It . - THRHS FOB ADVEHTISIirO THE BULLETIN : i do j Mmevr:.:.r'r.Vi.J.:... 1 d 8 d ..... luo ..-! -"' " ' 1 - BY B. H. BMTTON. " - rf .... .. ...... i - 1." V it -do .;v.. .r.h. .:-.r;.:....2jr I tn-nfhk,. 9 m'tha... a - do do ... 4jt , 7.M 10.00 1C.K oficc...1 ...NO. II tkton jJTHrrr; -" . - - - - - ' . . ... ' ' ' ". . - . . " , ....... . . - 1 e ; w 0 e 1 i ; 4 .Ba -r V W .A A A . "" " . a ft" TtK DAILT BTJLLRTlif wrjtrurb4at 1 9tT THCTRLWEELY1JULLETT!C mfK '.; 1 every Tuesday, Thursday and &tfnr!aj saomlng. aud syrptled Rv MOO W uson, payable ta adcc. 'B.Y-'TBL!33APJI; - . . ' " x f l .trn RrprexM Company frvstrd prJt-. l4ptck y Ttitfrph U all juris of i Important v from IlicLmond. J KMt(rl t TrUrrarh OSft. Feb-16.1 ? . Richmond. Feb. 15 Inieliiceoce ' jut rtteiTed from ciTicitl quarter ay ft ti?0 nu bnU took" place rcaierday t Fort Donefion. . . . ".Eight Federal Gun Boat approached to witLin a few hundred yards ofibaJ-'oVt and opened a tremenJua alley of a hot and Two or thre Gun bota were- preatlf damaged and the Federal lova rnuat bare Urn conaideraLfe. Oa the - Confederate ide none were kitted, none wounded, nor any ijirjr to gutia or (utt. The Gun Boats were forced to retire. Confederate victory complete, bnt it ia r-robable the Fedcrala will renew the at tack to-day. From Fort Donelson. Rc-tTl at Telegraph Offic Fb. 15, 1 , at Kulietln OSat, 0:33 pm. f .N abb tills, FeblH The eneniy'e Gun Hoata opened fire on Frt Donelaon at 3i,: this alternon. ' 1 Only ten foot of Watrr on Ifarpera Hhoala, and the river falling rapidly. - Oar . Pilotaaay the Gun Boata cannot paaa over to-morrow. ' A pecial diepatch to the Union & Aneri . can, dated rort Donelaon, I4th, aaya six (tun Boata attacked the Fort thia afternoon a'ud a terrific fiht lasted near two hours S'ot a man or gun on our aide was hurt. Two Federal Gun Boata were badly in- jurtd ; a third crippled. All retired. " No demonstrations were made by the Intantry to-day.. . It is believed the enemy has received reinforcements. We " expec it all around to-morrow. Lntest froin the Fort. i RcelTe-t at Tel?rrP Office, Feb. 13 I at Bulletin Offict, 80; T p. ta. ( N asbtillx, Feby 15, 111 o'clock a. m. lfspatches received frorq Fort Donelaon says fighting commenced at 7 this morning It was a terribls fishi and reed aU the morning. J ' Great slaughter ori both sides. The enemy was driven totbe back part ot his camps. : j We have captured two of the enemy's Batteries. - V j A Federal prisoner taken aaya, McLear nard is commanding and has fifty, thou linj ' V ."1" ;:"; Our troops ara stilKhviris the enemy back, with cold steeL . ' Another -Battle. r - i - - "" - "" 1 Eecrtved at T-lepraph Office, Feb. 13, 18J. i Recti Ted at liaUeila UGce, f.&i p. f . Nashville, Feb. 15. M c Lean' cat lry tought the Lincolnitee ' in Scott County yvsterday, killing seven and capturing nine teen, with many horses. Tiie Lincolnues fled to the mountains in .disorder.- Forces equal." Three Confed erates wounded. The Federal losa at Fort Donelaon on Thursday was five hundred. Oura i twenty -. five. 1 Gen. Pillow commanded at the Fort ; 'Floyd and Buckner the land forces. It was the most terrific 'contest since the war commence. ced. - THE IABQEST CIBCOLATI0H IK WES. ; TEBS HOEIH CABOLIHA. THE UATA-VBA JOUKiVAL, . ; " ' AND , " THE DAILY BULLETXNr ' E . H . BKI TTO N . . i ciiAitLorris, N. c. 7 T11E3K Faprs (mbraciag lbs Tai-Waaxxi BctxaTin ) teiAbUJhed In tbs town sf ChartotU, N. (J-, afforO tuiusuai advaaiafes to Adteruieri bUk at bo4ae4 abroad, as the ediUooa, wt-ekij, bow xce4 1 I SIX TltOUAll COPIES, " " Vt.iai - have no doubt axe read . by at ltMt TWJCyTl TBOUSAXD ! - Kroas eacn vttt, a larg proporuw ot whom are Planters aod tbclr famines. As a means of Jvertlslnc we are conAJtnt that (ret advaatAcea eaa bs ebtalaed tbrouh Uu - tabUsbmsat, bcQC ws embrace UJs opportuoity to luXwrwt oar tricxls sad tle McrcaaUle Commu- tdln oa the Seaboard, (Charleston sad WilmiDj- too.) that our fadliUts rordrculailaf their bukiocss Nouc tbrtHigbout V"csient Nurta Caroluia sad titv sdjuiuiug DutiicUia euutb CaroiUi ar e tu4dt c aad cjiuvmKc. Osr leruu srs Ubr4l And a large dcductKo wil be ml oa vtie bills of Co&urct AJverUswrs. fpu27, . ... , """ -" " ' i VUetXiel ItcH to' be Reorsaulzed.' EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF N C. Adjctast Gesejial's OrriCB, ) Raleigh, Jan. 27th 1862. j ritHE FIRST REGIMENT N . C VOL i unteere being disbanded, a Regimeot of Volunteers tor the war will be formed to take its place. All the . Companies of the ' old Regiment about to re-orgauixe tor the war, are requested to report to ttus Office without delay, with the view of going into this Regiment, which will receive the -Bethal Hag." Additional Volunteer Companies for the , war will be accepted, to whom a bounty of filteen dollars per tnau-"iU be paid by the State, and fifty by the Coniederate States. nen a iuu uviupuj i icuuacu lour officers will be commissioned ; with. a less number, appointments will be given as follow i a Captain for forty men; First Lieutenant for twenty-five, Second Lieu, tenant for fifteen. . ' - 1h Aliiiti who have been ordered on doty and to be in re a dines, can still avail themselves of thia opportunity, pf gtxla$ into the Volume service, and the number so doing" will be ejdited to their respective Countiea. - " 7V By order of Governor li.