TEEMS FOB AD VEETISHG. ' , 1 square X- time.. ................. ;,.$X0 'T -. THE BULLETIN: I 4 i 1 , Omt..;..i NO. It TKYON 8TKCKf, lrtr bin Hall, om V14 teeond Jlov. TKRXS FOR PAPER: Xnr T E DAILY BULLETIN wUl tMfunlieJt IX I DOLLARS per tanam, VS. ADVANCE I HE TRI-WEEKLT BULLETIN wUl be pU IHbed vry Toedy, TborwiaT' tad Batoxdaf xnon.lB. aa4 aupplled fbr M 90 per knntm, pr-bl ! ftdwtc. BY ' -TIISLBGBAPI it SoutAem Exprt 3&mpa n y fortcard pacJt ugt4 If f PiUMenger 7VtiM and Sturr, ami i'patct4 by TtUQrnpk, to all part of Ik t Wnlry. ! Northern News. RecHred t Telegraph Offie Feb. Ut mt BoUeilu office, 113 p. m. J Kichmoku, Feb. 13. Bjradtice? just re-' ceied from Wahiogon, via Norfolk, we learn that the Federal Congress in session, in the Senate, Mr. King otNewr York pre sented a petition on Tuesday, in faror of the im mediate passage of the treasury loan bill, and pleaded that the merchants of 'v New York anpport the Government. A "resolution waa adopted on the aaaernbling of Conrcsa on the 22d, in the House of ReDr-niAtive ihsf the President. Cab! f Wet, Foreign Repreientauves7 officera of the Army and Navy, be invited.' Wash-' Sir. Hal e, of NawHa'mpahire, said they ington's farewell adressla to be read, had better hang some public robbers, and t hoot some cowardly officers. ' By an arrival from Europe we learn that Mason and Slidell arrived at Sonthamp "ion on the 29ih. The Rinaldo could not reach Halifax on account 6f the gale and proceeded to Bermuda. No public demon- , stration was made on their arrival in Eng land, l-ui a large crowd assembled atthe IXck, and Mason and Slidell were received bv ihe officers of the Confederate Steamer XatktilU, and other gentlemen. The Tuscarora had left Southampton. - MeCuffa, President of the Clval Tribu nat. at Rome, has been assassinated. A dispatch from St. Louis dated the Jltb, says "the Confederates are being rapidly reinforced and they are confident ther can hold their position. The French Steam Sloop Forgaxand, arrived at Hamp ton Roads on the 10th. iThe commander Cautits and two of the officers "arrived here to-day. rNiroLKox, in hia speech to the Legiala ture says, the civil war which desolates Ihei American country, compromises our commercial interests. Nevertheless, the rights of neutrals are' respected and he must confine himself to the utterance of wishes that their dissentions will soon be terminated. From our Sea Coast. . . - Re!T at TVlegrsph Office, Teb. 14, st Bulletin Office, IX : 13 p. m. Norfolk, Feb, 13. A Federal force took possession of Edenton, N. C, this morning. 1 The inhabitants had nearly all left. It is reported that the enemy are pro ceedin? up the Roanoke towards Plymoth. . From the Seat of War. ' ReceWed t Telegraph Office, Feb. 14, 1 : at BuUctin Office 4:40 p. m. - Richmond, Feb. 14. The bodies of Capt. O. J. Wise, Lieut. Wm. Seldon and Capt. Coles, arrived here from Currituck thia morning, whence a boat with a flag of truce went to Roanoke Island. ' Wise haa three wounds in his body; Seldon, bail through his head. Gen. Wise saw the body of hia son at Currituck and waa much moved. A portion of the enemy'a fleet is at the South end of Albemarle Channel, where they shelled the Confederates. " - Gen. Wise ia there. . Various conjectures are indulged in as regarda the movements of the enemy. k(lletl&el Iles't to be IXe-orsinlxed." ZXECTJXivE DEPABTHE2rr OT N. C. ( Adjctast Geseeal's OrriC, ) I Raleigh, Jan. 27th 1862. fpHE FIRST REGIMENT N. C. VOL--A unteers being disbanded, a Regiment of Volunteers lor the. war will be formed to take its place. All the Companies of the old Regiment about to re-organixe for the war, arerequedted to report to this Office without delay, with the view of going into ihis Regiment, which will receive the 'Bethel Flag." . , . Additional Volunteer Companies for the war will be accepted, to whom a bounty of filteen dollars per man will be paid by the State, and fifty by the Confederate States. When a full Company is tendered four officers will bo commissioned ; with a less number, appointments will be given, ae follows : a Captain for forty men. First Lieutenant for twenty-five. Second Lieu tenant for fifteen. The Militia who have been ordered on duty and to be in readiness, can still avail themselves of this opportunity of getting Into the Volunteer service, and the number u doing will be credited to their respective Counties. - Br order of Governor II. T. Clare. .. 1 J. G. MARTIN, , Adjutant General. fi7-AlI the papers in the State copy fourtimea. - jan30 1861 4t. THE SOUTHERN GUABDIAU is Fcmusaan at ' COLCnDIAi 80. OA. i BY CHARLES P. PEL HAIL . ' YBa: n-Hr A.... B 00 per aanam Trt-weexly J 00 - - Fkty S 00 py4 Pajmeot In advanc InvarUblj. PuaU ' meters sendl&f ns fiva aaUf subscribers, vrlth 130 00, or five trl-weealT subscribers, with $20 00, (eacloMd la regUterad leUen,) will b entitled to tux extrm eopy. or la Ilea or that 80 pr cent, of the sums thos remitted, provided tht order Is for as many as five copies. Ten per cent, whl b allow d for amounts remitted for single subscriptions, AS VttTI&UUS TS liuerted at the foUowlsz rates La the DaDj and Trt-Weekly t Oo aqArelO Maes or lew) one Insertion ...SO cts lch sotweqaeot tnMrtlon ". . ...33 eti When ao sdTerUaement Is Inserted la tae. Week lj, or batoocea week La Ue Dally, SO cents a i qa&r for each Insert! o a. - We offer to adTertlsers U lodaeecaent of send- log