; - . - - ,''- - ."-'' ' r-'T',i ' "... . - . , ' ;". ... . 1, ... ?.. . - - -- . '- '-'-.'' ! . vv-"-' 1 "V - .. y , ,- .yw- - - - ; : , r 1 i . r. i v .... 1 THEOTLLETIN: kdwabd ii. nurrroN. BY '-ai-WKEKiT BULLETIN'. (pr ionn0 C A.TATTBA JOURN AU (P lanunl M-00. 1X0. The New from Roanoke. Island , CorrMpondrtic of the Petnbur Eryrfsi. -1 ToiiTtMOCTH, Vam Feb. 9. . I)tr jprc f The new of our disas ter st Roanoke Island has already reached " your, office. A sad commentary it. is on the inefficiency of $mAodyt end culpable nezlect $owuvktre. I am satisfied the gal lant men who so heroically defended arainit OTcrwhelmioz numbers,, are not only free from all blame, bat deserres . tindjins honor. The bUI of mortality on both sUes, will show it to hare been s des perate iiCht ; end our defeat the result, not ol brarery. bat of preponderating brute force. . . Yoa cen testify that I hare not become prophet under the influence of defeat, but that the ery day on which the fight com-menced-last Saturday-I said, in a pn Tste note to you, that if the Federahsts at tacked Roanoke Island, they would.take ! - ' " ' " : , ""-v- Bad as the news is, it sflbrds no- good ' ground for discouragement. We are poor ly prepared to carry oo the war, ii we do not calculate on being sometimes defeated; and defeat under circumstances" like the . present, almost to a yictory. . Many a Southern borne wm oe mu desolate by this catastrophe, as all -our - force, excepting about fifty, who escaped, hare been killed or taken prisoners. The Richmond Blues, who were a terror to the Yankees in Western Virginia, aremmong the number. ; In this, as in all other instances where . the enemy has effected a landing on our hfl reached br our forces. 1 Deingon an island, and surrounded by - their gun boats, they are comparitirely sale. Having control of Pamlico and Ai- bemarle Sounds, we may expect to hear daily ot their -Tandal depredations on the good people of ' North Carolina. Got. Marble Nash Taylor's dominions having been enlarged, and may now hear ol the inauguration of a New State in Eastern ' Carolina, with the capitol at Elizabeth city or at Newbern. The enemy having obtained a footing in our rear, will doubtless make a desperate attempt to get possession ol Norfolk" and Portsmouth. Burnside and Wool will now ct in concert, and simultaneously. Wool will perhape attack some point on Jame9 River aiming lor Suffolk, while Burnside I will endeavor to make his way from Eliza beth city up the Black Water, and the two form a junction in the rear of these two ' cities and thus cut of the cummunication I with the South. I am fully persuaded that " this is the programme, and equally well ; " satisfied that they will signally tail to carry it out, unless there is some most msgnifi cent bungling" "at West Point.". They have the advantage of us on water, - it is true, but then they must leave their, boats f and big guns, before they can endanger -Norfolk " fr rMmr. the Yankees re firhtincr for t m.-r - - F w boptw. and they will make a desperate e.f fort to eel possesssion of our rail. They must V driven back. Every inch of ground must be-disputed. Doi.rnur. ' ,t - Whisky In the Army. I The Richmond correspondent of the Mem . phis Apptal says : There is a distillery in this city, the jro- ptietoraVwhich are making a clear profit variously estimated atrcm two to four " tku$anJ JlUr aTay ! There. a per diem lor you ! They manufacture whisky! ivn,il,l von know what this whisky is t It . is a chain-lightning blue-ruin, liquid fire, death in the cup, aqua Ufanee, a more vul gar but not less certain poison, than the - ;nnf the Boririas. It has been so well - " a known in Virginia for yeara that practia iog physicians, in the country, when called ' to attend iick negroea on the plantationn, inquire first of all whether they have been in the habit of using it in harvest ; if they . have, the ordinary medicines will be wholly inefficacious. Well, this infernal drench, which was sold before the war at 23 cents a gallon, and the like of which may be ob tained todsy in Hogopolis I mean Cin cinnati at 13 cents, is eagerly bought . up at 81,60 a gallon. The sales ol the establishment art only limited" by the ca pacity of manufacture, the demand - being infinitely greater than' the spuply. And where doea it go f Ewrj drop of it to tie army! 