-T. Claex. ' f . C J G. MARTIN, ; ' ' I - . Adjutant GczttiU '::- All tisa castri ia - lh-4jtltt-py ', - ' - i ; 1 1 - v .-- :? . - , , ..-I1 ',......;' 1 . ' . ,v . " :rw ! I YOL. VI.-NO. 837.3 VOLITMTKEIIS W1NTED." K " ilavinE received authority from the Gov.T ernor ol . North Carolina t e ILat men tor ibe war, all thrtse'de-troua of 'entering. the -service would do well to call upon ne at mfcffiro and sign the roll. Daring tny absence from ;6w6. A, "C. IVixUamso. E-q.: will act fr "mf " yV ouot jr of f G5.00 will be paid to each.: man when 'the Cmn pany incompleted arti inters a ResinivT. 1 . J. A. FOX. IVrilitary Academj. jTUIS " iNSTJTOTIONr will be ' re opened under efficient management .on WEDNESDAY, March 5ih. The servi ces of officers having been permanently secured, no further interruption of duties need be apprehended. - - . " . jy For circulars stating new' terms Ax.. address "Superintendent fl.JVf. A." . ! - HiUsboro.-if. CV -f Feb I Uwtfw ; VALUABLE MACHINERY AT AUCTION . Saijsburv, C. January, 29, 62. ON Thursday February 2Stb' 1862. . I will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the hiffhest bidder for for CAS1I, at the Confederate States- Military Prisons in Salisbury;, a large lot of (. Valuable Machinery, fermerly used in the "Rowan Cotton lie tory," consisting of - Looms, Shaftings,: Pulleys, Rollers, Cylinders, Shsfthangers, Cog-wheels, Shuttles, bobbins. Cast-iron Pipea, Old Iron, Sec. Sale to commerce at 10 o'clock, A. MV' - . - - . "- t ::' ' , I HENRY McCOY, - Capt.and A. Q. M., C. S. Army. Feb 1 la w-4w. : ' - " ilECKLEXBURG IKON WORKS. HENRY 2VLEXANDJ5U. : CHARLOTTE, N. C. VIE aoderstgned beg to Inform the cltlsens of CruIotte and vicinity, and Uie putlle gen erally, that they bare COMMENCED BUSINESS A at the above LLTAKMSHIIEINT rooTor Trdo Stroot, Adjoining the North Carolina Rail f-d, and op posits JO UN WILKES Steam Fkw sfUU. They are now prepared to famish all kinds ef At short notice, and on rtionabU trmt. ' STEAM v ENGINES - rHOSI 8 to 80 IIOESB POtVKS, ' ' V" o ar sss O'Qlio o 1 u c . .- - "ani- . .. D L A C K S JI IT fl'Sf ' XV OUK -I . " or all atansJ . ; V c 7 E I. A II R S Intlielr Uns promptly attndet to. Their FOUN DRY ts In full operation, -and - " Caat Begularly twice a Week, Wednesdays And Saturdays. They axe prepared to famish all kinds ef . . CASTINGS IN IliON. UIIASS. Af. ACCOADISO TO O SAW AND GRIST MILL GEARING, GIN WHEELS. JSA ir J? UST B URNERS, ANTI-FRICTION PLATES AND BALLS FOR COTTON PRESSES. CAST IKON HAILING, Far Garden Enclosures, Dwelling Houses, Public Buildings, . . Portlcoct, Cemetery Lots, A Their . nYTPT.TITYTKTsrTS For carrying on the bnsiness In aU its branches, have been ei-LttrrtiJ wim ukeat UAite, and are provided with all the IMPRO VBMENT8 Required to do their work in a r ' - JPHIST RATH MANNER. AgenU, for Dr. E. O.. Elliott, for Winter'! Patent Malay Saw Mill, which has the advantage, along with many others, of doing at least twice at much work, sad doing it better, than any other A1U1 in use It cAn b run by Steam Water or Horse Power. The Malay may be teen at the Shop at any time. . - HEXRT ALEXANDER, t'N. b. Old IroE, Brase, Copper, Ac, bought or taken in trade. , . , . ot. S3. 1860-tt 1 Ubsolution. riTIHE Copartnership heretofore existing andsr U the name of ALEXANDER A Mo DOUG ALL, Is this day oissoivea sy mutual consent. Henry Alexander is alone aataoraed to settle the base ness of the late firm. , , . . . HENRT ALEXANDER.- : . MALCOLM MoDO CO A LL. Jane ST, 1S01 tf. - K00P1IAN S Anti-Dysenterio ft Anti-Dyspept io : JtSXTTJEJRS. Vrefared by b. koopman. CUAItl40TTt N.'.C i FH ESS anrivalled Bitters possess peculiar cu JL rativs propertios In ail Affections of U Bowels. They will be found effectnal in the cure ef Dysentery, OlaxrhosA, Dyspepsia, bour tftotuaoh and all those painful and troublesome diseases arlsinc from a derangement of the uifestlr or gans and ix regular actlou of the functions of the stomach and Intestines. Tney wul also b loan J a. SAFE REMEDY FOR CIIILLd AND FETERS. These Betters are prepared from Rots brought from Germany, and for over a century havs been found effectual in that country for the permanent eur of the diseases enumerated above. They" contain bo deleter! out drag, but are compounded entirely frstn roots, and are pcrfeeUy ie at all times. A simple trUf is all that is asked, as aeurewlll naturally follow, and that Is the best certificate of their superiority over every other remedy for those particular diseases. . . - , , v TDey are manaxaciareu vj b. Koopman, Uhar lotte, K. and for sale by. KOOPMAN A PHELPS. Also, for sale at F. Scarr's and E. N re Hatchtn. sa A en's Drug 8torcs. IM S5-ly The old iSortli State, Forerer. IC.. OOK