it-- v.4 I v J ' ' & - -T-. - -:' -- - - W7 I THE BULLETIN: BY EDWARD IT. MIHTTOPf. DAILT BOXira, (Je anaumj -D0- nU-WXtKLT BULLETIN, (per atmunj . SU CATAWBA JOCKNAL. - (Jr anm) OHABLOTTE; SATURDAY. FEBRUARY ,13. 1862. An Adlctlr Oeearrenc. In eonsexjencw of an unfortanats and very painful accUeut that befcl one of the youn rentlsmen of our composing department, on Th arid ir afternoon. wa failed to snd otfovx Northern mail by the regular train that evening. . " Tbeyoosg man our brother-in-law, thoughtlessly went too night the machine . ry of the Press, when in full motion, and . hie right leg was caught by the pendulam attached to the cog and instantly broken above the ankle.' But for the prompt ' and uneipected successful efforts of ths hands around the Press, in stopping the machine ry and extricating the unfortune sufferer Master IIxT'Mim his right leg and ' arm would hare been horribly mangled and torn from bis body. Th occurrence is a great affliction eve ry way viewed and oar friends will: please bear with u until we can procure help to supply the place of bur alHicted relative. Drs. Fox. Joxts, Scabs and Uctchisoiv, and Other gentlemen, were prompt and very kind in their efforts to relieve the sufferer. who under the skillful treatment of Dr. C. 1 Var saved the awful calamity ot suffering amputation. t W. , Personal. M. StxrLt, Esq., one of the editors of that Stirling journal the New Orleans Crescent: favored us wiia a call on Thurs- !ir afternoon. He visits North Carolina on; business connected with his paper. We were much pleased on making he ac quaintance of Mr. Simple. ' t ' Green Ifea. . The Columbus. Georgia Sun boasts of . having been presented with a mess of Green Peas, fresh from the garden of Mrs. S, II. CftooMAff, of Columbus, who presented them to the editor. lie is a lucky fellow. . i - m . -1 . Tow n Talk. The principal topic of town talk yester day was a report, generally circulated, to the effect that the Yankees have deman nedof Gsn. Lee the surrender of Savannah, and, in case of re fatal, have given five days in which to remove the women and chil dren from the city. Anrusta Constitu tienelist. A private letter from a volunteer, writ ten in Savannah. Saturday, atates that a report prevailed there that a' flag of trace had been received at headquarters from the Federals - demanding the surrender by Tuesdav or Wednesday, or the city would be shelled. The report, however, needs confirms tion. but may be true, as it is understood . that the military authorities at , Savannah baveprohibited the transmission of news , br telegraph. Whether it be true or the . reverse, we apprehend that when the Fede rals get it they irillhave it to do vt et armis. lis. ' Nevrsj from Dowllng Green, .Nothing of a startling character, says the Nashville Banner, has transpired at or fn the vicinity of Bowling Green daring the past few daya. Gen. Buell, it is reported. is fortifvinz on the south bank of Green river. His object in throwing up fortifies- ; lious at that point la no doubt to protect his troops 'while crossing and. getting a " foothold this side, from assaults of our su- -perior cavalry and infantry. T. L. Crit tenden, halt frightened out of Via wits' at the demonstrations made against him at 'Bowline Green, has fallen back towards the Ohio, and is fortifying at South Car- rollton, Kentucky. ' . Gens. Buckner and Floyd are keeping a vigilant eye upon his movements. Their present headquarters are at Russelville, Ky. ! Heavy Profits. The Richmond Examiner says : ' The paper mill here hav divided. for tnree montna pronts, one Hundred per cent., the . profits being four times their capital for tfie year ; the woolen mill here has made one hundred per cent. ; the cot ton mills are coining money ; and the whiskey distillers are absolutely unable to calculate their enormous profits. mm . I . r ' Advance of the Federals. 1 he .Mem plus AtaiancMe learns trom a , correspondent that the Federal pickets had advanced . to Jimtown, just 77 miles from Knoxville. The general impression, how. ever, was that they woald net advance ' much further for the present, though fears were entertained that the Federal cavalry would come over and seek again to inter fere with the railroad track and the brid ge. ' ' l '" """ ; Gen. Crittenden. A number of Misaissippians who visited the camp of Gen. Crittenden, at Gainsboro, to look after the comfort of their friends in the 15th Mississippi Regiment, held a meeting and passed resolutions fully ex onerating Gen. George B. Crittenden from all the blame which has bean attributed to him in regard to the battle at .Fishing Creek. . ' Gen JTetr Thompson. ' The Memphis 4raZaacAsays. it is n2 mored that he is to be gives; ' a new com raand the entire cavalry force at Colum ( bus. If the report is correct,' the Federals may just as well make their wills, for they never can get oat of the reach of the ubi quitous Jeff. Thompson, who. they both fear and hate with the greatest intensity. . Co.icurriAitoa .or Prisoners or War. ' The War Department has issued orders for the removal of all the prisoners of war