'Ioris this wholesale laboratory the only one in operation here. Smaller distilleries have already been established - in the neighborhood of the city, and are springing up every day, in consequence ol . .a demand which is every day increasing. There is nothing men will not do for money. Theoiwi acra' fames overrides all consideration of duty and patriotism. These facts give us pause. I The amount of public injury ,of demoral ization, ot crime, which is caused by this immense produce ot whiskey, cannot be computei. The seeds of ruin are thus sown broadcost over the land, and the fatal crop will only loo surely be gathered in crowded hospitals, in bloody street fights, in fatal military misfortunes, in the utter debasement of the finest, body of soldiery . the world has ever sen collected. Can nothing be done to remedy - this frightful evil! Are we powerless ; Shall the Con- ' federate States of America be left in the mercy of a few' unscrupulous whiskey . dealers, whom we have more to fear than the ahipa ol Burnside or the bayonet ot McClellanf " I am no advocate of a Maine liquor law, and have never believed in legislating men into sobriety. I can -never suppose that a ration ol spirituous liquors may be rational, that it is necessary to the comfort and good health ol troops In the field though thia ia at least questionable. Bat the liquors ; 'ahouldbe pare and the quantity -fiqed by . strict military regulation. Ii the Tile ion pound to which I hare referred, la to be ixin ar amo. and the men al- . lowed to drink what they cia procuw, it - Rttda no gift of pcphtci to declare thM w shall be beatch, 'that 'our efforts for fnde. pendent nationality will be unavailing. . Wnat is the remedy f Not certainly in "general ordere.,t Good generals like Braxton Bragg and Joseph E. ' Johnston, recogniziwg the sppalling miscneit wrought, by the bad liquor in camp; have issued strictdisciplinsry orders on thf subject. but these have no effect whatever upon the dis tilleriesl Ths ssle is undiminished. The disiillerie. laugh st the moral deduction of the comm.nding officers, snd deride the official signsture of the "A. A. G. Clearly there is but one way the fountain of bitter waters roust be sealed or purified at its source? Not to put too fine a point upon it, fhe distilleries must be cleaned out. We estsblish a' censorship of the press we legislate concerning the adulterations of food, we protect ourselves againts the impurity ot drugs and medicines, we have laws prohibiting the wearing of concealed weapons shall we not defend our de lenders from the poison of the distillery f CHARLOTTE. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1862. Important If True. The annexed important item of news is takeVt from the Newbern Progress of the 12th inst : v " . 1 SoCTHIIJlCosrEDERACV ACKNOWLEDGED. The latest Northern papers received at Norfolk frankly acknowledge that England and France have acknowledged the South ern Confederacy. ; IXeeocrnltlop, , . tTrthe New York UeraUoi the 8th, says the Day Booh of yesterday, we find a letter from its London, correspondence, in which it is authoritatively announced that Eng gland and France have finally agreed to apply the public law of Europe to oUr cis Atlantic affairs. The . recognition of the South by these powers will be . followed by results which will amply compensate for the Roanoke disaster. But, recognition or no recognition, let us remember thet we are men and meet the emergency of the future with a resolution to conquer or die. : "Union and Confidence." The annexed, whieh we take from the Nashville American, contains advice that commends itself to every true Southern heart. It does riot ask the question who will avenge the blood of the slain who will now refuse to volunteer ; nor which will you choose, subjug'ation and slavery or liberty or death it says we must fight them at every pass. Those of our coteraporaries who publicly adrise our men to go ought- to set the example and be the first to volunteer! Uniox and Confidence. Let no discor dant nqte be heard in our camp and our councils in the present critical period, when the hurricane of. war is beginning to rage upon us in all its fory. ' L"et union, har mony and confidence prevail. Let us dis miss all -petulant censure and unmanly repining, and heartily unite, aa one man, in the great and glorious work in the de fense of our homes and .our altars. We should frown upon fault finding and sedu lously . cultivate a spirit of brotherly co operation, every man being willing and ready at any moment to take the post of duty-and to act as becomes a freeman. con tending in the holy cause of right and fighting. for all that men of honor and pa triotism can hold dearln life. The rob bers are now, locust like, swarming around our borders, watching their opportunity to assail the weakest points and to break our lines. We must fight them at every pass. give their bodies to the carrion crow, at eVery point they assail us, and if heed be, leave desolation and . blackened ruins be hind, wherever their inroads msy overpow er us. Let us be prepared for the" foe, wherever he may come. The surest and speediest way to end the demoniac perse cution to which we are subjected, is to meet our enemy witbA courage that shall not quail, with a determination that shall heep up their slain m the patha they seek to tread, with a firmness and unanimity 'that shall appall their hosts. Let this determi nation prevail, and the foe will be driven speedily from our soil, never again to re turn. ' .'