HERE, FRIENDS AND FELLOW-CXTI-. AJLJ ZENS. srUl vca bav th nnhU TITE Ar &GRTU CAROLINA f if so, send to the subsoil. bers er saoscrlbe V the County Agent,or this - New, E.rce and Xrianltlcejit "Imp, And yba vtll get the whole State, with her Rivers. Railroads, Gold, Copper. Lea? Iron aid ASlaes. and all the Cittes, a-ornVsjtd VuSgWtJr nobis MoaaUlnsaadgprlnga and her fflffiSJ blowers. . If yoa want this GOLDEN RiZE, now la'th ilme. Msp seven rest by five- itordw view, .f the State Heoee, Insane Aiylam. Cvspel HUU Mai and Female OoUegsa, AVx, atu. one ot the eAazsss jtbMl Maps svsr pablUhed. " , PEARCE A BEST, HUisboro', N. C, ISta AGENTS WANTED for every County tn the flats. ..Tsnsa&bsrsi. Apply as above. ; EdJtors UU'OUrhotit the Ptate sopying UiU a4 vsrtlft9at sis t?oUiS, b4 aetiotpg ft ejtofUr .stall as tatittej to a epy ef tka Map, We tiave removed our Livery ami ms Stabfee Irom our old sianJ. to rear the .Mansion Uou. to lUe " J?tabfs, opposite the jaii, whre we would be pUaed to wait on the pubha ijenerally. At our uw suod w are betiprepared to attfcud to the wants ol 4be public, haviug a much muts 'convenient building 'than the oite. we were lorroerly inrand being weir provided with provender. ' t- We have good lota lor the accommoda tion ol drovers, being prepartJ to ac-ou-ntttdate any amount of 'horses. and moles, and would be pleased to wait on any drover who may give ui a call. ' We have, also, a good Black -suittb auop in connection with ur aiabl and would be plaed lo attend to the wania ofvthe people in that li lie. , ' tiive us a call. ' ' - . -5ROWN &.AVAP3WORTH, .-.r-Tf i.-.-"'- TattfcraaU Stables.-; Dec 23. 1861 d2moe. " COFFEE! COFFEE! IS .UANIIFACTUUED AT KELLY'S Sou them E aceUor Corlee Mill, Raloigh, and is eual to. the best corlee. It ia made ol coftee. rye' "and chickory, aiid is roasted in a cylinder by machinery and therefore is better parch ed than can be done by hand. .Chickory is not so well known in Dixie land, but in Europe they use it to give a superior flavor to the coffee. In Germany they call it sagoraA, and here we call it danduliun. In England it is so highly appreciated that they lay a duty of two pounds ten shillings alerting per-hundred weight to protest the growers of it. Wai annex Professor Ern inona certificate to show that there is no humbug, but it is what it is represented to be: ' To Aim. Kti.i., Sir: 1 have tested and used the two samples of manufactured coffee the labelled Java and Log nix a. The first equals (he Rio corlee ol the shops, and seems to be equally good with that kind. 1 am satisfied that they contain nothing which id injurious to tbe svstein. and niav be economically and salely used as substitutes tor coffee. E., Em mows. Thia coflee is put up in pound papers and packed 'in boxes containing thirty-six pounds, unles otherwise ordered. . All orders promptly attended to bv ad dressing . t, M. KELL , , jan la 'gii ltn . Raleigh. N. C. JOTICK. . ' . , Ail cUiuii aitatbst the riadJlery and Haraess establialiaieut of Uiv subnoriber will boVtrttled by Mr. U. Ubaw; ahd all indebted to the sauis wi pleas make payment to him, as it ia neeewarj to close up the outstanding biutnesa. no. 7,'01-dU . U. MK PKtTCUARD. J. G. WILKINSON & CO., WHOLES A I. K AMD KKTAIU DBALtRS JN FIM5 WATCHES, JEWELKV. SILVER AND CHARLOTTE, J. S. PHILLIPS, IVToroliAxxt PHor. r- AYINU locAtod to Vuariou respect- ..a , respect- . s Hj solicits a share of publto age. A somplets assortment, of . Cloths mere and Vesttiia always on baud, which will be mads to ordar at tti atiorusai DuUoo, aner ins latest fashlou. ' Shop three doors eaib ef the Maiutin Hus sept. 18-W WITiTiTATtTS &. OATES, Taana sTsaar, . Cottuu Iluvers. Urorere & Produce Dealers, AgenU for KiUlutlVt MnipulaUd. Guano and Loric Lumber t ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY' FILLED. may 17-tf " . Johii T. Butler, . Practical Watch a-nd Uioct Maker, Jeweller f-c.t Main Sttrett, Char lotU, J. (?., opposite Jirr' HoVU, deaUr injtne WatcAet, Clocks, Jewelry watcn jUateruus, ec. A LL work done in the estsbliahnTent w&rrentsd Xik for - TWELVE MONTHS. Flos Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every des Qiiplion repaired and warranted for twelve months. Jan.n,lsol-ly.c , ' THOMAS' W.'UtADGLl.FPE. sign of the Dnon, BICHARDSON STREET, the north-East corner of riohakdon . and plain streets, - K0.166, OOXjU IMC BIA. Q. O. Importer aud Dealer In Flue WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, 8IL i ;. VER WARE, GUNS, MILITARY b FANCY GOODS, iy Watghks nd Jiwsxst repaired by skillful - aud. experienced Workmen. -. All kinds of. Uaia-Woai made to order. ". oct. 27, 1860-tf7 - .e.v - - . 4 4 i Certaiii Cure for tint Certain Cure for Flux 1 - Certain Cure for Flux t ,v ; Certain Cure for Flux ! l " Certain Curs for Flax i . n . " ' ' , ROOPMANN'S DIARUUCEA M1XTUEK1 - . &oOPMANMS DIA&RUGBA MIXTURE I , KOUPMANN'S DlAR&HOiA MIXTURE 1 . KOOfMANN'li DlARRUiEA MIETUatJ Will cure the iaostobsUnte . , ..,... Will cure the most obstinate t , Will ours the most obstinate WiU cere tbe u obstinate V . . Cases o Diarrhoea and Flax . Cases of Diarrhoea and flux .v ., ... ,T- . , r-- Cases et Diarrbcea and Flux ' """'"" l '- of -DUnhoiA and Flax' If taken In Ume. . ' . - If taken In Onw. , ..