: " ihe Fur;tss counnon - .St TERHS rOIlAD vtETISIlTO. THE BULLETIN: 1 square"! time. S JA do. '8 times mm' fcsWWWaWHMaWIWBMB -tT-.TT -:,A Or . 1.(0 1.0. .1t 4,M 7.f0 I V 1 or ftci. .".; . K : t no. ri -TRjroxtf TctET, trr CiAu'J?a2l. twi te caf JUh.f. TKRXS FOR PA PKR : ' . . tV THE DAILY BULLETIN U1 befor lItf , r-lX 1ILARS per uuoo, IX ADVANCE -. THETRI -WEEKLY BULLETIN wdllhepuU iwhed every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday wxnlnc sod supplied ft 4 00 per aansm. payable la adxi.-. BY TOEGEAPfl Is Southern Erprts Company fim&ard pmcJk y4 4y Patengr Triix and Stsamer; fwi lJfttcM by TtUgraph, to uU pari of tX ' 'trumtry. .. tr " 1 . '1.1 .-y v u rweivTu ihuiiiul by Telegraph up to the Lour 'of putting our first Edition to press. Spies and Traitor. " The Nashville. Union is of imprea ion that the late movements ol the enemy disclose the fsrcl thai tbey have received important information from spies in our midst. They would never hate ventured . to Florence, Alabama, wiih llieir gunboats if they had not known thai country to be . undefended by soldiers. Let a stricter - a(h k kep upon upieim prait.-a nd let litem 1 summarily dealt with, if de tecied. f Illsh Irlee of Nrxroe: i The neero-a beloneibe to the estate of - Sanies W. Reeve, late of DehTatb County; Alabama, were acid on Thursday fast; at iVcatur. n twelve ironths rrcdii. at the " lolhming prices : ' Uin, twenty-fire years old. $M00. Henry, twenty-five yean old, $1,412. Jerrv. sixteen vears old, one linger on. $1 fOl. Caroline, twenty-two years old, one eyet not trrv stout, and wiih a child two years . . New Orleans is represented as having been made almost impregnable. The shell road and every avenue of approach to the city are defended by very powerfuf batteries, : sweeping them for miles, while on either side felled trees form an impenetrable abat iis out into the swamp. Our force is lull 50,000, under Maj. ien. Lovell. Is" Nashville Safe ? It seems lo be seriously threatened. Two trains left here ysterday, and one last night, says the At lanta Confederacy of Tuesday, to bring Government stores from that city. ' t The Memphis rgmsays.lhat when the frYdiral gunboat Conetloga fired on Fort Henry, the jar disabled her, knocked her v chimneys off, sprung her pilot house, and,.! ii is supposed, her bulls, rendering her use l, except to show thai a gunboat ought not to carry more metal than it can work wiih safety- to herseii. THE LAfiQEST CISCTJLATIONIn WES'. J TERN NORTH CAROLINA. .- ,. i. THE J. t'iTrlHBA JOUKiNAL, THE DAILY BULLETIN, rcBU.su kp bt . IE. H. BRITTON, 1 j CIIAULOTTK, N. f. TUUK Papers (embracing Uie Tei-Wcii lmxma ) esUblUheJ In the town of CharUtir, fi. C.t fford snosuaJ adraotafvs to AJverti;rs boiliat lnunJ abro&J,' the edition, weekly, nw fcecl I , - XIX XIIOL'NAKO COPIES, whith wr have no doubt are ret by at leftt j , TtrKyrr thousand j.rruu ecb wee, a Urge projwjriion ol whom are Pl-inw i nei iheir raniiliw. A a MtcAus ol Advertwiajt we are coafiJeot Uual great advaaiaca cao be pbiaioea Utrvofih iLis ea lbbsmwrnt, bnr we eiubrar tUIs ' opportucit j toiftturm our frieoJ auU Utc Mercantile coioroa niuta ou vbe tfabarii, (Cbarlotou a ad Wilmiug IsiK) Ual our facUiUc for circulailng Ihcix butiucsu. Notirce UiTougbout Western North Carolina and ia aajuiiiiug DUuicU lu Soutn Carolina are e& teiMiw snd coEUfieic .1 Our ternu are librrai aai a iaxge deduction wil luaoe on the bills ol Coutracl AderUrm. 9epuV7, Isol. UtUel Iteeato be lleorcavulxed." EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF N. C. ADJUTANT tiE3tag.AL4 OFFICE, ) UALEiau. Jan 27th lb62. i fllllE FIRST REGIMENT N. C. VOL- A. unteers beinz disbauUed, a Keffimeot 6f Voluuieera lor the war will be lormed to take its plate. All toe oorapame oi vne old Regiment about to re-organize for the war, are requested to report to this Office without delay, with the view ol going into tnis Regiment, which will receive the - "Ucthel Flag." f Additional Volunteer Companies for the war will be accepted, to whom a bounty of til teen dollars per roan will be paid by the iSiate, and fifty by the Conlederate States. . When a lull Company is tendered four ofiicers will be commissioned ; with a less number, appointments will be given as follows : a Captain for lorty men, First Lieutenaut lor twenty-five, Second Lieu - tenant for titieen. I i The Militia who have been ordered on . duty and to be in readiness, can still avail , themselves of this opportunity of getting into life Volunteer service, and the number ao doing will be credited to their respective Counties. . - " . . By order of Governor II. T. -Clab:. t J. G. MARTIN, i Adjutaut General, i JJT- All the papers in the State .copy lour times. t jan 30 1861 4t. . rALMKrro.. - r. TLROj wokks. COLUMIIIA, S. C, . ESTABLLSUED, A. D. ilDCCCLI. i WILLIAM GLAZE, . MANUFACTCRKR OF tfTKAal 1LNOINES, rroa W W bQ Uorse Power; aUQAK MP of every styla now la us. Mill Work, ol every dlaciipUoo. Also, tros Hailing, with ovorj ' dUcrlptioa ot Iron and Brass Castings. 