-.".'. . Y; - 7- , ', y ' ": ; Ilowive Fought at Koanoke. - The Norfolk Day Book gives ihe follow ing concerning the desperate courage ex hibited by our troops at Roaroke : - It is said that tue, enemy came up in their boats on the South side ofjhe Island, and by means of their boat howitzers, ef fected a landing in the rear 61 oar batteries, aad that after - landing'about fifteen thou sand on all parta of the Island, they marched up and flanked the batteries.- It is also reported thai, not withstanding our email force, ot twenty-one hundred men against about' fifteen thousand, on . some' parta of: the Island, the resistance' was of the most desperate natureand a hand-to-hand contest lasted for a considerable time, showing the most desperate courage. This is said to have been the case particularly wiih the Richmond Blues, under command of Capt. O: Jeunings 'Wise. Capt? Wise," we learn, ien oraveiy, urging nis men on. - North Carolina Railroad. We learn, (says the Raleigh Standard,) that Thomas Webb, Esq., ot Hillsboro, has been elected President of this Road, tee Mr. Cemeron, resigned. ... Mr. Webb is a man of great energy and fine business talents, and will no doubt exert himself to keep the Road in the best possible working condition. We wish him entire success in his new but highly im portant position. - ' ' - It is understood that the installation of the Permanent Government, besides pro-, ducing a reorganixation. of the- Cabinet, will be followed by a readjustment of the employees in the departments Because.a man fit the Indgens in .Texas" it does not follow that iieia qualified for high ad- ministrative duties ; nor because a patriot 'left all and followed the banner of se cession, it doea not follow that he "should be thrust "down to foot" in the depart mentafar below, stalwart 'young men; whose physical developments better fit them for houldcrinj a mnakit thtn hn4; -jar The Treasury of the town of Char lotte take pleasure in acknowledging tne M.;n of additional contribution collected . from the citizens of Dy Charlotte amounting to thirty five dollars, to be used in the relief of the, injured sol diers in the recent railroad collision The total amount thus far paid to'ihe Treasury to be used for this purpose amounts i to one hundred and twenty dol lars. T. W. DEWEY. - . Charlotte Feb. 13 1862, Town Treas. ' , , - yrom the Standard, whiskey - Dread. -. Editor, of the Standard. I address a few lines to ask the Conven tion, for the'eake of our common country which is now struggling for existence to legislate in some manner, so as to pre vent the corn and other grain from being distilled into whiskey. Shall we have fa mind, nn well as drunkenness, added to the desolation of wart And shall the South r.:i ; .i.i,;..;aT hpr indenendence. that laaji a, as ; wr HUtillers and liquor dealers may grow rich ? You have no idea ol the large 'in crease in the number of distilleries in this portion of the State; and yet they will con tinue to increase, if some measure oe not adopted to prevent it. The future of this in abaolntelr frightful to proper thinking minds. When or how this" war is to end. A mn nn ill. All the -corn and" other ill be wanting for the supportof grain w our soldiers and the people, even if the war might end in a month, A heavy tax (say $1,006) upon each dis tiller y, would,' I think, abate the evil, per haps cure it to be paid before another anllon is distilled. And a fine of $2,000 mnA imnrinnnment for violation. Yes, tax IIU f - - -w each, one thousand dollars, and see. Bread. JTllscellaneous. More than twenty British staff and field officers were in Boston last week en route fir Hanadft. Thev were a fine looking set of men. Th Wnohinortnn corresDondent of the " w 1 , i , Philadelphia Inquirer says .that there is no doubt of the depariure of Secretary Welles from the Cabinet, arid the appointment ol Judge Holt, of Kentucky, in his place. Tim Canadian Daiers complain that the want of arms retards the drill of the num erous volunteer companies that have been formed in the province in the expectation of a Yankee invasion. The Ways and Means Committee of the Nnrthrn Honirrees have "finished the. bill making appropriations tor the army, ana . " Authorized the chairman'tb report it: The amount asked for "in that bill is $487,000, 000. This is merely lor the army proper, anA 1np not include the amount needed for fortifications. . . . . . .. 