- -1 A ' If takeu In urns. . t . . ... If taktu in tituc. ' For sale at EOOrii ANN A PHILW ana at tns Drug Stors Cbi lotts. - : ' juay s c . v ' ' ' Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Kail Koad. i x r ruj 1 TaasseoaTavrox Orrioe, W. V. . M hN and arieronaay us luin instant ins ras- II if tenser And Mali tram wm t run on this Road daliy.iSuodAya excepted) as follows! ; GOING. WE3T. LSAB . - - J'-. - . " Aaaits t JIM ' k.8T TJX) A 7.45 .li - ; 8.4t) II. Charlotte ' Tuskaaeegs ' j : Brtvkrd Htaron UncoiBten : - . , - . - 0IN EAST, Laxva 11.00 A. U. Aaatva. Uacolotoe. -v IL28 . .haroa Brevard . Tuskesseg Charletu - ll.4ft . 11.4V iMsr.M, 1.00 ll.flo . 14,11 . Sy OMtr, - v, A. MCE, itattsa. Vast tp, V! . V PROVISIONAL1 GOVERNMEIJT it ras PK1L34 litJiT;.' J'EFFERSOir DAVIS, - VICK-PUJtDENT: vf ALEX. H. STEPHENS, ; OF (JERGlAiK -"i.- iOABlNET CE RS : : ,: It. M. T. IIUJSTtU. of Vlr' ula sscasTAar -s n TaS48CT. t. ofS. CaroIIua. . - b-eorktIet - -11. SIALLOIII ."0KCSKT1 r L. t. WALKIU:, . JOHN If. 111! At. f UabamaJ ' vv CONG 1EI8: Preiident-Hon. HOWELL COBB, fit Oa. SecretarT-JOHNSOK J. HOQPEB, Esq., -of Alabama. - -r f f - - MKuksas, Alabonirt R. W.'-Walkfcr,- K. H. Smith, J. L. M..Currv. IV. F. Chlitoa,IS-i llale, Collin J. McKae, Jobo Gill Shorter, paulelJi. Lewis, Thos, . FloridaI unet B. Owen, J..Patton Anderson, Jackson Morion. " " ' . (J6,'uit Robt. 'Toombs.; Howell Cobb, F. -S. Bartow, M. J. Crawtord, i A. '-N4sbet.rB.-H. Hill, A. Wriniit, Thus. K. R. tobb, A. H. Kenan,' A. H. Stephens. . louUiaut Johu Perkioj, Jr., A. L. DeOloaet, CLarles M. Conrad, D. F.Eepner, (. E. Sparrow, rJenr? MArehalT ' ? - .-. JfUnlaaipH W- P. Uaftrls, Walter Brooke, . L. Wilsou, A. Mi CUylon,;SV. 8. Barry, J. T. Uar risou. - --. - tiouti Carolina "R. B. kbett, Jrn R4 W. Barn well, L. M.Reltt, James Obesaut, Jr., C. O. Mem? minger, W. Porcher Mils, Thos. J. ,Withrs, W. W. Boyce. j ' , Tfati1. T. Wigfall, Jt H. Reagan, J. Hem phill, T. N. Waul, Jndge Mregg, Judge Oldham, and W. B. Ochiltree. STAKPIXQ COJfUlTTBKa. j XxAcutif J)parttnentfSiph'tTtif rjnTd oyce, Shorter, Brooke. I J ) jroreigtt . AatrrKh, nisoet, . rerains, 1 Walker, Keltt. ' - V - J Military Affair Bartiw, ' Mllas, Sparrow. KeDan, Anderson. t - - Naval - Ajfaii Ceurad, Chsnut, Smith, Wright, Owens. - v I - jrinanee Tombt, Baraell, Kenner, Barry, McRae, '. i I " ttonwsrcMeaimtngsri Crawford, DeOioust, Morton, Curry. " . .. ' - f Judiciary Clayton, Others, Hals, Cobb, Hams. '" ' . ' :-' i ;' ' ,: '- , 'A f: Poatal Chilton, Boyce.Hlll, Harrison, Curry. Patents Brooke, Wilsoi, Lewis, Hill, Reoner. Territories Choanal, Cimpbell, Marshall, Nes blt. Fearne. f Public Land Marshal, Harris, Fearoe Indian Morloul dale, Spar.row, Lewis, Kettt.' ' - " J 4 " 'Hf'fl'-Cobb, Harris,1 Miles, Chilton, Per kins. " ' ' -'" ''' , - ' Acarunta Owens,, Crasferd, CaufplMdl De Clou et, Bmtth. . . ; j s , ....... .. . 2ffj0roiMf -'-Sb6rter, flUon, Kenan, Mokae, Barlow. : j - v , MEMBERS OF THE FIRST PEEMA. , j NEWT CONGEESS. We make the following list of the members elect of the First Permanent Congress that It Is to meet on the luth of February nvxt. Ttie list Is made from the election returns ; ; , T ' - 'i AisssMAi Seuators-r-Messrs. WllUani L. Yan cey, CO Clay. - . ' '. -7 - ' ' -4uibro( the Hiua jiStrs J?X Daraatu W P Chilton, Jamti L Pari,V L M Corry,,A,lt gth. John P Rawls, TlKm- Jister, D Oloptou , - Axxakias. Senator Robert W Jeho son. Charles o Mitchell., : Members of the House -Messrs Felix J Bataon, fctrandUion D Roystcr. Augustus H Oarland, Tho mas B Uanly. . ..V.--., . Florida. Senators (Election returns . not received- . ' ... . ; ; Mempert of the Honae "Meisrs James B Deiklns, Hilton. i - Ucorsu. Senators Messrs R If UiU, Robert Toombs. - . Members of the House Messrs j A H 'Keenan, Hints Holt, A R Wright, Julien viartridge, Lucius J Oartrell, Wm W Clark, Robert P Trtppe, David W Lewis, C J Munnalym, Hardy- Strickland, ' LoL'isiaxs. Senators Messrs Fd ward Sparrow, T J Se mines. Members of the House Messrs I F Kenner, Chas Villera, John Perkins, Jr., 0 W Conrad, Henry Marshall, Luclen Dupuse.. . - c Mississippi. Senators Messrs Albert G Brown. James Phelan. t Members of the House Messrs John J McRae, J W Clapp, Keubin Davis, Israel Welch, H 0 Cham bers, O R Singleton, E Barksdate. - 1 Missocai. Senators Messrs John B Clark, R S Y Peyton. , . Members of Uie House Messrs Jshn Hyer, Caspar W Bell, George Vest, A M Ooarow, W W Cook, Thomas V freeman, Too m as A Harris. NosTg OAROUSA-Beuators Messrs George Da vis, Wm S Dortch. . : - Members ot the Hyuse Messrs W N H 'Smith, Robert Bridges, Owen R sleenan.J D McDowell, Thomas s Ashe, Archibald Arrlngton, Robert Mo Le&n, William Lauder, it Gartner, A W David son. . , . ; SODTH CsRoLisA.SeDstors Messrs RW Baro-. well, James I. Orr. . - - Members of the i House Messrs W W Boyce, W Porcher Miles, M L Bguham, John McQueen, L M Ay er, James Farrow. i . - Twssessxb. Senators-Messrs"' Lahgdoa" ' 0 Haynes, Gustavus A Heary. ( " - Members of the Houaa Mpar TJ xt ciarrlnJ DC Atkins, H K Foster, Thomas Menees, George -onea, a r eentry, W GSwann, W U TibbstE L Garduer, T J Ueiskeil i Texas. Senators Messrs. Lnula T. Wlraii. W. S. Oldham. . , " Member of the" House M-a. J.i.t, i WI1.T X. 