their favors to be read by a nameroas and in fluential class ef readers, both la town and coon try. The Soataern Guardian presents great ad vantages as aa advertising medlaa ; Its circula tion U Large, and is dally and rapidly txt-ndlng particalarty ia the aUddla. and op per tuiets of ihe Bute. " r - oa paarnaa. Tat JobOSce ia thoroagaly appointed la aU respects, aad fitted for every description af Job Work, la ooanectlon with It la a Btndsry. The Soathani Oaardlaa la devoted to the mala of the rlxhts. honor and interest of the eaia ander the CoastltaUoa. While it is wllHsg o sastala the Domocratle part whenever its ooarte hail eaamaad apyroraj ay mjawcaj u ye mere ur.fUmUT aal diitinctiy rUlea spoa the ptvpis f ttt Boa'Jt ; aal aa tba text prtsaratlaa lu tht ceaUrt which U tvaa sow epea as. U wlj itajpaa ry abf . iftaA )vl a4 e-eptrta StPlt TKRXS FOR PAPER: - - ... . t-. ..:.' 1 v : : t-:' '' J--' :.: :-?r ' v " ' - . i I , mm ; ' . . . I BW - - .. i i 1 m ;-i .j.. 1 .. VOI. VI. NO. 836J OLViNTEERS WANTED. Having received authority from the Gov ernor of North Carolina to enlist men for the war, all those desirous of entering the service would do well to call upon me at my office and sign the roll. During my absence from town, A. C. .Williahsow, Eq., will act for me- A bounty of $65.00 will be paid to each man when the Com pany is completed and enters a Regiment. J, A. FOX. feb. 13, 1S62 dtf HILLSBORO Military Academy. THIS INSTITUTION will be re opened under efficient management on WEDNESDAY, March 5ih. ,The aervi cea of officers having been permanently secured, no further interruption of duties need be apprehended. . For circular statin new terras -Sec, Bedrest taupiinteuuent it. ai. A, ; Feb 1 law6w " VALUABLE MJCDINERY ATAUCTIO N . Salisbury, N. C. ) January, 29. 62. j ON Thursday February 23th 1862, I will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the hieheat bidder for for CASH, at the Confederate States Military Prisons in Salisbury, a large lot of Valuable Machinery, fermerly used in the "Rowan Cotton Fac tory," consisting of Looms, Shaftings, Pulleys, ' Rollars, Cylinders, Shafthangera, Cog-wheels, Shuttles, Bobbins, Cast-iron Pipes, Old Iron, &c. J&S- Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. - . - HENRY McCOY, Capt.and A. Q. M.t C. S. Array Feb 1 la"w-4w. MECKLENBURG IROX WORKS. ; HENRY ALEXANDER. CIIAIILOXTE, N. C. THE uoJeralgned beg to inform the citizens of Charlotte and vicinity, and the public gen erally, that they hare COMMENCED BUSINESS at the above E 1, T ABLIS II HI E IV T. rooT oy - ' Tracle Street, Adjoining the North Carolina Rail P-ad, and op posite JOUN 7ILKES' Steam Flow ftfllls. They are now preparea vo ranusn aii aioaa 01 M!acb.iiiery, " At short notice, and on rMtonalU Urms. STEAM ENGINES FB0M 8 to 80 HORSE POWER, t-t orse-Slioolu & : AND r - - -BLACKSrrilXIl'S WORK OF ALL DI13. R E DP A. IRS In their line promptly attended to. Their, FOUN DRY Is in full operation, and v - Cast Begularly twice a Week, Wedneed ays and Saturdays. They are prepared to furnish all kinds of CASTINGS IN IRON, BRASS, &c. AGOoaDisa to oasaa. SAW AND GBIST MILL GEAKINO, QIN WHEELS, SA ir DUST BURNERS, ANTI-FRICTION PLATES AND BALLS FOR COTTON PRESSES. CAST IRON RAILING, For Garden Enclosures, -Dwelling Houses, Public 9eildlngs, , ' Porticoes, Cemetery Lots, 4 ' Their ' ' JTyrp T .TTTVTTTTTT'Pt For carrying on the business in all its branches, have been (SELECTED WITH GREAT CARS, and are provided with all the LMFRO VEMKNTS Required to do their work in a FlltSX It AXIS MANNEU. Agents, for Dr. E. O. Fxuott, for Winter's Pateat alulay Saw Mill, which has the adrantage, along with many others, of doing at least twlee ae much work, aad doing it better, than any other Mill in use -It can be ran by Steam, Water or Horse Power. The Malay may be seen at the Shop at any time. ' HENRY ALEXANDER, . N.B. Old Iron, Brass, Copper, Ac, bought of taken In trade. ot.S3.1S60-tr.. Dissolution. f WlHE Copartnership heretofore existing under JL the name of ALEXANDER k McDOLGALL, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Henry Alexander is alone authorised to settle the busi ness of the late firm. , HENRY ALEXANDER. ' . MALCOLM MoDOUGALL. Jan IT. ISal-tf, - : - T KOOPIIAN.'S j Aatl-Dyaentarlc ft Anti-Dyapapt ie BITTERS. PREPARED BY B. KOOPMAN, - CUARLOTTB, N. C. f gULESR uaiivaUed Bitters possess peculiar cu tl ratlve properties In all Affections of the Bowels. They will be found effectual in the cure of Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Soar 8tomach and all thoee painful and troablesome diseasea arising from a derangement of the digestive or gans and Irregular action of the functions of the and latestlnea. They will also be found a SAFE REMEDY FOR CHTLlS AND FEVXRS. , Ttoeee Kilters are prepared from RovVs brought from Oermany, and for over a century have been found edVetoal in that country for the permanent car or the diseases enumerated above. They contain no deleterious drag, bat are compounded entirely from roota, aad axe. perfectly said at all times. A simple trial is all that Is asked, as a cure will naturally follow, aad that la the best certificate or their superiority over every other remedy for those particular diseases. They are mas af actor ed by B. Kooptnan, Char lotte, N. O. and for sale by, KOOPMAN A PHELPS. Also, for sale at F. Starr's and X. Nye Hatehln on A Go's Drag