;27 p. m. f ' ' NoaroLx, Feb. 8. The engagement at Roanoke Island commenced on Friday forenoon and cpntlnaed 'intU the courier left, (two o'clock in the afternoon,) when enemy then ceased. . ( ' . The most energetic portion of the attack was the attempt of the Federals to land, which failed. ' Two or three eteamera were much dam aged.. ':" -. v',' 7 Our batteries were. uninjured and were coolly conducted. , i Some private residences on f.he Island were injured, 1 v ( ' Gen. Wise is at Nags Head, sick in bed, and his physicians found much difficulty to control him daring , the engagement and fig.m. , . j. ' Heavy firing Souftiward was heard at Norfolk up to 1J o'clock to-day arid it is presumed cannonading at. Roanoke was recommenced. (i - Northern News -' -. .. : f ' - ' - . ' Received ia Charlotte Feb. 9, 1 I ' " at Bulletin Office 1Q p. m. J Richmond Feb. 9. From the New York Herald of tbe 7th we learn that the House, of the Northern Congress, passed by a vole of from ninety-three to fifty four bills auth orizing the issue of a million and a half, treasury notes, with a legal tender, The clause will probably pass the. Senate. ; Congress has not yet passed a direct jax bill. , ' ' ',r Rolls, Feb.'5.-fGen. Frice is within eight miles of Springfield; ' " Boston, Feb. 6. Great preparations sre making for the speedy departure of Butlers expedition. Several vessels are already! loaded. Ten thousand troops accompsny this expedition. , ' ; The news from Mexico reports that a great' battle has been fought at the National Bridge, which lasted, five hours. The Spaniards were defeated, j 1 Washington, Feb, 6. Numesously ' ' .J S- , na.v. d.ifk kacn . negro question, and attend to the business of the country. The Chicago Tribune pitches into the inactive movement ol McClelland. , j Rolla, Feb. 6. A dispatch to the St. Louis : Democrat says that the Federals have hemmed in Price, who must surren der or fight. Several Confederate prisoners have been taken, including Capt. Mansficjd. San Francisco telegraph dates to the 11th has been received. Nothing of importance. . ' The New . York" cotton market is inac tive. I. i V. ; Private letters fro Liverpool state, that dealers are disposed to wait the announce ment of the French policy towards Amer ican alTairs',hy the Legislative corps, which meets on the 26th January. The entire mercantile and nranufactur- ing interest of . England and postill to the United States. France are From Memphis, . : . Memphis, Feb. 8, via Mobile Feb. 9. The city is full of excitement in conse quence of the ascent of the Tenneeseo riv er by the Federal gun boats. -The Federals went to Horeuce and des troyed the ware house at Tuscuml?ia land ing, and 'inplicting. other injuries. It is rfjried that they are marching towards "Julia Mississippi. . i NORTH CAROLINA FOUNDRY & MACHINE W0BKS, SALISBURY, N O. FREKCKS sfc JREADEK, BUCCX8S0BB TO N B0YDEN A BON, j " f MANUFACTURERS OF AGRICCJLTURAI I2IPI.ETIENTfl Cultivators, Plows, i, ' Corn-Shellers, . Seed-Sowers HorseNPowers & Thrashers, THE CELEBRATED 7 TELEGRAPH CUTTING MACHINE, For Fodder, Hay, Stalks, Oats and Shucks, Being the first Premium Machine of the Fairs of North and South Carolina, CIDEB & SUGAR IIIIXS. SflAFTING AND MACHINERY For Griit, Circular &. YerUcal Saw Mills, Gold Copper Ac Silver Itllnea. , Manufacturers of and Agents for Vtj E. 6 EuS PATENT "MUL AY SAW MILLan"wATERVVHEELS. Plantation and County Rights for sale ol plantation a e gTUR1f,s PATENT DOUBLE ACTING HAY OR COTTON PRESS. . .. . i irn and Brass Casting, torgings, and Finished Work of every Description. TOBACCO PRESSES AND FIXTURES, And other Kinds of Machinery repaired at short notice. . ljune ia, lB61aly Charlotte Foundry dMacMiie Shop. MAYING purchased from J. A. Fox the above establishment, the undersigned bers leave to csii the attention of the pubUo to the fact that, he is now ready to AU every order for makinr 8 team Engines, Cotton and Tobacco Presses, and very description ef Machinery. All kinds of Cas tings In Iron, Brass and other metals mads at short notice ana reausea prices, rarncaiar attention given to th making and repairing of Tbreahlnf Machines, Horse Powers, Cotton Gins, Mill Works and Agricultural wort or au tanas, biacks mi ta ins, Job,, Wagon Work, and H. .se-Shoelni; dons with dispatch. Old Iron, Brass and Copper Cast ton bought al & Tottniry or taken In excaaa- for Job wxrx, AUkladi st TTool Torplnf tlx dene in m . r a m j i- A. A 1 1 i .. . mi