1 would call attention to Iron Caaung la the way of cnoloia& Pubuo BuUJlogs, Dweiungs, Ca4 Ctepe, Baieatro Kalllsg, aad aU kicd of eaclosurea for Oe-metary tot. I - Having a fire rata Boiler maker with as, we are trepar4 to faanuiaclor Boiler , or repair Ihera, at ahori noUea. Will send boiler mixer to aay oart of Ujs Sua. Our Steam tugtne will be fooad. wnen compared rah those made at North, era eetabhaaasenis, io be from twenty-Ate to forty per cQt larger for Ce same haras power. Theae Worka bare bwen In saeceaefulaperaUoc for set ral years, with an Increase of patronags fron ail pans of the Boathern eomotry, lor. which the Proprietor re tarns his thaoka to his numerous Meads and patrons, and begs to a rare them thai ' as palaa or xpaac will be pared ta Merit a soa ttaaaac of their fa vera.. 1T-U Ai - " mniWXXXLT CATAWBA 0U&KaL, pes JL naked every Taeaday s-ntOT, at L00 pr Main. Itatcriarttataa : 'OttlM t3c. VOL-. VI. NO. 838J "yOLl'NTEKHS WANTED, Having received authority from the ernor of North Carolina t enlist men (h ibs war. all iho.e dtiroas f cniering jbe: service would d' ell lcnl npun me al f my'offiee aud sii ihe rII. 'Uunug mri alrsence fitmi town. A. C. Wiujamson Esq., will act fr me- A bounty of $65.00 will be paid to each man '.when the lany is compleid and rmers a Regiment . 1 . L J. A. FOX leb. 13. 1X62 dif - '"-.-- .: mLLSBORO Military Academy. THIS INSTITUTION" -will' t re opened under efficient management -on WEDNESDAY, March 5th. Th aervi ces of 'officers having been permanently secured, no further interruption of duties heeI be apprehended. T For circulars etaimg new terms' t. . I I . . J.O .- . I . II A - -. !IilUhoru,N.-f;. J-Vh i tQNffw- -. ' ' VALUABLK MACHINERY AT AUCTIO N - Samsbcrv.-N, C, ' , January, 23 r ON Thursday February 2Sih will sell at . PUBLTC AUCTION, 62. 1862. to the highest bidder lor for CASH, at the lonlederale Staiea Military Prisons in Salisbury, a large lot ol - j Valuable Machinery, lermerly used -in the "Rowan Cotion Fac- lory," consisting of Looms, Shadings, Pulleys, 'f Rollars, Cylinders, Shaft-hangers, Cog-wheels, Shuttles, Bobbins, , Cast-iron Pipes, Old Iron, Ate. kfT Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.: : - ; HENRY McCOY, Capt.and A. Q. M.f C. Army. ' Feb 1 la w-4tr. AIECKLEXBURC IROX WORKS. ' i 1 K N 11 Y. A LEX A N K R, f IIAHLOTTE, N.'C. f arH C uiiderslKneJ beg to lnforo the rUfcen) of M. - Chrklte od vicinity, andMhe public fn- erstly, that Uiey bave COMMENCED BUSINESS at the above BLTABLISHMEIVT rooT or Trade iStroott Adjoining the NorUi Carolina Rail Prad, and op Kite JOHN WILKES' Steam slow AiU: . They are bow prpare1 to furulsh all kinds of - Vacliiiiery9 At short uotlce, and on reatonultl ttmt. STEAM ENGINES - , ; ; FROM 8 to 0 HORSE POWER 7'T r; '-and . ' " . ; ULACKSMITH'S , WOUK ' v r I or all Emus. JEt E PA IRS In their line promptly attended to. Their FOUN DRY i In tuiloperaUoo, and . Cast Regularly twice a Week, Wed oesdays and Saturdays. They are prepared to furbish all kinds of CASTINGS IN IUO.V, II R ASS, Ac. ACCOSDIKO TO OSDRK. SAW AND GRIST HILL GEARING, GIN WHEELS, aV-d'ir JJUST liUltJXEltiS, ANTI-FRICTION PLATES AND BALLS FOR COTTON PRESdKS. . CAST. IKON KAILIiNU, For Garden Enclosures, . . dwelling Uouses, Public Bulldinga, Porticoes, Cemetery Lots, k Their IiyrpT.PTVTTNTa For earrvlnr on Uie buaincts iu all Its branches, have beea BfcLKOTKD WITU GREAT CAKE, and are provided with ait tho IMPROVEMENTS " Required to do their work In a . FIIIST ItAXK MANMBIt. Agenu, for Dr. E. O. luott, fer Wiatex'e Patewl Malay Saw Mill, which has the advantage, along with many others, of doing at least twice a ta ock work, and doing 4 better, than any other Mill la tue it can be run by Steaxa, Water or Uorse Power. The Malay may be seen at the ghop at anytime, IILNttl ALEXANDER, N. B. Old Iron, Brass, Copper Ac., boaght or taken la trade. Oct. 3. ISoO-tf. Dissolution.- ' ffllUE Copartnership heretofore exbUng under the name of ALEXa.NORA MoiOUGALL, is this day dissolved by malaal eonsenl Henry Alexander U alone authorised to settle the bust sees of the late firm. ... , ... HENRY ALEXANDER. alALGOLM alcDOUUALU Jun 1U81- tL KOOP KAN'S Anti-Dyianterie & Anti-Dy spept ie fREFA KED BY B. KOO PMA N. CIIAIlLOTXii, W. C. f illK uonv ailed BiUers poesees peallar ea- H rative propertle In ail AlfecUona of lite Bowels. They will be found effectual n Ue cars of jjy sealery. Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Soar Stomach jk1 all those paiaf ol aud troablesome dieeaaes arieing frotn a derangement of the digestive vr fans and irregular action of the functions of the tooAeb and Uitestlnes. Tbey will aUo be too ml a BArE KEMKDY POK CH1LLB AND PKVEIU. - These BiUers are prepared from KoU brosght from Germany, and for over a century have been found effrctaal in that coaouy for the penuaaent ears of the diseases enumerated above. - They contain bo deleterioos drag, but are compounded entirely from roots, and are perfectly aie at ail times. 