Stores. . (feb S-ly The old North State, ForeTen ST : 00K LUKE, FRIENDS AND FELLOW-CITI-M A ZENS, will yoa bay the noble STATE of NORTH CAROLINA? If ao, send to the subeori bers, or subscribe to the County Agent, for this , New, Large and MaKtiLflcent BXap9 And yoa will get the whole State, with her Rivers, Isltroads, Gold, Copper, LeadV-Iroa aad Coal Mines, and aathadtiea, Towns and TClagaa,har aoble Mountains and Springs, and her Fields aad Flowers. If yoa want this GOLDEN RIZE, now Is the (Line. Map seven feet by five. Border views af the State Heaee, Insane Asylum, Ocepel Hill, Mala and Female Oouegea, Hu. on of the oAeOpMt jid heat Maps ever published. - FRARGX A BEST, . . HUlsboro'.N.a.lSM. AGENTS WANTED for every County la the gtato. Terms liberal. Apply as abeva. . tar Idlton 1 throughout the BUto eopylnf thlj advervaemaat six months. aad ntiir..u J.l. CHARLOTTE, - - - isaaw MMsasaaaaaaaiMBaBBajBslBsBsBsMBsBsBsBsMssMslalaaiaaaaaaass XEJIOVAI. M "A M. We have removed our Livery and Sale Stables from our old stand, in rear of the Manaioo House. o the " Tattersall Stables, oppoaite the jail, where we would be pleased to wait on the public generally. At eur new stand we are better prepared to attend to the wants of the public, having a much more, convenient building than the one we were formerly in, and being well provided with provender. ' ' We have good lots for the accommoda tion of droyera, being prepared to accom modate any amount'of horses and. mules, and would be pleased to wait on any drover who may give us a call. We have, also, a good Black-smith shop in connection with our Stables, and would be pleased to attend to the wants of the people in that lin- - TV ; 7 Give "us a call. '' -" - BROWN WADS WORTH, Tattersall Stablea. ' Dec 23, 1861d2mos. COFFEE! COFFEE! 18 iTlANCFACTURED AT JTI KELLY'S Southern Excelsior Cofiee Mill, Raleigh'; . and is. equal to the best coffee. It is made of coffee, rye and chickory, and is roasted in a cylinder by machinery, and therefore is better parch ed than can be done by hand. Chickory is not so well known in Dixie land, but in Europe they use it to give a superior flavor to the coffee. In Germany they call it sagorak, and here we call it dandalion. In England it ia so highly appreciated that they lay a duty of two pounds ten shillings sterling per hundred weight to protect the growers of it. We annex Professor Em mons' certificate to show that there is no humbug, but it is what it is represented I o bo o To Man. Kelly, Sir : I have tested and used the two samples of manufactured coffee the labelled . Java and Laguixa. The firBt equals the Rio coffee of the shops, and aeems to be equally good with that kind. I am satisfied that they contain nothing which is injurious to the system, and may be economically and safely used as substitutes for coffee. E. Emmons. . This coffee is put up in pound papers, and packed in boxes containing thirty-six pounds, unless otherwise ordered. All orders promptly attended to by ad dressing . M, KELLY, ; jan 18'62-lm - - Raleigh, N. C. OTICU. Ail claims aealnst the Saddlery and Harness establishment of the subscriber will be settled by Mr. R. Shaw ; and all Indebted to the same will please make pay meat to him, as it is necessary to close up the outstanding business. -jnov. 27, 61-dl 11. M. PRITCHABD. J. G. W1L111NS0N & Cp., . WHOLESALE AND E EX AIL DEALER?. IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND 3F latod. 'XKT&'xr o- . CHARLOTTE, N. O. ,,' . I J, S. PHILLIP Si 11 ek na AYINQ located In Charlo'tt respect- fully sollciU a share of public patron- - I A complete assortment of Cloths, CassI- UiL mers and Testings always on hand, which will be made to order at Jhe shortest notice, after the latest fashion. dhop three doors Boatti of the Mansion House. sept. ia-tf IrVTT.T.T A TYTS A. OATES, TSADB aTKKJCT, Cotton Buyers, Groeera 6c Produce Dealer, , Agent for KsUltwitWs Manipulated Guano , and Loric' Lumber. , ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. may 17-tf . i John T. Butler, Practical Watch and Clock lTaker, Jeweller dbc. Main street, Charlotte, JV. C., oppoaite Kerr Hotel, dealer in fine Watches, Clock, Jewelry, Watch Materials, dte. ALL work done in the establishment warren ted for- TWELVE MONTHS. . Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of eyery des cription repaired and warranted for twelvemonths. Jan.ll,18el ly.c THOMAS W: RADCLIFFE, ; AT IBS v ' . SIGN OF THE DRCn, , lUCillU)S0I . STREET, ' THE NORTH-EAST CORNER OF RICHARDSON AND PLAIN STEKETS, K0.166, Importer and Dealer In Fine WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SIL VERWARE, 6UNS. MILITARY & FANCY GOODS, - t a i- 1 ii 1 Watch as ana jiwiuit repaireu vj kiujuj and experienced Workmen. AQ kinds of , - Haia-Woaa made to order.j ' oci- 27'1S60'tf- - - ' ' Certain Cure for Flux Certain Care for Flax I r Certain Core for Flux I . Certain Cure for Flux I. : - . ? v - Certain Cure for Flax 1 KOOPM ANN'S DIARRHGBA MIXTURE! KOOPMANN'S DIARRH(XA MIXTURE I KdOPM ANN'S DIARRHOEA MIXTURE ! KOOPMANN'S DIARRHOLA MIXTURE! Will core the most obstiaate Will ears the moat obstinate Win core the most obstinate Will care the most obstinate . Cases of Diarrhoea and Flux j - Cases of Diarrhoea and Flux Cases of Diarrhoea and Flux ' Cases of Diarrhoea and Flax If taken In time. ", V li taken in time. If taken La time. If taken In time. ... I For sale at KOOPMAN N A PHELPS' ana ai we Drof Store, Charlotte. . may - Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford llali Koaa TaAjraroaTATioa Ornoa, W, D. ON and aftecJIo&day the 15th Instant the Pas aenger and Mail Train will be ran on this Read dally .