'j The city of Columbus, Ga., with a pop ulatibn of about 8.Q0O souls, has sent to the field sixteen infantry companies, and two full artillery companies. It has . supplied to the service five coforiels, one Lieuten- ant-coloneU four majors, four adjutants, four assistant commissaries, nineteen cap tain9 and sixty-two Lieutenants. ; J . . . . i . - To Arms ! To ArmsI Our soil is in vaded by the TUthlesa vsndals.;. Thirteen- counties ot the State in the feast are ai me mercy of the enemy. , Three hundred of our brave men are killed and wounded and 2,000 taken prisoners on Roanoke Islands Who will avenge the blood of the slain ? Who willn ow refuse to volunteer? Ouf property; our; rights, our families, our lives are at stake. "Which will you choose sub jugation f and slavery or liberty or death ? Arise Carolinians, arise and dnve the in- j vader from your soil. Raleigh Standard. , - ' v , . " . From Skidaway. There were . nineteen Federal vessels off Skikaway yesterday morning. . On Sunday last" the Federals were busily engaged in landing troops on Great Warsaw Island, and they have erec ted a large- number, of - Sibley and other tents on that Island, where, it is believed, tbey have landed a considerable number of troops. ' A number of horse, stalls have floated, up' the river, evidently, thrown overboard from" the Federal- vessels, from which it is inferred." that they -have landed their horses at Great Warsaw Island. , : It is thought by many that it-is the in tention of the Federals to make a landing at Adamar Point., Adams Point is ""about seven miles front our batteries at Skida? way. The. latest; intelligence we -hate from Ihie point is to 12 o'clock yesterday. During the reception of Gen. Beaure gard by the citizens ot JCnoxTille,- onhia passage through to assume the new - com mand assigned him in the West, he stated 'that he had met a soldier from Louisiona, -who asked him when he was going home. 'When I left home,",, said the Goneral, "I did not expect to be absent more than ten days or Iwa weeks; irat ialready nearly a year has. elapsed, and I do not intends to tttnTmy eyes homeward until the last lean kee is driven from our border." 9 j , i -r" ' ii, ; 1 v '. Upon the approach of the enemy's gun boats 'to the .Tennessee river 'bridge, we learn that the operator at Danville left, car tying. with him his telegraphic instruments, He witnessed the destruction ot the bridge, and succeeded in, reaching Paris at a late hour innhe'evening. : , V AxERiCAfrs ih Paris. Airir 'tm Rotai. Rkcsrnor-The Yankees -are in high dudgeon because they were hot; received by the JEmperor of France at his c last re ception.. A .vvasningtoa ..,iewwwinBi says:-'.' - ; . ',' -. Americans .were very'indignant. aCtheir practical exclasion,- from presentation at the court ball on the 6th ultimo. The ac count is confirmed by the Paris correspond dencaoi the National lv Inteiligencer. . It seems that it must also i have . met with some official notice; for Senator Sumner to day offered a resolution, which was. adop ted, calling -upon the f resident tor any official correspondence" biecent date con cerning a presentation of Americans at the Court of France. Itr appears' that Mr. Dayton has made some representations; on the anbject. - - Federals ApTAciW.r:-Th last ac eonnta from Cast Tennessee are to the et lect that Ihe Fede'ral cavalry are .within 75 miles of Knoxville. with nothing oetween them and the railroad. East Tennessee ia too visible a notion to be gicn up to the tjteraX' S'oV FLowxr is Blc". m A friend sent to our "house, last flight, a beautiful Jgun Flower in full bloom, specimen ot.ipe Ilelitrope, which Moore baa thus embalmed insong: ' h: "No the heart that has tnriJ l'A never forgets, . Bat m Unly lore on to the e- -? . ' - . As th Sun-Flower torrs on her God when heieU, . . . - a t m vacs " " The tame look," wnicn ae iurn The mildness of the preswit winter has been extraordinary ' not only is tne oun- Flower in bloom bat Flora has put on ner coronat and cofonation robes, vegetables ere- in rich- abundsnceV and even , Indian corn is growing in our garden. We jrerjr much Jear a nipping frost, in inarc,. April, severe enough to blast tne irui.crup, and again prevent-our owning the sort impeacA-ment. Charleston Courier. :ys' Arrms IT FoRT - LltiTETrK.Special Deputy Defoe proceeded to Fort Lafayette on Saturday to release U . xxewma W. F: Castro, but upon oHering varo inf opportunity to take the oath of allegiance! he refused, declaring that "he wouia re quest the same favor of the Deputy- Ivr hal one of these days, when" n e w i or was in possession of President Jefferson Davis." Of course, he Vas not released. This is the second time that he; nas naa the ODDortunity to get oii and has refused He is a Baltimorean, abr'it . 