1 A simple trial Is ail that Is asked, as . a care will naturally follow, and thai U the beet certificate of their superior! ly over every othei remedy for those particular diseases, ' They are wanulavta red by B. Koopmaa, Ubar loUs, N. and for bale by, KOOPMAN A PHELPS. Also, for sale at 7. Icarr's and K. Nye Uatchin aoo A tJow Drwg tttorea. ft-b -l y The old North State, ForcTcr. r OOK HKKE,riUKNDS ANDrELLOW-ClTI-JLi XKSS, will joe, bay the nobie BTATK of NORTH CAROLINA f If so, send to the bee li bera, or aaoscrtbe to the County Agewt, for this New, Lsxrce and inavnLQent Idap, And you will get the' whole State, with bee Rivers. Railroads, Gold, Copper, Lead, Iron aad Ooai ktlaes. and all the QUea, Towoi and Villages, ber nobis Mountains and Springs, aad ber lldds aad flowers. It yea want this GOLDEN R1IE, now Is the Cat. U seven feet by Ave. border views sf the Slate lieoM, Insane As y lam, Ocapel HUI, Male sad female Coliegea, Ao., AoM one of the cAeawf ad b4l Maps ever pabllsbed. PEA ECS k BEST, HlUsborV.N.U.lSS. AGENTS WANTED for every (Joaaty la the Plau. Terms Ubersi. apply as above. ... .T9m Editors throagboat the Btata copying this aivcr&emeat rix monUis, and d d ng U ed itarial v .shall to cotlUed to a P7 a' Vh alap. CH A KLOTTE, JJHlOVAl.. :1 J We have removed our Livery and Sali ci.la iriknt nir rll st.iiiil. in rear ol the 4twKla nniwwilA I lie, iail. wlwT WC WOlliu h iArtul to wait on the oiiblic generally , At eur new stand we are better prepared to attend to the wants of the public, having a raucii niore convenient building than the onewe were former! r in. and being well provided with provender. We have srood lots lor the accommod lion of drovers, being prepared to accom modate any amount of horses and mnl,s, and -would be pleaed to wait on any drover who mav trive ua i call. - . Wt-t hav aluo. a. food Black smith sho in vrmrtin with our Stables, and vould be pleased lo attend to the wants'of the people in that line. . . , (Jive us a calL . . . BROWN & WADSwOKTH, -Two i.-uM fJtaDwgr Dec 23,' 1861r-d2mos. COFFEE! COFFEE! IS .tlANUFACTIJUKD AT JI KELLY'S'JSouthern fcxeelsior Collee Mill, Raleigh, and is equal lo the best coffee. It is made. a of colfce, rye and chickory, and is roasted in a cylinder by machinery, and therefore is better parch ed than can be done by hand. Chickory is not so welt known in Dixie land, but iir Europe they use it to give a superior flavor to tlie collee. In Germany they, call it wgoraL, and here we call 'it dandalion. in England it ia so highly appreciated " thai ihey lay a duty of two pounds ten shillings sterling per hundred weight to protect the grower- of it. - We annex Professor Em mons eertifieate to show that there is no humbug, but -it is what it is represented to be: . ' To MiR. 1vei.lv, Sir: 1 have tested and used the two samples of manufactured conee tne laoeiicu jam anu imuiu. The first uuls the Hio collee of the shops, and seems lo be equally good with that kind, 1 am satisfied that they contain nothing whicli is injurious to the system, and - may be -ecouomioaliy und saleiy used as substitutes lor coH'ee. w . L. Lmmons. This collee id - put up in pound papers, and iKirked in boxed containing tliirtysix poundtt, unless otherwise. ordered. All orders promptly attended to by. ad- dresaing . .. M. KELLY, jan la621m Italeigh, N. C. Ad claims aatnt the SidJlery aud Harness establishment vt the subscriber will be settled by Mr. K. thaw; aud ail indebted to the same wilt please make paynieat to him, as it ia necessary to vlose op lb outstanding business. no v . Xi 'tol-O I '. -11. Al. fltlTUII a k ii. J. WILKINSON & 0., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAf.KBS JN FIXEVATUBESiJ!iWEI.iiV,SILVtll :and .-.' JE lato 3L w cm, I- o - CHAKLOTTE, N. C J. S. IMIILLIl'tS, II AVINU located in unariott respect-- ITU fully solicits a share ol pabbc iMkWoo are. . A complete aasortmeni or wiowis.asm mers and VeUugt always on hadw1iich win or made to . order M ttie snorteit mtte, juter rnt latest l asluon. - i . , 8hop three doors Mouth of the MnKu Huuse. Sept. ts-tf " , : WILLIAMS &, OATES, TOADS STKSST, . J Cottou lluyera, iirocerw A" Produre .V Dealer. AgtmU for KtttlewtWt ManipnUiUd Qua.no and LorU Lnmirr. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED.: may 17-tf : John T. Uutier, Practical Watch and Clock JIaktrt Jeweller ta, Main ttret, Charlotte, If. ophite A'srr's IIoUL, deaUr in Jin Watches, CUjck, Jev4lryt Watch Materia la, Cc A1 LL work done In the establishment warranted for TWliLVK JIONTIIS. Pins Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every des cription repaired and warranted for twelve moDths. Jan. 11,1861 ly.c TllOMAIS W. 11ADCL1FIE, AT TBB , ;. SIGN OF Tilt DRUITI, , . RICHARDSON STREET, THE NORTH-EAST CORNER OP RICHARDSON .AND PLAIN STREETS, I N0.166, OOIiTJMlBIiX., Q. O. Importer aud Dealer In Fine "WATC3ES, CLOCKS, JEWELEY, SIL VER WAEX, GUNS, MILITARY & FANCY GOODS. paWATCHis and JswaxaT repaired by skillful - and experienced Woramen. All kinds of Uaia-Woaa made to order.a - s oct. 57,lSoO-tf. Certain Cure fo r Flux Certain Cure for Flax 1 - " ' : Certain Cure for Flax I , Certain Cure for Flux 1 v. .. Certain Care for Flax I , . KOOPMANN'd DIAHRUOSA AllXTUtKt KOOPMANNy DIAUUUUiA MIXTUliKl " KOOPMANN'd DIAKUUCEA MIXTURE I " KOOPMANN'd DIAKRUUCA M1XTCUK1 Will ears the most obstinate ' " ' - 4 ' Will care the moat obstinate ; - r": Will ears the most obstinate Will cure the most obstinate Oases of Diarrhoea and Flux ' , Cases of Diarrhoea and Flux ; r - v . i Cams of Dhtrrhosa and Flux Cases of Diaxihcea and Flux If takeu io time. ' . If taken ia time. ' ' . If taken In time. ; t If taken in lAave. For sale at KUOPM ANN A PHELPS and at, the Drag Stores, Charlotte. --.., - -: ; . , v, . , -it. . .1 . ' ' Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Rail Road. , Traksfoktatiom Urncs, W. D. ON and after.Monday the 15th Instant the Pas senger and Mail Train will be run on thU Road dally.