'W. Graham, O O Herbett, W B Wright, Malcolm P Graoam, S. B. Y. Sexton. I Z laoixu. senators Not elected. 1 H Members of the House m f Sara .1 rh n Jf sfK a ni bliss, Mascoe R. U. Garoett, John Tyler,' Roger A Pryor, Thomas E Bocacic. Jhn on.. j, - aUolCombel U 0 ejarnerte, WlllUm Smith, A R Boteler, Joha ;B Daldwlu, W R Sta ptes, Walter Prenon, A a Jenkins, Robert Joha sou, Charles H. Kuasdl. - . t- - f.!J'TC?t,r-."iieualr8--leBssrs. H, 0 Burnett. William E Simms. COMMERCIAL UOLLKGE fBllllOU;; 852. GKARTEIEQ.: 854 UM3AT8 LWaM vr of. Mummer and Chdrle titrU, , : -t tt S ALT I MOB B, i -!v HE Dargest and most Eleeaatl. rurn).h.di' OoaaarclalCoUgelnthaLInrftMt.- - i fcvery young ntaa should writ luunediatlV'for ucs or tnoae urge aud beaudfuUy -ornanwutetf Circulars, representing the exterior iew of the Baltimosb CpMEoiai. Coixeaa Penmanship, 4c, which will k ...... ffV wl uaTte containing List .f Studnu, Teroia of Tuition, Opinions of the Wtmmm ' w. " vjnnuui nCtOK-AeeMCr CtS r rADHtl. . . ' IV KLosibb, PrinclpaiLectarer w the Science U OIA.UIIU, BIMUICU, VUftOUl, etC M. Panoor, Professor of Book-Kfrtoir and . Coumerciai CalciUatM,us : ' U: H. Da visa, Asaociai. Prof.f Bok-K .an. i . C JOBso,Irufe9or f PeumaL.r. . " , CU T- WUJJAMS, Esq Msrosmtile Law. i : :.' Kav. i. juucsb, v. if., Womutervlai Ethics, r - ' - - tHITSJl, . i Hon Johu PRcuitady, I Hon Joshua Vansaat. ? Hen Thomas Swana,- I Wm H Kathi.. v.,; Jacob Tress Esq., Wm JtoaaeTEsd! Tbe time usually required to com out th. rM course, from 8 to li seeks. -. A DtrtrOMA Is awarded to all Graduates. " Larxe Ctreulars.aad Cataiomaa sm.'. Ac, sent by mail ofkarg. r- S : Address - . -. . K. L0SIER, , v 7. -H. ALEXANDER. : Attorney -and Codaseilor at: liw Members of the House Messrs Daniel f White, TQcmas B Monro, B-aobu Tbomaa, 1 D Bur re.t, George W KwJuir. u.... z: - acrtu. tvxpu-ea'rfaouary tiswix..av - . 6. A.. Daves, of Craven, Secretary t thejOover nor, salary IZWI, exclusive of fees! v ' itufus li. Page, ofWake, Secretary State, sal ary $St0, xc4usive of fee: ., DanietW. Courts, of Eocxfnghami Tfeastrrer, alary ttJM f7 U.-rr-. . . i Curti li, Urogden, of Wayne, Comptroller, sal ary jflyOWO; "4-: -J'i; ,The General Assembly Its seisloa cto the third Monday of November every alternate yekr The next elections for members of the Seu- at and House of Cummoos, and for Governor,' wti us uciu on m ursi inursuay or August, isov. Literary Bard The- Hoard" ot JLlteretare bt NorOa Carolina is composed -as follows : His Ex cetlebey; John W.'Elirs, President, est officio; G. A,. Daves, Searetaryj:. ': , . , . ; .... : luternal Improvement Board The Internal Im ptovexuent Board is composed as foUowe : His Ex Jlecy, John WElUst ilreaident, emoffido: G. A. Dayes, Wecretary." c - - -: - - State Librarlan-OlirerH. 'Perry, irf Raleigh. - ge-teraL assembly o N' c a ko lina? - - . . - - " wsa; ' ." " ' " , '-&Jafd. Disr.f --" - ....'v..-:: . : ' ...W'. 1. Pasquotank an. Perquimans," 8 S Whedbee. O J. Camden- and Currituck, B K Simuiotis D ' 8. Gates and Chowan, Mills 11 Eure.D. 4. Hyde and Tyrrell, Jones Spencer, . 6. Northamptoa, J M SRogers, D. J 6: Hertford, Joseph B Slaughter, O. ' ' ... - 7. Bertie, David Outlaw, O. 5. Martin and Washington J R Stubbs, O, ,' a. Halifax, M O Whitaker, D. 10. Edgecombe, H T Clark, D. v . " P'' HrPiU, iIJ Blount, O. - --r ' Vi. Beaufort, Frederick Grist, 0. V . , 18. Craven, N H Street, D. . ' 14. Carteret and Jones, MLF Arndiel, O. -16. Grei ue and Lenoir, James P Speight, D. .18. New Hanover, Ell W Hall, D. 1Z. Duplin, James Dickinson, D. ' 18. Ouslow, L. "W. -Humphrey, J). 9. Bladen, Brunswick and Columbus, John Taylor, D.; ' . 20. " Cumberland and Harnett, Duncan ghaw, D. 21. Sampson, Thoa. I Falson, D. - 22. Wayne, W. K. Lane, D. - , 23. Johnston, J W B Watson, D. 24. Wake, MA Bledsoe. D. . - 25. Nash, A J TaylorD. ' .. 26. Franklin, Washington Harris, D. 27. Warreu, T J Pitchford, D. 2S. Granville, CHK Taylor, D. 2. Person, O S Wlnstead, D. i- 8U. Orange, Josiah Turner, ir. O. , ' - . 81. Alamance and Randolph, J Worth,' 0. 82. Chatham, W G Harris. D. 1 88. Moore and Montgomery, O W Dowd, O. 84. Richmond and Robeson, 'Alfred Dockery, O. 85. Anson and Union, S H Walkup, O. - 86. Guilford, John M Morehead, O. ST. Caswell, Bedford BrownD. ' 88. Rockingham, F L Simpson, D.' ' 29. Mecklenburg, John Walker, D. - 40. Cabarrus and Stanly, V C Barrio ger, O. 41. Rowan and Davie, J G Ramsay, O. . ' 42. Davidson, John W Thomas. O. D 48.4Jtokes and Forsyth, Jesse A Waugh, D. . Mi . 