40 years ox age, and was taken on a pat en he repre sented himself as apassJng?r. The other prisoner Nemanwas arrested for attemp- tin to Drevenr enlistments in the army. He expresses himself perfectly satisfied with his treatment in the fort, and says he has pained sixteen pounds in. flesh; since. his arrest. New York Express. 'Trophies. We invite attention to the advertisement signed by Captain fe. r. Alexander, in relation to arms-captured from the United Stages inbattle,; which, in a large number of instances, are retained bv private citizens as .trophies, f Alt such arms are the property of the Confederate States, and we need hardly say, that the country needs them for her soldiers in the field. We hope the press throughout the South will allude to'tbis' matterand that every man having such a trophy will give it up without hesitation; . i Richmond Uispalch. The Yankees wish to get possession ot the railroad leading through East Tennes see, so as to cut off communication between Richmond and Memphis vve. have no idea they will ever succeed, but ' even if they should not, it is the ' part of wisdom to provide tor such an 'emergency. - That may be done by building about forty miles of railroad, an unfinished linki betweerr Danville and Greensboro, North Carolina as recommended by President Davis in his messase, thus making a middle road be tween the Atlanta road, which is supposed to be threatened by the Burrrside expedi tion, and the East Tennessee-road, for which tories are secretly and industriously plotting. Memphis Avalanche. ' ' r ' v- "y : . : : .-:M:'i,6- New Elections ;Mijxitary "Offi-cERs.-The law on this 'subject has thus been construed by the Secretary of War. Where the members of any company re enlist to the number cf sixty-four, or more they have thd right tTecic .such; ' officers as they please and toi make a I new com pany organization.. It had been popular ly supposed that, it t old officers were net re 'elected, they le it their cbmmissiohi in the Confederate se vice; but, nnder va recent ruling of the Secretary of War,' ft .is decided that they will not lose their com missions or rank, but may be detailed to other service by the President. It is reported that ot Yankee invaders at Port Royal are goiiig rapidly forward with the establishment of their colony, which they call New Seowth, We see it stated that they already have a steam saw mill at work. We shall not pe surpnseu to hear that they have a , clock factory in operation in the course of a few- week, . and that they have Set the contrabands to raising "garden -sass? iot the1 supply of the New York and Boston marJkets. , . - '- f Savannah News. Wheat Do es rot Pay ''w liows. Mr. Duene Wtlsoni Secretary of the Iowa Ag ricultural Society, estimates L the yield ot wheat in this State the past year at twelve bushels per acre. v The 'price obtained is I forty cents per bushel, or 4,80 per acre. Her thinks this involves a loss of 82 . per acre, or about three millions of dollars to thejwJiole'Statelie ; thinks the' farm era of the Northwestern States cannot afford to raise wheatexcept for home consurap tion. ,v...' ;. . . . ;. I .... .,... The deepest and. darkest gloom, of the Revolution ; is the campaign . immediately precedingthe dawn of victory and success The most glorious exhibition of the. spirit,' nowers and resources of South s Carolina r was giyen whenjier capttoLwas occupied and her sea coast rayagea Dy tneioe, ner Goyernor fugitive end' her, sons, pen sioners on the products of the swamps' and woods. Charleston Courier. Ecropb. AJl the Ytfnkee fcorrespon- dente in Europe represent the existence of a most threatening state ofleeling towaros the United States. The blockade of stone and the srreat want of cotton in all the England and France will soon raise a storm" that "will most effectually blow old Abe's hips from our coast The working, people every where call loudly for interyention. : - : Gen. Jeff.. Thommoit. ;Thuidistin gui8hei ,,RebelV, has not been captured, as reported by the Federalfetsi He passed throughi KnoxyUIe, Tenn onTuwday last, on his way'to'JR.ichmond'. ;'iTt The Knoxrilie RegisUr says that he was called upon by a number of citizens oi io place, kll of "whonv he captiTated. by his v T . " , j- . AL-:- witperhaps, and' soldierly bearing 55 Wanted. good strong NEGRO MEN' tot cbepplng Ov wood. .Apply at this office. "TU8T H.ECEIV110.,. V . ; - .thnfiT1 TT XI A sappl ot extra. niM miriw.i DER-SHIRTS indforaalo by hive just been recered ...j. - jh i . i TO ARSIS ! TO ARMS r