I ' - - , . ; ... -.. ",. . , -, f ' ' . i . - -2, - -. , I . - f - . ' ' ' i -jy '''-:.-" --' '. . . ' .. ' '' " ' ' ' -: ' - ' ' ' ' I ; T . N - .,"-. v . ' .?- . ; . .. '. ". v ' -, . j '! . '. ' ' . . ' !' TELE BULiLJiiilJN . ttT J ItT- "'-- ?-r xfTrr 1- '-rv iiate:::::::::t::::::-iJ; -.If- ( - i'- rrr7u - ; - ; ; ( ) I ,LV . , i a -do lxo , h by -a. h. bhtiton. . V(fl nA . YY V ' - '- UCvY ' AY" (YY' -' J - IS i:-::-::-::::::":::: f I . . . ( y : --V' ' II I Vl! 4- L. V O, Kli J I i IV I III I 1 1 do lnontb...;.....':....... 4.06 i OmCK....... NO. 1 TRTOJC 8TRKCT, li V II J- T J' t;'1- " j J CI I I I r' J I I 1 d mHa..,:. .. .. 760 I TSRXS FOR PAPER : - AdvertUements published until forbid, will fW TK DAILY BULLETIN will bcron.tahlt be charged SO Cent per aquar of 12 lines for th Brat Insertion, and 85 cents for ( each continuance If not contracted for. " : (9 A liberal dlscoont made on the aboy rates to persens adTertlslng y contract. ' ' , . DOLLARS per umut, IN ADVANCE - TI1ETR1-WEEKLT BULLXTIN wUl b put. TOL. VL-NO. 833 J CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNEl AA, FEB. 12, 1862 $6 PER ANNUM; a4 cuppUed for 1 00 per una, pybl la adTnt - ft: ' Southern ErprtMM Cvmpany forxoard met- . aje by PanQr TVumm anaSUamsrm, and I ' From Ricbraond, . ; ZlecelTeJ l Teigr&pli Ofiir Feb. 11 1 , ' at Bulletin omee, llUUa. m. 2 NAsnriLLt, Feb. 10. PiMengen by , this erning' Boat says our coal report thtt the-Federal Infantry and cavalry were within four inilcs of Fort Donelaon yester day. Other paaaengcra aay. ihe Gun Boat were in tight of the Fort yetterday. A prirate despatch from Clarkaville to day, aaya Fort Donelson is aafe. nJ can-- not be .alien., - ' . - " i' rhe Federals destroyed seTeral spans of ' . the bridge near Floieoce connecting with Tutcumbiav There were 'six steamers at Florence it, -landing. 1 wo of which the Federals cap- tared. 'The other four were set fire to and burned by tne citizens of Florence. A private dispatch from Decatur, this evening, savaererrwiinz is quieC and that - i they will run regularly again on the Mem phi Sc. Charleston Rail Road. J From Elizabeth City. M Reelre4 In Charlotte Feb. 11 I . , .at Bulletin Office 4.85 p. in. f ' Noefot.k. Feb. 11. A Courier arrived at 4 o'clock this afternoon with the intel ligence that Elizabeth City was burnt this morning by its inhabitants. , , During the conflagration the Federals landed a large force and all our Gun Boats excepting one was captured by the enemy. i Gen. Wise has not yet arrived. : : HILLSBORO iyiilitary Academy. THIS INSTITUTION will be re opened under efficient - management on WEDNESDAY, March 5h. The servi ceaof officers having been permanently secured, no further interruption of duties need be apprehended. Tfr- For circulars stating new terms ic, address "Superintendi'nt II. M. A." j Hillsboro, N. C. . - Feb 1 lawCw "VALU.4DLK MACIILNERV A.T.-1UCTIO N SAI.ISBtKt N. C. January, 29, 62.j ON' Thursday February tMth willefllat. l6'2, I PUBLIC AUCTION, r to the highest bidder lor for CASH, at the Confederate States Military Prisons in Salisbury, a large lot ol Valuable Machinery lermeriy used in the "Rowan Cotton Fac tory,! consisting of . Looms, Shaftings, Pulleys, Rollars, Cylinders, Shai"ihangers, v Cog-wheels, Shuttles, Bobbins, C Cast-iron Pipes, Old Iron, Sec. .-ZST Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A" M HEi'RY McCOY, C-apf.and A. Q. M., C. S. Army. imE.BUKG IKOA WORKS. II KNRY ALEXANDER. CHARLOTTE, N. C. fwHE anderatgned beg to inform the clticens of M Clirlott and Ticloltj, and the public gen erally, that they have ' COMMENCED BUS1XESS i at the abovt E L T AB 11 S II IHE IVT j roovoF. ; ! 17ZTAC2.0 Otroot) Adjoiolof th North Carolina Ran Pd, and op posite JOHN WILKFS Steam Flow sJUla. pey are now prepared touraU all kinds of j jVEachineryy At ihort notice, and on raomabU lerms. .STEAM ENGINES ! . ' i FB0M S to 9 HORSE P0WKX, t XZorao-Ohoein AND nLAcks.niTU's work i Or AU. CI5S6. JR E I A IRS Ta thtlr lint promptly attended to. Their tOVH DST U In roil operation, and t . Cait Eegulaxly twiee a Week, ' Wedneadays and Saturdays. They ar prepared to foxsUh all kinds f CASTINGS IN .IRON, DRASS, Ac. 1 ' aoooaoiia to ouu. ' BAW AKD QEI3T HILL QEASIHQ, GIN VHEELS, SAW DUT BUHNERS, ANTI-FMCTIOM PLATES AND BALLS FOR I COTTON P&XSSJCS. - OAST IKON RAILING, Ftr Garden Enclosures, j DweUIagii oases, . PubUc Boiidlngs, ! ' Porticoes, . 