(Sundays exoepted) as follows 1 , r. GOING WXST.! Lba Aaarva 7.00 A.M. Charlotte ; T.43 Toskaseege TS 8.15 ' rrxrd li? 8.40 - Sharon - Uaoemton .00 , - GOINO HAST, : . fc - - . ; Lbavs - '4-I V" y AaarraV- 11.00 A.M. ...iltooetotoa . - - ; tv ts - Sharon - . . lLaa ill - Brevard - U.43 - 11X vTuskasaege 18.15 P.M. , . Chartotta , 1.00 sBy Ordtr. ; V. JL, MCBEI, . Aetlaa Master t t?lwp9lV!?n, N. CI,; 'URD AX , PB0VISlb!IA GOVERHMENT Confedeie i ates of America. president ' t- ' JEFFERt IT -DAVIS, ;OFMI SISSiPPI. 1 - K ; VICE-F lESIDENT f ' t "' AT.-RX. H.DTEPHE1M . ,; OF GEORGIA. . OFFICERS: n. m. x. Hun m, or yir j ma. C. O. viEMirii:;r,EK,ors. Carolina. 8BCBETA".' OF THC HATX, , S.1X. M AXIOIi r, of Florida. , HYOr WAR, H"-" yf Alabama. v WALK?.' JOHN II. "JtEAU AN, Of Texaa. - . - - AProaaat Gavs&AL, J. F. BENJAMIN of Ijoulalaua. - ' 1 r " " G O N6 B E8 S ' ' . President Hon. HOWELL COBB, of Ga. Secretary JOHJSrSOBT J. HOOPER, Esq., of Alabama. 7 ' ! -- kufBExs. -- . s- Alabama K. W Walker, R. H. Smith, J. L. M. Curry, W: P. Chilton, S. F. Hale, Collin J. McRae, John Gill Shorter, Daniel R. Lewis, Thoe. Fearn. - '' , . '.. f - " Florida-James B. Owens, J. Patton Aadefson, Jackson Morton. -. f Georgia Robt. Toombs,1 Howell Cobb, F. S. Bartow, M. J. Crawford, K. A. Nisbet, B. H. Hill, A. B. Wright, Tnos. R. R. Cobb, A. H. Kenan, A. H.Stephens. - ' .. Louisiana John Perkins, Jr., A. L. DeCloufet, Charles M. Conrad, D. F. Keener, G. E.f Sparrow, Henry Marshall. ( - Mississippi W: P. Harris, Walter Brooke, N. L. Wilson, A. M. Clayton, W. S. Barry, J. T. Har rison. - ' I South Carolina R. B. Rhett, Jtn RjW. Bara weU, L. M. Keitt, James Chesnut, Jr,, C. G. Mem mlnger, W. Porcher Miles, Thos. . .Withers, W W. Boyce. V . ' , - ' . Texas L. T. Wigfall, J. fl. Reagan, J. Hem phill, T. N. Waul, Judge Gregg, Judge Oldham, andW. B. Ochiltree. ; . : . STASDIHQ OOMWTTBKS. I ' Executive Department Stephen?, Conrad,' Boyce, Shorter, Brooke. - f Foreign Affairs Rhett, ' Nisbet, f Perkins, Walker, Keitt. 1 Military Affair -Bartow, Miles,! Sparrow, Kenan, Anderson. - i Eaval Affairs 4)Qax&, Chesnut, Smith, WrUht, Owens. - , Finance Toombs, Barnwell, Kenner, Barry, McRae. f Commerce Memminfter Crawford, DeCloaet, Morton, Carry. I Jt. Judiciary -Clayton, Withers, ' Hale, Cobb, Harris. . I Postal Chilton, Boyce, HiU, Harrison, Curry, Patents Brooke, Wilson, Lewis, Hill, Kenner, Territories Chesnut, Campbell, Marshall, Nes- bit, Fearne. "' ' -' - ' I JPullie Lands Marshall, : Harris, Fearne. Indian Affairs Uorton, Hale, Sparrow, Lewis, Keitt.- . r Printing Cobb, Harris, Miles, Chilton, Per kins. -1' ' :' Accounts Owens, Crawford, Campbell, De Clouet, Smith. Engrossment Shorter, Wilson, Kenan, McRae, Bartowl . - ' - '' i- UEMBEBS OF THE FIRST FEBMA KENT COJHJBESS. ' We make the following list of the members elect of the First Permanent Congress that it ia to meet on the 10th of February next The list is made from the election retains AiBAMA.-natorafew!rN WURam Yan cey, O C Clay; " J'1" ' ' -W ' fc : Members of the HviMessrs E L pa.sri,' W F Chilton, James L tfriffcyT L M Corry, W R Smith, John P Rawls, Thomas 7 Foster, D Clopton AaiAsaAS. Senators Itlessrs .Robert W John son, Charles B Mitchell. " Members of the House. essrs Felix J Baiaon, Grandiaon D Royster, Aug mas B Hanlv. tusH Garland, Tho- Florida. Senators Election returns not reL celved- . f ! Members of the House Messrs James B Deskins, Hilton. t ; ! Georgia. Senators Mflisrs R If HiU, Robert Toombs.. , :-: 1 - Members of the House Messrs A H Keehan, Hines Holt, A R Wright, Jaien Hartridge, Lucius JGartreU, Wm W Clark, Eobert P Trippe, David W Lewis, C J Munnalym, Kardy Strickland. Louisiana. Senators Bessrs Fdward Sparrow, T JSemmes. . v - t Members of the House Messrs DF Kenner, Chas VlilerafJohn Perkins, Jr.,0 W Conrad, Henry Marshall, Luciea Supose. i j Missi3Sipri. Senators Messrs Albert G Brown. James Phelan. - ! ' T Members of tlie House Messrs John J McRae, J W Clapp, Reubin Davis, Israel Welch, H 0 Cham bers, O it Singleton, E Barksdale. " - " : Missouri. Senators Messrs John B CUrk, R BY Peyton. , Members of the ! House Messrs - Jehn Hyer, Caspar W Bell, George G, Vest, AH Oonrow, W W Cook, Thomas W Freeman, Thomas A Harris. North Oarouha Senators-i-Messrs George Da vis, Wm S Dortch. ; . a v Members of the House Messrs W N H Smith, Robert Bridges, Owen K Keenan, J D McDowell, Thomas S Ashe, Archibald Arrington, Robert Mc Lean, William Lander, R S Garther, A 8 David son. - , - : ! " " " -f" ' South Carolina. -Senators Messrs RW- Barn well, James L Orr. j v '.' m m Members of the House Messrs W W Boyce, W Porcher Miles, M L. Bonham, John McQueen, L M Ayer, James Farrow. - f ' " Txaasssax. Senators Messrs . Langdon O Haynes, GasUvua A Htay. " 1 Members of the House Messrs D M Carrin, J DO Atkins, H E Foster, Thomas Menees, George W JoneaTM P Gentry, W G Swaun, W H Tibbs, E L Gardner, T J UeiakaU , r f i , Trxab. Senators Messrs. Louis T. Wlgfall, W. S. Oldham. J . " ' Members of the House Messrs. John A. Wil cox, Peter W. Graham, 0 O Herbett, W B Wright, Malcolm P Graham, 8. B. F. Sexton.! . , ViROisiA. Senators Not