M. jEDrroit't-Inthe face of the troubles that environ bur beloved State- now that the enemy - has invaded our bor ders; I wish to raise a company ofTgentle?; men ol grit? for the, War. Who among themany that are? fattening off the mis- tortunes that surround us, will c6me for ward to join Skulks and land pirates I don't expect to Volunteer (they .'will be settledwftb, hereafter,) but the true patriot, whether he is "high or low, rich or poor, will cheerfully respond, nowhaf ..a neces-.. sity appeals, I have no doubt. v ; " I don't want to be Captain, Or hold any" office in said Company, but . I want ywi fellow citizens, to come forward arid; wipe but the taunt that. North Carolina is a "8tripf land between two States." I am ready, and can ! be , found at the store 6f Mr, ftioodf opposite' the Court House from day to day until the Company is raised, V H: M. Pritcitako. Feb 12. .. ' ;. "f. , 'I Z- - AUCTION: y Tii is Even ing, BOOK STORE. ie. Feb 13-btf R1 OPE POB SALE, A large ; quantity of the best quality R OPR Irom one and a half to four incner in diameter. . , - - . " t Z ;-The ROPE has been used some but it is in pood eonditiorii -; . " ' ' t For particulars apply at Bune4inonTce, or to RICHARD ALLEN. Feb. 10-2t. ; ; - R ANK OP NORTH CAROLINA. K special meeiing of the Stock Holders; of this Bank will be held ur me. uiy. i Raleigh on . - -r SATURDAY THE 15th INSTAITT, V by order of the Board of Directors, on bus iness of ; . ' ; '- the Illgbeet Importance. . A punctual attendances requested. . . C. DEWEY, Cashier,. Raleigh, Feb. 8, 1862-3t - -; jyOTICE. ' . . . All persons indebted to us by book ac count will please call and settle the same, as our books must be closed. One "pfns may always be found at the office of Dr. G. W. Caldwell. r . ,r T P. C. & J. W. CALDWELL. r Feb7-tf r v ':' "' '' . S'J TEAM SAW JTIIIil. FOR SALE. Wfi . ve , m SAW MILL, of four norse power in good order and nearly new. with all the fixtures for two circular saws, which we will sell low with or without the building, J. MYERS &. SON, i feb. 6'62 lm , Washington,;.N. C JJARNESS AND SHOEMAKERS Cand find work at good prices by calling on - . . , M. B. TAYLOR, feb 6'62-6t. . ' Stop the Thief;- TAKEN from ray Livery Stable in Raleigh, a red roan Horse, Said horse . has the "scratches - in the leit nina - iooi, very i l 1 n mA had. ' EO IllUCni TO .mil 'ne w .:aiwvj and he is-spavined in-one of his hind legs,- but which is not jrecollected.q The man fa a small, thick-sei 'man, with fair skin and black- hair, rather -long. He had a black suit of clothes, well worn, and looked as if he had been a -fireman of tnorinftr tin the Railroad; as his clothes were slicjL 'and greas.;,itl-givefifty dollars reward tor-the information enab ling: me io recover ' my horse ? and - buggy ; S 4 JAS. M. HARRIS. Feb 5-621 m : " . " , . ' ' :. , Sale of Town Lots. " C AliHOtJN, MIXCltEIbo. ' DECEMBER 21. 1861. I- JL the General Assemblj to lay toff and sell the iown lota of Calhoun, the county seat of Mitchell county, having performed the duty or jajieg oni aid town, hereby give notice as required by la. that the B&id will be sold to highest bidder at said town of Oalhoun,'n MondayFebruary'17th, 1862. Terms of .sale one ana two years. TILM AN ELAYLOCK, t .lORDEN O.IIAB , ISSAO A.P35ABSON. ' fNote'i The above affords an excellent bppbr- tomty to those desirous of securing a summer re sidence among the moan tains, Calhoua being in the immediate vicinity of Lenville Falls,' the Yel low Mountain, Hawksville, Table Rock, Grand Father, Roaae and Black Mountains. It -Is also very accessable, being 80 miles from Morganton, 28 miles from Marlon, 20 mlB-froirf Burnsville and 85 miles from Boone,. . . dee.8f614w. Notice. irROM and after this dav. I ill sell goods for JD Owfcand OisA oniy.f.. MyCustomora havCi forced me to adopt the Ua&h System, by their jaeg Ang. 14 tf. Cotton and All Kinds of. Produce, J TRADB STBEET, V ' ' " CHAJtLOTTENC: All orders awenaea - w april 6-tf - : , CHARLOTTE , DKUU STUlllS V jr uye HUTCHISON- & Co TTttFTAIL DEALERS IN FOBEJGN . ND DO IWrWajn TiHTToa. Medicines. Chemicals, PeVrancyArUilefl,0pi, fJS Window iass, ruwj, vj IItTu Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Pure U? Field and Garden Seeds, &, Ac- -11 ' " INK MANUFACTORY. . rmHE Bubscriber has commenced the manufac. U tore of a beautiful - --- -- BLACK WHITING INK- - Tt la made from an' tngliflh recipe,' and is re mStoWe foVits briUiaacy of color ana jreedom. "Tr& "led with promplK neiaVad aTa. moderat prtoea as they have been; hatag for from Northern nuuiufacturers. y t P Aolicited, and samples sent wherever re- THEsubacriber begs to Inform the VfchX hA hu removed his Shop to No 4 ORAJfl TB "m ...... 