1 i , Cemettry Lots, A Tbelr I TTrTPT.TTTrTENTS For carrying on the boaineuln an Its branch, bavt been SaXECTED WITU GREAT CARE, and arc provided wita all the - j IMPROVEMENTS Required to do their work la a FIRST RATS MANNER. : - -AgenU, for Di. X. 0. Eluott, for' Winter's Patcat Malay 8a w Mill, which has tha advantace. alwog wlih many others, of doing at least t vice as much work, a4 doing Ubettar, than anv other MlUln uae It can W nro by tfteaa, Water r Uorse Power. The Malay ai b sea at thm m.An at any time. . IULN&X ALEXANDER uvvdv . w . .. r N. B. Old Iron.raaa, Oopper, Aa., boaht ' taken la trade etS3,lS0-tL or 1 Dissolution. r iptHE Oopaxtaershlp haretofor xlUn ander iL the cava of ALEXANDER A UcJWUQ ALL. Is this day dissolved by mntaal eooaenv. Hear? Alex wider is alone authorised to satUa tha busK aess of ths lata Una. t HXXRY ALEXANDER. U ,r MALO0LM ICD0CGALL. Jun IT, lSol tf. r DAILY UULLET1N t - aa CATAWBA JOURNAL TOE BULLETIN Is published daily la th towa of Charlotte, at It per annua, Uvarlahlj la idvaaea. Tts CATAWBA JOURNAL Is pbsUd vtttl Wh at Sort of Peace I Prom ta Charleston Mercury. If, to-morrow, an armistice were pro posed by thellnited States for the purpose of arranging a peace, what terms could the Confederate States make t As a re sult of the defensive policy of our Govern ment, the Unked States have possession of the whole of Maryland, and very large portions of Virginia, Kentucky, and Mis souri. They have, in addition, Hatteras Port Royal, Fort Pickens, Key West, Tor- tugas. and Ship Island. For the surren der of these possessions, what equivalents have the Confederates States to offer? We know of nothing except $peetl commer cial advantage, W a might giv them the same free trade whV-h Ibey havjfcife'fc: toiore enjoyed under the old Union. This is commercial reconstruction a conces sion fatal to Southern independence. - With the advantages already possessed by tho North under the fostering care and favori tism of the old Government, Southern i competition would be hopeless. The South would again pass under vassalage to the North in trade and manufactures the old relatiods of superier and inferior wonld be established. Is this the sort of peace for which the Union, was dissolved, and for which we have fought and bled and suffered f Is it such as the people of the .Confederate States are wilting to endorse and accept f We sincerely trust not. Then, if such a peace will not be submitted to, there is on ly one alternative ; and that is, to drive the enemy from Southern soil. It is necessary to redeem Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, and Missouri, by fighting and winning victories. In our opinion, it would have been wise to have done i by Southern manhood and skill in arms in the first flush of Secession, before the people of the North became acquainted with the use of arms. Out that time has passed. It is now a mat ter of regular war and military skill, and" activity and energy. Terras of peace will not be offered us until European nations, pinched by the cotton famine, raise the illegal blockade of our ports. The certainty of this result and our strength, depends upon the ques tion ol who will suffer most and starve first the people of the Confederate States or of England ?. No one . supposes that sfar- vaiton win ensue nere, oy noiuing our c . -II I I I V ton. However annoyed and embarrass we, at least, have enough to eat. Millions of Englishmen will tot have food to eat, for the want of their accustomed work, con nected with American cotton In that dense population, the loss of employment to so many is the loss of bread. Millions of starving laborers- will compel the exist ing administration to get the cotton, or will have another.ad ministration in power that will get cotton, and with it their bread The Confederate States are, therefore stronger than Great Britain in the matter of the blockade. One or the other has to get rid of it ; and, as we can hold out long est, Great Britain necessarily must raise the blockade. It is only a question of per sistence in keeping the cotton on our part, and ofyrar great ally, Time. A few weeks, more or less, will settle the business. When the blockade is raised, by Euro pean necessities, we shall be in a condition to sell our 'produce and 'supply ourselves with all the materials of war. The p-e sent superiority of the United States, their navy, will be nullified. Our credit and our meana will be abundant, while the credit and means ot the . North will continually fall. We will be in a position to raise and equip, in the best manner, whatever number of troops may be desirable to conquer a peace of perfect independence commercial as well aa political. It will, therefore, be our plain policy to reject any overtures of peace made to us at the raising of the blockade. No satisfactory peace can then be . made. Concessions on our part will be weak, and gratuitous, and dangerous. With foreign trade opened, we can command our own terms in no long space of time. Let us prepare to fight on, nor delude ourselves with the idea ol an immediate peace, which must make us dependent. When the block ade ta raised, then . "Richard is himself again." We want no odds, and shall ask no favors. Until that event, we are at great disadvantages. Every dog hrs hia day. . . Tito Slaree. ' The Wilmington Journal says : Slaves every day make, or attempt to make, their escape to the Lincoln blockade. Any slave caught so attempting ought to be Aung on the nearest land to the point where caught.' Any white man conyicted of aiding or abetting, ought to share his fate. , Things of this kind must be Btopped by