(8aodays excepted)-as fellows i- . SOINQ WBST.V ' Lass T.00 A. M. - 8.15 k 8.40 Lbavk 11.00 A. M. 11A0 ' lt.1T Asarvs r.7 .43 8.19 8.8T 9.00 Chartotte - Toskasecge Brevard Sharon . Llocolnton GOING EAST," r .- Lincoln toa Sharon . Brevard Toskaseege , Chartotte Aaaiva. 11.45 11.43 " 12.13 P. M. 1.00 . By Order. V. A, McBEE, AcUog Master of TrgaiportaMon. I4eara'raa,AprU4tlill, ' .'J 23 .i NY C.m ' PS0 YISI0KAL GO ;VEENlIfT--;- JEFFERSON 2DAIS, "Or Aiiaiosirn.-" ; ; - VICE-VKESIDENT: ALEX. E. STEPHENS, CAB I N E't OF FICER S if ' gKCBKTARV iE THB TRSASUBT, ; ! ' V. . iriKITl MIrVtililt. of S. Carolina. SKCaBTABr THS HAW, ' 5 - " S IT IflAlOl.of Florida. ? 8KCBteTAKT OF' WAR, i ' I,. P. WALKEIl,f;Alabama JOIIN II. K BAi Telas.; 'J. r. aAavfyauarirfr of aatafavraT-' CONuRESS: ? r President Hon; HOWELL COBB, of Oa. Secretary JOHNSON J. HOOPER, Esq., of Alabama, r ? '"- ? . - ,- HKXBBXS. ! , Aluhanui R. W Walkeri R. H. Smith, J. L. M.Curry, W. P. Chilt.ro, S. F. liale,f Collin J McR.it-, John Gill Shorter, il.Bln it. Lewis, imob. Fearn.- ' - Flo rida-James B. Owens, J. Patton Aaderson, Jackson Morton., , ' i .Georgia Robt. Toombs, Howell Cobb, F. S. Barlow, M. J. Crawrord,' K. A. Nlstw B. Hi UjU, A. 1C Wright, Thos. E. R. Cobb, A. H, Kenaii, A. U.Stephens. ' . ' - ' -' -jj' --'-(' Louisiana, John Perkins, Jr., A. LJDeClouet, CTiai les M. Conrad, D. F.Keoner, G. K. Sparrow, llcnrv Marshall. ' Jlintisippir-W. P. Karris, Walter Brooke, N.- L. Wilsou, A. M. Clayton, W. o. uarry, j. viar- &uh Carolina R. Ii. Rhett, Jr R. W. Barn well, L. M. Keitt, JaiiesOhetmt, Jr., C. G. Mem roinger, W. Porcher Mik-s, Thos. J. Withers, Wv W. Bojce. - .. ' i- 7Vsm L. T. Wigfall, J. II. Reagan, 'J. Hem phill, T. N. Waul, Judge Gregg, Judge' Old ham, and W. B. Ochiltree. . - - j ' stasdinq coMvrrrsES. II 1 Executive Department -Stephens,' Conrad, Bojcf, Sliorter, Brooke. , w A" '-. Foreign Afai r Rhett, : Nlsbet,; Perkins, Walker, Keitt. - K Military AJUirgBzrtow, Miles,, Sparrow, Kenan, Anderson. , , ' ' . Naval AffairGonT&; Chesnut, " Smith, WrUht, Owens. , -.: i . ' v Finance Toombs,, Barnwell, Kenncr, Barry, Meltae. . . Commerce Meaiminger, Crawford, DeClouet,' Morton, Curry. . 1 ; ; Judiciary Clayton, Withers, Hale, Cobb," Ilarna. : '"- -. ) :Vj t ' .. V 4 - Poxtal Chilton, Boyce, Hill, Harrison, Cprry; - 1'aUnta Brooei Wiisoa, LewU, Hill, Kenner. TerritorieaVttKSuat, Campbell, Marshall, Nes bit, Fearne. ; I j. V'wi.'io .rtnta-Marshall, Harris, FeArne. Indian Afairs-Mortoi Hale, Sparrow, Lewis, Keitt.' " .!., ' - Printing CqblA Harris, Miles, Clulton, Per kins. ' ' - . Accounts Owens, Crawford, uampueii, ue Clouet, fcmith. v " V "; . h ' ' Jcngrosstnent&iKY9T, mison, K.enan, wciwe, Bartow. .-. ' . . ' MEMBERS OF THE FIRST PERXiA NENT CONGRESS, ' ' We make the loliowinlUt of the members elect of the First Permanent Cougress that it Is to meet on the lutli of February nxt. Ttia list is made from the election returns : t Alabama. Senators Messrs. William L. Yaii cev. C O Clay. - ' jdembe - . m r-w ww . t m tr 1 rs oi fH- rjous--.iessrs- a Ia uargan, w i j, Jmes L P?? J'Zt M Carry, W iif V Chilton, .Scnith, Joun P Rawls. 'f Jii?mas J Foster, II Clopton Arkassas. Senators Messrs Robert W John son, Chailes B MitchelC - ' I Members of the House Messrs .Felix J B&tson, Orsndison D Koyster, Ausustus II Garland, Tho mas B Uanly. ' : . ' ; Florida. Senators Election returns not r'e ceiveu' :-' ( -! - . Members of Uie Hous'e--Me8srs James B Deskins, Hilton. , . . f . ' Gkorgia. Senators ilessrs E II Hill, "Robert Toombs. i - - . . i ' . Members of the House Messrs A H Keenan, lXJWl.-il asa. Senators Messrs Fdward Snarrow. T J Miuues. ' '. - - . . Members of the House MessrV D F Kenner, Chas ViUeiS, John Perkins, Jr., C W Conrad, tienry Mtslisll, Lucieu Dupose. I. Mississippi. Senators Messrs Albert G Brown James Plielan. - J . Members of the llouse Messrs John J MeRae, J W Clapp, Ceubin Davis, Israel WelchU C Cham bers, O R Singleton, K Barksdale. ; . . Missouri. Senators Messrs John B Clark, R 8 Y l'eton..' , ,. - . t ' ! ". Members of the Hoase Messrs" Jhn Hyer, Caspar W Bell, George G Vest, A H Conrow, W W Cook, Ttwinaa W Freeman, Thomas A Harris, North Carolina Senators Messrs George Da vis, Win S Dor tch. , j-. j - Members ot tho Huuse Messrs W N H Smith, Robert Bridges, Owen XX Keenan, J D McDowell, Thomas S Ashe, Archibald Arlington, Robert Mc Lean, William Lander, R S Garther, AS David son. .