now held in New. Orleans. Tuscaloosa, . and in South Carolina, to Salisbury N. C, where commodious and comfortable prison house have been erected for their-especial accommodation. The prisons there will - be under the superrisioa ot Major Gibbe, Provost Marahal,lor a long while the eour- teoot ana . eiacieat conmanaant m uy Ccof; ? rrtn In Rithmanai Lovaltr to the sontn. We concur so fully in the remarks of the Hunteville -4 doocote touching character, that we copy them as follows i " t I "We have never believed the accident of lirth was the touchstone of gentility, puri ty, excellence, or patriotism. The highest General in our army, Samuel Cooper, Ad iutant General, is of Northern birth. So is John Slidell, Minister to Europe. So are Generals Ripley, Pemberton, Whiting, Pike, Ruggles, French all Northern by birth. Agaiifx Scott; Cocke, Fremont, Bates, Blair, Crittenden, Stribbling, Dray ton, and a host of others. General, mem bers of Lincoln's Cabinet, officers of high grade in the army and navy, are South erners by birth and education yet are our direst enemies.' So this test is a two edged sword, and is only such as will be regarded by a narrow minded bigot. 1 here have been as many traitors to our cause of Southern birth as of Northern birth. Casting imputations of disloyalty upon thoee ot Northern and Foreign' birth, be cause of that fact alone, is a poor way. of displaying zeal in behalf ot the Southern Confederacy." ( Our army rolls, truly remarks the Mil ledgeville Recerdtu show thousands of as good and reliable citizens, of Northern ori gin, battling tor the South as any we have in the field. To this extent they" deserve our confidence, and we are gratified to know that they, possess it. Heaven for bid that by any utterance of dislike towards the Yankee tribe, we should be understood, as making no exception in favor of our adopted fellow citizens. - They came among us in a season of amity, when the North and the South were connected by ties of mutual regard,. and when business transactions were conducted in good faith, and to the convenience of both, parties. Whoever fixed his lot among us in the past, and stands by us in the pre sent struggle, is essentially incorporated with our institutions and feelings. Hence let no invidious distinction be made. As to the coming in of Yanleet to share" the fortunes of the South when the fi?ht is over, and when our independence is estab lisbed, that is altogether a different quee tion, on which, we may enlarge at another time. All that we desire to say at present is, that mere Northern birth should ' not form the least objection jo those who are sow identified with the South, and we hope that all such will feel under no restraint, or imagine that they are not cordially ad mitted in the body politic, without any re serve or distrust whatever, the test ot fealty to the South has been established, and the. past is not open to review. We hope and believe these sentiments are full? endorsed bv all native Southerners. IVko. ever ts wuh us novo, hand of felUvkip. is entitled to the right Iloman Fortitude. The Washington (N. C.) : Dispatch of Tuesday contains the following t For months past the only, daughter of Col. Robert McMillan, commander of this post; a lovely, intelligent young lady, of some 18 years, has been slowly sinking under that insiduous, fatal disease, con sumption. But, Roman, like, he remained at his post. Messages' came that she was sinking, and though he "felt and was moved by the full tide of a father1 affection he would not leave the post of truth and dan ger to haste him for a day or twonfTler dying bedside, to cheer her heart in its de scent to the tomb, and assure her ot a re onion in "that sun bright clime. A few mornings ago we 'stepped into his office to hear of any despatches received of the Burnside expedition", and he silently, as a tear gathered in his eye, handed us a note just received from his companion, anOuncing that their dead Emma was dead. We came, from the office doubly impres sed with his Christian fortitude and. his patriotic devotion to his country. Such men may be destroyed, but never conquer ed. . He has our sympathies, and we feel sure the sympathy ot this community, tor whose defense he has labored ancLwatched for months, while his dear daughter'waa dying in his distant home in Georgia. The Burnside ExpeditionThe De sign oflte Operation , . IFrom the WuMorton Star. The latest information fom the Burnside expedition locates the greater portion of it off Hatteras Inlet. - To-morrow's news by the Norfolk flag of tuce may.posaibly an nounce its entrance into Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds, and by Monday next we may bear that Newbern or Washington, North Carolina, or both, and taken are in Gen r B.V possession. If 'Secesh has been able to concentrate a force - that can impede his speedy progress from Ne wbern to Goldsbors, that has been accomplished with remarkable secrecy, inded. Golds- boro oqce at Burnside's mercy, and the grest coist line ot "Seceh a .railroad con nections will be so "done for," as that a! Seceesia cannot