some acts of apparent, but , necessary rigor. The country can better afford to pay for a few examples than it can to allow its citizens to be betrayed and plundered. The Noathexn Bombajidme.it. A Ma drid journal declares that the plan of the London Cabinet, in case of a war with the United States, is to direct a simultaneous bombardment, by three naval division against Portland, Boston and New .York. Another fleet will attack Fortress Monroe, and ascend tha Potomac to Wshngton. JUST RECEIVED. A supply of extra fine MERINO UW DERibillRTS have just been received and for sale by J.S. PHILLIPS dec li61-dtl. A Cook and Washer Wanted. AN experleaced COOK, Washer and Ironer, wll haar of a plaaasant altuatloq an application through this ofioa.' Jan,I tf Wanted. food stronx NKGKO lUZX for chopping OA UVl wood. APPlj Utl tQc. " Office N. C. R JR. Co.. 1 Company Shops, Jan. 17, 18G2. J All persons having notes or accounts against this Company are hereby requested to present them without-rfejay at this Office for settlement. Ail running accounts must be sent in at the close of each year ; in no case will such accounts be considered as entitled to interest. JOHN H. BRYAN, Jr., Sec'y. Jan. 27, 1862 Ira A TTENTION BATTALIOPI. Just.received a Patent Combination Stool and Cot for camp use. Also, an assort ment of heavy Army Undershirts, Drawers, India Rubber Overcoats and Pants, Enam eled Oil Cloth Coats. For sale at K A II N Y FULElL-SwKo JILITART BUTTONS, f 't .Received per Steamer Isabel, Gold Ep paulets for Commissioned Officers, Military buttons, Gold Lace, Pistols, &c. Call soon at KAIINWEILER & BROS. Jan. 25. 1862 tf ' JTNGLISII GOODS. A splendid assortment of Prints, Striped Osnaburg, Plaid and Striped English Cotton Goods, per Steamer Bermuda.- ' For aale at : KAIINWEILER &, BROS. Jan. 25, 1862 tf - POTTON LACES, Ac. We are selling: off our splendid stock of Needle Work, comprising Sleeves and. couars, r rencn ana cngusn woritea oanqs, 1. A rw r rm a rksl f nooHinflr 'Pr rat fl f.inAn on) Cotton Laees, as usual, low prices. riill? r . ' oeunig very lasi ai KAIINWEILER & BROS. Jan. 25, 1662 tf CJCUPBIINONG WINK. ; Superior articles of Scupernong WINE, in bottlea for family use. For sale at KAIINWEILER & BROS. Jrn. 25, 1862 tf , Particular Attention ! A 8 there will be a change in our firm, our cus- XjA. tomers will do us a great favor by calling and aettHng their accounts and notes. Our terms hereafter are strictly cash. KAIIN WKILKR A BRO'S. Aug. 11, 1S61 tf TVTOTICK. Ail claims against the Saddlery and U&rnejs esiAbiianraeni or me suDscriDer win oe seiuea oy Mr. K. Mtaw; and alt Indebted to the same will please male payment to him, as it Is necessary to close up in outstanding ousineas. nov. g7, 'Cl-d If. M. PKITCHABD. J. G. WILKINSON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FIXE WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER- AND X ato d. aro. CHARLOTTE, H. C. j. s, ruiLLiPS7 ' !Vtc3xrc5la.xx-t Tailor i MAYING located In Charlott reapecv.. fully solicits a share of public patron age. - - I A complete assortment of Cloths, Cassi- J mors and V eatings always on hand, which will be made to order at the ahortest Douce, arier tne latest faahion. Shop, three doors South of the Mansion House. apt.1-tf WUsT.T ATVT3 & OATES, TBADB gTaSST, Cotton Itarers, Grocers A: Produce Dealers, . AaenU for 'SeUlweW$ Manipulated Guano and LorUf Lumbar. .- ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. may 17-tf " : . Xolin T. Butler, Practical Watch and Clock 'Maker. Jeweller Ac.. Maine etreet. Charlotte. JVT.' (7- oppoeUe Kerr'e Motel, dealer in fine Watches, Clock, Jewelry, watcA Materials, ate A Lli work done In the establishment warrented JnX. for f . TWELVl5I!IONTIIS. Fine Watches, Clocks and J.weiry of every des cription repaired and warranted for twelve months. Jan.ll.ltwi ly.e i Wilmington, Chariolte . and Rutherford Kail Koad. TaAJtSPO STATION OlTICB, W. D. ON and after.Monday the IStb Instant the Pas1 enrer and Mail Train' will be run on this Road daUy.(8anly excepted) as follows: GOING WKSTO - Lias Arrivi 7.00 A. if. T.45 Charlotte Tuskaseege Brevard - j Sharon Liooolnton OOING KAST, . LlnooIntoB Sharon Brevard Tuskaseege Charlotte 7.43 $.15 8.40 8.10 8.87 8.00 LSAVB - Aaaiva. 11.45 11.45 11.00 A. M. 1LS3 11JV0 12,17 12.15 P.M. l.OU By Order. V. A. McBEE, Acting Master of Transportation. Llacolntoa, April 4th, 1861. ; TUOMAS W. ItADCLlFFE. AT TBS SIGN OF THE DRCITJ, RICHAEDS0N STREET, THE NORTH-EAST CORNER OP RICHARDSON AND PLAIN STREETS, V," .- i . " H0. 