1 1 T . . n I ... ii.! T . , . V . a sue, ourry, aiau)a aou x auaiu, joaepn Dobsun, D. 45. IredeU, Wilkes and Alexander, L Q Sharps, O. 46. Burke, McDowell A Caldwell, vy W Avery, D. 47. Lincoln, Gaston and Catawba, Jasper Stowe,D. 48. Rutherford, Polk and Cleaveland, A W Bur ton, D. sS- . . , v -. 1 . i : 49. Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Yancey Marcus Krwin.D. . , . - ' 60. Haywood, Macon, Cherokee and Jackson, Wm. H. Thomas, u. Democrats, 81; Opposition, 18. - Demdcratlo majority 12. At last Session Democrats 82 ; Op. position gain just one. , .THE BUJLtETIIV THE CATAWBA JOURNAL. etPfTE are pleased to advertise the friends and Vw natrons of this establish ment that weTJOiii- wence the publication of the second Volume of the Asst named journal, tuls , day. under the most favorable auspices.--. - ri The circulation of the above1 named paper is rapidly increasing, and its influence as" an adver Using medium is being felt and appreciated by it patrons, having access -to almost every neighbor hood luJthls and adjoining Counties, as wU as the adjoining Districts in South Carolina. . - THE CATAtVlIA JTOCaWAI,, One of the largest papers now published in the State, mailed for $1.00 per annum, made up from the columns of tbe Daily Bdixxtix, has not only become a popular papers, bat it affords great ad vantages to those who wish to use its columns an advertising medium. , a Speolmen copies will be sent to any section they. may be orderea, tree ax postage. - or terms, Ac, we refer the reader to our Itu print. , E. H. BRITT0N nev. 17-tf i . -Tiie Edgecombe Farm Journal. jryjlUE subscriber will commence on or about the JL let. of September, I860, the publication of a monthly journal in iarooro', to be devoted to the plantatisn ana rural interests, or JNortb Carolina in particular, and of the South generally. , - z.-. Edgecombe having long since been acknowledjr ed as the model farming county of North Carolina, we feel that there is no locality better suited,' and ncjne more justly entitled, to the source of publi cation of a uxtt class agricultural paper than Tar boroV It is to be called . x Tlie iidgecombe Farm Journal, And will contain original and selected articles up on Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, House hold Arts, Rural Architecture, Zoology, Ac, Ao. , It' will b published .with new type a ad oler white papr, in a neat quarto form. , . : : '!'i'he prie of subscription has been made so low as to- place tne puoucauciajitnin reach or every one. - -i. -v.r te-. '--r -v-.- v,r.-:.- ,.; - . ,4,-. TE4M8 1'?.-' J - r,--;--' One cepy one year . . . . . . . ..... , . .. . . .$0 60 ' Seven copies one year . . .... .... , , , M . . . 3 00 -Twelve copies one year. . . , : . . . . 5 00 Twenty -five copies one year. , . . . ; . ; fil0 0-T . tagT No paper sent unless paid fee ia adveuoe . W1U.IAM B. tiMITH, . Editor and Proprietor, Tarboro', N C july 80-tf l. .- y, ' I'HOSPECTUS ? i "'. 'or thk -., MLLSBOllOUlill RECORDER, . ' . . ISVOTKO VO fQUTICS, AGHiCULTOHE, WISCELlAKY, GEBAtMEWS. . . CSUSHttSV - , - - - : - iijaNNIS HJEARTT. -,: HILLSBOROUGH, N.' 0. ; , I . st'TlH the jjrfeaent iroluine the RECORDER Wf commenced the fortieth year of itstkis- tence, the first number having beea Issued the 10th r.hmr. lh-20 : durine ait which time we have labored to make our paper Interesting and useful, I and we hope tnal in uiene parucur wc u.i been altogether unsuccessful. It has beeu our irlahto make the RECORDER a good Family Pa nr. devoted to Politics, Agriculture, Miscellany, General N e we, Ac, with a view to the entertain -tnent and improvement of . the farmers and clti-, aens of tfa circle In whlch. it Is distributed. Our AKricultural department we endeavor tu nU ,jith the besf selecUons we can make from all "Purees, rivinr preference to .uch will be oj practical use to the farmer and cultivator ; and in this par Ucular e hope to mala, the RECORDER tJe: able to the agriculturist as any periodialof a purely agricultural character. In our Miscella neous department, we shairw.nUue to be, as we havealway- been careful d select such articles as wilLhae a tendency nof only toame, but t Hmprove the !Zm 1 thankful to reeiTo - ... our coluuia-. w are not so ambiuoas of ortglwtitr as net te prefer selected matter of supenor merit, to lselyVwrlUen and Ill-digested articles, Uwugb -ithe ton with the coveted words T tvrZ the RECORDER." in our News department w shall take e-pecial nrsJiittrour readers the latest Intelligence; and. JSabte -us M U so we have facuitaes equal to Sossyeitaii-rtfoof the State, except Uole fwed with Wlegrapbla cmunieatio - - A single copy; oneyear,. . . r-''-"-tfffi i : Bis. copies, one year . -, . . . v r 1 Tea copies; eoe year. . ... . . .-. . rASl5S. I .abscribsrs and tead us the casa, snait vww vt their owa paper rree ei 1 ... July is- FR0SI THI3 DATE, our Books are potUittlp ototed to oti. Cash will, in every, Instaaee, be reouind, without dirttneUon ol MrsoiM. . -? Wears comptQed to bay for Cash eurslf aal aast ej-furehavasasy. j r 20 02 CMSPfZ i- tiOVLUMntiXTOF NOUT1I1! A II- PER ANNUM. ' -Fi-om Fort1. Donelson. Recefved at'Telegraph Office, Teb. 16, 1S62 1 -Z -'i 'at RutleUa onlce, e.5 p?m. Rich mojp Febf?: 1 6. Intel ligence re eived from. official quarters says the bat- tte at Fort dooelsonccontioued Saturday, nine hours. . .ZJ': Five hundred Con federates. were- killed and wounded .V'- 'r1- ''':'T-''y ' ; We took three hundred prisoners and six of the euemv's funs, and kilted indwAnn.: ded htteen hundred of theenemy. . 