elected. - Members of the House Messrs. Jchn . Cham bliss, Muscoe K. H. GsjrneU, John Tyler, Roger A Pryor, Thomas E Boeocx, John fGoode, Jr., Jftmts P Holcombe, D O Dejarnette, William Smith, A R Boteler, John'B Baldwin, W R Sta ples, Walter Preston, A Q Jenkins, Robert John son, Charles H. Russell. ' Ksxtuckt. Senators Messsrs. H C Burnett, WilliamR Simms. t t - , ' Members of the House Messrs Panltl P White, Thomas B Monroe, J U Ford, John J Thomas, T D Barred, George W. JBwing, George B Hodges, Thomas Johosdn. ' i I . BALTIMORE C0M11KRC1AL COLLEGE FOUNDED 852. CHARTERED 854 Comer of Laittmore mnd Charles Streets . BiLTUOBIj MP. I T IHE Largest and most Elegantly Furnished Commercial College in the United States k'very young man should write immediately for one of those large and beautifully ornamentea Circulars, representing the -exterior and interior View of the Baltimore Commkrcial Collmb. ' Penmanship, Ac, which will be sent by return man free of charge, wiuj catalogue containing List of Students, Terms Tuition, Opinions of the rreas on ear New System of Book-Keeping, ete. - . FACULTY. U : J I. K. Losixb, Principal Lecturer on theScienee of Accaaats, Basiness, Customs, etc . J. M. Phuxifs, Professor of BookvKeeplns and Commercial Calculations. H. H. Davtxr, Associate Prof.tf Beok-Keeprng. N. 0. Joaoreoa, Professor of Penmanship. 8. T. Waixina, SsqMeraantUeLa.7. Rbv. aVT. Raaaa, D. D Commercial Ethics. - vasaTaai. , j: ' Hon John P Kennedy, I Hon Joshua Vansant, Jacob Trust, Esq. Wm Knabe, Xsq. . The time usually required ta complete the fall course, rrorn a to ia weexs. t- A Diploma is awarded to all Graduates. ' Largs Circulars .and Catalogues stating tenet ententay mauyras reaara. - y - - Address - K.LOSIXR ; ian IT-tf -Baltimore, pM H. L. ALEXANDER. Attorney aiid Cgnsellpr at Law , cnaUXLOXTE, N. C I ZZT OS a Lb BfiUfra ffTwry FEB. 15, 1862. GOVERNMENT OF NORTH CAR- . -4ULINA. . H.T. Clark, of E.gecombe,GoTern5r. salary Der annum, 18,000. aad- the use of a furnish mi house. Tefm expires January 1, 1861. Ai. A. leaves, orOJraven, Secretary to the Gover nor, salary $300, exclusiTe of fees. ' . Rufus H, Page, of Wake, Secretary of State, sal ary $300, exclusive. of fees. '' Daniel W. Courts, of Rockingham, Treasurer, salary $2,000. , Curtis H. Brogden, of Wayne, Comptroller, sal ary $1,000. ' f The General Assembly commences its session on the third Monday of November every alternate year. The next elections ior memiers 01 me sen ate and House or uommons, ana ior uovernor, will be held on the first Thursday of August, 1860. ' Literary Board The Board of Literature! of North Carolina is composed as follows : His Ex cellency, John W. Ellis, President, ex officio ; G. A. Daves, secretary. Internal Improvement Board The Internal Im- nrovement Board is composed as follows : His Ex cellency, John W. Ellis, President, ex officio. , G. A. Daves, secretary. . State librarian Oliver tu retry, si &aieiga. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF N. CAROLINA) MKMBZR8 BXBOT TO THB LXQISLATUBB OF 1800-1. (O. for Opposition D. for Democrat.) ; Senate, ' Dist. ' 1 - - Pasauot&nk and Perquimans, S S Whedbee, O 2. Camden and Currituck, B F Simmons, D. 8. Gates and Chowan, Mills H Eure, O. V - 4. Hyde and Tyrrell, Jones Spencer, O. 5. Northampton, J M S Rogers, D. 6. Hertford, Joseph B Slaughter, O. 7. Bertie. David Outlaw, O. ' - 8. Martin and Washington, J R Stubbs, O. , Halifax, M C W hi taker, D. 10. Edgecombe, H T Clark, D. 11. Pitt, E J Blount, 0. 12. Beaufort, Frederick Grist, O. . 18. Craven, N H Street, D. I 14. Carteret and Jones, M L F Arndlel, O. 15. Gretne and Lenoir, James P Speight, U. i -. 16. New Hanover, EU W Hall, D. . . 17. Duplin, James Dickinson, D.i - . ' IS. Onslow, L. W. Humphrey, D. , 19. Bladen, Brunswick and Columbus, John D Taylor. D. - - -I-. 20. Cumberland and Harnett, Duncan Shaw, D. 21. Sampson, Thos. I Falson, D. 22. Wayne, W. K. Lane, D. f 23. Johnston, J W B Watson, D. ( 24. Wake, M A Bledsoe. D. 25. Nash, A J Taylor, D. . I ' 26. Franklin, 'Washington Harris, D. 27. Warren, T J Pitchford, D. :. Granville, C H K Taylor, D. 29. Person, C S Winstead, D. ! 80. Orange, Joaiah Turner, jr. O. 81. Alamance and Randolph, J Worth, O. 82. Chatham. W G Harris, D. 83. Moore and Montgomery, C W Do wd, O. , 84. Richmond and Kobeson, Alfred Dockery, u. 85. Anson and Union, 8 HWaLkuD, O. - . . 86. Guilford, John M Morehead, O. 87. Caswell, Bedford Brown.p. . 88. Rockingham, F L Simpson D. - 89. Mecklenburg, John Walker, D. , . 40. Cabarrus and Stanly, V 0 Barringer, O.- 41. Rowan and Davie, J G Ramsay, O. ' v 42. Davidsen, John W Thomas, O. 48. Stokes and Forsyth, Jesse A vvaugh, V. ?w 44. Ashe, Surry, , WaUuga and Yadkin, Joseph Dobson, D. . i ,' 45. Iredell, Wilkes and Alexander, L Q Sharps, O. 46. Burke, McDowell Caldwell, W W Avery, D. 47. Lincoln, Gaston and Catawba, Jasper StoweD. 43. Rutherford, Polk and Cleaveland, A w Bur- 'ton, D. I 49. Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Yancey Marcus Krwin, U. 50. Haywood, Macon, Cherokee and Jackson, Wm. H.Thomas, v. Democrats, 81 : Opposition, 19. Democratic majority 12. At last Session Democrats 82 ; Op position gain just one. j . . THE BULLETIN AND ' THE CATAWBA JOURNAL. 