166, ?OIiTJMBlA, J3 CD. Importer and Dealer in Fine ' "WATCHES, CLOCKS,. JEWELEY, BIL- VEB WABE, GUNS. MILITARY & FANCY GOODS. KTWATOHas and Jswaxav repaired by skillfal and expenenoed Workmen. All kinds of BLAiB-Woaa made to order.. oct.i7,1860-tL Certain Cure for Flux Certain Cure for Flux ! Certain Cur for Flux I Certain Cure for Flux I Certain Cure for Flax I XOOPMANN'S DIA RRHCBA MIXTURE I XOOPMANN'S DIARRHOEA MIXTURE! KOOPMAMN'8 DlAJtRHQtA MIXTURE I KOOPMANN'S DIARRHCSA MIXTURE I Will cure tha most obstinate Will ear the moat obstinate WU1 ear th most obstinate ' . - Will ear the mot obstinate Cass of Dlarrhosa and Flax Cases of Dtarrhosa and Flax Gases of Dlarrhosa and Flux Cases of Dlarrhosa and Flux II taxen ta sme, If taken In time. X irtak.talQ.Um. If takes In Urn. For sal at KOOFMANN A rHKLrS aad at tat ursf 6U rS vasr4Ha pn n VTRTA WAT. GOYEl?XlIT Confederate States of Anensa PRESIDENT : ; 7 I j JEFFEESOH DAI - - QF MISSISSIPPI. : VICE-PRESIDENT .! ' 1. ' ALEX. H. STEPHEI7S, " OF GEORGIA.' CABINBTl-OFFICEES: SKCKBTABT OV BTATS, R. TO. X. HUNTER, of VIr - SBOKXTAKT OS TSK TBKASUSV, V la. C C ITIEItIirilNGER,of S. Carnlua. SBCKSTAKV OF TH HVr, x . S.R. ItIAl.I-.ORV,JCE'riila. L,. P. WAL.IL Hit, of Alabama. ; 1 posTiiA8Tsa obskrAl, -r. A' JOHN II. REAGAN, of Texas. - ATTOBHKT OSVIB1L, J. P. BENJAMIN, of Louisiana. ' CONGRESS; President Hon. HOWELL COBB, of Ga. Secretary JOHNSON J. H00PEK, Eaq.f ox AlaDaxaa. Alabama W. Walker, R. H. Smith, J. L. M. Curry, W. P. Chilton, S. f . Hale, Collin J. MeRae, John Gill Shorter, Daolel R. Iwia, Thos. Fearn. Florida James B. Owens, J. Patton Anderson, Jackson Morton. Georgia Robt. Toombs, HoweU'Cobb, P. S. Bartow, M. J. Crawford, E. A. Nisbet, B. H.HilIr A. K. WriKbt, Thos. K. R. Cobb, A. H. Kenao, A Louisiana John Perkins, Jr., A. L-l DeClouet, Charles M. Conrad, D. F. Kenner, G. E. Sparrow Henry Marshall. I Mississippi W. P. Harris, Walter Brooke, N. L. Wilson, At M. Clayton, W. S. Barry, J. T.Har rison, r. South Carolina--R..B. Rhett, Jr., R. W. Barn well, L. M. Keitt, James Cheanut, Jr., C. G. Mem- mincer, W. Porcber Mik-s, Thos. J Withers, W. W. Boyce. - - J Texas L. T. Wigfall, J. H. Reagan, J. Hem phill, T. N. Waui -Judge Gregg, Judgt Oldham, and W. B. Ochiltree. . : BTASDnfU OOMMITTKES. Executives .Departments Stephens, Conrad; Boyce, Shorter, Brooke. Forexan Affairs Rhett. NIsbet, Perkins, Walker, KeiU. Military Affair Bartow1, Miles, Sparrow, Kenan, Anderson. A aval Affaire Conrad, Cheanut, Smith, Wrinht, Owens. ; J Finance Toombs, Barnwell, . Kenner, Barry, McRae. - . . f , Commerce Memminger, Crawford, DeClouet, Morton, Curry. i . ' Judiciary Clayton, Withers, Hale, Cobb, Harris. ' . JostalChUtau, Boyce, Hill, Harrison, Curry. Patent Brooke, Wilson, Lewis, Hill, Kenner. Territories Chesnut, Campbell, Marshall, Nes bit, Kearne. I ' - Public Lands Marshall, Harris, Fearne. 'Indian Affairs Morton, Hale, Sparrow, Lewi, KeiU. I Printing Cobb, Harris, Miles, Chilton, Pes,-: kins. I Accounts Owens, Crawford, Campbell, De Clouet, Smith. ' i Engrossment Shorter, Wilson, Kenan, McRae, Bartow. ; . -.'.' MEHBEES OF THE FIRST PEEMA. iJi HEHT C0NGBESS. W make the following Hat of the members elect of tlte First Permanent Congress thatit is to meet on the 10th of February next. The list is made fVjh-m t.Ksa Ala(lnn wfn rns ' ... 1 Alabama. Senators Messrs. Wl'"am ftQ cey, O O CUy. . , Members ot the House Messrs E L Dargan, W P Chilton, James L Push, J L M Curry, W R Smith, John P Rawls, Thomas J Foster, 1) Clopton A, r iyon. Askamsas. Senators Messrs Robert W John son, Charles B Mitchell. Members of the House Messrs Felix J B&Uob, Orandisqn u Koysler, Augustus II Garland, Tho mas B Hanly. i . FuoaiDA. Senators Election returns not re ceived' . Members of the House Messrs James B Deskini, Hilton.: - Gbokqia. Senators Messrs R II Hill, Robert Toombs. f Members of the House Messrs A H Keenan, Hiaes Holt, A R Wright, Juaen Han ridge,1 Lucius J Gartrell, Wm W Clark, Robert P Trippe, David W Lewis, C J Munnalym, Hardy Stricklaud. Louisiana. Senators Messrs Fdward Sparrow, T J Semmes. ' V Members of the.. House Messrs D F Kenner, Ohas Villeis, John Perkins, Jr., O W Conrad, Henry Marshall, Luclen Dupoae. Mississippi. Senators Messrs Aioert u jarown. James Pbelan. 1 . Members of the House Messrs John J McRae, J W Clapp, Keubin Davis, Israel Welch, H 0 Chm bers. O A Suurleton. B Barksdale. . h - Misaooai. Senators Messrs Jon a n ui&ric, it 8Y Pevton. , r Members of the House Messrs jenn uyer, Caspar W Bell, George G Vest, A H Oonrow, w W Cook. Thomas W Freeman, Tiiomas A Harris North OAaotaa Senatori Messrs ueorge - vis, Wm S Dortch. - ' t Members of the House Messrs w xi smito, Robert Bridges, Owen K Keenan, J D JdcDoweU, Thomas 8 Ashe, Archibald Arlington, KODert Me Lan, William Lander, K S uartner, a b Aiavia- .in. South Cakolisa. Senators Messrs X. w uarn- well, James L Orr. t l ' w aa T VTT m XT Mtimbera of tbe iiou&e Messrs V T jbvjuc, " Pnrrh.r Milea. ML Bonham. John ' MoUasCJl. L f A vr. Junci Varrow. . 