7 uuy niorningj .aaysi tne ene my Iiaa beenreinforced 3,000 arid a renevra1 ot the battle; is expected on Sunday. The nai result of this great. battle is- yet un- ertain. ,Z:-: ... -. .... .. ' ... .... ltroin Savahnali.V V . A MOVE FOR CHARLESTON. . -.Received at Telegraph Offioe, Feb. 1. at na iitun umer. S-U n m RtcHatowD, Feb. -u; The Baltimo Republican of the 4th says accounts' from Port Royal &c, to the 10th are at hand The flet en route from Port Royal for Sa- vannah,"jis is expected, landed 8,000 troops on" Monday .ught. The Federal forces aestroy ea ine ywater pipes leading to the city, driven iqj river. They were cut fit teen feet below the surface. Twelve Regiments are under marching. orders to leave Port; Royal on Monday, inland, to Railroad, fhence to Charleaton. Three Regiments of Cavalry to join them I wo simultaneous ' movements were to be made one to the Railroad 'direct, thi other to the vicinity of Ed is to Island. " A large number 'of regiments are arri ving at Port RoyaT and rouch heavy bfd hance.7 Many buildings afe being erected at Poft Royal, including a large hospital. tffl '' I '..'':'. .' . YA '-'" ' rf. ' '' wnisKey is seuing at Heautort ana Hilton Head at 'eighteen dollars per gallon. The, Baltic was tQ leave for.. Ifew York with 530 bales of cotton.; Breastworks, seven miles long,' across the Island, were nearly finished.. . . - An; arrival from Ship Island with dates to the 23d ultimo gives information of the capture of the: steamer Lewis and schooner Fiete, Jaden with goods valued at $60,000. The Stephen Art, sailing. under a British flag Jias-beea seized off Key -West.-' 'Hers cargo embraced rifled cannon, enfield rifles, powder; shoes &c, valued at $ 125,000. Two regiments aiet ori Sb ip.Island and reinforeem ents expected. --4 w-Ctf -From Edenton N. C. - Received at Telegraph Office Feb. 16, : I "at Balletla Office, 100 p. m. RtcHMOsn,'Feb16,The latest: inlor- mat ion from Edenton, via Suffolk, is up to Thursday, when the Yankees had quiet poBsessioQ, their Pickets extending 6 miles this way.. ';;'.;'' --: '':'-' : J"'1 On . Wed needa y alter noon, the Yankees ascended the Chowan, to Holly's wharf, eight miles from the mouth oi the river, but finding nobody but a few negroes they raised a white flag and passed over to Cole Rains, on the opposite side of Ihe river. What they did at Cole Rain is unknown. ColMxtchell,mafitia commander in Cho wan county1 was. at Edenton when the Yankees--arrived. ' Hekconve,rsed with a Yankee captain and was assured that they did hot intend . to interlere with private property'rior disturb' the citigens not !n .Tmtf- :r --'"l ,.;' ;.-, '-V - When Col, Mitchell left Edenton, a few old cannon had been destroyed and some cotton had been removed to the gun boats. No other depredations. The Yankees landed near the farm of Monroe Wbedbee, in "the vicinily of Eliza beth City, and "robbed him oi every thing. 'The Militia force of Chowan county are removing all provisions irom Ihe river. " . ' "Refugees continue" to reach Sufiblfc. Rev. Mr. Amis, Mr. Hataway, and fami.; lie's, reached Suflblk .last" night. Only Ji dozen ladies are remaining at Edenton. The 1 Confederates' took possession of Elizabcrn City on Friday,' when ihe Yah. kees fled to their gun boats'. f A few were taken prisoners' by the. Confederates., Our n'aar again waves "over Elizabeth City. :. ". .... . . ..,...-.. ... .... ; Northern : -Received at Telegraph Office Feb. 16 ) . '- at Bulletin office,. 11:15 p. m. "J Richmond, Feb. lb. Northern papers of the 13th have been received. 1 f The New Ydrk Herald continues its ex traVigant jubilation over the affair at Roanokey Island . ; It - says thirty killed in the army and twenty of tbe naval force wounded, 140. Captured ' six - forts; forty guns," c-ver'two thousand prisoners, and 3,000 small arma. " '-r;r;:;', A 'It says-McClelland has received a dis patch i hat Price evacuated Springfield on Wednesday. ' ?. ; ' : ' . " Lincoln has- issued -orders releasing 111 political - prisoners in custody of military authorities in every q uar ter on paroleto afford no aid to the' enemies "government -spies excepted, -'hffi ;. , ;:- XLineoln' aaya 'asr the rebellion ia now manifestly on The decline, severe meaaurea formerly-resorted to, being nbiongenDe- ceasary, ; ' - - ' - Naval appropriation bill passed House with amendment appropriating 15,000,000 for additiQual gun boats ; 9 1 ,000,000 for an Ordnance' Foundry r ' 1 v "-' The Anef har arriyed " from; Atpinwall with; $614,000 sptcU. Th nwva from Cenual Amariot ii ira- fttaif Avictt from YenexutU ititf tfctf wr ii H Tit m feoisr4aii. illli CS.'AdverUscaients pnbllaasdaBta for bid, will be charged 5Q cent per square ot 13 line for Oie Orst insertion, And 28 oente for each continuance' If not contracted for.