put it in working order la six months to come. The mere destruc tion of the bridges of the Tar and Neuse. rivers will effect that so desirable object, to say nothing ot the destruction of th mo many miles of treatlework within . sinking distance of Goldaboro. rroca the Baltlmer sontb.J Our information as to : the direction taken by the the Burnside expedition is conflicting. Our own impression is that its forces have been divided, and that its attention will be directed against Roanoke Island, in" Albemarle sound the Southern Key of Norfolk, against the latter city in front and possibly up the Rappahannock. River.. We feel quite sure that the govern ment designs assailing a large number of points at one time, and a speedy advance of the Potomac towards Centerville may be necessitated. It is rumored that Gen. Mc Clellan, though somewhat indisposed, has not been so ill as represented, and has been keeping up the impression of severe sick ness for a purpose. - Ilia friends say .that in this, as well as in other matters, he has displayed a great deal of tact and sagacity, which lead them to build largely upon the auecess of his plans. . - The Federal troops are using balls con taining a brass cup filled with powder and a poisonous substance, which explode by mean a of a combustible piece of punk at tached to it. .Tha object of this diabolical projectile aetma to be to to mutilate and polion turf ent who It hit tbitlit ttnBot Yankee Telegraphic News. We copy the following items of North ern telegraphic news from the Louisville Journal of the 4 th V ? J-"'--; MCATTJfB BUTXAX TO BX rsOMOTED. Nkw York, Feb. 2. The Tribune' special says letters continue to be received from eminent bankers favoring the legal tender bill- . - ..' There is no reason to believe that Gen. Butler waa assured before he left Wash ington, that he should have a Major-General's commission, as well as the title. He will land several brigades at a point On the Southern coast not now occupied by Union soldiers. The capture will be more im portant than any. yet made. Secretary Stanton insisted that Butler should have what he wanted, although General Mc Clellan disapproved it. " - - ; . FORT rULASXI INVESTED. Fort Pulaski is now thoroughly invested. Gen. Sherman daily has reported all that is done there, and will take the place when he chooses to attack it. ) A Splendid' Snot Iron Pnlaskl. A letter from Lieut. Col. Hawley, of the Hartford (Conn.) Press, irom Tybee gives the following incident : , Day before yesterday a party of Ger mans went up to Goat's4Boint. One of the party;. stood on the summit of a sand hill, perhaps a hundred yards less than a mile from Fort Pulaski (that is as near as we can get) and waived his hat. ' The others went back out of sight,-but could see the rebels bringing a gun to bear.' They warned their comrade but he would not heed. As he stood with his back to the fort, a barbette gun sent out a little cloud, then came the thunder, the rushing ball, and the rash man lay disembowelled and cut into on the sand. It was a splendid ehot and could not be equalled in a month's practice.. . " - - The Freneb Tobacco In the South. The New York Herald says : It is suggested in ihe tobacco trade, by the way, that the Government of France should be permitted to 'receive the large quantity of tobacco owned by it in the rebel States. We' presume that a request to be allowed to do so "would be attentively considered by the- Government, and, if other foreign nations made no; objection, would probably be granted, upon, proper proof of French ownership of the property being produced. The interests of the United States would not suffer by a deliv- 7 of lbe tobacco, and its want is causing considerable inconvenience in France. . Significant. The following telegraphic dispatch was permitted by the Govern ment Censor, at Washington, to be sent over the wires to New York : . ' . "Private letters received in Washington, from persons abroad, confirm the impres sion that the Gouernments of England, France and Spain meditate an early recog nition of the independence of the Confed erate States. This recognition, it will be pretended, is made in the cause of human lty. ' : Coming events cast their shadows be fore. Premonitions of what is to come are generally vouchsafed to those who are in terested in the events.' "The cause of hu manity Hs to be made the compulsory power io force our Government into terms with the Confederate States. Matters of I deep national interest will shortly be de veloped. 'I he above dispatch is premoni tion of tbiTdvent.