1. T b ksru. senators iu esars iaokubh ,v Haynes, Gustavua A Henry. f . M-mbara of the House Messrs D M Carrin, j D O Atkins. H E Foster, Thomas uenees, weorge W Jones, M P Gentry. W G Swann, W U Tlbbs, E L Gardner, T J xteiaaeu Tax ABviJenafcO rs aiesars. aouis a. TTigiau, u. S. Oldham. . ' . Members of the : House Messrs. jo an a. nn- cox, Peter W. Graham, O O Uei-hett, w a y right, Malcolm P Graham, B. t. r. dw. j TiaawiA. Senators Not eiecsea. i Mum hers of the House Messrs. John R. Ctiam- bliss, Muscoe B- H. Garnett, -John Tyier, jRoger A Pryor, Thomas E Bocock, John Goode, Jr-i Jamts P Holcombe, D C Dejarnette, nimam; Smith, A R Boteior, John B Baldwin, ir n flta. plea, Walter Preston, A G Jenkins, ttooert jonn son, Charles H. Russell. " "' KaHTccxr. Senators Messsrs. x urucv, William K Simms. . . .. Members of the House Messrs Danlet e vvnite, TbcmasB Monroe, J U Ford, John J Thomas, T D BurretLGeorsre W Ewiug, George B Hoiiges, Thomas Johnson. : ' . t " - BALTIMOKE COMEliClAL COLLEGE FOBROEO 852, CHARTEBEOi ' 854 LOCATSS , f - -:--- Comer o JSaUimore and Charles Streets, . : sAtriio'ii, -'. V v'-' . W 1-1 rfllHE Largest and most weganuy urnwueu fl Commercial College in the United States. very young man ahould write immeuij one of those large ana Deuuiuujr Circulars,' representing the exterior and interior View Of th BAJLTIMORB COMMCaOIAL COLLBS. Penmanahlp, Ac, which will be sem pjww- mail free of charge, with catalogue containing List of Students, Terms of Tuition, Opinions of th Press on eur New System of Book-Keeping, etc f lOBIT T. f r' E. K. Losraa, PrlndpaA Lecturtr on the Selene of Acceunta, Business, uustoms, eo. ? J. M. PHiixire, Professor of Book-neeprng Commercial CaicuUtions. ' Jl . i H. H. DAViaa, Associate Prof, ox JJooa-aespuigvi N. O. JoHXSos, Professor of Penmansnrp. , , j S. T. WauAJta, Esq-Mercantile Law. s Rrv. E. T. Raxsa, D. Commercial Etaics. k , t Hon John P Kennedy, 1 Hon Joshua Yansaat, Hon Thomas 8waon. I Wm H Keighler, Esq., Jaoob Trust, Esq Wm Knabe, Esq. Tha time usually required to complete tht fan ooarse, from 8 to Is weeks. . I A DmoatA ts awarded to all Graduates. Lara Circulars and Catalorae stating tenu Ac teot by mall fre of charge. f . Address K. LOSIER, iaa 17-if BattimorStpM H.L. ALEXANDER ' Attorney and Counsellor at Law GOVERNMENT OP NORTH CAR ; ' ; OI.IN A. H.T. Clark, of dgecombe,Ooverar, salary per annum, tSfiWL and the use of a fumUhed house. xcrui upirea January j, lsol. G. A. Davea, of Craren, Seer trtary to the Gover- I &Ufus 11- Pairp. nf W&tro AaoA r.r at.. artsnn " V " , Daniel W. Cotirta. of RnkSnvham iv.i! salarv S2.nnn w 1 " tJurtis u. Brofirdea. of Vitdi nmnimnM- ..i T j---vm ------ . J rf ary $1,000. i" ' The General Aasemblv mmmiuM t. A the third Monday of November everr alternate year, int next eiectl ons for members of the Ben ale arui Hnnu af iVmmin. n r n. will be held on the first Thursday of August,' I860. ldterary Board The Board of Literature ol north Carolina is composed aa follows : ' Hia Ex cellency, John W. Ellia,: President, em officio; G. A- Daves, Secretary. , : .Internal Improvement Board-rThe Internal Jsa- provement Board is composed as follows : His Kx - m)ntfyJoliai.Wc Ellis, President, b oMela ; . G. a. uaves, secretary. - . ? ; - - State Librarian Oliver H. Perry, of Baleigh.. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF N. CAROLINA, MKluaBSSLSOT TO TH LKaiSLATtTKS OF 1860-1. ' (0. for Opposition D. for Democrat.) .a . - '" Senate. : ' . DlST,- . 1. Pasq- otank and Perquimans, S S Whedbee, O. 2. Camden and Currituck, B F Simmons, D. 8. Gates and Chowan, Mills H Eure,.0. 4, Hyde and Tyrreil, Jones Spencer, O. 5. Northampton. J M 8 Rogers, D. 8. Hertford, Joseph B Slaughter, O. "j 7. Bertie, ua via outlaw, o. T " 8. Martin and Washington, J R Stubbs, O. 9. Halifax, M C Whltaker, D. 10. Edgecombe, H T Clark, D. ! 11. Pitt, E J Blount, O. ' 12. Beaufort, Frederick Grist. O. " IS. Craven, N H Street, D. 14. Carteret and Jones, M.L F Arndiel, O. 15. Gret ne and Lenoir, James P Speight, D. lo. iNew Hanover, eu w Hall, D. 17. Duplin, James Dickinson, D. 18. Onslow, L. W. Humphrey, D. 19. Bladen, Brunswick and Columbus, John D Taylor, D. 20. Cumberland and Harnett, Duncan Shaw, D. 21. 8ampBonfcThos. I Faison, D. 22. Wayne, W. K. Lane, D. U - 23. Johnston, J W B Watson, D. t" 24. Wake, MA Bledsoe. D. r 25. Nash, A J Taylor, D. 26. Franklin, Washington Harris, D. 27. Warren, T J Pltchfordi D. 28. Granville, C H K Taylor, D. 29. Person, C S Winstead. D. 80. Orange, Jcsiah Turner,' jr. O. 81. Alamance and Randolph, J Worth, O. 82. Chatham, W G Harris, D. 88. Moore and Montgomery, C W Dowd, O. 84. Richmond and Robeson, Alfred Dockery, O. 85. Anson and Union, 3 H Walkan. O. 86. Guilford, John M Morehead, O. 87. Caswell, Bedford BrownD. 88. Rockingham, F L Simpson. D. ' . 89. Mecklenburg, John Walker, D. , 40. Cabarrus and Stanly, V O Barrlneer, O. 41. Rowan and Davie, J G Ramsay, O. 42. Davidson, John W Thomas, O. , ' 48. Stokes and Forsyth, Jesse A Waugh, D. 44. Ashe, Surry, Watauga and . Yadkin, Joseph Dobson, l). 45. Iredell, Wilkes and Alexander, L Q Sharps, O. 46. Burke, McDowell A Caldwell,. W W Avery, D. 47. Lincoln, Gaston and Catawba, Jasper Stowe.D. 43. Rutherford, Polk and Cleave! and, A W Bur ton, D. , - 49. Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Yancey Marcus Erwin,D. f 50. Haywood, Macon, Cherokee and Jackson, Wm. H. Thomas. V. Democrats, 81 ; Opposition, 19. . Democratic majority 12. At last Session Democrats 82 ; Op position' gain just one. I. ' the mil. I,; xi i ; - ' AND ' .. , . my I r, w fi imiiirni . I AITO J I - AAtkM - lXiAft tf MJJi S VsVAAAlAli tTR7'E are pleased to advertise the friends and - V w patrons of this establishment that we com mence the publication of th second volume' of the Osst named journal, this 'day, under the most favorable auspices. The circulation of the above named paper Is rapidly increasing, and Its influence as an adver Using medium la being felt and appreciated by It patrons, having access to almost every-neighbor hood in this and adjoining Counties, as w'.l as the adjoining Districts In South Carolina. THIS CATAWBA JOiHIVAL," One of the largest papers now published in the state, mailed for $1.00 per. annum, made up from the columns of tbe Daily Boixbtis, has not. only become a popular, papers, but it affords great ad vantages to those who wish to use Its columns a an advertising medium. Specimen copies will be, sent to any section they may be ordered, Ire of postage. or terms, Ac, we refer the reader to our ita pvini. . E. H. BRITT0N nev.i(-u The Edgecombe Farm Journal. ft) HE subscriber will commenoe on or about the li 1st of September, i860, tbe publication of monthly journal in Tarboro, to be devoted to the plantatUn and rural interest of Worth Carolina In particular, and of tbe South generally. Edgecombe having long since been acknowledge ed aa the model farming county ef North Carolina, we feel that there is no locality better salted, and nont more justly entitled, to the source of publi cation or a nrc ciasa agricultural paper than xar boro. It Is to b called "The Edgecombe Farm Joarnal," And win contain original and selected article up on Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, House hold Arts, Rural Architecture, zoology, c, Ac It will be published with new type and clear white paper, in a neat quarto form. - The price of subscription has been made so low as to place the publication within reach of every one. ' . TERMS: , One copy on year. $0 60 Seven copies on year. ................. 8 00 Twelve copies one year...... 5 00. . Twenty-five ooplea one year .10.00 CST" No paper sent unless paid for In advance. WALLlAJd li. BBUTU, , y. Editor and Proprietor, Tarboro, H. Cv . July80-tf 'r PKOSPECTUS I or TUB " U1LLSB0R0UG11 RECORDER, - navOTBDTO -i;- ' POLITICS, A631CULTCRE, I51SCELLAST, GEKEBAL KWS. ; rvwoutv si ' DENNIS HEARTT. - . ) HILLSBOROUGH, N. 0. ITH the present volume the RECORDER commenced tbe fortieth year of its exis tence, the first number having beea issued the 10th of February, 1820; during all which time we hav labored to matk our paper interesting and useful, and we hope that iq these particulars we have not been altogether unsuccessful. It has been our wish to make the RFCORDER a good Family Par. per, devoted to Polities, Agriculture, Miscellany, General News, Ac, with a view to th entertain ment and Improvement of the farmers and cin sens of th circle In which It Is distributed. Oar Agricultural department; we endeavor to fin with the best selections we can make from all sources. riving preference to such as wm oe or practical use to Ufe farmer and cultivator ; and in this par ticular we hope to make tne r.E.KjnjJca. as Tam able to th agriculturist as aay periodical of a purely agricultural c&araeter. a out wxceua neeus department, we ahallcontlue to be, as we h. aiwavs been, careful to select suen articles as will have a tendency no muj m auiuae, uut w Improve the mind and heart. While we shall be thankful to receive well-written articles to aiorn our columns, w are not so ambitious of originality as not to prefer selected matter of superior merit, t toruiv. written and Ul-digested articles, though nrnummted at th top with the coveted words "Writtfcb expressly for the RECORDER. In eur Mews department we snau tax especw p&ina.to present to our rsauers wie ucui5xue, ua a n&Ma na to da so we have facilities equal to those enjoyed In any portion of th State, exeept those favored with telegraphic communication. A single copy; one year,. ........ ..jmw Six ooplea, year , . i. ..... -10-00 Ten eopies; one year...i .......19.00 Payment always In advance. ' Anv of our old subscribers who will obtain fiv ubfrcrlber and send us the cash, shall receive their ow paper fre of eharg. July la. ' - Take Notice.- FROM THIS DATE, our Books art posxtneiy closed to all. Cash win, in every lnsUati Wt art compel!! to buy (or Cfttt oartetttt and mut UwrtforthtTtmaaey. DQ mt 4AX FQR CJU&IT. Boolt and Job Prating ' OF KVm CLASS ANtf STYLE, . Neatly Cxeeuted. at this oGce. ffWAYTNG procured a large amount of excel iLU. lent material, and added to this estabuah teat saiUbl fast PRESSES; we take this oppor tunity to inform eur friends and -the public, that w are fully prepared to exeeat work ef very lass,in . 