5TTTE are pleased to advertise thevlenda and J if. n&trons of this establishment that we com mence the publication of the second volume of the nest named journal, this day, under the most favorable auspices."' . '' : The r circulation of - the above named paper is rapidly increasing, and its influence as an adrer Using medium is being felt and appreciated by it patrons, having access to almost every neighbor hood in this and adjoining Counties, as we'd al4he adjoining Districts in South Carolina. . ' THE CATAW11A JOURNAL, One of the largest papers now published in the State, mailed for $1.00 per annum, made up from the columns of the Dallt -SuiAKTia, haa not only become A popular papers, bat; it affords great ad vantages to those who wish to use its columns ar an advertising medium.- I - Specimen copies will be sent to any section they may be ordered, free of postage. s or terms, sc., we reier we reaaer to our im- ptlnU. J& a. BR1TTW nov.li-u . - The Edgecombe Farm Journal THE subscriber will commence on or about the 1st of September, 1860, the -publication of a monthly journal in xarooro , to do aevotea to tne plantatien and rural interests of North Carolina in particular, and or the South! generally. .. . Edgecombe having long since been acknowledg ed aa the model farming county of North Carolina, We feel that there Is no locality better suited, and .nr. iimt.lv entitled, to the souree of rmbli Xavas aaavAw mt " m cation of a hrot clasB agricaltural paper than Tar- boro'. It is to oe caueu , 'The Edsecombe Farm jroarnal.V i -a rn nnntiln nrloinal and selected articles un- on Agriculture, Horticulture, Piorioultore, House- bold AnS, ttUrai AXCIiiecvwiic, avvivsi wrw., Hu. H riii be puauaoea wiuu new type uu ctear white paper, in a neat quarto form. The price of subscription haa been made so low as to place the publication within reach of every one. .. . ' '-: . TAJtAlS: . One copy one year -..'..-.;.:. -..4... .90 80 - Seven oopiesone year. ....... 8 00 : Twelve copies one year. .. .. ...... i . . .- 5 00 Twenty-live copies one year... ......... 10 00 S . tty" No paper sent unless paid for in advance. r WILLIAM B. SMITH. Editor and Proprietor, Tarbor, . C. t juiy eu-u k6tus PROSPE , n r. - I ' ' - 1.."' rRLLSBOROUGH RECORDER, POUTJCS; AGRICULTURE. MISCELLAHT. fiEKEBALHEWS. DENNISHEABTT.; HILLSBOROUGH, N,,C. . u wwTTITH the present volume the mkajavb, tencev the first numberivlng been issued theiwtn- of February, loau i aunas labored to make our papVlnteresting and useful, iDOu w " n.HjinlAn n have not ir " . . . jx .. aii Mr men urn m wm iimv. enWLtoKether unsuccef aL' U ha, been our wiA to makethe RFCORDER a good Family Pa ""'rLlH. Agriculture. Miscellany, Rer rrAc with a view to the entertain Sf It? toprovloSt of toe farmers and eltl SxtJSSi which it is totributed. Our a cultural department we endeavor to fill with STt .Actions we can make from all souroes, DrefSencT to such as will be of practical farmer and cultivator ; and in this par Sctle bo to make the RECORDER a. vain Able to agriculturist ae any periodical of a Slv agricultural character. In our-Miscella-department, we shall contiue to be, as we Be? oparw eiect guch articles VV . r tendency not only to amuse, but to wlU have Vic I" rt Wle we shall be " Ur" &nd heart. v nue we ao.au ov Hprw, reive ell-written articles to aArn thankful to receive weu . orilrfnauty our 'Ql' Elected mauer of superioF merit, Uy-wririn m-dig artithoogh Sedit the top with thecovewords- rBPm?JrT-?-AM the latest intelligence; and preMni.to 7bo we have facilities equal to to enaWe usj de so " of the Stateexcept those enjoyed ,P0 communicaUon. " those iavore "-o-- e-am " ABLnaieeopr. one year,... ffiff any 01 "t . caiv -v-u receive anbacriarsaiir - - - . . .. . their own pj July 18- 0M THIS DATE, our Rooks are poeUtoefy Zaoeed to alL Cash will, In every instance, zZZLa. without distinction ef persona. - TO. tew 2 - . JMuii in ho for Gash ourselves: and Wa W VVWywT- " w - xw " Suit nt VAT ASK FOR CREDIT mf w ep ar w-tw-t- -w c w y - .- . $6 PER ANNUM. Book and Job Printing Q EVER! CLASS AND STYLE, Neatly Executed at tlila oQce. : MAYING procured a large amount of excel lent material, and added to this establish ment soluble fast PRESSES, we take this oppor tunity to Inform our friends - and . the public, that we are fully . prepared to execute work of every elass, in at short notice, and at prices far below those usually paid in this section of country. We are prepared to print in the latest and most approved style, - j -j - .. CARDS. INVITATIONS, . NOTES, V LAW BLANKS, PAlttPULETS, DIL.1.-I1EATJH, CI 11C U LA US, CHECKS, SHOW-BILLS, BOOKS, and any other style of printing usually called for, for much less than the same elass of work can be executed this side of New York. - - K. II. ORITTON a LL persona indebted to the subscriber , WILL PLEASE COME FOirWARD J and pay up IMMEDIATELY! as longer Indulgence cannot be given. . J. S. PHILLIPS, t I would also notify those in want of goods that from and after this date all goods will be sold low down for cash or its equivalent. Jan. 10 tf. . -...