- ' '-' ' ... . i Sotrra Gakousa Senators Messrs H W Barn well, James L Orr. . Members of the Houses-Messrs W v Boyce, "W Porcher Miles, M L Bonham, John McQueen, L MAyer, James Farrow. . - . J - - 'iEKNKssKa. Senators Messrs : Langdon - C Haynes, Gastavus A Uenry. Members of the House Messrs D M Carrin, J DO Atkins. E FosWr, Thomas Menees, George . W Jones, M P uentryW G Swaun, W H Tlbbs, L Gardner, T J HeiskeU i Thxas. Senators Messrs. Louis T. Wigfall, W. S. OkUam. . Merihers of Uie House Messrs. John A. Wil cox, lter W. Graham, O O Herbett, W B Wright, Malcolm FG rati am, &.B. F. Sextou. - ViRGiiiA.. Senators Not elected. Members of the House Messrs. John 1L Chant bliss, Muscoe K. H. Garne'U, John Tyler, Roger A Pryor, Thomas K Booook, John Goode, Jr., James P Uotcombe, .D C Dejarnette, William Smith, A R BoUier, John B Baldwin, VV R Sta ples, Waiter Preston, A Q Jenkins, itobert Jshu sou, Charles U. liusscll. . " ; ' KaHTacKT. Seuators Messsri. H JO -Burnett, William K Simms.;;. - r v. Members of the House Messrs Daniel P White, TticinagB Monroe, J tfFM:d,Jloha J Thomas, T i itarreJ, George ,W Kring, George B Hodges, Tltomas Johusou. -, t BALTIMORE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE iflllH 0D 852; C MAX TEIEO - 854. looateb f '" Corner oMalUtnor and CharU Streets, BAlTlJtOBr, MO, fgUR Largest and" most Khganliy Furnished JL Commercial CoUege In the United States. i s-very young man Should write Immediately for one of tiio&e large and be&ntifally ornamented Circulars, representing the exterior add interior View of the BALTinoaa CoMMsacui. Coixsoav - Penmanship, Ac, widen will be sent by return mailre of charge, with Catalogue containing List of Students Terms of Tuition, Opinions of ths Press on our New System of Book-Keeping, etc. - r aooltt. ... T E. K. Losixa, Principal Lecturer on the Scimc . of Aecsonts, Busioess, Customs, etc. J. M. Pbiixifs, Professor of Book-Keepiop sod Commercial CalcolaUons. H. H. Davijcs, Associate Prof, of Book-Keep!,.' . N . C. "J oaasOil, Professor of Peumansirfp. ". V 8. T. Williams, Esq., Mercantile Law. ' Rat. K. T. Rassa, D. U., Commercial Kthics. A ' Hon John P Kennedy, j Hon Joshua Tansanu Hon Thomas Swann, Wo H Keighler, fisq. Jacob Trast,sqn ; Wm Knabe, sq. " The-time osuaUy required to complete Iht fBlV coarse, from 8 to li weeks. j A Diploma Is awarded to all Graduates. : . Large Circolaxsaud Catalognea stating tents Ac, sent by mall free of charge. - : - . Address VT ICLOSIER, - , ianlt-tf- . . . - v.. : jBattwjKM-s, pit . ' -H. U : ALEXANDER, c Attorney ana CoanseUor- at Law CII AR LOTTK, N, C, rST 0f2?t Atk BflMTW B?nj)qr!, rb Itti nines uoit, a it Wright, Jnlisn nartridge, Lucius J Uartiell, VVm W Clark, Robert P Trippe, David W Lewis, C J Munnalym, Hardy Strickland. I I . 1 if 1 - 1 I ' ' I II I it . , j i. i -hi I ti v -1 i - i I i i r i II '! . -1 " ...I I 1 I 1 1 f ' ' Si - - I I II I liOVKUNMKST OP NORTH AU- ;-U.T.Clsrk,-ofKfgecombe,G.TerBor, salary per Annum, f3,0Ue, and tha use of a .furnished house." Term expires January l, ibci. - V"U-"t - a. vTn, oi wbtbh, oecrei&ry so vae vlover nor, salary f3tK), exetusiye -of fees. Rufos H. Page, of WaKe, Secretary of State, Sal ary $810; exclusive of leesis.:--- - a . i- Daniel W. Courts, of, . Rockingham, TressirreT,' salary-;2,00Oi-;'": f " . 'V-- ' .-f-:- - r '- s-Cnrtis Hi Brorderr, of Wayne, Comptroller, sal - The General Assembly eomtneaces Its Session onj -ie tmrd .Monday, -fristoyeaiber. every alternate year. Ttie'next elections tor members of tne Sen- ate and House' or-ComraonSv and ' for" GoVefnori will be held on Hie first Thursday of Augast, 1&60. Literary Board The Board of Literature of 'North Carolina is composed as follows i His Hx- ceiieaey,Jobn W Klus, President, ew officio ; u. X. Daves. Secretary. . ' Internal Improvement Board The Internal fm- provemeiiL uoaru 19 composea as kmmjws . uig cellency, John W,, Ellis, President, ew officio A Daves, Seeretary. :-r. r:: State Librarian Oliver H. Perry, Of Raleigh, GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF . CAR0LjNAf .MBMBZRg tLBCT TO THK LKOISLATUkM OS ISOUi; l.Z Pasquotank and Perquimans, S a Whedbee, 0, J. Camden and Ounitnckr B F Simmons, D. 3. Gates and Chowan, Mills II Kure, O. , 4. Hyde and Tyrrell, Jones Spencer, O. " 5. Northampton, J M S Rogers, D. 6. Hertford, Joseph B Slaughter, O. T. Bertie-, David Outlaw, O. " K " 8. Martin and Washington, J R Stubbs, O. . 9. Hanrax, m u mutaaer, u. ; ! 10. Edgecombe, H T, Clark, D. ' - ' X 11. Pitt, E J Blount, O.;. . . , . - ' 12. Beaufort, Frederick Grist, O. . . ' 13. Craven, N U Street, D. ' - f 14. Carteret and Jones, M L F ArndleLO. . 15. Gre ne and Lenoir, James P Speight, f. 16. New Hanover, Eli W Hall, D- f v ,Jy,-.-II. Duplin, James Dickinson, D. IS. Onslow, L. W. Humphrey, D. 19. Bladen,- Brunswick and Columbus, John O Tavlor. D. i V 20. Cumberlirid and Harnett, Dunian Shaw, D.' SI. Sampson, Thos. 1 Falson, i. - ! 5. -, 22. Wayne, W. K. Lane, D. 23. J Winst on, J W fl Watson, D. 24. Wake, MA Bledsoe. D. - . 25. Nash, A J Taylor, D. t 20. Franklin, Washington Harris, D: - 27. Warren, T J Pitchford, D. . J 28. Granville, C U K Taylor, D. 29. Person, C S Winstead, D. 80". Orange, Josiah Turner, jr. O. 81 . Alamance and Randolph, J Worth, 0. . 82. Chatham, W"G Harris, D. " - - 83. Moore and Montgomery, C W Dowd, O. 84. Richmond and Robeson, Alfred Dockery, O. 85. Anson and Union, S U Walkun, O. v 86. Guilford, John M Morehead, O. 87. Caswell, Bedford Brown,.D. . 