3f x lixr a? x r pi. 9 . at abort netlce, ana at prtoe far- below thos usually paid la this seetioa of country. W are prepared to print hi th latest and most approved style, r- .k, v . ; ' - v 'r ' . . CARDS, INVITATIONS, NOTES, LAW BLAIfKs, A AITXX XI JL.XSTS, :HtCfJL,AltS, fJlIICtS, 7 show-bills, books, aud any other style ot printing usually called for, for much less than the same class of work can be j , e. it. nnirroN. Take Notice. LL persons Indebted to the subscriber t WILL PLEASE COM E FOR WAKD and pay up - " IMMEDIATELY! as longer indulgence cannot be given. ' J. 8. PHILLIPS. J I would also notify those in want of goods that from and after this date all goods will be sold low' down for cash or its equivalent. . .. Jan. 10 tf. . Hoops ! Hoops ! Hoops ! , SOMETHING NEW A LOT OF SILK HOOPS, an entirely new and superb article light, springy and pleasantly made expressly for the South. Also, a new style of HOOP SKIRT, a most desirable artkle, called The Belle of the South. Together with a yery large number of more ordi nary Hoop bklrta comprised of from 10 to 50 hoops each. . "' aprillS-c - SOOrHAnN fUKLra. PALMETTO.'' XEION OEKS. ?Oa,UinUIA, ESTABLISHED, A. D. MDCCCLL WILLIAM . GLAZE, NCFACTDRER OF STEAM ENGINES, from 10 to 80 Horse Power;. BUUAa MILLS of every style now in use, JAilt work ol every dlscription. Also, Iron Railing, with every description of Iron and Brass Castings. wonld cau attention w iron vaavutK ux uio wi nf niodB8' Public Buildlufcs, Dwellings, uaat Steps, Balestro Railing, and all kind of enclosures for Gemetary lot. Mavma- a nrst rate turner maxer wiui us, we are prepared to manufacture Boilers, or repair them, - - . . a.ama - - A. It 1- . at short nonce, wm sena ooiier nascf mi id; oart of the State. Our Steam Engines will be found, when compared with thos made at North ern establishments, to be from twenty-nve to forty Der oent larger for the same horse power. . These Works have been In successful operation forsev ral rears, with an increase of patronage from all parts of the Southern country, for which the Proprietor returns his thanks to his numerous friends and patrons, and begs to assure them that ne pains er expense wiu pe spared to merit a eon thauance of their favors. 1 : may 17-tf - - BIONTAMOEaNA FEMALE SEMI- NARYS MT. PLEASANT, CABARRUS Co., N. C. . . 1 . j THE exercises of this school will be resumed on the 20th of August. s , , i RATES PER SESSION. , ' Board, (including washing ana fuel) $40.00 English course, from $5.00 to 15.00 Music pn the Piano, Melodeon, or Guitar, 20.00 Languages, each , 8.00 Drawing, or painting, 10.00 Vocal Music, 8410 Embroidery, ' 1.O0 Other ornamentals reasonable. - '. :. TEKKS X '. . , i .':--- : . Half of all the expenses, board and tuition, must be paid In advance, and th remainder at the close of the session. ' ' Pupils who board in the Seminary will not b permitted to make store accounts. . For further information, address -". - - L. G.HE1L1G. Juljr2S,61,tiUoctl. u S1ARTIN, TANN1U1LL & - Co., (Successors to N. M. MARTIN, SON A Co.) Grocers & Oommissioa Merchants, PISTISKSIICUO, VA. WALTER & MABTIN & Oo : (Suocesaort to N. U. MARTIN, SON A Co.) COMMISSION JOBUCIIANTS, R. A.; Martis, formerly of Granville CoV, N. C. R, TABSAHOt, formerly of Edgecombe Co., N. 0 Waxtkb K. Mabtix, of Richmond, Ta. N. M. Mabtut, of Richmond, Va. R, H. CU85IS0HAX Jr.. of Richmond, Ta. . BOTH oonoerns win give faithful personal at tention to the sales of COTTON, WHEAT TOBACCO and CORN. Neither concern will buy any of the above named articles, either on Com mission, Speculation or otherwise, as their busi ness in produce Is cuofined to SELLING , txola- ively. Refer to ! 1 a F. FitBsa. Esq., President N. 0. Rail Road. ' Dr. W. J. Hawsusb, Prest R. A Gaston Rail Road. R. . BauoxRa, Esq Pres't Bank at Tarboro, N. 0. Hon. W. N. Edwards, Warren county, N. C. Jambs M, Bollock, Esq., Granville County, N. C C. F. Fi&bka, Cashier exchange Bank, Petersburg KbiIp P. Battlb. Esq.. Raleigh. N. C tT We respectfully call the attention of Cotton Planter and dealers to Petersburg as being on of the best Cotton Markets m the eoutn, having now a rood heme aud foreign demand, and we are pleased to hear that efforts are bow being mad to get the freight ; through from Charlotte to Peters burg reduced to aboat$ a bale, men 1, lb61-8m. " ' ' ' j. ; JB ININ GKER'S . OLD ; - L0IIB0II BOCK GUT, COGNAC, ! ' . SBERST, ., . . . : '.. PORT, I MADEIRA, -; J ; - ' 1S49 aBSaavs BOURBON, T -- 'WHEAT TONIC Put up m Cases cwUlning one dozen Bottles each. - A. JTI. IflNINCEIt & CO., - (Eatabushed lHo.) WISE IMPORTERS, . jjf o, 19, ISroaia St., N. tarfln order to Insure consumers Pure Liquor. Ur a compact and convenient form, we commenced the enterprise of bottling and packing in cases oar well known Wines, Brandies, Whiskeys, Ac, and have sent them out in a style that would preclude vbe possibility ef their being tempered with before reftchine the uuTchaser. - The general apprecia tion and gratifying success that ha rewarded oar effort, has encouraged ns to maintain th standard as regards quality ; also, to make Increased effort f a noinuln th mnfldenM and natronasra whlrh 1 baa been o liberally bestowed upon-us. . OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "The Bumfaxa's, 