3 (.W d. M-.tt .Iai of . GOODS POB JHINSWEAni ' r To supply aU who ay raver him with a I Cutters to theiBoute please the most fastida Harins: seenrea vac . lerTitc vi feels satisfied that he caa fastidaous. . t; vct.y-u Atlantic, Tenn TiVrWgtrruurn; . V Jl .m S- a MMnattl Aft Vt dtUvered at taw ew"mAi5r,w Frcivht A rent. . &. 0. It. R. r iril OPs?ElTtCOFl?EI?i vy " . 750 Bsgs Choice Cuba Coffee, rargo of scbr. Yfrcon 1 . - c .. Nympha,, H. Eldorado, 3. ci - 5 bags Coffee, 50 " " .Hermitage i 11 190; 20 Valparaiso,. . . F Nympha, . Nvo . . Nymphar1; j. LB 1 .-- ; Peri -'vr-' a- iw Pinal, .LB, ; Cruz,. N, lb ; Belia Vista, LB Nva Nympha, A11M Caracoiello, M2M A, - r- ; M3M Proserpina, -. M4M V- R, ' ,;. M5M YY, . . V 20 41 50 " 35 " 20 30 61 50 20 40 150 30 Nympha,' Just roceived and for sale by- KAHNWEILER & BROS. January 25, 1862tf , : .v f; V ,. paulets for Commissioned Officers, Military Buttons, Gold Lace, Pistols,; &e. Vy 1 ' Callsobiiat " ' ' ' r -KAHNWEILER & BROS. -Jan. 25 1862 tf ;, NiSIilSH GOODS. - A splendid assortment of Prints Striped Osnaburg, Plaid and Striped English Cotton Goods, per Steamer Bermuda. , For sale at i . . KAHNWEILER & BROS. Jan. 25, 1862 tf . . j, . . ".;,- poiTON LACES, &c. ' -ftllinrr flr our solendid stock of MeHle Work. comDnsme Sleeves and Collars, French and English worked Bands, Edging and InsertingThread, Linen and Cotton Laces, as usuallow prices. Selling, very fast at . ' - r KAHNWEILER &. BROS. . Jan. 23, 1662 tf " ' ' ' !' O OUPERNONGj WINE. : . Superior articles of Scupernong WINE, in bottles tor tamiiy "use. r or saie ai . KAHNWEILER & BROS. Jrn. 25, 1862tf- ' - A TTBNTION BATTAIION. :f , -i-i. v ' Just received a Patent Combination Stool and Cot for camp ; use. ,AIso, an assort ment of heavy Army Undershirts, Drawers, India Rubber Overcoats and Pants, Enam eled Oil Cloth Coats. For sale at T , KAHNWEILER & BROS. - January 25, 1862tf Particular Attention ! k' 8 ther will be a; change in out firm, tnr cus jHIl lomerg will-do ua great favor by calling and gettliog their accounts and notes. : Our terms herearter are tricUy caab, ' ' : ; KAHNWJCILEK k BRO3. ' Aug. 11,1S61 tf . - XTTOOD STIRRUPS ; v Now on hand and lor sale 100 PAIR OFiWOOD STIBBUPS. AddIv to feb 3, d3t w3w. S.M; HO WELL. j carp,; 'J.y 7: ';:y : ; ' , TliA nHftrsiffned besa 4eave to inform' his iriends and the public generally that he is prepared to give private lessons at the rpftul prices of the pupils; on the Piano, Gui- tar; Violin and Melodeon, and in drawing and the modern languages. Terms mode rate. - - -R. F. HUNT. Professor at the Charlotte Fem. Cql. t janl'dU ' - Jyj-OTICE -;-;vc Office N; CLR. R. Co.t - Company Shops. Jan. 17, 1863. All neraons bavifisr notes or accounts agatnstthis Company are hereby requested to present them without delay at this Office for settlement'. , All running accounts must be sent in at the close of each year ; in' no case will such accounts be considered as AntitfoH to interest. - " - - - ' - JOHN H. BRYAN, Jr., Sec'y. s Jan. 27, 1862 lm .! - , - To be Rented. T1TILL be rented , on the. y - .3rd dav - of v March next, .at the residence' ol Th WTl ?f)N. deceased: : THE WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS jwith the improyements attached Hhereto, and the lurniiurepi the: house, 6c ; This well known propertyirtwd miles east of Shelby, Uieyeland county, v Terms will be made known on the day of renting. " . ' ' " ' N. 6n At the same time -and place will be8old, ' ; - .: ; . . y-CORN, .r". , ' WHEAT, . i . ? ', ;. , .. ,' OATS, : and 'UUDtM. C. O. WILSON, : - S.-A. WILSON Ex'rs. t -t-w.' E. WILSON. :' Feb4 cjltn - ''ir- ," ) Ta Urge lotoif BROOM'cORN is wan ted at the Brooms Manufactoryconnected with the North? Carolina ;instiution , for the Deaf and Dumb and ( the .Blind, at Raleigh, for which Jlhe-. highest market nrice will be paid. - ' ' Farmers in North Carolina are urged to raise acrep of BROOM CORN the presenj, year Any information as toi the . method ot culture &c will be given upon applica tion to the. undersigneds - -r " Z WILLIE J, PALMER, ! : jan glrdlwwlm. T" Principal. Dissolation ol Copartnership THE' FIRM OF. 6lTRROVS & PAS -CHALL it? ihis day dissolved by mutual consent. T. JBcabows is authorized to close up all outstanding accounts. Persons, haying claims against this firm will please present them as soon as ponsible for - set-. Uement, and those indebted will please come forward and seule - .1. A. PASCHALL. 