-rCincinnati Enquirer. THE LABGEST CIBCTTLATION IN WES . TEEN NOETH CAROLINA. THE ; CATAWBA JOURNAL, THE DAILY BULLETIN, rcBussn) bt ; E-Hi -BRIT T O N', CnAIlLOTTli, N C. ' TIIESK Papers', (embracing the Tai-WsxaiT Bcixstis ) eatablUhed ia the town of Cbarlotte, N. C, affords unosnat advantages to Advertiaers both at home and abroad, as the editions,. weekly. now exceed , , , ., - t .' ,: j . ' -SIX THOUSANb COPIES, -which we hare no doubt are read by at'Ieaat ; TWENTY. TITO USA2TJ ; ' persons eaeb week, a l&rga proportion ot whom are Planters and their famliies. - - - s - Jlm a means of Advertising we are confident thai great advantages can be obtained through fhia es- UbUshment, henee we embrace this opportunity to Inform oar frlenda and the Uerxantile comma aities on the Seaboard, (Charleston and Wilming ton,) that our facintles for circulating their buiaesa Kotleea throughout Western North Carolina and the adjoining Districts in Sooth Carolina are ex tensive and complete. . , ; -' Our terms are liberal and a large deduction wil be made on the bills of Contract Advertiser. Sept. 27, 1S61. J. IV. ROB80IV, , (UATB aHETT A aOBSOH,) v Oominission 1 Morcliant, No. 62 EAST BAY, CII ARLESXON, ' SV Particolar attteatloa given lo the gale ot . . WHEAT, FL.OU11, CORN, &C. And from my Ions; experience . In the business, I ieei oonoaent ei giving ssturactiea. B EF JSNC S 8 . C II. Farman, Esq., Pres. Bank of 8. W. B. Smith, Esq., President Cnion Bank., O. Ewlng Esqf, ; nasnTuie, xenn, non. jonn King, Augusta. Oa., Hon. M. A. Cooper, Etowa, Qa. May 10, 1961-Sm ; - Wanted. OA good strong KE&RO MEN for chopping O J wood. Apply at this office. jan I 'tt-dtf Sale of Town Lots. CALiiourr, irrrTCTiEiiv Co", i DECEMBER SI, 1861. f THE andersigned, Commlssionera. appointed fcj the General Assembly to lay off M sell the town loU of Calhoao, the county seat of Mitchell county, haying performed the duty of layln off said town, hereby gire notice as required by law that the said win be sold to highest bidder at said town of Oalhonn, on Moods February 17th, 1S62 tciuia vt mi uui iu two yeATB. TrLMAW BLATLOCK.1 JORDEN C.HARDIXO, i wmisfofer. . - ISSAC A. PEARSON. ; (Note) The aboT affords an excellent oppor tunity to those desirous of securing summerre sldence among the mountains, Calhoun belnir in the immediate ricinrty of LenTiHe Pails, bie Yel low Mountain, Hawks fille, Table Rock, Grand father, Roane and Black Mountains. It is also Tery aeceasabie, being 80 miles from Morgan ton. S3 miles from Marion, SO ml es from Burns riUs and S3 miles from Boone. . dec. Sit 1 4. fi II All L O TTE and SO, CA.Il. JX, The Coupons due on the 1st of January next on the Bonds of this Company win be paid whenerer preesntei at my -offioe at the Depot. - dto 61 " w A. H. MARTIN. Agent. OVl WIXLY CATAWBA JQUJLMALr puki a ruadrrtry Tsttday mrro)9v, at tttf-Bcr TO Aims ! TO AKm I Mr Eowo: InCthe face T-ot - the troubles that environ our beloved (State now that the enemy -has invaded oW. bor ders, I wish to raise a company of gentle men ot grir, Jor the - War.7;Who among the many that are fattening off the mis fortunes that surround us, will come for ward to join f .Skulks and land pirates I don't expect to Volunteer (they will be settled with hereafter,) but the true patriot, "whether he is high ; dr. low, rich or poor,' will cheerfully respond, now that a necet iity appeals, I have no doubt. 1 don't want to WCaptaio, or. hold, any office in said Company, but I twant you fellow citizens, to come forward and wipe out the taunt that North Carolina is a "strip of land between two States." I am ready, andean be found at the store of Mr. Moody opposite the Court House from day to day until the Company is raised. . H. M. Pritchard. Feb 12 - AUCTION T Evening BOQWCS'OKE. ' jr liowrie. Feb 15-btf CONFEDEBATB UNIFOIIMS. ; Just received a superior quality of Gold Lace for ornamenting sleeves and Confed erate caps. For sale at 1 KAHNWEILER & BROS. Feb. 15, 1862tt' . L S WOllD, SASII AND BELT. A handsome Silver Case Sword, tor Captain or Commissioned Officers, with a red Silk Sash and Belt.-. For sale at KAHNWEILER & BROS. Feb. 15, 1862 tf , J! T COTTON PLANTERS. Just received a lot of Bagging. For sale low at f - j , KAHNWEILER & BROS. Feb. 15, 1862 tf jjopb iron s4le ; j ;K : A large quantity of the best quality; ROPE from one and a half to four inches in diameter. - - - ? t The ROPE has been used some but it is in good condition. ;". . ' : i ' For particulars apply at Bulletin office, or to t RICHARIJ ALLE?!. fen. iv-zi. .'$:?: -f ;;.v' B INK OP. NORTH CAUOI.IIVA. A special raeetinz of the Stock Holders of this Bank will be held in the . City of Kaleigh on . ' f - ; r r- SATURDAY THE 15th. 1NSTANT.C by order of the Board of Directors, on bus iness Of . ' - - ' if -: r tbe liigbeet Importance. . . A punctual attendance is requested, '.' ') C. DEWEY, Coshier. Raleigh, Feb. 8, 1862 3t Ail persons indebted to us by dook ac count will plow call and ' settle the same, as our books must e closed. One of us may always be fouml at the office of Dr. u. vv. uaidweru - ; J - r P. C. & J. W: CALDWELL. : Feb7tf - . i CiXBAiri SAW ItllLl, FOR SALE. We hare a steam SAWMILL of four horee power in good Order and nearly new, with all the fixtures for two circular saws, which' we will sell low with or without the. building, ... j, MYERS &, SON, -feb. 6'62 lm Washington.N. C. JJAUNESS AND SHOEMAKERS : Cand find work at good prices by calling on - M. b. TAYJLUK. feb 6'62.6t. - - ' i JUST RECEIVED. ' ' s. . A supply of extra fine MERINO UN DER-SHIRTS have just been receive4 and for sale by . J. . PHILLIPS decl2,'61-dtf. ; , k fop the Tliief. fllAKEN from my Livery Stable m naieign; a rea roan tiorse, ana buggy, foaid- horse has .the. da it" . i i r . i i f . scraicnes -uw.:tne leu nina loot, very oaOf so -. rnuco- so that he is -lamed ; and he is spavined in one of his hind legs, but which is not recollected.