19 Broad St- have a very hlrh reputation to sustain, as the oldest and best noose tnirYorlu JZotneJoumaL - -The house ef A. M. Biximu A Co No. is. Broad 8V. has sustained for a period of eizhty years, a reputation that may well be envied." jr. x.X9nq-os. , "Tb aam of A. M. Bnnan A Co., No. It Broa4 St., Ur a gnaras.t of th exact and literal truth, whatever they respesenW Jy. Y. Commercial Advertiser. , - r ' Wt unrtM tn attenuon or Aaiers, urugm and rhytioians to ear extensive stock of choice old Wihct, Brandlct, tte. , ' V Oroert from the country will f5i 135? iVtatien. CLrcmoontaioowra un m rrtearwtrttMiihosr III I MIL spclal Dispatch.1 .J .. Explosion of an Engine. Columbia, S. C, Feb. 11. The Perrin, an engine belonging to the South Carolina railroad, exploded here' this morning. While standing in the yard. An engineer named Keen; was "instantly killed,5 and one fire man had his skull fractured very badly and is considered mortally wounded. The engine is a total wreck. Portions of the boiler were thrown t distance ol eight hundred feet from the engine. J. ., From the West. !. !. ' .' 1 . ... , Received In Charlotte, Feb. 11.1 ' , at Bullet! o office 6:i5 p.m. a ar w- ' m Su EMFHit, r eo. li. we nave sustained a heavy loss in steamboats, on the Tennessee Riveri in consequence of the invasion. ; ' The gun boats Lexington, Gonestogo and Sam Orr, with 17,000 pounds powder, nd two submarine batteries, were set fire to st S o'clock this evening, ten miles, above the - Tennessee River Bridge. ; . On Friday and Saturday the' Jfon, Belle, and Lynn Boyd burnt the Confeder. ates at the mouth ot Duck River Sam Kirkman and Julius Time. The. latter, r with one hundred thousand dollars Gov ernment stores on board was abandoned and burnt on Saturday. . The Dunbar, sunk at Cypress Creek is at East Port, repairing. ' , The Confederate Gun Boat sunk is the Orr? Gordo. The Sallie Ward is the only one captured by the Federals. , The Robb is the only one that escaped. "The Federal gun boats have, left the River, but are expected back. They took . 20,000 pounds of Coiffederate salt Pork, from Florence, but refused to touch private property, even 'cotton. The passenger trains havevre8umed on the Charleston Road? ' . It is reported that the Federals are con- centrating in large force in the vicinity ol Paris, where ' there are ,1,800 Confederate ; , Cavalry , The Tennessee River- Bridge ; is not 1 burnt. ? . : . News has just been received via Paris, , that fighting had commenced at Fort Don- etaon on Saturday. ; . ; ! Nothing heard via Nashville. One General two captain, two Lieuten- ant and seventy five privates were captur ed at Fort' Henry. Twenty two dead, bodies were found at the Fort The Federal Gun Boats iteom pipe broke and one man was killed. The Federals have abandoned Fort Henry, and are fortfiying f Fort Angels,' opposite Fort Henry, whice is Inundated, and caving on both sides.i The FedenU - have threatened to take, possession ofhe Memphis & Ohio R. R. within two weeks as they have easy access. ! Military excitement is growing warm, . A meeting was held here yesterday to or ganize lor our defence. RAGS! RAGS! CASH paid for RAGS at the Envelope Manufactory opposite the Post Office. ' J. 11. STEVENS & CO. Feb 12-btf NORTH CAROLINA F0UI7DEY & ZIACHUTE W0BES, SALISBURY, N. O. . IKEUCKS 6c ItEADJCi:, SUCCESSORS TO N. B0TDEN A SON, V MANUFACTURERS OF AURIC CLTURAL. IJIPLE.TIENT Cultivator-, Plows, ; , Corn-Shcllers, : J 'Seed -Sowers - HoreeNpowers Ac- Thraahert, , THE CELEBRATED XELEQBAFII CUTTING UACHINZ, ForFodder, Hay, Stalks, Oats and Shucks,' Being the first Premium Machine of the - r airs ot lNortb and foouih uarotina, CIDEE & SUGAH XUXLS. SflAFILNG AND MAGIIINER Y For Grift, Circular & Vertical Saw Hills, Gold Copper 4c Silver Slliiea. - Manulacturera ol and Agents for Dr. E. O. Elliott's PATENT MULAY SAVr MILL and WATER WHEELS. ; Plantation and County Rights for sale ot W.-T. C B. 8TUART' PATENT DOUBLE ACTING HAY OR COTTON PRESS. - Iron and Brass Casting, Forginga, and Finished Work of every Deacription . TOBACCO PILESSE3 AND FIXTURES, And other Kinds of Machinery repaired at short notice. fjune 18, 186MF Charlotte & S. C. Railroad. '"' . ..-.- iTT1. C THEPhabengei1 Trains on this Road will ; leave and arrive, hereafter, aa follows: Leave Charlotte, at 8:30 A.M. Arrive at Charlotte, 3:50 P.M. Leave Columbia at '8:00 A.M. Arrive at Columbia, ' 4:30 P.M. NovB . tl Staves, iloop Poles and Cord WOOII. TTT ANTED at tha Charlotte Steam MUls. JUUN wit&u. St. Oct. 7. To the Public. irvrih s ubsexlbwf mbrao this opportunity at Ji th commencement of th New Tear, to In form their friend that they aav discontinued filling orders, unless accompanied with th Cass. Thos Indebted ar earnestly requested te close tir acooanta as soon as poaslbl. - Jaal-tf. KOQPMAN A PHELPS. ; DIRECT IMPORTATION fTpHE subscribers hav ja opened.a few Cats JscKOs! BROAD CI and CABSIMEM. i?S3S eU ai tht ptpaJtr (, tlosjtef I V Jul itf .... i ) - -''i.'-r.i?- V.."'. - 1. : 1 .'-v. - . ' : ' '! T J