1862. .:-.....:;...... Toii.njiNx Ja '-" ' i " ' 1. The Store' Hottse ana ware L.n'ua an(lv nf.CLXi Died bT Messrs: Druker & HeUburn,' l Also the Residence over the Store. . -n Jan'y 13th. ' WM JOHN3TON7. .i: v' v The subscriber respectfully announce to the public that be has purchased the entire toek of .Watches. Jewelry, ClockaL SUier and Plated Wares, Canea,. Fancy Goods, &.c..belonffinzto J GYiLTunov Co., which is now offered; to the public low for cash only; VVTsf " - i-l - ts-a. Particular attention given to repairing Watches And Jtwelrv. - - -r - ' Vt mil viusnu To. Ocr Frieitd: For the purpose of settling our out standing business 'to this date. Our firm will chance irs stvle on the 1st day of January 1862, to Williams & Oatjes, who will continue the business at the 6ld stand "oi '.the subscribers..' We earnestly request our customers' to come forward and settle their indebtedness, as business cannot be earned on- without ' money. ' ' ' -' T- '"., -; The ready zeal with which, both part ners have volunteered to serve, their coun try is claim upon you whicV shoo Id not be overlooked nor should you by withhold ing lheir just due cause a total sacrifice, of their business. Oates oc. Wiliams. Dec. 30, '61. , . tf. ARTILLERISTS FOB, THE -AVAR., ARTILLERISTS, to serve during the present ' j under the , . - I . CONFEDERATE FIaAG-, are. wanted, und will be paid under Con- federate Rule, entitled to all the benefits provided by law, . . , " tor lurtner particulars sppiy Capt. W. A. OWENS, CharIottekN. U. , Jan 29 '62-d 3w. 1 ABLE-BODIED MEN - wanted; : - i FOR THE ARMY OFv v NOETH CAROLINA, FOR TUB WAR. For further particulars enquire at the Post Office. - dec. 21, 1861.tf. E. A. ROSS. THOMPSON & BARNES, .WHOLEALE GROCERS AND MERCniNTS, 23 & 25 COMMON STREET, NE W ORLEANS, LA. ' fiT Orders for Sugar, Molasses, &c., 'solicited.' ' ':' ..,'', I , .. With an experience ot twenty years, we feel confident of giving satisfaction. ', jan 18 62-d3ra . CHEAP FOR CASH; MEDIUM TOBACCO, AT WHOLESALE PRICES, FOR SALE BY r KARI LANDFRIED, 1 ClIIAHIiOTTE, N. C.. January 25,d86l-tf - , ' : SllGAR AND ! MOLASSES. 15 0 UHDS N ' SUJ!L Common j 8 cU. r : Fair 11 " - Strictly Fair, 12 to 13 eta. : 400bMa. N. O. GScfu. fcr CJallon. . he prices" are toMerchants only. Ordfr promptly attended t jan. 7 186X-?' . - WILLIAMS OATES. Wheat and Corn. Wanted. rrpHp planting commnnlty will take MJ'r U notice thai tneir wneai nu rz Corn Crops will be purchased at the V , Charlotte Bteara rjounng win, i market nrlr.M. Those haviss Wheat and Ooru for aale may no Ht their advantage to call at the.MUl before f.lrndntr Bale. ' ' ' ' . ; JOHN WILKES A CO, 1 ' Charlotte Flour Mill. u? i, lseo-rt . COTTON HfJl'KUS. ' ' 1 , .. . . ' mT.TAS cfo OOIIEIM will purchase .i : COTTON, GRAIN, FLOUR,, . . ' . . ' AND ' " -t '. COUNTRY PRODUCE, ' of all kinds, for which the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH Trill be paid. .1 Just received a large lot of . ."' ' BAdGING ; ; , AX9, - i ROPING. and a complete aupply of 1 i ' t V .-GRO C ER I ES . novi '61tw2mos . - " K. A O. Family Flour for Sale; . AT the Charlotte Flouring Mills can be had Family, Superfine and fine FLOUR, K -SHORTS and BRAN. Also, MEAL and GRIST. ' - ' J0HIT WILKES, - aufl,1860-ly Charlotte Flour Mills. . READ THIS! THE SOLDIERS' RELIEF, Having doted our business in the town of Char ' lotte, I hereby give yoa doe notice that roar notes . and accounts for 1861 is ready - for settlement. I shall expect all persons ( except the soldier In the army,) to come forward Immediately and pay op , as I am compelled to have money or suffer. Any t man that will keep money la his pocket when it U : Justly due bis fellow man, is aoug uyusuce w mw aeU and his country, threfore; 1 ask yoa to come forward and pat your shoulder to the wheel. Any- f j man that would plead the present stay law might r, want credit hereafUr. Look TREL0 AR. y Dec. 9, 1S41. dec 10, 'Cldlwlmo I GOLD ! GOLD !! GOLD !! ! ; Pivo Hundred Ounces .' ' ' t . .' : WANTED, At . T 33 XT 9t l i 1 Jewelry Store, ' ? . " Opposite Kerr's Hotel. N. B. The highest cash price paid for gold and Silver. jan 18 'G2dl2 PRESERVE YOUR TEETIIs A. W: ALEXANDK, 1 SORGEOr 0EHTIST. GRADUATE OF THE BALTIMORE DEIfTAL COL . - ' X.EOE. t 18 FULLY PREPARED TO DO ALL DENTAL Werk In the latest lmpro?ed styles, and will be at his office two weeks In each month dating from ths first Monday (of the month) and will appro. -prists the remainder of his time to all persons desiring work done at their" residences, who will oblige him very much by addressing him at Char lotte, N, U. - t I37T ALL WORK WARRANTED. ' ' Offlee, opposite Kerr's Hotell, ; . Browa's building, p-sUlrs. 'apnm lMI-tt 'SBIXVAWX "WOMAN TO III11B . By the month, or or the remainder oi Ihe year. ' Apply to Capt. WUkes, or Air. Boya, tfth4 team Mifi, .or to tbe , under igned, E. M. EVERHAK 1 . jan 28, '62 3t 1 Cook and: Washer Wanted. "its. H . ' .:.. - Ms V 'i f t.l i 4

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