- The man is a small, thick -set ' man,. Svith fair skin and black hair, rather long.. :He had a black suit of clothes, welt- worn, and looked as if he had been a fireman or engineer on the.: Railroad, "as his clothes were slick and gteasyT ' I " will give fifty aoiiars reward lor the information enab ung me to recover my horse and buggy. Feb 5-' 621m ' : 1 ' - J. Y. BRYCJB & ICO. saixsasis 1 Cotton and All . Kinds of Produce, TRADE STREET! ' ' CHARLOTTE, N. C . EST All orders attended to with dispatch.. aprll6-tf ' V - - CflARLOTTE DRUG "STORJE. TO ETAIL DBATER3 IN FOREIGN AND DO- MUs MSTI0 DRUGS. Medicines. ' Chemleals.' Perfumery, Fancy ArUcles, Oils, Paints; Varnishes, Window Glass, Patty, Dye Stuffs, Turpentine, Burning riura, ajoohol, Pore Liquors, Canton Teas, i Having closed our books, we intend to sell here after for cash. , - May 4. INK HANUFACTORYt FTHHE Subscriber has commenced the mannfac- Ai. tore or a beaatifnt : ' - RLACK WRITING. INK. ' It la made from an English recipe, and is re markable for its brilliancy of color and freedom from all aedlmenta or drags.; - -" : ; Orders from dealers will be fined with prompt pess, and at as a.oders,t mice aa they have been parebasing for from Northern manufacturers. Order solicited, and samples sent wherever rv- -quested. Address . : W. B. JOHN8TON, ' aug SO-tf ' ' . ;; ,. . ; Columbia, 8. C. r Rtnoval. THE subscriber bys to inform the ubUc that he has removed his Shop to No 4 OBAN1TS BO W, where ha fat prepared with a full stock of GOODS FOJ2 KIENS WEAK, . To supply all who may favor him with a call. Haring secured the lerrices of one of the best Cutters In the Booth, he feels satisfied that he can P1 most rastidaoos. . J,rrna . AtlanUc, Tcnn. &. 0. R. R, f-1f THI charges on this Eoad must be prepaid oa all Freight going U Stations oa this Road where there are no Agents.. All such freights will be delivered at said uatiooi at the owners risk. ..... A, H MARTIN, ssii,",1sa ".m pOFFEErOOFFEE. 750 Bags Choice Cuba Coffee, cargo of schy. , from . , C Nympha, Eldorado, 5 bag a Coffee, 50 " " ''x S Hermitage, W . . Valparaiso, F- . Nympha, i . Nvo Nympha, - -LB PerU, LB Pinalr LB Cruz, ' . -N, LB Belia Vista, LB Nva Nympha, M1M Caracolello, . M2M A. M3M Proserpina, . A14M R, M5M YY, I -'F 11 90 20 20 50 35 20 30 61 50 20 40 150 30 Nympha, Just roceived and for sale by - fc KAHNWEILER & BROS. January 25, 1862 tt M ILITAUY BUTTONS, &C Received per Steamer Isabel, Gold Ep- paulets for Commissioned Officers, Military Buttons, Gold Lace, Pistols, &c. Call soon at ' , i KAHNWEILER & BROS. Jan. 25. 1862 tf , : JNGLISH GOODS. A splendid assortment of Prints, Striped Osnaburg, Plaid and Striped English Cotton Goods, per Steamer Bermuda, j - For sale at , i '- KAHNWEILER &. BROS. . Jan. 25, 1862 tf , - I- N IB I ip.l. - m IN N - I III, , . ,, I. , . I ! QOTTON LACES, &c We are selling off our splendid stock of Needle Work, comprising Sleeves and Collars, French and English worked Bands, Edging and Inserting,. Thread, Linen1 and Cotton Laces, as usual, low prices. Selling very fast at ' - - KAHNWEILER & BROS. ' Jan. 25, 1662 tf gCUPBRNONG WINE. Superior articles of Scupernong WINE, in bottles for family use. For sale at - ' - KAHNWEILER & BROS... : Jrn. 25, 1862 tf TTENTION BATTALION. Just received a Patent Combination Stool and Cot for camp use. Also, an assort ment of heavy Army Undershirts, Drawers, India Rubber Overcoats and Pants, Enam eled Oil Cloth Coats. For sale at ;, ; ; - - KAHNWEILER & BROS. January 25, 1862 tf Particular Attention! A 8 there will be a change in our firm, our cus JrUL tomers will do us a great faror by calling and settling their accounts and notes. Our terms hereafter are strictly casn. KAHNWEILER A BRO'S. Aug. 11,1861 tr. OOD STIRRUPS. Now on bend and for sale 100 PAIS OF WOOD . STIERTJPS. - -. Apply to feb 3, d3t w3w. ? S. M. HOWELL. The undersigned begs leave to inform i his friends and the public generally that he is fepared to give' private lessons, at the residences of the pupils, on the Piano, Gui tar, Violin, and Melodeon, and in drawing and the modern languages,. -Terms mode rate. . K. r. iiUJNT. Professor at tli e Charlotte Fem.. Gol. : jan'61-28.dtt TVTOtice. . '. ; ' . Office N. C. R. R. Co., ; Company Shops, Jan. 17, 1862. J All persons having, notes or accounts against this Company are hereby requested to present tnem without delay at this Uihce for settlement.. All running accounts must De sent in at tne close ot eacn year ; in no case will such accounts be considered as entitled to interest. o. , JOHN H. BRYAN, Jr., Sec'y; . Jan. 27, 1862-1 m ' : 4 To be Rented. XriLI be rented ? on the 1ST.