- - ! liooiis ! Hoops ! Hoops ! Something new All UT CXAiXV niyuii). ia vuutcy Tf um . . . At. L superb artlcie--iignt, spnngy ana pieasaauy T aiAva viyaoauw - made expressly for the South. Also, a new style-p of HOOP SRIRT, a most desirable arti'.le, canea The Belle of the South. Together with a very large number of more ordi nary Hoop Skirts comprised of rrom 10 to 60 hoops Caiprill8-o KOOPMAN N A PHELPS. PALMEITO. IROIST WORKS. COLVItlBIA, 8. C, ESTABLISHED, A. D. MDCCCLIi WILLIAM GLAZE, MANUKACTURER OF STEAM ENGINES, from 10 to 80 Horse Power ; SUGAR MILLS of every style now in use, Mill Work of every dLacrlptlon. Also, Iron Railing, with every diacription of Iron and Brass Castings.' I would call attention to Iron Casting In the way of enclosing Public Buildings, Dwellings, Cast Steps, Baleatro Railing, and all kind of enclosures for Cemetary lots. : - Having a first rate Boiler maker with us, we are prepared to manufacture Boilers, or repair them, at short notice. Will send boiler maker to any. part of the State. Oar Steam Engines will be found, when compared with those made at North ern establishments, to be from twenty-Are to forty per cent larger for the same horse power. L These Works have been In successful operation rorsev rat year, wuu au iuva v. f from all parts ef the Southern country, for wMoh-tS the Proprietor returns his thanks to his numerous friends and patrons, and begs to assure them that no jalns er expense will be spared to inertia eon Unuance' of their favors. may IT-tf - ' ' "V V MONT AMO EN A FEMALE SEM- MT. PLEASANT, CAB ABSUS Co., X. C. THE exercises of this school will be resumed on the 20th of August. .. RATES PER SESSION. 'Bard, (Including washing and fuel) EngUsh course, from $5.00 to . r - lh.OO Music on the Piane, Melodeon, or Guitar, 20.00 Languages, each 8.00 Drawing, or painting, , Vocal Music, ' ' 3.00 Embroidery,. wo Other ornamentals reasonable. . ' ' TERMS l - :. - Half of all the expenscs,'board and tuition, must .be paid in advance, and the remainder .at the close of the session. . Z , . . ' h Pupils who board In the Seminary,; will not be permitted to make store accounts. . For further information, address " i L.G. HE1LIG. July 28, 61, tlU oct 1. - ' ; MARTIN, TANNARILL & Co., (Successors to N. M. MARTIN, SON A Co.) tt Grocers & Ooirxmission Merchants, WALTER K. BIARTIlSr &, Co (Successors to N. M. maj&xim, bv - COIttirXISSIOirABlaCMANXS, , 3E1.1.0 sa TYX Ondy A. R. A. Mabtih, formerljof Granville Oo.,N. O. R. Tasbahiix, formerlyo Edgecombe Co., N. C Walts K. Maktix, of Richmond, Va. f N. M. Maairji, of Richmond, Va; -- : " ; R. H. CosanioaAM Jr.. of Richmond, Va. . ... ROTH concerns wLU give iaitnrui personal av tentlon to the sales of COTTON,' WHEAT, TOBACCO and CORN.' Neither concern will buy anv of the above named articles, either on Com- . ...i - . V. .r4 . tt mm ttul Mill. mission, epecuiauon w - .rr . nP.. in produce is confined to SELLING excla- slvely. Refer tb C. V. Fiaaaa, Esq President N. C. itau Jtoaa. Dr. W.J. Hiwaaa, Pre R. A Gaston Rail Road. K. R. BaiDQaas, Esq, Pres't Bank at Tarboro, N. 0 Hon. W. N. Edwajohs, WanrenCouhty, N. O. Jakss M. Bullook, Esq., Granville County, N. C. 0 IFFiSHK, Cashier Exchange Bank, Petersburg . Kjoir P. BATTta, Esq., V-. ye respecuuuy cau tueai.MSttwM w vwv- st ts ttmntmTtr mm DeuiE vuui aeood heme aad foreign demand, and we are leased to hear that efforts are now being made to get" e freight through from Charlotte to Peters bora reduced to about $8 a bale. .- . . .. , men i iwi-o- ; BININGEB'S r OLD y L0IID0IT DOCK GUI. : COGNAC, -SHERRY, ; - - . PORT,. - .-. : " MADEIRA, 1849 Bssaava BOURBON, ' ; -,WHJEAT ..TONIC. - ; Put up in Cases jwntainlng one dozen. Bottles each. A. M. BINIWCEtt CO., (tstablished lTIS.) WINE IMPORTERS, No, 10, isroewa ot. .iraari Para Liauors LnVcompact and convenient form, ln"J .. . kamhu. .nil nackina in cases our well knowhWines. .Brandies. Whiskeys. cu. and have sent them out m a stym r" " nave c" .... . m. with before ipia MnuimiiLV m mm in"8 reaching the purchaser. The general, appreeia f am art, ra rafy&raen oar effort; hw encouraged ns to maintain the standard n... i make increaaad efforts tomUin the confidence and patronage ..which haa been so liberauy oestoweu upou . - OPINIONS 01 THJB PRX2A "The BiroaBB'B19 Rroad EU, have a very high - . A. I 1. ,A aIIaS mm ItA kAe axMKA reDOMwUon 0 PQlwsiint mm uiv wavasj mi a us?uw tnTMewTork.' Boi4 Journal. Tha house ef A. M. Bnraiaaa A Co No. la, Broad St., haa sustained for a period of eighty years, a reputation that may well be envied. ' Tae name of A. M. BxaixQaa M Ce2fo 19 Broaa a. i- - ...tu of U. .Tut a.n1 HtAral trnths. whatever thay respet eat It, F. Ocmmtrota tJ ft V a .I(..Ma. TlmmlmTm- DrursLttS and Physicians to our extensiv e stock of choice eld wines, Kransuest w. n-i ,y,m Mimtn will meet with nroSBja .i.m AAwtalnia a nil Of arUClS l-'.'tfdO' a times. ........ r,.. .'.... f .4o 1 do 8 do 4. ...... V... ......... 1-00 1 do . do. ' r 1 do 12 do ........... .7o, I '.-do 1 month i . . 4.04 : 1 do 2 m'th. , 1 d 8 do . 4 iT. lOAX) - i , ao. . o uo ............. . ... io.il 1 do 1 year .............. ,f... ...... t 80. to ' taAdrertisemento published until forbid, Mil be charged 50 oenU per square of IS UneS for the 4 n'rst Insertion, and 25 cents for eaeh continuance ' if not contracted for. . ...... A liberal discount made on the above rates to persons advertising by contract:. ' '. ' am i bags ! CASH paid ior RAGS at the Envelope Manufactory opposite tha Fost'Offico. ' J. II. STEVEN 3 &. CO. ; Feb 12-btl 7 NORTH CAROLINA FOTJIJDEY &TTA0TTTHE70IIK3, SALISBURY, N. O. Fit ERCCS & ItEADKK , ; SUCCESSORS TO N. BOrDEN A BON, . ' MANUFACTURERS OF AGRICULTURAL JHT1PLE1I5NX Cultivators, Plows, . . , v , Cora'-Shellers, ' : 1 . ... . . Seed. Sowars - .