83, Rockingham, F L Simpson, D. - -89. Mecklenburg, John Walker, D. 40. Cabarrus and Stanly, V C Bamoger, O. 41. Rowan and Davie, J J Ramsay,. 0." . ; 4. Davidson, John W Thomas, O. 43. Stokes and Forsyth, Jesse A Waugh, D. . : 44. Ashe, Surry, Watauga and Yadkin, Joseph 'DobsOn, D. 45. Iredell, Wilkes- and; Alexander, L Q Sharps, O. 4ti. Burke, McDowell A Caldwell,. W W Avery, D. 47. Lincoln, Gaston and Catawba, Jasper Stowe,D. 4S. Rutherford, Polk and Cleavelaud, A W Bur ton, D. j . - 49. Buhcombe, Henderson, Madison and Yancey Marcus jfirwin, l) 50. Haywood," Macon. Cherokee and .Jackson, - VVm. 11. Thomas.; D. Democrats. 31: Opposition, .19. Democratic majority 12. At last Session Democrats 32 : Op position gain just on.' ; . THE .BIJJLfcEyiJV : TOE CATiWBi JOURNAL. K jSTE are pleased to advertise Uie friends and V v jutrons f lbU.tablisliRient Uutt we citu- mehoe the publication of the second volume of the fisst named journal, this day, under the most favorable auspices. - - The circulation of the above named paper is rapidly increasing, and its influence as an adver Using medium is ting felt and appreciated by it patronshaving access to almost e?ery neighbor hood in tnis and adjoining Vouotles, as wvi as tke adjoining Districts in South Carolina. r . THK CATAWBA JOUttNAL., ' One of the largest papers now published rn the State,'mailed for $1.00 per annum, made up from the columns of the Daily Bdixstis, has not only become a popular papers, but it affords great ad vantages to those wao . wisn to use its. columns a? an advertising medmin - . v , Specimen copies will be sent to any section tbey an y be ordered, free of postage. . : or terms, sc., we reier tne reaaer to our ita- irHnt. j . . jk . H. BRIXTON aov. 11-tr ., 1. .. The Edgecombe Farm Journals UE subscriber will commence on or about the . 1st of September lbGO. th publication of a monthly journal in Tarboro'. to be devoted lo the plantation and rural interests of North Carolina in particular, and of the South generally. - : k . 1 V. 1 ' t . . . uugcvuuiug Hvuig long since peen acanowieag ed as the model farminsr county of North Carolina. we fefel that there Is no locality better suited, and none more justly entitled, to the source of publl- An i M a9. a w. A tl n . . . mvu i axa av vimb -vgrrctutura paper tvbaa Tar- mvi v aw ww w VBulOU . "The Jhdgecombe Farm JournaI,M And will contain original and selected artlcim . on Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, House hold Arts, Rural Architecture, Zoology, Ae., Ac.,-; wui bb puBasnw mw new typs clear white papr, in a neat qunrto form. The price of subaoripUon has been mada'ao i as to place the pubUcaUon within reach of ever? one.. . :-c -- r - - .. , .. TERMS: , . . . One copy one year... .... . . . .,.0 &o ' Seven copies one year ....... a ttn Z. Twenty-five aopies one yoar.-.i....;.v..i0 W) : 2T No paper sent unless paid for in Advance. C . . -4 WILLIAM B. SMITH, . . "" Editor and Proprietor, TarbroA N ' U. ju'.y 80-tf n FK OS PEC T US HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER, '.. SKVOTCD TO ; '. 4. . . POLITICS, AGRICULTURE, HiSCELLAhT, GENERAL NEWS. DJBNN1S HEARTT: r- : HILLSBOROUGH, N. a -. WITH the present Volume the RECORDER commenced tne fortieth year ' of its exis tence, the first number having beea Issued the loth of February, 1820; during ail which time we have labored to make our paper interesting, and. useful, And we hope that la these particulars we have not been altogether unsuccessful. It has been -our wish to make the RFCORDKR a good Family Pa per, devoted to Politics,. Agriculture, Miscellany, General News, Ac, wlth.a view to the entertain, meet and improvement of the farmers' and tCitl sens of the circle in which it Is distributed. Our Agricultural department we endeavor to fill with the best selections we xan make from ail sources, giving preference to such as will be of - practical use to Uie farmer and cultivator; and in this par ticular we hope to make the RECORDER as valu able to the agriculturist as any periodical of a purely agricultural character. . Ia oar Miscella neous department, we shall contuie to be, as we have always been, careful to select such articles as will have a tendency not only to amuse, but to improve the mind 1 and heart.-; While we shall be thankfal to receive welt-written articles to adorn our columns, w are not so ammiious oi onginauiy as not to prefer selected matter of superior merit, 'ano "Written exiressly for the JtECORBER. - In oar Sews department w shall take special paJus to present to our readers tae latest mseuigence; ana j tn nnhie us to "da so "we have facilities equal to those enjoyed In any portion of the State, except those favored with telegraphic eoaiinonlcatton. , , Asingieeopy;neyear..;,....,.l2LeO,: gix cpIes,oaeyeare..i..,..'