- r j j r i ijra'aajr oi marcn next, at the residence of Th WILSON, deceased. THEWHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS with the improvements attached thereto, and the furniture, of .the house. Ate. This well known property is two miles east of Shelby, Cleveland county, N. C. - i 3r' Terms will .be made known on the day of renting. , I ri. B. At the same time and place will be sold, CORN,- -WHEAT,"-- --.;;t3vv , OATS, .- :- , and FODDER. , y C. O. WILSON. 1 , W : , E. WILSON. : : ) Feb 4 cjlra - ' pROOM CORN WAWTEP. Alarce lotiJt BKOOM CORN is wan ted at the Broom .Manufactory r connected with the North Carolina .. Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and tbe Blind, at Raleigh for which the highest' market price will be paid. ' . i Farmers in North Carolina "are urged to raise a crojxof BROOM CORN the present rear. Any lniormanon as to ue memoa of culture &c.,' will be given upon applica tion to the undersigned. - ' - ' " WILLIE J. rAJjAiKK, jan 31, dlw wlm. Principal. Dissolution of Copartnership. THE FIRM OF BURROWS &, PAS - CHALL is this dajr dissolvedby mutual consent. T. J. Hureows is autnonzeo to close up all outstanding accounts. Persons having claims against this firm will please present them as soon as ponsrble for set tiement. and those indebted will' please come forward and settle. ? - ? n r i ; i r T;i, BURROWS, f - UA.PASCHALL. Charlotte Jan. 12, 1862. " jan 14 62-d if - - . . ' j. OIX REIfX.V The Store House and Ware houses recentlv. occupied bv Messrs. Dfuker fc HeilburnA Also the Residence over the Store. . Jan f 13th. WM. JOHNSTON. "TTAXCIIES, JEWELHY, A:c, jThe subscriber respectfully Announces to tee public that be has purchased the entire 8tof of. Washes, Jewelry; Clocks, Silver Ate, belonging lo J. G. WiLxiiianjr &, Co., which is now offered to the public low for cash only. -, ' -Particular attention given to repairing Watches ftnd Jewelry. 1 ssssCJ ACAIID. . j To Ol-r Friends -.For the purpose of settling our out standing business to this date. ;Our firm will change its style On the 1st day of January 186?,; te Williams & Oates, who wUl continue the business at the old stand ol the subscribers. We earnestly request our customers to come forward and settle their indebtedness, as business cannot be carried on without money.- ." v-; ; ; . - The ready zeal with which both, part ners have volunteered to serve their coun try is a claim upon you which should 'not' be overlooked iror should you by withhold ing their just due cause a total sacrifice of their business. Oates & Williams. Dec. 30, '61. tf. ARTILLERISTS FOE, THE WAR. ARTILLERISTS, to serve during the present , under the CONFEDERATE FLAG, : are wanted, und will, be paid under Con federate Rule, enflrted to all the benefits provided by law. . For further particulars apply to Capt. W. A. O WENS, Charlotte, N. C. Jan 29 '62-d 3w. i ; ABLE-B ODIED MEN WANTED, FOR THE ARMY' OF NORTH CAROLINA, FOR THE WAR. . For further particulars enquire at the Post Office. , dec. 21, 1861 -tf. ; . E. A. ROSS. THOMPSON & BABNES WHOLESALE, GROCERS AND MERCHANTS, 23 dc 25 COMiriON STREET, . NEW ORLEANS, LA. ;. flg Orders for Sugar, Molasses, ice, solicited. With an experience of twenty years, we feel confident of giving satisfaction, jan 18 '62-d3m C II E AP F O IT CAS II : MEDItnil TOBACCO, .AT WHOLESALE" PRICES, fob sale Bt ;; ' KARL LANDFRIED, CHARLOTTE, N. O. - January 25, 1861- tf , SUGAR AND MOLASSES. 150 HHDS n- sugak Common, 8 cUw , . :V.. Fair - . '11 " ''- Strictly Fair, 12 to 18 cts. 400bbls. N. O. iriOiVASSES, 65 cts. per Gallon. The prices . are to. Merchants only. Orders promptly attended to. ' r jan. i isea. . , wilulaus a uaxks. . Wheat -and Corn Wanted. THE planting community will take notice that their- Wheat and Corn Crops will be purchased at the Charlotte Steam Flourinr Mill, at market prices. Those haying Wheat and Corn for sale may find it to their advantage to can at the Mm before closing a sale. ' JOHN WILKES Charlotte Flour Mill. anjr 1, 1860-lv plOTXOX BUYERS. J3T iTAS cto will purchase - COTTON, GKAUN, FLOUR, - ' AND . . COUNTRY PRODUCE, of ail idnds, for which the . ". " ' ." . HIGHEST MARKETPRICEIn CASH will be paid. ' Just received a large lot of -' BAGGING, .. 1 j. i .. AMB v . : ROPING, and a complete supply of G R OCER IE S . now 4 '61-tw2mos - . .l''lE.k Family Flour for Sale, T the Cbarlotte Flouring Mills can be had Family, Superfine and fine FLOUR, SE CON US, SHORTS and BKAN. ' , . - Also, MEAL and GRIST... JOHN WILKES, - aug 1, 1860-ly Charlotte Flour Hills. KEAJD THIS 1 ... THE SOLDIERS' RELIEF- ' Having closed our business In the toiro ot Chsj lotte, I hereby give you due notice that your Botes and accounts for 1861 is ready for settlement. I shall expect all persona (except the soldier In the army,) to come forward Immediately and pay up as 1 am compelled to have money or suffer. , Any man that will keep money in his pocket when It Is' Justly due his fellow man, is doing injustice to .him self and his Country, therefore I ask you to come forward and put your shoulder to the wheel. Any man that would plead the present sty law might want eredlt hereafter. Look out. WM; TRELOAR. r Dec. 9, 1861. dec JO, Wlwlmo' h WANTED AT : eT- T, Jewelry Store, :. , j , ; Opposite KerrTs Hotels N. B. The