-HbraeNpowera &. Thrashers; ' 1 THE CELEBRATED telegraph: ctjttiko jiAcxanx, For Fodder, ilayV'StalkXdata and Shocks, . , Being the firet Premiam Machine of 'the Fairs of North anu SojUi Carolina,"' - CIDER & SUGAR ItlLLS. ; 1 SHIFTING AND MACfllNERY Tor Grist, Circular & Vertical 0ir Kills . Gold Copper Sc Silver ITli nee. - Manufacturers ot and Agenta for )r. E." O. Elliott's PATENT MULAY SAW MILL and WATER WHEELS. Plantation and County Rights for aale 01 W. T. &. C. E. STUART'S PATENT DOUBLE ACTING HAY OR COTTON PRESS. v X Iron and Brass Casting, Forgings, and Finished Work .of every Description. TOBACCO PRESSES AND FIXTURES; And other Kinds of Machiriery repaired at jshort notice. (June 18,361 ly Charlotte & S. C. Railroad. THE Passenger Trains on this Road will leave arid arrive, hereafter, aa follows; Leave Charlotte, at . 8:30 A.M. Arrive at Charlotte, ; . , 3:50 P.M. Leave Columbia at . . 8:00 A.M. Arrive at Columbia, 1 ' 4:30 P.M. Nov 8 ' f Charlotte Foundry CCTL nd Maohine Shop. MAYING purchased from J. A. Fox the abovs estabUahment, the undersigned begs leare to cau the attenuon or tne puouo to vo w i ... tr AM n.nr nrder for maklnr a. Fnirfnu CMIan and TohAOCO PrHMl. and 'every description of Machinery. All kinds of Cas- tings in iron, Atrasaana uvun mrA .u)nAAt nrtnea. Pa.rtlr.ulAr attantlon given to the maklngand repairing of Threshing If aohlaea, Horse Powers, Cotton Gins, Mill Works and Agricultural rora oi au num. jmiiui lag, Job, Wagon Work, and Horse-Shoeing done with dispatch. Old Iron, Brass and Copper Cast ings bought at the Foundry or taken in exchan. for Job work. All kinds of Wood Turning ajso done. '- , -OmSVU - JOHN M-ItOWIS. , . ' OP THE . STATE JOUR1YAI. HAVING become the proprietor of the Demo cratic Press. I have merged that paper into the Stats Jonas al, which will be published Semi-Weekly and Weekly. . ' The Statb Jocksal will advocate Democratic principles in the broadest sense, and will support and defend Democratic measures and their aa vo- . cates as they are presented, and as occasion any require. In other essenUals It wlU be. my aim to ... make the paper, what its name denotes, a State Journal eschewing all sectional considerations and working for the entire Bute and her sommon interests - ' " ' . , , As soon as arrangements can be made, the whole paper shall be re-modeled and printed with new tVie, on good paper, and ia a superior mknner. - 'The Editorial department will be properly atten ded to in Its various branches, and will speak for It self Neither labor nor expense will be spared in ihe management of the paper. . - i The terms of the State Journal will be as fol- end-Weekly, per annum ... ... . $400 j Weekly' ' Theseterms wiU be Insisted upon invariably ih advance. No name will be put upon the lit without the money, and aU papers ' will be discon tinued at the explraUon of the time for which they have been paid, unless the subscription be renewed. t ..ti.Mi-frftm veanof experience, thai apoa no other footing can any newspaper hope to sue-. CAwmrtmcmf TitM of a Droper character will be l. J .ft nllnBln r.tAA . . ' One square, first Insertion. ........ . .. f loo Each suosequeni insertion.. .......... , . . . . A liberal deduction on these rates foryearly ad--immrm in tha SecuWeekly. In the Weekly edi- - Hon the full rates wiU be ehargad. . JUUfl BrALMAn. - . Editor and Proprietor Nov. 97, I860:; - - , - - . .. A NORTH CAROLINA PAPER 'V- TII1B TIMES, ,' ' A large Eight-Page Weekly, prdUshed in Greensboro, . t'i.OO a year; $1.0U for six months. ! fTTtHE TIMES conulns weekly forty columns of . JL cboice matter, specially adapted to the faiuUy " circle, it Is neither sectarian nor poUticai, but by being courteous to all sects and parties, It is the constant aim of the publishers to preseat In lu columns whatever may elevate the people and an rtehthe SUte. The publishers would earnestly anneal to the families of North Carolina to give THjLtIMES a trial ; try it for six months, to see if it be not as well to patronise home Dapers, as those , . . j, . t.nlit r m hnmM lntcrnl. mnti m. rrom aprwM , w . - - - SUte pride, and to scatter our subsUnce and our . JL. .mnnir atranffers.' Give TBB TlMSS a trial and then let it etand upon its merits. i WBAT IB m ALU vw tmrn iimmm, The Times 1 regard as the very first of eur outhern literary Weeklies. Rev. 0. W. Deems.- .... . tir..wi. nt1ti)iul anvwhar t h . . is so deserving of public patronage as the Times.' , ""There Is no panaenng to a nuatea ive eye 1 . . . mtA mt V , n A . 1 .n I . t A rm arwcie vi i.v . . both to amuse and Instruct." Wilmington Herald 0ne of the handsomest weekly papers publish d . in the Union." Spirit of the Age. ... uLetuB people wi v uvuw a 02 NOW 18 TLIE "TIME TO SUB- U1BIRE VnR THE ORVAT ROM. TLiaRN wuai'i i ioiibmi mumm v XHE SOUTH IS WUlTtnCr atln, at. The Southeim IJleld and Fireside, Published every Satarday, at Ang-ota, O.-ae-kawlrfedbe"IAe best Family Paper in theSovtK" contains pi each Issue, eight pages irony ooramnsi oi .. vuuice SctioarS amusement 6t the devoted to the friends of Soutnern . ii .m .t7 1 BuDsenners ar . wlthan INDEX, or Tablef Contents. . -m wmm a warwasr Txxaa Twonou-A- r- Address JAMES GARDNER, Aagasta, Qa. f'; DAILY BCifcETIN - , . - asd :.' CATAWBA JOURNAL T8. Znl t A WB A JOURf L U published weeaiy LaSoTStt atfl per.anaa-, la. UhiyLaadvaaee. Stares, Doop Poles and Cord m.w k h k v mm a ! . v. " - B1 .t- i 4 1 4 . i 5, ' 1 I 1 . ' m ti! v . I'