- . " - : " A liberal -discount mads eu the shore rates to persons advertising' by cotitract. . " r "r A. British sleamer'has arrived at New ' York with a cargo of East1 India cotton'. 1. Market irfeiftilar,3to SO cents ; corn C5i, I '"J Dispatches lrom S." Lquis datl r.igrht of I4"tlraaye,20 killed 2,50 wounded at Fort Donelson; up to that time.' Fighting des perate; terrible.. " ' - -Official dispatches Worn Buxuside "dated. Goldebbro, have been received at Yashulg- Latest from Fort 'Ddnalson. r 3 Received in Charlotte, Feb. JI. I - at Bulletin efflce 12:00 a. m. f . Fort Donalson, Feb. 16, 10:3, a. m. ' Oge of thelSercest battles oa record ccm . menced this morning about 7 o'clock, on oar left-wing..'. ; .-.,i:. r :;... . -We. Lave drrvea thp enemy past his canip wth great 'slaughter Tho fig he is atUl raging -with gtciv tdffoti-itcb aiJc .' Otir boys are fighting with great galhn Iry, driving tje enemy as they go. 11 o'clock, A. M. W?o have ooptured 3 of the enemy's batteries and repulsed them everywhere. The Tennessee, Mississippi, Texas and Alabama regiments, and others sre doing the thing finely. ' L2 : 50 r. M.Think I csn safely say tlie day is ours; Enemys loss tremendous. About two hundred Yankee prisoners just broughUn,. report a number of their regi--" . menta nearly annihilated. ; ' 1 :30 p. is. We fought the enemy om . side of our entrenchments from 5:30 this morning, to ope this afternoondriving him inch by inch irom every point of the Geld, ' capturing 4 piecesof artill'eryi alarge autn ber of prisoners. Y Our loss heavy but have irtflicted heavier loss on the . enemy. The Federals are largely reinforced and maV attack us afain. From the West tvASHVittE, Feb. 16. The Federals haying changed their tactics and sent off ucariy meir whuw jurco irum oiner Sloe 4 Green River, it became necessary for Gen. Johnson' to change front; On Thursday evening Bowling Green was evacuated by a large portion of the Confederate forces. who fell back in the direction of the ene my. Gen. Hindman's Brigade remaining, a few minutes on the other side of Bow ling Green." ;..'. '. It is reported Hind man had a sharp en gagement yesterday morning, with Fede rals, whoares ; advancing in lofce. Hind- manYftir hack in trnnd orrlar. and nftr crossing Barren river blew up the' Ra raad Bridge, burned turnepike Bridge be tween 0 and 11 b'clpck the Federals shelled Howling' Green, setting tho town on fire; burning jnenilj all the (own. 1 v Fropi Riclimon( , ; .. RrCHtfb.fD," Fehi 16. By'th'e truce boat arrived this afternoon from Fortresra" Mon roe Mrs. Myers, and Captain J. AV B., of Mobile, came passengers. r Four citxzena fegardcd'as "traitors were brought to Portsmouth this afternoon as prisoners.-rWilcox,' Laboytanx ahd Dr. Bimeont from Elizabeth city, now in possession oi the Confederates. - BAGS ! RAGS ! x CASH paid tor RAGS st the Envelope Manufactory opposite the Post 'Office..- . u J. II. STEVENS & CO. Feb 12-btf ' , - . . Ciiarlotte & S. C. Railroad. ' 3 THE Passenger Trains onthii Road will ; . leave and arrive, hereafter, ad follows t Leave Charlotte, at . ; 8:30 A.M." Arrive at Charlotte, '3:50 P.fll. Leave. Columbia at 6:00 A.M. Arrive at Columbia 4:30 P.M. Ntfv8 ' j" tf Charlotte Foundry A.nd Machine Shop. HAVING purchased from J A, Fox the above establishment, the undersigned begs leave to call the attention of ,the?mbUc that he Is dow ready to fin every order tor making Steam Engines, Cotton -and Tobacco Presses, and every description of Machinery, AU kinds of Cas- ' tings in Iron, Brass and other metals made atehort notice and reduced prices. Particular attention riven to tbe making and-repairing of Tnreshlnf and Agricultural Work of all kinds: Elacksmlth- . IngjJob, Wagon Work, and Horse-Shoeing done with dispatch. Old Iron, Br a is and Copper Cast. ings bought at ths foundry er taken In exchac for Job work. All kinds of Wood Tarning siaa done. dee S6-tf. . - ' J0H3I At. HOWIE. NOIITII CAIXOLINA . v F0UNDEY & HACHIHE W0EKS, i SALIBBUitY., 0. . . . SUCCESSORS TO K. BOXDE A SON, - MANUFACTURERS OF S ACiUIClJLTIJIlAL, ILVLVMiVnEXT Culiivstors, Plows, . J Corn-Shellers,' . " : j " Seed-Sowsrs . Hrse.Powers & Thrashers, -i i,J ' THE CELEBRATED . TELEGEAPH CUTTING 1IACHI17E,, For Fodder Hay, Stalks, Oats and Shucks, Being the first Premium Machine of tbe ' Fairs of North and South Carolina, ' . . .. CIDER & SUGAEillLLSr ' SiUFTlNG AND MACUWE11Y 7or Griit, Circular &,VerUcal EawlUUi, 4 Gold Copper & Silver " mines. Manuiacturers ot and Agents for Dr. E. 0. Elliott's PATENT MULAY SAW MILL and VVATER WHEELS. ' " V Plantation and County Rights for sale ot W. T. Ci E.- STUART'S PATENT DOUBLE ACTING HAY OR COT-TON PRESS. ' , ' ' , Iron and Brass Casting, Forging sy'ind Finished Work of eyery Description i IOSaCCO PSZS5E3 TOOTSES. ' Ani other KiBi of Mtthlncry repaired ti V It S V' '1 I I-

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