..M.l0.O0r, .; - f Ten eopies; one year......I.. 15.0ft- Payment always In ad vaocfc . Any of oox old subscribers who will obtain five subscribers and sen us the cash shall receive their own paper free of charja. Jaly l3. . - ' - r Take NoUces TTtROM TlilS DATE, cur Books are positively JL1 closed to alL . Cash will, in every instance, be required, without distinction of persons. ; We are compelled to buy for Cash ourselves and mart therefo.r have money. - ' . - ; DQ KQ dSJS C85PIT BeVH; r B4A8B12i.)r 5- - CS6 PER ANNUM. Received at. Telegraph Offlee, Feh. 1, 1962 . ' . '- . , vat Bulletin fflr Q A v. m t j i;.HiCHMOlT,; F$b leIntelUence 't?4 ceiyed- trom oilicial qaarters say a the bat iU f aj Fortyonejson cohtinited Saturday, nine toars. v': ''-J ' "V'r: Five hundred Confederates were, killed and wounded.. . . : ; . 5 7Weif?&R three hundred prisoners and six .of the eaemy'a gttna, and killed and wonn defiiteen ljundred the 'epeaiy, Z;.-? " A dispatch dated Fort Donelson. ftvur "!Tli JLi." j." : ' . .. ' ' - v ciua, ouuuay morning, says, tue ene- mr haa been reinlbrced 3,000 and a renewal ol the batile is expected on Sunday. The finah result of this great battle-is yet un certain. ': i Z.'- ' v' , ; V " From .Savannali, A MO VE FOR CHARLESTON. - Received at Telegrxph Office', Feb. 16. 1 1 - : at Bulletin Office, 9:45 p. m. Richmond, Feb. . 14. The Baltimore Republican of the 4th says accounts from Port Royal &c, to theJOth- are at hand. ;The fleet en route from Fort Royal for Sa vannah, is is expected, landed 8,000 troops on Monday night. The Federal, forces destroyed the water pipes leading to the city, driven in river. They.were cut . fit teen jeei below the surface, ; r Twelve Regiments are under marching' Arders to leave Port Royal on Monday, inland; tor Railroad, thence to Charisipn,' Three Regiments of Cavalry to join them. Two simultaneous movements were . to. be made one to -the Railroad direct, the other to the vicinity of Edistfjf Island. A large number of regiments are arri ving at Port" Royal and mrich he'avy ord nance. ' "Many buildings are belnfereeied at Port Royal, including alarge lioepllal. VVhlsTcey is selling at Beaufort and Hilton Head at eighteen dollars per gallon. The Baltic was to leave for New York with 530 bales of cotton. ' ' ( - Breastworks, seven miles long, across the Island, were nearly finished. . " Art arrival from Ship Island with dales to tlie 23d ultimo gives' information of the capt ure of the steamer LeioiVand schooner View, laden'with goods Valued at $60,000. The Stephen A rt, sailing under a British flag has been3 seized ofT Key West. Her cargo embraced rifled cafinon, erifield rifles, powder, shoes, &cr, valtjted at $125,000. . Two regiments are on' Ship Island' and reinfof cements 1 expected.-'" " ; ; r ? C f-e-s-e- From Edenton, N. C.,'; ELIZABETH CITY , JiE-2AKEJ?: 1 . . 1 1 -. ' --''.' " Rt-ceived at Telegraph Office Feb. 16, I i - at Bulletin Office, 10:20 p. m. Richmond, Feb. 16. -The , latest ; infor mation from Edenton, via Suffolk, ia up to Thursday, when the Yankees had quiet .possession, their Pickets extending 6 miles this way. , i-Tr . v . On Wednesday a Iternoon the Yankees ascended the Chowan, to Holly's wharf, eight miles from the mouth ol-the river, but finding nobody but a few negroes tbey raised a white flag and passed over; to Cole Rains, oh: the opposite side .of-the river. What they dicL,at Cole Rain is unknown Col; JVliteheiI,",malitia commander in Cho wan county .. was at Edenton when the Yankees i arrived. -Iteconversed with a Yankee captain and waa assured that they did not intend to interfere with private property nor disturb the citizens not in f arms. .' When Col. Mitchell left Edenton, a tew old cannon had been destroyed and some cotton had been removed to the gun boats. No other depredations, f ' r . " " ( ; " - The Yankees landed near the. farm of Monroe Whedbee, in the vicinity of Eliza beth City, and robbed him of every thing. The Militia farce of Chowan county are removing all provisions trom the river. Refugees continue to reach 'Suffolk Rev. Mr. Amis, Mr.' Hataway, and fami hea, reached Suffolk last night. .Only a dozen ladies are remaining at Edenton, 4rThe Confederates V took ridssession q Elizabeth Citjr on Friday, when the Yan keea fled to 'tbeir gun boats. 1 A few; were taken prisoners bv the Confederate's. Our j flag again Waves over Elizabeth City. Nortlifirn ' News.,.'. Received at Telegraph Office Feb. H I v - at Bulletin oflice, ll:15p. m. ; ; RtCHJiosDFeb:' 16. Northern paper? I of the 1 3th have been received.-1:' -' The Ne w York Herald continues iti ex-' travigant jubilation over Zt the: affair, at Roanoke Island: It says thirty killed in the array and twenty of the" naval f force ; wounded, 1 40. Captured six forts,' forty guns, over two thousand prisoners, and 3,000 small arms. ' ? : ? ' It aays McClelland : has received a dis patch .that Price evacuated Springfield n Wednesday. N ': ':";';-; -' -l -; Lincoln has issued orders releasing all PU.tfcal Prison custedyxfilitary authorities in every quarter, on parole, to afforA na akl .. enmi - ont j. r - . " " r . . : ' T L , . v' - . x- Lincoln, says as the. rebellion ir is now manifestly on the decline, severe measures l formerly reaorted to; being no longer nef wiuy.;..;-'.h' ' ' J Z Naval appropriation MlPpassed , House with amendment appropriating $15,000,000 for additional gun boats ; $1,000,000 for an Ordnanc Foundry r . The A'rt'ei has arrived from As pin wall with $614,000 specie. , ; v The news' Irorn Central America, w Im? Prtjmt. Advices from i Ycneiuelt atate tenth twmr? ii iaitkl wmmetient iWMUM 111 11 il '11 if -do a do do do ...... do is oo do .1 imtnth...,. 