highest, cash , pnee paid for gold and silver. jan 18 '62-dl2 PRESERVE YOUR TEETH. BUmUOii OEfJTIST. GRADUATE OF THE BALTIMORE DENTAL COL- ITS FOLLY PREPARED TO DO ALL DETtTAL JL Werk la the latest Improved styles, and will be at ms omce two weeas in eacn month da tin? from ue urn noDiu; uv monto ana wul appro- priMC! luo reusuaw oi ms time to au persons destring work done at their residences, who will oonge aim very mucn oy Mdresslng nlm at Cbaf lotte,'N.O." ALL WORK WARRANTED. '' . - OiHce, opposite Kerr's IloU.lI, , .r., Brown's building, np-ttalrs. apnllt 1561-tf - t " SEI1VANT XOSXAfi TO HlUB - By the month, or -.for the remainder ol the year. Apply to Capt. Wilkes, or Mr. Boyd, attfae team MUl, or to the under- signed, E. M. EVERHAKT. jan 28, '$2-3f,. - ; ' x . r . " . ' 1 . 1 i " 1 1 1 1 A Cook and Washer Wanted. AN xperice4 COOS, Washer aad Irsner.'wiJ heas of a (dsassaai sitsatlva appUaUo U ALL. - SVT ' - i a DO. " P A TiTVrETTO IRON WORKS , COLUMBIA, S. C; . IV1LLIAII ULAZU, 1'roprleCor. OKOItGIS A. SHIELDS, Forcmao. MANUf ACTUKE3 STEAM ENG1NL3 of aajr power desired, for Hills aud PlsiiUUoa' parpoctMy at short notice, havins at ait Uoim oa head sou oaished, or lo s forward state. , Io con necUoo wltlx oar MM snd Engine Work, we bAve secoredtik services of sir. JOIIK CKABTKJCC, who. Is one of the test Millwrights in the femth saperlntend the putting up of MiUs and Enjtiue. . . OOHN MmL.S. -: Mfi?m 'Kent tQT one ot test ro&tlULK U1 now br OM, and can furbish anj else w . .V S,00 wishing the UUls art InrltcJ to : eU at the Works, and witness the operation of the ne now la use. The MUl-rsxk, which Is the erj Muri,,ired tfleld,, and the Mills arc built complete at our Establishment. BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS. ' AUdecrlpUonsof BEA83andIR0N CASTIN03 executed Jn the best manner, and at short notice, as we east ererj day in the week. Our !.tKL?aT! U Vry Ur ha recently purchased Ml those former! . owned br U Wj Wright, which belnr added to thoeTmia, t mV Establishment for the pst nre years, makes the assortment more full tbaa any other like vstsbUau ment In the State. . . i - . w I am agent for one of the large? Wire RaUtna Companies at the North, and will furnish WIN DOW GUARDS, OALtEXUEa, VC&ANDAUS, BEDSTEADS, or any description of Wire Work, at the book prices of the manufacturer, which can be seen at my office. - IRON RAXLINO. j . I would call attention to this' branch of our bus In ess, baring a great variety of patterns, for pub. Ho and private grounds, cemeteries, Ac and will keep on hand; and cast any style wanted, at prices fi ai lowaa the same can be bourn at the north. - -rr rMnM II 4ir A l . r r- , . - wiiv winrt uhwui I am agent for K. lioe A Co's ooltbrated Cla. CULAR SAWS, and also for a manufacturer of the same article In Richmond, Va. A full supply of these SAWS, of all slses, always on hand. Persons wishing them, will do well to call on me; aa I make no charge for fitting them to the mandrels. ' OLD SAWS-EE-TOOTHKD. . I hare a GUMMING MACHINE on hand, and am prepared to re-tooth old saws, making them as good as new. - . . dee 11, im-tt WILLIAM GLAZE. 7- Notice to Merchants. FOaWARDINO OTICI . I 1 - i 8. O. R. R. Co. . v - tV CaxaLsaTov. March It, l&AL ) mn t flAnih n,MiA. n,n,A,ii nAm.a k . v JL determined to dlsoontlnue this department off the service, the undersigned, who has besn the for warding Agent of the Company for the last four, or are years, nas associated wiui urn the Ctiler Clerk in thedepartment, and, under the name of OA NTT ABTONY, will continue to RECEIVE and FOR WARD aufh articles as may be consigned to'bls care. , Ue trusts, by strict personal attention, to retain a very liberal share of the business of the department. Parties are reminded that alt poodsmow reach ing this port from points beyond the Xonederate States of America, must be entered at th Custom House, and that duties are payable on loch as are not purchased on or before the 88th February last, ana lad-en on shipboard on or btbre tAs 10 (A March instant, sare such as are on the free list. It Is therefore necessary that remittances be uaJe to pay the duties where duties are payable, amd im Ait (usas to oovxa raa axraasa or Custom UoDsi aarar, whsthsb tbb eoooa aaa rau oa mot. 1 Prompt compliance will prevent delay and ex panse, as all articles not entered and permltte-1 will be stored by the Custom House officers. The South Carolina Railroad-Company will ad ranee, as heretofore, the charges of freight, dray age and warfage, but not the expense connected with the Custom Bouse. ' ' ! Rates of charges for forwarding will be wry moderate, and may be bad on application ta GANTT A STONY, to whom aU busloee oouiun olcatloos should be addressed. !-..-. The undersigned refers to the officers of the South Carolina Railroad Company, ta the custom-' ers of the Forwarding Department, and to ail " merchants of standing in the city of Charleston, and respectfully eollolts a liberal share of patron -age. . JAMES L. GANTT. V Late Forwarding Agent 8. 0. R. R. Co. NOTICE. To the Sheriffs qftXe different Counties of North , .