'do 2 mths. t do 6 !o ... . . . . .... 1 6. Of d jl rear .. .. ' si'.O t". P!f .Advertisements pabilshed until forbid, will tharked 50 cents per sqaare of II lines for the nrst insertion, asl 90 cents Tor. each conUruiswc'e if not contracted for. '. . (. 't57 .A liberal discount mads an. the rates to persons ad vertising by contract. above, l- . A British steamer has arrived at New I , York wiih a cargo of East India cotton.- 7 Market irregular, 28 to 30 'rents ; com C. Dispatches trom S. Ibnia4atd night of 4 24th aays, 20 killed 2,50 wounded at Fort Dooelspn, up to that time. Fighting des perate; terrible. , r . v Official dispatches from Burnside dated Goldsloro, have" been received at Washing-- ton. ' . - ! .'v Latest from Fort DoiialsonT .- Received In CVarlotie, Feb. It. 1 ., ; ' at Bulletin office liH)0 a- BJ- . f j i Fort Donalsoh, Feb. 16, 10:30, a. fn , O110 of the fiercest battles xn record com- ineiiced this morning about 7 o'clock on .j 1 ;, oar MVwtng.' , - : (Z zM We have driven the enemy past his camp AviLhreat alansbier." The fighsU atill ragirigvith great fury on both sides. ' Our boys are fighting with great galLnnV ; iry driving the enemy as'they go. ( ' irololcfc,;A; M. We have captured 3 . j of the eWemy'a batteries and repulsed them 1 every where. The Tennessee, M ississippf, .Texas and Alabama regiments, and others are doing the thing finely. . "12 : 50 r m. Think I can safely say tlie day is oure. FJnemys loes tremendous. AlouTtwo hundred Yankee prisoners j'lisf brought in, report a number of their regi ments nearly annihilated. u. 1:30 e. m, We fought the-enemy out side of our entrenchments from 5:30 this , morning, to one this afternoon, driving him inch by inch from every point of he field, capturing 4 pieces of artillery, a large numw ber of prisoners." " Our loss heavy but have inflicted heavier o8a on the . enemy. The Federals orb. largely reinforced and may attack us agai n . From the West. . Nashville, Feb. : 16.The Federals having changed their tactics and sent off. nearly their whole farce from other side preen River, it became necessary for Gen. Johnson to change front. On Thursday evening Bowling Green was .evacuated by ' a large portion of the Confederate force's,' who fell back'in the direction of the ene my. .; Gen.? Jlindman's Brigade remaining a few mi nu tea on thc otjier side of Bow ling Green. ' f t v'v It Is reported Uindinan had a sharp en gagement. yesterday morning, with Fede rals, whoare advancing in force. Hind-( man fell back in good border, and alter . crossing Barren River bjtfw up the' Rail road Bridge, burned turhepiko Bridge be tween 10. and 11 o'clock .the " Federals. shelled Bowling Green, setting the Jowti on fire, burning nearly all the town. . ' ' ;"'; From . lliclimond. , . Richmond, eb. 16. By the truce boat arrived this afternoon frorrt Fortress Mon roe, Mrs. Myers, and Captain J. A. B., of Jlobile, came passengers. Four citizens regarded as traitors were . brought to Portsmouth this afternoon as prisoners, Wilcox, Laboytaux artJ Dr Bihieont from Elizabeth city, now in possessiyn of the Confederates. ; J " CIIAIIOIriiMAUKETSI. ' For the week ending February 15, ; COTTON,. W to 6)4 18 .' t J 2u BACJUi,. ,.-...:. WHEAT,. ;....$l.z5to$1.83 j .... 8.Wto 4.00 8T '' 80c. oFL0UR,:. C0RV,. . . OATS,.... PlvASfs ( P0EK,... . 60c. '.T&c.' iX to ic. JgSTWAY Pit 8 TO LIS W. A SORREL MARE, 15 or 16 -hands hi2h,elira but well luhned st? animal,- about 9 years old, a scar -on her forehead, was stolen from the stable of J. II. MI3ENHIMER, Mount Pleasant, N. C, on Wednesday night last. Twenty dollars reward will be given lor v the recovery, ot the animal and, prool lead ing to the conviction of the thiel. HA(sSTl(S ! " r ! CASH paid for RAGS at the Eovelopc ' Manufactory opposite the Post Office. ' j; Ii: STEVENSCO. Feb-12-btf ' . Charlotte & S. C. Railroad. 1 tirVir: -MAv THE Passenger Trains on this Road will leave and arrive, hereafter, as follows: Leave Charlotte", at 1 8:30 A.M. Arrive at Charlotte, 3:50 P.M. Leave Columbia at 8:00 A.M. Arrive at Columbia, 4:30 P.M. .Nov 8. . , . II NOIlTII,CAliOl.lNA FOUNDRY & UACHIWE W0EKS, n SALISBURY, N.'O, SUCCKSSOUS TO N. B0Y0EN A SON, MANUFACTURERS OF ACU1C11.TUIIAL, inrLUfflENTM Cultivators', Plowa, : Coru-Shellers ' ' Seed-Sowers . HorsWowcrs & Thrashers, ' " ' THE CELEBRATED : lELEQRAPH CUTTING MACHINE, For Foddef , Way, Stalks, Oatd and Shucks, Being the first Premium Machine of the - Fairs of North and South Carolina, - . 'CIDEE & SUOAE XIULS. SillFIING AND MiCniNERY ?or Oriit, Circular &. VerUcal Saw Villi; Qoia Copper St Sllvr Ittlnew.' MILL and WATER WH EELS. . , . - PUsntation and VENT DOUTBLK'ACTiNq IIA Y OR COTTON rjrSand BrM Casting, Forging, and finished Work of every. Description. 'TOBACCOraCSSESAlVBrXSTUE, K Aloth.r Kind, of MiChinery rrr alrej tv- ' 1 . '...'' -'-."".;...''.. v z '"I. ' z ::- : " ' .f'Z'- :