-. : .fy- Carolina, i .-. - . . - A LL BLANKETS AND CLOTHING WIIICU JOh. may be rectired by you can be sent direcU to tbesevtral Companies wldclj went from. Our county and when your own Companies are op- , plied, you will then forward any balance on "hand to the Quartermaster in Raleigh. Yod will pat up ail articles intended for your Companies In airong boxes, directed to tbe Quartermaster In Raleigh with the Company and the Regiment plainly mar- . ked on them ; and you will have the contents of . each box marked on it. ' ' Whenever the Companfes are on duty In your neighborhood, you are authorised to dclirer the articles to them, taking tbe receipt of the Captain fo them, wliicb. receipt you will forward to this office. ; ' ' J. DETE&EUZ, AiQ. Jf. ! Oct. 4, 1861. . bs t. J Quartermaster's Oltice," - ' I OoroBsa 8d, 1861,' ANY PERSON OR PERSONS WHO MAY BE Desirous of taking- Contracts for making . Clothes for the Army of North-Carolina, can ob tain .terms, Ac, on application ' at. this office. L Goods will be Issued to any responsible parties,' In (quantities sufficient to clothe single Companies which can be made up in then own neighborhoods, N and the money will be paid to the parties recelV- , Ing the Goods, on the return of the manufactured articles. Parties may furnish the Cloth,, which ' Will be paid for by the State. , I V&1 &&1LUA., Jl. U. JU. . October 4-61. . ... ... -J PROSPEOTU8; - 1 ' ;OF - THE CHARLESTON MERCURY .' . A POLITICAL. C03IKERCIAL. AXO UTIRART PUBLISHED DAILY' AND TRLWRSKLY aIIE llsacvar gives dally reports of (be Mar . ket and Marine Intelligence in Charleston, and of Obarle8tod commerce In the leading sea ports of the world. The Weekly 'Prices Current is made up with much care, and from tbe most reliable sources. Its connection with the "Asso ciated Press" insures tbe latest intelligence bv Telegraph and the earliest news by Steamers from. Europe, it nas aa anie ana accomplished uor respondent In London (a gentleman connected with the editorial staff ot the London Times,) and regular Correspondents In New Fork, Washington, Key West and Havana. Tbe monthly Mew York Fashion Letters and weekly letters on Life In Washington, are additional attractions in favor of Us lady readers." Its literary notices, from the . pes of a gentleman wno occupies pernaps the highest position among the literary men ot the Beuta, are cuscrunxnaung ana compreae&tiTS. Attention is paid to all matters of general concern', especially those in reference to the Planting ana Agricultural interest, and to the current news. of the day. Great care Is taken that nothing shall appear in lu columns - which should be exolnded from the family circle. ' . . . - - The political ered ot lb Ummavmr : consists la the principles of the Uembcratlo Party, - as laid down in the Virginia and Kentucky Kesolattons of 1798 and 1799 the- Sovereignty of tne fctatet; a strict constructive; of tbe Federal Constitution by . tbe General Government, the agent of the States ; Free Trade, and an economical Administration or the Government. Its poller Is the Union of the Southern States in maintaining their .right. Terms Payable In Advance. DAILY, per annum. I lO.oo TfUWJUCKLY. v.. . .. . . .. ......... . , ; . Clubawlllbe Furnished follows t Five Copies of the DAILY for............ 'to.0t FJve Copies of the TK1-WKEKLY jo.OO The namf of no person out of Charleston will be entered onsour books, onJess the payment of the subscription be made in advance. M or will orders from without tbe city to publish AdverUsements. Uarriage Notices, or Obituaries, be attended to, . unless the cash, or an acceptable City reference. accompany the order, aloney may always be forwarded at our risk In registered letters. i PnarwiltlU 1T1 knthnrliwILn.rl unar Atrmntm in obtaining subscribers and forwarding the money ; and by. sending us Jiee Dailv subecrr bers. with tUi enclosed or five Taf-Wsaur subscribers, with .$23 enclosed, wUl be entitled to ad extra copy ; or if preferred, taey may retain Twenty ver cent, of the pre-paymeuts. for their : trouble and In lieu of the extra paper. Out of South Carolina, no person wnaterev- U authorised to collect. debU Already due te the Alsacoav." .-.. In the Bute Mr. RtMDSi. lL Boaoaas ls-ear rsg nin a vent to make collections and procure new business and subscriptions. . ! In Charleston, Mr. Jxxxs D. ScDce, eonnectod , ' with Ue office. Is our regular authorised collector who has full power to receipt for money now due the paper and to contract iqr luture puaxnesa. fiabscrlbers and others, In debt to us. are irm. . tly requested to send In our dues by mail at the earliest period. Bj so doing, they will sare ns . twenty per cent, an amount equivalent to a prin cipal portion of th, profits. , , . V 1 tJ XmToaa lathe Cute and throurosi tbe South, woo receive our TawWuxxr for their WaxxiV,arsrpy revested to ooirjenjate , . 9 for thstfircnct U vajas by taienui this- M fmi "Crc: vr:. Q '"I ' 1 v. 1 : ! .' . I' 'I 4 " ' ' 1 1 4 t4lt yistys rjr 'hj f if tv. O1 L .- 4..... - i sinnn ... IT i ii i

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